xt7ns17sqz8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sqz8f/data/mets.xml Duke University, North Carolina Duke University Library 1947 Prepared by Nannie M. Tilley and Noma Lee Goodwin with the assistance of The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: Nannie M.Tilley (Nannie May) and Noma Lee Goodwin; viii, 362 pages, 24 cm; Includes bibliographic references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number F251 .D83 ser.27-28 1947 books English Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Historical Papers of the Trinity College Historical Society, Series XXVII-XXVIII: Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Duke University Library text Historical Papers of the Trinity College Historical Society, Series XXVII-XXVIII: Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Duke University Library 1947 1947 2015 true xt7ns17sqz8f section xt7ns17sqz8f `I g uwlvmlwopxeuxucxv \ ' ? HIIIIIWH||1H|4|>|N||HHHWIIWIMIIIIHIIWIPINIPIIIIWUIII I » I El [MES Ll“l5"lb"l"I Fl Y HISTORICAL PAPERS of j I THE TRINITY COLLEGE * HISTORICAL SOCIETY " _ A Y (Scrics XXVII-XXVIII) GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS Y I . IN THE DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DU §“§ §`§‘;{‘?S2"LZ$ I ` 1947 I ! \ Y 1 • 4 x N U » _ `1 ' I I K Ni 5 'lt ' · · · . . .`.ge·;·,L {W ·; M-,.’.,_'r/_' " MU M ~¤:;c €; 4x;;J»{ld” 4 ` if Wgj l“€’» Il? . [1 i 1* I ; X Y . * ;.,;,§;·· _%`\` r i i i {rl Historical Papers of the { ‘ ‘ Trinity College Historical Society Series XXVII-XXVIII l k vg I A ' < VV _ FE? Ria Gi `: Fifi‘,rrm(;:[M\. r"‘ "' 1,-;-, .,7,,,, iff We S i zi, ‘ I y .r r 1 % I I I I T I; AQ S, 3 GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN THE E_ DUKE UNIVERSITY ’ LIBRARY PREPARED BY t- NANNIE M. TILLEY I Curator 0f Manuscrijats \ AND I NOMA LEE GOODWIN f Assis/ant, ]\»Ia2zuscri[1t Dcjyarhncnt \VITH TI-IE Ass1sTANcE OF Tum N0R*m CAROLINA HIS'I`OI{IC»\L Rnccorms SURVEY I’R0_]EcT DIVISION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE I’R0(§RAMS WORR PRO_]liC’l`S AmIIN1s*1·RA’1·I0N ’ II"? E "YQ T \ K _ ` U , · ` A I ' \ ~ - C 1 · DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1947 %€E@E¢ Y \ Iv.? I ` AI ' · `IT ‘ ` ,. * . I \{§4William Minor Quesenberry Diary, ca. 1850. Ft. Smith, Ark. john Rutherfoord Papers and Letter Books, 1810-1930. 1934 items, 81 clippings, and 31 vols. Goochland Co., Va. (See Entry 1472.) ¤945·46 David Dunlop Records, 1846-1918. 330 vols. Petersburg, Va. Durham Cotton Manufacturing C0. Papers, 1910-34. 34,161 items and 66 vols. Durham, N. C. . Frederick E. Harris Letters and Papers, 1817-44. 126 items. New London (Campbell C0.), Va. Sylvanus and Carry Keith Letters and Papers, 1801-80. 220 items. Charleston, ’ S. C. William Thomas Leavell Letters and Papers, 1829-1923. 4,984 items. Charles- ton, \V. Va. Thomas A. Nich0ls011 Letters and Papers, 1836-1905. 112 items and 1 vol. Martinsburg, W. Va. °\ GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN THE DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ]\ ‘$ 32 Q E i x 4 § _A ....,*1* ..., - W- _ __ ik “\ . H V T I 7 Tr ' "" " * GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN THE DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT (S. C.) LAND INDENTURES, 1769-1856. 50 items. Abbeville, S. C. Land grants with accompanying surveys from King George III, \Villiam Bull, a11d various deeds given by private citizens and the state of South Carolina for land in Abbeville District. 2. DANIEL ABERNETHY PAPERS, 1862—65. 19 items. (Dinwiddie County?) Va. Letters of Daniel Abernethy, a Confederate soldier of limited education, to his wife and father, containing gossip and comments 011 desertion and scarcity of food, and references, in 1864, to tl1e probability of overtures of peace to the North by North Carolina. 