xt7ns17sp00s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sp00s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1957 journals English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 3 No. 1 winter 1957 text Kentucky farm and home science, vol. 3 No. 1 winter 1957 1957 2012 true xt7ns17sp00s section xt7ns17sp00s .Vr ’!V>; Y VV `.v· V
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R RM AND HOME ale/ae I
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Volume 2, Number 1 ..................... \Vinter 1957 `{
A report of progress published quarterly by the Kentucky Agricultural p. `
Experiment Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington _ _
l{l£N"I`U(jl{Y AGRI(jU1[1`UR.\I. l{XPliRI\IliN'I` Material ztppcziring lll this publication may he ‘
STATION reproduced without further permission. provided p
Fimxx ]. \V1;1.cu ...........................,.................... Director that full acknowledgment is made of the source `
\\'. P. GA1\RI(lUS ..,,............................ Associate Director and that no change in headings or text is made ¥ `
II. B. Pmcu and VVILLIAKI A. SEAY .... Adm. Assistants without ;;I)Py0ya] by the authop _
1. Ai.1.Ax Ssuru ................................ Agrreultural Editor Address Correspondence about articles in this Pub_ ‘ r
Kentucky Farm, (mg] Home Science lication to either the authors or the Depztrtmeut of
itstpu c. DUNCAN ................................................ Editor Piibiic i¤i<>¤ii¤¤i¤¤ Mi K¤¤i Aids, Experi-
()mNNE JOHNSON and Bm··;\· F_ (;EN·pm· ____ Assy Editors ment Station Building. University of Kentucky, Lex-
l)\()HEI('l` C. l\lAY ........................................ Photographer ington. .
In Thi Iss e A I
8 we
LITTLE P()PU1..~\'i`I()X CIIANCE IN KEN'l`UCK\` Page 3
By Norma Breazeule {
X—l{AYs N11~;AsU1u2 Sou. NIINERALS Page 4 _
By T. B. Hutcheson. ]r. MK
Nicw U-K .-\NtstAL Scuixciz lhzsigsrxcier C12N’r13r< Page 6 A
Sisuisox Couxrv PAs’rUn1; TRIALS Paw 10 *•*'
By C. Doll ih; »
} Y
v .
The CO,U81. Rtmunseent of New England 15 this wmtei scene
i»*¢*~ , ‘ at Coldstream Farm. For more pictures of the new `Y
·2·¢~’. . . *·
AQ gk U·I\ illllliiill SCl€l]C(;‘ 1'h‘S€‘k11`Cl`1 CCIKGI'. SGG P21g(*S
, 4. -= ·`
.;" eewii _ 4`
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no L°I;tle
· Q P l , 1956 Estimate reveals small
Q increase; high birtl11·ates Y
T, offset by migration to
.»>• nearby states
if Has recent industrial growth in Kentucky resulted pared with 2,945,000 recorded in the 1950 census.
l in a substantial population growth? Or, is Kentucky This increase represents an annual growth rate of
9 ‘ continuing to furnish thousands yearly to the indus- slightly more than one-tenth oi 1 percent during the .
dr'. trial areas of neighboring states? Are more Kentuck- 6%-year period.
y. mus moving from areas Of $m?~ll‘SCal€ ?~g1“iCUltU1'€ IMO A relatively high rate of natural increase—the dif-
i the cities Hlld €X ahdifl m€tf0 Ohtflfl &f€3S? The ference between number of births and deaths—added
), RUSWGYS tv th€$€ and Similar qU€$ti0U$ mlatihg to approximately 50,000 new Kentuckians each year
pOpul&tiOl1 t1‘€HdS Hfé of gféat imp0r’€3l1C€ to the during this period. But even this high rate failed to
{ l Plmm€I`$ of K€UtU€kY’$ fUtUT€· raise the state population total appreciably because
•~·, A 1956 population estimate, recently published of the heavy migration of Kentucky residents to other
p by the K€H'fUCl<)’ Agficultuféil Experiment St3fi0H,l states. It is estimated that some 41,000 civilian
M reveals a relatively slow rate of population growth migrants leave the state each year. a loss generally
` H for the state since the census of 1950. Kentuckyls attributed to the attraction of industrial job oppor-
' estimated population for 1956 is 2,968,000 as com- tunities in the nearby states of Ohio, Indiana, and
ll;. IThomas R. Ford, Population Estimates for Kentucky llllllOlS'
ii.; Counties and Economic Areas, ]uIy I, 1956, Ky. Agr. Expt.
