xt7np55dct9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7np55dct9z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390513  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 13, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 13, 1939 1939 2013 true xt7np55dct9z section xt7np55dct9z Best Copy Available

The ECentucky Kerne

It's interesting to match the better side of student nature appear
when the opportunity is offered. For


Most Votes



instance, we have noticed numerous

students showing high school musicians around the campus, and enjoying it. Maybe there is more altruism abroad than is usually believed. Dean Jone's call for freshman advisers also has been answered
by a swarm of applicants, and those
positions call for individuals really
interested in helping orientate incoming students.
There's no need for us to welcome
the high school musicians. They
know they are welcomed by virtue
of the interest shown by University











Panhellenic Approves
Revised System
For Greeks

Company, Individual
Drill Competition


Open Meeting
On Government
Billed For Today

Committee Named To Sift

First meeting of the Joint

committee on
of student
government will be held at
4:30 p. m. today in the Union.
The meeting will be open to
those interested in suggesting
changes in the present constitution, or additions to the


the reorganization

Completed plans for the twentieth
was announced at a recent
annual military field day and gradmeeting of the
uation exercises for the University
correction of that all women interested in taking
We wish to make
ROTC. to be held Wednesday, May
bids to any sorority for the school
an error brought to our attention by year
24. on Stoll field, were announced
must register and
the following letter: "In two recent pay
yesterday by Lieut. Col. Howard
a 50 cent fee to cover letters,
issues of the Kernel, Lamp and
Donnelly, head of the military
pamphlets, and registration expenCross has been referred to as the
science department.
oldest honorary on the campus. On ses, at 4:30 p. m.. Wednesday, SepThe regiment is scheduled to as
tember 20, in room 200 of the Union
Inquiry. Worthing ton Einsmingei
semble on the field at 2:30 p. m. and
told me that they had gotten their building. These registrations will
to pass in review before the south
charter In 1903. Charter members be used by the active members of
LBlayette Photo
of Tau Beta Pi were initiated April the sororities to procure their rushee , .". were east for Helen Relchen-bac- stands. Following this,in competi
companies will engage
5. 1902. Please check up on this list
arts and iciences junior from tive drill for the Colonel Freeman
Women now in the University who
and. if necessary, we would appreAnchorage, in the recent WAA elecannually i Members of company "C-l- " Per
trophy, which is
ciate the printing cf a correction." think they may wish to take the bid tion. Miss Reichenbach replaces to the best drill awarded
company in the shing Rifles, University crack drill
ot some sorority next fall are reJ. R.
Rnnelle Palmore, senior, as president regiment. One company from each E unit, journeys to Dayton. Ohio, toWe have checked on the two or- quested to leave their names and of the organization.
battalion, chosen as a result of day to compete against teams from
addresses with the dean of women
ganizations and stand corrected.
for the trophy
showings made in the practice pa- six universities
before June 1. . - ,
Tau Beta Pi was founded one year
rades, held through the semester, awarded annually to the best drilled
According to the schedule given
earlier than Lamp and Cross.
team in the first regiment.
will compete for the trophy.
out all women who register at this
The Kentucky team has won this
meeting are automatically invited
At the presentation of awards, the
I'p Onr Sleeve
following cadets will receive tro- trophy six times in the past six
A titter for the news staff who. to attend all teas given at the soryears, never having been defeated
in all seriousness, wrote in Tues- ority houses between 3 p. m. and
in first regiment competition. Two
day's issue that music for tonight's 6 p. m.. Thursday, September 21,
Cadet Lieut. Col. 'Stanley Hays, losses suffered by Kentucky
in re
"Queen's Ball," sponsored by Tau through Saturday, September 23. '
McDowell, will receive the Rotary cent years have
been in third regiThere will be a compulsory meetBeta PI in the engineering college,
Club trophy, for outstanding quali- ment drill meets,
in which the local
would be furnished by "Prof. Ed ing of all active members of the
ties of citizenship.
been guest competi
sororities Wednesday, September 20.
Doll and his 'Spinning Rhythm.'"
