xt7nk9315j60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk9315j60/data/mets.xml Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1910 1911 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. annual reports English Newport, KY: The Newport Printing Co. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Reports of the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Annual Meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Covington, November 14-15-16, 1910 and Louisville, October 25, 1911. text Reports of the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Annual Meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Covington, November 14-15-16, 1910 and Louisville, October 25, 1911. 1910 2019 true xt7nk9315j60 section xt7nk9315j60 ,5 _ REPORTS - (a OF THE I Twenty-First and Twenty-Second . ANNUAL MEETINGS OF THE Kentucky Equal Rights Association - . HELD AT ‘5: COVINGTON, NOVEMBER 14—15—16, 1910 E AND 6 i LOUISVILLE, OCTOBER 25, 1911 i 524-. 5 _, K4” 9 ”If ye abide in my Word, * * * ye shall know the Truth, and 1‘ V. 2 {~21 the Truth shall make you free.” . 1910-11 is, i‘: THE NEWPOX‘T PliINTXNG Co. E; NEWPORT}, liYc t; l? g \“\..V at}. ' 32 «a i ‘6.qu ‘J '1; . a '7 'H a: ‘ A: 1‘ ‘ Wit) 6 5? l 0 F F | C E R S . ‘ OF THE Kentucky Equal nghts Assomatlon ‘ 7— l . President {/14 7 ;"'~ . / , ,’ Q" MISS LAURA CLAyLBXngtOD First Viee~President ‘ MRS. JOHN CASTLEMAN.................................................................L0uiSVille » , ,1, U Second Vice-President "g 33‘ MRS. MARY C CRAMER.........,.......................................................Lexington .. Third Vice—President , 'f MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN..............................................................Covington , Corresponding Secretary i, MRS. MARY C.ROARK..................................................................Richmond Recording Secretary _ MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, 313 York St..............................,..............NeWport Treasurer . MRS. I. H. SHEPARD, 31 E. 12th St..................................................Covington J9 / Auditor {1 . {4/ ",7 e i Member EX. Com. N. A. w. S.A. 3 '\ l MRS. MARY E. GILTNER...............................................................Covington I sl l I “ Kw...“ , ' = - "I” ’ . LIBRARY 1‘ UNWERSHY 0F KEm _ . .; ‘,_~ , ' l i l 1’ . HIf ye abide in my Word, * * *‘ ye shall know the Truth, and : the Truth shall make you free.” " , MINUTES " OF THE 1 ? Twent 37— First 1 ANNUAL MEETING 9 OF THE 1 Kentucky Equal nghts Assomation ' ‘ HELD AT 1 , COVINGTON IN rl‘I—IE LIBRARY BUILDING November 1.4 15—16, 1910 ‘ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. r, Met at 9 o’clOck AZ'VM.‘ Tuesday .No-veihber 15. Discussion as to the adVisab lity of extending an invitation to the National association Itoghold‘tl'ie“ a‘r—i‘nual convention of National American \Voman’s‘ suffrage Ass Jciation at Louisville Ky. in 1911. Letter from Mrs. Carrie. Chapman Catt was read announcing that I, the International Alliance would hold their Annual meeting at Stockholm, Sweden in June. 1? Letter from the National Association to the state president was read asking the opinion of the convention as to changing the 0‘) entire plan of organization. Whether it is still well to make pay— C‘; . . . ‘ 4\ ment of dues and attendance at meetings a requislte of member— T x ‘ ship. 3 si\ . It was decided to recommend that the convention suggest to N the National association thatmembership be entirely disassociated l , . from the payment of dues and attendance at meetings and in short 1 if. recommend our own Kentucky plan. 3;: That our officers as now elected may serve on the national : ‘ committees. ” l . . w. nmsw, _ ‘ 'hlBfiAfirfil {in A 1;." :1 1 ’ \ V r UNI JERSIH OF KENTUCKY l l i We suggest that the convention recommend to the National ' l association that the department of literature be made self support— i ing. The offering of money prizes for the essays on woman’s suff— .‘ rage was discussed at length. . MORNING SESSION. ; Convention called'to order at 10 o’clock. l Scriptural reading and prayer by the President, Miss Laura 1 ‘ Clay. i Program was made the order of business. 1 I Report of the Executive committee was accepted. _ Reports of officers. 1 lst Vice-president, Mrs. Mary B. Clay told of the plan used I in Richmond for furthering the cause of woman’s suffrage, the offering of cash prizes in. theyollegesfandhigh schools for the best i “ essay on suffrage. .