xt7nk9315m0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk9315m0k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 2004 Vol.75 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 2004 Vol.75 No.8 2004 2019 true xt7nk9315m0k section xt7nk9315m0k l
4,95; Volume 75, Number 8 U_ s. postage ,
/M Ne“ {Ce “a £2.— ‘ "WWW Kentucky Press Association PAID
"fieemg? xé "5/55 \* / “Big:- \ , Ni‘ ‘ 101 consumer Lane Glasgow, KY 42141 '
t ”he” ' t. . Frankfort. KY 40601 Permit No. 939 3
a k .~ res». . REPROGRAPHICS
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{If . ’3/ ‘ . u "='-“*‘ ”1th , UNIVERSITY OF KY. 3
W . \. \ ‘k W i Tie" i 211 KING LIBRARY SOUTH
5e? ' ' e LEX'NGTON KY 40506‘003
”e’ -~ e :22. e ’ .
Ts‘fiéyp fie/Ziggg L ' r-Alu v53: P bi",
August 2004 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service \ x g /'
_________—__——————————-——— .71" 7
KPA fl 1 W 't h 11 ' th ”‘”
1 es a 8111 c a englng e made,“
closing of juvenile court proceedings Cflom” i "1
FRANKFORT - The Kentucky injury done him in his lands, goods, clearly unconstitutional, and we Bgfi’éfig‘gggg * :,
Press Association filed a lawsuit person or reputation, shall have rem— should proceed immediately with a
Thursday morning, July 15 in federal edy by due course of law, and right lawsuit challenging certain parts of ’ V'
court in Frankfort, challenging parts and justice administered without Kentucky laws requiring juvenile It S about 5
of Kentucky laws that require juve— sale, denial or delay.” proceedings and records to be
,7 mile court proceedings to be closed. The lawsuit also points out that in closed,” Nelson said. t' f ;
KPA, the nation’s 10th oldest state enacting legislation to “govern and ”Our action would still allow a lme 0r '
press association, claims in its suit restrict the courts’ rules and proce- judge to close some proceedings or . .’
' that the laws Violate both the US. dures for access to its proceedings records just as they are allowed to do KP A lawsult ’V
Constitution and Kentucky and records" violate the mandate of at the present,” said Jon Fleischaker,
.. Constitution. separation of powers in Section 28 of general counsel of the [Kentucky The past few weeks have been '
5‘ “ .:=."»‘.-'At' issue are certain sections of the Kentucky Constitution. Press Association. ”But it would not among the most exciting that I .
3 Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 610 The Kentucky Press Association be automatic closure as it is under have experienced as a member of ,1
» concerning the. Unified Juvenile Board .Of Directors discussed filing the current law.” the Kentucky Press Association
Code that Violate the Flrst suit at 1ts July 1 meetlng and voted to The lawsuit seeks declaratory and as a journalist .’
Amendment, according to the suit. proceed with the action. ”The juve- judgments that certain sections of ' Thanks to the courage of our
The code contains ”a number of pro- nile court closings have been an KRS 610 Violate the . First Legal Defense Fund committee
V1510ns wluch work to create an 1rre— Issue for several years,” sald execu- Amendment to the US. Constitution members and our board of dire c- -
buttable presumption that certain tive director David T. Thompson. and sections of the Kentucky tors KPA has for the first time in '
' court proceedings and records be john Nelson, 2004 president of the Constitution and an injunction its history initiated a lawsuit a
closed to the public.” association and managing editor of requiring the courts to make avail- lawsuit that is making history ;
Section 14 of the Kentucky The Advocate Messenger in able to the public all court records Many of you know by now that 2
~ Constitution states: “All courts shall Danville, told the KPA board that he currently closed under those we are asking a federal court to 'V
' be open, and every person for an felt the time to file suit was now. “It’s statutes. declare unconstitutional the j
' ’ , , . , '. ‘ , Kentucky statutes that require 2
"$3117 i";ii-~=;.~ :, .' : iii-Effiectiyemthflusyeargsfail com— j ond or...thtrd place,’ said KPA blanket closure ofjuvenile courts. ;
AHSUSt :. j =~ : ; eeeeenneede fieeeeleee award-wee :Execueiveveved 11 Thompson. "The his about time. :
' " upbegworth fivepoints and eacthec—” 'corrunittee reCOmmended' a little For too long, an entire division
NeWS&N0teSondp1ace Worth three pointstow'ard; . more‘spacing m the pomt'values.” of our criminal court system has 3
. , . ;_V ' ; the;eompetition’s.Generailfixceflence Thestatfwas'able to show that at been protected from the watchful _;
KPAcgntestawardtotals awards. Since atwieast theV197Os, a least five fitnesin recent contests, a eye of the public and the press.
‘33,; d; f .‘___firstplaCefiniSHinany categorywas newspaper winning several first We cannot look with confidence :’
Increase .. V ;. , . *-Vwo_rth three points, withtwopoints place awards did not win first place on the effectiveness of judges and <
. 91155" afid'jsecotid‘place flmshe'sm " forsecond- .. . j }_ .. inGeneraI Excellence. “This puts _
, . ., V , . V. ,_ . , . _ prosecutors. We cannot deter
KPAmnfeStS W111 173.121.0159 valuable .-~.~ The board did notchange the more value onafirst place and gives mine whether the public’s inter- '
,' iijg;jei§¥erig;wfiheh1§.‘fafl‘S.Exce.11¢ncem;,~_pgintvalue of ,a third place (one newspapers a better shot at winning ests are being served in the WIN 'V
.' Kentucky Newspapers-Qwertame pint)... With the ' fall contest, General Excellence in their divi- . - - - _.
E , .. , _ _ V P,“ _ V .. . , , . , _ ‘ . , ., , ishment and rehabllltation of ,
petition: I ,v . Y " I , ' =3. Certificates 9f...Mefitiwm begrven , 510“” ‘ ' juvenile offenders. We cannot .
3‘ A? “3111137 "V1; 111%“ngth E""'%*9I¥e)* : instead of two, _ points. . No other changes were made in evaluate the working relation— ‘f
7 meMFressMwaahonBowdof I ‘ CeififiCetes of Merit are awarded in the competition. V ships between juvenile courts
Directorsvotedto changethepOmt any categorywhen 913157 one entry is ' Entry information Will be mailed and schools. We cannot surmise ';
:2 structureforfirstandsecondplaces, ‘mggiygdfiiiw3..., : I. . ' in ymid~August .to all KPA and where the system may be failing '51
. . basedwammefidahonfmm"Therewesulitfledifferéha ih'fiie .. ' V x , . * - t’