3. M. A. ABERNETHY LEDGER, 1886—19o3. 1 vol. Statesville, N. C. General mercantile accounts. 4. ABERNETHY LIBRARY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE PAPERS, 1836-98. 63 items. Various places. · Typed copies of letters of Thomas \Villis \Vl1ite, Patil Hamilton Hayne, Lafcadio Hearn, D11Bose Heyward, Richard Malcolm Johnston, John Pendleton Kennedy, \Villiam Gilmore Simms, and Alice French (pseud. Octave Thanet) . The originals are the property of the Abernethy Library of Middlebury College, Middle- bury, Vermont. The \’Vhite letters contain occasional references to Edgar Allan Poe [partially published: Arthur Hobson Quinn, Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical I Biography (New York, 1941)]. The Hayne letters are addressed to Julia Caroline j (Ripley) Dorr and contain comments on her poetry and on contemporary writers. ~ Hearn’s letters were written from Japan to his p11blishers. The letters of Simms a11d Alice French contain literary comment, but those of Heyward, Johnston, and Kennedy are largely notes of thanks or requests for addresses. 5. JAMES ABSTON DAYBOOK, 1823. 1 vol. \Vaterloo Mills, Va. Fragmentary mercantile accounts; only a few of the entries contain detailed statements. 6. HERBERT BAXTER ADAMS PAPERS, (1891-1902) 1913. 52 items. Baltimore, Md. Photostatic copies of letters of Herbert B. Adams (1850-1901) , historian and one of the organizers of tl1e American Historical Association in 1884, consisting M chiefly of communications fI`0Ill Stephen Beauregard IVeeks and John Spencer yg Bassett concerning tl1e organization of the History Department at Trinity Col- yl lege, Durham, North Carolina. the quarrel between \Veeks and Joh11 Franklin Crowell, president of Trinity College, the 'Trinity College Historical Society, the advanced study of William Ke11neth Boyd, and CllI`l`Cl][ political problems in North Carolina. Included also are a few letters from W. T. Laprade to Professor John il Marti11 \llIICC1l[ concerning a graduate thesis in history. 7. HENRY D. ADAMS NOTES, 1870. 1 vol. Trinity College, Randolph County, N. C. "Notes on International Law" by Henry D. Adams, a member of the senior class of Trinity College. ` - 1 I `ltk i 2 HISTORICAL PAPERS 8. THOMAS ADAMS ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1768-1808. 2 vols. Augusta County, Va. Accounts, chiefly of tobacco to be sold for Virginia planters and goods to be purchased in London, of Thomas Adams, a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and of the Continental Congress and a tobacco factor and merchant, showing prices, shipping charges, and a record of the sale of Adams’s estate. One item among a number of commissions to be executed in London was for Thomas jefferson. g. W. G. ADAMS ACCOUNT BOOK, 1851-63. 1 vol. (Va.?) A physician’s record of services rendered and fees received. 10. JOHN ADGER PAPERS, 1839; 1852. 2 items. Charleston, S. C. Letters concerning renewals of subscriptions to the Presbyterian of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11. G. H. ADSHEAD PAPERS, 1880-98. 10 items. London, England. Personal letters to G. H. Adshead from friends visiting in England, France, Russia, and Turkey. 12. ALABAMA STATE SALT WORKS LETTERPRESS COPYBOOK, 1863-64. 1 vol. Clarke County, Ala. Business letters of the Alabama State Salt I/Vorks, usually written by N. S. Brooks, superintendent, and Benjamin Woolsey, salt commissioner of Alabama. 