xt7ns17sr020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sr020/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199205 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1992 text GLSO News, May 1992 1992 2019 true xt7ns17sr020 section xt7ns17sr020 Free at Selected Business Locations HomeDeliveryat$5perYear uxmcron GAY/LESBIAN snvxcn onmumon, v.0. nox 11471, “XI-ml, M 40575 ______________________._____.___—_—— INTERNATIONAL GROUP FIGHTS DISCRIMINATION AIMED AT GAYS Have you ever considered what it's like to be a sexual minority in another country where your basic human rights are not guaranteed? Around the world, gay men and lesbians are murdered by paramilitary death squads, jailed, have their publications censored or suppressed, lose custody of their children, are denied jobs and housing and the right to form organizations. SODOMITESINTHE SNOW -- These types of flagrant, and often STATE SUPREME COURT HEARS violent, discriminatory practices ARGUMENTS ON SODOMY LAW occur too often without any international concern or protests. By Jeff Jones The International Gay and As the Kentucky Supreme Court Lesbian Human Rights Commission is heard arguments in challenge to dedicated to researching and the constitutionality of the documenting human rights abuses state's sodomy statute on April 2, against gays, lesbians and other 45 people gathered on the steps sexual minorities around the and rotunda of the Capitol to show world. support for protecting the privacy The group is currently expanding rights of Kentuckians. our Emergency Response Network for The court is reviewing the the express purpose of bombarding decisions of the Fayette District the offending parties with phone and Circuit Courts that ruled the calls, letters, petitions and statute prohibiting homosexual demonstrations. Our hope is that sodomy between consenting adults one day soon, (Continued on page 5) as unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court upholds the decisions, Kentucky will join In This Issue 25 other states by making all private sex acts between SUMMER WOMEN'S EVENTS scheduled consenting adults legal. Such a around the county are previewed by ruling would make Kentucky the Mary Crone — page 10. third state in the nation (after N.Y. and Penn.) to overturn the FAIR! SUPERHERO Rupert Kinnard's sodomy law in the state courts. comic about a superhero who is a The Kentucky statute forbids gay, radical, black genital—oral, genital—anal, and teenager, is now in . anal-oral acts between same—sex a book, reviewed ‘ couples. on page 9. You can \ 7. The demonstration in favor of discover how humor Imp/«,4 privacy was organized in response and whimsy are used to an expected protest by on behalf of truth, '. ._ J _ .11.,“ christian fundamentalists who want justice and the fight “ N” v to keep the sodomy statute. The against homophobia. .f I demonstrators included people from the Kentucky ACLU, KY Lambda BEST IN THE BLUEGRASS in this Coalition, P-FLAG, GLOBAL, and UK issue we report reader's views on Lambda. the area's best pizza, restaurant, Gathering from around Kentucky drag queen, etc. -- page 8. with signs in tow, (Continued on page 5) A word from the editor GLSO News CLOSETARE FOR CLOTHES By Chuck Smith . Between June 5 _ 14 we in the 1)“,thth monthlfiby Lexington area will observe Gay, LexmgtonGay/Le8_1an Lesbian and Bisexual Pride Week Semce Orgamzatlon 1992. The event celebrates the P-O-BOX11471 anniversary of the Stonewall Lexmgton,KY40575 Rebellion, which is considered to _ mark the beginning of the modern Editors: gay liberation movement in Beth Dally, Jeff J ones, Ame r ic a , T0mMurphy,Chuck Smlth One night in June 1969, some street queens and the patrons of the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in a. New York City, refused to cooperate with a police raid on GLSOAnnual Dues $10.00 tile bar- They foughtk bdaCkhand t eir resistance 5 ar e t ree DuesforCouples$15.00 nights of rioting bl; gay people Newsletter0n1y$5.00 and the notice of gay men and lesbians across the nation. a 5 Our Pride Week provides the E opportunity to find out more about our history as gay men and GLSOMAYFORUMADDRESSES lesbians, enjoy some arts {find