xt7nvx06117s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx06117s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19611213  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1961 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 1961 1961 2015 true xt7nvx06117s section xt7nvx06117s 'Heat Garden In


Governor Revealed In Casual Moments
Kernel Managing Editor
Bert Combs wadded up a piece of scrap paper,
swung around in his swivel chair, and threw a
perfect strike at the wastebasket in a corner 20
feet away.
"It's been tough as hell," he said, "this sales
tax business . . ."
Then he stopped talking about the sales tax
and moved his chair back behind his big walnut
desk. He sipped occasionally from a white coffee
cup and rested his chin in the palm of his left


"I think I've had less time off than any for-ernIn many yearn," he said, seeming both
weary and Irritated.
"That's one of the real complaints of my wife
and children. I've had to promise them we'll spend
some time together as soon as this term is over.
I Just hope the family doesn't fall apart before
Still, he admitted with a grin, there's always
time to squeeze in a little quail hunting on the
side. He told about a hunting trip he made to
Bowling Oreen the week before and started rifling
Continued on Page 8

University of Kentucky
Vol. LI 1 1, No. 47











iri rttrn






Combs ' Address

Scheduled Today
Cov. I' rt T. Combs




10 a.m. gi

address the University student
con vocation in Memorial Coliseum








lor the f
convot at, ii i:i riKic than a year.
PreMiki;t Fran O. Dickey yes-tday uru cl Kttuulance by all students and faculty members.
"At a time m h as this in (lie
state's history," he said, "the
governor mesai;e is certain to
be of great irr, porta nee."
A governor's aide tcld the Kernel
Monday that Gov. Combs probably
would net .'peak (ii.ti a prepared
test. "He wants to make It more
of an inltrmal
the aide
The ecvernrr said last week he
had not decided cn any definite
topic foi his talk. Eut he indicated
lie would give a pi cue w of his 19G2
legislative prcgihm and try to
stimulate Mudent iiiterest In state
may make a big
change," he said. "I would like the
students to be as informed as possible on the pioUtms of state
Gov, Combs aNo expressed a


desire to have a question-and-answsession follow his address.
Kentucky's chief executive, a
lif37 graduate of the College of
Law, was awarded an honorary
doctor's degree by the University
at commencement exercises last

56 Graduate

Merits Award
A 1956 University graduate, Robert Darlington, has received the
first Strawinski Memorial Research
This award, based on outstanding student research, was presented
to Mr. Darlington at a recent
meeting of the South Central
Brunch of the American Society
for Microbiology.
Mr. Darlington received his B.S.
degree in 1956 and his M.S. degree in 1958 from UK In the Held
of microbiology. He is now working towards his Ph.D. at the University of Mississippi Medical



bank for general hospital use.
When the hospital opens, we
should have about 50 pints on reserve," Dr. Spencer said.
"We will also need blood when
open heart surgery is performed."
Dr. Spencer said this part of the
program is extremely important.
if cardiac sur- In such surgery, the blood canSpencer, proles.-ogery, said the hospital was going to not be
removed from the donor
need blood lor two areas of its
until 18 hours before the operwork.
Mr. Denver Robertson, chief
An oxygenator
medical technician at the I'niused in open
a letter to heart surgery was demonstrated at
the meeting. This machine takes
the presidents of tororities, fraternities. Student Congress, and over the work of the heait nrd
the mayors of Cooperstown and lungs during the operation. Six
Shawnetown, inviting them to pints of blood are required to start
the machine.
attend the meeting.
Dr. Ben Eismen, chairman of the
Seventeen people were expected
to attend, but only nine or tea Department of Surgery, said the
ir:ide an appearance.
hospital would like a list of about
"First, we must have a bbod 800 people who would be willing

