xt7nvx061d0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx061d0r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1999 1999 1999-09-02 2020 true xt7nvx061d0r section xt7nvx061d0r SEP

. We know that it takes

mega bunches of

Have you
seen it?




moola to run this
University. Think of
all the money it
takes to keep the
grass neatly
trimmed, the
squirrels fed and
toilet paper in the
stalls. Here are some
i , . of the things that we
have noticed since
the tuition increase.
Following each is a l


A healthier
get wired

i to lo ranking of how
i positive an effect it
.; has on the students

who pay for it, 10
being the best.



., «15L . . " _ The new package: This year,
W“ " I grad students find a better
deal on health insurance

Those new stairs leading
down to Funkhouser
(boy, are they
special.) - 3


,, in.


‘7‘ ‘i‘ftfifivit‘i‘fiwrfitvwzrztimam... n , ,

Lack of center hari—drail W, 1‘ i© . : . By Kelly Irvin
on said steps. 1 \y y M 9 . ' . CONTRinTlNG WRT'ER
g 0-»: rm
That soon-to-be-finished W“, Mm,
wall off Virginia - 'l " i:,....: d Starting in the 199$) fall semester. grad

uate students who are funded full time as
teaching assistants. research assistants.
graduate assistants or research tellovtship
recipients will receive health insurance

Avenue. — 2

Ethernet cards for on-
campus residents. -

was Tatum

6 benefits.
“It's a good thing the l'i'iiversiijt has
1 Student Career Center. " T ' done. and it will attract more graduate stii
- dents in the future." said Robert l“l\'lill. a


— A soon to be 8


history TA.

Thanks to lli'L’UIllilitms last war in-
tvvcen graduate students and l'lx' litlllllllls
tration. the cost ol the MEGA health insur
ance plan will be covered lor students vvlio

Receiving the coverage are graduate
students who hold full assistantships and
g '- perfm‘m 2!) hours of academic si‘i"\ ice per

Chain link fences
constantly being ‘
rearranged just to
confuse freshmen
even more. - 2



grammaiuuewwwwas ‘


More faculty chairs. -6

.rwmetsmwdsfi ”#1

week. and full institutional iciioitships that
. carry a stipend ol‘smioo or more.
llli ~ Fulltime 'l‘..»\fs. R..\.'s. (i .t\.‘s or fe‘i
lows are automatically enrolled in the plan
once the_v are listed in the l'ni\ersit\ prev

Dependents tie. spouses and childreiii
require an additional premium. To enroll
them. one must complete an enrollment

Luxury boxes at
Commonwealth (By
the way, did you guys
steal the lights from
the tennis courts?
Half of them are not
lighted anymore!) -






iii. i.

1 (’1
\l“'““" “H‘mg‘g - \\.‘{ 3:“;
llii‘ .
iwzllllllllllll F ‘ P :

Mandatory payment for titre card and return it to the li‘ellmiship (illicit
cable in the dorm at to?) Patterson ()tiice 'l‘ovver.

l roomstThanks mom The insurance plan is not availalile to
v. and dad!) - 9 students in summer assistantsliips or tel
11:1 lowships. They must purchase the plan
ill Fresh paint on the specifically for summer cov ei‘.i;:t-
parking lots and on Previous years savv graduate stiltlt‘llis
‘1 curbs. - 2 struggling to pay for their health insurance

on their stipends. Students who \veren‘t
' forced to withdraw from l'K had to supple

ReSNet demonstration pFOUQS UK ready Before the adoption llii‘ .\ll<1(‘.;\
for let century and t/zefulure of education ,

health insurance plan. lid Blume. a history
work systems.

T..-\.. coached cross-country at a local high
“This next-generation technology al—

Fresh paint on the
crosswalks. — 9


The new addition to
Seaton Center that
looks oh-so pretty.
Oh wait - never

school to help pay for liis health care.
Bluine said that while the program is

nice. one downfall is the lack ol‘choices
"You basically have to go to the l‘lx’

Health Services." he said The plan does


technology and will provide academic

By Kelly Irvin
benefits to students at UK. Haggarty said.

