xt7nk9315q8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk9315q8x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1995 1995 1995-04-10 2020 true xt7nk9315q8x section xt7nk9315q8x .. .wc.




u'.'“ fina.,~s.#







today. high '70 to 7).; Pint/y

‘ ’ cloudy tonight, 10:." Ilt'tll' 61/,
Clam/yr ttIImI/‘rotz'. high 70—75.

DIVERSIONS like ”not I‘e/c/irrtrci, cumin/fr

(HI (I'm‘rot ’lflpit [Intro/III offitrlgc (liter/1'!

match (IIII‘tI/ge attitude.


(XII/rim”. {II/gr _



City curtcw could aftcct campus

By Stephen Trimble
I'.II..'Ir/:I' I dun essIIt‘y‘.

It is clear that lIeIIIIgion‘s new cur
tew ordinantc restricts l'K students
underage lI'I' from \erituring to down
town streets and public facilities past
ll pm on weekdays and 1 ant on

weekends. cilman Robert Jefferson, represents

It may not be clear, however. Ifthc riiariy of the neighborhoods that are the city’s crime problem is in the age
ordinance violates their civil rights, believed tobe targets. 35 and under bracket.
says Keith lrilston, the public education “.\1yconstituents have always want— though, supports the idea of college

director for the area's American (III il ed it,"
liberties L’nion.

.\lso, l‘ilston said It holds .HIffcctcd
T'K students “to the saint standard as 'I
high school student lIIing at home
with his or her parents."

kinder the law passed Thursday by II
‘) -l \-'I'.‘ of the LexingtonIlsayettc
l'rban (‘IIIrnty (Iouncil. police are
given the right to stop and question
suspects loitering Inside public build-
ings and on streets iintil (I am. The
violator‘s p units are lined up to $44”.

levinLIton Police (Ihief lIarry
\\ IsIl h has said rising iuIenile crime




rates in the city made the measure nec~
\\'alsh acknowledged that the
would be
enforced on residents of lchington‘s
northern neighborhoods, such as “in-
burn, (lharlotte Court and Bluegrasss
.\spendIIle areas.
strongest advocates, seven—y ear (loun—

he said.

The curfew's loose structureuleffera
son said, permits young people to be
outside past the legal hours as long
they are not loitering and carry their
parents‘ written permission. lt is possi~
ble the :\(II .L' will consider litigation
against the city after its legal panel
reviews the ordinance. l‘ilston said.
certainly not
.Ictron) out at this point,"

\( Ill' lawyers will try to compare
It to a similar lawsuit the organization
which Is still pending, Iilston said.

problem," I lston said.
comes to my mind,


()nc of the law‘s

students being affected by the law.

“If I was their parent,
them at 2 am. to be on campus and not
roaming out on the street,"

In addition, lilston suggested that
['K could be responsible for students
law since many hie
away from parents. However, l'K legal
night there is little chance the Iurlew
could legally affect the L'niversii \'.

"In normal circumstances, the L'nr
I'ersity does not stand in loco parents
(liable) for these sorts of lIehIIIiors,"

who violate the
counsel l’aul
ruling (legal
T‘IlSlt)” said.

Henderson's curfew,

VanBooven said.

lhis thing Is a lot more complic It'
ed than saying there is a IIIIenilt c'-iiint
T hL' (Illt' Slllill
what is the nest
step on their agenda? They'ye dtcl II".
II Ir on the young pcople In this cl.t\
He warned that more UK students
could be affected III the future because
his statistics show that the maiority of

What the law says

Provrsrons of the curfew passed
I Thursday b, the Urban County Counorr
’ VII is illegal for anyone under 18 to “be
or remain In rzr upon any public assem-
bly. building, piace, street or highway
wrthrn the county at night” after I am.
Friday and Saturday nights and after it
pm Sundays through Thursdays.
VParents of those who Violate the cur-
few may be lined up to $449; juveniles
would not be punished, except for being
sent home
VExceptrons II: the curfew include;
when :he miner Is accompanied by
parent or guardian, when minor has
written notice signed by parent; job:
which cause the minor to stay out past
the curfew; and when the minor is
drévrng through the county.
VA police officer may stop and ques-
tion minors and request information
such as name. age, address and legal

l cffc rst In,

T‘ll expect

he said.