13. ADAM LEOPOLD ALEXANDER PAPERS, 1785 (1803-8g)1gog. 361 items. Washington, Ga. Family correspondence of Adam Leopold Alexander (1803-82), planter and businessman with interests in banking, railroads, and mercantile firms. Included are letters from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; the University of Vir- ginia, Charlottesville; schools of Washington, Georgia; New England secondary 7 schools, 1830-40, 1850; letters concerning Civil War and Reconstruction; and mis- cellaneous deeds and other papers. 14. BETTIE ALEXANDER PAPERS, 1860-63. g items. Monroe County, Va. (now W. Va.) I Personal letters from Bettie Alexander, apparently a schoolgirl, to her sister in = Fincastle, Virginia. Frequent mention is made of sick, wounded, or killed Con- federate soldiers, runaway Negroes, and Federal troops. 15. JAMES H. ALEXANDER DIARY, 1862. 1 vol. Centreville, Va. I Diary kept while James H. Alexander was in a Confederate camp near Centre- ville. It contains intimate details of life in the Confederate Army, including a ~_ description of the company dispute with Colonel \Villiam Nelson Pendleton about M building a church and attending services, and references to Northern newspapers that came by the Underground Railroad. 16. ROBERT P. ALEXANDER NOTES, 1856-57. 1 vol. Charlottesville, Va. Robert P. Alexandcr`s notes on physiology and surgery taken from lectures . delivered by Dr. James Lawrence Cabell at the University of Virginia. 17. [A. T. ALLEN] DIARY, 1843-44. 1 vol. Accomac County, Va. Diary of a young Northern schoolmaster with comments on Henry A. WVise. 18. ETHAN ALPHONSO ALLEN LETTER BOOK, 1818-35. 1 vol. Accomac if' County, Va. Copies of letters of Ethan A. Allen (1789-1855), son of Ethan Allen of Revolu- ~$ tionary \Var fame, graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New i York, and captain in the U. S. Army. Generally routine in nature, the letters are largely concerned with recruiting service for the 2d Battalion of Artillery in Virginia and Maryland, reports to auditors and other oflicials of the U. S. Treasury J Department, and efforts to obtain his portion of military bounty land due his E father. Included also are copies of letters received by Allen; a description of the 7; 5 i rt ¤•·¤,•••• _ ,.. ··* ·" I••·-¢· · ‘e“" "'T"_"r VT" " GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS _ 3 I fort at Craney Island, Norfolk County, Virginia, in 1820; a letter to President james Monroe protesting the omission of his name from the rolls of the U. S. Army; a draft, evidently first hand, of Allen’s will; and business correspondence with the firm of Aldis and Davis. ' 19. ]AMES WALKINSHAW ALLEN NOTEBOOK, 1848-64. 1 vol. Mt. Prospect (Bedford County), Va. Notebook of james W. Allen (d. 1862), a student at Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, and later colonel in the 2d Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., containing collections of poems and quotations. Included also is a comment on the life and death of ]. W. Allen, signed by N. Allen. 20. ]OHN ALLEN PAPERS, 1864 (1870-79) 1885. 39 items. Franklin C0unty,N.C. Personal and business letters of john Allen, Confederate soldier, teacher, and civil engineer. The collection relates chiefly to the Civil \Var, teaching, college life, and financial difficulties during Reconstruction. Included also are a report card of james Parker, of the Oxford (N. C.) High School, giving a description of the courses offered; and four letters from relatives and friends in Texas and Missouri. 21. RICHARD ALLEN DAYBOOK AND ACCOUNT BOOK, 1839-74. 2 vols. Keysville, Va. Records of a country merchant whose operations were on a small scale. 22. WILLIAM C. ALLEN PAPERS, 1857-66. 