xt7np55dfr7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7np55dfr7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198402 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, February 1984 text GSO Newsletter, February 1984 1984 2019 true xt7np55dfr7q section xt7np55dfr7q 'ffifla
February Potluck US reports fewer new AIDS cases in ’84
The February potcluck will be at Preliminary figures indicate that the
Eddie Nu’e apartment on Central number of new cases of acquired immune
Avenue, Sunday the 5th at 1:30pm. deficiency disease dropped in the
Bring a dish and come enjoy a winter’s second half of 1983. Federal health
afternoon mt 900d {00d and officials caution, however, that case
conversation. For more information, reporting is not yet complete.
call 259w0878. The national Center for Disease
Ne wish to thank Jim N.. our Control (CDC) reported a noticeable
gracious host of the January potwluck. decrease in diagnoses of AIDS in the
A good time was had by all. fourth quarter of the year. 204 new
cases of AIDS were reported from
VV9VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV’VVVVVVVVVVVVV 563 in the second quarter and 546 in
My Funny Valentine . . . the-Hurd.
Exactly 3000 cases of AIDS have been
Are you wondering what to do this reported in the US since the spring of
Valentine’s Day? 650 has this advice 1981. 712 of all victims have been
for YOU: homosexual or bisexual men and 432 of
Get a friend or group of friends all AIDS victims have died.
together, have a nice dinner BHU then Even with the slowdown, the CDC warned
come on down to Th. Bar for the annual that "trends in reported AIDS
Vallntinl Dly DIHCI to benefit GSO. incidences must be interpreted
Tickets are $3.00 at the door and a cautiously." The CDC also cautioned
door prize will be awarded. Doors that the downward trend could be due
will open at 9:00pm. See you on to incomplete reporting for the final
Valentine’s Day. quarter, with some cases not yet
having been reported.
Volleyball Clean your Closet
we are happy to report that You want more closet space and we
volleyball has returned. Currently, need you old newspapers and magazines
the group meets every other Friday at (and those aluminum cans)! Those old
the High Street Branch of the YMCA. copies of the Advocate, GO and
Since the YMCA changes $35.00 a night. Christopher Street that are cluttering
participant are requested to donate up you house are needed for our
$3.00 a night to help defer costs. recycling project. won’t you help
Check the calender for the exact out? Please drop off your recyclables
date and times. at the office.

 From th- PrIIidInt With these thoughts in mind, I .
that it was necessary to form a
On February 29th, my resignation as whose primary purpoge wag to sec.
President DT 580 Will become our rights through the politic*
effective, sixteen months after I took process. Since 680 is a service
over for my predecessor, Belinda organization and, because its ,
Tarpley. . . tax~exempt status, it cannot be
I have EHJDYEd SEVVan the gay politically oriented, I came to the
community (by “gay CPmmunlfiy” I mean tough decision to break away from that
each one of you) here in Lenington. It group and form Bay and Lesbian
has been a valuable experience which Democrats of Kentucky.
has taught me a ‘10t_ about “Ema" Let me explain the. reasoning behind
relations, communicating, caring, this title. Gay and Lesbian is no
decision making, . . . the list goes problem. The reason I chose the
on and DH. Democratic part was three~fold=
In the past sixteen months, I have 1) The political hierarchy of Kentucky
become painfully aware that unless we has been traditionally Democratic for
stand up and are counted, the many years, therefore it is better to
politicians that run this country will work from within this hierarchy.
never listen to our needs. What g9 2) The Democratic Party has, within
politicians listen to? VOTES 5!! its charter, a clause banning all
Because of activists who have brought discrimination including that based on
pressure to bear on politicians in the sexual orientation, and has made gay
form of voters, we are experiencing rights a national agenda issue. This
some success. According to the Wall includes the addition of a gay/lesbian
Street Journal (1/11/84), there are caucus which elevates us to the same
about 100 elected officials around the specialmgroup status as blacks, women,
country who are openly gay. A gay Hispanics, and AsianwAmericans.
political action committee, the Human 3) By affiliating with the Democratic
Rights Campaign Fund, raised $609,000 Party, we also join a National network
in 1981w82, making it the 55th largest of like~minded organizations, thereby
out of 3371 PACs across the nation. giving us more leverage.
Sixteen candidates who accepted the If you are interested in becoming a
money were elected. part of a movement that is sweeping
Candidates are now beginning to the nation, there will be an
realize that an endorsement from a gay organizational meeting on Thursday,
group is not the kiss of death, but February 16th at 170 American Avenue
rather something to be openly sought. (off South Broadway near the Lexington
Your vote can change your life quite Clinic).
literally. The wonderful part of it Let me once again thank you for your
is that, as Dan Bradley has often support and encouragement and wish all
said, “The largest, safest closet in the best to the new president of BBC,
the world is the privacy of the voting Jim W. and the rest of the Board of
booth.” Directors.
Bowling is Back BALUS Presents:

Sundays don’t have to be boring! GALUS, the Gay and Lesbian Union of
Southland Lanes is the spot for Sunday Students, is proud to present Mr.
open lane bowling. Jerry Weller, Deputy Director of the

Bowling will be every other Sunday Gay Rights National Lobby on Saturday,
from 4 to épm starting February 12th. February 4, 1984. Mr. Weller will
Games are $1.30 and there is a $.50 present a Gay Rights Update, ”Bay in
shoe rental fee. ”84.”

Come out and join the fun, everyone Admission is free, however, donations
is welcome regardless of skill (or will be accepted for AIDS research.
lack thereof). For more information, The presentatian will begin at 8:00 pm
call Jim at 299“0353- in Memorial Hall on UK’s Central

Campus. All interested persons are
invited to attend.

Reprinted from a pamphlet w Reduce emotional stress. Stress
istributed by AID Atlanta reduces your ability to fight off
What are the symptoms of AIDS? w Reduce your number of sexual
Many of the AIDS symptoms are partners. Sex with multiple partners
subtle and may only indicate simple, definitely increases your risk of
everyday ailments; therefore, you disease
should be alerted but not alarmed if « Practice proper hygiene.
you have one or more of the following Showering before and after sexual
symptoms: contact reduces risk of transmitting
m Weights loss of more than 10 disease
pounds during a period of less than 2 ~ Avoid oral ingestion of fecal
months that is not related to diEt 0F matter, semen, or urine which increase
increased activity; prolonged loss of the spread of disease
appetite w Use condoms whenever possible.
w Unexplained, persistent or Sperm and viruses can enter the blood
recurrent {EVEFS 0V night SWEfltS stream during intercourse which can
” 5W0119h glands (lymph hDdES interfere with your ability to combat
found in the neck, armpits, and groin) infection
which persist and are unexplained by w Refrain from inserting foreign
other illness objects into the rectum that can tear
~ Profound fatigue that is not its delicate lining, leading to injury
transient or explainable by physical and infection
activity, substance abuse, or a «A Avoid a shared source of
psychological disorder lubrication or shared douching
~ Persistent and unexplained equipment
diarrhea or bloody stools w Curtail use of drugs (marijuana,
m A persistent, whitish coating speed, cocaine, nitrites ”poppers”,
(or spotting) Oh the tongue or in the downers), tobacco, and alcohol
throat which may be accompanied by m Don’t use needles. By injecting
soreness or difficulty in swallowing drugs into your blood, you can also
r A heavy, persistent, dry cough inject viruses and bacteria. Sharing
that i5 not due to smoking and has needleg empgses you to the blood of
lasted too long to be explained by a the other user, which is extremely
cold or flu dangerous
w Easy bruising or unexplained
bleeding from any orifice We recognize that it may be
m Skin rashes or discolorations of difficult to follow all of these
the skin suggestions, but even if you only
W Blurred vision and/or follow part of them, you will decrease
persistent, severe headaches. your risk 0% disease.
What preventive measures can you
take? AIDS study focuses on habits of single
Because so little is known about -
the CaUSES 0* hIDBa it 15 most About 1200 single San Francisco men
important to stay healthy and t0 will undergo intensive scrutiny of
minimize your chances of contracting their living habits over the next
any infections, three years as part of a $15 million
Therefore, it 15 SUQQEStEd that study to find out why some men get
you: acquired immune deficiency syndrome,
M Exercise regularly The study, announced the National
* Eat a nutritionally balanced Institute of Allergy and Infectious
diet Diseases in Betheda, Md., will be
m Get plenty of rest conducted by the University of
California at Berkley,