NEEDS OF LEXINGTON'S GAYS social events and show your pride as a gay person. You should look A public forum for discussing at the schedule printed in this the needs and challenges faced by issue and plan to take part in the lesbigay community in some of the events. Lexington will be held at 7:30 * * * * * p.m., May 6, at the New Morning With this issue, the GLSO News Coffee House. is passing into the hands of new Keith Elston, will make some editors. Beth Daily, Jeff Jones, brief introductory remarks and and Tom Murphy have agreed to moderate the discussion. This jointly take over the editorial forum provides an opportunity to responsibilities for the news— express your views on issues letter. Furthermore, several important to lesbigay people in others in the community have Lexington and to suggest services volunteered to assist with the that GLSO might prov1 e. work. There are still other jobs The New Morning Coffee House is that we could use assistance with. located at 504 Euclid Avenue. Someone to manage advertising is our biggest need. If you would be GROUPSUPPLIESSUPPORT interested in helping with the FOR LESBIAN OVEREATERS newsletter call Chuck at 275-2069. If there are particular issues A group to help lesbians deal you would like to see addressed in with the problem of over eating the newsletter or features you meets each week at Faith Lutheran would like to see included, give Church on Wednesdays at 4 p.m. us a call or send a letter at P.o. Anyone interesting in taking Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575. part in the group or joining it, We want the GLSO News to serve the should call Nancy at 268-3941. Bluegrass lesbigay community. 2-GLSO/May DEMOCRATIC FRONTRUNNER CLARIFIES STAND 0N GAY RIGHTS ISSUES In a letter he addressed to Randy Klose of the Human Rights Campaign Fund, Governor Bill Clinton claimed to be a strong supporter of ciVil rights for gays and lesbians. An earlier uestionnaire Clinton returned ‘ to the fund expresses reservations about the lack of some provisions in the federal gay civil rights bill. Clinton maintains that the bill should not require religious organizations to hire gay people prohibiting discrimination against if they are opposed. He claims gays and lesbians in federal that such a requirement would hiring and contracting. violate the constitutional right to free exercise of religion. ' But, Clinton maintains he has a g Airline Tickets -- Cruises -- Tours , "fundamental commitment to civil : 3 rights for ga%s and lesbians." He 3 f also has pu lically committed ; PEGASUS TRAVEL INC. , himself to sign the gay rights i . bill when it is passed by the l ' Congress. ; GLSO Donation With Each Purchase ‘ Clinton has called for a repeal i ‘ of the ban on gays and lesbians . 20401dleHourCenter serving in the military, and IRichmondRoad Lexinbg‘ton,KY40502 pledges that if elected, he will i 800228-4337? 60 268-4337 I issue an executive order . 5 KENTUCKY 8 ONLY LEVI-LEATHER BAR 117 N. LIMESTONE LEXINGTON,KY 606/233-7266 GLSO/May-3 DON'T LOVE YOUR PARTNER TO DEATH! Protect yourself and your partner by using latex condoms, and by arming yourself with information about how AIDS is affecting the gay community. For More Information About AIDS, call: 1-800-654-AIDS Kentucky AIDS Education Program Cabinet for Human Resources Department of Health Services 4 - GLSO/May Local News RE— THE SUN WILL NEVER SET... By The John Michaels on Tuesday, April 7, 1992, an AIDS Memorial and Benefit was held at The Bar Complex Showroom in Lexington, Kentucky. The event was to honor persons liv1ng with HIV or who have died from complications from AIDS. It was sponsored by Friends of Kevin Drury (1963-,1992) and STATESUPREME COURTHEARING benefited AIDS Volunteers of Continued frompagel Lexington (AVOL), Friends of the the protesters battled an early Quilt (Lexington Names Project), morning snow storm to arrive in and the Hospice of the Bluegrass time to greet the Supreme Court AIDS Pro ram. The theme of the judges as they arrived at the memorialybenefit was "Don't let Capitol. The demonstrators first the sun go down on me." stood on the Capitol steps, then The event was a resounding moved into the