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, August 2004 '
K t k l ' th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne 5 K
The Courier-Journal unveiled its wider margins on the main sections presses. In his new post, he will continue
new design on July 13. The new of the newspaper because parts of the Barry M. Hortsman has been to report for the Cincinnati and ; K
design of the Louisville paper fea- newspaper will be printed on the 01d named assistant managing editor for Kentucky Post while overseeing the i woul
tured a cleaner, more readable type presses while some sections will be local news of the Kentucky Post and papers’ joint newsroom. : cry f
as the first step in the transition of the printed on the new, state-of—the-art Cincinnati Post. He started his jour— Since May 2003, Kakie Urch has , the 3
new color printing facility. Until presses. The classified and features nalism career in Cincinnati and then been The Post’s assistant managing but 1
September, readers will also notice sections will be printed on the new went to Washington and California editor for Kentucky. She is leaving to . not 1]
before returning the Cincinnati area become assistant managing editor for ‘ the i:
‘ in the 1990s. local news of the Palm Springs, i erate
The KentUCky Pre S S Hortsman began covering politics Calif, Desert Sun. a
for The Post in the late 19703. From Steve Cornelius took over the job ‘ discr
The Kentucky Press (Permit it 939) is pub— District 10 — Edmund Shelby, Beattyville 1978 to 1981/ he was a staff reporter as Sports editor Of » The Kent
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise for Scripps Howard Newspapers in Commonwealth Journal on July 11. state
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Washington, DC, where his primary Under former Commonwealth Coal
Third Class postage is paid at Glasgow, District 11 - Glenn Gray, Manchester responsibility was covering national Journal Sports Editor Jeff Neal, who Tl
KY- 42141 SUbSCfiPfiOD Price is $8 Per Entel’Pfise issues for the three Scripps papers has since been promoted to news edi— _
yea“ POStmaSter; Send Change Of address _ _ then published in Ohio. tor, Cornelius began writing and It CC
to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer District 12 - Donna Carman, Casey In 1981 he moved to California to photographing Somerset—Pulaski beco:
Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223—8821. County News ’ . , _ . for (
become a political reporter for the County sports, first as a freelance '
District 13_T0m Caudill, Lexington Los Angles Times. He returned to stringer, and later coming on board Opel
Herald—Leader Cincinnati and The Post in 1993, and as a staff photojournalist and sports Patr(
Officers ' since 2001 he has served as the news— writer. During that time, he covered but] f
Kentucky Press ASSOCiation DiStFiCt 14- Teresa Scenters, Berea Citizen paper’s Cincinnati local news editor stories and photographed events at 3 a S-
. . . . ove
President — John Nelson, The Advocate State At—Large While continuing to report himself. See PEOPLE on Page 12 g
' Messenger, Danville Chris Poore, Kentucky Kemel —--—--———--—-——-—-—-:—:—,—,———-—_———— '—
Willie Sawyers, Sentinel—Echo as a journalist in the Northeast for a . , 1
PnesidenbElect - David Thornberry, Patti Clark, Owenton News Herald D Baths time before movmg to Kentucky to .
Somerset Commonwealth Journal ' Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era . .________ take the POSitiOI‘l With the -
Associated Press where she worked i; _ .
Vice President — Charlie Portmann, Division Chairman ~ Former UK pl‘Of ES S 01‘ for 10 years. I . . This,