‘ i f ...; fl» _1' i 5 2nd Vice-president,,-Mr;s,.».lVflaryC. Cranier told ‘of an immense l i meeting at Lexington iii thecilfis‘e bf’Sfchofolfiuffrjag’e and recom- i mended having them in all partsvof: tlie‘s'let‘éf ' 1‘ i 1 Other officers gave slitg'rtiyefbal: fer-pints; of work done by i i them. I ' H i Voted that the chair appoint all committees. k , The following committees were appointed: i Credentials z—Mrs. I. H. Shepard and Mrs. H. L. Spring. i Publications :HMrs. Emma M. Roebuck and Dr. Louise § Sonthgate. , i Courtesies:—~—Mrs. M. B. Reynolds and Mrs. Highton. Resolutions :—Mrs. John B. Castleman, Miss Luella Boyd ; and Mrs. Sarah Charles. 3 Report of the committee on church work was given by the ‘ j chairman; Miss Laura Clay. Reports were received from the following Local Associations. i Ashland Miss Laura White Campbell County ........ . . . . . . . . . Mrs. H. L. Spring 1 Covington ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin ‘ l ‘ a - Fayette County ................... Mrs. M. C. Cramer Louisville Mrs. Castelman Madison County ................... Mrs. S. C. Bennett Mercer County . . . .. . . . . . . . .Mrs. Francis Simrall Riker Muldraugh .................. Mrs Teed \«Vithers Smith ‘ Kenton County ...... . ............. Mrs. I. H. Shepard l Discussion of the plan of work followed. It was voted that ‘ we recommend to the National association what our plan of work l committee suggested in regard to changing the methods of or— 1 ganization, namely; that we no longer make payment of dues and ‘ attendance at meetings a requisite of membership voted that the ‘ department of literature of the National Association be made self supporting. - Secretary read Miss Alice Stone Blackwell’s reply to Mr. _ Richard Barry’s article in the Ladies Home Journal. l Treasurer’s report was made, and placed in the hands of the l auditors Miss Laura White and Mrs. S. C. Bennett. l Adjourned. il l AFTERNOON SESSION. l The session was opened at 2 o’clock with Scriptural reading l and prayer by the President. ? Minutes of morning session read and approved. l President Miss Laura Clay gave her annual address. She said l our greatest cause of rejoicing at present was that we have attained 1 another state in the ranks of full Suffrage, that is Washington. Report of the Press Superintendant was read and accepted. Letter was read from Miss Agnes Ryan. Business Manager of the VVoman’s Journal, asking for subscriptions to that paper. I Adjourned. - Wednesday November 16. PLAN OF WORK COMMITTEE met at 9 o’clock. Moved that we. recommend to the convention: That the con— vention appoint a chairman of Prize contests. ‘ ' That $10.00 be made the maximum prize for essays on wo- man’s suffrage. 3 E E That we ask the legislature for a constitutional amendment l giving women full suffrage. - I E That the legislative committee be instructed to have the do- minant party in the legislature introduce the bill for the consti— . , tutional amendment. , . That women be placed on the boards of all state punitive and E educational institutions. E E That our state association establish a Lecture Bureau of E i Kentucky Suffragists. E E That the names for the candidates for the Lecture Bureau be .. submitted to the Executive commitee. E , Moved that we ask the convention to rule that each local as— . sociation‘ be allowed to elect its own delegates to the National convention at the rate of one delegate for each 100 paid up mem- E bers. That when associations have parts of the hundred over their own neccessary 100, these parts be given to the Executive com— E mittee and be apportioned to such associations as have not 100 . members. E E - Committee rose. 1 MORNING SESSION. .. . ‘ ‘ E E E E Convention was opened with a prayer by our National Presi— E . dent Rev. Anna Shaw. 1 . Minutes of previous session read and approved. E 7 Voted that the privileges of the floor be extended to the Rev. E 1 Anna Shaw. ! ; Voted that a vote of thanks be given to Rev. Anna Shaw for 1 her lectures and that we wish her God speed on her journey . home. : Moved that the convention ask the National American Wo— . man’s Suffrage Association to hold its annual convention of 1911 E : at Louisville Ky. Passed by a unanimous rising vote. I: The National President, Rev. Anna Shaw, being present the ; invitation was at once graciously accepted. E Voted that the recommendation of the Plan of Work commit- E tee as to the selection of dele gates to the National convention E be accepted. I . 4 E Madison County volunteered to help Harrodsburg, Fayette County to help Kenton County etc. Voted that if our delegation is not full at the opening of the . National convention, they be allowed to fill any vacancy from the . members of the Ky. E. R. A. there present. ,l Report of Credentials committee read and accepted. l Reports of the previous National convention was read by the 1 state member of the National Executive committee Mrs. Mary E. \ Giltner. 