hd Sta. Prog. Rept. 42. 1956. (Continued on Page II)
. ·s
GAIN toss
{0 §l·°$$ lh°" @ L°$s ih°“ , ._.._., ; _,
4 * |D€fC€ht I percent ;:...·x,.\A_J Jl
-| percent or Q I percent or \··
1 ‘ '“°"° '“°'° EFFER Z" @· a s
• J SON ,:?GRASS&.:;_._, tp ._._,$%
V- METROPOLITAN ‘·‘* t ._._; gt; ; =· ·····
I . 5 ·-\
; ¢' $·Z·Y·Z· ' ‘`‘'‘’’’`'’ ` ‘ * ·
; ii .·;——:·:·;?:-:·:¥i·~;·. '"'`:: 4f) * t
I-- , sa t ee ?¢== =+= I I
V" ‘'`‘ `‘"‘‘‘ qw “\
I'; F ?=i¤ "‘ ` *"‘· ‘ QJUTH U '`U: M r » ` /7
I pt :5;*- - 0}}*5 "Ei ;?¥l»¢¢ E l *·L· Qy` /’/
* ENTRAL ‘ él . 14*
T mi "° '`'' . KN S GUMg_§RLA§_[L.f
. **4 "¤ **··?i‘··f’::€::;$!:: " " ··!#=¤·-¥===—· ,,_,L_ .,_,··
The average annual population change in Kentucky, by moving to the state`s urban centers; others have migrated
y economic area, from April 1950 to ]uly 1956. Many of to Ohio. Indiana and Illinois,
F the migrants from the farms and mining towns seem to be
P 0
. — KENTUCKY FARM AND Hour; Scusxcm-\V1:<‘rER 1957 :3
{ I
Another tool in making better
fertilizer and management we
recommendations used when '_
I O` O u '
X-Rays Identify Soil Minerals
P th
By T. B. HUTCHESON, ]R. ll
]ust as X-ray methods are used by medical men elements against leaching, but not against absorption p
to detect early symptoms of human diseases in time by plant roots. _,
for simple cure, X-ray studies of our soils may reveal The kaolrin group of clay minerals presents the T
properties that could lead to starvation and sickness smallest surface area, and its individual units are si}
of our crops, unless proper soil treatment is carried composed of one layer of silicon and oxygen atoms _
out. Such an analogy is somewhat unfair, however, bound to another layer of aluminum, oxygen and ;,,
since the X-ray studies of soils do not actually detect hydrogen atoms. tif
"sick" soils. It would be more correct to say that The clay mineral group presenting the greatest J,
X—ray studies aid in Ending out just what minerals surface area for reactions is the montmorillonite group V
are present in our soils, and with this knowledge whose members are made up of units composed of ( A
better fertilizer and management practices may be one aluminum-oxygen-hydrogen layei sandwiched be- ¢
recommended. tween two silicon-oxygen layers. Units of this kind " .
lt has been known for a number of years that most are ordinarily not bound tightly to each other and gill
minerals, even those that make up the fine clay may readily expand or CO1lt1'HCt—SOlT1Btllll€S trapping _
fraction of the soil, are crystalline. The elements elements such as potassium that are needed by plants. M’
that make up crystalline minerals are arranged in A third group of clay minerals, the hydirous micas, ` ‘
an orderly manner which is characteristic of the is intermediate in surface area and reactability be- .§»¢‘
particular mineral. This property makes possible the tween the two groups already mentioned. Units in ,
identification of clay minerals by X-ray measurements. that group are similar to those of the montmorillonite
group except that slight differences in the composition
X·•'¤Y B€¤m P¤**€F¤ R€€¤¥d€d of the layers are compensated for by the presence
X-ray examination is made by placing the mineral of potassium ions between the units. The attraction {
iuaterial in the path of an X-ray beam and then of the units for the potassium ion is quite strong, and wl
recording the pattern of the beam after it has en- this prevents much expansion from taking place. The Q , .