said last




Singletary: Centerii attention



Photos by JAMES CRISP Kmul rut]

SINGLE” “I” ()HI I}. Sing/«tan tiiiI to rho I. [III )- mar/1h rI/d gram/daughter :lddrirm the hrrwzt fruit illdlidted to
him Saturday m tht .Smglitru'y ( tutu /rII the. lnI hHlQ/tleljl' .I' il/Ii/w ltttlZ‘t’ an Ital/(mu) dcgveefiom Uly.


By April Hollon
.S'tI/fl ll'rrII-r

Some times called 3 .students' president, the results
of this I\ Singletarys 15‘ years hI'IIe left II lasting
impression on campus.

He Is still being honored for his achieIements
today Singlet Iry Is the only recipient of III honorary
degree fioin I K this year. lhe degree was IIpproIed
last we ck by the Board of Triistte.s He will receive
the degree after dc liIering the commencement
ad lr‘c ss It graduation ce remonie s III \lay

\nother tIIliIltt to Single tIIty s accomplishrrients
thro.rghout his administration was in the fortn of II
brori.e bust of the former administrator presented
Satin-la). III the President's Room ofthe()t1s;\. Sin—
gletar y Center for the Arts.

“ll l were to title the sculpture, it would be ‘l’illIir
of Knowledge,” said lidward 'l. lireatliitt III, the
artist of the bronze image.

’Ireathitt immortalized Singletary in bronze for
the first time in WS‘). But recently Breathitt revised
the sculpture. It took 3 months to make.

lIreathiit used the same photograph to create a
tnore life-like figure.

“I didn‘t think it had the strength and life charac—
tei th It ()tis portraysf Breathitt said.

But Singlet tary does not focus on his own efforts
Instead his interest lies with students.

Singletary is concerned with the economic crunch
which he sees as the biggest problem facing the stit—
dents tiItlIIy.

“ l be world Is changing fast and there are a limit—
ed amount of financial resources for unlimited need,"
Singletary said. “There is no simple solution to this
complex problem."

Singletary also said critics who say students are
apathetic now than in the past do not understand

ciI Itron.

Singletary was president during the demonstia
tions of the 197 (Is, which occurrcd on college c Irri-
piises across the nation.

\Vhen demonstrators gathered around B Irk»
er Hall city police Ind the \ational


that every generation is different.

“I have seen around three generations
of students pass through UK over the
years. They are all marvelous," said Siri-
gletary, with II glimmer ofoptimism in his

If he were starting his presidential
term today, Singletary said he would
decide what he could tackle in the imme»


Students are
the [Ie.I‘t part (If
my career:
There is (I

(iiiard were present I\rrcsts were made
and a fire ruined a classroom building on
I‘luclirl Avenue.

The eIerIt brought the campus to real-
ity, Singletary said.

Because of cuts III financial support
from the state, pr'iI .Iie donations be Illl'i'
important. .-\s .i result. buildings
erected that are still actively used today

‘.\ (' l‘k'

diate future and take off III that direction fem-c 0/. The IIucille I’Irrker _\i IILI-I- In, ,.r
“"h 3‘ “’l'd l’1 m .I‘Ililit‘filt'ffO/l (Ientei‘. the ‘Ttllill (IIIInc -. l ltInIaI-Irtres
Students are the ll“! l”rt "l my' ‘ (:(‘IIlt r', and the .\T‘III\\\ ell ll. (duck

career lhere is a sense of satisfaction
with my job thIt few people can say they
hIIIe," Singlet tary .sIIid

Singletary and his wi,fe (I'loria, have
stayed active in ciIic and community
activities, as well as being avid UK sports

with rltyer/I
thatjew people
am my they
have. "

l'Iquine Research (Icnter were made pos~
sible by donations from the people for
which they are named.