Getting rid of Fourth


Ouarter in Stupid, er.

Student Center
(Thank our lucky
bowels!) - 8

:4 mind. - 0 for now... i


William Haggarty. a vice president of
lntermedia Partners. was showing off
UK's new toys in a presentation for the

not provide for dental care either. he

The technology of this new cable mo~
dem is considered second generation,
and can have up to four computers
hooked up to one modem at the same
time. The cable aspect offers over 190 dig-

iows the University to offer an alterna
tive that compliments the traditional
classroom." Friskney said.

To be able to use ResNet. each stu-
dent needs to obtain an Ethernet card for


Susan Mains. geography TA. and

member of the ['nivers‘itv Senate t‘oiiiicil.
began the proposal for the coverage plan in






ii ’ . , . ‘ . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘V‘t'i 1‘ 99 K('_\(Q'iilt."ll I .
1; The remodelinq/ _ . media Wednesday morning at the Boone ital and analog channels. CD quality mu- their computer depending on ”S age and :(iidt hhbtoimllr lfi‘VlsIltblilsltiilill:‘( :hn’t i l h.
"Pans'O" 0‘ K La". Faculty Center. SIC and pay-per—VIew options. . - ~ . . . . ‘ ‘ ~ . . . ‘ l ‘ _; . .

i _ 10 , . whether its a desktop Oi laptop. Each 'lt g ,l hh, hN \lt’l) \hp Yhd and h \
a “1 want UK students to be able to tax The aim is for students to have ac- - 11 l « i ' , 1 ‘ 'T ' ' " ‘ ,
. , . . , , reSIdence ha ant apartment received a stilili‘lhlll" that en” mimic h. h,. hunt
. 1 perience what the Internet is really cess to information 24 hours a day to help acket on how to install and goth the ln— } .. ” ' ‘

0“ yeah ' that library l about " he said them in their research for academic and p ' ' ~ ‘ ' p ' Mm”

thing. 15 ‘ . ‘ ' . . . . . .- . ‘ ternet and cable connections. If one has 3 "Yuri i‘i;l\'t' to he verv p(‘l\l.\lt‘lll to get
This fall. students livmg in UK s I‘eSl- career needs. With technical support problem they can contact the ResNet of: (1m m, ”H. Mm, changed ..

dence halls and apartments will be able available 24 hours a day. Haggarty said. fire at 2574591 ’ ‘ 4 \Ifi‘im 5“ ould like \ll‘t} .\ he'iltli insur
to connect to the Internet, as well as ac- Haggarty added this is the largest I Ha arlt said t‘oblems with the 'i'ice to cover loo percent ol‘tlie ('lis‘l iiistiviii
cess up to 60 cable channels through single deployment of enhanced Internet . ‘ gtg 3ft f p . d' 'd l . bl‘to ”mm which hm.“ ”h. rhmhmhj
ResNet. the University‘s high-speed mo- and cable services provided to a commu- new 535 931 5 em rom 1: WC; ua sdcom- “0;“ In , h, ”1” him“ 'ghhhhhhi 11;“ hh‘:
' dem and cable connections. nity in the United States. puters an not netyi or M] e or orm- lo see ’iill lllt't‘t‘dit‘ in the benefits and a low
"9 S baCk The system works at speeds faster “(This) high speed. high fiber net- W’de' ResNet assoc1atcs are addressmg (,I.‘(h_,1‘ul.m,h. him now \hh hm]; that ”\— 1‘
With hel I than what is available at most other uni- work is a direct link to the community." theseproblems. . . ”km” W, (.Uhhhmhhh ‘M the graduate gm:
P- versities in the United States. delivering Haggarty said. In the future, UK hopes to MIC Wosling. a senior R95N9t?350(71' (hijmmh. hv rovwmlhhu ”N. “hm.

