xt7np55dcg6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7np55dcg6p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1977 Rupp Arena, Lexington (Ky.) athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Men) UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1976-1977) programs players coaches Hall, Joe B. Rupp Arena UK vs. University of Florida (February 14, 1977) Riley, Pat Ledford, Cawood rosters statistics schedules Wildcat Tipoff: Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt, February 5, 1977 text Wildcat Tipoff: Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt, February 5, 1977 1977 2012 true xt7np55dcg6p section xt7np55dcg6p Kentucky vs Vanderbilt Saturday, February 5,1977 Est. Price $ .95 Tax .05 Souvenir Program $1.00 Tax .05 f I Wildcat TIPOFF... 11 22 23 24 27 38 44 48 Governmental Officials Governor of the CommonwealthJulian M. Carroll and Mayor of Lexington-Fayette County GovernmentH. Foster Pettit and the Urban County Council. University of Kentucky President Dr. Otis A. Singletary and Athletic Director Cliff Hagan; UK's athletics department and coaching staff. Wildcats University of Kentucky Wildcats 1976-77eleven players who make up an exciting team. Meet the Cats Johnson, Casey, Givens, Claytor, Shidler, Haskins, Lee, Stephens, Williams, Robey and Phillipsin action. This Week's SEC A listing of Southeastern Conference teams and their opponents this week. "Cawood Reflects" Cawood Ledford, "Voice of the Wildcats" about Wildcats of the past. Scorecard Keep up with the action-and personal fouls. reminisces -tally field goals, free throws Opponent Meet tonight's visting team, coaches, and "players to watch"; also here is general information about the school and its administration. UK Sports Information Department When you need information about Kentucky athletics, Russell Rice and Jack Perry have the answers. Rupp Arena Information on first aid, cardiac care, lost and found, gate information, court regulations, public address and general ticket policy. Code of Sportsmanship The Student Government Association of the University of Kentucky has adopted six rules of conduct for intercollegiate athletics. Wildcat Tipoff, the official Lexington Center program for University of Kentucky basketball, is published by Lexington Productions, Inc., 177 N. Upper Street, Suite 2F, Lexington, Kentucky 40507. Telephone 233-3533 4 University Archives Margaret !. King Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 405p6 Cliff Hagan s Ribeye Relaxed dining in an ALL AMERICAN atmosphere. Select Choice Western Beef Steaks. Watch them s-i-z-z-l-e on our open hearth charcoal grill. Choose from over 26 condiments for your salad. Tempting Beverages'. Served from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. for all home games. Now in five locations 941 Winchester Road Lexington, Kentucky Phone: 253-0750 Franklin Square Mall Frankfort, Kentucky Phone: 227-2380 Louisville, Kentucky #1 Hurstbourne Park (502) 425-0418 Columbus, Indiana 2506 25th Street Phone: (812) 376-6410 Clarksville, Indiana 513 E. Highway 131 (812) 282-9824 1 H. FOSTER PETTIT Mayor Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government H. FOSTER PETTIT served two years as mayor of the City of Lexington and was a leader in the consolidation of the city and county governments. He was elected mayor of the Urban County Government in November 1973. President of the Kentucky Municipal League for 1976, Mayor Pettit is also active with the U. S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities. He was awarded the Optimist Cup in 1976 and the Chamber of Commerce Citizen-of-the-Ycar citation for 1975. As chief executive of the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, the mayor is authorized to supervise, administer and control all departments of government. The mayor is elected on a non-partisan basis every four years. He is responsible for the proper administration of all services of the government. He is assisted principally by the Chief Administrative Officer and commissioners of the six departments. A native of Lexington, he is an attorney who