()iher achievements Include increasing
enrollment, growth of the Albert II.
(Ihandler .\ledrcal (Ienter, expanded the

fans since his retirement inblune of 1987. OllSFA. Singlitary Margaret I, King I rbrary, the SeIItIIn
.. I , , , 0mm- . I . . ~ ~ -
Singletary Increased student represen- PI-rcrdI-m (,enter. (Ioniiuonwealth .Stadiiini. Ind

tation in the University Senate. The Sen-


the Tobacco Research Institute.



ate membership was recast from five to 25

Also, the search committee for President Single-
tary's successor was expanded to include one UK stu»
dent, the president ofthe Student Government Asw—

Faith to he addressed lllll‘llll JBSIIS

By April Hollon
Stat] ll 'rrm'

\\ by do you lIelieIe what you do—
I his Is one of the lotus questions for lesus \w are
ness \\ eek, which rims from today through I riilay.

()ne (. hristian fatulty group will Ioin around II
doyen ( .hristian student groups in II cooper rIItiIe
effort to present an accurate portrayal of ( hrist and
(. hristians.

‘(I hristians are often misrepresented to seem less
than intellectually yiable ' said .\lark_lacus,(. ampus
Director of (.hristian Leadership Ministries.

During the week. seminars Wlll be given by live

I . '

scholars who have researched their fields and had
their faith strengthened.

The first 2; minutes of the seminar will be con»
tent. Remaining time will be donated to II question
and answer period.

The events will take place each day in the Student
(Ienter from noon to I p. III.

(In \\ ednesday, UK chemistrv professor David
Robertson will hold II session called “Faith In Rea-

Asbury (I ollege hilosophy professor Dr. Terry
\‘I alls will address t 8 question of how lesus can be
both (Ind and man.

Another seminar deals with the role of character


Singlttiry‘s suc'ttss In the arm of
eIteIrnIl funding and pin I'IlL gifts is still e:.\IdInt
Recently I gift of S (l illlll w is gryc u to the Singh t Iry
(Ienter for the Arts in honor of the h Irrner president
and his wife.

Awareness WEEK

and integrity in science Its seen by Doug Dahlinan,
UK entomology professor.

This is the first year for the week long celebration
even though advertisements have been run by faculty
III hopes ofraising lesus awareness.

lriday night {iflisiis the rIIoIie will be shown Iii
the Student ( eInter _lacus feels it is the most acIturIte
movie on (Ihrist and also the most faithful one to the

But what jacus finds to be most exciting is that
more than one group will be participating, including
the financial su Iport of local churches.

“This is a big cooperative Christian venture,"
jactis said.






Apr‘i/ m, 1995

o (III/rift“! 9

Z ’ . m. r till

I I I I. _ I II! 9 11:13pm"! 8

I )tt'enmm 2

.S‘poni 3





Women's rights
advocates march on 0.6.

\\'.\.Sl ll.\'( (I (I.\'


\Vouien's rights support—
ers rallied near the( III II yc'IstcrdIy to protest
".r Ilt rice I trust wonr " I term they applied
not only to I .Ipe and beIiI te ring but also to political
assaults on IIcllIIc spenrh. I‘ Iboition Ind affirma
tiI'c Ictloii.

Thous Inds of people spre Id across the \ational
.\lall for the foe hour rill .organi7ed by .\()\\'
and endorsed by more than fill Irroiips including
abortion rights supporters labor unions, civil rights
groups. gay and lesbian organI/ations, environuren~
tIIlists, socialists, victinis‘ rights advocates, and wel»
fare recipients.

White House working on Society Security

\\'.\Sl llN( I'l ( IN I IIe \\ lute Ilouse Is draft—
InLr plans to streainhn- Social Security by turning
sortie work our to pm In bu mess and by sta ger
ing the monthly in. IiImL i of retirement and disa )ility

Some critics say the blueprint overlooks Social
Security's most pressing problem: looming insol-
vency for the nationIl retirement system. ()thers
say giving lor~profit companies .1 piece of Social
Security's $381 billion budget is a privacy risk.