up to 1.7 gigabytes of data. add telephone and videophone via the ln- 819- 85k€d that students “have patience." .md‘I‘.,.;..,h.(.hit}‘h. 4mm”: (1.: E ‘

Ron Norton has retaken Intermedia, a local cable company. ternet. and class webcasts (interactive The consultants have been extremely ‘ mm:hrmmh.\huhhh h.” hk‘, thmsh,
the reins of the installed the Internet and cable boxes. class on the Internet). busy. he said. and will help each student “hum: huh” i“, h h‘flhhi. “hi“. environ
uncontrollable "Left Cisco Systems Inc., a computer and com- Through ResNet. students are able to as soon as they can. mm! "Slams mid
of Center" With munication network technology log on to electronic mail services. check “(This is) absolute cutting-edge tech» Om. mm. that mm. hm“ 1h“ health in
unmatched support provider, produced the high-speed mo- student records. access most Student nology," said UK President Charles ’I‘. summwhmh, is the [-hl\,.!._\m-\hhlhh. h.
and gutdance from dem connections and fiber-optic cable. Computing Lab services and resources. Wethington Jr. “Bringing together voice. , . . . . ., . . . . J . . ’

. - . . . . . . . listt ti .o .iiid titgotiait .\ itli lllt ttidi iits.

2’ co-Rail Editor The partnership of Intermedia academic computing programs and on- data and Video over one combined net- “The best sign is that it‘tlie T A5 need
it Samantha 555W. MY (which is soon to be acquired by Insight line library databases. anti connect to the work has significant implications for this to lohhv h". a with” INN i (. health hm...-
i request}. complaints. Communications Inc.). Cisco and UK has Internet. said Doyle Friskney. vice presr University as a leader in communica- the [vhhmhm hm 5h,m h MM hmh m 5“},
i castrations Or other sent the University to the leading edge of dent of UK‘s communication and net- tions." . - ., , ,‘.. . N . \ -- g . .

. feedback can be potting Thi giadtiatt .lllilt nt.. l him said.
addressed to

; rail;ditw®hotmait.com ,_,-,_- -_ a, ,- -__ wan~a _. can Mm-.- .__.c_,--._.-c_s _,_.

u. .

~ j Multidisciplinary class moves hills

Eller said. of the course is the tiiultidisciplinarv set-
! % “Students bring the learning to the ting.
88 62
Hi to

divided into disciplines."

A UK class offers this opportunity.
The course is Appalachian Development:
Human Resources anti Economic Distress
iii Rural Communities. Throughout the
course. graduate students use their vary.

By Amanda York

surrwnirzn ‘ . ‘
classroom. he said. “They are able to gain “it was one of the best classes l have

knowledge and information from the com- ever taken because it was multidiscipli-
mumty and each otherrathvr than from nary." he said. “Because ofthe multidisci
simply listening to professors or reading plinary “thing m. “m... able to bring in

This spring. graduate students at UK
have the opportunity to break front the or-












: ‘ ‘ .

i Eigfary learning pattern or graduate stud- ing educational backgrounds to explore. books." . not only people from the universitv. but

if "0'9 SW”- lnstead of being stuck in a classroom the economic conditions anti needs 0’ .Tlm Thompson. a graduate Student m people from the conimtinitv. This class eni-

a, hung“- full of fellow graduate students pursuing poverty-stricken areas in Appalachia. . soctology. took the course last spring. braced all different tv'pes ofpeople ..