Cadet Lieut. Col. Frank F. Davis. riflemen have these losses was to
tors. One of
From 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. Monday,
will be awarded
The phrase, boys, means that a
the Western State Teachers, at Bowling
American Legion cup, Man o' War Green, last spring.
nice shiny nickelodian will furnish September 25, through Thursday,
The other loss
arts and Post No. 8, for outstanding qualiHelen Reichenbach,
September 28, will be the time in
the music.
was to the Dayton university drill
which all sororities will give their sciences Junior, Anchorage, has been ties as an officer and a gentleman.
team in a meet held this spring at
rush parties. Rushees are asked to elected president of the Women's
Cadet Lieut. Col. William T. Blooming ton,
Committee Meeting
Ind. In this
First meeting of the joint student-facult- y go to room 204 of the Union build- athletic association. . member of Young. Lexington, will be presented both Dayton and Kentucky meet.
committee on student gov- ing between 10 a. m. and 1 p. m., the AWS council, the German club. with the ROA trophy, awarded an- visiting competitors.
ernment will be held this afternoon to receive their invitations. The YWCA senior cabinet, and winner nually to the senior in military with
The University team left Lexing
at 4:30 in the Union. The room rushee will be permitted to attend of the WAA award in .1938 as the the highest University standing.
Cadet Lieut. Col. Frank F. Davis. ton at 8 a. m. today and will arrive
number will be noted on the Union only one party a day but she should outstanding woman athlete, cup has
recently been awarded a
fof Paducah, will receive the Phoenix in Dayton at 12 m. The meet will
bulletin board.
From henceforth answer all invitations.
Friday. September 29, is Prefer- high scoring in bowling this season Hotel trophy for the senior in mili- begin at 2 p. m. and will end under
the Kernel will endeavor to publicize fully each meeting in order that ence Day. A rushee is allowed to and has been , elected to Mortal tary with the highest department lights at 9:30 p. m.
Teams from the University of
students interested In seeing parti- visit three different sorority, houses Board, senior women's honorary. She standing.
Cadet Sgt. Robert T. Scott. Car- Michigan, Michigan State Universicular chances m8de will be pre- on this day, although this is not was manager of hockey and
tumbling during the lisle, will be given the Lafayette ty, Ohio state university, Dayton
pared to attend. If you do not at- compulsory. .A rushee should vLsit
Hotel trophy for
highest depart- university and Miami university will
tend the meetings when you have only those houses she is considering past year.
Other officers are Lovaine Lewis. ment standing inthe first year ad- compete for the regimental trophy.
a suggestion to make, then you will for her final choice. In accepting
Lexington, vice president; , Mary vanced course.
Saturday, irom 8:30 p. m. to 12
certainly have no rocm to complain an invitation on Friday the rushee
m. the University unit will be conCadet
next year if some particular part of must state at what hour she will Frances t Snyder, Lexington, secretary; Gladys Kilpatrick, Lexington, Maysville, Col. Howard H. Curtis, ducted on an inspection tour of
will be awarded the
the completed constitution is not to be at the particular house, 3 p. m , treasurer;
and Edith May Giltner,
4 p. m., or 5 p. m. If she has only
Wright Field.
your liking.
Club trophy for
Parkersburg, W. Va., publicity di- of the second year basic the member
Both platoons of Company "C-l,- "
one choice, accept the invitation of
course havrector.
ing the highest department stand- the Confederate Squads and Mildred
that sorority.
Retiring WAA officers are: Run-ell- e ing.
Croft, the sponsor will make the
Women who registered late and
From W. L. comes the opinion that
Palmore. president; Sue .. D.
college representation should
Cadet Priv.- Samuel P. Crow, Jr,'
be those who did not attend the. meetSparks, vice president;' Hazel Per- Owensboro,
will receive the Pershing
used as a basis for selection of the ing on Wednesday, September 20. kins, secretary;
Nathalie Dye, treas Rifles trophy for having
legislature. His suggestion embodies may become eligible for rushing by urer;
and Lovaine Lewis, publicity department standing inthe highest
practically the same points as a reporting to the
the first
year basic course.
Ftmilar letter discussed in the edi- of the Union building between 10 airector.
In addition, the following cadets
on page two. so it will not be a. m. and 3 p. m. on Monday Septorial
have been designated as honor gradtember 25. At this time they shall
