t'i UNIVERSrTY OF KENTUCKY : -- A VOLJBtJX LEXINGTON, NAVAL BRANCH W ESTABLISHED AT V. K. ALL BAY CELEBRATION I TO BE HELD OCT. 1 S. A. T. C. tfitit in Univer- sity of Kentucky to Contain About 1100 Men HOW WORK IS PLANNED the National Amy Training Detachment at Camp Buell will become Section B, of the Students' Army Training Corps, and after that date all men in training at the On October - ' University, 1, mechanics, naval students and those signed up for the Army will be in the S. A. T. C. unit, which will then be 1,100 Strong,. All men, with the possible exception of the 209 in the Navy, will be housed "In. barracks now under construction on the Rose street side' of the campus, and on October 1, under orders from' the War Department, there will be an celebration, including a review .awLjther features, to commemorate talfoKtoishmest the S..A. T. C. m ail-wa- (fighting nWrnn-Al- l member of the unit at the Uni-,versity:will form a single unit for the ''; r'purpose of instruction and training; Which may consist of one or more sections., here will be a collegiate sec- tion.Vto be known as section A, and a via. t. vocational Bectlonai;he known as sec- tion ' B. The CommiUse on Education and Special Training, acting for the War Department, has entered into a contract with the "University for the housing, feeding, vocational and academic instruction of- 700 men exclusive of the 412 who were sent to Camp Buell, and, under the permanent contract to be signed within two fi months, this number may be either .isieijeased or decreased; as facilities may .make necessary. ' Naval Officer 'In Charge . ,"r Royden, commandant Captain at'the. University, is also commanding tern-pq'ra- - H..' oJteer for the entire, 8. A. T. O, . unit.although it is probable that the Naval' section will have a naval offl- - ' Ensign C. V, Derr, with a staff of surgeons and yeomen, has established headquarters in Mechanical Hall for examination and induction into the Naval Reserve Force' as apprentice seamen all students- - wmLwMi to enlist or trajMfar from tWArmy Unit of the 8. A. T. C. The Navy Department has assigned the University a quota of 290 men with a full engineering strength, and if that number of these enlisted In the Navy does not volunteer for engineering, students from other colleges will be brought here to fill the quota. GRIDIRON PROSPECTS FOR YEAR EICNIAGING Team to be Built Around NineOWTtmty cervh charge. Orders from the Navy Department, within the last week ere- ateS' a Naval section of the S. A. T. C, with a strength of 200, all of whom are wanted in the engineering colleges. 'Naval officers detailed here tempor- jsrily are now examining applicants for this section, and all who meet the 'physical requirements of the Navy 'WiH be. Inducted into the service Octob-;1- . cCrhe Department has no contract jwlth the University and those who enlist will be paid directly from that department, and may make their own , arrangements with the institution beuts. housing, board, and instruction. Training Engineers. do not voliwteer-foen tie pkm to W' assign that number jKbtrrilV U that school, as thepriatal object of the department from Page Five) :Mteim ''rlg,H "J M r JCY., CALLED MEETING OF KERNEL PUBLISHE1 VALE owr We knew them, and honored them. These, our boys, and school-mate- s too. In tfi RftJrMVI lfow they are gone their course is run, Their life's Journey cut short by the hand of Fate. Today they sleep beneath the earth's green sod, Their presence a memory, .a dream that is past. iMMtflMftt the AoWlrihrtratlen lulfdini at 11:4 o'feek. A pel lea-t- ie no fer oeeKlens on the kernel staff will he reeel'vte there at that tt-ursM- y, rrfcMr tKnh ' We think of them now with a heart full of grief, We cherish their memory with thots sincere, And pray that we may meet them in a better land When earth's sun for us has set. Katherine T; Weakley. 8 refill it HmkI wllfmeki a snokrtalk'teiilM the advintafeo of werkfnf wlth tho Kernel. Old members of the staff wl I Tales make short talks. MAN! PHYSICAL CHMCES MADE W RIDDLE AND SHANKLIN BOK Football prospects at the University this year have Athletic Director S A, Boles and Coaclj T. A.?Gill full of con fldence that they ear will be a big7' one on the gridiron'. With the enlarged student body,- the two supervisors of the . Isjjiball operation's1 will have a lark IvMiiiiirihKf nt' 'nrnaMAfR to rira-V irwsp - OVER THINK THERE" i ij CAMPUS OF HOKE Rarrscks to Accommodate . ..S.:ATC Mi.Soon OOOOOoo e ,e MpMfc ' o o o oo o o e v iao6L oPEN ............. 1 BiU Shinnick Tells of Two "Flhlllng her lofty ideals of Royalty Months at Front Bill Shinnick, "University of KenCaptain H. N.rlboyden , whose patron- - tucky '17, now bearing the title of age wi swMb1BKoMc itedhan urged Lieutenant and to be addressed as the arBBSSBBBBBBBBsrsna eats who. are "Somewhere in France," is the author sport to cen tinne r their of the following letter to his friend, skill efforts, 'because of the training given Professo" Noe. The Kernel is glad to on the football field. see thaththc well remembered ShinThe team this year will be built nick wit is BtiliVn op and that Bill around nine old 'Varsity men, who can keep, smiling wherever he goes. have entered with full spirit into the "France, August, 30," preparationsr Those who are' hack "My Dear Professor: this year are Captain Heber, who will "As you probably know, I am. here. lead, the Wildoits, Murphree, Bastin, As you may not know, I am resting in Bough, Moore, Downing, Riddell, Dish-- , a little village whose dwellers are man and Shanklin. Heber will again honest "horny-handeagricultural sons hold down one of the ends. Murphree,, of toil," and "hewers of wood; drawBastin, Moore, Baugh and Downing ers of water." (I have to get the old are out to maintain their1 places bromides out of the way before I can places as line men, and Riddell and really do good