t 7.3.1 ‘2“; the same degree. they have the opportuni- The course Was pioneered last spring Thompson highly recommends the class to The course fig being offered for the ,
A-._~__.‘__g _ ty to merge their minds with graduate stu- under the dimcmm 0f Ellei‘. students Of all disciplines. s m” r semester ti) vr'idtnto studer ts ' '
VOL. mos ISSUE ”007 dents from a variety of curriculums. “Part of my agreement to serve as the “I encourage everyone to take the ‘i ._ if “ _ ‘ f“ ‘ ‘ “f "I “
,h-._~.s_____ “Students need to learn the value of John Q Whismzm Scholar was for the com- course and use it as a springboard into Vim“) "l“‘hflm areas. ”‘0 (“”5“ W”
ESTABLISHED "“392 multidisciplinary learning.“ said Ron mittee to allow me to teach the course." their own region." he said._”What you take examine Issues related to. education.
INDEPENDENT smcg '97] Eller. associate professor of history and di- said Eller. out of the class can work in any region or health care. housing. Job training. trans- _
.._--__.. __ rector of the UK Appalachian Center, The multi-discipline and student-gen setting." poitation. enVironmental quality and civic 2
(,3, .. 3M .3 “They need to realize the real world is not erated learning makes the course unique. Thompson says one of the best aspects participation. 3

2 Call: 2574915 or write: 5“. ,
kernel®pop.uky.edu The Student Newspaper at the University oHtentucky, Lextngton fig

/ .__.———__—. ._._.____
k I t i 1 I


, , , . . .. . . .,.... .~ .. . . \-u.\__


 “'Wmnws.” . .,







t awsfl


The Low-down

I still
sage is

, true.

'. I think
that it
is still

Paul McCartney.
in the British
tabloid the Sun.
referring to the
Beatles song
"All You Need Is

Love” as an

anthem lor the
new millenium.

Lemieux Takeover of Penguins 0K'd

NEW YORK Mario Lemieux's takeover of the bankrupt l’en-
guins was approved today by the NHL‘s board of governors. cli-
maxing a long struggle by the former hockey great and his associ-
ates to keep the team in Pittsburgh. ()nly court approval remained
to finalize the deal. and that‘s expected to be taken care of by a
bankruptcy judge during a closing hearing Friday in Pittsburgh.
Lenneux said he and his group of investors. numbering Inore titan
a dozen. have put together $52 million so far and hope to raise
more ntoney.

KLA Head Visits Russia Protesters

t)R.»\H()\/'AC. Yugoslavia Kosovo‘s rebel leader promised
demonstrators today that Russian peacekeepers would not be de-
ployed inside their town. while the United Nations decided to Sta
tion international police here until the standoff over the Russians
is resolved. Hashim 'I‘haci. head of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
met with local leaders in ()rahovac anti addressed a crowd of local
ethnic .»\lbanians. who erected barricades over a week ago to pre-
vent Russian soldiers from taking up positions iii the town. The
ethnic Albanians claim Russian mercenaries committed atrocities
in ()rahovac during the 18-month Serb crackdown ill the province.

Australian CARE Workers Freed

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia Two Australian CARE workers
t'tthlt'tetl of spying during the NATO bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia were released today after receiving pardons front Pres-
ident Slobodan Milosevic. Steve Pratt and Peter Wallace arrived
tonight in Zagreb. (‘roatia‘s capital. Still apparently in prison was
a Yugoslax (‘ARH worker. Hranko .Jelen. who was detained along
with the two Australians. Pratt and Wallace were arrested March
:H. seven days after NATO launched its bombing campaign to
force Milosevic to accept a peace plan for Kosovo. debut was taken
into custody April 8.

White House Favors New Waco Probe

\\';\SHI.\I(‘.'I‘()N The White House has recommended that
Attorney General Janet Reno order an independent investigation
into the Flil's use of incendiary tear gas during the 1993 assault on
the Branch Davidian compound. a White House official said today.
lv‘Bl Director Louis Freeh. who wants to head oil" any perception of
conflict of interest. earlier this week indicated support for an in-
quit \ ft cc of imolvr ment front the FBI or the Justice Department
Reno has not reached a final dtc Ision. a Justice Department
spokesman said


Back To

The rock musi-
cal "Jesus
given its pre-
miere in New
York almost 30
years ago, is
going back to
Broadway for
the millennium.
Andrew Lloyd
Webber and
lyricist Tim
Rice said in a
Wednesday that
the ground-
breaking musi-
cal about the
last seven days
of Christ's life
would open in
April 2000.


director Oliver
Stone pled
guilty without
publicity to
charges of drug
possession and
drunk driving,
authorities said



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Move over Couch?

