xt7ns17sr50k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sr50k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-07-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 27, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 27, 1989 1989 1989-07-27 2020 true xt7ns17sr50k section xt7ns17sr50k  

summer Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClll. M. 9

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent Since 1971

Thursday, July 27. 1989

UK program offers second chance at education

Employees can brush up on skills, learn in Operation Educate

Executive Editor

The words begin to roll from Ho-
race Miles‘ tongue as he follows the
images on the computer screen. Af-
ter finishing a sequence of yes~no
and fill-in-the blank questions. an—
other image flashes on the screen.
saying, “That was perfect Horace"
and flashes the score ll for 11. His
personal satisfaction punctuates the

Miles, an employee of UK’s Ser—
vices department, is one of the
many successful participants of Op-
eration Educate at UK (formerly
Operation Read at UK), which is de-
signed to help improve UK’s em-
ployees’ basic literacy skills.

Miles is taking the course to im-
prove all his skills. “Maybe some
day I’ll swap my bucket for a desk
job,” he said with a grin.

It‘s a program that has left many

“The program has two compo-
nents,” said Connie Johnson, Oper-
ation Educate coordinator. “We have
a basic skills component and an
Adult Basic Education/GED (Gener-
al Education Development) compo-

In Kentucky a GED (General Edu-
cation Development) certificate is
the equivalent of a high school di-
ploma. In a recent survey it was dis-
covered that approximately 50 per-
cent of all Kentuckians over 25 did
not have a high school diploma or a
GED. The same survey showed that
400,000 adult Kentuckians had poor
basic literacy skills.

“The program really unfolded
from a grievance. actually," said
Marsha P. Collins, manager of Hu-
man Resource Development, which
started the program back in 1986.
“There was an employee who was
turned down for a promotion be-
cause of poor reading skills. From
there we thought there was a need.“

Once Collins and UK Human Re-
source Services Director Walter Ski-
ba estimated 200-250 UK employ-
ees could benefit from basic literacy
training, informal surveys of super—
visors of the Physical Plant Divi-
sion, the Housing department and
other campus employers were tak-



Supervisors predicted those in
need of help would be too embar-
rassed to step forward. Collins.
however, went to the Fayette Coun-
ty Adult Basic Education program
and received literacy training.

“They sort of adopted us," Collins
said. “They took us under their wing
and showed us how to run a pro.

She said tough choices had to be
made about the program before an
official proposal was written up and

The two key choices, however,
centered on whether the tutoring
would occur on the job and where
the tutors would come from. The
answer to the second question came


“We thought, of all the places
that should believe in literacy, this
should be it,” Collins said. “We de-
cided to use volunteer tutors from
the campus."

The first problem was solved
when it was decided UK employees


UK employee Horace
Miles is taking courses to
improve all his skills.
“Maybe some day I’ll
swap my bucket for a
desk job,” he said with a

would be given paid release from
work to participate in the program.
Many studies had indicated employ-
ees had difficulty participating in
programs after work. Problems cited
included family responsibilities.
transportation, second jobs, and fa-

A proposal was drawn up and sub-
mitted to then Lexington Campus
Chancellor Art Gallaher, who react-
ed very favorably. From that Opera-
tion Read at UK was born and began
to offer the basic literacy skills
training in 1986.

Since that time, the administra-
tions‘ support for the program has
remained strong. Johnson and Col-
lins say.

in fact. Johnson said she felt the
strength of the program was “The
University's commitment to the
program and its desire to improve
the basic skills of its employees."

Apprehension and embarrassment
among employees receiving the lit-
eracy training quickly was dispersed.
Collins said.

“At first you'd see them sneaking
around here (Memorial Hall, where
some tutoring sessions take place).
But after a while they weren‘t cm—
barrassed at all. You could see the
pride they had in what they were do—

The program then experienced
some growing pains. “We had em~
ployees who were testing too high
for the basic training," Collins said.
“They were so disappointed because
it took a lot of courage to come for-

In March of this year, the ABE/
GED component became the second
leg of Operation Educate at UK.
This part of the program focussed
on helping people get their GED‘s.
The thiny spots in the two classes
quickly filled up, and a burgeoning
waiting list ensued. To alleviate the
problem, two more GED classes
have been added for the fall.

The basic literacy section also is
experiencing a surge of growth.
“We currently have 20 employees in
the basic literacy section who are
waiting for tutors,” Johnson said.
“We always have a need for tutors
in our program."