rotunda. success, raising over $2000. It Except for a man taking photos proved that the gay and lesbian of the pro—privacy protesters, the community in Lexington can be just 60 or so fundamentalists who came that, a community. to the Capitol that day, sat in A memorial table and personal the court room along with about 40 affects display was prOVided for who supported privacy rights. the public who attended. The In the case itself, several Lexington signature Panel of the friend of the court briefs Names Project was provided by the supporting overturning the statute local chapter. had been filed by legal, health, The cast of 16 performers religious, and psychological donated all of their tips to the organizations. On the other side benefit fund. Natalie Gay was several legal briefs asking that hostess and MC for the event. the law remain in force were filed Cammie Detrich, Janelle Claiborne, by legal and fundamentalist Stacy Bryant, Rhonda K. Steele, groups. Leslie King, Briana Carey, and To overturn the statute at least Dale Lee performed at the event. 4 of the 7 judges must uphold the Representatives from the three lower court's decision. Although beneficiary groups made short the judges will render their presentations. decision in legal terms, political The Complex Showroom remained considerations will certainly play packed throughout the evening and a part in the outcome. Lexington got one of the best Last November, Lewis Paisley, shows ever put together. the District Court Judge who first The event is on video tape. overturned the statute on Copies may be obtained by constitutional grounds, won a providing a VHS tape to either landslide victory in an election John Michael—l or John Michael—2 for Circuit Court. His opponent at the Bar Complex Showroom. made the sodomy statute a major campaign issue. INTERNATIONALGROUP A year ago a University of Continued from page 1 Kentucky research poll found that if a gay bookstore is closed, if a 2/3 of the state's population gay newspaper is censored, when believe that all private sex acts our fellow homosexuals are jailed between consenting adults should for their sexual activities, we be legal. can be there in solidarity to The Supreme Court is expected provide a voice of protest from to hand down a decision on the the four corners of the earth. sodomy statute's constitutionality Continued on page a during the next few months. ' GLSO/May-5 Sunday Monday May WWW-“y “d“ .. SM” DIRECTORY manna annual-3a 7 am/Ams supp gp GLSO Gayline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231.0335 I I pm gay mens spr grp. am . . EH 7 Ham“! 7 HHIEEHEEE 8pm gay/lesbianAA 9am frontwnners GLSO Board (Craii) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271-8477 [BEEEEIIEEEIEE IIIEEIEIEEIEEE 81538 @1921“? ) . . . (1.31.1). . . . . . Egg-39232 I. I e ers ureau 1 . . . . . - [Emma 23 512mm GLSO Pfionehne (Tony) - - ~ - - . - - . . 266-9175 EEIIEEEI BEEEEII GLSO Support Group (Mary) . . . . . .266-5904 (Cole). . . . . . . . . . 233-1782 " 4 Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S (Mark) . . . . . . 233-7266 4 5 6 gm ¥aint 0w growling1 Leaéue . .). . . . . . . Egg-gig M . _ _ . bian AA am HIV/AIDS supp. glP- rl-s ate ay 0 e0 erry . . . . . - 4 b AA 7-91wb1 a su . grp. 12pm UK Lambda Lunch 4pm1$b1an overeatexs pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp 8pm gay/1w NAMES Pro ect Kentuck (Katie) . 223-3855 4:11:11 iii-1656;: rodeo g y pp 7pm gay/1mmam AI'ADOD 89m gay/155191311 AA 7‘30 UK 13mm meet 98m mamas Lesbian Potlluck . . . . . . . . y. . . . . . . . . 231-3851 8:45 Rainbow Bowl. lg. 7:30 GLSO forum, p. 2 Esmerelda's Parlour (Debbie) . . . . . .255-3851 Front Runners/running club (Dan) . 254-6850 UK Gay/Lesblan Students (Keith) . 266-3934 Lexmgton Men's Chorus (Shelby) . . 231-0090 (Michael)................. 233-3709 .4 5, :3“ Lesbian Overeaters Anon. (Nancy) . 268-3941 b‘ AA 7-91 b' . . 12 In UK Lambda Lunch 4pm lesbian overeaters pm HIV/AIDS supp. gp. 8pm gay/lesbian AA am sapp- grp- ay es Ian - on o ert . . . . . - 4pm gay/16s nan as gay SUPP grp 7p; gay Aesbian Al- Anon 8pm gay/lesbian. AA 7pm Names let making 7pm gay men s splntual 9am frontrunners RELIGIOUS GROUPS 8:45 Rainbow bowl lg- 7pm Names PmJact me“ Dignity: Catholic (Don) . . . . . . . . . . . .299-4458 In erweave: Unitarian (Crai ) . . . . . 