4 The convention then proceeded to the election of officers. The chair appointed as tellers Mrs. H. L. Spring and Dr. . Louise Southgate. The election resulted as follows: _ President, Miss Laura Clay ................ Lexington lst Vice—president, Mrs. Mary B. Clay Richmond 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer Lexington 3rd \J'ice—president, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin .. Covington ‘ Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Mary C. Roark Richmond 1 Recording Secretary, Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck . Newport l Treasurer, Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard . . . . . . . . Covington l It was moved that the state inember of the National Execu— 1; tive committee be elected by ballot. Motion lost. l Voted that the state member of the National Executive com- } mittee be chosen by acclamation and Mrs. Mary E. Giltner was ‘2 the choice of the convention. ‘ It was moved by Mrs. \Veaver that the convention extend fraternal greetings to the Executive board of the Federation of VVoman’s clubs which meets in Lexington this week Carried. Miss Linda Neville of Lexington gave a report of the legisla— tive work done by the Fayette County E. R. A. in regard to the appointment of a woman physician at the Insane Asylums. Voted that the convention thank the merchants of Covington for the beautiful decorations in our honor. Adjourned. . , . 1 5 1 . l ! AFTERNOON SESSION. 1 i Convention resumed at 2 o’clock. , ; Scriptural reading and prayer by the president. l The Executive Board suggested the following nominations. l Miss Margaret \IVeisinger, Superintendent of Press Work, with l i leave of absence for six months; Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, chair— oi ‘ man of the Educational committee; Miss Laura White chairman l E‘ of committee on Peace and Arbitration; Mrs. A. M. Harrison, ‘ chairman of committee on church work; Mrs. Lucy A. Nield chair— i 1 man of committee on Industrial problems affecting women and j, l children. Convention accepted and ratified these nominations. -: Voted that the Executive Board be made the Legislative Com- ll mittee. ‘ Voted that the office of State Historian be continued. 2. Dr. Louise Southgate was selected as state Historian. l Mrs. Weaver explained to the convention the object and use of the little leaflets written by Mrs. Decha Breckinridge to inter- 1 est the general public in school suffrage. . ; The following Associations purchased the leaflets for distri- i i bution: Ashland, 50, Campbell, County, 50, Covington 100, Ma- 1 ‘ dison County, 100. Mercer County 50, Kenton County 50. i This resolution was offered by Dr. Louise Southgate: ' l Resolved, that the Kentucky Equal Rights Association in . l convention at Covington extend cordial greetings to the Ky. ‘ ll State Federations of Colored VVomen’s Clubs. - E Voted that the secretary be instructed to convey greetings l to the Ky. State Federation of Colored VVomen’s Clubs. , ‘5 Mrs. Mary C. Cramer reported excellent work done by the legislative Committee. . ; A good talk on “Why should woman have the Ballot” by ‘i Mrs. Teed Withers Smith was carefuly listened to by the conven— tion. i Voted that a chairman of the prize contest committee be elec— ted. 1: Miss Viriginia Robinson was elected chairman of prize con- ], test committee. ' ' , 6 Voted that the maximum prize offered be $10.00. ; Voted that we ask the next legislature for a constitutional “ amendment giving women fuli suffrage on the same terms as men. i Voted that the legislative committee be instructed to have i the dominant party introduce our constitutional amendment hill. ’1 if possible. 1 Voted that we work to have women placed on the boards of ‘ all state punitive and educational institutions. ‘ ' Voted that 3 Lecture Bureau be established. i Voted that the names of Candidates for the Lecture Bureau . be submitted to the Executive comittee. Dr. Louise Southgate delivered an excellent address on the “Sisterhood of Woman.” The secretary asked for free will offerings for state work in our cause and the convention responded most liberally. Mrs. Mary B. Clay $5.00 : Mrs. Mary E. Giltner 5.00 Mrs. Mary Trimble 5.00 i Miss Laura Clay 5.00 .I Mrs.S.C.Bennett 5.00 Miss LauraWhite 5.00 Campbell County E. R. A. 5.00 . Ashland E. R.A. 5.00 1 Mrs. John Castleman 4.00 Mrs. M. B. Reynolds 1.00 (to be followed by 4.00 more during the year) Miss Laura White reported great strides made during the past year for Peace and Arbitration. The printing of the programs being donated by Mrs. K. R. Wiggins of Richmond to Mrs. N. S. Mc Laughlin of Covington. Mrs. McLaughlin in turn donated this to the state, to be used as dues for enrolled members. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Mc— Laughlin. The resolutions offered by the committee were read and ad— opted. ‘ 7 1 l 1 ii Voted that all unfinished business be left in the hands of the ,5 Executive Committee. 1 Convention adjourned. 1 REPORT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING. 11 ii Executive committee met \Nednesday evening November 16 i :1 at 8 o’clock. Ij, The appropriations made were: i Nationaldues................................. $95.00 1 Rev.AnnaShaw.............................. 45.00 i i Officers Traveling Expense... ............ .... 15.50 '1 PrintingPrograms............................ 3.00 ' 1i Printing Enrollment cards .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 . 1 PrintingLeaflets.............................. 6.00 ' 2 PrintingStationery............................ 5.00 Ti Postage 6.00 . l _ PrintingMinutes.............................. 20.00 1 } Press Work 10.00 i 1‘, Voted that if Miss Virginia Robinson be unable to accept i i chairmanship of Prize Contest committee we endeavour to have 1 1 Mrs. Mary C. Roark accept same. . ~ Voted that the state offer to pay the hotel expenses of the ' '_ official board of National association and the rent of the Hall for 1: the National convention at Louisville. I, The following names were proposed as members of our Lec— } ture Bureau. l l Mrs. Desha Breckinridgc Mrs. Chas. P. Weaver 1' Mrs. A. M. Harrison Mrs. Eleanor Tarrant Little ‘1 Mrs. Lucy A. Nield Mrs. S. C. Bennett 1: Mrs. Mary c. Roark. '1 Voted to appropriate $100.00for the Lecture Bureau. Voted that Miss Laura Clay and Mrs. Mary C. Cramer attend ii the conference of Governors at Frankfort. ,I Voted that our president, Miss Laura Clay go to Louisville if to make all neccessary arrangements for the National Convention i Voted that the president be empowered to use whatever 1 8 money is neccessary for the preliminary arrangements for theNa— tional convention, up to $200.00. Committee rose. . EVENING MEETINGS. ' l On Monday and Tuesday evenings the convention rested ' from their arduous labors of the day and were most delightfully and profitably entertained with lectures by the Rev. Anna Shaw. On Monday evening there were addresses of welcome and charm— ing music preceeding Miss Shaw’s lecture which was enjoyed by l a large and attentive audience. On Tuesday evening there was a larger audience, if possible, than the night before. During her ’ lecture. Miss Shaw offered to answer the questions upon which . anyone in the audience required enlightenment. Many questions were asked and her clear. capable answers, at the same time so full of wit, convinced the “doubting Thomases” thatthe suffragists . usually know where of they speak. . REPORTS. 1 i Treasurer’s Report for 1910. l To Balance. January 1, 1910 ................. $320.63 1 Pledges for lQlO—Newport .............$ 5 00 Mrs. \Vinkless 300 Mrs. M. B. Clav 5 00 Mrs. Giltner 5 00 Miss Laura Clay 10 00 Miss Laura White. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 10 00 fl# 4O 00 Annual Dues from Local ER. Ass’ns. Ashland 12 30 CampbellCo. 30 80 Covington E. R. Ass’n ........... 35 00 Harrodsburg 350 Kenton Co. 3 50 Lexington 105 35 Louisville 2100 Louisville Enrolled members . . . . 5.50 9 :l r I I! Richmond......................7595 I Richmond 900 Muldraugh 350 ' I ' —— 305 40 I $666 03 I II By Disbursments: _ II Legislative‘Vwork 12 81. I Printing minutes 18 00 j. Postage 4‘00 ' Dues to N’l Ass’n Enrolledmembers ..... . . . . . .. 5.50 . $40 31 I Balance November 16. 1910. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 625 72 I, 666 03 l' I ‘ ‘ REPORTS OF LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS. I Ashland E. R. A. . I: I There were 5 meetings held this year with an average at— I tendance of 17 members. I Our President, Miss Laura White. sent Peace Literature to- I the Ashland Schools, and it was observed in some way by the I I . several rooms. I We have a paid membership of 30, and 18 enrolled members. I .I We are small in numbers. weak in popularity, but we are ‘ II genuine suffragists, and thoroughly enjoy every meeting, and hope soon to swell the shout of Victory and freedom that will come to our Native Women. Respectfully, Mrs. W. H. Bagley, Secretary. I Campbell County E. R. A. The Campbell County Equal Rights Association held eleven meetings during the year one of which was of a social nature. I Our society was well represented at the Banquet given at the II Grand Hotel in Cincinnati by the Susan B. Anthony Club. We- I t . 