Franklin Favorite News Editorial Division - ohn , - ‘ in t
Shindlebower, Spencer Meignet dles from cancer ldh Grap
Treasurer - Glenn Gray, Manchester Maria Braden, a retired journalism Former 0 am Era 3 missr
Enterprise Advertising Division~CheryiMagers, professor at the University of editor dies at 89 of G‘
Past President _ Sharon Tumiriski, Central Kentucky News Journal ‘ giggiczzegngf f::;“fi::§::ser f 3;: James Wathen Goranflo Sr., former 1999
Winchester Sun Circulation Division~Kriss Johnson, colon [cancer Tues day}: July 20 in her editor Of The Oldham Era, dled ‘ Kent
_ Lexington Herald-Leader . . I Thursday July 1 in LaGrange. He .
Board of Directors . home in Lexrngton. She was 57. was 89. . Ll
' District 1 - Alice Rouse, Murray Ledger Associates Division ~ Cliff Feltham, - , Braden retired m 2001 after teach- Goranflo began working at The ' hugg
and Times Kentucky Utilities ' - ' y ' ing at UK for 21 years. Before going Era in 1945 from the Courier-Journal ' hugg
' i , , ' " to work at UK she was a reporter after serving in the US. Navy in i acadr
Distrith -Jed Dillingham, Dawson General Counsels -Jon Fieischaker,‘ . ‘ and editor for the Associated Press, World War II. He began his career as . fesso
Springs Progress AshleyPack,Dmsmore&Sh0h1 , ‘ , the . 'National Newspaper alinotype operator. . that
District3—Donn Wunmer, Hancock Kentucky Press Association Staff 5. 9' 32:2:1fffigzgr :3: (afiegmesm thcoranflo pill-"$116189: 2; PgéllonTfif Z bEfiW
Clarion ' I DavidI. Thompson, EXec-ufive DMD? She also authored three media- e newspaper m . n - I e ' s 0‘
Bonnie Howard, Controller p y ,, _ ' Oldham Era merged With the M
District4-Charlie Portmann, Franklin ' Teresa'Revlett,‘ Director of Sales I ' related bOOkS and contributed arti- LaGrange Times, a rival newspaper, with
Favbri‘te , , 5 David‘Greer,’ Member Services Diiréctdr, , C195 to various publications as a free- and Goranflo was made shop fore— I exact
. . i I ' Dana 13‘“? NeW$,Bmau'D_iISd°r ' lance writer. man in charge of production. After seine
Districts -Ron Filkins, Kentucky . David SpencerNew Media Director ' She is the first woman to have the retirement of long-time publish- . my c
Standard , . gflmflfigiafiS/Sififemg been promoted to full professor in er W.L. Dawson in 1963, Garanflo, - tuallj
District6—Arthur B. Post} Louisville Cogrdinator V , .trh (13 UK School .Of Josulrna‘lism and along Wlth Gene Armstrong, . temp
Courier-Journal Sue'Cammack, Administrative Assistant . e ecommunications. e we mem assumed control Of the newspaper, . prep
Rachel McCarty, Advertising AsSistant 1 . ber 0f the Kentucky Journalism Hall with Goranflo serving as editor and ' potei
District 7 - Kelley Wax-nick, Gallatin Holly Willard, INAN Business Clerk of Fame and received an award for general manager. 0
County News Mark Sheridan, INAN Ac'ccmnt Executive excellence in the teaching of writing In 1966, Goranflo was instrumen- . D
' , , Tami Hensley, Tearsheet Clerk . ' from the Poynter Institute for Media tai in the establishment of F(
Distfliiw-KERMEW Bath County News 1 , . ,- . _ ’ . ‘ '. Studies. Newspapers Inc., a group of eight an a
,Outlwk,‘ » j ‘ . Staff members, Officers anytime? ; Braden went to Connecticut newspapers of which he served as hour
, . . _ _ . g f ., . m maybereachedbyermailusmgthemdr Colle e and recei d b h 1 , d' t .1 th . . j
V’Qisiricwe'lerryPenningtomBigSandy , r vi du 31.5 first initi aqulllast . , _ . g . Ive a ac e or s irec or unti e organization was men
gNeWs' ,: j, ., . g , ,‘ _': __' name@kypless.com. , » . I f degree in. English from McGill sold to Landmark Communications told:
iv.}“-" ’ g " . .. g. ' ‘ 1 a . 1;; University in Montreal. She worked in 1973. He retired in 1974. UK.