served three terms as a state representative. He resides on Richmond Road with his wife, Marion, and four sons. JULIAN M. CARROLL Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky JULIAN MORTON CARROLL became Kentucky's 58th governor on December 28, 1974, succeeding Wendell H. Ford, who was elected to the U. S. Senate. Carroll then won a full four-year term in the 1975 general election. Born in McCracken County in 1931, he attended Paducah Junior College after graduating from Heath High School. He was graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1954 and received his law degree from UK in 1956. Before becoming governor, Carroll served three years as lieutenant governor and ten years as a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives. He is an active member of the Optimist Club and a former Jaycee. He attained the highest office in Kentucky for laymen of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1966-67 when he was named moderator of the Kentucky Synod. The Governor and his wife, Charlann, have four children. 2 Lexington Urban County Council Scotty BaeslerVice Mayor COUNCILMEN AT LARGE J. Farra Van Meter William Hoskins DISTRICT 1 O. M. Travis, Jr DISTRICT 2 Robert Finn DISTRICT 3 William Bingham DISTRICT 4 Pamela Miller DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT UArrxTrC DISTRICT 5 Mary Mangione 6 Darrell Jackson 7 Eleanor Leonard 8 Dr. William Lyons 9 William Ward 10 Donald Blevins 11 Paul Rose 12 Howard Palmer WKYT-TV Stick with the winners. WHETHER IT'S ACTION /MAKING OR ACTION REPORTING TUNE IN TO CHANNEL 27 FOR THE BEST IN EACH. BECAUSE CONCISE COl/ERAGE IS ONE H/AY H/E STRIl/E TO BE A R4RT OF YOUR LIFE. The Joe Hall Show SUNDAY EVENINGS Al 6-30 NewsCenter 27 DMLY NT 5.30, 600, & 11:00 3 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LOCATIONLexington, Kentucky FOUNDED1865 ENROLLMENT20,549 (on campus) 17,000 (at 13 Community Colleges) HOME ARENARupp Arena NICKNAMEWildcats CONFERENCESoutheastern PRESIDENTDr. Otis A. Singletary ATHLETIC DIRECTORCliff Hagan HEAD COACHJoe B. Hall Dr. Otis A. Singletary University of Kentucky President Now in his eighth year as president of the University of Kentucky, DR. OTIS A. SINGLETARY is a Mississippian whose route to the Bluegrass State curled through Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina and Washington, D. C. He came to Lexington from a position as University of Texas vice-chancellor for academic affairs. Previously, in Washington, he had been director of the U. S. Job Corps in the early stages of its development before moving to the American Council on Education as vice-president. He had gone to the capital in 1964 after three years as chancellor of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The UNC appointment terminated Dr. Singletary's first association with the University of Texas, this a seven-year stay that saw him, as a young historian, rise rapidly in rank from instructor to full professor and begin the shift to administrative work, first as associate dean and later as assistant to the president. The Kentucky president, and his wifethe former Gloria Walton, met when both were students at Millsaps College. He later earned master's and doctoral degrees at Louisiana State. The Singletarys have two daughters, Bonnie and Kendall, and a son, Scott. Cliff Hagan Director of Athletics "I've been preparing for this all my life," CLIFF HAGAN said before taking over as athletics director at the University of Kentucky in 1975. Hagan succeeded Harry Lancaster as director after serving as assistant director for three years. Hagan's path to the athletics directorship began in Owensboro, Kentucky, where he established a then state high school tournament record of 41 points in leading Owensboro to victory over Lafayette in the championship game of the 1949 state high school tournament. . At UK, he played on teams that won 86 of 91 games and an NCAA championship (1951). The 1954 team, undefeated in 25 games, elected not to participate in the national tournament. / 1 wmmmm mm BRAND NEW 1 977 $5,379.00 Equipped with: Air Conditioning Power Steering Power Disc Brakes Soft-Ray Glass Deluxe Wheel Covers Whitewall Radial Tires and more. YOU SEE, OUR PRICES REALLY ARE THE LOWEST! Q&rtie GStuigiU gMotor Companyrlijc. 