xt7nk931363p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk931363p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1971054 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-05-may4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1971-05-may4. 1971 2011 true xt7nk931363p section xt7nk931363p Minutes of the Statutory Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, Tuesday, May 4, 1971 The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in statutory session at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, May 4, 1971 in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the University campus with the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. J. Robert Miller, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence, Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty members Dr. Robert W. Rudd and Dr. Paul G. Sears, and non-voting student member, Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. Absent from the meeting were Governor Louie B. Nunn, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former Governor Albert B. Chandler, and Mr. Eugene Goss. Members of the administration present were President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert G. Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth, and Lawrence E. Forgy; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Director of the Budget; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. There were also representatives of the news media present at the meeting. A. Meeting Opened Mr. Clay, presiding in the absence of Governor Nunn, called the meeting to order at 2:18 o'clock. Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:20 p. m. B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Miller, and passed, the reading of the Minutes of the March 16 and April 6 meetings of the Board was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. Election of Executive Committee and Officers of the Board Under KRS 164. 180 and 164. 190 the Board of Trustees is authorized to elect annually a Vice Chairman and such other officers as it deems wise and an Executive Committee of five members. Mr. Clay explained that the May meeting of the Board is the time when this is customarily done. He asked Mr. Bell to receive nominations for the two officers of the Board--Vice Chairman and Secretary. Dr. Nicholas nominated Mr. Albert Clay as Vice Chairman of the Board 2 and Mrs. Rexford Blazer as Secretary. Mr. Bell received the nominations and moved that the nominations cease. His motion was seconded by Mr. Alverson, and Mr. Clay and Mrs. Blazer were elected by acclamation. Mr. Clay then indicated that nominations for the Executive Committee were open. Mr. Pence moved that Mr. Thomas Bell, Mr. Albert Clay, Mr. Richard Cooper, Mr. Eugene Goss and Mr. George Griffin be elected as members of the Executive Committee and that Mr. Clay be designated as its Chairman and Mrs. Rexford Blazer as Secretary (ex officio). Mr. Bell accepted the nomi- nations and moved that nominations cease. His motion was seconded by Mr. Alverson. Mr. Bell indicated that the record should show that the Executive Committee and its officers were elected by acclamation. D. President's Report to the Trustees President Singletary called attention to item 12 on page 5 of his report to the Trustees which had to do with the Drug Education Committee Study. He com- mended the excellence of the report submitted to him in mid-April and released by him at that time to the press. He said the report emphasizes that drug use is basically a social problem not confined to the campus, warns against the misuse of statistics in defining it, points out that alcohol continues to be the most common drug in use, and concludes that providing education directed toward drug use and abuse is a logical function of the University. Although the committee report is still under study by the administration, President Singletary stated that it was his present intention to name a standing committee on drug education with a charge to continue the study, to seek sources of outside financial support for drug education, and to coordinate the University's efforts with those of the com- munity and the Commonwealth. Cognizant of the problem even before the committee was appointed, the University had already instituted certain programs. For instance, the College of Pharmacy is now developing a course to be offered this fall dealing with drug use and abuse from a multidisciplined perspective. The Colleges of Medicine, Agriculture and Education have held seminars and workshops on drug education, and information on and discussion of problems of drugs are included in courses on human biology and health, general psychology and social problems. Counseling services are being provided to try and determine the needs which cause the indi- vidual to use drugs and therapy is provided for those who need and want it. A problem faced in the latter area which must be solved some way is the requirement that therapists must report the identity of drug users to civil authorities which deters many people who need such help from seeking it. Mr. Clay thanked Dr. Singletary for his excellent and timely report and accepted and ordered filed the President's Report to the Trustees. 