countered the material. The crystal structures of the hydrous inicas apparently release small amounts of Ll
iiiiiierals cause the X-rays to be bent or diffracted in the interlayer potassium to plant roots under certain (
different patterns that are just as characteristic of conditions. l
individualr`minerals as fingerprints are of individual Many Differences Among the Groups na
persons. Ihe patterns obtained are then compared _ ,
with those of "known" minerals for identification. Today llllmy fllllelfgllces are klmwll to exist among U"
The various crystal foruis of minerals are asso- tllcso Clay mllwml groups that MQ at *lQl`lCl*ltUl`¤l
eiated with physical and clieinical properties that are llllplllftllllco uml umlOlll)t€(lly> Ollwl llllljlilfllclis will 4
M impm_tmm_ in pmctiml ugl_icUltm_l_· TM wry tiny be discovered in the future as the tools of research 1 _
Clay mhwmls uw must impolhlnt in tllis l_(_gm_d bw become Ill()1`€ ref111ed. The identihcation of these g
cause of the tremendous amount of surface that they lllllllimls uml fl lmowlcflge at llwll lm’l°°l`fl°S uw ““ _
Pl.l_S(_Ht umm which I.(_uCti()m may mh, plump UW seutial to a ·well—rounded agricultural program, `*»
believeable as it seems. a pound of clay possesses from lll ll Pmvlolls lsslle at Kclllllclfy Fall" (md lI""“) if
about 5 to 90 acres of surface area when all of the Sclmlccl D1" H` lil' Bailey (lesclfllwfl S(’““` “"’*`k l’°`l"¥ »•
small plates and edges are considered. Priiicipal re- iii_ it Bujl4_»y’ ··S.,ii g;i,,m,L.mm,U(,,, pmgm,,,_~· K)., ML (
actions of interest in CI'Ol) production are the water- ENDL SPL K>’· Filflll Mild H<>m€ Sci-. 2 (1): 3. 1956. ek
holding capacity and the retention of plant nutrient (50,,,;,,,,ed 0,, page 12) g `
4 Ki·:N’1‘ucxY FARBI AND Hoxn; ScinxcE—\VixTnn 1957 \
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k· l\ljN'l`U(lKY FA11x1 Ax1> l’lO)IlZ Sc11;NC1;—\V1N1‘1;11 1957 5
• • ‘·‘x· _
New I l-K Animal c1ence esearc entre
The Experiment Stati0n’s newly acquired Cold- QS; s'
stream Farm, north of Lexington on the Newtown @{5- @._ {
Pike, will be used principally as an animal science (P6 \..\
research center. Coldstream and adjoining Crown ¢°% ._\ I .;j
Crest Farm were purchased in December by Cov. <§,\° * ·—.. .. gg
A. B. Chandler for the Experiment Station. The two Gad
farms, totaling 1,151 acres, will be operated as a ' p I'
single unit, the name to be designated later. !
Acreages have been tentatively assigned to research °
work in dairy and beef cattle, swine, sheep, animal * 2
pathology and light horse husbandry. In addition,
there will be some work in tobacco and entomology; , r _‘
pasture and crop research will be carried on by _ [ rf!
members of the Agronomy Department in coopera- 6 I 4: V
tion with those engaged in animal industry projects. _ °`··`_ {
The new Farm fills a long—felt need of the Experi— E —°°""*·· ._;j
ment Station for more land near the University campus c
. . . . . Z 5; s
on which fundamental studies in livestock and crops, I --.· . .:4»r» - -.—» i.·_»
! as .. ,
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é.-To Lexington Munn E“"°“° ’·’t‘ ‘’==
(;\l)()\`C) Fl`()l\Ill]g (lll [lll) NC\\’[()\\'ll Piklf, [IIC 750·1\CI`C (i()l(lSlI`C2lITl tract (below) is
(loldstrcani Farm has long been one of connected to the 372—acre tract of Crown _.,.. " Ai _,,v’i_
the showplaccs ol` the Bluegrass. This map (Irest Fawn (upper right). The latter faces " .