129 East High Street Uxington. Kentucky 405071606) 254-3401 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY R. C. PROPERTIES P.O. BOX 948 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40501 PHONE (606) 252-8997 Woodhill Circle Plaza Shopping Center New Circle Road Lexington, Ky. Gainesway Shopping Center Centre Parkway Lexington, Ky. Compliments of BAUMANN PAPER CO., INC. The Golden RuleSeven Days a Week 26 Years and Still Growing! P.O. Box 11 74 Lexington, Ky. 40501 Telephone: 252-8891 855 Manchester Street I Lexington FINANCE CO. LOANS UP TO $7,500 LEXINGTON'S OLDEST FINANCE COMPANY 1. Loans From $25 Up To $7,500. Industrial Loans Up To $7,500. 2. Fast...one hour service. 3. Sensible terms arranged to lit your income. 4. Small Loans Up To $1,200. 5. Dependable Service Since 1919. 254-3881 T.C. QUISENBERRY, Mgr. 110W SHORT LEXINGTON KY 5 Coaching DICK PARSONS DICK PARSONS, in his fifth year as Joe B. Hall's No. 1 assistant, returned to the University as baseball coach in 1969. Before giving up his position to join basketball on a full time basis, he molded a team (1971) which established or tied 15 school records. LEONARD HAMILTON Much of Kentucky's defensive prowess on the court can be credited to the talent of LEONARD HAMILTON, a third year assistant, who came to UK after three years as an assistant at Austin Peay State University. JIM LONG A native of Detroit, Michigan JIM LONG joined the UK staff last vpnr as innior varsity coach and scout. In addition to his coaching duties, Long lends his talents to recruiting, scouting and directing UK's summer basketball camp. Joe B. Hall University of Kentucky Wildcats Head Basketball Coach JOE B. HALL'S record as Wildcat head coach for the past four years stands at 79-36. During the 1976 season his team won the National Invitational Tournament and ended the year with a 20-10 record. Hall became No. 1 varsity assistant and head freshman Coach to Rupp after Harry C. Lancaster was named permanent athletic director Feb. 1, 1969. His record with the freshmen was 60-15, including an undefeated (22-0) season (1971-72) which resulted in the Kittens being crowned National Freshman Champions by the Basketball News. During his first season as head coach, the Wildcats won their last nine conference games to sew up the SEC title. His ten-year coaching record is 155-92. Broken down, it shows a 57-50 five-year mark at Regis, a 19-6 record at Central Missouri, and a 79-36 four-year record at Kentucky. A popular personality on the clinic and convention circuits, Hall also has had much international exposure. In addition to the Globetrotters tour in 1951, and the "Down Under" tour in 1974, he has helped conduct basketball clinics for the U.S. Army in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska (1968) and at Ramstein Air Base in Frankfurt, Germany and the RAF Base at Mildenhall, England in 1975. He also was Olympic Trials coach under Hank Iba at the Air Force Academy in July 1972 and is a member of the 1976 Olympic Basketball Committee. Congratulations to the Wildcats from Huber, Hunt and Nichols, Inc. General Contractors ROY DON WILSON Trainer Entering his seventh year at UK is ROY DON WILSON, who came to the University after serving two years as trainer at The Citadel. A native of Texas, he is a graduate of Amon Carter Riverside High in Fort Worth. He received his B.S. degree from Texas A & M with a major in physical education and a minor in business. He is married to the former Patricia Jane Cotter of Houston. They have a son and a daughter. WALT McCOMBS Trainer Returning to UK after a three-year absence during which he served in a similar capacity at Clemson University is WALT McCOMBS. Assigned primarily to basketball, Mc-Combs also works with Wilson on the football field. A native of Belton, S. C, McCombs is a graduate of Parker High School and a 1971 graduate of The Citadel, where he was student trainer for four years. He was assistant trainer at UK in 1972 and '73. He is married to the former Shelby Burris of Belton. International Harvester Co. 1105 Industry Road Lexington, Kentucky 252-3512 Enjoy the finest The Springs Motel offers you the very finest. Dining, dancing, music by the Bob Eckler Trio, modern accommodations, rooms for private parties. 