further here.
uates for their scholastic grades Kunyon, Grullemans
pay their rush fee.
As Guest Lecturers
and their excellence in military
There will be no oral bidding and
Four Reasons
J. D. becomes rather vitrolic over the quota system of 65 Initiated
t For Meeting
Cadet Lt. Col. Frank F. Davis,
the prospect of faculty members members for each sorority shall go
Featuring Clifford Runyon, supPaducah; Cadet 2d Lieut. Charles
serving on the social committee, Into effect. No girl can be rushed
G. Moore, Franklin; Cadet Captain erintendent of Spring Grove cemeunless she attended the registration
Why. he asks, can't
Leslie Allison. Paris, and Cadet tery, Cincinnati, and J. J. Grullelife be left in the hands of the stu meetings of September 20 or SepLieut. Col. William T. Young, Lex- mans, secretary-treasurdents? Well, in the first place, tember 25.
of Wayington.
side Gardens, Mentor, Ohio, as
there is no single student on the Formal summer rushing will close
well- - September 10 after which there are
campus at present who is as
guest speakers, the 11th annual
acquainted with the work attached to be no rush parties at any of the
Garden Day will be held on the
With the
of station YM-Y- W
houses or elsewhere. A rush
to drawing up and administering chapter
campus, Friday, May 19.
a social program as the Dean of party is considered one at which WHAS. Louisville, and members of
The program is a cooperative
five unaffili- the WHAS staff, a three -- credit
Men or Women. In the second there are more than
affair conducted for garden-lover- s.
course entitled "Problems in EduUniplace, these two deans are here to ated girls who will attend the
state garden-clu- b
members, and
advise and consult with students on versity. Individual rushing is per- cational Radio Broadcasting"
other interested persons by the
be offered under the direction of
nil kinds of problems, and social missible.
University Garden Club, Lexington
Elmer Sulzer, director of radio
life can become a definite problem.
Garden Club, Fayette Rose and
studios, during the first semester
In the third place, there are more
Garden Club, and the Fayette
of the summer session.
students than faculty members on
Homemaker's Garden Club.
The course has been designed to
the committee. And in the fourth
Opening at 10:30 a. m., the pro
place, one of the aims of a good
acquaint educators with the tech
Plans for the YM-Yprogram gram includes a tour of the bo
(Continued on Pw;e Three)
Margaret Ratliff. psychology niques of preparing and broadcast
tanical garden, talks by Mr. Run
department, was the speaker last ing educational radio programs, as for the forthcoming year will be yon on "Turf Culture and Control
made at the annual retreat of cabwell as to inform them of the de44th annual comnight for the
of Certain Weed Pests" and by Mr.
mencement of the Nurses Training tails of present - day broadcasting inet members of the two 'associaon "Newer Developtions Saturday afternoon and Sun- Grullemans
Louisville city hos- methods and set-uschool of the
Their Use
day, May 1314, at Camp Daniel ments in Perennials
Actual work in educational broad
and Care," a luncheon In the Union
Opening her discussion with the casts will be a feature of the course. Boone.
Dr. Huntley Dupre of the history Building, and a tea at 4 p. m. at
statement that the occupation of Students will prepare the continunursing was once based on good in- ities, which after proper criticism department will discuss the needs Maxwell Place.
Crazy Jitterbugs
tentions and ignorance, she stated and rewriting will be cast, rehear- of the University and point out
Evidence that civilized man may that the profession is now dependwhat the Christian associations can
be committing mental suicide by ent on knowledge and a desire to sed, and finally broadcast over vari- dc to meet
such needs. Dr. Dupre's
ous Kentucky stations.
overdeveloping his brain has been improve.
discussion will have help in shap
uncovered by the American psychiaMembers of the WHAS staff who ing the program for
According to Doctor Ratlin", the
next year, Bart
tric association. According to the need for good nurses is steadily will participate in instruction in- , Peak,
In honor of continued progressive
YM secretary, said.
association the present generation growing, and her belief Is that clude Lee Coulson, executive mani
Cabinet members, led by Camp work with dairy cattle, the Agricul
dancof jitterbugs and swing-musi- c
nurses of the future will find it ager of the station; Robert Kennett, bell Miller and Mary Elizabeth Kop-plu- s, tural experiment station was re
ers may be an indication of a slip-P'- necessary to depend more and more program director; Dudley Musson,
