xt7np55dfx2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7np55dfx2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1988 1988 1988-04-01 2020 true xt7np55dfx2j section xt7np55dfx2j Diversions Women’s Writers Conference turns “10” next week. SEE PAGE 3. Sports UK team defends its Johnny Owens title. SEE PAGE 6. \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ Today: 80% chance of rain Tomorrow: More rain likely \\\\\ \\\\\ \\ \ Kentucky Kernel Vol. XCI. NO. 137 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971 Friday. April 1 . l 988 Rose, McCain to headstudent government Sen. wins with solo campaign after entering SGA race late By JAY BLANTON Executive Editor Ignoring traditional wisdom, James Rose launched his bid for Student Government Association president alone. Last night, Rose finished that race alone — above his two opponents for SGA president. Rose, an SGA senator at large, finished with 1,336 votes, followed by Senior Vice President Susan Bridges with 1,063 votes and Senator at Large David Botkins with 628 votes UK basketball star Rex Chapman finished with 13 write-in votes. Leah McCain, who ran for vice president along with Botkins, beat Ken Mattingly for the vice presi- dential position. McCain had 1,347 votes to Mattingly‘s 1,211 votes. Upon the announcement shortly after midnight at the free speech area of the Student Center in front of about 100 people, Rose was vir- tually mugged by his supporters. They hugged and kissed the victo- rious candidate and screamed "I love you James" and “James — you‘re the greatest." Rose was eventually hoisted upon the shoul- ders of his supporters. Rose thanked them, saying the ef- fort was great in the election. “This year everyone got (out) to help me,“ Rose said. “I think it‘s great (that people) put out so much effort.“ Rose credited the campaign orga~ nization of Kenny Arington, his Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity broth- er who ran unsuccessfully for presi- dent last year. He also credited stu- dent leaders who had urged him to run for president in Februrary. Election '88 Rose‘s campaign manager, Kim Young, said Rose had support al- most immediately after he an- nounced his candidacy. "I think he has deserved (this) more than anyone,“ she said. For months it was known that Bridges and Botkins would make a run for the presidency. Rose, howev- er, did not enter the race until late February. And when he did — he did so alone. At the time the two best candi- dates for vice president were al- ready running, Rose said, so he made the decision to run alone. Although disappointed in Botkins’ loss. Vice President-elect McCain said, “I think James is a great lead- er and I think working together we‘ll make a fine SGA.“ Rose also said he had no doubt that he could work with McCain and said he will sit down and talk with her in the next few weeks. Mattingly said he hopes to contin- ue to be involved in SGA. "Just because I lost doesn‘t mean I‘m going to quit.“ Mattingly said. In the background stood an ex- pressionless Botkins, wondering how it happened. “I really don‘t know,“ Botkins said, commenting on how Rose won. "I think it was the fact that James was perceived as an alternative be- See ROSE. Page 4 Running mate not vital; LCC shows importance By (‘.A. DUANE BONIFER Editorial Editor Two lessons can be learned from last night‘s SGA election results in the presidential race: You don't have to run on a ticket to be elected SGA president, and whatever you do, don‘t ignore the Lexington Com- munity College campus. When SGA Senator at Large James Rose entered the race on Feb. 28, few gave him a chance be- cause he had decided to enter rather late. Others pointed to his decision to run a solo campaign as proof he was launching a campaign doomed from the start. With Senior Vice President Susan Bridges and Senator at Large David Botkins already in the race, some wondered if Rose had a real shot at capturing the presidency. However, in reality, Rose had been contemplating a bid for the presidency since late November —-- he had surveyed the situation and knew what his chances were. And when a handful of student leaders finally persuaded him to enter the race. people should have recognized from the start that Rose‘s campaign was one not to be taken lightly. As this SGA election showed once again, those who choose to vote on the main campus take the advice of campus leaders very seriously. Also, greeks tend to turn out at the polls in large numbers and many of those ANALYSIS who wanted James to run were lead- ers in the greek community. However, Rose‘s