2020 South Broadway 277-5751 Hear all U.K. Wildcat action on WHAS Radio 84 with one of America's Premier Sportscasters, Cawood Ledford. Brought to you by: F.B. Purnell Sausage Co. Mrs. Grissoms Salads Kentucky Machinery, Inc. Cliff Hagan's Ribeye in Hurstbourne Park 8 1976-77 University of Kentucky Wildcats Front Row (left to r.ght): Coach Joe Hall; Dwane Ca.ey; Jay Shidler; Larry John.on (Co-Captain) Stephen.; Truman Claytor; Dick Par.on,, A..i.tant Coach. Top Row: Tripp R.Z Manager; Jack Given.; .LaVon W.lham.; Mike Phillip.; Rick Robey; Jame. Lee; Merion Ha.kin. (Co-Captam); Leonard Hamilton, A..i.tant Coach; Walt McCombs, Trainer. STEAKS 1HH2WSE U.S.D.A. CHOICE' WESTERN BEEF Lexington Center Broadway Western Sizzlin mm ? 1224 HARRODSBURG RD. - LEXINGTON 1976-77 NUMERICAL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY BASKETBALL ROSTER NO. NAME POS. CLASS HT. WT. AGE EXP. HOMETOWN 12 Larry Johnson G Sr. 6- 3 205 22 3L Morganfield, Ky. 20 Dwane Casey G So. 6- 2 195 19 1L Morganfield, Ky. 21 Jack Givens F Jr. 6- 4 205 22 3L Lexington, Ky. 22 Truman Claytor G So. 6- 1 173 20 1L Toledo, Ohio 25 Jay Shidler G Fr. 6- 1 185 19 - Lawrenceville, 111. 30 "Merion Haskins F Sr. 6- 4 205 21 2L Campbellsville, Ky. 31 Tim Stephens F-G Fr. 6- 3 175 18 - Stearns, Ky. 32 James Lee F Jr. 6- 5 230 21 2L Lexington, Ky. 34 La Von Williams F-C Fr. 6- 6 200 18 Denver, Colo. 53 Rick Robey F-C Jr. 6-10 235 21 2L New Orleans, La. 55 Mike Phillips C Jr. 6-10 235 20 2L Akron, Ohio ""Kyle Macy G So. 6- 3 175 19 Peru, Ind. "Co-captains ""Transferwill sit out year. Now interviewing sophomores for management opportunities The United States Army is interviewing sophomores for future positions as Army officers. Applicants are required to participate in a six-week summer program at Fort Knox, Ky., to quality for college ROTC courses next year. Pay for the six weeks is nearly $500, plus travel, room and board. Students who complete this summer training and enter ROTC as juniors will accept active duty and reserve obligations upon graduation. For an interview appointment, contact: Keith L. Skidmore Rm. 101 Barker Hall University of Kentucky 258-2696/2897 the I stop Cameras and The Mall at Lexington Center 10 Meet The Cats " Larry Johnson 12 Co-Captain STATISTICS Position: Guard Class: Senior Height: 6'3" Weight: 205 Age: 22 Major: Recreation Management mm THE PERFECT GIFT DIAL 277-6151 [master charge] Open 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. Daily FREE PARKING LOT IN REAR LAFAYETTE SHOPPING CENTER WE DELIVER FUNERAL FLOWERS HOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS CORSAGES - PLANTS CUT FLOWERS HAROLD C. CASE - MRS. JOHN F. LYONS SasUy & flelniss 1997 HARRODSBURG RD. LEXINGTON, KY. 11 Dwane Casey 20 STATISTICS Position: Guard Class: Sophomore Height: 6'2" Weight: 195 Age: 19 Major: Arts and Sciences Let's Go Cats! Congratulations to the Wildcats & the Civic Center a great Kentucky team. W.M. AlbrightKay B. Albright 1408 Versailles Road Dial (606) 255-5435 Lexington, Kentucky 40504 Serving the Horse Industry Since 1868 Good Luck KENTUCKY WILDCATS LEO'S FAMOUS OYSTERS Fresh From The Coast! / \ Oysters / Oyster J o U ' V Eaters Make / Onrimp V \ Better Lovers / Fish \ / Lobster Go Big / Blue / 825 Lane Allen Rd. Lexington, Ky. Carry-out 278-2402 12 STATISTICS Position: Guard Class: Sophomore Height: 6'1" Weight: 173 Age: 20 Major: Arts and Sciences Kentucky's Largest Stereo Store 606-254-1379 502-491-9645 407 South Limestone Embassy Square Lexington Louisville Across from U.K. Off Hursborne Lane ^ all vehicles air-conditioned ? economical rates - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly t major credit cards accepted t free local customer pick-up and return ? rates qualify for insurance replacement ? 