10 I also turned ouf with a large number at ‘the Hotel Alms where - we heard bright women, from every state in the Union, tell of the progress that Suffrage is making. ' Our Association failed in our request to have the graduating class compete for a prize to be given for best essay on “\Vhy we should have Suffrage” to be read at the Commencement. The {x Superintendent wrote us a very lengthy letter, why we were re— fused and to most of us his reasons seemed very just. We have distributed a great deal of Literature and have gained several new members. We have one hundred and nineteen ' enrolled members and have eighty—eight paid up members. We send nine delegates to the Convention. ‘ RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED Hannah L. Spring Secretary. Fayette Co. E. R A. The Fayette Equal Rights Association has had only a few meetings, but has done much work through committees. It rejoices in the success of its efforts to get the appoint— ment of a woman physician at the Eastern Kentucky Insane Asy— lum, at the great interest that has been aroused in the matter of , granting to women the right to vote in school elections—an in- , terest due in part to the efforts of the Fayette Association, and l thirdly in the increase of membership from one hundred and ten to three hundred and one. i Respectfully, _ Mrs. Wellington Payne, Secretary. ‘ Meade County E. R. A. The Meade Co. E. R. A. was organized at Muldraugh with 70 members, 15 of which were men. one of them our legislator Mr. L. F. \Vithers. Had several meetings in the homes of the different members and one public meeting where there were several speak- ers. We expect to do much good work in our vicinity. Respectfully Mrs Teed Withers Smith. | - 11 l. t .r‘ ' 1 ‘1 ‘1 11 . 11 Madison County E. R. A. ' 1 The Madison County E. R. A. has done some good work this 11‘ year. We have now an enrollment of 282 members, some of whom 11 have been very liberal in their donations and active in labor, dis- 1‘ tributing tracts and cards and expressing their sentiment for the ~ 11 cause on all occasions. ,- 11; We shall endeavor to have each member promise to secure 1 1E onenewnameduringthecoming year. Many of the students in our ' 1 State Normal School are interested in the cause and, several (16— . 1,1 bates on this subject have been held in the College chapel, at- 1 11 tended by large and enthusiastic audiences. ‘ 11 The Madison Co. E. R. A. offered a prize of $10.00 for the best speech on Woman Suffrage—~there wereIfive contestants. 11 We feel confident that 1911 will be the banner year in our 11 County for the cause of Suffrage, and great credit is due our 11 President, Mrs. Sarah Clay Bennett, for her liberal donations and 11 untiring efforts in this, her chosen field of labor. 1-1 That this Convention may prove a success and blessing to 11 every delegate. that the Spirit of Divine Wisdom may preside :1 over all your deliberations is the most earnest wish of your fel— 1| low—laborer, 11 K. R. \Niggins, Secretary. 11 ' HARRODSBURG E. R. A. . 1 The E. R. A. of Harrodsburg begs leave to report a member— 1 311 ship of sixteen with a growing interest within and without its cir— 1 111 cles. The formal organization has not yet been perfected but as an ‘11 interested circle. The women in connection pledge themselves to 1 1 advance the educational, industrial and legal rights of women, and 1 to stand for suffrage both in State and nation to the best of their ,. 1 ability as women—and stand in line for service. ‘11 Frances Simrall Riker, Chairman. 1 LOUISVILLE E. R. A. 1 The Woman Suffrage Association of Louisville experienced 1‘ a new birth after the convention of the State Association. held in 11 Louisville last year. Miss Shaw’s two evening meetings aroused 1 ‘ 12 ' _~. 1. great enthusiasm, and interest was further evoked by a lecture the following week by Mrs. Philip Snowden, of England, under the auspices of the Educational Equal Suffrage League. Later on in the winter various clubs held small mass meetings in the interest of school suffrage, but almost invariably the discussion reached full suffrage before it was concluded. ,_ The good newspaper notices given to the school suffrage : campaign, to our own meetings, as well as the straw vote takenby ' l the Herald, which resulted 931 for, 284 against, have been a great i benefit to the work. i The president of this Association also made a speech at the ‘ State Fair, in the model school building, under the auspices