She said her biggest surprise is
“The motivation that the employees
bring to their tutoring sessions and
their want to improve employment

Both tutors and students have
been enthusiastic about the pro-

“Although it costs the University
money. they should get the money
back because employees will do a
better job." one tutor said. “They
will be able to read instructions bet-
ter and make less mistakes. UK will
also save money because they will
be able to promote from within.“

He added: “I can‘t think of any
thing a university could do that‘s
better. It's a win-win situation."

“I think it‘s great." Miles said.

A look at the summer

in pictures.
See page 3.

.CHAEL W/Komol Stafl

Marsha P. Collins (left), manager of Human Resources and Develop-
ment. sits with Connie Johnson. coordinator of Operation Educate.
Operation Educate is a program that helps UK employees improve

their basic literacy skills.

“It gives people a chance to advance
and gives old people a chance to
brush up on their skills.”

Miles, who earned his diploma
from the old Dunbar School in Lex—
ington. classified himself in the lat-
ter category.

Miles hasn't been shy about his
involvement in the program, adding:
“A lot of people where I work have
been inquiring with me since I‘ve
been using the computer."

The GED classes had a recent suc-
cess. Billy Seiring was the first UK

employee to cam a GED since the
classes started in March « and the
third overall in the program who
has attained a GED through in»
volvemcnt in the program.

“I had finished the 12d. gratle but
lacked some required courses.“ Scir-
ing said. “The teachers have been
really helpful."

Sciring didn't know whether he
will begin taking college classes.

While Sciring and others may
reach their concrete goals. Miles has
his own goal.

eMond an example
of true heroism.

See page 7.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989




Executive Editor

Trish Harpring
Design Editor

UK to unveil new vending machines next week


More than 400 responses suppon—
ing UK’s new vending machines
came into the food services office
from faculty and staff, and managers
are hoping for the same response
from students.

By adding the new Vend-Plus
cards, changing over to Pepsi Cola
from Coca Cola and adding health
foods, food services’ efforts have re-
ceived good reviews so far, said
Roger Sidney, vending manager of

food services.

“Responses have been very posi-
tive overall,” Sidney said.

UK plans to install the new vend-
ing machines, which will allow us-
ers to access an account in order to
make purchases Aug. 1-14.

“It’s a two week window (between
the dates),” Sidney said. “We should
be totally installed by the 14th.”

The machines and Vend-Plus cards
will operate 24 hours a day, as long
as the user has money in the ac-

In order to access the machines

through a Vend-Plus card, the user
either can purchase one out of the
vending machine or use a meal card.
If a card is purchased from a ma-
chine, the user should go to an Au-
tomatic Debit Machine (ADM) and
deposit dollar bills, which will be
credited to an account.

A maximum of $20 per day can
be deposited, and the money will re—
main in the account until it is used
“The account is good forever,”
Sidney said. “There is a $5 charge
to get unused money back if you


4 students
go to D.C.

Staff reports

U.S. Rep. Larry J. Hopkins (D-
Ky.) met last week with four UK
students from China to discuss
proposed changes in U.S. immi-
gration law — proposals which
would make it easier for Chinese
students to remain in the United
State while the current political
unrest in their homeland contin-

The students, Liguang Xu,
Shcn Q. Pan, Chunwei Huang and
YJ. Chang, were in Washington
to meet with members of the Ken-
tucky Congressional delegation
and seek their support for the

Chinese student representatives
testified last Thursday before the
House Subcommittee on Immi-

The four from Kentucky attend-
ed the hearings in support of the



Four Chinese UK students present Rep. Larry Hopkins (D-Ky.)
with a T-Shirt last week in Washington.




UK chemist exploring fuel alternatives

Contributing Writer

America must adopt an alternative
method to making gasoline from
crude oil because in 1990 crude oil
will cost $100 per barrel, about
$2.50 a gallon.

That was a prediction made by
experts during the oil crisis of the
late 1970s, said UK chemist Bur~
tron Davis. A prediction the UK
chemist said is obviously wrong.

But finding an alternative method
for making gasoline ~ an idea that‘s
been tossed around since the 1940s
-» has always intrigued scientists.

Davis, who works at UK‘s Cen-
ter for Applied Energy Research, is

working on just such a project. He‘s
trying to develop a process that
would convert methanol to gasoline.
“I was working at Mobil where the
catalyst, ZSM-S, was accidentally
discovered, which works instrumen-
tally in the conversion process," Da-
viS said.

Davis said the process goes like
this: natural gas (methane) is first
converted into a ”synthesis gas."
which basically is carbon monoxide
and hydrogen.

This gas is then converted into
liquid methanol. The catalyst, 25M-
5. is then used to set up a complex
series of chemical reactions, result-
ing in gasoline, he said.