15 passenger vans ? local and out-of-town reservations 308 SOUTH BROADWAY ACROSS FROM LEXINGTON CENTER 2334280 i i Jay Shidler 25 YOU WANT IT WHEN?! Do you ever get laughed at when you need a RUSH printing or duplicating job? Next time try . . . QUICK COPY SERVICE 1485 Alexandria Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40504 (606) 254-571 6 ... we understand deadlines! "Jerry & Linda Sheridan invite you to a refreshing visit with our personal touch' THE CANTINA LOUNGE Woodhill Shopping Center Game Time, Anytime Let Us Help You Unwind 15 Good Luck to the Wildcats" Claiborne Farm Paris, Kentucky 16 Home of Friendly Service and Fine Fashion 5 Kentucky Locations: Corbin Frankfort Harlan Mt. Sterling Winchester 17 KEYSTONE WINDOW SALES 597 NEW CIRCLE RD. N.E. 26 YRS. IN EXTERIOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS SIDINGS, AWNINGS, STORMS, PATIO COVERS, GLASS AND/OR SCREEN ENCLOSURES A WEATHER TIGHT HOUSE TO START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Compliments of Hurstland Farm (Nuckols Brothers) Spring Station Pike Midway, Kentucky Hong Kong Pavilion PAvii m ;>r. CHINESE CUISINE CANTONESE, S/.ECHUAN, AND MANDARIN MON. - FRI. 1 1:30 AM - 1 1:00 PM SAT. 4 PM - 12 PM / SUN. 11:30 AM - 10 PM 120 S. UPPER 2 BLOCKS FROM I.EX. CENTER NEAR VINE tc UPPER OPEN BEFORE OR AFTER THE CAME PH. 252-4747 DOROTHEA L. CLARK, REALTOR A NAME LEXINGTONIANS KNOW AND TRUST FOR ALL THEIR REAL ESTATE NEEDS 109 WALTON AVE. 233-1595 WVLK RADIO 59 PLAYS BALL WHERE ALL IS SAID 81 DONE what s going on at FEBRUARY LECTURES 8 TUESDAY Sanders-Brown Lecture Series, "Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation," Dr. Mark B. Ravin, professor and chairman, Department of Anesthesiology, U. K. College of Medicine. UK Student Center Theater, 4 pm. Fee and open to the public. Sponsored by the UK Council on Aging. 24 WEDNESDAY "The Role of the National Accounting Association in Formulating Accounting Principles," Herbert C. Knortz, executive vice president and controller, ITT Corporation. Distinguished Speaker Series sponsored by Price Waterhouse & Co. and the UK Department of Accounting. Rm. 108, Commerce Building, 2 pm. Free and open to the public. 9 WEDNESDAY Patterson Literary Society will present readings in the Rare Book Room, King Library North. Directed by Karen Roloff, UK Department of Human Communications. 10 am. Free and open to the public. THEATRE 18, 19, 24, 25, AND 26 "Kaspar," avant-garde theatre. The play is purely theatrical. It explores the autobiography of an adolescent who is thought to have grown up in a closet. The play examines the difference between language and behavior. Cuignol Theatre, 8 pm. General Admission $3.50. UK students with I.D. cards, $2.50. CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR WOMEN 2 WEDNESDAY ''Women and Prescription Drugs," Seminar presented by Mary Ellen King, project director for Alternatives for Women office in Lexington. UK Alumni Gym Lounge, Noon to 1 pm. Free and open to the public. 9 WEDNSDAY Book review, "Passages," by Gail Sheehy, reviewed by Dr. Lisa Barclay, UK College of Home Economics, and Dr. Patricia Halliday, UK Department of English, President's Room, Student Center, Noon to 1 pm. Free and open to the public. 16 WEDNESDAY Informal counseling session with Dr. Louise Dutt, UK Counseling and Testing Center, UK Alumni Gym, Noon to 1 pm. Free and open to the public. CONCERTS (Free and open to the public) 3 THURSDAY UK Jazz Band, Thomas Brawner, directing, Memorial Hall, 8:15 pm. 4 FRIDAY John Prine, country and folk music singer, Student Center ballroom, 8 pm. Admission $4. Buy tickets in Rm. 203, Student Center, from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. 6 SUNDAY The Phil Keaggy Band, Memorial Hall, 2 pm. Advance tickets $3; $3.50 at door. Tickets available at Kennedy Book Store, 405 South Limestone. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. 