271-8477 Gay Mens Spiritual Group (gteve) . .233-1782 AIDS Information & Services ”4:: 2:54:24: tug; *: Kentucky AIDS Hotline. . . . . 800 645-2437 v 1 8 1 9 20 2 1 (3353;353 IAI¥€L (githa figgiges) . . . G. . . . . . 254-2865 ' +, , u ort rou s 2pm lesbian potluck 7-9 lesbigay supp. grp. 12pm UK Lambda Lunch 4pm lesbian overeateis pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. 8pm gay/lesbian AA am HIV/AIDS supp- grp~ (AVOL) _ _ _ _ ~ . _ pp . ' . _ ' . p ' 254-2865 4pm gay/lesbian AA 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am frontrunners An AIDS T t. ; - 1 _ ~ 0 ous es 1n 4pm Avg: Board Elect“ 8 45 Rainbow bOWI g Lemgton-nglyette County . . . g . . . . 288-2437 PmAV mm“ 55 Madison County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623-7812 Jessamine County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 885-4149 WoodfordCounty.................837-4541 4;; 29 Mix National Gays/Lesbian Crisisline 25 i (80 ) 347-4283 E, ~:-::-:2-' . _ . b. AA 1'11lele su ' ' ‘ . 4*” gayflesb‘MA ”may 3“” g4. iiimaufifiaflfifi‘ 332155123233; pm “AIDS 5“” g‘P 1"“ W“ ‘a" grammes" g‘p Lexmgton Gayzgmnggm Information 8:45 Rainbow bowl 1g. 8pm gay/lesbian AA Teenage Gag & Lesbian Support . (so ) 347-TEEN This line is staffed by teenagers GLSO/May - 7 6 - GLSO/May ' Local News M GLSO NEWS READERS NAME THE BEST IN THE BLUEGRASS 1992 In a March ploll, GLSO News readers named several "bests" in the Lexington and B uegrass area. Here is a reEort on their views. The top three places to meet gay LEXIN TON MEN'S CHORUS men are (1) The Bar Complex, (2) GROWINGAND MOREACTIVE UK Lambda, (3) Crossings. If you are interested in meeting lesbians The Lexington Men's Chorus joined look at (l) The Metro, (2) friends the Heart Strings cast in and potlucks, (3) UK Lambda. To "Sometimes When We Touch" adding a meet bisexuals you should go to splendid full, rich quality that (1) UK Lambda, (2) The Bar b ended elegantly." Complex, (3) the Unitarian -- Louisville Courier Journal Universalist Church. Readers felt the best nightspots Lexington and Kentucky can be for lesbians is The Metro; for gay very proud of the Lexington Men's men, The Bar Complex; and for Chorus' participation in the Heart strayts, Lynaughs. Strings performance in Louisville, Alfalfa's and Fleur—de-Lys tied April 11 and 12. This national for best restaurant. tour is a fund—raiser for AIDS The best music group is Yer organizations. The money raised at Girlfriend. Crystal Blue and the Kentucky performances was Sirocco tied for the title of best distributed to AIDS service groups drag queen. Chuck C. of the Bar throughout Kentucky. Complex was named best bartender. The Lexington Men's Chorus has other businesses thought to be grown, but they still need you. the best are: pizza, Joe They will now be preparing for an Bologna's, florist, Darryl's Gratz AIDS memorial service and pride Park Flowers; men's clothes, week. Come join us if you would Lazarus; women's clothes, like to sing with a fantastic McAlpin's; and Cut Corner and Disc group of men and are able to make Jockey tied for best record store. a commitment to rehearse. The best lesbigay neighborhood is the Chevy Chase area. UNITED WAY TO CUT BOY SCOUTS The San Francisco United Way INTERNATIONALGROUP chapter notified six local Boy Continued from pageS Scout councils it will withdraw This is an exciting time in its support unless they stop which to live, and we can surely excluding homosexuals. make a world of difference to those less fortunate than ___—-_—-I ourselves. ! , b Letter griting campaigrgs have :3 7 een, an continue to e, an : S S 7% extremely effective means for , L16 t/rOTI‘B‘ -p promoting change worldwide. This is pharticularlhy trucks3 with respect - . I to uman rig ts a uses against )7 S sexual minorities whose rights are . Sycfio 091g: rapidly gaining legitimacy internationally . i To participate in this important ‘ 277~3l IQ work, write International Gay and I Lesbian Human Rights Commission, 1 540 Castro St., San Francisco, CA f ' 94114. —————'—‘—‘ 8-GLSO/May Book Review ___.