3 E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) Although the items in PR 2 were routine in nature, President Singletary did call attention to the persons recommended for retirement, pointing out that the sum total of service of these 15 individuals came to the rather astounding figure of over 268 years, with one of the individuals, Bruce Poundstone, having been with the University for over 41 years. Mr. Clay expressed the appreciation of the Board for the loyalty and devotion of these staff members and asked that appropriate letters be sent to each one. He then called for any questions which Board members might have relative to the recommendations and, there being none, on motion duly made, seconded, and passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an of- ficial part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. F. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 4) Inasmuch as the list of candidates had been mailed to the Board members in advance of the meeting and there being no questions, on motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the President was authorized to confer on each individual whose name appeared on the list recommended by the University Senate the degree for which he had made application upon certification by the Registrar that all requirements had been satisfactorily fulfilled. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. ) G. 1971-72 Meeting Dates Established (PR 5) Attention was called to the recommended dates for meetings of the Board of Trustees and/or Executive Committee during the fiscal year 1971-72. Without discussion, on motion made, seconded, and carried, the dates as recommended in PR 5 were approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. ) H. Paul Oberst New Non-Voting Faculty Member of the Board President Singletary reported that Professor Paul Oberst of the College of Law had recently been elected as the non-voting faculty member of the Board of Trustees for a three-year term beginning July 1, 1971 and ending Jurne 30, 1974. He will replace Dr. Robert W. Rudd whose term expires June 30, 1971, On behalf of the Board, Mr. Clay expressed the thanks of the Board to Dr. Rudd for his contributions during the past three years and said that he had been a "tremendous asset". He appointed Mr. Richard Cooper and Mr. Thomas Bell to draft a resolution on Dr. Rudd to be presented at the next meeting. 4 I. Operating Budget for 1971-72 Adopted (PR 6) President Singletary explained that copies of the proposed operating budget for the University for 1971-7Z had been placed in the hands of the Board members well in advance of the meeting so that they might familiarize them- selves with its contents. He called attention to his letter of transmittal which was included in the folders provided each member and a copy of which appears at the end of the Minutes. He said that in the preparation of the budget he had been faced with the problem that the resources available are considerably less than necessary to provide for all the needs. The budget presented represents Something less than a continuation level for the University. Enrollment increased on the Lexington and Community College campuses by more than 2, 100 during the current year and it is expected to increase by almost 2, 000 in 1971-72. These students are being accepted without corresponding increases in faculty positions or dollars for the University. Unexpected increases in charges for utilities, taxes, coal and social security have resulted in salary increases for 1971-72 of less than would be required to compensate for the increase in the cost of living; however, it is hoped that the faculty salaries proposed will maintain the Uni- versity's competitive position with the benchmark institutions. The budget includes funding for the staff benefit programs previously approved by the Board of Trustees, including the provision for basic life insurance for all employees of the University and the beginning of a funded retirement program for the classified personnel of the University. All debt service obligations are fully funded and the University will be able to meet its commitments to programs in Allied Health Professions, Forestry, Mathematics, and Social Professions. Dr. Donald Clapp, Budget Director, through the use of two charts, copies of which are included at the end of the Minutes, graphically illustrated the points made by President Singletary. One chart showed that since 1967-68 the student body of the University had increased 50 percent while the educational and general income had increased by only 40 percent and the general income after cost of living and fixed costs had increased only 10 percent. Translated into dollars, the increase in educational and general income during the four-year period had increased by $23 million while the cost of living and fixed costs had increased between $17 million and $18 million during this period. He ended his remarks with the statement that resources available to meet the 50 percent increase in enrollment had increased by only 10 percent. Mr. Clay commended the President, Dr. Clapp and the administration for their work in the preparation of the budget and called for a motion for adoption. Mr. Cooper moved that the proposed operating budget for 1971-72 be adopted under the conditions outlined in the recommendation in PR 6. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and passed. (See PR 6 with attachments at the end of the Minutes. ) J. Budget Revisions for 1970-71 Authorized and Approved (PR 7) The revisions in the 1970-71 budget recommended in PR 7 being routine 5 in nature, without discussion, on motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed, the revisions so recommended were authorized and approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. ) K. Student Health Insurance Proposal Adopted (PR 8) A committee, appointed while Dr. Kirwan was serving as President of the University to study the whole area of student health programs, recently submitted its report to President Singletary. The increased cost of health care has made it prohibitive for the University to provide without charge the health care necessary and desirable for its students. The committee, broadly repre- sentative of the campus community and including students, medical, and administrative staff, recommended in its report a broad, two-part insurance plan designed to provide comprehensive ambulatory and hospital patient health care for all, students. The plan was discussed with various segments of the student body and generally received strong support. Dr. Singletary said, however, that the recommendation being made to the Board at this time does not make insurance the only alternative but provides that a student who does not wish to purchase insurance nmay be relieved of that duty if he can satisfactorily demonstrate the financial ability to provide for his own ambulatory health care at the level specified by the committee. It is anticipated that the cost of the ambulatory portion of the insurance for 1971-77 can be purchased from a carrier(s) for approximately $7. 00 per semester, $4. 00 per summer term, and $2. 00 for the intercession. Following Dr. Singletary's introductory remarks, Dr. Bosomworth read the proposed recommendation in PR 8 and strongly recommended approval by the Board of Trustees. He added that in the event approval is given, a Student Advisory Committee will be created to determine the nature and range of the benefits to bie provided. Mr. Wendelsdorf reported that the Student Government Senate had con- sidered the proposal at some length and had indicated its approval. The Interfraternity Council and the students living in the dormitories have also endorsed the plan and, in Mr. Wendelsdorf's opinion, support on the part of the students is almost unanimous, On motion duly made, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the recommendations in PR 8 relative to student health insurance was approved. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. ) L. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1) Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the interim financial report covering the period ending March 31, 1971 6 was accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR I at the end of the Minutes.) M. Student Code Revision Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Revision Committee, reported that his committee had received recommendations for revisions in the present Student Code from students, from the Student Government, and from the Office of the Dean of Students. An open hearing was held by the committee and additional recommendations were received from students and faculty members. The com- mittee took the various recommendations and suggestions it had received and, after a thorough and careful evaluation of each one, prepared its recommendations for changes in the Student Code for presentation to the Board. He said that several changes were proposed primarily in the interests of clarification of the present Code. Copies of the revised document were mailed to the Trustees in advance of the meeting so that all members would be familiar with the proposed changes. Mr. Griffin called attention to Sections 1. 2a and 1. 2b which have been added to the present Code. A student charged with engaging in interference, coercion or disruption which impedes, impairs or disrupts University missions, processes or functions or interferes with the rights of others on University property under Section 1. 2a would appear before the University Judicial Board rather than before the Appeals Board which has jurisdiction when a student is charged under Section VI of the Code. Section 1. Zb was added to place the student on more effective notice with regard to narcotics on the campus. Mr. Griffin moved that the Code of Student Conduct as proposed in the document before the Board of Trustees be adopted. His motion was seconded by Dr. Sears. Mr. Wendelsdorf said he wished to propose several amendments and requested that the Board members vote for them "for the University's good". Although each Board member had received a copy of Mr. Wendelsdorf's proposed amendments to the report of the Student Code Revision Committee a few days prior to the meeting, he indicated his desire to present the amendments individu- ally rather than as a whole. The Board agreeing to this procedure, Mr. Wendelsdorf then gave a brief statement of support for amendments 1. 