9 WEDNESDAY Solo recital. Gordon Cole, flute, Memorial Hall, 8:15 pm. 17 THURSDAY UK Jazz Ensemble, Vincent DiMartino, directing, Memorial Hall, 8:15 pm. 20 SUNDAY Concord trio (three musical instruments in concert), Memorial Hall, 8:15 pm. 27 SUNDAY Wind Ensemble, Harry Clarke, conducting, Memorial Hall, 3 pm. 28 MONDAY UK Percussion Ensemble, David Davenport, directing, Memorial Hall, 8:15 pm. EXHIBITS 3-20 Art exhibit, "Directions for a University Art Collection: Part One." Noon to 5 pm daily. Art gallery, UK Fine Arts Building. Free and open to the public. BASKETBALL 5 SATURDAY UK vs. Vanderbilt, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center, 7:30 pm. 12 SATURDAY UK vs. Auburn, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center, 7:30 pm. 14 MONDAY UK vs. Florida, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center, 7:30 pm. 20 SATURDAY UK vs. Alabama, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center, 4 pm (televised). 28 MONDAY UK vs. Mississippi State, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center, 7:30 pm. UK LADY KATS (Admission $2, admission by I.D. card to UK Students, Faculty and Staff) UK Lady Kats vs. Western, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 14 MONDAY UK Lady Kats vs. Northern Kentucky, Rupp Arena, Lexington Center 4:45 pm. (Preliminary to men's varsity game. Varsity game ticket required for admission) 21 MONDAY UK Lady Kats vs. Mt. St. Joseph (Ohio), Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 22 TUESDAY UK Lady Kats vs. Morehead, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 24 THURSDAY UK Lady Kats vs. University of Louisville, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. WOMEN'S ATHLETICS 16 WEDNESDAY UK women's gymnastics team vs. Eastern Kentucky University, Seaton Center, 4 pm. Free admission. 19 SATURDAY Indoor track meet with Morehead State University, Seaton Center, 9 am to 1 pm. Free admission. WRESTLING (General admission $1. UK Students, Faculty and Staff admitted free with I.D. card) 8 TUESDAY UK vs. Tennessee, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 16 WEDNESDAY UK vs. Indiana, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 17 THURSDAY UK vs. LSU, Memorial Coliseum, 7:30 pm. 19 Wildcats Of The Past PAT RILEY The honors which came to the wearer of jersey no. 42 during the seasons of 1965-67 would probably fill a book, but Pat Riley's biggest honor was being a Kentucky Wildcat. Personally signed by Coach Rupp, to whom Riley confided that he had always wanted to come to Kentucky to play basketball "since I was a young kid." Pat remembered seeing and hearing about the great UK teams of the early fifties who visited New York and the East. During an outstanding, three-year career at Schenectady's Linton High School, Riley alternated between guard, center and forward and scored an even 1,000 points. In his final schoolboy season he connected on an average of 29.5 and went over 40 in each of the final four games. Riley, at 6'SVz", played at the forward position on the Wildcat team but jumped center at both opening and half-time of each game. During the 1965-66 season he lost only 3 of 58 taps. During Pat's sopmhomore year the Cats posted a 15-10 record and Riley scored on the average of 15 points. During the next season, 65-66, Riley, Louie Dampier, Thad Jaracz, Tommy Kron and Larry Conley were soon tagged "Rupp's Runts" because the tallest member of the team (Jaracz) was 6'5". Riley had a fine game against Notre Dame in Freedom Hall, scoring 36 points and hold ing Irish scoring ace Jim Monahan to seven points in Kentucky's 103-69 win. Kentucky finished the season with only one lossto Tennessee and advanced to the regionals of the NCAA tournament. In the first game Pat scored 29 points against Dayton and repeated the performance the following night to boost the Cats into the semi-finals. In the Duke game, Riley injured a toe on his right foot but did not mention it to the team physician. That combined with a back injury received in a water skiing accident at Herrington Lake kept Pat in constant pain the following year. According to Russell Rice's "Big Blue Machine": "He took pills for relief in the daytime and was strapped with weights and pulleysin tractioneach night. Rupp thought about holding him out of competition, but he needed even a sub-par Riley that year." "Soon as Pat