———‘____“____ RADICAL FAIRY SUPERHERO'S ONLY WEAKNESS IS SWEET POTATO PIE . . by Chuck Smith This isn't going to be an objective book review; it is about the Brown Bomber, my favorite superhero in the whole world. What, you've never heard of the Brown Bomber? You are forgiven. His regular appearances are in West Coast gay papers. So, exce t for the few times wetlinl the rest ofldthe coulntry catch a glimpse opr.B. in gay comic an o o ies, we se om see 1m. Fortugnately, B.B. is now at the NAME; ER‘C (BROW’J BOMBEK)GAMBRELL local bfok stork'Del in B.B. asnd the AGEZPERPETUALLY 19 Diva (A yson Pu ications, 6.95 . _ a collection of the Rupert Kinnag'cli OCCWATION' PART “ME SUPER'a comic strips featuring B.B. and HERO/FAIRY (THEMYSHCALKIND)W his friends. h h %,° 50, you say, w o is t is Brown M74; BgTbei? He describes himself as a ”H AN WNOCENT BOW /;’/l l ///{/j/. “ ac , poor, radical fairy." (My F | AL 4 ./ friends now understand the reason UNPCSSN C L ED /.... W he is my favorite superhero. I HICCU ‘G,ER]C J J ./ Eight adcjl- that Se also lias the ABRUDTLY CHANGES, " I %' ottest egs an most a lurin ‘ ' "" \ smile in all comicdom.) g SOMETIMES AEAINST HIS '1. ‘xéé‘ Kinnard explains that although WILL-YO AND FROM HIS ’ / Q . he rarely hasl 13:.B. uhsek hlius B.B. PERSONA EACH TRANS' § superpowers, "I i e to t in t e ' _ Brown Bomber is the most powerful FORMATlON i5 FOLLOWED BY/ %: superhero of all. A fairy can do AN INTENSE COCOA AROMA/ §%/ 3““ ab°ut anything" HIS PASSIONS INCLUDE TIME ‘ % The Bomber does have one . .. [g4 2/6/4‘ weakness, sweet potato pie. It's W'TH DNAMY GIRL BY 'luflfll “fl not his kryptonite, just something THETEMPTATIONS AND = 9 he can't turn down. , :3: 9. B.B. is quite a contrast to his Hi5 ONLY WEAKNESS ‘5 .gf—ga “'fi—t’v. frequent com anion, Diva Touché SWE I ._’-J.?..1._ a?" Flambé. She Es a black, leftist, ET POTATO ME «I —'-"fit\ vegetarian, lesbian educator. She Michael J., who wears only one hosts a TV show, "Dishing With glove and has a pet chimpanzee. Diva," that asks questions such B.B. and Michael J. liked to think as, "What do gay men have in those of themselves as comic characters. Macys bags they carry?" "of course, that makes sense B.B. and the Diva use wit and for B.B." was the Diva's retort. humor to combat homophobia and But there is also work for B.B. other unenlightened behavior. in the gay family. He is always For example, not long ago, they trying to raise the political baby—sat for Gaylord, the infant consciousness of his friend, the son of conservative, straight, Vanilla Creampuff. Puffie's big Christian, Republican, yuppies Kay concern is trying to understand and Ray Sediah. why, although he spends loads of Under B.B.‘s influence, Gaylord money to have his hair done and said his first word. No, it wasn't buys great clothes and cologne, he "mommy" or "daddy." It was "Simon still can't keep a boyfriend. Nikoli," the name of a black, The time spent with B.B., Diva, 29-year old, openly gay, South their friends and adversaries will African anti-apartheid activist. be a time of enjoyment, whimsy, Several years ago the Bomber had and occasionally of keen social a short fling with a certain and political insight. GLSO/May-9 $1 - B Bax“; IRE—7 911-7 ENEFIT ////////////I- 8 1 \ / 1 ENT 4 ‘a Q 2 "L \ Wwow‘r 5 Friday, May 8 ADMISSION $5.00 ($4.00 with GLSO Membership Card) DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 pm 0‘3 p P31 > ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS RIDE WEEK ‘2 AT 9:00 pm WEEK ‘S. «F»? BE BE Unitarian Universalist Church NEFIT 3564 Clay's Mill Rci., Lexinéton, KY 10 _ GLSOfMay For more information, call 31-0335 Esmerelda's Parlour “a WOMEN‘S FESTIVALS OFFER May ASUMMER FILLED WITH NATIONAL WOMEN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL -- FUN, PRIDE-ENHANCING EVENTS May 28-31, in Bloomington, IN. NWMF, Dept. LC, PO Box 1427, B; Mary Sojourner Crone Indianapolis, IN 46206. ph: (317) It's estival time again! I want 636—7382. The closest and only to encourage all of you to indoor festival. Lots of known consider a trip to one of these musicians and activities this wonderful gatherings.