xt7nvx061862 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx061862/data/mets.xml Arizona Arizona Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 8 l.; 28 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.10/no.3 books English Tucson,: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Commerce -- Archives Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X, The Department of Commerce. No. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X, The Department of Commerce. No. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7nvx061862 section xt7nvx061862 5 1!." _ w- “hue,“ WW” 7, V , r .. , , . T ‘. - - v. ‘ g r = ‘ ' V‘ M *" > ' ‘ ‘M ' " > J" U V V' " ‘ ‘ ' i ‘ I > ’I‘\ ‘ ' ” ' x ‘1 Vllll IIUINHERS'”°F““‘°“ WWW/mwm/VWMW w t *lHHilllllH‘HHHHTH ‘ ‘ ~ H i : 3 UHESHEEBWE; E ' ' p 1 ‘z . ~__,_ _,______.______.________.__._._._..____..-._ _ ,. , us 1 1 .mum»~-—#---~-~~———~-—-——~~——~——~-, fl. . . 3?; 3 l - - ‘1 ’ .. ,fi 3. 5' § 4 E INVENTORY OF . q :‘IJ : . I! Is THE STATES I§ ”172‘ a} T [I . ,5 Ail”; 3).; , :II, 3 , " i! 3‘ I I .. u % Pg: , ' (a. i: THE DEPARTIENT OF C(mfix/El-LCE g ‘ - I” I; NO. :3. ARIZONA I ‘f . L ‘ - i: i ' > l 2 g! I ._ r . 3| ,l . l ' 'i 19:: SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES I , . L j I; wear/{s mocmss ALMINISTRATION ' E J : i_{_—_::::_—_:::—_~_—:;:_—;:—:_:—_—_—_::;_ M H »' i '- :I l (IJUVHWMEH'? il‘LlSL‘mAg-mug - I ‘ ’ l i‘ T j . H _ .1 it 1 afimvz'imm rxfifi'féjrfT-‘K'i? ' _f _ :5 l 5*» ._ ‘ M i ézsRAma-‘s 1 I i ' { T I i . L: : j/i/l: ' .1 ,; » w x. ' / . Tl [ ' ! [I// I 's 5 * . { . ; . .! 1 V ," ' i ‘ _ a .: r 2. § . ’ . _« 1 T . , .- 1 5 , \ ' T l i .' ‘3 , ~ 7- ' , M... - - ~- , 7-77" -- »-»—-w-7 7 v V _,.....,_ , ‘ in. "“-‘ , , , w '—“""““"‘—'"‘“"F'mV‘YWth—w-—H-v—-nv—~—v-v\-r.<-.u» «......-__h_w,...__v.h. _,_..,,~_‘__,_~,_ _,_,_,__,__‘____v -.__.i_,_.-._,.. V‘ -.. WWW " 1N V‘ENTC: RY OF FLDEEQL ABLE-11W}: Iii THE; STATES ‘ . . ' ' i u , z a 7 - , ‘ >5 ‘ :"H ' é ‘1 , y 35 l v » \ . H v v 1 2 \ ‘ 3 ‘ '\ , J 1; Prepared by W i 1 X‘wi' ‘ . ,, I; ‘ L l ,. The Survey 01 Federal Archives i Divisi on of "v.'.”omen's and Professional Projects 1’ Works Progress Administration ‘ . __ The National Archives ‘ 1 Cooperating Sponsor . , i i L i ' ; W ‘ I ‘ i i; 1 i .1“; 1 i V: i ‘ 1 «. 1 ‘ : {1 SERIES X. THE DEEARTIriLJNT OF COMSEROE if NO. 3. ARIZONA -‘ '.: ;; J V; I .: i if ‘ .I 11‘ ‘ i .3 1! E .’ 1 ii :‘ 4; Tucson , Ari: our. 1 5 The S u 1‘Voy of leor'il Archivn: s [ i; 1993 i .1 ; ‘ ‘ % ._ .1 5 ' ' is ,1 5 i I ' i »..__._‘ , i —-‘-v—.v~~-~r~- ~- m» A-flwmw-wwmmw.“ «a». m .V .....t_,._t_._..-_.._____._l ,.._....._H-,H,., ,,._.~,u,__, _ ___..,,_, . 7, “w“ 4 ii f ;i PREFACE i t l l The lnyentory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the pro— f . ducts of the Work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as ‘ a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January l l, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a 4 unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation—wide ' project of the Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or ! local projects of that Administration. A The Plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledge- ments, and general discussions of the location} condition. and content j' . of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the