Eight Pages

Trustees Separate
Spindletop From UK
Tlie Spindletop Research Institute is no longer a part of
the University.
The Hoard of Trustees yesterday turned its authority to
operate the institution over to a separate corporation to be
known as Spindletop Research, Inc. The Board acted on the
recommendation of University President Frank G. Dickey.
Dr. Dickey raid that the com- - C(m work fu Ume and
tach toQ
plexities of staffing, financing, and
the nature of the institute's re- starch does not adapt itself to the
academic life of the University.
Dr. E. E. Litkenhous, who
served as a research consultant
for the development of the
Spindletop Research Institute,
will continue
his relationship
with the I'niversity staff. Dr.
Dickey said.
At the present time Dr. Litken-hou- s
has just completed nine proposals for coal research contracts
and will continue this contract research relationship with the University.
Beardsly Graham, 48, manager
of the Satellite Research Planning of Missile and Space Co. of
Lockheed Aeronautical Corp. of
California, will act as president of
the new Spindletop
Through the research institute
the University was to work in co
operation with various corporations
on research projects.
As a practical example of how
work of the institute was found
unable to be adapted to I'niversity life, President Diekey
pointed out that most research
are "round-the-cloc- k
Few professors nt the University

Clifford Smith, of Frankfort, and
a member of the Board, pointed
out that the Universitys break
from the institute is not from lack
of cooperation, but simply a functional separation.
When the Board of Trustees
first set up the research Institute
on Spindletop Farm in June of
19(50, the title of the organization
and its land was deeded to the
Commonwealth of Kentucky "for
use and benefit of the University
of Kentucky."
In so many words the Board's
approval of President Dickey's
recommendation means that the
words "for the use and benefit
of the University of Kentucky"
have been removed from the
agreement made in 19G0.
Under the present conditions, as
approved by the Board yesterday,
the University would have no responsibility for the building or
programs of the institute. Dr.
Dickey said.
In other action the Board of
Trustees approved a $160,000 bond
issue to construct a house for the
Delta Gamma sorority. The house
will be built on Pennsylvania Court
adjacent to Sorority Row.

Volunteer Blood Pi osram Set Up

campus-wid- e
Mood donation program for the
I'niversity hospital, sponsored
ly the Department of Pathology, ,r,t underway yesterday.
At a muting of campus organization itprestntathes, Dr. Earl


to donate blood for the heart surgery program.
The Department of Pathology
first approached the student body
through campus organizations because it felt they would obtain better results in this way.
"We are coming to the student
body first instead of the general
public; through past experience,
we have found that students
tend to be a healthy, reliable
group," Dr. Eismen said.
Typing blood will begin after the
Christmas vacation. This will give
those attending the meeting a
chance to get the number of responses from their respective organizations. Dr. Spencer said they
wanted to type those who were interested in donating.
Asked if donating blood produced
any after effects. Dr. Spencer said.
"No, after giving blood, a person

feels perfectly all right. Sometimes

you get a case where someone feels
a little faint, but after they rest a
few minutes, this feeling leaves

Both Dr. Spencer and Dr. Eismen stressed the fact that donating blood will not hurt a normal,
healthy individual in any way.
Dr. Eismen said most people are
capable of giving blood about
every three months.
To participate in the program,
students under 21 must have the
consent of their parents. The two
exceptions to this rule are if the
person under age is married or in
the armed forces.
Students interested in this
should call Dr. Wellington
B. Stewart, chairman of Depart
ment of Pathology, or Mr.

SC Receives
$3,000 Fund

From Board

The University Board of
Trustees yesterday voted to
appropriate half of its personal
operating fund of $G,()00 to
Student Congress.
In adopting this measure, the
Board vetoed University President
G. Dickey's proposal to
award the congress part of the
University's vending machine profits. Dr. Dickey asked that SC be
given $2,500.
The student governing body,
howeve', has been asking for the
University's total earnings from
vending machine sales. Presently,
the I'niversity receives ten percent of the total profits from the
sales. The amount received for
the fiscal year beginning June
30, 1960 and ending June 30,
1961, was $6,800.
Upon learning of the Board's
action, Jim Daniel, president of
Student Congress, said, "I am tremendously disappointed that we
will not have the use of the entire vending machine fund although we are grateful for the
grant. I would like to withhold any
further comment until I have
talked with Dr. Dickey."
The $3,000 allotment from the
Board wil bring the congress' appropriations for the year to approximately $11,792.
The congress's desire to carry out
several piojects along with partially financing many student organizations caused it to seek additional funds.
The trustees noted that In
giving the funds to the student
organization they would show
that the purpose of the Board is
to work for the good of the students.
Dr. Dickey noted in introducing
his recommendation that the University would be harmed by the
total loss of the vending machine
pi of its.
He pointed out that the funds
C ontinued on Page 8



Air Force
Graduating students and alumni interested in investigating
in the
teaching opportunities
Air Force Dependents Schools
in overseas areas must fill out
their application before Jan. 7,


Additional information may be
secured at the I'niversity Placement Service.