7 items. Haywood County, Tenn. Letters of William C. Allen, a plantation owner. The collection deals with a typhoid epidemic in 1865 and with the high prices and scarcity of various articles in 1863. The letter for 1866 was written by H. Allen, a share-cropper tenant in Holly Springs, Mississippi. ` 23. WILLIAM H. ALLISON PAPERS, 1851-60. 8 items. Richmond, Va. Chiefly letters to William H. Allison from his mother, written while he was a student at Richmond. 1 24. BEN]AMIN ALLSTON PAPERS, 1856-78. 13 items. Charleston, S. C. Military and personal correspondence of Benjamin Allston (1833-1900), Con- federate oflicer and Protestant Episcopal minister, and some executive correspond- ence of R. F. W. Allston (1801-64), including three letters relative to an engineer- ing project in progress on the Savannah River in 1858. Included also are several letters to "Ben" Allston from another minister, W. B. VV. Howe, all mentioning the desirability of reserving a portion of church a11ditori11ms for Negro wor- shipers, and personal letters from feminine correspondents. 7 25. LEONARD ALMAN PAPERS, 1862-64. 10 items. N. C. Letters to Leonard Alman’s wife, written for Alman by comrades, while he was in the Confederate Army. 26. WILLIAM ALSTON PAPERS, 1861-85. 3 items. Henderson, N. C. jj One letter describing a Civil War camp, and two accounts from William Alston's .v store. 27. JOHN AMBLER PAPERS, 1788 (1810-26) 1864. 14 items. Richmond, Va. lj Personal and business correspondence of ]0hn Ambler (1762-1836) , plantation owner, miller, and ofiicer in the \Var of 1812. Included are two letters from Wil- liam Tucker of Amherst County, Virginia, concerning agriculture; a letter of condolence on the death of Ambler`s wife; and one letter, 1864, from Robert Ambler to Beverly Ambler concerning army life during the Civil War. 28. RICHARD AMOS PAPERS, 1850 (1858-69) 1893. 108 items. Ayresville (Stokes Q County), N. C. Family letters, most of which were written before the Civil War from Shelbv County, Indiana, where one of the Amos brothers 11ad settled. ML 1 )i 4 HISTOl{ICAL PAPERS 2g. FRANCIS THOMAS ANDERSON PAPERS, 1828 (1850-58) 1915. 443 items. Fincastle (Botetourt County), Va. This collection concerns also the activities of joseph Reid Anderson (1813-92). Included are business papers pertaining to mining operations and Francis Thomas Anderson`s Cloverdale Furnace, a part of the Tredegar Iron \Vorks; miscellaneous letters and papers concerning tl1e sale of slaves, collection of debts, rental of property, teaching, and school tuition. Included also are a charge for the ministry of A. B. McCorkle; two suirnnonscs; and :1 printed plea, March 4, 1846, addressed to Anderson, seeking funds to help the widow and children of john Hampden Pleasants, "recently killed in a duel." 30. RICHARD HERON ANDERSON PAPERS, 1864; 1880. 2 items. Savannah, Ga. Papers of Richard H. Anderson (1821-79), lieutenant i11 the Mexican War and colonel of ISI South Carolina Regiment, C. S. A. Included is an extract from Anderso11’s account of the operations of the ISI Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, after General james Longstreet was disabled; and a committee report on tactics. 31. Z. W. ANDERSON BAND BOOK, 1865. 1 vol. Wilkes County, Ga. Band book of Z. WV. AII(l€I`SOII, 37th Georgia Regiment, Hardee Corps, C. S. A., used during four years of service u11der General joseph E. johnston. 32. BENjAMIN ANDREW PAPERS, 1783; 1786. 2 items. Liberty County, Ga. Promissory 11ote to james Dunwody, and a petition from john McLean to the Chief justice of Georgia for the collection of a debt. 33. CHARLES S. ANDREWS AND LEWIS SCHELPERT NOTEBOOK, 1861-65. 1 vol. Madison, Ga. Notebook on heavy infantry tactics. 34. ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT BOOKS, 1793-1910. 