de— l tailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, ” a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart— ‘ ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the fl 1 Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction 3‘ . E to the field organization and records of the governmental agency con- l - cerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in i 3 each serieS. the inventory for Alabama is No. 2. that for Arizona No. 3, l , that for Arkansas No. A. etc. i , For each local office information regarding each series. or unit of i ; related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive E V f dates ('to date“ indicating an open file at the time the information was i f Secured), general description of informational content. description of i 3 the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and fl :5 purpose of use. form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in fol— ; ders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical 1 f condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room 3 number or other identifying information, and finally. the number of the i Form 588A on which this information was orginally recorded by a Survey ii worker and from which it was abstracted for tho InVentory. This form is i E on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial informa— ‘ i tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed , é abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See ‘ i addenda." . f In Arizona the work of the Survey was directed by hr. n. A. Hubbard l f of the University of Arizona, with Mrs. Meryl 5. Morgan as his assistant, i ; until June 30, 1937. Since that date the state project has been directed } by Mrs. Morgan. This inventory of the records of the Department of x '1 Commerce in Arizona was prepared in the Tucson offiCc of the Survey, i . with Mr. R. W. Langworthy as chief editor. It was edited before final 1 ; typing by Mr. A. R. Kooker of the Washington office. w . Meryl E. Morgan ; State Director w ‘ Tucson, Arizona Survey of Federal Archives July 25: 1938 in Arizona I -. ‘ W -#* ”M” ' "' " " ' ' ' ' .9 '1 f l , i _.”,m. _ a "wt 1 iii 3+ T comgms l i Page i 5 AIR COMMERCE, BUREAU OF , g g Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ‘ i Douglas, Airway Radio Station . v . . i . . . . . . . . . . . P V Tucson, Airway Radio Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 g COAST A13 GEODETIC SURVEY ‘ i Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . b E Tucson, Magnetic Observatory and Seism05raph Station . . . . . 6 ‘ § j 1 ',( - E ‘ L 1; . I i i 1 =4 f x a a 4 . ‘ ‘ V 1 I 3‘ i1- » 17' J. e ? i‘ V l ‘l I, 1 , i i , ,_,_A , , , i ,. W x , , __. _._. __ # A_i___¥, fl, ' I [I . ‘t a» i . BUREAU or AIR common ‘3’ :1 7 I r: 3" .3 L". -I J ‘ ’ I- ; _ ,_____>_ «.7 _ . _. WidH” _ _ ~7 , .7 , , . ,. ,_ , ,___ , ,i,‘ ‘. _ _ ,W i . 3 : l I; I! g . 