* 2






Open-Stac- k

MILLBURN. N. J. UP The sign
tacked on the new house read:
"Model home. Open for Inspection."
Thieves inspected It and liked
The book, "Modern International Economics; A Balance of Pay- what they saw. They hauled away
ments Approach," will be publish $2,700 worth of carpeting
an Increase in the libraries' budnet ed next month to be used by the, drapes, and a chandelier.
allotment of some
University's Economics 527 classes
second semester.
"The primary reason for the
The textbook was written by Dr.
budget increase would be to exftuclitf Avanua tmvy Chaao
pand the number of personnel Max Wasserman. prolessor in the
Dr. Patterson School of Diplomacy and
working in the library,"
International Commerce and Dr.
Thompson commented.
Sutan Harvard Staphen Boyd
Charles Hultman. assistant proDr. Thompson said "the remod"BELL. BOOK & CANDLE"
Kim Novak
Jamat Stawart
eling also would help solve a num- fessor of economics.
ber of other problems.
Dr. Wasserman described the
He explained: "In the new li- book as a beginning text in ecoFor The Personal Gift
brary there will be no lobby for nomics. It differs from similar
students to congregate in. There texts, he said, in that it discusses
Your Portrait By
at the en- the modern role of the dollar, and
wijl only be a hall-wa- y
Curtis Woinscott
trance and that will be too small gives "full treatment of monetary
to permit congregating."

Planned For Library





have to be moved and many unKrrnrl Staff Writer
Students using the Margaret doubtedly and professors alike
I. Kyig Library will have free will have to be patient about
run of the building when an the service," Dr. Thompson said.
The director also stated that he
open-stac- k
system is initiated
to have lockers in operation
in the spring semester of 1902-l- hoped
in the building next year similar
to those used in train or bus depots, except the money would be

is a

when the key is replaced
that enables the reader to enter returned lock.
the book storage area, browse in
Dr. Thompson explained that all
ainut and select the desired volof the innovations wll depend on
the receipt of operating funds and
diDr. Lawrence S.


rector of University Libraries, explained that with the completion
of a new library annex and renovation of the present building, the
.stack area will be enlarged to provide . for this convenience. With
open stacks, however, a check system will be put into operation at
the exit of the building.
The library director said that
present plans call for only one
main exit plus emergency exits.
This will enable the library personnel to keep a record of the
boolis being checked out under
the new system.
Dr. Thompson feels that when
the new annex is finished and the
present building is remodeled the
University will have one of the
better libraries in the country.
The new addition is expected to
be completed in the spring of 1962
and the King Library will be re
modeled by January. 1963. The
)ocedure of moving the books and
equipment will take place along
with- - the remodeling.

Dr. Wasserman said he has
worked on the book for four years,
and Dr. Hultman has assisted him
for two years.

Dairy Festivites
Planned Tomorrow

The annual Dairy Festivities, to lead, and walk properly.
Twelve men and one woman,
sponsored by the UK Dairy Science Club, will take place at the Sharon Tolliver, will exhibit
their animals in the rontest. The
Dairy Center on the Experiment
men are Dale Anastesi, Joseph
Farm at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
The main attraction will be the ('. Berkshire, Donald Bonzo,
fitting and showing contest in George T. Gabriilielis, Lawrence
which students of the fitting and T. Iloffmier, Barney Ilornback,
class will exhibit DeSoto Hughes, Satirios G. Ton-ti- s,
Dan Turley, Hiram Whit-oke- r,
their dairy animals. These students are taught how to prepare
James Peake, and Paul
the animals' coats, feet, train them Leake.


House For Sale?

