xt7ns17snw9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17snw9w/data/mets.xml Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects. Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1938 books Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.7/no.16 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Navy Dept--Archives--Catalogs Kentucky--History--Sources--Catalogs Archives--Kentucky--Catalogs Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series VII. The Department of the Navy; No. 16, Kentucky text Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series VII. The Department of the Navy; No. 16, Kentucky 1938 1938 2012 true xt7ns17snw9w section xt7ns17snw9w IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V _ _ v » NW 2 meas umnamua 2 L INVENTORY OE ` IEEDERAI. ARCHIVES , I IN THE STATES W l SERIES VII O THE DERARTIVIENT OE THE NAVY I · NO. I6 KENTUCKY I ‘ A THE SURVEY OE EEDERAI. ARCHIVES . A II WORKS RROCRESS ADMINISTRATION swf . F §§ · iwvsmroay or FEDERAL iacsxvss IN THE srirrs its géi Prepared by ger 1 The Survey of Federal Archives ?Q, Division of Women’s and Professional Projects Qyr _i_¢ Works Progress Administration ig The National Archives ;.· Cooperating Sponsor > f` SHH%`Hl.HHEDHMMMHWOFTHEMNY F No. 16. Ksmrucxr ry Louisville, Kentucky *s The Survey of Federal Archives v_ 1ass ii E PREFACE Q The Inventory gf Federal Archives in the States, is one of the prod- § ucts of the work of the Survey of FederelfArchives, which operated as g' a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January Q 1, 1956 to June 50, 1957, and has been continued in Kentucky since that j date as a state project of that Administration. Qi The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series ig I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledg- § ments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content fi of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detail- Q ed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a Q separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart- E ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Q Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction Q to the field organization and records of the governmental agency con- vi cerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate Q numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in Q each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, Q that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. Q_ For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of Q related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive To dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information Q was secured), general description of informational content, description 1 Qi of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency Q and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets { in folders, ctc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physi- Qi cal condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by § room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number j§ of the Form 5SSA on which this information was originally recorded by é a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. g This form is on filo in The National Archives. When it contains sub- § stantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in E the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." Q In Kentucky the work of the Survey was undertaken by Judge Samuel E- C. Williams, with Mr. John Wilson Townsend as his assistant, from its f inception until October 1956. Since that time Mr. Townsend has been _ in charge of the project. This Inventory of the records of the Depart- ment of the Navy in Kentucky was prepared in the Louisville office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Dr. Henry P. Beers of ~ the Division of Navy Department Archives of The National Archives. It is reproduced in mimeographed form through the facilities of the His- torical Records Survey. John Wilson Townsend, State Director Louisville, Kentucky Survey of Federal Archives in Kentucky December l6, 1958 J 111 1 ccmrmurs I Page Eq ASHLAND Navy Recruiting Substati0n........,.......................... l LAMINGTON _ I Navy Recruiting Substaticn.............. ......... .... ..... ... 