and cently granted a "Certificate of Rec
of the human mind, just as on a thorough knowledge of the head of the continuity department;
Bryant and Barbara ognition" by the American Jersey
the great dancing epidemics of the patient psychology.
diand Orrin Towner, technical
MacVey, incoming officers, will also cattle club of New York, recognized
of a
Middle Ages were
rector. Classes will be held in the
discuss "The Purpose of Christian as one of the world's leading organ
decadent period in human history.
new radio studios on the fourth
Associations on the Campus."
izations of breeders. The award is
floor of McVey hall.
College Bookworms
Bart Peak and Miss Elizabeth the first of its kind ever to come to
The WAA camp wiU be held a
It ti.T been charged in many
Cowan will have charge of the Kentucky.
quarters that college students very Glen Artney camp at Clifton, Kenof
period of worship on Sunday be
Among the accomplishments
tucky, Saturday and Sunday, May
often use their school library just
ginning at 11 a. m.
the station Is the breeding of Dollie s
13 and 14.
Twenty members are
to keep up with the baseball scores
as the
strips. A planning to attend. Mary King
and several favorite-comicow that produced 579 pounds of
recent survey at Rutgers Univer- Montgomery and Margaret Warren,
Mary Agnes Finneran, Covington,
butterfat in one year on the agrl
sity, New Brunswick, N. J seems to physical education department, will will be the 1939-4- 0
editor of the
cultural farm.
smash that charge at least for chaperon. Permission from home Eastern Progress, college newspaper
Rutgers. No less than 92.6 of the must be in the office of the dean of Eastern Kentucky State TeachComplete abolition of paddling
Rutgers student body uses the li- of women before Saturday.
ers college, Richmond.
"Best Band in
Members of
brary for study purposes. Of that
has been a mem- and hell week activities by Pi Kappa Dixie" will holdthe
Miss Finneran
their annual picpercentage only four and
Progress staff for two Alpha fraternity was voted Wednesber of the
Sunday, May 14, at Boonesboro,
uses the library to read comics and
years, serving as a reporter, feature day night. Instead of the tradi- nic
"hazing" a training period Kentucky. They will leave from
Evidently Rutgers has a
writer, managing editor, and asso- tional
University the band hall at 2 p. m. in trucks
very bookwormish bunch of boys,
ciate editor. This will be the first in appreciation of the
which is nothing to be ashamed
of the college and its facilities will be conducted and private
time in the history
young woman has been placed members declared.
that a
I wonder what a similar survey
The new program includes not
In complete charge of the newsDistribution of Kentuckians
on the Kentucky campus would
paper. She was a delegate to the only general instruction in how to
will continue for a short time
KIPA convention held In April on derive the greatest benefits from
only at the checkroom of the
the University, but also training in
the University campus.
Student Union building. BusiCase Dismissed
the fieldj of broadening the freshness Manager James Quisen-berr- y
A group of San Francisco strip
men's Interests, especially in literasaid yesterday. As only
ture and music. Pledges will be
teasers were arrested for performing
Students of the college of
a limited number of annuals
before a patriotic organization.
taught the correct usage of the
agriculture will give a dance
are available, those having
Brought to court, they explained
John Ballard, junior from Frank- Library.
from 8:30 to 10 p. m. tonight,
paid a deposit of $1.00 or more
fort, was elected chairman of the loAll pledges will be required to
to the magistrate they were doing
in the livestock pavilion on
should call for their copy imnothing worse than what was going
join the YMCA, and interest in
cal chapter of the American Instimediately. Seniors may have
the Experiment station farm.
on at the exposition in the city, and
activities will be
tute of Electrical Engineers at a
This will be the final All-atheir copies by presenting a
therefore should be released. Whererecent meeting.
dance of the school year. Adreceipt showing payment of
upon His Honor left the bench,
Regular nightly study periods,
Other officers-eleare T. L. Henmission will be 25 cents, date
senior fee. Distribution hours
dashed to the exposition, viewed a
ry, Lexington, vice president; and under the supervision of Pi Kap
or stag. Everyone is welcome.
are 1 to 4:15 p. m.
strip tease show and dashed back
William T. Love, Vanceburg,
President Billy Sugg and Joe Burn-ett- e,
will be conducted for pledges.
to dismiss the case.