20 vols. Various places. Account books of general merchants in Abernethy, North Carolina, 1881-88; Campbell County, Virginia, 1773-74; Davidson County, North Carolina, 1835-39; Lincoln County, Georgia, 1831-39; New Market, Virginia, 1823; Newton, North Carolina, 1866-80; Panola, Mississippi, 1883-84; Virginia, 1857; and no locality indicated, 1793-1860. 35. ANONYMOUS DAYBOOKS, 1796-1924. 5 vols. Various places. Daybooks of general lIl€1`ClI2lll[S i11 Abemethy, North Carolina, 1898-99 and 1920-24; Buena Vista (Va.P), 1851; A11g11sta, Georgia, 1796-1872; Margaretsville, Northampton COIIIIIY, North Carolina, 1840-41; and no locality indicated, 1839-43. 36. ANONYMOUS DIARIES, 1813-68. 2 vols. Baltimore, Md., and Charleston, S. C. The Baltimore diary, 1865-68, concerns family matters, p11blic celebrations, a11d a storm i11 August, 1867, which is fll1`[l1CI` described by a clipping from the Sun (Baltimore); the ClI2l1`lCS[Oll diary, 1813-14, is almost illegible. 37. ANONYMOUS jOURNALS, 1886-1901. 4 vols. Abernetl1y, N. C. Records of a general merchant. 38. ANONYMOUS LEDGERS, 1822-55. 3 vols. Va. Ledgers of general merchants in Baskerville, Virginia, 1822-2.4, and Buena ~ Vista (Va.?), 18.19-51} Zlllfl of a postmaster in Lawre11ceville, Virginia, 1853-55. - 39. ANONYMOUS NOVEL: "A LITTLE PICTURE," n.d. 6 vols. n.p. r A sentimental novel \\ll[lI the scene in France and Germany during and after A the Franco-Prussian \Var. Tl1e plot follows the traditional patter11 of a romance between individuals of CIICIIIV nations. Despite. tl1e amateurish plot, the anony- mo11s autl1or wrote with a surprising command of tl1e E11glish language. A · _? _V_ · ala. Gunn; ro rm; MANUsc1ur·r COLLECTIONS 5 40. ANONYMOUS POEM: "EDWIN AND LAURA," n.d. 4 vols. (Va.?) Rough draft and revised copy of a long narrative poem entitled "Edwin and Laura," CViCl€II¥.l)’ by a Virginian, probably some time after 1825. The hero, Edwin, is made to wander over Virginia, thus giving the author opportunity to express unfavorable opinions of the practice of going to the springs of western Virginia for therapeutic purposes; of popular writers and magazines, especially "C ............. - .... ....." in "W ........................ ’s weekly paper"; and of the University of Virginia, with references to various early members of the faculty by initial, to the importation of foreigners for its faculty, and to tl1e great expense of operating the University. A sup- plement to the poem, near the end of one volume, takes the hero to Richmond, describing merchants peering over their profits and losses, and lazy members of the legislature. Included also, 11ear the end of one canto, is a poem on drinking. 41. ANONYMOUS SCRAPBOOK [ca. 1869]. n.p. Scrapbook of sentimental poems and humorous articles. 42. ANTISLAVERY PAPERS, 1832; 1837. 2 items. Charleston, S. C., and Phila- delphia, Pa. Letters referring to various phases of the abolition movement by Thomas Smith Grimké and \Villiam Henry Burleigh. 43. RICHARD APPERSON PAPERS [ca. 1800]. 2 items. Petersburg, Va. Papers of Richard Apperson, Revolutionary soldier, concerning a duel with a Dr. Holmes. 44. DILMUS APPLEBERRY PAPERS, 1810 (1850-96) 1901. 1,750 items. Fluvanna County, Va. Busi11ess, family, and legal correspondence of a plantation owner, largely composed of accounts, bills, invoices, indentures, and land surveys. Letters, some of a business nature, comprise about 5 per cent of the collection. Correspondents whose names appear most often are Pettit and Leake, a legal firm of Goochland Court House, Atlantic and Virginia Fertilizing Company of Richmond, Virginia, a11d Dilmus Appleberry`s 11epl1ew, Thomas A. Bledsoe. 45. FLETCHER HARRIS ARCHER PAPERS AND NOTEBOOKS, 1804 (1847-85) 1900.