2 LOU I SVILLE ` Navy Recruiting Substaticn............................ ..... .. 5 EJEIDDLESBORO Navy Recruiting Substaticn................................... 5 PADUCAH 1 Navy Recruiting Substaticn................................... 5 1 ~ 1 ;` NAVY RECNUITING SUBSTATION a ASHLAND I NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION _ Post Office Bldg., 17th and Winchester Ave. I This office was established in July 1956, being located in its pres- ; ent quarters. It is under the direction of the main station at Louis- ;‘ ville of the Central Recruiting Division to which office all reports `, are submitted. 1 1. COXNBSPONDENCE, July 1956 to date. With main station. (Fre- .€ quently, official,) 8 1/2 x ll folders, 7 in., in drawer of filing j case. Q. 210. (6515) I 2. INDEX, July 1956 to date. Of applicants, name, address and `i physical characteristics. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 8 in., in file box on desk. H. 210. (6518) _ 5. INSPECTOR’S MEMO., July 1956 to date. Findings and suqqestions . of district inspector. (Occasionally, official.) 8 1/2 x ll folders, I 2 in., in file box on desk. k. 210. (6516) ( L I M. MISCELLANEOUS INFOLMATION, July 1956 to date. Of publicity and nwns, also physical examinations, Chief yeoman data on supylies. (Oc- I casionally, official.) 8 l/2 x ll folders, M in., in drawer of filing case. R. 210, (6522) I , ‘ I { 5. YONTHLY RECRUITING LETTELS, July 1956 to date. Regarding new applicants, (Occasionally, official.) B l/2 x ll folders, 2 in., in ‘ drawer of filing ease, R. 210. (6517) , 6. NAVY TALKS AND NAVY DAY, July 1956 to date. Bulletins and ad- , dresses from officials and programs of suggestions. (Occasionally, f official.) 8 l/2 x ll folders, L in., in drawer of steel filinx ease. E L. 210. (6519) Y 7- U’ROURKE GZNCLAL CLASSIFICATION TEST, July 1956 to detu. Intel- ( E liiunee test for applicants, (Rarely, official.) 8 1/2 x 11 Clip I beard, N in., on wall. R. 210, (6520) Q 8. PHYSICAL JIAMINATIDN OF ;EJECTED APPLICANTS, July 1956 to date. j· Bhewinq preliminary examination, height, age and defects prohibiting ( l»_ &DPli©ant*s acceptance, (Rarely,`offieial.) 8 l/2 x ll loose leaves, f on clip board, 5 in., on wall. A. 210. (652h) Navy Recruiting Substation, Lexington 2f 9. RECORD OF APPLICANT, July IQE6 to date. Name, address, age ac- cepted, disposition of applications and reasons. Arranged alphabeti- cally, (Rarely, official.) ll x I6 vols., 2 in., in desk drawer. R. 210. (6521) IO. REJECTED APPLICANTS, July IQB6 to date. Form NRE lo-D, Ques- tionaire of police record; Form NBB 2h, Enlistment; Form NAB l6—A, B, C, References; Form NBB 18, Consent of guardian if under age; Form HMB M9, Identification; Form NBB I5, Age Certificate; Form ULD 2L and _ 5, other data. (Rarely, official.) 8 I/2 x II folders, l ft., in drawer of steel filing case, R. 2IO. (6525) y pg;n:ero1—1 I NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION I l Post Office and Court House t This agency is one of four substations in Kentucky which function under the main station at Louisville, which is under the jurisdiction A of Central Recruiting Division, ‘ The area of jurisdiction for this substation consists of the follow- _ ing twenty—seven counties; Andersen, Bath, Bourbon, Boyle, Gasey, T i Clark, lstill, Franklin, Fleming, Fayette, Garrard, Harrison, Jesse- ? mine, Jackson, Lincoln, Lee, Kadison, Mercer, Menifee, Montgomery, 1 I Tioholas, Powell, Robertson, Aockcastle, Scott, Wolfe, and Woodford. The Lexington office was opened in the tower room of the old Post l I Office Building, at the corner of Main and Walnut Sts., on December f M Bl, l925. It remained in the tower until May 8, 1926, when it was ` moved to Room No. EOL. It was removed to its present quarters in the { naw Federal Building, corner of N. Limestone and Barr Sts., on Dec- l ’ cmber 2l, IQEM. ? 