choice not to have a running mate was the wisest move. One of his fraternity brothers. Ken Mattingly, was making a run for the vice president post, on Bridges‘ ticket. So since voters can choose to vote for a split ticket, Rose was probably assured of the vote from his frater- nity without creating any internal division within it. But Rose had the most to gain from the Botkins/Leah McCain tick- et. Many of those who supported Mc- Cain were at best lukewarmly com- mitted to Botkins and were more than willing to vote for Rose. Although Botkins finished a dis- mal third with only 628 votes, 708 be- hind Rose and 435 in back of Bridges, he had opponents scared until the announcement was made. Botkins had been courting the vote from students at LCC for almost two months, and with more than 500 peo- ple turning out to vote — an all-time record — supporters of both Bridges and Rose were very concerned about what impact that could have on the outcome. Botkins had even promised to hold the first SGA meeting of his term on the LCC campus and he was hoping ._ . SGA Senator at Large James Rose is hugged by new Senator at Large Ann Darlington last night after he beat Susan Bridges and THE RESU & r to receive enough support to counter his high negative rating on the main campus. For too long, LCC Senator Chris Essid said. his constituents have been treated like an illegitimate step—child by SGA, but he said that after last night, that attitude will change. If LCC continues to show the kind of interest in SGA it showed this week, he is probably right. Last night‘s results were probably Thetas, Pi Kappa Tau win ‘Sing’ Staff reports About 1,500 people sauntered in Memorial Coliseum last night to see Pi Kappa Tau fraternity and Kappa Alpha Theta sorority win the 15th annual Chi Omega Greek Sing. For Pi Kappa Tau, who performed “The College Years,“ it was their third win in a row. The Thetas per- formed to the soundtrack “Cats." The $2 admission from the event contributed 81,060 for UK radio sta- tion “FL-FM. “We think it‘s very beneficial be- cause it’s going back into the Uni- versity,” said Elizabeth Bushong. presidentof Chi Omega. Putting the money back into UK was the intention from the start, said Iiubeth Smith, chairman of the event. “We wanted our money to go back to the campus . . . wanted tosee the results at UK.“ WRFL Station Manager Scott Fer- guson said the money was greatly appreciated. “This helps us a lot. It will carry us until July lst when we receive the matching funds from UK and Lex- ington," Ferguson said. “It allows [B to breathe a little easier." He said about $600 to $700 would go to the record library, and some will go for equipment needed to do interviews. Ferguson said WRFL plans to thank the campus for the support its given WRI-‘L with a free concert at the Bottom Line April 5 The station will also have sign-in book there to give students a chance to put down songs and artists that they would Iiketohearmoreofontheair we In the sorority contest. Pi Beta Phi — performing “Walt Disney Presents‘ —- earned second place while Delta Zeta (“Sing and Danc- ing Through the Decades") took third. Alpha Tau Omega fraternity ("Got Those Blues Again“) won sec- ond place in the fraternity division while Sigma Pi (“A Country State of Mind") fraternity won third. The trophies for both the fraterni- ty and sorority divisions are con- stant trophies turned over to the new champions each year, said Beth Dorris. a memberof Chi Omega. The money would be put to good use, hesaid. “We' re going to put all the W raised in the budget and divide it evenly between departments. We‘ re not planning to buy any one piece of equipment with it " the biggest shock to Bridges, who had won her previous two SGA bids handily without having to devote much energy to campaigning. But she had never run against a candidate like Rose, who had many of the same constituents she had en~ joyed before he entered the race. And since he was perceived by many to be more competent. he won out. Although Bridges was extremely See ANALYSIS. Page 4 Epalon ’3 . 9.11 ALAN HAWSE Kernel Sta.” David Botkins to win the presidential election. Rose poled up 1,336 votes to Bridges' 1.063 and Botkins' 628 Tickets, incumbents rule in Senate race B\ THO.“ \S I Sll I I\ .\\ Vows Editor Being one of the lop three vote— getters for senator at large in the Student Government .»\.