Coal also can be used as a source

material instead of natural gas. The
only difference is it must first un—
dergo a slightly more complex gasi-
fication process, Davis said.

“The U.S. is buying oil around
$20 per barrel currently." Davis
said. “During the oil crisis we were
spending $42 per barrel. “If the
price ever reaches $35 per barrel,
then synfuels will get the go ahead
from the government and industry
to be into use," he said.

The UK Center for Energy Re-
search Laboratory has been in the
lead for synfuels research at the state
level. It also collaborates with a
plant in Wilmington, Ala. which
is the only synfuel plant that pro-
duces transportation fuel.

choose to take it out. But we do
want as many people as possible to
set up accounts."

Also, you can go to Student Bill-
ings and set up a VendoPlus ac-
count. Go to the office in the Stu-
dent Center room 257 and deposit a
minimum of $20, then go to room
239 and have a card made up.

In order to transfer money into
your account, go to an ADM ma-
chine the next business day and de-
posit money.

Food services set up the daily
maximum to protect card users if

cards are lost or stolen.

“If you lose your card, you lose
all the money (you put in that
day),” Sidney said.

However, card—holders can call
the vending office and have their ac-
count closed out in order to protect
any other money left

“If you don't close your account,
someone could access it,” he said.

The new machines will offer a va-
riety of brand-name foods and health
foods, including low-calorie, low-
cholestorol, and low-salt foods, as
well as fruit and juices.

Acquaintanee rape
brochures funded
by interim senate

Contributing Writer

The UK Student Government As-
sociation interim senate unanimous-
ly passed a bill Tuesday night to al-
locate money for the distribution of
arochures about the problems of
aquaintance tape.

The interim senate approved the
illocation for $330.95 for the bro-
:hures, which will be given out dur-
ng freshman orientation at UK in
\ugust. Brochures on the subject
ire currently available at the Student
lealdi Service.

“The brochure will let students
know what constitutes rape, what to
do in case you’re raped, and where to
go to get help," said SGA President
Sean Lohman yesterday.

The bill, which was introduced by
Lohman, was to have been discussed
at a July 11 senate meeting but due
to lack of quorum no meeting was

“For the past couple of years (ac-

quaintance rape) hasn’t been ad-
dressed. People are raped on this
campus and there are many who are
afraid to report that they’ve been
raped,” he said.

“They need to know what consti—
tutes date rape and how to get help.
We can’t be too ignorant of it.”

Lohman said response to the bill
has been “very positive.”

“We've been attacking the alcohol
issue but we need to move on to
something that 1 think is a very
pressing issue on many campuses,
including ours.”

In other senate action. Senator
Rob Lohman presented a bill asking
for $1,000 to be given for a Fall se-
mester 1989 documentary film festi-
val. “There would be seven shows,
one every two weeks,” Lohman
said. "We are only asking to be
funded by SGA because this is the
first one.”

The interim senate will hold its
next meeting Aug. 1 at 6:30 pm.
in the Patterson Office Tower.


Editor in Chief

Executive Editor

Photo Editor

Design Editor


Advertising Director
Assistant Advertising Director
Production Manager

ing the summer session

Ville, KY 40165


The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and weekly dur~
ThlfdrC'flS! postage paid at Lextngton. KY 4051 1 Mailed subscription rates are $30 per
The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buckman St , Shepherds

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room 035 Journalism
Building. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0042 Phone (6061 257-2871

Tom Spalding
Kip Bowmar
Mark Zerot
Trish Harpring
Mike Agin
Jeff Kuerzi
Judy Furst
Scott Ward





Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989 — 3








UK Athletics Director
CM Newton was not
a happy man,
especially after the
NCAA slammed UK
basketball with a
three—year probation
in May (left).

Faculty, staff and
students may be glad
to see the new
robotics facility. which
is rapidly nearing
completion (right);




Pro—choice supporters
took to the streets this
month to protest the
Supreme Caurt's decrslon
that states cauld
somewhat monitor
abortions (far left


UK President David Roselle
and Mayor Scot‘y Baesler
teamed up in June to
announce their war on
drugs (top right).


New UK basketball coach
Rick Pitino was able to
enjoy a laugh with ex-Cat
Kenny Walker following
Pitino's hiring in May
(bottom right)


 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989

Lexington sees renewed interest in black heritage


Many African-Americans at UK
have recently become aware of and
started to celebrate their African her-
itage by wearing various African ac-
cessories and apparel.

“It is for a genuine political and
cultural base for people to express
themselves,” said Chester Grundy,
Director of the office of Minority
Student Affairs.