‘ There is year. enough variety so that you should June be able to find one that fits your WEST COAST LESBIAN FESTIVAL—~June interests and needs. All 5—7, on the beach! in Malibu, CA. festivals, to my knowledge, Particular Productions, 279 provide space and services for Lester Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606. differently-abled wimmin. Ph: (510) 763—9228. Some wimmin may want to start EAST COAST LESBIAN FESTIVAL——June with a small festival or one that 18—21, at Lakeside Camp on the does not require camping. Others NY/PA border. ECLF, 132 Montague may want to jump into the Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Ph: intensity of a week at the (718) 643—3284. Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, August my personal favorite. MICHIGAN WOMYN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL-- Each of the festivals is a Aug. 11—16, near Hart, MI. WWTMC, stimulating, fun, pride-enhancing Box 22, Walhalla, MI 49458. Ph event. There is music, comedy, (616) 757—4766. This will be the dancing, sports, politics, and 17th year for the largest and for spirituality. You can relax in the me, most interesting festival. sun, you can do work shifts and Its like coming home. learn new skills. You should also Labor Day Weekend plan to spend some time for WEST COAST WOMEN'S MUSIC & COMEDY shopping at the "Lesbian Mall" FESTIVAL—- Robin Tyler Pro- filled with beautiful and unusual ductions, address in Memorial Day items offered by (mostly) lesbian listings. artisans and buSiness wimmin. RHYTHMFEST—-in north Georgia. Here is a list of festivals Rhythmfest, 2009 Chapel Hill Rd., scheduled for 1992. A few comments Durham, NC 27707. Ph: (919) 419- are included concerning the ones I 1923, small but growing. have attended or have some NORTHEAST WOMEN'S MUSICAL RETREAT— information about. in Tollend, MA. NEWMR, PO Box 550, Branford, CT 06405 Memorial Day Weekend SEPT—SISTERSPACE POCONO WEEKEND—— CAMPFEST-—near Oxford, Pa. ph: Sisterspace, 315 S. 47th Street (609) 694-2037. Campfest, RRS Box B-lOl, Philadephia, PA 19143. Ph: 185, Franklinville, NJ 08322. (215) 476—2424. WIMINFEST--Wimin, PO Box 80204, Albuquerque , NM 87 19 8-2 04 . LESBIGAY PARENTS ORGANIZING SOUTHERN WOMEN'S MUSIC & COMEDY FESTIVAL--near Ashville, NC. Gay, lesbian and bisexual Robin Tyler Prod., 15842 Chase parents, are you interested in street, North Hills, CA 91343. starting a gathering for lesbigay New location (easy drive from parents in the area? If so, call Lexington) and new scheduling to Jeff at 253—9729. other cities accommodate wimmin who wish to have similar groups to meet the stay in motels off festival special needs of lesbigay parents grounds. A relatively small in the areas of relationships, (1000) and fun festival. Cabins custody matters and "fami y" available. family social outings. , GLSO/May-ll 33E .333; ;E-__‘:;l 1992 LEXINGTON E E GAY,LESBIAN,AND BISEXUAL 1”" PRIDE CELEBRATION E .- E JUNE 4-14 E K E Thur.. 4 -- Movie at the Kentucky Theater E ,E Fri. 5 -- Movie at the Kentucky Theater E . V E . - Sat. 6 -- Ride For Pride (Bicycle Ride) f ‘ _ _ -- Movie at the Kentucky Theater 1'. , - ' -- Plays by Between the Acts E . .~: -- "This Brooding Sky" ' ' "E -- "Dos Lesbos" E2 .-"E Sun. 7 -- Pride Church Service, Unitarian Universalist Church :- _ ' _' -- Movie at the Kentucky Theater E .Ei E -- Barn Dance, Tri-State Gay Rodeo Association i u, I I E Wed. 10 -- Bowling Night r: Thur. 11 -- Speakers E E 7 _ - Fri. 12 -- Plays by Between the Acts E . E -- "This Brooding Sky" ‘ i E -- "Dos Lesbos" E Sat. 13 -- Arts Nifiht, sponsored by GLSO - E -- Bar Nig t, sponsored by area bars - l , - E Sun. 14 -- Salute to Lexington Volunteers Bantgluet " E -- sp‘onsore by Tri-State Ga Ro eo Association. 1 - E Tic ets, advance sales only £20, may be purchased '1 E at Crossings and from association members. E ‘ , . E Watch for the final schedule with complete information on E . E times and locations. It will be posted around town and included E _ E in the June GLSO News. E E Help is need in the final plannilgfi for Pride Week j r . E Call Debbie, 255-3 1. t E ”E PRIDE: POWER ; i ' , E j E 1 3, \M~W*wW—-Ww—-M*_.M.“W,m ”va—o->»~v——-~_—“,____~_____ —-~—-,_.....~__....__._,_,/:} V‘ E - - . . . - , E 12 - GLSO/May