\sociation is a position most candidates would probably love to hold But the top three this year appre- ciate it for an additional reason -, they were all running mates. Kim Fowler. Sean Lohman and Penny Peavler finished one. two and three. respectively Senatorial election results were announced shortly after midnight last night outside the Student Cen- ter. About 200 people attended the announcement Fowler, who amassed 1.049 votes. said she was elated. “It's the most incredible feeling I've ever. ever felt." she said. “I didn‘t expect it. but it's a great feel- ing." Tears streaming down her face. Fowler attributed hcr tickets sucess to “people that believed in it." Lohman. who settled in at second- highest with 9:30 votes. was also pleased with his ticket ‘s success. “I can't believe it. 1 was in tears." hesaid. Lohman said that he and the rest of his ticket “worked our butts off forthis " “We went to bed at four in the morning and got up at Six in the morning every day since Friday.” Lohmansaid. ”ammonia!" fraternity sings some Cree- ln last night's Chi Omega Greek Sing. Lohman a political stlcntt ll'"\ll man from Louisville lost :11 ti..- freshman senator‘s race last t.ill "It‘s just unbeliveahlc." llt' mt‘. : But Lohman said he “as sin" that the fourth member of thw ill lu- Rick Campbell. didn‘t get t’lt‘t‘lt’ll Penny Peavler. who totaled votes for third place. said .\lit' w. very surprised. “I feel so awesome.” she \ttill i didn't even expect to get rtwu-ri ed." With their arms around in. I) Hillt‘!‘ Peavler and Fowler proclaim-ii 5:; unison: “the hard work paid off Both Peavler and Fowler cumbents. But the Fowler Lohman I’m-mm ticket wasn't the only ticket-molar ty to get elected. The ticket of Kim (‘aglc. Si I)t ll lit Ann Darlington and Kennt d_\ l James also got elected mt h It! .l position of senator at large Ken Payne and Sa} RIZH also with their ticket to victory. \U'i't l . The fourth highest vote-getter at.“ newcomer Paige Foster. an unlit cided freshman. who declined in comment on her victory Thi- lllll‘. and sixth vote-getters were .ilri) newcomers, Amy Ruiz and Run Finishing up the 15 clcclctl scil ators at large were Mary Beth Brookshire, Payne. Sean (‘olcman Darlington. Kevin Weaver. James. Deane. Chris Price and Caglc Clocks moved forward Sun. Associated Press WASHINGTON Daylight-saving time returns at 2 am. Sunday, the day that clocks should be shifted an hour forward. This annual change, known as “daylight-saving time." doesn't really save any daylight. or time It simply moves an hour of light from morning to evening by de- laying sunrise and sunset an hour The idea has been attributed to various people, including Benjamin I-‘rarklin, but it was William Willelt of Emland who launched the even- tually successful campaign for the ideain 1907. 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Fridey.Aprll1,1088 Ky. legislature OK’s. budget reluctantly By MARK R. (‘HELLGREN Associated Press FRANKFORT —— The General As- sembly passed a $6.59 billion spend- ing plan for the executive branch of state government yesterday, though some key drafters of the budget were so unhappy with it they voted against passage. Hep. Joe Clarke, D-Danville, said it was his first vote against a budget during 17 years as chairman of the Ilouse Appropriations and Revenue Committee. (‘Iarke said he was moved to vote against the budget because of addi- tions made in the conference com- mittee to authorize construction of numerous new structures at univer~ sit res and community colleges. “My main reason is I don‘t think we need to build buildings at this point." Clarke said. (‘larke was joined in his opposition to House Bill 516 by five of the six chairmen of the budget review sub- committees in the House, most of whom said they preferred the spend- ing plan initially passed by the House to the compromise document. The House vote on the budget was 81-19. Sen. Mike Moloney, D-Lexington, ("larke's counterpart in the Senate, defended the construction projects, espcc1a|ly since enrollment at uni- versities and community colleges has grown in recent years. Even Moloney, though, was not boasting about the budget. “I still can't stand here and say that we‘ve met the needs of Ken— tucky. because we haven‘t." M010- ncy said. The 37 members of the Senate who cast ballots all voted for the budget. The only lawmaker to miss voting on the budget was Sen. Gus Shee- han. Dt‘ovington. ftlany lawmakers applauded their colleagues who put together the bud- get for their efforts, but said no bud- get would be adequate without addi- t ional money to spend. "We simply have not provided ad- equately for education in the state of Kentucky.