Beneath all the attention being
paid to African fashion lies more
complex issues. According to
Grundy, the clothing and apparel is
only a means to assert a “new atti-
tude, awareness and awakening of
political consciousness.”

Black Americans are becoming
more alert to their cultural identity.

“African-American people are
more and more seeking out symbols
of who we are." said Msiba Ann
Grundy, a teacher and counselor at
the Central Kentucky Re-Ed

One of the more popular items
being worn is a necklace Africans
call a nubie. It‘s also called the rasta
chain by Rastafarians.

(Rastafarians are members of a la-
maican religion whose god is Haile
Selassie and who believe in freedom
for blacks and a return to Africa or
the Motherland).

The chains may also be referred to
as freedom pendants or awareness

Nubie is derived from a former
country, Nubia, which was once an
area of Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia.

According to Frank Walker, pro-
gram coordinator for the Martin Lu-
ther King Cultural Center at UK,
the pendants are metal and/or leather
and are in the colors red, black,
green and gold. each representing

cenain ideas.

Black, red and green are “libera-
tion” colors, which stand for the
colors of the African national flag.
Red represents the blood lost by all
African people, and green means the
land. Gold stands for Africa‘s miner-
al wealth, but also has something to
do with sunshine.

Red, green, and gold are colors
linked more to Jamaica and the Ras-
tafan'ans who started making and
selling them more than four years
ago. It was at this time that they
were being worn in places like New
York, Nashville, Tenn., and Atlan-

In the middle of the nubie is an
African symbol. One of these sym-
bols is the continent of Africa
which is synonymous with the
Motherland. Another common im-
age is Nefertiti, who was a 14th
century queen of Egypt. The Lion of
Judah, also an African emblem, was
one of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Also pertaining to Judaism, the
Star of David is an original African
symbol, and signifies the second
King of Israel and Judah.

Nubies and other items such as
African-made jewelry, scarfs, hats,
kente cloth, T-shirts, and pins in the
shape of the continent of Africa
have been popping up at a few retail
stores across the country.

According to Mrs. Grundy, most
of the clothing and accessories are
made in Africa. but there have been
various fake products being sold to
unsuspecting customers in which
the label may read ‘made in Japan.”

Kente cloth, from West Africa, is
made of intricately woven print, and
is made into skirts or other apparel.
The cloth comes in thousands of
patterns representing family histo-
ries and are “very expensive" in
terms of human hours, Mrs. Grundy

v .

This African-made juju bag, or neck wallet. was gained renewed popularity recently across the
originally a medicine bag. Items like this have country.


Mrs. Grundy said that many Afri-
can-American women are turning to
the African fabric, but wear it in a
cut that is in a more modern fash-

Hats or kufis, and scarfs made of
kente cloth are often color-
coordinated but are not as available.

T-shirts explaining the various
African colors and symbols promot-
ing black pride are popular too.

This is not the first time that At-
rican clothing has influenced fash-
ion. Even back in the 19605 trade
beads were worn. But according to
those who wear the paraphernalia
now, the recent popularity is not a
fad but an awakening to their cultu—
ral heritage.

“I hope that it is clear that people
know that this is not just a fad,"




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Walker said. “We feel like the inter-
est in the paraphernalia is a reflec-
tion of the renewed interest in our
cultural heritage.”

Walker wears a juju bag, or neck
wallet. Juju bags were originally
used as medicine bags.

“As a direct descenth I am very
pleased to see it happen,” he said.
“The whole idea behind the para-
phernalia is to promote African heri-
tage and to put the knowledge out to
the public.

“The actual wearing is part of a
larger thing that is happening not
just on college campuses but across
the nation," he said.

The King Cultural Center (located
in the basement of the Student Cen-
ter) plans to bring in vendors from
the country in order to make the Af-


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rican clothing, jewelry, accessories
and sculptures more available to the
public soon.

“At the University there has been
a significant number of people who
have been sincerely interested, not
necessarily in wearing the articles,
but in the knowledge behind it,”
Walker said.

This fall, vendors will make their
an available at the Festival of Afri-
can-American Heritage, which will
be held in downtown Lexington
September 22-23.



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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989 — 5




New Reiner comedy a sure-fire summer hit

Contributing Writer

Rob Reiner will probably be for-
ever remembered as Michael “Meat—
head” Stivic from “All in the Fami-
ly." In the last few years, however,
he has been responsible for directing
some successful and funny movies
(“This is Spinal Tap” and “Stand by

This summer Reiner has released





Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.
Crystal plays Harry Burns. Harry

meets Sally Albright (Ryan) for the

first time in 1977 after graduating

from college. They drive to New
York together where they both plan

a wonderful romantic comedy called
“When Harry Met Sally,” starring

to make their living.