New Textbook
Will Be Used








and Fresh Donuts









Dc. Thompson commented that
as for the noise caused by the
construction, the worst is over for
now, but when remodeling is
started, library activities will al
most come to a complete stand
Studying in the library will be
difficult for Ave months, the worst
coming during the summer term
and the fall semester of 19.52-6Dr. Thompson explained.
"During the summer and fall
of next year. It will be difficult
to check books out. Each of the

New Books

Are Displayed
In Library




ate being exhibited

the Christmas display in the



I. King Library.
a new novel by
Robert Penn Warren of Guthrie,
deals wth the Civil War. Warren
of the
also-- did the illustrating
jacket art, nnd galA large number of Warren's
manuscripts is presently in the
lib: ary.
The second book is "Ante-Bel-luiHouses of the Bluegrass," by
Clay Lancaster, a graduate of the
University now living in Brooklyn. N. Y. The novel is a recent
work on local domestic architecture
tuuluhed by the University Press.
of the Margaret

See a Specialist

Service Center

S. Mill

Drive In Facilities
You Wait Service
Rodia and TV Repair



Must tomorrow's travelers resort to howdahs and
came! litters in order to get about? Not so, say
our Ford Motor Company scientists.
First aside from the unlikely depletion of our
natural sources of gasoline the prospects for
internal combustion engines
are excellent.

Second, while gasoline still appears the best conceivable automotive fuel, our scientists are studying the outlook for new energy sources for cars.


Among intriguing possibilities: new energy conversion systems using degraded fuels, or fuels
synthesized from
power produced by
nuclear fusion.
generators and
thermoelectric and electrochemical converters offer other possibilities.
This is all part of a broad quest for fundamental
knowledge, earning Ford its place of leadership
through scientific research and engineering.
low-cos- t



(ba American Hoad, Dearborn, Michigan






7 'Nfe


* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesday, Dec.

Pastor's Wife

Paints For Navy





Statue SptpiuuIp
Jerry Robinson and

Bill Vennes strum a tune in front of the
statue of James K. Patterson while Brad Switier and Tom Vana-mr- n
rest on his knee. The four men make up a musical group
known as the Terriers.

Social Activities
their housemother. Mrs. Ingeborg

Research Club
The Research Club will hold a
luncheon meeting at noon tomorrow in the Donovan Hall cafeteria.
Dr. Robert D. Jacobs, associate
professor of English, will speak on
"Edgar Allen Poe as a Literary
Dr. Jacobs Is completing a study
t f Poe as a literary critic, and the
talk will be drawn from research
done last year while on sabbatical
Dames Club
The Dames Club will meet at
7:30 p.m. today at the home of
Mrs. Frank O. Dickey, Maxwell
Each member is asked to bring
n wrapped 25 cent Rift to exchange
with another member. Also, each
member is requested to bring any
item such as toys, clothes, or food
fjr a Christmas basket.
Junior Panhrllenie
Junior Panhcllenic will meet at
4 p.m. today at the Kappa Alpha
Theta house.
Jam Session
The Student Union Board Social
Committee is jpunsoring a Jam
from 5 p.m. today in the
Ballroom of the Student Union
Charlie Bishop will provide the

Haagensen. This is Mrs. Haagen-sen- 's
firs! year with the fraternity.

Founders Day
Beta Nu chapter of Kappa Sigma
fraternity held its 62nd annual
Founder's Day program Sunday at
the Holiday Inn. About 90 actives
and alumni were on hand for the
Russell White, vice president of
College, and an
alumni of Beta Nu chapter, was
the guest speaker.
Musical entertainment was provided by John Cox. Bill Cox presented a comedy routine.
Ron Machaux served as Master
of Ceremonies.
Karpa Sit;ma fraternity was
founded in 1400 in Italy, and was
organized in the United States in