“ said Sen. David Karem. ”Louisville. “We simply cannot “I still can’t stand here and say that we've met the needs of Kentucky, because we haven’t." Mike Moloney, state senator bludgeon the system into doing bet- ter with no rewards.“ Other legislators said the budget was adequate because higher taxes would hurt more. "This is a bare bones budget, but without further taxing of our people; and for that I am grateful," said Rep. Charles Siler, R-Williamsburg. There was near unanimous agreement that the budget passed by the legislature was superior to the one originally submitted by Gov. Wallace Wilkinson at the beginning of the session. “I believe what we have here is a vast improvement on what came to us in late January and is an im- provement on what we passed here,“ Moloney said. Wilkinson will have his chance to tinker with the budget, but only to remove things. Kentucky governors have the authority to veto specific appropriations in the budget, but cannot add items. The legislature will return to the Capitol on April 14 to consider any legislation Wilkinson has vetoed. With separate budgets already en- acted for the judicial and legislative branches, Kentucky state govern- ment will spend approximately $3.311 billion in fiscal 1989 and $3.483 billion in state tax dollars in 1990. The legislature passed H8764 yes- terday, which increases the benefits to retired teachers by 3 percent in each of the coming years. Funding for the proposal was included in the budget. 130-lb. cancerous tumor removed from woman Associated Press FORT WORTH. Texas A woman who feared to seek medical help as a tumor swelled in her abdo— men eventually doubled her weight before having the 130pound malig~ nant growth removed. her doctor said Wednesday. Barbara Louise Jones. 55. is al— most completely recovered from the December operation to remove the ovarian tumor. said Fort Worth surv geon Dr. JE. Way. In the three years preceeding her operation. Miss Jones. who is S-loot-l'g. said she at first thought she was gaining weight. then real- ized something was seriously wrong. But Jones said she delayed seeing a doctor because she feared she would suffer the same type of pain- lul death as her mother. who died of ovarian cancer in 1973. Her mater- nal grandfather and an uncle also died of cancer. She was forced to retire early trom her job as a school district pur- chasing agent last March. By July. Rocks Friday with wich. For carry out call 259-0098 THE BAD GUYS REPEAT OPTION Friday Happy Hour 5-8 with Tommy -n- Junior $2.25 Pitchers Drop by for Lunch or Dinner and try one of our fabulous sandwiches. From Ribeye Steaks to Burgers to Fish or our Famous Chicken Sand— she was unable to drive a car or move about without tiring. In November, she finally decided to seek medical attention and was referred to Way. Within two weeks, the tumor was removed. Way said he had to cut a 45-foot incision in Jones‘ abdomen to re- move the malignant tumor. He said most ovarian tumors are detected when they are 1-1l : inches. "There's nothing typical about this." Way said. “You can find a lot of tumors that weigh 5 to 30 pounds, and those are humongous tumors.” The 1988 Guinness Book of World Records lists a 1905 case of a 328- pound ovarian cyst as the largest tumor in history. Oddly enough, the woman in that case also was from TffiuiS‘. the book says she recovered to v. Way said that all of the cancerous growth was removed and although Jones must have regular checkups for a recurrence. she is now in good health. Rocks Saturday With Robert G. Zumwinkle Award (Student Rights Award) picked up Applications can be in Student Center room 120 or call 257-3191 for information Deadline: Thursday, April 7 All students, faculty are eligible and staff Going Bananas Jaye Jameson. a biology senior, dressed up yesterday to lobby for votes in the Student Center for Senator-At-Large hopefuls Bart Fraz- er and David Best. MUD 81W” Story on PTL Scandal wins Pulitzer By RICK HAMPSON Associated Press NEW YORK — The Charlotte Observer won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for public service yesterday for its coverage of the PTL financial scan- dal that brought down Jim and Tammy Bakker and created turmoil in televangelism. The North Carolina paper, the Wall Street Journal and The Miami Herald each took two of the awards. In its citation for the public serv- ice award, one of six Pulitzers awarded to Knight-Bidder papers, the prize board said the Observer revealed misuse of funds by the ministry “through persistent cover- age conducted in the face of a mas- sive campaign by PTL to discredit the newspaper." The other prize-winning Knight- Ridder papers are the Inquirer, the Herald, and