 The Kentucky Press, August 2004 - Page 3 3
S ‘ Kentuck ma be next ith FOI C It n g
y y W 03 1 10 Z
“d i K e n t u c k y ’y" the....we11, sun- idea of a statewide group had never Broadcasters Association. And some
he ~‘ would be a far On Second £1} shine.) been placed on the table. citizen activists —- Wynne
cry from among e” Imagine, a And it was seemingly very well Creekmore and Jack May, members i
as - the first states, M 519,, group of citizens, received, very much endorsed. of the Danville Citizens for Good V
ng " but that’s really gig?” a group or active Twenty people -— active and Government; and John Sower, a
to ’ not important. If . 2? and retired jour- retired journalists, three representa- member of the Citizens for Open ,7
for L the interest gen— afggégufigfiggfg W nalists playing tives from established good govern- Government in Frankfort. }
85/ . erated July 22 at l 1% w a t c h d o g . ment/ citizens for open government And I must give credit to the '
b 1 a roundtable Making sure gov— groups and three KPAers attended. Courier-Journal’s Al Cross who ,
fie . discussion maintains momentum, ernment agencies comply with the It was a great mix, of names you asked me to go to a national confer-
1 Kentucky probably will be the 40th state’s Open Meetings and Open know —— Kim Greene, Al Smith, ence last year to hear about these
1th state with a Freedom of Information Records laws. Promoting/market- Hank Ackerman, Benjy Hamm, Ed state coalitions with the idea that .
ho : Coalition. ing to citizens across the state that Staats, Don White, Mark Neikirk, Kentucky should look at it.
di— ‘ That’s really aworking name and government business is ”their”busi- Bob Ashley, Ronnie Ellis, David As I told the group in a letter
nd it could be adopted. Or it could ness and if they need a record, if Greer and Dana Lear. And some you inviting them to the meeting, I’ve :
ski become something like Kentuckians they want to attendameeting, that’s maybe don’t know —- Jim Ogle, heard many legislators say, when :
ICE 3 for Open Government; Citizens for their taxpayer—given right. WKYT—TV; Liz Maples, Danville we’ve been to a committee meeting '_
1rd < Open Government; the Sunshine Yes, it’s taken awhile to get to the Advocate Messenger; Ken Kurtz, to testify on open meetings or open ,
rts Patrol. (All right, that's pushing it discussion stage. We’ve had infor- Society of Professional Journalists; records, ”This is really just the press’ 3
ed ; but frankly, that’s really what it is -- mation for about a year. Some con- Tom Isaac, PLG—TV, Bardstown; concern. If it was the public’s con- '
at '3 a ”sunshine patrol” to make sure versations were held, kind of like, Paul Leightty, Frankfort State cern, if the public cared about this 1
12 . government agenc1es operate in What if... but until the July 22, the Journal, and Patti Pullen, Kentucky See FOI on Page 12 1
_______________________________—_—___———— y
r a O O
.3 Braden touched the life of Georgetown editor :
:ed "-3 7
j I " This column by Kevin Hall appeared excitement. When he was in his 205, Toyota when it hit me —Inever want time later, I found out that it wasn’t .
3 in the July 25 Georgetown News- he stopped a few hours short of net— to do this again as long as I live,” I really necessary wheanonawriting
3 Graphic and is reprinted with per— ting an accounting degree, opting wrote. I laid it all out, warts and all, award from UK. .'
3 mission. Hall is the managing editor instead to take a new job at the but reminded them that this was their A year after having begged my :f
of Georgetown News-Graphic and a Rockwell plant. He never came out chance to make a difference in some- way into the program, here I was 1
ier 1999 graduate of the University of and said it, but he didn’t have to body’ 5 life. Reject me, and I become about to be honored with the best of 1
ed 2 Kentucky. because I could feel it every time he just another number out in the world. the bunch. And when I walked across
[-Ie j looked at me and then looked away Let me into the school, though, andI the stage to shake hands with UK’s .
. LEXINGTON — I could have — he’d be damned if I followed his would make sure they never regret- president and accept my plaque, I ,
‘he “ hugged her. Actually, I should have footsteps. ted it. I submitted the letter and gave saw Maria sitting in the audience, 1
ml ' hugged her. Maria Braden was my So back I went, with only one Maria about a week before I showed looking at me like a proud parent I,
in . academic adviser, soon to be my pro— minor detail holding me back. My up at her office pestering her for watching her child take his first baby :
as f fessor, later to be my friend. But at poor grades prevented me from get- information. steps. ,
_‘ that moment, she was all that stood ting in the journalism school. They She would smile at me and shake Her risk had paid off. i
of - between me and the journalism didn’t ask for much, only a 2.6 or so, her head. On Friday, I saw Maria for the last "
'he j school at the University of Kentucky. but even that seemed a bit lofty for This soon became our ritual, with time. Hundreds of people —— some of
:he ‘ My earliest days at UK left me me. me borderline stalking her office in whom taught with her, many of
ter, ‘ with a shoddy GPA, which wasn’t That’ s when I first met Maria. hopes of catching just a glimpse of whom learned under her, all of whom {
re- 1 exactly bolstered by the Fall 1996 Sittinginher office,lexplained my acceptance (at this point, even a loved her — gathered at St. Paul :
ter ‘ semester when I quit going to all of situation, not glossing over anything denial would have been better than Catholic Church, where we said
;h- ‘ my classes after the first week. I even— because I figured that if they knew I nothing). goodbye to a dear friend.
lo, ' tually withdrew from school, took a had been as low as possible, then my Then one day, she took me inside Maria Braden, 57, died Tuesday I
1g, 1 temporary job at the Toyota plant and new determination might be some— her office after I asked if I made it. after battling cancer for the last few 1
er, prepared for a life of not reaching my thing on which to take a gamble. ”Kevin,” she said, ”I can’t tell you years. So here it is, one last assign-
nd . potential. She told me that I would have anything official, but you have noth- ment, one final collection of words ,
Or so my parents told me. write a letter to an appeals commit— ing to worry about.” that fail to capture her grace and ele- f
an- . Daily. tee, and my fate would rest with their Does that mean ? gance. f:
of Four months of 9—10 hour days on decision. ”You have nothing to worry I never got the chance to let her 1’
ght an assembly line followed by 3-4 Who served on this board,lasked? about,” she repeated. ”Your letter was know what she meant to me, but 7:
as ‘ hours asatelemarketer took their toll, When she told me that she and touching.” when I stood next to her ashes, I .3
ras mentally more than physically, and I Scoobie Ryan — another of UK’s all- Which brings me back to the knew she knew. ;;
Ins told my parents thathould return to time greats — made up two of the beginning — I should have hugged Maria Braden's obituary is on "
UK. three members, Ibreathedabit easier. her. Page 2 of this month’s Kentucky ,
My dad could barely contain his ”I was standing on the line at Ididn't, of course, but just a short Press. '

 , Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, August 2004 ' I
2004 KPA 'nternsh' ffer variet of eriences ]
' PS 0 y e P ; c
L A n n e - M a r i e - " hometown boy would prove success- ers and is now operating a garden not sure exactly what I will do, but I ' Wt
» Clinton , . ful. shop, and a young girl overcoming a am interested in working for another be
’ Senior Eff. Having never interned at a news- bone disorder from which she’s suf- weekly newspaper or possibly a Kt
. Western Kentucky ""35 paper, the opportunity excited me. fered 31% breaks 1“ helr 1117398“ liffes- daily paper outside of Kentucky. I
- University t E But I also felt somewhat a rehen- pan. ese were rea C a enges . or would also like to try writing for a
1F. PP Er

. . ,5. . me professmnally, beyond anything . . Wh I
The MadisonVille Sive. . . I’ve experienced in journalism class- magazme at some pomtn ereger Se
Messenger to. As Ibecame tncreasmgly comfort— es or from my previous ventures in end. up working I know it w1 e in U]
. 3&3 able With the job, my reservations the field the journalism field. Ijust want to say Kr
yeafi'oih atfbew llllesl/e spent the major welelleeasfrlelddthat a good reporter U As an upgminti setil'lrior at the 32322:; :7 $13313:th has been TI
, ' niversity o entu y, ese oppor— ' Su