Student-Planne- d



Confidence Of Senate
Voiced Tuesday

Pan-hellen- ic

At Meeting




Drill Unit To Compete Musicians Attracted
In Dayton Today
To Campus





Lewis, Giltner, Snyder,

Kilpatrick Chosen






Annual Garden Day

Pan-hellen- ic

Will Be Held May




Course To Be Offered
In Summer School




Year's Program Plans

Mrs. Ratliff Gives
Talk To Graduates

Comment Corner



13, 1939








Will Be Discussed




For Fest
Music enough to satisfy even the
most rabid of music lovers will be
by hundreds
provided this week-enof high school musicians who have
already started trickling onto the
campus from all parts of the state
to participate in the 15th annual
Kentucky High School Music Festival, sponsored by the extension department, assisted by the members
of the University Band.
The mammoth program, which
will continue all day today and tomorrow, began last night with the
performance of various solo instrumentalists at Memorial hall, the
Training School auditorium,
the Band room.
Mote than forty bands and or
chestras, as well as various soloists
and small ensembles are expected
to participate in the Festival which
will feature a grand parade of bands
at 1:15 p. m. Saturday, with a trophy being awarded to the band win
ning first honors. The parade will
be led by the University's "Best
Band in Dixie" and is scheduled to
start from the main drive of the
campus with entrance and exit on
Limestone street.
In addition to participating in the
parade, the members of the University band have each been assigned
to act as adviser and guide for one
or more bands during their visit and
performance here.
Sessions will be going on in Memorial .hail, ... the Band room, the
Training School auditorium, and
the Alumni gymnasium, simultaneously today and tonight, with the
full bands performing Saturday at
Henry Clay high school. Memorial
hall, the Training School and the
All string soloists, trios and quartets, as well as saxophonists and
oboe players participated last night,
while the brass, woodwinds and percussions are scheduled to perform
today and tonight In addition,
piano players, pupil directors and
junior high school bands will perform today.
Saturday morning and afternoon
will be devoted entirely to orchestras and bands, with the bands of
St. Xavier, Henry Clay, Highlands,
and Ashland performing in the
Alumni gymnasium after the parade, to bring the festival to a close.
All sessions are open to the public. There is no admission charge
except for the program on Satur
day afternoon, for which an admio-sio- n
charge of twenty-fiv- e
win ue made. Participants in the
festival, including school offlcUls.
will be admitted upon presentation
of Music league membership tickets.