of the ufederated clubs, and from this building quantities of suffrage flyers and Mrs. Breckenridge’s speeches were given out during fair week. The Association has had one large public meeing this fall, in addition to the small ones, at which Miss Shaw was the speaker. On account of a depleted financial condition, it was necessary to charge an addmission fee of 25c; but even so, the V’Voman’s Club was almost full and receipts more than paid expenses. The Association registers a membership of 165 in November, 1910, as against 67 in November 1909. It believes that the in— crease in suffrage sentiment in Louisville is far more general even than is represented by the gain in membership of this As— . sociation, and hopes in the coming year to garner in this wide spread interest and make it tell for the efficiency of the Associa— l‘ tion and for the cause in general. A Respetctfully submitted, Virginia P. Robinson, President. COVINGTON E. R. A. The Covington Equal Rights club has 136 names enrolled and the list is steadily increasing. The Regular monthly meet— ings were well attended and the three programme affairs given during the year, were a grand success. At the November meet— ing, delegates to the Louisvilleconvention were instructed to . invite this convention here. In February the club joined the Susan B. Anthony club of Cincinnati in a banquet at the Grand , 13 l r L . _ l lll‘ i r“ i i; ll . l lif Hotel. One of our members proposed and began movement toward ll getting up a banquet to entertain the prominent suffragists, ex— ' pected to attend the federation of Women’s clubs. This move— l ment terminated in a banquet at the Hotel Alms on the even— lg ing of May 16, for which 350 tickets were sold so rapidly that ll days before the event seats could not be secured atapremium,be— 3% cause the hotel management could no accomodate any more. In ” ll June at one of the programme meetings resolutions were drafted ‘ hi on regulated vice and—white slavery. These resolutions were lll built on those framed at the Riggs House, Washington, D. C., by ill members of our National organization. '9 il AUDITORS REPORT. ll The Auditors have examined the Treasurer’s books and found sl them correct. lll S. C. Bennett. l Laura R. \Nhite. .l Report of the State Member of National Executive Board :i The Forty— second Convention of the National American ll Woman’s Suffrage Association convened in Washing-ton. D. C. ll from fipril 14th to 19th inclusive, 1910 ll T ursday A. M., April 14th. the Executive meeting was call— ll ed to order by the Chairman, with recommendations from the ll Official Board, and with roll call ofStates for new business. which :ll was well attended. ; ill Dr.Shaw, the President, called the first public meeting to or— ill der at 2:30 P. M. on the 14th. The Auditorium of the Arlington ,2. ll Hotel was crowded, thus assuring a large and enthusiastic con— i ll vention. Addresses of welcome were made by Miss Henriette J. Hilton, President of the District Equalsuffrage Association, and l ,1 by Miss Mabel Foster, President of the District College Equal ‘f l Franchise League. Responses on behalf of the N. A. W. S. As- “ l. sociation were made by Clara B. Arthur, President of Michigan l 'W. S. A., and by Kate M. Gordon, President of Louisiana W. S. 3 l A. Reports were made on church work, and on the petitions to l: Congress. The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to State ‘ lll reports. ll 14 l fl l l For the first time in history the President Of the United States had been invited to give the Convention a greeting and welcome. While it was known that the President was not an anti-suffragist, yet he was not a strong suffragist, and might not be wholly with us. Therefore it was not expected of him to make an address along those lines, but to extend to the Convention T the greeting and welcome of the Capital. Now he said in part: “When I was a school boy sixteen years old and graduated from the \Voodward High School in Cincinnati, I took for my subject ”Woman Suffrage.” My father was a woman suffragist, but - l since that time I have changed my mind and somewhat modified my views. Now this is my confession of faith, but I am glad to welcome you here. Iam glad to welcome an intelligent body of women, earnest in the discussion of politics; earnest in the ques— tion of good government, and earnest and highminded in the cause they are pleading for. I congratulate you on coming to VVas‘1— ington, this most beautiful of cities, to hold your Convention. 