311 and 1. 32 and moved their adoption (these two amendments and subsequent ones are contained in Mr. Wendelsdorf's document at the end of the Minutes. ) His motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Bell, saying that he felt the Board should not and could not act on Mr. Wendelsdorf's amendments without further study, moved to amend Mr. Griffin's motion so that Mr. Wendelsdorf's amendments might be accepted and referred to the committee and any action on the Code be postponed until this committee reported back to the Board at a special called meeting. Mr. Wendelsdorf seconded the motion and, on roll call vote, it was defeated by a vote of eight to one with two abstentions. 7 Mr. Wendelsdorf then moved adoption of the following amendments: 1.417 No second. 1. 432b Seconded by Mr. Bell. There being only one vote in favor, the motion did not carry. 1. 434d Secondeed by Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell voted "aye", others "nay"; therefore, motion defeated. 1. 436 No second. 1.45 No second. 1. 51 Mr. Bell seconded. There being only one aye vote, the motion failed to carry. 3. 13 Mr. Wendelsdorf requested a roil call vote on this amendment but there being no second to his motion, the vote was unnecessary. At this point, Mr. Wendelsdorf indicated that in order to save time he would present the remainder of the amendments in a block. He moved adoption of amendments 3. 15, 3. 23, 3. 319, 3. 4, 3. 5, 3. 6, Articles IV and VI. There being no second, Mr. Wendelsdorf's motion failed to carry. Mr. Clay then called for a vote on the original motion and second to adopt the Code of Student Conduct as recommended by the Student Code Revision Com- mittee. All voting members present voted "aye" and the Code was adopted. Mr. Bell then moved that Mr. Wendelsdorf's amendments be received and forwarded to the Student Code Revision Committee for consideration at the appropriate time. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Clark, and all present voted in favor. N. Resolution Introduced by Mr. Wendelsdorf Mr. Wendelsdorf requested permission to read a resolution which he was presenting as a student Trustee (a copy of the resolution appears at the end of the Minutes). Following the reading of the resolution, Mr. Wendelsdorf moved its adoption. There being no second, the resolution failed of adoption. 0. Meeting Adjourned It having been determined that there was no further business to come before 8 the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 3:35 p. m. Respectfully submitted, Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary Board of Trustees (PRs 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, FCR 1, Code of Student Conduct, amendments to the report of the Student Code Revision Committee, and the resolution which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the May 4, 1971 meeting of the Board of Trustees. ) PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES May 4, 1971 1. SEEK FUNDS TO EXPAND HEALTH SERVICES IN EAST KENTUCKY Gov. Louie B. Nunn has asked the Appalachian Regional Commis- sion for more than $1.5 million to expand health services in East Kentucky. In addition to building new health facilities and ex- panding and renovating old ones, a large part of the funds would support programs to train health professionals who would train in or return to the area. The programs would be carried out in co- operation with the University. The new projects include: --$108,400 for a health professions scholarship program at the University, to be offered to students from low-income families in the region who wish to return there to practice. --$142,588 for a clinical associate manpower program here to prepare health workers to assist practicing physicians. The state would contribute $1,200. --$17,213 to plan and implement a master's degree family nurse practitioner training program with Vanderbilt and UK. 2. DR. SMITH REPORTS ON ACHIEVERS, NON-ACHIEVERS Dr. Leland Smith, associate professor of education, has published "A 5-Year Follow-Up Study of High Ability Achieving and Non-achieving College Freshmen," in which he studied University students who had scored a percentile range of 95 to 99 on the College Qualification Tests, with pertinent psychosocial data collected by means of a questionnaire. He learned that after five years achievers were significantly more likely to have obtained a college degree than the non-achievers, that more achievers than non-achievers are still en- rolled in some capacity, in medical school or graduate school, that four (of 28 who responded to the questionnaire) achievers are candi- dates for the Ph.D, three are senior medical students, six have earned the MA degree, one has a law degree, 12 hold the BA or BS degree, and two are undergraduates. Of the 22 non-achievers responding one is a Ph.D candidate, four have earned the MA degree, one is pursuing the MA and four hold undergraduate degrees. Seven are still actively pursuing undergraduate degrees, and five no longer are enrolled in a degree program. Dr. Smith learned that the non-achievers were signi- ficantly more dissatisfied with their income in relation to their perceived