Laiajetit Photo

are Prof. L. 3. Horlacher, assistant
dean of the College of Agriculture,
and Sid Buckley, president of the
h ' wUI
Men's Student Council.
lead their respective committees into
a joint session this afternoon for
the discussion of student government reorganization. Professor
heads the faculty committee
appointed by President McVey to
confer with the student la completBuckley is
ing the constitution,
chairman of the student group


Hor-lach- er

which proposed the eonsttution.



Competing Orators To
Seek Award

University senate members Tues
day gave the CRSO a vote of confi
dence, and President McVey appointed a committee of seven faculty members to consider the proposed student government constitution, to meet Jointly with the student committee for ironing out the
plan's rough spots, and to report
findings at the pre - graduation
meeting, the senate's last this semester.
At the meeting petitions, bearing
more than 1.000 student signatures
and advocation adoption of the
CRSG measures, were presented:
Chairman Sid Buckley spoke briefly
in support of the constitution which
his committee had formulated.
Heading the senate committee is
Prof. L. J. Horlacher.
dean of the college of agriculture.
Serving as committeemen are Prof.
W. C. Tucker, acting head of the
department: Dr. J.
Huntley Dupre. assistant professor
of history: Dr. T. T. Jones, dean of
men, and Prof. Sarah G. Blanding.
dean of women.
Joint Meeting Today
This faculty group met at 4 p. m.
Thursday in the dean of men s office for preliminary study of the
plan. First of the Joint meetings
of the student CRSO and the senate committee is slated for 4: p. m.
today in the Union.
This and future meetings will be
open to any students interested in
suggesting changes or revisions, according to announcement.
At Tuesday's meeting a resolution
was adopted by the senate and forwarded to CRSO Chairman Buckley. The resolution read:
The senate is glad to receive this
petition and the accompanying constitution and wishes to express to
the students its appreciation, good
wishes, and congratulations on
their foresight In preparing this
Student-Facult- y
Accounts of the student-faoult- y
conference, which was held April
22 to discuss campus problems was
read before the senate by Ruth
Johnston, retiring AWS president,
and incorporated in the minutes of
the meeting at specific request of
the body.
Composed of 35 students, faculty,
and staff members, the conference
group met to exchange views on
faculty student relations, studwt
moral attitudes as reflected in the
matter of classroom dishonesty, and
campus democracy particularly in
student government.
In the report, a resume of the
four conclusions
drawn which were stressed at the
April 22 meeting:
and schointellectual
lastic level is low . . . when compared
with the best universities in the