The proposed reforms are part of the Clinton
Idministration's push to “reinvent LIoI'IernmeiIt "
l he changes which could si\ e as much as $1 bil—
lioti oIer five years will be announced \\ ednesday.


Bush honored for military success

COLORADO Sl’lx‘l.\'(IS, (Solo. A— One war
met and one war \‘Jyt‘Ii carried former President
Bush a new award.

More than Kllllll taIlcts were on
hand Saturday at the ‘Ir: l'orce
;\cadeniy when flush recI-ryi d the
Thomas I). \Vbite \Iitional .\ward.
gi'Ien annually for srgrnt'r. .rnt m”-
tribiitions to the ILIIIHI‘IS deft-rise

“I went about Ipi Ibe‘ III! the h. Ird
way, liiisfi said m i sh I ' sp ccb.

‘\ow Tlll Iiirer an it .r or 'I d,
eytraorrlin .Irrly h. .ippy I!"l .i‘t". hon
oicd l "I prrIbIt I 'Iiit III I, Ie here old enough to
hive known (Ic n \\I

Bush was cited for h. . I.
the (Iold \\'.Ir .Illrl dirt IE‘, 'iI-

(,‘rIIII/‘I'It/I'. ‘




:.'r'il rrtrons at the end of
Ii.lf \I'ar.

,“ Hf): I7i



win their fifth
national title

By Stephen Trimble

Iii'i'cutrz'e I'II’IIHH'

You could thank Mickey Mouse, some crowded
rides and a best possible performance from L'K's
cheerleading team for winning a recor :‘fth Unr-
Iersal (Iheerleadcrs ASSUI'IIIIHIII Championship this

lt was, after all. l)ISIlt‘_‘ \\'or Id

('ompetition was Int: rise for the WI ms upon
thi IlIdi .InII loncs sound -' I' rt of the Disney- \l(I.\l
studios ( Inc flaw in one stunt dip or fall could haye
meant slipping from the wrnrwr s CII‘ClL to fifth
plat e. as the team t‘\II<." It't‘Ichl l.lsT year.

“('1 he Iit’cssiirci \Ic’lgl‘i‘ llitrI It .I lot." said UK
cheerleader lluntcr lleath. m .I phone interview
last night. “It g‘iy es y‘oii butterflies."

So in between practice and eyents, [‘K's team
soaked in the Orlando, l‘l.I., atmosphere. soothing
neryes by meeting Mickey .ind walking around the
mammoth theme park.

The results may
(Irunipy ‘s lice

‘BIIsrt .Ill\ wlIIt h. Ippcns is If you doing €\Cr_\"
thing I',Ight \oii re .II the top but that could be any
thing from first to third llcath said.

I K armed for. and found. perfection to take
home their first national championship since 1992
and the fifth since l‘f-‘is [its is also tlit’ only NCAA
team to have won the title back-toback years
(ionswn). '

“You want to keep that tradition going.

“The ['niversity' of Kentucky has such a great
pro rrani that we‘re always in the running."

’ ‘he teams were Iudged on .I Iideotape of their
performances throughout the season and various
events on the Disney \\'orld stage in front ofabout
Milli) people. The cheerleaders were supposed to
stifle their doubts, wear smiles and get the crowd
involved III their cheers

L'K placed first and posted Its own best score in
the \Ideotape performance. and followed by a flaw-
less eIecuiion in competition.

“Basically, what it comes down to is peaking at
the right time " IIeath s ..Iltl “That was the best time
we performed overall this year.