Bonnie Cox, a freshman Arts and
Sciences tudent from Middletown,
Ohio, to Jim PelolT, a senior commerce student from Louisville, and
a member of Sigma Chi fraternity.
Charlotte Reid. a freshman Arts
and Sciences student from
and a pledge of Chi
Omega sorority to Hugh Sturgeon,
a sophomore commerce student
from Owensboro. and a member
of Sigma Chi fraternity.
Nancy Jane Auer, a freshman
English major from Chattanooga,
Alpha Tau Omega
members of Term., and a pledge of PI Beta
Newly Initiated
Phi sorority to
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity in- senior education Randy Swann,
clude: James Chad wick, Boyd
Central City, and a member of
Cray son, Ronald Penill, Roger
Sigma Chi fraternity.
Meiner, and Richard Ridge.
Delta Tau Delta.
Delta Tau Delta fraternity reEngagements
cently Initiated 17 pledges. They
Lane Hill, a Junior Arts and SciInclude: Tom Albright, Wes A1- -.
bright, Frank Angel, Larry Pass, ences student from Harlan, and a
Jyn Berryman, Bill Clements, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
Bruce Cury, Jack Engel.
sorority to Tom Gentry, a former
Don Judy, Walt Kellen, Dick student from Lexington, and a
Miller, John PfeifTer, Jerry Rankin, member of Delta Tau Delia fraterMike Riley, Bill Stanflll, Pete Tar-vi- n, nity.
a sophomore
and Cary Williams.
speech and drama major from
a member of
Owensboro, and
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority to
Randy Brown, a sophomore enAlpha Tau Omega fraternity gineering student from Owensboro.
held a tea Sunday in honor of


157 Viaduct
"fctry Haircut



At Augustana College in Illinois where she was graduated in
1937 she met Dr. Johnson.
The first painting she ever sold
hung in the Davenport, Iowa,
Municipal Gallery.
"It was a floral," she recalls
with some chagrin. "They had
hung it upside-down- ."
The landscapes on the walls of
Mrs. Johnson's attractive home
shift at movie reel speed, as they
go back and forth from shows, or
leave their spaces forever for a




257 N. Lime

Near 3rd

Gifts Cause Difficulty For Men
for the dressing table and for th
Jewelry box; gifts that acknowing before some young men decide ledge a hobby; fun accessories for
on Christmas gifts for their best her room to supplement a collection of objects, and books that havo
Others who have been saving special
for the occasion will have doubts
When a couple has an underabout a gift before they settle on standing. Jewelry is a permissible)
that "Just right" lemembrance.
gift and can be surprisingly inexvalue received.
The choice of any gift is a chal- pensive for the
lenge, because it should convey
Classic jewelry includes the littlo
that the spirit of Christmas is pearl necklace and earrings, carab
in the giver's heart, whether his and charm bracelets. The circle pin
is a perennial
favorite whether
pocketbook is fat or lean.
or studded with peailii
There are certain sure-- fi e gifts plain gold
or stones.
available in every price range. The
Paris is touting the traditional
important consideration is that
whatever is chosen should be se- bar
pin, popular too with Ameii-ca- n
lected on the basis of what you
women who like either tho
can afford.
brushed or texMrcd gold look
Glamor gifts are popular gifts with or without pearls or pendants;.
By The Associated Press

It often takes real wallet

ulhor of "Ban foot Hot With Check", " The Many
Loir s of Dobic (HUia", etc.)

America is a great country. America's cities are full of houses.
America's forests are full of trees. America's rivers are full of
water, lint it is not houses and trees and water that make
America great; it is curiosity the constant quest to find
unswers-t- hc
endless, restless "Why?" "Why?" "Why?".
Therefore, when I was told that Marlboro was a top seller
lit colleges from USC to Yale, I was not content merely to
uccept this gratifying fact, I had to find out why.
I hied myself to campuses in every sector of this mighty land.
First, I went to the Ivy league dressed, of course, in an
in one hand, a triangle
Appropriate costume: a
in the other, a
on my head, a hasty pudding in
my chops. "Sir," I cried, seizing nn Ivy Ieiiguer by the lapels,
which is no mean task considering the narrowness of Ivy league
laels, but, I, fortunately, hiipjien to have little tiny hands; in
the last war working in a small arms jlant where, I
fact, I
urn proud to say, I wns awarded a Navy "E" for excellence and
won many friends ".Sir," I cried, seizing an Ivy
by the
lutR'ls, "how come Marlboro is your favorite filter cigarette?"?