1 trust it may result in every thing you hoped for, and I am sure that the coming together of honest, intelligent and earnest wo- men like these can not but be productive of good.” After the President had left the hall Dr. Shaw replied to some of the criticisms he had made against votes or women. She declared she would ”draw a voting line horizontally, not diagonal— ly, and exclude from the privilege of voting not only ignorant wo— men, but also illiterate men.” This she thought would help the ‘ political situation to right its self. A Dr. Shaw, our National President, in her annual address said in 5 part, that the people of the country were becoming infidel in their 1 principles of Democracy. The Stiffrage movement, she asserted. I was growing and demanded new standards. {9 ' At the evening session Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, President of the International Suffrage Alliance, adressed the Convention. At the conclusion of her magnificent speech, the delegates endors— : ed a motion by Dr. Shaw that her address be printed and sent to every man participating in the governing of the United States. Mrs. Catt received great applause by the whole Convention. " Miss Laura Clay, our State President, told the women what 1 i they needed was a new element of character and courage. i l 15 . l l l 111' 1 1 ,, , 1‘1 1:. . :11 . . . 1151 On Monday the much talked of petltion was carried to Con— gress at eleven thirty (11:30) A. M. A line of 52 automobiles 1 formed at the Arlington and moved in stately procession up Penn— sylvania Avenue. The first two cars were for the officers, and 1111 Mrs. Le Droit Barber, chairman of the Committee on Automo— 11biles, drove the front car. Mrs. Helen Gardner was Mrs. Bar- 1111 ber‘s chief aide in securing the machines and in arranging for ’2‘ 111 the procession. Following the officers’ car were three from which 11 floated press banners, which represented the different news— ' 1 papers. The third, engaged by the Woman Suffrage Party of 1 .111 New York, held other representatives of the press and photograph- 1 1 ers. The State machines followed in alphabetical order, designat— ' 1111 ed by a yellow banner, and in charge of representatives carrying their own State petitions. The day was a perfect one and VVash— 11 ington was superb in brightest of green foliage and beautiful flow—1 1 ers. 11 . At the Capitol the delegates divided into groups, each seek— 11 ing the Representatives and Senators who promised to assist 1 them. The Congressional record devoted two pages to the pre— 11 sentation of the petitions, giving the name of each person who , , presented them. There were one—half million signers to them, ask— 1 ing for full suffrage for women. 1.; Our lamented Senator Dolliver, who but recently passed 111 away, shouldered an arm full of the petitions and said he would 11 advise those members to take a day off and study the Constitu . 1,; tion. 111 Senator A. F. Clay of Georgia as Chairman of the Commit— A 111 tee presided. Mrs. Catherine Waugh MeCulloch, a lawyer of 1 1111 Chicago, was the first to speak. She said that as the common law ; 1 did not specifically state that woman should vote, it was argued 1 in some decisions that therefore they had the right, and in 11> 11 other States that they did not have the right, so you have placed 1 1 upon women the stamp of polititical inequality and placed us at . great disadvantage in competition with men. I presume you are , 1111 all lawyers, therefore, I appeal to you as brothers-in-law to grant . 111 our request. After a number of other grand speeches were made, Dr. 1 Shaw closed the hearing with an appeal to the Committee to re- 1 16 1 __ port the petitions favorably, if. you can, but unfavorable if you . must. ’ Some two hundred votes for women advocates, appeared be— fore the House Committee. six or seven women speaking. Mrs. Upton said: “Gentlemen, won’t you please report against these re- solutions, and give us your reasons for doing so; we know you 3‘ are not going to vote for it. Certainly, you are not afraid of us, so please vote' against it, but do tell us why.” . At the conclusion the Chairman promised that their argu— 7 ment and petitions would receive careful attention. . The Election of Officers took place on Monday morning. All the old officers were mostly retained, but some changes were made later on. Thus closed the Forty—second Annual Convention of the N A. VVoman’s Suffrage Assoc1ation. Respectfully submitted. Mary E. Giltner. The resolutions offered and adopted were: \Vhereas the Ky. Equal Rights Association has had a most successful meeing in Covington therefore be it resolved. That the members of the association express their appreciation of the hospitality extended to them by the Covington and