: ity of my summer as a KPA intern. I needs dexterity, persistence and thor- tunities are more than I ever imag—

’ was privileged to serve as a reporter oughness. This experience enabled ined from these 10 weeks at the Katie Mattingly s an
for The Messenger in Madisonville. me to improve on those skills. Anderson News Senior t ' W(

- - - - ' - - 9 .23»

_ Even though I have worked at this I received a variety of aSSignments But the feeling I got when people UniverSIty of {or Wi
paper before, I was nervous the first and responsibility, which signified read what I wrote and told me it Kentucky fares Th
day I came through the door. It all trust in my ability. Consequently, I helped them make a decision, or The Lebanon gig; Ur

- came together nicely as I covered a was subject to high expectations and taught them something about their Enterprise % an

i variety of stories including a complex did my best to meet them. community, was what I liked the r ' , . Mt

. landfill cost controversy, the World For me, the honor of covering and most. This is definitely What I want I am a senior fig v :_' " ' ' wl

: Changers coming to town and the writing about the people in my to do With my life. That, I think, is attending the Shl

. startup of a free clinic in the county. hometown was one of the most inter- the most important thing I learned. University of Kentucky, and I initial— rel

- Probably my most memorable esting elements of the internship. I _ M ly learned of this internship becauseI at
experience was writing about a man had a connection to the people I was Catherine t“; needed a summer job in my home- is .

1 who collected ”stuff." After running writing about. I could understand Damron town of Lebanon. However, I was Ih

. in The Messenger, the story was some of their perspectives. Senior foil": e e; very lucky that the position was al E

I picked up by the state AP wire. It ran Working with great people Western Kentucky ,. available because I was hoping to , knl

. in the Louisville Courier—Journal and enhanced the experience too. University develop my skills as a writer at the _ ‘ p a,
the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer. The Gleaner staff was spectacular. The Cynthiana V same time, skills that I had neglected det

. My experience has given me a Everyone was very friendly, Willing Democrat r since I began college. get
good transition to my senior year at to answer questions, offer sugges— My experience ' I was elated to become an intern . sio
Western Kentucky University I will tions] 1end give elreilcouragtelmeint. this summer has been a great one. I for the Enterprise ztnd I have enjoyed be
gra uate next spring. I ow my en remar 'ng at e ongevity have ained so much knowled e every moment 0 my experience, lar:

. experience as an intern has given me of employment for many Gleaner working at The Cynthiana Democrat even those early mornings in front of . bril

: a good foundation for my career as a staffers, reporter Frank Boyett told and Iwill truly miss my co—workers the keyboard when I nurse my tired , wo
journalist. me it was because everyone is made and the people of Cynthiana’s com- body with three cans of caffeine— tha