warmed up, he would come over to the bench," Rupp said. "He would say, 'Coach, I haven't got it tonight,' or 'I'm going to be all right'." Shortly after the season was over, Pat underwent surgery for the removal of two slipped discs in his back. Pat wrote to Russell Rice: "I remember the year that we almost won it all and Coach Rupp and,I were going up to Schenectady, New York, for 'Pat Riley Day' in which he came for nothing. He would always do something for his boys if you ever needed it. I believe he really felt deeply for us all but had to keep this hard shell around himself to maintain discipline. Anyway when we were on the plane he asked me if I needed anything and I said, 'No'. He asked if there was anything special he should say at the banquet or to my parents and I said 'No'. He asked me if there was any cash in my pockets and I said, 'No'. So knowing Coach Rupp and how he was about any of his boys getting something extra other than what their scholarships called for, I was greatly surprised when the pulled out a $50 bill and said, 'Here, in case you have to buy your cronies some Cokes at home'. He is a great man." Pat's career at Kentucky was filled with honors: he ranked ninth in the list of top all-time Kentucky scorers for a varsity careerduring his three years in a Wildcat uniform he played in 80 games and compiled 1,464 points for an average of 18.3. In 1966 Pat was the top regular season scorer with an average of 21.6. He and Louie Dampier tied for the Chandler Trophy in 1967, in '65 he received the Kiwanis 110 Percenter Award, was All-SEC in '65 and '66, on the All-NCAA tournament team in '66 and was named the Most Valuable Player in the NCAA Regional tourney the same year. Pat has one little mentioned honor, he holds the record for the most personal fouls for three seasons394. According to Coach Rupp, Pat Riley was "one of the most complete athletes I ever coached." After graduation, Riley played professional basketball with the Los Angeles Lakers and was then traded to the Phoenix Suns. He retired at the end of last season and presently lives in the Los Angeles area. Mail will reach him through the Lakers office: Pat Riley, Los Angeles Lakers, P. O. Box 10, Englewood, Calif. 90306. 20 The LAST TIME WILDCAT BASKETBALL CAMP The 3rd annual Kentucky Wildcat basketball camp for boys ages 9-18. Campers are provided individual instruction by the University of Kentucky coaching staff which includes Head Coach Joe Hall, Dick Parsons, Leonard Hamilton and Jim Long. Participants will be housed on the UK campus and meals will be served in KirwanHall. Camp Features: complete coverage of offensive and defensive fundamentals chalk talks with resident and guest speakers two full court games each day camp elimination tournaments instructional films and discussions Tuition: Overnight camper Day camper For additional information write to: Kentucky Wildcat Basketball Camp Memorial Coliseum $130 TOO Lexington, Kentucky 40506 (6O6) 257-1916 The Wildcats used every play they knew to come away with a victory the last time Kentucky played the Vanderbilt Commodores. The game, earlier this season in Nashville, saw Vandy coach Wayne Dobbs in his first try at beating Kentucky, start a lineup that included three freshmen. James Lee came off of the Kentucky bench to garner 12 points and eight rebounds in 18 minutes of play. Truman Clayton, assigned to guard the Commodores Dicky Keffer, blunted Vandy's penetration which stopped the back door baskets which had been frequent until then. The Wildcats escaped with a 64-62 victory on a last second shot by Rick Robey. Coach Hall registered his second win in the Commodores Memorial Gym in five years. KENTUCKY 64 VANDERBILT Williams 0 Davis 19 Givens 14 Fuller 10 Robey 21 Sneed 16 Phillips 0 Elliott 5 Johnson 11 Keffer 4 Shidler 2 Shultz 8 Casey 0 Claytor 2 Haskins 0 Stephens 2 Lee 12 GAUNCE'S HEARTH & PATIO Casual Furniture and Fireplace Accessories 2350Woodhill Shopping Center (Lower Level Facing New Circle Road) 266-8903 By Vogue Rattan Croutcher-Marcum Motor Co. Inc. Eastern By Pass Richmond, Ky. 253-1961 Lexington Richmond PontiacGMC