 The Hole Couple Bay Etiquette
Ibsccmals“-99u9lsi_ibsaii8slationshies The *0110Win9 latter appeare”
QQXELQQ, by David P. McNhirtEFT~HTDT the Miss Manners advice column,
BHd Andrew M. Mattison, N.S_w;‘ ph_ written by Judith Martin.

0., is surely a must for any gay. man Dear ”155 Manners: I am a
involved in an ongoing relationship homosexual male and am planning to
and for anyone who hopes t0 be in the marry another male. Since we are both
future. McNhirter and Mattison, a gay men, it has bFDUth UP a few problems
couple for the past twelve years.I about the CEFEMDHY-
studied 156 gay cauples for this book; First, is it proper to have two
which has been called "a landmark sets of groomsmen? We thought possibly
study” by Wardell B. Pomeroy. Ph. D.. of each having two men and two women
coauthor with Alfred Kinsey! ph. D. of and calling them attendants instead of
Esaualcflsbayieciiuimtbs-ibuman Male. A Groomsmen 0’ bridesmaids'
few of the often surprisingwfindings: I was also wondering Wh§t_WDU1d be
the proper way for the minister to
Relationshipg take on a life of pronounce us married. Would "man and
thEiF OW“; passing through definite man" be all right, or perhaps "husband
and predictable stages. The change and husband"? ,
from one stage to another can be a Gentle Reader: Now, Now. You don t
time of great emotional stress for really want Miss Manners to tell you
the individuals within the what tradition decrees in the way of
relationghipfl who may not gender distribution in a wedding
understand why the relationship and party, do ya”? ,
their feelings are changing.I and It ”DUId be more becoming for you
who may blame themselves or “their to adopt the EVOlutIDnary etiquette,
lovers for these Changas. in which relationship supersedes
gender. Choose your wedding attendants
All of the couples together for for the degree of their friendship to
longer than five years in this you - as some heterosexual couples are
study were not continuously now doing - and not for their sex or
sexually exclusive with each other; becomingness to the attire you have
They found that gay men expect chosen. _ ‘
mutual emotional dependability with The minister should pronounce the
their partners and that new relationship, not the gender.
relationship fidelity transcends '
concerns with sexuality and Bfit Back ‘t th‘ IRS
Did you know that you contributions
, Couples with greatest relationship to 580 are tax~deductible? Nhy ”0t be
longevity have the largest the first in your group of friends to
differences in age. All 0+ the make a contribution to BBQ in 1984?
couple in the study whg were Please help us remain active in the
together for longer than thirty coming year.
years have an age difference of Donations should be made payable to
between five and sixteen years. GED.
Ibsmmals Equals should be available in Fa'ri" B‘th'r
local bookstores or can be ordered ~
directly from the publisher. On the weekend of February iuwifi,
F-‘renticewHal1,I Inc.. Book Distribution Island Circle Of Hey NESt’ Florida is
Center, West Nyack. New York 10095_ sponsoring a celebration/gathering of
The price is $1é.95 plus tax. which gentle faerie folk 9“ a private iglind
includes postage and handling. . in the F¥Or1qa KEYS", Thls will
involve primitive camping and will
evolve into whatever the participants
fancy. For information, call Eddie at