Centrol Kentucky's Largest
(Other Than Text)


By The Associated Press
A pastor's wife who painted a
town so well it became famous,
has been asked by the Navy to
help update its' combat artists'
pictorial history.
Mrs. Cecile Ryden Johnson Is
the first woman to be selected by
the Salmagundi Club of New York,
an exclusive
artists' group
commissioned by the Navy to judge
"Chances are they didn't even
know I was a woman," says the
energetic young mother of teenagers. "My name Is an ambiguous
one." It was submitted with samples by the Watcrcolor Association of America.
At any rate, the Navy considers
it a pleasant coincidence, this being the 20th birthday of the
WAVES. What could be more appropriate than to have a lady water colorist ixii tray the experiences
of a Navy Girl's life?
Despite trips to various worldly
ports, Mrs. Johnson expects to
have enouph shore leaves at her
comfortable hillside house that
her husband, the Rev. Dr. Phillip
Johnson and son Steve, 15 will not
be lonesome. A daughter Pamela,
17, Is away at Vassar.
Ordinarily, the entire family
goes on mother's painting assignment. Not long aiio when a national travel magazine sent her to
Europe to capture the colorful
scenery there, Mrs. Johnson set
up her easel in the valley while
her husband climbed the Matter-horDr. Johnson is an executive
of the National Lutheran Council
of New York.
Everyone was in the family bus
when Mrs. Johnson searched out
Elkhorn, Wis.. She painted still,
chill snowscapes which became so
highly prized as Yule season cards
that a national magazine and
other publications have written
about the "Christmas Card town."
Besides Christmas cards, the Cecile Johnson signature appears on
calendars, magazines covers, and
story illustrations. At present, the
State Department has a collection
of her pictures touring overseas
to show homebound Europeans
what America looks like.
"I feel I've arrived now that peo-bu- y
my work because it's art, not
because the colors match the living room." lauuhs the shapely
woman with closely cropped brown
hail and clear blue eyes.
She was horn in Jamestown, N.
Y. Her mother named her Cecilc
after St. Cecilia in hopes that I
would be a musician. However, as
she turned out such
imaginative little cutouts that her
mother encouraged her to be an

13, 1061- -3


"I'm glad you nsked that question, Shorty," lie replied.
"Marlboro is my favorite filter cigarette because it is tle filter
cigarette with the unfiltered taste."
"Oh, thank you, sir!" I cried and ran ixisthaste to several
campuses in the 5ig Ten, wearing, of course, the appropriate
costume: a plaid Mackinaw, birling boots, a Kodiuk bear and
frost-bitte- n
young coed, I tugged my foreUek
Spying an.
and said, "Excuse me, miss, but how come Marlboro in your
favorite filter cigarette?"
"I'm glad you asked that question, Shorty," she replied.
"Marllntro is my favorite filter cigarette lecause the flavor is
is soft."
box flis and the soft-pac- k
flavorful, the (li)-to- p
"Oh, thank you, apple-checkyoung coed," I cried "and
lmbbed a curtsey and sjkhI as fast as my little fat leg wotild
carry me to several campuses in the Southwest, wearing, of
course, the appropriate costume: chaps, canteen, and several oil
lenses. Spying u group of undergraduates singing "Struwlmrry
ltoun," 1 removed my hat and said, "Excuse me, friends, but
why is Marlboro your favorite filter cigarette?"
"We are glad you asked that question, Shorty' they replied.
"Marlboro is our favorite filter cigarette lieenuse we, native sona
iind daughters of the wide open spaces, want a cigarette that U
frank and forthright and honest. We want, in short, MaillMro.'?
"Oli, thank you, all," I cried and, donning a muu mini, I set
niil for Hawaii, because in Hawaii, us in every state where Old
Imx. On
(ilory Hies, Marlboro is the leading seller in (lij)-to- p
campus, off campus, in all fifty states, wherever people smoke for
plcuiue iu this great land of ours, you will find Marlboro.