by the University
chapter of the American society of south and north."
2 "There is a disquieting amount
civil engineers, a banquet and oratorical contest for engineers' will of Inefficient and ineffective teachbe held at 6:30 p. m. Friday, May ing at the University, resulting in
student apathy and resentment."
19. in the Union ballroom.
(3) "There's an excessive amount
At the dinner, the state section
of the ASCE will present an award of dishonesty . . . especially in . . .
of junior membership and a badge classroom cheating."
4 "Students are asking for more
to each of two outstanding civil
engineering students: one from the responsibility in managing student
University, and one from the Uni- affairs."
Also Included in the report was
versity of Louisville. The recipients
facof these awards, to be made upon a resolution to the effect that
of the respective ulty student conferences be held
Miss Constance Rourke. author civil engineering faculties, have not at stated intervals in the future.
and biographer, now working at yet been named.
various Lexington libraries on her
A first prize of $10 and a second
forthcoming book, is the subject of prize of $5 will be awarded to the
an exhibition in the floor case lo winner and runner-u- p
in a comcated in the main foyer of the Uni petitive speaking contest to be held
versity library.
in connection with the banquet.
Besides a biography
of Miss Engineering students of both uniRourke, the case contains several versities are eligible to compete for
of her better known books, "Amerithe awards.
Women expecting K pins rev
can Humor," "Trumpets of Jubilee,"
Special invitations to the banand her biography "Audubon."
to the stu- WAA office.
quet have been issued
During her visit in Lexington dents and faculty of the engineercommittee
Joint CRSG-senat- e
Miss Rourke is staying at Maxwell ing colleges of the Universities of
Place, as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Kentucky and Louisville, the Ken- meeting 74:30.m. Sigma Phi Epsilon
Frank L. McVey. From there she Is tucky society of professional engi- house.
registered engigathering source material from the neers, all recently
Dutch Lunch club 12 n. Maxwell
University, Transylvania, and the neers, members of the Louisville
Street Presbyterian church. Mrs.
Louisengineers, members of the
Lexington libraries.
Sarah B. Holmes, assistant dean of
Miss Rourke's latest book "Audu ville engineers' and architects' club, women, to speak.
of the
bon" had its origin in her concern and to the state sections
YM Freshman club party 7:30
enwith American frontiers. Audubon's American institute of electrical
118 Universociety of p. m. Bart Peak's home,
writings, imperfect as he knew them gineers, the American
sity avenue.
and the
to be. she writes, "are essential to mechanical
mining and
a knowledge of frontier life along American institute of
Old and newly appointed Men's
metallurgical engineers.
Student council members 5 p. m.
the Ohio and Louisiana during a
significant period." Her preparation
White Mathematics club 3 p. m.
for the writing of this book is a
109. McVey halL J. M. Boswell to
good example of the method of
speak on the elementary properties
research which she employs.
Cosmopolitan club will be en- of groups.
"Trumpets of Jubilee," her first The
with a combination wein-Phi Alpha Theta 4 p. m. 206,
book, consisted of biographies of tertained
roast and marshmallow toast at Union.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser,
Beecher, Lyman Beech-e- r.
Henry Ward
by Dr. and Mrs. Hume
dean, to speak.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Horace the reservoir Prof, and Mrs. Karl graduate school board evening. Dr.
YM Advisory
Greeley, and P. T. Barnum. was Bedford and
Saturday afternoon. May E. Z. Palmer's home. 121 Iroquois
published in 1927. "Troupers of the Schneider,
Songs representing various na- Court.
Gold Coast" a study of the life of 20.
will be sung at a bonfire
Lotta Crabtree, appeared in 1928. tions
WAA banquet
and "American Humor" In 1931.

Rourke's Books

Experiment Station
Are On Display
Granted Certifiicate
In Library



Finneran Will Edit
Eastern Progress


Culture For Hazing
Planned By Pi KAs

two-tent- hs

Limited Supply
Of Yearbooks
Is Available

Last Hop

Of Ag College

Set For Tonight

Ballard Elected

extra-curricul- ar








Pae Twc
Arts and sciences might In divided into classes
but it wouldn't lie very feasible for the other
colleges. There might lie some soli of a happy
compromise effected bv ini hiding some prov
ge from each college,
sion for a nicmhei
bill that would necessitate additional elec lions
and a large legislature.
In regard lo the lawyers, the reason lhat college was gixen a sjieeial representative was lhat
law students are so dilluult lo classilv. Some
ol the first vear men are juniors, cm hers seniors,
and si ill others are graduates. However, it seems
jusi that they be given representation eipial in
proxiiion to dial of the senior class if there are
onlv a very few juniors in the law college. The
epreseniHiion would be figured on the basis of
law college enrollment less the number of juniors in ihe college, or compared with the junior-senio- r
class average representation whiih would
amount lo about one out of I Mi. Of course,
there are many graduates in the college who
might Ik- said lo oil se t the number of juniors,
yet graduate students as a rule are so busv thai
they have very little time for ouisiile activities.
and the legislature will recjuire a great deal of.
It is siiK'i (luou to sav thai both the (lass
and college represent at ion sv siems hav e evils
Inn with the information at hand, ii seems that
the belter of the two is the present one, class
rcreseiiiaiion. Hut the Kkrmi. would suggest
tlicse changes: two representatives from the Law
sc hool, if the number of juniors is low; and some
stipulation recjuiring that of those elected, each
college lie rcpiescnied by at least one student.






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