Many of what used to be 'my to feel like family. munity who were all very heIpfuI laden Mountain Dew. It has certainly . the
weaknesses, I now consrder His words rang true. th h and made my time there pleasant: I surpassed my expectations, and I _ vei
strengt s. I am-stronger for hav1ng Iwould Sincerely like to ankT e learned about how the city and its especia ly enjoy meeting and mter— I are

I covered councrl meetings. I. am Gleaner for the opportunity and for counterparts work together from VieWing new people and writing . no

: stronger for hav1ng taken seemingly making me feel like family. covering city commissioner meetings columns. This experience has defi- lon

l non-writable issues and turned them It was a success in my book. and one of the county school board nitely improved my attitude toward ._ the

i into front-page stories. Finally, and . . . meetings. Most of the other stories I pursuing a career in the newspaper I inti

‘ tmost 1121301.th ugly, I am Strong: f1? grittany anfln ' wrote for_ the Democrat were fea— indlustry. 1 1 k b 1 d ‘1 Pal

- avmg een in irect contact Wit t e enior .. tures, which I really enjoy. I never was a so uc y to e we come doi

‘ people of Hopkins Countyinthe past University of realized how much people rely on into an office with such wonderful “ has
10 weeks. Kentucky ”Wire; '3 journalists to get their messages and and talented people. The editor and top

Anderson News “jet? ideas out to the public. They depend the staff have been extremely wel— car:
AHdI‘GW Martin . . ' . When I got to he“ on reactions from other readers, coming and have been willing to . one

: Junior . .. .. . '_ Evilsvgillxcigzlslrfboul Wt: whether it’s an ad or a news/ feature assist me With everything. I’ve been .

- UniverSity 0f f What my experi- fowl»: story. I was given some good advice extremely impressed Wlth the miles- G13

1 airlift?! *‘i’we ence would be like. I wondered if a on my last day in Cynthiana. One Of shonathye; ctomfortable ratmosp er: Gri

. e e“ “5"“ small town would offer me all I my fellow news wrlters told me to a , e 1‘ erpflse malt ““51 a“ - 50}
Gleaner We” wanted from a journalism experi- believe in myself because if you don’t they vethad to tutor me In the ways ‘ Un:

, _ _ ”‘ ence. It turns out it could, and with— you’ll end up doubting your sources 0f writing and time management, . L01

~_ During my ant lama OUt hesitation, it did- In the time. I and everything else in your story. which they, have mastered phenome- Th:

. stroll across The ‘ . wasAlIIege, I cogered a Elldle crztlsh in I am so thankful to be given this nrelly. They ve helped me understand Nel
Gleaner newsroom to managing edi- 2:1 3 illebsrifltlhe ($336585, Sagksvrgl- opportunity and to work with the t at everyone as a ascmating story l

: tor DaVid Dixons desk, my mind and the second hi hwa fatality (if people at the Democrat. They were waiting to be discovered, and Im , we
was filled With questions. the ear 2004 I aglso tallked to the all very kind, patient and intelligent. extremely appreCiative of that. I am at'I

~ Most notably, I wondered whether widely loved priest in the only I have two more semesters left at very proud that I have been a part of my

E a formidable small-town newspa- Catholic church in Lawrenceburg, a Western Kentucky University in the Lebanon Enterprise, if only for 10 ed

E per 5 investment In a reserved, woman who used to drive IS-Wheel— Bowling Green. After graduation I’m See INTERNS on Page 5- exp

The Kentucky Press, August 2004 - Page 5 '
INTERNS techniques by stepping away from I was thrown into news and fea- ties. Suddenly, my future’s looking a
BS ‘ my comfort zone—sports writing. ture reporting as soon as my intern- lot brighter.
; Continued from page 4 During my 50-day internship, I ship started, but I managed to stay I wouldn’t say that I learned so
9;; weee wee ”may... 2122222222 2““ 222222 2 2“
iy e: 2:333? 611-13152: Azggzgtgguty by the feature stories. The internship was learned how to be flexible with peo- gained more experience with fea—
Ky. I y C n. jam-packed and exciting. I quickly ple, how to cover all angles of a story tures, earned how to better compose '
For a Emil Thom son . discovered a new world—fiscal and most of all how to determine a photo, and how to better interact
ver I Senizr p court, city council, and school board what is the most newsworthy thing with sources.
>e in University of egg; me'etings aren’t exactly my cup of ateili‘ée echent. d d h M};(I1