Heath said a number of seniors on the team were
strongly motiIated to win it all this year since UK
hadn't won since their freshman seasons.

lIIIIe even left .I smile on

" Heath

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“W Carrie


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.1111111‘1111's. 11.1.1' \11s1‘

.11111 1111.111

It11‘.111 1111111111111.1s

Carrot top chat an eye— opener

1.11111 lop l 1‘1‘.111 .1 1111111
111‘11sp.1p1‘1s 1111 to st. 11 on top 111
1111.11s111p 1.1111111111. 11 l .11 least
11.111‘ 11111, 111.1111e 1 1.111 comince
1111'111 111 11.111‘ 11111, 11111.

\1 this point. .1 111.11lIe stuck her
111'.11l 111 .11111 sai1l ”.\1e 11111 1111.11,

111' 1111111‘11 111s 111-.111 111 lIIs
lI.III1ls. “.\'11111111." he 1111lne1l.

1.1‘111'1‘11 11 111' 11.11111‘11 me to leave
.11111 111' 1),!11111‘1'111111'.Insteatlintro-
111111111,‘ 1111‘ 111 1111‘ 1'11.I1lie as 13.11
11.11'.1 \\.Ilt1‘1s. 11 “as .1 slwhtly
11111.111 11111 1 111.11'1‘11
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111111111 111“ lie" s1'l1tl1'l1'. 111' still
1111111'1 s11111e.sol 11pte1ltr1ti'rapiip


.\11-: .811, .11111'1111s1111,r 1'111111111'nts

(.ar'r111 'l11p 1 really 111111estl1'
11.111 .1 11l.Ist again. It's the quickest
l't'e e\e1' lieen 11.1111 111 .1 school.
1111‘ people 111‘1'1' .111‘ 111st rc.ill1'
1,1111111 l.1II_1.:h1‘1s. 'l 111:1 I'eall_1‘ seein

111111‘1‘11 111‘ 1111.

lt’s \‘11'1'11epi1‘1;.ss111



111p 11111‘s 11111 e.\iei11l 11.11‘11‘st. 'Ige.
11111111 111‘ 11.1s e\1I.IIIst1‘1l1r11i11tr.1

1 11111111 he prol1al1l1 hates reporters as
..sheesh. 1111.1
111lle11es1111lent 1111111 111111.111 wholinsterl

111111.11 .Is .1111 ce‘1111rit1' 11111

1111' .Iss (111r less than $1 an hour) to
1171‘ the 1111111‘111.111‘s return.

.\l.1_1l11‘ 11's unrealistic to think (‘L'ltfltrl'


l’m‘c‘” CARROT "1P 11111211171111 ( I\ [Tn/1111.11llmmrmH 111

111.11 1111‘ I11111111s1111111111‘11l( ..1rr11t WW getting/111114111111I'M/11112.

4111.1 1111/ 1'111111111‘1


luke s on me


.1111 1../Ito) Curr/1'111117711111 111117111111


ties 11ille1'erIppi'eciate1111s11'1n111111111111,t
111111l1ealittle111ore 111r1lial it 11111 1111111111
.\l1'inter1'iev\ uith the rising star 11' .is 1 s11l
crossover into the threshold 111 re‘ 1.1111.

benefit a

‘11 111 1. 11 .1

, ()11-1 1'111111‘111111‘ 1111'111‘1111111 .11
1 1111‘ \\ 11111.1.11'1‘ 1111 \Itiii'ila} 111
111‘.ii' 11 l 1‘\1111.‘t111111.1111ls111.1111n‘
11‘11 111‘111-11' 1111 1111‘ Bluegrass
\\'111‘t \\'.It1h
i “\\'1-\11‘11‘11111111111.111‘111.I1le.1
. s11111‘ss oi the program and 11111
1111111111,‘ 111111‘1'1111‘ \\.is reached,"
‘ s.111l 11’11111‘11 1111.111.11111111‘11111111
t111‘s1111l1‘111 group

1111‘ .1111‘111111111 concert 11.1s
1 11111-11111.111.1111‘s.1111ll.1st1‘111111t11w
1 11 1111111111‘11 p1‘ 1"1111111.11111s 111
’ '111111‘.11111.\'11.111‘\lIss .\1‘ls11nIs
1 \11ss1111,‘. Stranulinaitin. l)1‘ep 511'
l .111111'111s1‘11\xithaperl11r111.1111e111
' (..It.1\1.1111pus.