TruckJeep UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED Serving Coneys & Chili Dinners Open 9 a.m. -1 a.m. Monday Thru Thurs. Friday & Sat. - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 395 South Lime Lexington, Ky. Carry Out 259-3302 tax-free income Nuveen Tax-Exempt Bond Fund consists of a diversified portfolio of State and Municipal bonds. Interest income from this Fund is totally exempt from Federal income taxes, in the opinion of counsel. nuveen For a free prospectus, talk to your IDS Representative. It's your future. Roddy D. Scott 160 E. Reynolds Rd. Suite 102 Lexington, Kentucky Phone 272-4563 71 Investors Diversified Services Inc. 11 .?S| fB c o ~ > c O "O 5 c ^ > * 3 to 1 7; ~ Si! 8 J MS ~- s o lit Q. Q. It 21 This Week's SEC February 7 Alabama at Ole Miss Georgia at Auburn Tennessee at Florida Mississippi State at LSU Kentucky vs Florida State in Louisville Tonight: Alabama at LSU Tennessee at Auburn Georgia at Florida Vanderbilt at Kentucky Mississippi State at Ole Miss Lexington Insurance Agency, Inc. "Insuring Lexington's Finest" 135 W. Short Street Lexington, Kentucky 252-5578 Carl S. Ratliff Dick Reilly GEORGE HUMFLEET MOBILE HOMES LOCAL BANK FINANCING Direct Factory Distributors Free Delivery Within 150 Miles! WE SELL FOR LESS Kentucky's Largest Mobile Home Dealer! Over 100 Homes to Choose From... 12 and 14 Wides Double Wides and Modulars Hwy. 25 N. LONDON, KENTUCKY 864-7744 OR 528-8020 Corbin Lot 528-7200 Williamsburg Lot 549-0166 Manchester Lot 598-5011 February 12 Mississippi State at Alabama Auburn at Kentucky Florida at Vanderbilt Ole Miss at Georgia LSU at Tennessee HOUSE OF RESTAURANT Now Two Locations VERSAILLES ROAD 2350 WOODHILL THE EL DORADO MOTEL 269-6401 233-3138 Russ Dunn-Realtor SERVING THE HEART OF THE BLUEGRASS. LEXINGTON, FAYETTE AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES REAL 278-9384J ggj SOLD ESTATE LARGE SALES FORCE TRAINED AND FAMILIAR WITH ALL REAL ESTATE AVAILABLE IN BLUEGRASS AREA 1305 S. LIMESTONE LEXINGTON 22 Cawood REFLECTS (PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The Popular "Voice of the Wildcats", CAWOOD LEDFORD, is in his 2Uh season as play-by-play announcer for the University of Kentucky. Cawood, sports director for WHAS radio and television since 1958, has been broadcasting since 1951. He is recognized as a sports authority throughout the nation. CAWOOD LEDFORD For many years Kentucky and Vanderbilt have had the same basketball philosophies: run and gun and the fast break. I think that the two teams always look forward to playing each other and they are usually great crowd pleasing games. Neither team ever came up with anything fancy, they just went out there and played like the dickens and the best team won. There have been some great games and of course Vandy was one of the teams that came to the top to challenge Kentucky after the Wildcats had dominated the league for so long. It's been a good series and it's usually exciting, just like it was the first time this year when Kentucky won by two points. I'd have to say that the two best games that Kentucky and Vanderbilt ever played were both, strangely enough, at Vandy. One was when Earl "Brother" Adkms came of the bench and scored up in the twenties. He hadn't played a great deal and that night saved Kentucky and carried the Wildcats to victory. In the other game, Louie Dampier had a phenomenal night. They were concentrating very heavy on the inside and Louie, just barely to the right of the top of the circle, started hitting that little jump shot. I believe he had about 40 or 42. Kentucky won really big that night. The best Vandy player I ever saw was Clyde Lee. He was an Ail-American at Vanderbilt. I think that he has become the standard by which Vanderbilt people judge their basketball players. By starting three freshmen, the Commodores haven't won a lot of games, but they've played everybody close. They took Louisville, a nationally ranked team, into overtime. Kentucky was lucky to get out of there with a two point win. I think that being freshmen will hurt them on the road. I don't think they are going t