2 ‘5 E E ‘1 q , BURLAU or AIR COMIIIARCII f I “*‘*"—“*“-”_‘""~'“*“-“— A i t 5 § The AirWay Maintenance and Operation Subdivision of the Air Naviga— ! i tion Division, Bureau of Air Commerce, maintains two Airway Radio Sta- ’ g tions in Arizona along the southern transcontinental route from Los E g Angeles to El Paso and the East. This route is equipped with beacons E g for night flying. The principal airport in Arizona is at Tucson; other 2 main fields being located at Yuma, Phoenix and Douglas. Both stations 3 are under the Jurisdiction of the Fourth Air Navigation Division Dis" 3 trict Office, which is located at Fort Worth, Texas. g DQDGLAS AIR NAVIGATION DIVISION ‘ AIRWAY RADIO STATION § United Airways Radio Station Bldg.. Airport i fi The Airway Radio Station at the Douglas International Airport was es» E tablished in the Administration Building on November 14, l93u, and moved i to the United Airways Radio Station on April 28, 1936. This Airport g: lies across the international line between Douglas, Arizona and Agua i Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. The Radio Operator in charge reports to the J5 Manager of the Fourth Air Navigation District, Forth Worth, Texas. a g l. INSTRUCTION BULLETINS. Oct. l93u to date, Instructions in air- 1 ' ; craft movement reporting procedure, radio broadcast procedure, teletype - E and radio communication procedure. monitor instructions, teletype and ; Weather reporting stations, and supplements for making off-airways re— ports. Numerical index. (Daily, official.) 10 A 12 loose—leaf book, t 1% in.. in steel filing case drawer. OffiCe. (lib) § 2. INVOICES AND SUPERSEDED CORRESPONDENCE. Nov. 1934 - Dec. 1935. J :g Invoices of equipment. material. and supplies PrinCiPally from DistriCt 5 fi manager‘s office, Fort Worth, Texas; and correspondence relative thereto. E 2: (Barely, official.) 8% X lO folders. 3 in., in steel filing case draw- j g er. Office, (175) f i . . i 5 3. BULLETINS AND CIRCULARS, Nov. 14. 1934 to date. Instructions in A g regard to duties of operators, exchange of stations. filling of vacan- l A Cies. responsibility and seniority of operators, sick leave, travel ox- ‘ g penses, hours of duty. otc.; blue prints pertaining to radio sets, 3 5 I !- i _. Ifl,,ll,_w”ll,,l,s,, , ,. ,,l~l _ I , ,n I .I ___._~__ 7 I Bureau of Air Commerce, Tucsor 3 E Wiring, etc. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 9 X 11 folders, i envelopes and loose sheets, 4 in., in steel filing case drawer. Office. l (174) 1 1;. GENERAL CORRESPOF-EDENCE AND REPORTS, Nov. 14, 1934 to date. Dupli— l Gates; originals sent to Fort North, Texas. Filed alphaoetically. I (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing case drawer. I Office. (173) g: 5. PERSONNEL, Nov. 14, l93h to date. Correspondence, record time g cards, etc., pertaining to each man's record of service. Filed alphaccb- i ically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l in., in steel fil— % ing case drawer. Office. (172) g 6. STQTION INSTRUCTIONS, July 1, 1935 to date. Temporary file of in» E structions kept until read when they are filed in permanent file under , ' apprOpriate serial division; circular letters from DA. Weather Bureau. _ Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf book, I; ‘ in., in steel filing case drawer. Office. (177) p 7. NOTICE TO AIRMEH AND LLL AIR NAVIGHTION DIVIEION STATIONS, May 25. I ’ 1936. Manual of communication schedules effective July 1, 1936. Filed ’ chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 loose-leaf book, 1 in., in ‘ steel filing case draWer. Office. (178) z AIR NAVIGATIOI‘J DIVISION r AIRWAY RADIO STATION r ; Administration Bldg., Airport E f. i The Airway Radio Station at the Tucson Airport was established in the ‘ . Radio Broadcast and Range Building on March 15, 1931, and moved to its ‘ - present location in the south end of the Administration building in E I April 1934. It has large quarters and excellent equipment which enables 3 f it "to get through" when both the Army and the United Airways Stations. 