ability and potential than were the achievers, even though 64 per cent of the achievers were still in the process of pursuing advanced degrees. - 2 - 3. COMMUNITY PHARMACISTS WORK WITH PHARMACY STUDENTS Twenty community pharmacists are taking part in a College of Pharmacy program designed to provide the student a real-life learn- ing experience by applying the basic principles taught in the class- room to everyday problems encountered in the practice of pharmacy. The professional function of the pharmacist is emphasized, particularly the pharmacist's role in communicating with the patient relative to health matters and the use of the Family Medication Record System. In addition, the student has the opportunity to communicate with physi- cians and other health professionals. The course, entitled "Community Practice Clerkship," was initiated last year as an experiment, with six students and six pharmacists. It has since expanded to accommo- date 24 students, utilizing 24 voluntary pharmacists-instructors, for the fall semester, according to Dean Joseph V. Swintosky. The student spends three hours two afternoons each week in a community pharmacy, which serves as the teaching laboratory. The instructor in the "labo- ratory," one of the 20 practicing pharmacists, also holds an appoint- ment as a voluntary faculty member. During the semester the student rotates trough three different pharmacies, although only one student is assigned at a time to an instructor. The student maintains a log of his activities, with special emphasis on the problems he encounters. At the end of the course, the student writes an evaluation of his learning experience. 4. DEDICATE TWO BUILDINGS AT HENDERSON COLLEGE Two new buildings at Henderson Community College were formally dedicated on April 22. The total cost of the two structures is $1,215,638. The total square footage is 32,700. The first building is the Student Center, which houses a book store, snack bar, large meeting room, music room and a locker and shower room. The other structure is the Arts and Sciences building, which contains class- rooms, office space, nursing education laboratory and art room. Addi- tional buildings at the college include the administration building which was the original structure, and three temporary frame buildings. President Otis A. Singletary was the speaker for both the dedication and the luncheon. The luncheon was hosted by the College Foundation and was held at the First Christian Church. The temporary buildings at Henderson house a new reading and communications laboratory, stu- dent government activities area, and student publications offices. Other improvements at Henderson include an expansion of the college's library, currently situated in the administration building. 5. RUSSIANS WILL PLAY IN MEMORIAL COLISEUM The Russian national basketball team, on an eight-game tour of the U.S., will make a two-day stop in Lexington May 19-20. Scotty Baesler, director of the Central Kentucky Amateur Union, said the team will play at Memorial Coliseum Wednesday, May 19, at 8:15 p.m. The Russian team will play the Lexington Marathon Oilers, runners-up in the AAU national tournament held last month in London. The team will arrive May 19 for a tour of Central Kentucky. - 3 6. GYMNASTICS TEAM WINS KENTUCKY MEET The University Gymnastics Team won first place in the Kentucky Intercollegiate Gymnastics meet held at Georgetown College with a total of 93.3 points. Of the other three teams competing, Eastern University placed second with 84.3 points, Georgetown College placed third with 52.3 points, and Murray State University placed fourth with 16.8 points. Kelley McIntosh, a freshman physical education major from Louisville, was the outstanding gymnist, earning 40.5 points. Shannon Reynolds, a freshman engineering major from Lexing- ton, placed fifth, and Jim Kendig, junior physical education major from Covington, placed sixth. This is the first year the Gymnastics Team, under the direction of Jim Nance, instructor in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, has competed in colle- giate competition. 7. GRAD STUDENTS TO SEEK DATA ON ATTITUDES Graduate students in sociology will interview a number of persons in Lexington and in Powell county to gather data this summer for a study conducted by Dr. Grant Youmans, professor of rural sociology. Persons to be interviewed will be between the ages of 20-29 and age 60 and over. Information collected from the younger and older per- sons will be concerned with their satisfactions or dissatisfactions with living conditions, such as community activities, family life, economic and political conditions. Findings from the study will aid organizations and groups in planning programs to improve the quality of life in Kentucky and elsewhere? Dr. Youmans-said. Dr. Youmans also is the author of numerous publications regarding rural youth and aged persons. The studies relate to the health, economic and psychological problems of the aged, and education and work opportunities of youth. 8. 