. . . . , \ I;
shows the layout ol the principal fields, on the Georgetown Road. ‘ ,-»· .;-» l_,¤s;;,·
paddocks. some ol` the buildings, and how ai lplj l ·
_ E. C `
6 luaxrruexr Fanxr Ayn Home SCIENCE-\/VINTER 1957 _:
_.._ , ` V ‘ is af`}
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· including msects and diseases, Call be carried 0n. _ V. V ___,,V_;V;;_r mg gg
ls Heretofore, because ol tl1e lack of sufficient land _ ···_ _ _ , ·‘ ;.». V=-»»
1, 4 near the campus, the Stat1on has been able to do V ·___ ~ , . ._,. ,»¢_, V ·— ?“
2 ·x ver little research on the seleet1ve breedin ol V * . __s, ·,·· asa gi »»»·- ie s. ‘f_§Z_?1€@} gz;-*
A V. ‘2’ ·=·= ’· 2é‘?~¤· ·· "` `‘e` "* ` ’
4 . . . . »V, r. · ¢ gr ~ _· . ·=·· V <— _. , 2. x. W
cattle shee and sw111e nor 0n Jasture l1tlllZZltlOH 2 at l ; .V€£»*·fS€;$.;;’* ¤V\r? *5 rjV;-G ·· {V.!
A 3 3 7 7 _ - i `...y _¢°’{`7_,, X W}, _
` ·. . . . . , V4 - .V » _. V . ··-,1* ’f‘z»V ‘_ >,_~~ __»> _ Ve,
- including the eiiects of stilbestrol, androgenic sub- , ’ V E! e lg , l ,§ Vg
', X .__ . -· · ‘*’ · §*v._ { , s [ _\ `; ,~~K` .. _? `.·a_
_ V gi ~s V _.. . . : ( V .
—=.. . rt. V . — A - V ai
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. 2. .‘ ,. _ W, \_.. ». V. ‘ _ ____ _‘
J; (Right) One of the first prolects underway on Coldstreain ` N J M"
__, Farm IS Z1 deta1led SOll survey and the making of a land V 2 ‘ VV;
_ `• capability map. Here is shown Dr. H. H. Bailey, UK V ' . < M 2 V
·‘¢·,_ agronomist (right), collecting data witl1 Dan Isgrig, area S" _A .. _ V V _— t , V ~..r. _
, °' soil scientist, U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service. Tl11s , V V , ’ , .. _ V , —»—.§‘;t._g.~ .
. . . . ,;\/. V. .2 H V ` V. 4.* ._... r»4~ V;, -\»»‘ V. V.
N photograph 1nd1cates the rolling nature of much ol the ,V .’.» ; — 2 ~ _w ~ . V. _—_/
land which makes the farm more suitable for animal science ` , 2 » V V _=.. ‘‘»__ ;, _ —~ VA . X,
2 V .lV ,.V< r ' ` ` ` 3 :2 ' .—“ ";‘?#T `,
research than for field cro 1s and other 1hases ol a ronomy. ”,.· V r —V a‘·~ 2 -·-~ V _ `V·.,;~- .·.—§"%¥¢
’/ *' ‘ ¢»V 2, eff 2 V `? *..·_ 53:.. ,3
_"{2_l (Below) Tl1is aerial photograph shows an area of Cold. °V V V W V,,...1V. VV;
; stream Farm near tl1e Newtown Pike. In tl1e foreground V_ “T ’2` '·`· V V 7* » V ’j%%Q.V,, ;; ‘
`2 are tl1e large 110use and landscaped grounds· in the back- A ' 'V · °
* . . ’ . . ;.i*·a·.§¤;.:;€s,»;;1. V 1* ·-
round center 1S a lar e horse barn, built ori mall! for _»i x »»~ Y ‘
l V; ._-. . -... , 3, » . ....-.. , Eg V .. ,,,.,
rp-. livestock. Paddocks for l1orses are behind the barn. In 3 _ -—
the top background are several empIoyees’ residences. `2*»r;+F$*°Z$$g.~‘%*¤2;‘¥x;f%24¥§*l%ViVV,, Q . —i§;§“';;‘~=z;»&r
2 WV <’*?T*`¥¤>%§"§ `s1‘*¥" ’;%¤.¤··2V*’* ., . ”*’
{ * (Loulsvlllc cou,-lm·,,_]0u,·nal uerlal photo by Charles Fcntl.cSSV JL) ;?$‘;‘V. M z1s»k}i‘*·x;~;<éi.li.I :1 i ~‘ ’..¤;!. ?‘i.iV1·.\,2§§§s iesg .§.~::’f&ai¢».... *5
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