‘l 111‘ 1‘11‘111111.(


1 ‘ concert also
i 1111 111111-11 pt‘1'1111'111an1'1‘s 111' .‘\.111.17
I 11th (11.111‘. (hie Sea. l.i1111‘ Shy.
511.1111' 'lree .\le('lt‘.lltlt‘, 111111 was
1 1111s1-1l 111111 .I p1‘t'1'11rin‘ance 111'
1 (1r1111\'1'/ill.l.
l 1111' \Vt‘iichlage tlttn.ltL‘(l the
I space 1111 the benefit concert.
\\'r11cl1'l.1ge III.ItI.1_1,rer Dave Butler
said. The \Vrocklage has always
1 1111111111‘11 organi/ations with '.1
1 111.111‘ 1111' 111‘111‘1its 111 the past.


Lexington audience crowns Cash a comeback king

By Jacob Clabes

film/1' (.11/1'1



\\'Itl(1 11111re 111.111 1; _1'ears 1111 the music
scene (.Ish has come .1 long: “11' 1111111 1111‘
Blacklaml cotton lielils 1111)1'e.ss \rk.1l1'1,‘111
111s st 111 'slItLIlt‘lL’ Hospel songs with 111s mother
on the porch 111 their home.

1111111 that humlile11eginning.(:ash 111111111

RCL'lllRllligs llIs .111111s1i1' selections 1111111 the
1111111111 [11111111 111 111.‘ 1111' most 1‘111‘1'1111‘ anil sim»

ll1' 11s1‘1l i1 \1 ell \\ 1111 the selections “Delhi’s
14111111 11inc.(..1sh's \1111 1'11.1s1111l1'g11111‘l1lk‘ttel’
11 1111 age. l’.1iI'1‘1l 111111 111s talent for always 111111-
ing the right \1111‘11s. the sl11)\\' is always packs .1


11 111.11' 111.1 11.111‘ 111‘1‘111piite 11111 11" .11s 11111
1'11111'111111111t11‘ll that 111 111s111”"1s1111e.\s;111_1
[11"11111“111ei(.1s11 1s 111111111‘1111111 11111111111111111‘
\11111.11'1'11\11l111 i11111i111,1 1.111s. lloweter.th1‘re
is in 1.111 more 111 this perlorinei'.

\Vhethet' he 1., |11\1‘1l 111' 11.111‘11. respect 1111
his .Ic1'11tnplishin1-111s and his honesty to his

1111111111 (lash has pron-11 that coineliacks

’l he phrase “Hello. l‘111_l111111n_1‘ ( ..Ish." 1111-11
.111 111.1111111 1111' The H.111 in lilaclx'as he111tt'o~
11111'1‘11 lIIIIIsell to the IntiIIIate 11111111 111 less rise 111 IIIusical s't 111111111 le.1111n<,,r to in11ucti11ns
111.111 4.111111 .11 .\le111111‘i.1| (i11lise11111 'l hIirs1l‘.11' into the Songwriters Hall 111 1‘ .‘11111 1111 1111111
1111'111 .11111 l\11ll Hall 1111 atne.111111111-(11111111'1 \lusi1

1.11‘1111111111111111111'.‘11111.Ilterai'1111sii1ui‘eir llall 1111.11116. lle Is the 111111 1111111,r artist to
111111111111 l'uls11111 1’1'Is11n Blues " 111.11 pr1111‘1l hold these three honors.
1111s 11 iiisi1 11' 1‘1‘1111 111in 1 lost it .1111‘1' 1.11 these .-\ \\e'lcoine addition to the perloi'niance 11.1s
11‘I.1‘s the appearance 111‘111111‘(Larter(’.tsh 1.1111 the

(lash 1113,1111 111s return to the music scene 111 (Larter 1.1111111 lune ( .Irter ( ash 11‘ 1s .1 11111111
-\pI'Il 111 last 1'1 .11 111111 the re.‘l1.1se 1111111‘ .111111111 mm 111 Southern hospitalit_1 .11111 ("1111111 i'1‘li11'
.111/111.1111[111111111111111111.11111111111111111'11 rose 111 rolle1lint1111ne.