Meet Lynsie Gaddis, last SGA election's biggest vote-getter

By Sarah Zopti

Now that athletic stars
like Tim Couch and Scott Pad~
gett have left UK for the green-
er pastures of professional
sports. there appears to be a
spot open for most popular
person here at UK.

A likely candidate may be
Lynsie Gaddis, a political sci.
ence junior who received over
1.000 votes in the Student Gov-
ernment Association election
last spring for at-large sena-

“I made sure I didn't sin-
gle people out." she said, when
asked about her campaigning
strategy last year. “I spoke to

Gaddis, who received
more votes this past election
than SGA president Jimmy
Glenn, has made a habit of
speaking to everyone. starting
with her high school days in

“I had done government
stuff in high school. Kentucky
Youth Assembly and such."
she said. “It was then that I
learned how to run a cam-
paign for myself."

Gaddis works part-time at
a local legal firm (she’s consid-
ering law school after gradua-
tion). Last year she was a
member of the Pan-Hellenic
council. As Senate Coordina-
tor. she must keep a schedule

of meetings and agendas. as
well as keeping everyone up
to date on events. It's a big re-
sponsibility. Gaddis admitted,
but one for which she feels
w e l l
p r e -

“ I

I am experiencing
a legislative
process that

actually makes
progress,” she
said. “I now have
a better
understanding for
the structure of
SGA and know I
am dealing with
real issues and
making a change.
This is part of
what I want to be.

The SGA is a part

of what my future


- Lynsie Gaddis,
political science junior and

feel like having the experience
of running last year, I can be
more understanding of the
students," she said. “I have
planned a student rights fo-
rum for the near future so
that the students are aware of
their rights on campus. I am
very outgoing a (I love meet-
ing new people. talk to peo-
ple and get their opinion. I
truly want to inform.“

Gaddis is also a member
of Chi Omega social sorority,
which gives her an opportuni-
ty to become known in the en-
tire Greek community.

Gaddis said one of the
most underused aspects of
SGA is how they help students
and campus organizations fi-

“We allotted over $30,000
to student organizations when
they needed help," she said of
last year. SGA also offers gen-
eral funding and scholarships.

One common complaint
from students concerning
SGA is that they don’t really
do much for students, a com-
plaint that Gaddis dismisses.

“I am experiencing a leg-
islative process that actually
makes progress.“ she said. “I
now have a better understand-
ing for the structure of SGA
and know I am dealing with
real issues and making a
change. This is part of what I
want to be. The SGA is a part
of what my future holds."





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Vhfll‘gg~uwu'anflbaf“"‘ ‘



When I was
growing up. I
really didn’t
care too much
about Kentucky
football. I was a
basketball fan,
because they

1 were winning.”

- Derek Smith
freshman tight end




Born to wear blue

A wildcat vocation: Do-everythinq freshman
Derek Smith might play football and hoops

By Adam Spaw

sPiJa'sitAio .11" .11

l‘h11 lilLIllllLllll 11t' \ll\1'!
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along itsrot'kr l1aiil1>r11si>ih11
homestead ot' aii11tli11i‘ small

iouii h11r11

|)11r1-l\ Smith. 1111 aiioth11r
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4 |_iiitiiisoit§fsEi5iénBEti2,1999 l “titanium

UK defense gearing up

by Matt May

SENIOR stilt wRIliR

'l‘alk abotit deja \‘u

The l'K football team arr
rin on tlte scene at
Louisville‘s new House of I’M/a
last September. an unwelcome
guest on the coronation for [lie
luxurious new Papa John‘s
(‘ardinal Stadium and [Miss
happy (‘ardiiials

'l‘he (‘ats dismantled the
trashtalking (‘ards tn e\'et'y
facet of the game. inittring not
only llii'il' litttilt's but tlteir
pride ’l‘he otlal blistering in
the searing lteat turned the
Papa iiito 1| kiln

A funn\ thing happened.
though. Lost in the hoopla of
Tim (‘ouch's ltlll yards and sey»
en touchdowns. l'lx’K defensiye
t‘iltil'ls \\t‘l't' t)\t‘l‘ititii\'t‘li.