5 Very few records have been accumulated in this office. Aegarding I V its policy of sending them to bureau headquarters, this is done by request of Washington, and they are sent through the Louisville of- fice. At different intervals this agency has been temporarily closed, ` opening again when its quota called for more recruits. I " ll- ACTIVE, Doc., l95h to date. Names of applicants mvaiting noti— I ` fication from Washington to report for duty. On printed application fOTmS. Filed alphabetically, (Frequently, official.) lO I l2 folders, { 2 ft., in one filing case. R. h26-MEG. (2l66) $ I2. REJECTED, Dec. IQBM to date. Applications that have been ro- l Q jGGt©d. This file is rarely used except as reference in case of dupli- cate application or information to new officer who may be trpnsierred lb->1`©. Filed alphabetically, (lgarely, official.) lO Dc I2 folders, 2 ft., in one filing case. 2, M26-LBO. (2l65) Navy Recruiting Substation, Louisville 5 LOUISVILLE NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION - Post Office and Custom House, Broadway, oth to 7th Sts. This substation was first established in the Post Office Building, I hth and Ghestnuts Sts., on December 9, 1905. A later location was in the McDowell Building at Third and?Na1nut Streets. It was moved to its · present quarters in the New Port Office and Custom House on November 21, 1952. Since the survey was made, all records which were stored in Room 2h were destroyed by the flood waters of the Ohio River in January 1957. All records are kept on file for a period of two years and then, · upon authority from Washington, those so authorized are destroyed. 15. FINANCIAL LETTERS, 1925 — 1951, Monthly returns from this of- fice showing disbursements made in performance of duties. Filed in monthly groups under Financial Returns for years 1925 - 1929 and under Disbursement Returns for 1929 — 1951. Qiever,) 9 x DI loose papers, 10 ft., on open shelves in wooden cabinet. R. 2h. (116) lh. REGISTER OF ENLISTMBNTS, Nov. B, 192h - June 20, 1926. Regis- 1 ter of names, addresses, references and other records. (Never.) 9 x lh vols., h in., on open wooden shelf. R. 2h, basement. (117) . 15. TRANSPORTATION SCHBTULE, 1925 ~ 1926. Schedule of mileage and 1 rates allowed the personnel. (Never,) 10 x Nr paper bundles, 1 ft., V on table.` R. 2h, basement. (115) A 1 16. APPLICATIONS FOR ENLISTMENT, 1927 - 1955. File contains appli- cations, rejections, and correspondence relating thereto. (Lever.) 12 z lh folders and paper bundles, 15 ft., on wooden table. A. 2h, basement. (110) ( 17. SCHEDULE OF TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS, Feb. 15, 1927 — Teh. 1, 1 Y 1952, Record of requests issued to transportation companies for use of traveling facilities by personnel. File contains copies of re- quests, extent of travel, amount of fares and dates issued. (Daily, official.) lh x 18 loose papers, 6 in., on wooden shelf in open cabinet. 555. (119) ‘ 18. WEEKLY REPORT OF APPLICATIONS AND ENLISTMZNT3, 1928 — 1950. I (Never.) 8 x”1h loose leaves, clipped together, l in., on wooden Uhh. R.2h,bmmmnL (1%) 19. DAILY ;‘a;n>o;w or emisniinrs, July 2, 1928 — Dec. 51, 1951. · (Never.) 8 x lh paper bundles, 1 ft., on tables. H. 2h, basement. z ` ·· . (1011) ' Navy Recruiting Substation, Louisville h 20. LOG, July 1, 1929 - Feb. 5, 1952. Index record of applications stating age of applicant, address and personal history. (Never,) 9 x lh vols., 1 in., on wooden table. R. 2h, basement. (105) 21. NAVY DAY REPORTS, 1929 - 1951. Mimeographed form record and correspondence relative to naval activities on Navy Day. (Never.) 9 x 12 envelopes, 6 in., on wooden table. R. 2h, basement. (102) 22._ MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1950 - 1955. A11 correspondence collected by this station in general office routine duties. (Nover{) 12 x 12 cardboard files, 6 in., on open shelf in cabinet. R. 2h, base- ment, (106) 25. i,¤1>tic1uvrs¤ ascozms, 1951 — 1955. Application cams, Germs- pendence and other data relative to applicants for enlistment. (Never.) E 5 x 5 cards, 7 ft., in bundles on open wooden shelves. R. 2h, base- I ment. (111) ( 2h. DISPOSITION OF ABPLIZLNTS, 1952, Record of accepted or re- 1 jected applications for enlistment. (Never.) 