1111- 11111111111 .1 laiue1111111111111;1111111‘1‘111111uer 'l he highlight ofthe show came with (lash‘s
111: 111‘ ration 111111 .11'1‘ 111.11111 111' the pe rioriner s selections 1111111 his latest album. American


The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations
wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special events and sporting events. must have all
information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.

JAMES CRISP “. run-1 '..“t
TRUE REBEL] 1111.1 1 .11} 11.1 .1.[/'//11.11/11m1'1t.1.‘/11/"1.."11'11/14 ./ 11.1141. 11/11'1‘

7.1.111 ‘ 1111/1 ['1'11I'1/1 [1111“..1’111 1111,1111 111 1‘11. 11.11! ..t \1111/11'u/l'f111'11 11m







—Uncle Sam Wants You! Finding Govt
Employment. sponsored by UK Career Ctr.
10.00-10:SOam. Rm 201 Mathews Bldq.
2572746 _ ,_ ,,
-Counc1| on Aging/Donovan Scholars
Program presents Rev. Robert McClure'
Early Man, 4.00-5:00pm, Rm. 230 Student Bldg, s93}. S6 , , ,,7,__-___
Ctr 257 8314 spI (Im iUI NTS
-SAB PR/Campus Network Committee Mtq
$99111 Rm. 203 Student Ctr. __,_ __....
sptam EUINTS

-SAB lnterVIews

iRlDltil Ll/l‘I

RRTS f. mllUIf S

Gallery Senes. A Look at Lextngton's Past
An Architectural Commentary, 1200110011.
E§.a|_C‘ia_l|§o;flrmeraty North. FREE
-UK Theatre' “Jesus Christ. Superstar.“

8 00pm GUIgnol Theatre. Fine Arts Bldg .


~UK Ballroom Dance Sorziety Dance

Lessons. 7'00-8200pm Beginners. 8 OO-

9'00pin Nov1ce. Buell Armory Dance

Studio. FREE. CALL. Beth 257.2873.

Latin 8. Ballroom Social Dances- Partner

1191.1911111'1211. 11111.111‘112191 .
S Dll RT S

~UK Worrien's 1811111.) vs Arkansas.
2 31113111 Lex111qton KY

-UK M111s.131.1.-ba.11 vs Marshall
6.00pm, Lexuiqtori. KY

511111121191 lI/ 15


-»UK Theatre: “Jesus Christ. Superstar."
8'00pm. Guiqnol Theatre. Fine Arts


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.
69.02111-.. _


‘UK Outdoor Track. UK lndiaHa/SIU‘
Carbondalc 1.930111193le
~UK Women‘s Tennis vs. MISSISSIppl
State, 1'00prn; Starkv1lle, MS
VUK Men's Baseball vs. Tennessee.
2:00pm. 12.95.010me



UliDNiSDllil l1/12

Sllllblti' lI/ 16



Vis111ng Writers. Series Limestone
Reading > 7 a” ,
C1'1 ntrollin; Test Armety' sponsored by

























l 1111. UK counselmg CU‘ 1 30 3 00pm. $95 $6 .. . ~7~Cathol1c Mass at the Newman Center.
1 mflNDny I‘I/lfl , . . 11n_t_er Theater . 11111203 Frazee Hall. FREE. CALL 257- -N1|es 3"an Quanet 8 00pm Recital 11311.9 00 81 “303",. 5:92} 8.30pm
‘ ”It I tian 1. |1( l um s 1.567.,_,-__,._,,A_,,__ Smoletaw c"; FREE
1‘ .. ., . .1 ‘ . ‘ 1 \ , 11 Ctr 1111 Computational SCIENCES pre- SprInl. [ U" N15 RI