* The Kentucky Kernel




Enterrd at thr pmt office at I.eington, Krntmky a nrrond dim mutter tindif thr Art of March 3, 1879.
wprk (luring thr regular at honl vrar rwpt during holidavf and nunl.
Fuhlithrd lour limn



Ed Van Hook, Editor

Kehrt Fowell, Managing Editor
Ben Fitzpatrick, Sports Editor
Dick Wallace, Advertising Manager
Bill IIolton, Circulation Manager

Wayne Giux.ory, Campus Editor
Jean Schwartz, Society Editor
Rick McReynolds, Curnrm.rt
Bon hie Mason, Arts Editor
Toni Lknnos, Associate
Jack Guthrie, News Editor
Ben Fit7patrick, Sports

Larynx Exercises
A gentleman highly placed in
Frankfort has publicly chastened UK
Students for the "unhospitable" treatment we accorded the University of
Southern California coach and basketball team last week. He suggests,
apparently in all seriousness, that the
president of Student Congress write
a formal apology to the California
Just one timid question: Why?
Why shouldn't people who pay
good money to get into a basketball
game have the privilege of booing a
bad performance or bad officiating.
Basketball players and basketball of- -

finals are not, as sonic would have
ns helieve, honored goellings. They
are public performers and as such are
liable to any public criticism short of
slander and physical violence.
A basketball game is simply an
emotional diversion for its spectators
by its very nature it can be nothing
nobler. If a fan really enjoys screaming at referees and opposing players
(whose services he is helping pay
for), then let him shout till the plaster'
shakes loose. The movement of his
larynx is probably the only appreciable physical exercise he will ever

Better Late Than Never
Those long awaited masterpieces
of literary art are here at lastl We
refer to the student directories for
which we . have patiently sat and
twiddled our thumbs. The academic
year is close to being half finished,
and only now students are in possession of a directory.
We do not intend to be critics of
its contents, at least it is an improvement over past issues. Our concern
rests with the seemingly needless delay in getting the directory published
and distributed. Then, too, the method
of distribution seems grossly unfair.
What caused the delay in publication? We are not sure what the
reason is, nor do we believe anyone
will venture to say. For sure, the
process of getting the information to
the publisher is far too slow.
We also disagree with the method
used for distributing the student
directory. Student Congress is placing one in each dormitory room, one

in each fraternity and sorority house
room, and one in each departmental
Other students who reside in town,
either by choice, force, or chance,
must pay for their directory. Granted,
the cost may not cause these students
to invoke the bankruptcy law, but we
cannot reconcile ourselves in seeing
some paying and others not paying.
Those responsible for distributing
the directories contend the directories
are placed in the rooms and not
given to individual students. When
the students move to other quarters
or leave at the end of the year, however, many of the directories will
We realize it is too late this year
for a revision in the method of distributing student directories, but in
the future, if some of UK's students
must pay for a directory, let everyone pay for it. It's worth the nominal cost.

Hasly Generalization
To The Editor:
To Mr. Alan Shavzin:
Thank you, sir, for informing the
Kernel (Tuesday, Dec. 12) that our
review of J. D. Salinger's "Franny
and Zooey" was almost literally plagiarized from Time magazine.
The article was written by John
Codey, whose byline was left off by
the editor of the Kernel because of
makeup difficulties and deadlines.
The arts page staff was sore grieved
at this omission, but upon learning
the extent of the author's reliance

upon Time magazine, we can only
We do not agree, however, with
your comparison of that review with
David Polk's personal commentary on
Salinger, for two signed articles need
not necessarily agree (although the
undeserved bline was omitted on
one). The fact that Mr. Polk referred
to the rerptiliheness of the Time
article is no indication that the Kerml,
or any other writer, agrees with him.
And, sir, aren't you making a hasty
generalization (fallacy No. 1) when
you say that pot ts are all alike?
PoiiiUK Mason
Kernel Arts Fditor

SC's Plans Hinge On Need For Funds


It seems that Student Congress
can move ahead with five potential
projects. Yesterday the Board of
Trustees kicked $3,000 of their own
funds into the SC budget.
The projects, if they could be completed, might curb two of the main
questions students have been asking
about their governing body: what is
Student Congress for and what does
it do?
Jim Daniel, president of SC, said
himself that worthwhile
were needed to boost student enthusiasm and interest.
Over a month ago Daniel and a
committee of 25 presented