100 HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS HEAR DR. MORRIS About 100 of the sta e's brightest high school juniors attended the High School Juniors CAnference in mid-April. At a luncheon in the Alumni House they heard Dr. Alvin Morris, vice president for administration, ask the question, "How does it feel to be special?" Dr. Morris told the high schoolers that since they were selected to attend the conference on the basis of academic excellence, that being special had its problems as well as profits: "The first problem you will encounter is a matter of expectation. Your parents, teachers and peers will, for example, expect you to be Number One in your senior class if you were Number One in your junior class, as are a great num- ber of those present. They will expect you to maintain your habits of excellence throughout college and on into private life. Most of you will do so." The project is designed to introduce promising high school students to life at the University. The three-day conference was sponsored by the Office of Pre-Admissions. - 4 - 9. NAME 31 TO PHI BETA KAPPA Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary for students in the liberal arts, has initiated 31 students. The banquet speaker was Dr. Herman E. Spivey, former dean of the Graduate School, who was here as Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar. Dr. Spivey is vice president emeritus of the University of Tennessee, and acting dean of the University of Florida College of Arts and Sciences. The initiates and their academic majors are: Michael Averdick, sociology, Covington, Ramona Barnes, English, Sarah Cease, English, Charlotte Haggard, mathematics, Patricia Howard, psychology, James Rogers, Spanish, Gary Smith, psychology, and Pamela Stamm, microbiology, all of Lexington. Sam Brown, political science and telecommunications, Clarksville, Tenn., Andrew Cammack, zoology, Owenton, Peggy Corn, English, Clifford Duvall, psychology, and Robert Zimmerman, history, all of Ashland. Anne Davis, philosophy, John Reed II, political science, Harry Thompson Jr., telecommunications and Jackie Wiley, psychology, all of Frankfort. Elizabeth Duffy, comparative liter- ature, Shelbyville, Anne Fowler, secondary education, Paducah, Jan Grogan, Spanish, Hendersonville, N.C., Sandra Helton, mathematics, Flatwoods, Terry Looney, physics and mathematics, Williamson, W. Va., William Matthews, sociology, Louisville, Pamela Sue Moreland, zool- ogy, Milton, Anita Puckett, English, Dayton, Ohio, Carmen Ray, Ger- man, Vine Grove, Elizabeth Rehm, psychology, Versailles, and Kathy Winchester, art history, Ft. Mitchell. Three persons elected to membership during the fall semester also were initiated during the ceremony. They were John Doxey, history, W. Long. Beach, N.., Laura Keller, English, Lexington, and Timothy Feldhaus, history, Covington. 10. THREE COLLEGES TAKE PART IN NATIONWIDE STUDY Henderson, Elizabethtown, and Maysville Community Colleges have been chosen to participate in Project Focus, a nationwide study to examine changes in community and junior colleges--the direction of change, the facilitators of change, and the impediments to change. The study will involve about 20,000 students and 10,000 faculty mem- bers at 100 two-year colleges across the nation. Sponsored by the American Association of Junior Colleges, it is funded by a grant from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation with the questionnaires to be furnished by the American College Testing Program. 11. NEW BUILDING AT SOUTHEAST TO BE DEDICATED The new building at Southeast Community College, used for the first time this semester, features a student grill and lounge, a book-- store, an office for the business manager, three classrooms, ten fac- ulty offices, a little theater, a conference room, and a faculty lounge. The dedication of the building is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11. 12. DRUG EDUCATION COMMITTEE STUDY IS REPORTED The University Drug Education Committee appointed in early February and made up of faculty, students and staff members, has made its report. Dr. Robert Straus, chairman of the Department of Behavioral Science in the College of Medicine, served as chairman. The committee was charged with evaluating existing Universiry pro- grams related to drug education and encouraging the implementation of new ones as indicated. It was requested that emphasis be placed on methods by which these programs might become more widely known and utilized. A report summarizing its deliberations was submitted by the committee to the president's office in mid-April. Recogniz- ing that there is widespread interest in the report, both on the campus and in the larger community, and wishing to avoid confusing speculation that might otherwise be created as to its contents, the president made the entire report available to the University commu- nity and the general public. While the report was submitted as re- quested, it was pointed out that it does not represent an official statement of the University's position on drugs and drug education. The report is being given careful study, and the administration is in the process of developing an appropriate response to its contents. This response will emphasize both the unique role the University can play in drug education programs and in cooperating with other agencies and groups concerned with the problem. Dr. Straus said the report re- flect