:: EBEBCJ FirdI) 'reaez IBF§F¥ 3:
UV proudly announce UU
UV the 1984 Valentine’s Day dance and benefit. VV
VV Admission is $3.00 and the doors open at 9:00pm. UV
VV Come out, have a good time and help support 680. UV
Your feedback is needed and greatly Male roommate needed to share new
appreciated! . Let us know what you house in south end. Must be quiet
like about thlS months newletter and person, non—smoker. Monetary ar-
glve us some euggeetlone as to what rangements negotiable. Call 273-
you would like to see in future —6953 after 8:00 pm.
ieeueeu Thanks"
February, 1984
2 3 4
Sayline 231-0335 SALUS Gay Rights
Update. 8:00p:
UK Heeorial Hall
5 6 7 9 10 l
Potluck at 650 Business etg Sayline 231-0335 Sayline 231-0335 Volleyball at the]
Eddie’s. 1:30p! 8:00p. at the High St Y- 7-99:
Call 259-0878 oflice. Call 299-0352
or 269-8766 231-0335 or 269-8766
12 H M N
Bowling at South- 550 Valentine’s Sayline 231-0335
land Lanes fraa Day Dance and ’ '
4 to 6p: benefit at the Gay and Lesbian
call 299-0352 BAR. 9:00pe Deeocrats of Ky
20 21 23 24
Newsletter Sayline 231-0335 Sayline 231-0335 Volleyball at the ,
leetlna-Call Fold and Stuff High 5: y. 7-9p. I
259'9756 for Newsletter. Call Call 299-0352 :
“““5- 269-8766 or 269-8766 i
26 27 28 '
Bowling at South- Sayline 231-0335
land Lanes True
4 to 6pe ’
call 299-0352 ,
Sayline Meeting
2:00pe the office .

 The following poem appeared in the
August 1980 Egyggttg (the former name Say hello to your lover? You came
of the BSD Newsletter). It was to unwind?
written by Joe Lincoln. Oh, I just saw a friend...I hope you
won’t mind
GAY BAR BUFFET If I run over to see him?! Nice meeting
you two,
Mirror, MiFFDF, in my EYES, What’s with all these couples? What’s
Tell me whom to idolize. a single to do?
The tanned one there with the open I’d ask you to dance, but you’ll have
shirt, to dispose
or the one in the corner who refuses Of that bottle of poppers you’ve got
to flirt: shoved up your nose.
How about the stud with the muscles Yes, I know it adds rhythm, makes you
that gleam, light on your feet,
Fresh from the spa and an encounter But it gives me hot flashes, turns my
with steam? face to a beet.
There’s a nice one there, all hairy My options are dwindling, the bar will
and lank; soon close.
I could cruise right on by and give I’ll be stuck with myself, not the
his ’kerchief a yank. first time, God knows.
Here’s a new face; if he’d just look Well, here goes my last shot, then
my way! I’ll call it a night.
Don’t stand there and stare, think of HE SMiIEd3 COUld this b9? Oh: my
something to say 50d: it’s a bit95
That’s clever or witty and will get a ”Y apartment? 0h: ”0t far. And I
reply drove; we’re in luck.
Before some other person gets the Never die — that’s my MDttD- Someone
nerve and walks by. always QiVES a TUCk- .
1:11 take a dozen of those on the And where have you been all my life to
dance floor, my dear; this point _ . .
Have them wrapped _ but not tightly _ While I’ve been wasting away in this
I’ll be anxious I fear. smoke—filled joint?
P4EEL.F’ Ud‘hrd‘rEEI)
Immediate opening for part time
store clerk. Call Paul at 278-1451
between 4:00 and 8:00 pm. Baylina Raturns
The Gayline is back in operation on
Tueeday and Thursday evenings from 7 ~
Beautiful Bov. 11 pm. The financial problems have
Sweet. sweet soldier boy... been solved for the immediate future,
(Manlfl ' but the staffing problem remains. Due
to this staffing problem, we cannot
Your scent on my skin guarantee that the phoneline will be
Fingers redolent of you staffed every Tuesday and Thursday'but
Flesh memories ' we hope you will keep trying to reach
Mmmm. us. Current event will continue to be
listed on the recording when the phone
I’m yours is not staffed.
And your mine...for tonioht. If you would like to volunteer
Take me again... “ several hours a month to answer the
" phones, pleaee come to the next
Bye soldier boy Gayline meeting on Sunday, February
Remember W 39th at 2:00pm in our office at 170
the night. American Avenue (bring a friend).
Paul Joseph