the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch. In the arts, novelist Toni Morrison —- whose failure to win other writing awards over the past year caused a literary controversy — received the Pulitzer for fiction for her novel Beloved. Driving Miss Daisy by Alfred Uhry and The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes won the prizes for drama and gener- al non-fiction, respectively. Winners reacted gleefully to the news. “I‘m in a state of slack-jawed dumbfoundedness,“ said Tom Shales of the Washington Post, who won the criticism award for his writings on television. Tim Weiner of the Inquirer cele- brated his national reporting award — for a series of reports on a secret Pentagon budget used to sponsor de- fense research and an arms buildup — by climbing on a desk and light- ing up a stogie, while listening to his colleagues’ applause. Weiner said he felt as if he had just received a “$10 million check from Ed McMahon. I’m just a very happy guy and very lucky.” Pulitzers for general news report- ing went to the Alabama Journal of Montgomery for an investigation of the state‘s unusually high infant mortality rate, and to the Lawrence (Mass) Eagle-Tribune for stories that showed flaws in the Massachu- setts prison furlough system. The Chicago Tribune's Dean Baquet, William Gaines and Ann Marie Lipinski won the Pulitzer for investigative reporting for stories on “the self-interest and waste that plagued Chicago‘s City Council." Daniel Hertzberg and James B. Stewart of the Wall Street Journal won the Pulitzer for explanatory journalism for stories about an in- vestment banker charged with insid~ er trading and about the day after the October stock market crash. The Journal’s other Pulitzer — for spe- cialized reporting — went to Walt Bogdanich for a series on faulty testing by medical laboratories. Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times won the Pulitzer for in- ternational reporting for what the Pulitzer board termed “balanced and informed coverage of Israel." Friedman also won a Pulitzer for in- ternational reporting in 1983. The Miami Herald‘s two awards came in commentary and feature photography. Dave Barry won the former for what the board called “consistently effective use of humor as a device for presenting fresh in- sights into serious concerns“; Michel duCilIe won the latter for photographs of the decay and reha- bilitation of a housing project with a cocaine problem. Other j0urnalism awards includ- ed: 0 Feature writing, to Jacqui Banaszynski of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch for her series about the life and death of an AIDS victim in a farm community. 0 Editorial writing, to Jane Healy of The Orlando Sentinel for editori- als that protested overdevelopment of Florida’s Orange County. o Editorial cartooning, to Doug Mariette of the Atlanta Constitution and the Charlotte Observer. - Spot news photography, to Scott Shaw of the Odessa (Texas) American for his pictures of Jessica McClure being rescued from the well into which she had fallen. Other arts awards included: 0 History, The Launching of Modern American Science 1846-1876, by Robert V. Bruce. 0 Biography, Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe, by David Herbert Donald. 0 Poetry, Partial Accounts: New and Selected Poems, by William Meredith. 0 Music, 12 Etudes for Piano, by William Bolcom. Except for the award for public service, which brings with it a gold medal, Pulitzers carry a cash prize of $3,000. The winners are selected by the Pulitzer Prize board and an- nounced by the president of Colum- bia University, which administers the competition. AIDS virus strengthens, study shows By PAUL RECER Associated Press WASHINGTON — The virus that causes AIDS actually changes and grows more powerful as the immune deficiency disease progresses, according to studies at the Universi- ty of California in San Francisco. In a report to be published today, Dr. Jay A. bevy, professor of medi- cine at UCSF, said he and a group of researchers discovered the changing virus by studying blood samples taken over a four-year period from four men who were infected by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. The scientists found that as the AIDS patients became sicker, the virus seemed to evolve and strength- en. “It’s surprising," Levy said in an interview. “The virus doesn't just stay the same, but actually changes its biologic features. It looks like the same virus, but it’s probably evolv- ing within the individual. " The studies started while all four of the randomly selected subjects