5 x 5 cards, 2 in., ‘ in bundles on wooden table. R. 2h, basement. (112) 1 25. RATE OF AP?LICLTIJN3, HECRUITELS NAME, 1952 · 1955. Accord Q contains information as to the rating of each applicant in character, ability and education, Used by the recruiting officer in selecting the men he thinks are the best qualified for enlistment. (Never,) 9 X lh vo1.,,2 in., on wooden shelf in open cabinet. R. 2L, base- ment. (llh) I 26. GENERAL FILQS, 195h — 1955. General correspondence, records, 1 and reports collected through general office procedure. (195M file, { never; 1955 file, daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders and covers, B ft., in wooden cabinet and in M steel filing case drawers. Rs. 2h and 555. (115, 118) 27. GENERAL FILES, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, Jan. 1, 1955 to date. No- _ ports from medical department as to the physical condition or appli- Z cants for enlistment in the navy. File includes medical reports on I rejected applicants for the past five years, Filed alphabetically. » (Daily, official.) B l/2 x 11 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 steel filing 1 case drawers, R. 555. (121) ( 28. APPLICATIONS FOR ZNLISTUDNT, Jan. 1, 1956 t¤ @3tG- Gard TO· 1 cord of the various phases of procedure, undergone by each applicant, I in enlisting, also form record cards showing the final disposition Q ef each applicant, Arranged alphabetically, (Daily, official.) E 5 X 5 cards, 8 ft., in wooden card filing caSoS. R. 555, PT1V&t¤ Of- 1 fice, (125) Navy Recruiting Substation, Paducah 5 29. ACTIVE FILES, 1958. General correspondence collected through ordinary office procedure, Filed by subject, (Daily, official.) 8 1/2 x ll folders, 2 ft., in 2 steel filing case drawers. R. 555. (120) 50. ENLISTED APPLICANTS, 1958. Enlistment record of accepted appli- 1 cants. Filed alphabetically, (Daily, official,) 8 x 15 folders, 2 ft., 1 6 in., in 2 steel filing case drawers, R, 555, (122) § i 51. LIST OF CHECKS. Record of checks issued by this office, to j whom checks were made payable, chock numbers and other data concerning i them. (Nevor,)‘ 9 x lh vols., 1 in., on wooden shelf in open cabinet, i R, 2h, basement, (107) { 52. LIST OF MOVING PICTURE FILMS AND SUBSTATIONS WHICH HAV? SHOWN 4 1 THEN, Record of moving picture film. (Never.) 9 x lh vol., 1 in., I on open shelf in wooden cabinet. R. 2L, basement. (108) 1 1 1 1 1 MIDDLESBORO i NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION ‘ Post Office Bldg,, 20th and Lothbury Sts, l This office was established on December 9, 1905 in the City Hall, I but was later closed, In 1955 it was reopened in its present quarters. ( It is under the direction of the main station at Louisville of the ( Central Recruiting Division to which office all reports are forwarded. I 55. APPLICATIONS, 1955 to date. Of navy recruits accepted and rejected. Arranged alphabetically, (Daily, official.) 12 K lh fold- ers, 15 ft., in file box. R. 218. (2282) i PADUCAH E NAVY RECRUITING SUBSTATION { Post Office and Custom House, 5th and Broadway 1 é This substation was established on October 17, 1955. It is under ( the direction of the Louisville station of the Central Recruiting @ Division. Q Eh. FILE or APPLICANTS, lcczrrzn AND LATER IZJECTED, ect. 17, 1955 to date. Record of recruits accepted for naval service and later re- g jeoted due to newly found deficiencies. (Daily, official,) 8 x 18 · paper packages, 1 ft., on wooden shelf. R. 12. (719) I Navy Recruiting Substation, Paducah 6 55. RECRUIT BOOK, 1955 to date, Record, or list, of all recruits accepted or rejected for xiavalservice. Alphabetical index. (Daily, official.) 9 x lll vols., l ft., in desk drawer. R. l2. (720) I I I I . I I I I I I I I I · F` . l 1 V ‘ `