work in a letter). We Shanklin will be the nucleus of the are resting because we were pretty backfleld, which will have to be com- tired after a little tangle with the posed to a good extent of new mate- enemies of peace, and comfort. The rial. Fourth was in all the good fighting From the "Scrubs" of past years, and for a couple ofwgeks and., did modthe products of high schools of the esty forbids State, will come in the reserves, to as far front as I had. to, which was tod bolster up the line. Trying for center far.' Nobody except a damned liar on the team are Boone and Kelly, two will say he likes to be under shell-firor any other kind of fire. But, men who have previously sported the blue. At the guards and tackles a back here we can look in restropect host of huskies are competing. There over the wild unreality of terrific batare Smith and. Brown, Baugh, Walter tle and smile at the nightmare. It's Morris, a Lexington High School out- all so different from God's own put, Bowmar, from Madisoaville, Wil- peacefulnesB of rural France. liams and Watkins, two &ew men, "One. cannot wonder that the FrenchBurge, McGregor, Thompson and Hern-do- man lights so valiantly for his home; Surge and Blatee, two men frem I can understand why every man has two countries, his own and France. I Dry Wage, and Draine, am, you see, a Francophile, and I am The end peek tons are oaushtg hot proud to be an humble ally of such scramble, Itaible, Richards, (Continued from Page Three.) from Page Five) d e, d .. o& No. 1 j i MEMORIAE IS HEED 01 CAMPUS Stwkrits of Unirersity Py Tribute to ComratW ? ' Killed in Acc Went INJURED RECOVER m4 Mfmorial' services were held on the University campus Monday afternoon by the 1,100 members of the Students' Army Training Corps, the Naval Unit and. the; men of Camp Buell for Robert Warren Hardesty, of Fort Thomas, Vir-lLuther Mansfield, of Glasgow, Ralph Baraford Allington, of Newport, and George- - McDonald Gayle, of' Erlanger, who met death about; fifty miles from ' Lexington last Saturday evening, when an automobile in which they were rid lng ran into a heand-ocollision :wtih the northbound. Southern Railroad, train for Cincinnati: Thruout the service the 1,100 fellow-?- , students stood at ease behind stacked arms, under the flag to which they-ha.i all consecrated their lives. . ,,, The program Was. as' follows: ! Color Line formed. Song "Columbia the Gem of the n "V i Ocean," . Present the, Colors. '. Song ''Star Spangled Banner.'1 ' v Drape the Colors SImga Chi. . Address Dr. Benjamin Jay Bush. Song "Nearer My God To Thee." Post the Color Guard. Song "Battle Hymn of theRepok gi n and patriotism, the University of Kentucky 'is beginning the' year 1918-1in the service of her country, bending her' every effort to make the most of the glorious opportunity afforded her to fall in line with the' best of Amer-- . 11c." lea's fighters. "" Prayer Dr. A. W. Fortune. In' spite of the scarcity of labor, Dr. Bush in his address said in part': brought about by war conditions, the undergoing campus is gradually "We ask the high privilege of changes which will increase conven- standing in your midst today aa fellow iences for the entire student body, soldiers. We do not wear khaki, as althoMtliey were intended primarily to1, do you. but we are soldiers together, accoiinouaie me memoers oi me o. Your valor' und sacrifice will avail but A. T."C. little,' unless you can worthily call us Both the old and new dormitories fellow soldiers. We- stand to share are being completely remodeled. The with'you the sorrow that isyoar's, now rooms, of the former will be occupied that Tour brave comrades have fallen by classes In Botany and in Music. out .of line and the ranksmust close The new dormitory has been placed in and march forward. entirely at the disposal of the," State "Standing beneath the stars one beBoard of Health.. Barracks for the comes 'an astronomer. Besides nature seven hundred students enrolled, in is born the 'naturalist, so beside an the S. A .T. C. are being built, on, the event like 'this we become' world pasoutheast corner of the campus. triots. As we stand today beside four .The gymnasium jm Buell Armory Is. comrades, fallen early in their day of reserved for the. men, and Mrs. Stout battle, so men are gathering at the will meet hor classes In the old, cafe- hour of sunset in Belgium beside othteria. MpalB will be served under the er bravo so, too, do men stand in direction of the Deourtment of Home many a fair garden of France and in Economics in the new cafeteria which many a. deep valley In Italy beside being furnished , In the base- their young and best who gladly gave ome fell at the front, some ment of the Administration Building. their all. A new building is In the process of far from the front, but they were in erection an annex to Mechanical Hall, the. service of their country and one planned for the exclusive use of the honor awaits them all. men of Camp Buell. "It was on a little, hill like this that Classes in Homo Economics, are held one of our most gifted American sons this ypur In the Agricultural Building. stood, in memory of the young of his A mode school, conducted In he Edu- day, who had fallen and he said all that cation Building will afford opportunity we could do was to take increased do-- ; for practlco teaching for students in votion from their memories. Thero of Education and are eight hands less to lift the world'n. the departments load today. Eight clear, bright eyes Homo Economics. 9 CONFIDENT of VICTORY ' ' m IMPRESSIVE PerteW Whose names are on the Kernel' staff, these nW students In the University who hove ' newspaper'- experience, and ethers who hove teen. privately notified,, are oaHsd to moot In the Jewt Splendid boys, and soldiers, every 86095 A P 0 if is' SEPTEMBER r, Four of Kentucky's sens Into midst lately came,, - Men y the Lf- : - ... f-- 4 i *