tested positive for the HIV virus, but had not yet developed AIDS. Three of the men later developed AIDS and two died. The fourth continues to have no AIDS symptoms, even though he tests positive for the virus. In the three who developed AIDS, Levy said the HIV viruses isolated from their blood samples became more and more virulent as their symptoms intensified. Virulence was tested by exposing the isolated virus to cells in test tubes. Levy said that when the subjects were experiencing the most severe AIDS symptoms, the HIV from their blood was able to multiply more readily. It also could more easily in- fect cells and would attack a greater variety of cells. Viruses isolated periodically from the patient who remained without AIDS symptoms, however, did not show any change in virulence, Levy said. Levy said it is obvious that the virus must be able to reproduce, or replicate, in order to evolve this in- creasing virulence. As a result, he said, if researchers can stop the virus from replicating, then it could be kept harmless, even though it continued to live within the patient. “You wouldn't get rid of the virus . . . They are kept for the lifetime of the individual," said Levy. “They would just never become strong enough to cause disease. " The UCSF researchers now are searching for the HIV genes respon- sible for increasing its virulence and its ability to replicate. If this gene can be isolated, said Levy, “then we can actually target some approach (such as a drug) of getting at the virus and arresting its replication.“ Working with Levy in the research were Cecilia Cheng-Mayer, Deborah Seto and Dr. Masatoshi Tateno. AIDS, or acquired immune defi- ciency syndrome, attacks and de- stroys lymphocytes, a key cell in the body‘s defenses against disease. Without this defense, patients devel- op infections or rare cancers that usually prove fatal. BUILD YOUR OWN PIZZA it NO COUPON NECESSARY! ill- JUST ASK! Get any size pizza with up to 5 toppings of your choice for just $7.95. For a limited time, you can build your own pizza. Start with any size cheese pizza, and add up to five of your favorite toppings, for one great price of $7.95 “meme-melon Lin—eme- “firm Offer Explree: 4/3/88 Valid only at participating locations only. Not valid in conjunction with any other coupon or offer. Call Us: 276-4437 1041 WM. 001 Eucld Ave. hf). TURNTABLE TALK The name is Rose — James Rose, and he's your next Stu- dent Government Association president as of last night's election. And he likes his sha- ken, not stirred. Favorite Album: I guess (it's)Boston because I play it all the time,” says Rose. "It's nice, upbeat and yet laid-back, and that's my style." Ours too, James. JAMES ROSE AnehCltySetoon—ZSSOWooNWigCenter.GregAustiandwifl , piaytmighttrorthota.m.Coveri353. InbylonBebyton—tflN. Limestone. Shak’n Familywillplaytonight: Saturday night,TheA1ganVVigswitlplaysWe19.0overis$3.bothnigtns. TheBeerdedSeeIe—SOOEuofidAve.RepeatOptionwinpiaytonightlrom9 tolem. TheBottolene—361W.Short$t.MoloNlaMflplaytonightlrom 10t01 a.m.;Satudaynight.VelvetElviswiflpleytrom9tota.m.Coveris$3. The Dress A Saloon - 2909 Homo Road. Uitravox will play tonight and tomorrownight. M‘s nge—NervousMetwn‘ wiiipiaytonightandtomorrowstarting‘ at9.Cover ls . . CheepSlde—BruceLewisTriowiliplaytonightstartingat 9. Tomorrownight, JackO.Dimondswitiplaystatingat9. Comedy on Broadway 144 N. Broadway. Ollie Joe Prater. taller Bea: and Ted Lyde will mrtorm tonight and tomorrow ow at 8 and 10:30, md Sunday only at 7:30 pm. Cover is $6. Copperfielde -- 249 w. Short. Parker Coiemai win play tonight and tomorrow nighttrom 9to 1 am. 82 Cover. Kluge Arms Pub —— Pewe Dogs wiii play tonight from 9 to 1 am; Saturday night. Non-chalante will play from Ste 1 am. Cover is 32. Main Streets -— 269 W. Main St. The Duos wfii play tonight aid tomorrow night from mm 1 am. Cover is 52. Spirit: - Johnny White and the Elite Bands wit play tonight and tomorrow night from 9to 1 am. Coveris $2. Two Keys Tavern F; 333 SLLimestone St. The'Shakers win play tonight and "tomorrow night lrorh 9to 1 am. CoveriB’SZfornien:aiidnocoverforwomen. TheUpperClees—aaeWoodaridAveTheMovieswillplaytonigtnmdto- monownighttromstotamcoverissa. Alley lntheLifeotJlmmy Rearden ~Rated PG. (South M: 1, 3:10, 5:15. 7:35, 9:45, 11:45.) mm — Rated R. (North M: 1. 3:10. 5:20, 7:40, 9:50, and tonight mmwmlyat 12.) Next In“ - Rated P643. (South M: 12:40, 2:45, 4:40, 7:30, 9:40 and tailghtandtomorrowonlyat 11:40.) Origin Lights. fig cm PREMIERE Rated R. (South Park: 12:45, 2:55. 5:10. 