On the drive to New York, Harry
tells Sally that he believes that men
and women can never become good
friends without sex getting in the

This becomes the main plot of
the movie as Harry and Sally spend
12 years as best friends, falling in
and out of relationships and marri-

ages with other people only to real-

ize how much they have come to
love each other.
Reiner has created a movie based



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Kb Bowrra
Executive Editor


bly one of the genuinely good mo-
vies you can see this summer.

"When Ham Met Sally." rude.
1" l'urrr’nlly XIIOWUIE' a! South Park
and Lexington Mull Cim'mm

on human interaction and dialogue.

The humor is fresh and witty. It
doesn’t rely on slapstick. parody. or
cool one-liners.

“When Harry Met Sally" is proba-


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 6 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989

Lee continues streak
with powerful film

Executive Editor

By tackling major issues like ra-
cism, which the majority of Holly-
wood chooses to ignore, Spike Lee
continues to build his reputation as
a maker of imponant films.

His latest joint, “Do The Right
Thing,” is set in the Bedford-
Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brook-
lyn and occurs in one swelterting,
simmering, and eventually scorch—
ing 24 hours.

Lee, who serves as writer, actor,
director, and producer as he did in
his first two feature films, treats the
subject matter seriously and both
sides fairly.

He has a feel for this neighbor—
hood, which goes back to his thesis
film for graduate school “Joe’s Bed-
Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads.”
Lee didn‘t make it look like Holly-
wood visits Brooklyn.

In the movie Lee plays Mookie, a
pizza delivery person for Sal’s Fa~
mous Pizzeria. Sal (Danny Aiello)
is a wonderful and by far the most
versatile character of the cast.

The conflict begins when Buggin
Out (Giancarlo Esposito) complains
that there are only Italians on Sal‘s
Wall of Fame. Buggin Out‘s charac-
ter is extreme and leaves no room
for compromise with Sal.

Buggin Out joins forces with Ra-
dio Raheem (Bill Nunn) to take the





confrontation a few degrees higher.
The heat is stressed over and over as
Lee, illustrating the racial climate,
matches a scorching summer day.

But unlike the weather, the racial
tensions are always on the edge of
bursting into flames.

There are a number of striking
camera angles at interesting mo-
ments in the movie which actually
give a new perspective.

The soundtrack is one of the most
diverse I’ve ever heard. The score
was composed by Bill Lee, the film-
makerfis father, who put together the
score for both “She’s Gotta Have It"
and “School Daze.”

The ensemble appeal of the cast is
surprising giving the somewhat seg-
mented nature of the film.

The film deals well with issues of
violence, frustration, and misplaced
anger without providing answers.
Doing the right thing is both differ-
ent and difficult for every character.
That‘s one reason why it‘s so good.

“Do The Right Thing.” rated PG-
13, is currently showing at Cross-
roads Cinemas.


306 s time
at Mamet: _




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Mookie (played by Spike Lee, left) and Sal (Danny



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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 27, 1989 — 7



Kb Bowma
Executive Editor


LeMond’s ride to the top was truly spectacular

It seems there aren’t many mo-
ments of pure drama left in spans
these days. The Super Bowl is usu-
ally a blowout, the baseball
playoffs in recent history have
seemed a little mundane, and the
NBA playoffs border on tedium.

One of those rare moments of dra-
ma at the very pinnacle of a sport
occurred this past weekend.

Greg LeMond. an American cy-
clist, won the Tour de France, the
world’s most prestigious cycling
event, in such fashion.

Over the course of a grueling
three weeks, 178 of the world‘s pre-
mier cyclists pedaled 2,100 miles
over France. Through the Pyrenees
and the Alps, they rode and gave
chase to each other while some fad-
ed in a paralyzing mix of heat and
exhaustion. For LeMond, who be-
came the first American to win the
Tour de France in 1986, it was an
opportunity for redemption.

Following his breakthrough win
in 1986 LeMond learned how fleet-
ing fame can be. He was shot in a
hunting accident by his brother-in-
law and nearly died two months be-
fore he was supposed to defend his
title.His in—law had mistaken him
for a turkey hiding in the bush.






What a way to go.

LeMond was shot in the lower
back and some wondered if he'd ride
again. When he overcame that inju-
ry he had to deal with an appendec-
tomy and a knee injury. By the time
he returned this year he had missed
the last two Tours.

People were skeptical as to
whether LeMond could regain his
level of greatness. Most figured he
would be near the leaders in this
race, but no one expected him to
contend for the title.

Early in the race LeMond trailed
Frenchman Laurent Fignon (a cham-