Yes. l.tttlls‘\'llle did put up
31)] yards of offense Yes. it
scored :;1 points. Yes. (‘hris
Redman threw fottr touchdown
passes. Yes. the (‘ardinals aver
aged (its yards per play. But
that doesn‘t tell the story. In
this case. the truth wasn‘t in
the numbers. it was in there

Lottisyille scored just 11;
points against l'K’s starting de
fetisiye unit before posting. in
fourth quarter points yerstis
nearly all freshmen who ltad
oitly beeit on campus for a
month. Exactly ltalf of Red

man‘s scoring tosses came in
that fourth quarter. lotig after
most of the loquacious
Louisville laitltftil had headed
foi‘t'ttiilei‘ confines.

So with all the talk center
iitg arottnd itedman‘s Heisman
Trophy chances, is the (‘at de-
fense secretly thiitkitig abottt
how it busted Redman's chin
w itleropeit last fail‘.’

"i hope it has that kind of

an effect." l'K defensive t‘tml‘tll'
nator .\like Major said. "But he
(Rednian) is an awful cool cus-
tomer. He doesn't get rattled. he
stays calm atid stays iii the
pocket. He is awfully good."

(ilil)(i. hill is he good

The (‘ats harassed the (‘ar
dinal receivers and rttiiniiig
backs all day long. forcing nine
ptiiits attd only three of l 1 third
down attempts to be converted.
.»\ll-;\merican tight end lbn
(ireen did catch eight passes for
litz yards and two touchdowns.
while Arnold Jackson had sey
en catches foi' 123 yards and a
touchdown. But those two per-
formances weren’t near enough
to quiet the Wildcat defensive

The (‘ats know stopping
tireen and Jackson will he key
It] slowing the vaunted (‘arili-
nal aerial attack.

"Last year. they weren‘t
able to get the ball to lbn." ju~
nior linebacker Marlon Mc,(‘ree

said. "The way this defense is
designed is to isolate the cor»
ners on their receivers. He
((ireen) won‘t be able to make
the gamerwinning catch.
They‘ll have to go to their out-
side receivers."

Major agreed Green is a
key. bttt said the (‘ardinals
have a stable of receivers to
look ottt for on the field.

"((ireen) and No. it) (Jack-
son) are dangerous." Major
said. "(1lackson) caught Sit) balls
last year. But they have a lot of
good receivers. They all run
good routes aitd do a good job of
stretching you both horizontal-
ly aitd vertically."

But Major said the (‘ats
won’t do anything differently
this time around just play
the base defense aitd force U of
l. to adjust to them.

“We have a prostyle de-
fense anyway." Major said. “We
want to make them adjust to

Mc(‘ree said pressuring
Redman and forcing the (‘ardi-
nals to abandon their fivere-
ceiy'er sets will be necessary.

“We are going to make
them keep their receivers in to


block." Alt‘Cl‘t‘t‘ said. “When we mmm

keep bringing people. they 11 be . _ _

forced to adjust." MWWMWBM
if the Cats are successful in 3" WWW WSW

aga'tst Louisville. The young UK
defense will be relying on the
senior's leadership.

pressuring Rednian. UK thinks
(‘ommonwealth will be this
year‘s kiln.




a‘ m”. 1



4." Ole Miss 20, Memphis 18
Michigan 33, Notre Dame 21
Colorado 27, Colorado St. 20
UNC 17, Virginia 13

1 UK 36, U of L 27
~ , 1 N.C. State 33, S. Carolina 13
' Ole Miss 26, Memphis 14
Michigan 27, Notre Dame 20
,. l Colorado 48. Colorado St. 27
—-‘*’L*~s‘ Virginia 24, UNC 16



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