7:55,10,aidtonightandtomorrowoniyatt1:55.) West News — Rated R. (North Putt: 2:15, 4:45, 7:30, 9:50, std tonight mdlomorrowonlyat 12:10.) The Dead - PREWERE Rated PG. (Tin'flmd: 2:05, 3:45, 5:25. 7:50, 9:36. mdmnightandtormmowonlyat 11:10. 0. O. A. -— Rated R. (Fayette Mai: 1:40, 3:40. 5:40, 7:50. 9:50, and tonight andtomorrowonlyat 11:45.) Fetal Attraction -— Reted R. (North Putt: 1:45, 4:15, 7:40, 9:55 and tonight mdtomomwonlyatmidnight.) The Fox and the Hamid -— Rated G. (North Putt: 12:50, 2:35, 4:15. 5:50, 7:30.3idtonigtnmdmorrowmlyate.uwshowinget0rosaroeds:1, 2:40, 4:20. 6:55, 7:30, ”WNWWNO.) Frantic —- Rated R. (South M: 12:45, 2:55, 6, 7:50, 10. and tonight and tontorrowonlyatmidnm.) am Morning W —- Rated Ft. (Scum Pfl’k: 12:30, 2:50, 5:05. 7:35. 9:50. artdtmightmdtomorrowontyetmidnlmt. MeoehowingatNorthPak: 1:50. 4:20, 7:30, 9:45,mdtonightmdtormowonlyat 12.) IN! ”My ~ Rated PG. (TM: 1:50. 3:40. 5:30, 7:35, 9:26. I16 tonight maternorrowontyat 11:10.! my 0. Good — Rded P643. (North M: 1:20. 3:20, 5:20, 7:50, 9:50, mwnwmmowmet 11:30.deme: 2. 3:50. 5:35. 7:35. 9:25, andtonidttmdtmmowontyu 11:10.) TheLeetlnperer—Retedfl.(northM:2. 6. snows-1am oniyet11.) m - W M: 2. 3:60. 6:40. 7:80. 9:40. and tonight and m — new a W Me: 1:40. 3:40, 5:35, 7:35. 9:35. and WMWW‘HOO.) m ~m R, M M: 1:“. 3:59. 8:40. 7:36. 0:280. ltd W WWWI‘HHQ mmewmmumnimmnm 3140.8:40.t9:w.uummemmdtt;ao. unmet m M: 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, a. no. I! W did tumor: only 1 11:40.) mmm-WR.MM21.4.0:GO,7:00.10.011!” “Moms 12. hometmmt mfifiaufi~mm mm 1:10. ems. «as. 7:43. mmmummeimol Perfect 6109 Kentucky Kernel, Friday.AprlI1,1908 — 3 Women’s Writers Conference decade old By KAREN PHILLIPS Design Editor his years Women’s Writers Conference will be a little different. It‘s the conference‘s 10th anniversary and coordinators say the program will have a more festive atmosphere. The conference, which runs April 6—9, will make an atypical start by having a celebration Wednesday night, April 6, at Breeding's bar on Main Street. Several conference writers and panelists will be there to share in the celebration and do some public reading. Women‘s music will also be featured that evening, including such performers as Kiya Heartwood, a Lexington native and now lead singer for Arista recording artists Stealin Horses. and Carolyn Dahl, Lexington jazz pianist for the Metropolitan Blues All-Stars. “We‘re having the celebration off campus to try and attract some off— campus people,” said Betty Gabeheart, conference coordinator and director of UK Continuing Education for Women. The conference will make its formal start the following morning with a presentation entitled “Directions in Feminism and Women‘s Studies” which Gabeheart and Patti DeYoung, conference assistant, said is the principal idea of this year‘s program. “The conference will be a little bit different since this is the 10th anniversary,“ said Gabeheart. “We‘ve invited UK professors in women's studies to talk about the direction women's studies is taking — which has really just got going within the last decade. This will set the context on what‘s happening in women‘s literature today." Two of the conference speakers, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, have done major work on women‘s literature of the 19th century, Gabeheart said. Their book is an anthology which traces attitudes and styles of modern women's literature to its roots. That work, The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and The Nineteenth- Century Literary Imagination, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award. Both were also named as Ms. magazine‘s Women of the Year CLAY OWEN/Kernel Staff Patti DeYoung (left) and Betty Gabeheart have been instrumental in planning UK’s 10th annual Women‘s Writers Conferences in 1985 and as “PeOple who made a difference" by USA Today. Following this general. theme- setting opening, the conference will get into more specific panel discussions. The program will host 10 featured speakers, plus seven other writers and scholars appearing on the program. primarily as panelists. One unusual event, a discussion entitled “Enterprising Women,“ led by poet Sharon Olds, will center on a group made up primarily of women who self-publish Startrekfa nzine. a magazine/comic book dedicated to the TV series “Star Trek“ and its fans. “These fans have taken the characters in ‘Star Trek' and written more stories about them." DeYoung said. “It's self-published stories, art and songs and printed up kind up kind of like term paper or cartoon book. “ A panel discussion will also be held on fanzines featuring Camille