1 . j also located at the Airport, are blocked by static. ? 8. PROPERTY AND PROPERTY COST ACCOUNTING :YSTEL, 1334 to date. % 1 Correspondence, instructions, purchase orders, and lost property affi— 1 3 davits. Also invoices (Airway Division, 4th District), and requisitions. i 1 Standard filing system. (Daily, official.) 9 X 12 folders. 2 ft-. in l wooden filing case draWer. Office and control room. (681) g 9. BILLS OF LADING, Mar. 1934 to date. Correspondence, copies of i freight bills and receipts for shipments. Standard filing system. E (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in wooden filing case drawer. g Office and control room. (682) i :51 i3 , E 1 J > I g ,ml _ 7"", .W 7 ,___ _,_. ."m_ we w m a Bureau of Air Commerce, Tucson M E ' ‘ 3 _ w .. . . 'a , 10. PEnSOnNEL, mar. 193LL to dnte. InJuries, leave record, travel, % watch list, and personnel of each man permanently assigned to duty at ste— d tion. Standard filing system. (Daily, offiCial.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., 9 in wooden filing case drawer. Office and cchtrol room. (679) 5 1 ll. REPORTS OH RADIO APPARATUS, Ear. 193: to date, Tube inventory, . tube frilures, distant control, and blue prints. Standard filing sistem. 3 (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft,, in wooden filing case 1 drawer. Office and control room. ($803 1 l 5 i i N 1 g . ‘u .5 “é “d 5 g ‘- I ~ "m7,.w . l, i,wuirv,r ”is H_WW_W.VWWM-HMW_ . . 1% .i 13 as j {. s ‘ 9, COAST AND @ODETIG SURVEY % - i '2‘ J .: 1 ‘ , U i l COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY i ti 3 a: 5% INTRODUCTION The Magnetic Observatory and SeismOgraph Station near Tucson is the i only station of the Terrestrial Magnetism and Seismology Division of the J Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Southwest, and reports directly to the 1 Division Offices in Washington. It is located on the great mesa east of i Tucson, well away from local interference with its instrument readings. l f TUCSON I , TERRESTRIAL MAGEETISM AND SEISAOLOGY DIVISION 2 j MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY AND SEISMOGRAPH STATION ? j Bedding-ton 3-1;, 11+ mi. E".- of Tucson { The Magnetic Observatory and Seismograph Station was built in 1909 on a ; the Mesa midway between Tucson and the Rincon hountains. It consists of ‘ j the Observatory, two cottages occupied as offices and residences by the i i Observer in Charge and his assistant, a central heating plant, water and s 5 light plant, garages, etc. The Office of the Observer in Charge, de-' ‘ . g stroyed by fire in 1926, has since been rebuilt. Some of the records ; were destroyed at that time. A recent Government appraisal fixed the V i value of the land and improvements at $18,7M0.00. . E 12. INVENTORY, 1909 — 1932. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x l? fol— , é ders, 7 in., in 2 wooden filing case drawers. Assistant observer's : 1 office. (955) ’ E 13. ACCOUNTS AND CONTdACTS, 1909 to date. Balances, check list, { l statements, inventory, inspection receipts, and bills. (Daily, offi— i g cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case drawer. Observer's f 3 office. (939) g g 1H. DISBURSING OFFICER'S CHECK, 1909 to date. (Occasionally, offi— 3 3 Ciel.) 3 x 8 loose—leaf books, 6 in., in wooden filing C:se drawer. l 1 Assistant observer's office. (9H0) _ j . m 15. GENEELAL FILE, 1909 to date. Annual reports, seismOIOgy, base 5 1 line values, Bell Telephone Company, Carnegie Institute, Cosmic Broad— g 5 casting, disbursing agent, field records transmitted, general correspOnd— é : ence, accounts, magnetic activity, magnetic storm character, blue prints, é ; etc. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case g 1 drawer. Observer‘s office. (935) i !‘ ,‘I V 7' __¥ , . r. . , , _ _ _. , l ..-.._I..-_ .7... _-...._. ”.7“, , , .: 3 . ‘ 1 Coast and Geodetic Survey, Tucson 7 J . A H _ l6. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT RECORDS, 1909 to date. Concrete, photogra— A phy, insulation, buildings, miscellaneous, roofing, maps, office equip— A ' ment, transportation, automobiles, Delco, paint, gasoline, oil, and tools. A (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case drawer. A Observer's office. (938) a 17. SCIENTIFIC FILE, 1909 to date. Apparatus, aurora, bibliography, A constants, buildings, scientific, Desert Laboratory reprints, earth cur- é rents, earth resistivity, geophysics, meteorology, seismology, and ultra— i violet radiation. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., in A steel filing case drawer. Observer's office. (936) fi 18. SEISMOGEAMS, 1909 to date. Copies of monthly reports sent to N Washington. (Daily, official.) 12 x 36 loose sheets, 2 in., in paper 3 bOx. ObServer's office. (937) § . i 19. SETTLEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES, 1909 to date. 5 ' (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in wooden filing case 1 drawer. Assistant observer's office. (9H8) 2 20. MAGNETOGRAPH RECORDS, 1922. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 9 ; loose sheets, 9 in., in 2 wooden filing case drawers. Assistant observ~ 5 er's office. (995) l 21. INTEENATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE, MAGNETIC CHARACTER, 1922 , — l92u. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 loose sheets, H in., in wooden ‘ filing case drawer. Assist nt observer's office. (959) . 22. EARTHQUAKE REPORTS, 1922 to date. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 1 ‘ 9 loose sheets, 9 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant observer's [ office. (953) ” 23. SEISMOCRAPH RECORDS, 192A. (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 9 i loose sheets, 5 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant observer‘s , office. (956) 3 5 2n. PERSONNEL REPORTS AND FIELD RECORDS, 1925 to date. (Occasionally, t ‘ official.) 9 x 12 folders, u in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assis— ‘ tant observer's office. (950) . 7 25. PURCHASE LIST, 1925 to date. (Occasionally, offioinl.) 9 x 12 ' folders, M in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant Observer's ; office. (9A2) ( E 26. STATENENTS OF DISBUJSING AGENT, DEPOSITORY AND BALANCE, 1925 to % , date. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 in., in wooden filing L case drawer. Assistant observer's office. (9M9) % 27. VOUCHERS, I926 — 1927. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 loose i sheets, 8 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant observer‘s office. a (9A7) l 28. MAGNETIC CHARACTER REPORTS, 1927 — 1933. (Occasionally, officied.) fi if; 5.4, E t i l: i ‘ 'z 1 ,1 1 -_.'_'_".‘.LQL_'L_-.~fil““__.1¥:" 1141.1112155351915 _:_1.2.1S:s._:~_1_ 11.4.1“ 1"" ...1..52;-.,:;:2~.:vu;-:.-13:11 :5 .23: :1 9.1511»; 1r.g.;’tl.._.i'_ll._‘:-r..21:1.1-11-1.:r.;._».;;~—A.——" ‘ . E ~ Coast and Geodetic Survey, Tucs0n 8 1 1 . 9 x 12 loose sheets, 1 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant ob~ 1 server's office. (958) H . t 29. INTERNATIONAL SEISQOLOGlCAL SUMMARY, 1928 — 1930. (Occasionally, fl 3 official.) 6 x 9 loose sheets, M in., in wooden filing case drawer. 3 4 Assistant observer's office. (95M) 1 - 5 H .. .H . . , . . . a . - . 1 1 'g 30. SPECIAL OBSanATIONS, 1929. (Occas1onally, 01f1c1a1.) 9 X 12 E 1 loose sheets. u in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant observer's ’ . .\ ‘ a office. (941) i E 31. TELEGRAMS AND LETTERS 03 CONFlilgfllfll, 1929 — 1933. (Occasionally. 1‘ 53:: ,. . . , . . _ 1 . _‘ . w 1 {; ofilc1a1.) 9 X 12 loose sneets, 2 1n., in wooden f11lflg case drawer. h g Assistant observer‘s office. (957) 1 . Y ~ __ , _ fl _ . -. r 1-- fi 32. ATAOSPflERIC ELLCTRIC 3303338, 1930. (UCCQSlOflfllly, official.) 0 1 7,117. . ~ , 1 ,. , . ’ . 1 1 m » _- ,. — 5 “n... -. a ‘ it x 9 sneets clipped togetner, 3 It. 9 1n., 1n 4 woooen Illlng omse dinueLC. 1 % Assistant observer's office. (9M6) 1 9 {1 ii» - 1 .1 . V _ , _ . : r __ \ I: % 33. ELECTnOGnAxS, 1336. (Occas1onally, offioial.) t 1 2O loose 1 1 sheets, 2 in., in wooden filing case drawer. Assistant Observer's ofiice. 1 1 — ’ H (9145) E 1 1' 33+. 11131131119315, 19.315. (Occasionally, official .) 7 x 20 loose g; 1 sheets, 2 in., in wooden filing C‘SG firswer. Assistant observer's oiiioe. .“ .54 . '\ , g (952) 3 ;., .. .1 __ ,- r _ -1. . r _ (‘1' 1,1. M 1‘ 38. xETEOnOLOGI, 133b, (Occasionhlly, o :1c1al.) o l 3 10086 thbts’ 1 - " '1 . ’1 \ - 1 1 , _, . a ; . ' -1 "r‘ 1, , i h in., in wooden filing case drewer. As51stent ooservei‘s of_10c. (9** 1 3 42,7 ' : i ‘ ‘56.. TEERMOGRAPE 1:3 31330-33133: 3111130338, 1936. (Baily. 0:31-11 3 2. 1) 1‘ l2 loose~leaf book, 1 in., in wooden filing case drawer. ASSiSI'fii 008%YV~ 1 r -1 E er‘s oriioe. .(951) n 1 ['1 '3 1 1. 1 3' P f 1,1 3:; 1 ' 11 ‘ 1 $ 2 .1 1‘5; 1; F 11 . 11 '1 1 >1 . 1 4 , fl . 11 1. 1 . J ‘ A, . “W «imm- , . ->.w...,m.x.w “rm-I‘m Vuwr‘zu “an.“ .- ”mm“ -w--.._H,.., «mm».- ,_ 4 ”mum. ,._.- "WM. 2; . 2i ~ . :jvfriii. ‘ ‘ Er : :1 ' :55: , 3‘ v ‘ 3 ‘ 1: 9‘; i .. g :1 ' .. 9.5. 1 ‘ ' -' ":3 :3 y , . f7 , "c' " are; 13.: , ‘ "' I; .- ,. ' L )'-' , _ '11.; 1 3 7’ 2 x IV I n . . 'l f if » 7- . . - 2:35" ‘ _ {.533 12‘ , ' \. - 1 ' \ . , ‘.‘ 33.. ' ‘ ‘ :3 ’1! :' 5:1. .9; ;. 51.252 r‘ - {i}: - . . \ {=11 ' ‘ I. ' y a" ' ‘ ; 1-335??? : . s 39:56 -' 1 . J ‘. .3513? . ":ta : l ‘ ’ E =~E'1:i§'(: » , . " 9N ~ ‘ - .m-PL - . 5- ~23?! - ~ '. 3.1:.‘5‘ -‘ 34-3-33- » . v~.:~.‘-.y : 53171332'21: ‘ ' ' {“_',";‘:‘:: . 31' il‘l‘l‘} ‘ '1’"? 1 _ § '1‘ ,‘.:_: ‘ 1-}: ~ 33' . , ,- _ {:1 "‘ ' f‘ . I‘M , Nil _ :4; 3:131:11 '1 . '.-:"I:, ._-_..',:.”1j ,. > . 5::-‘ :-‘:i:.': ‘ » . 21-3.»:5- ‘ / - - , l I gm“ ’ ‘.f