xt7nzs2k724c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k724c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18720212 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1872-02-jun12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1872-02-jun12. 1872 2011 true xt7nzs2k724c section xt7nzs2k724c 227 IMorrison College, Lexington, Ky., June 11, 1972 Meeting of June 11, 1872 Proceedings of the Exec. Con . r eO d Motion to arove made & withdrawn Regents report read Same rec'd & refered Curator W. C. Rogers substi- tuted for Cura- tor A. a. $ow- Eafl . Curator Henry Bell substitu- ted for J. P. Tarbitt. Treasurer's report read & received. The Board of Curators met at 2 o'clock Chairman R. I. Bishop in the chair Session opened by Prayer by- Rev. G. W. Elley- The roll being called the following Curators were found present. R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Genj. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, i. J. White, R. C. Rciketts, B. B. groom, J. P. Tarbitt, R. R. $ban, Enos Campbell, L. R. Wilkes, Horace Miller, Henry Bell_ Landon A. Thomas, "7. T. Withers, William E. Rogers, G. W. Givens. The proceeding of the Eoxtive Committee for the current year just ended were read by Dr. Smith the secretary. Curator Elley moved that the report be approved but Curator Worthington objected for tne reason in part that he had not heerd a large portion of the report read an& at hisTrequest Curators Elley withdrew said motion. Regent Bowman then read his report giving detailed statement of the Condition of the various Colleges and departments of Kentucky University. Curator Worthington moved to receive the report and its various portions be referee to the proper standing Comtees which was adopted. The various Comtees were requested by the President to report as early as possible and returr to the secretary all the papers/228/ connected with the Regents' report. Curator A. H. Bowman asked to be excused from the Comtee. on the College of Arts - which upon motion was done and Curator *t. C. Rogers elected to fill the vacancy. Curator J. P. Tarbitt asked to be excused from the comtee. on the Medical College whi ch upon motion was done cnd Curator Henry Bell elected to fill the v.-ccancy. The report of the Treasurer wa8s then read - and ordered to be receive-' and filed. On motion of Curator Elley the Boarl adjourned to meet to- morrow morning at 9 otclock. Benediction by Curator L. B. Wfilkes /229/ Morrison College, June 12, 1872 The Board met at 9 o'clock in oursuence to a&journment. Roll being called the following Curators answered to their names.- P. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, C enj. Gratz. 4ndrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Gooiloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Bown-n. C. T. Worthington, Joseph Smith, W. L. Williams, R. J. White, P. C. Ricketts, B. B. Groom, John Shackel- ford, Z. F. Smith, J. P. Tprhittt. R. B. Sloan, W, T. Withers, Enos Ccmpbell, C. W. Civens, L. B. Wilkes, J. 1141. Sherley, Horace Miller, Henry Bell, W. E. Ro-ers, Landoon A. Thomas, Judge Cald- 7rell afterwards care in. 229 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.. June 12th, 1872 Majority & Mi no ri ty Report of Corn on Nominations Motionr. to postpone lozt. Nomi nati on o f Wnm. Nitchell Pojht of order Five minute rule ado:pte Com. on Com. mercial Col. Report of Comr. on said College. Session opener: Bly Prayer by Curator Snoa Campbell. The minutes of the Previous meeting being read" wer'- ap- prove d. Report of the Comtees. being called for. The majority of Con. on Nominations reported the neme:*. of Cr. Crutcher of Henry County and James G. Kinnaird of Fayettte. The Contee on Nominations made two reports. The majority reported the names of R. M. Gano, Hamilton Headley & J. G. Kinnaird. Upon which a protracted discussion en-ued. Cur-,tor White moved to postpone the election of Curators until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clcck- The motion lost. Curator G. W. Elley nominated. Mr. Mitchell of M-t. Sterling Curator White rose to a point of orier asking the Chair/230/ to explain which the Chaid did to the satisfaction of 8ll.- Curctors then proceeded to ballot for Curntore and upon counting the vote it wes found. that Dr. Crutcher of Henry and Jamrs G. Kinnatra of Fayette wore declared only elected they havir.g read a majority of the votes. Curator Campbell offered the following motion. Resolved that no member shall be allowed to speak on any one question more than five minutes, nor to speak twice untill all who desire to speak have had an opportunity - unless by permission of the Zoard - adopted. Curattor Withers offered the following Resolved - Thn.t the Rule requiring the sessions of the Board be closed., be suspended temporarily during the present sitting of the Board - &dopted. The report of the Stpnding Committee on College of Arts by their Chairman Curator Campbell approved and ordered filed. Curator Ricketts as Chairman of Comtee on the Bible College read his report which is filed together with the amendments of Curator Joseph Smith who also moved that the Report & amendments be postponed to the opening of the meeting of the Board this /231/ evening and made the special order for that time - adopted. Comtee on Commercial College asked for farther time -Crantel. Comtee on LaW College offered by their Chairman Curator Worthington as their Report, the following, resolutions. Resolved by the Board of Curators, that the arrangemert tn- tered into by the E:xtive Comtee find the Faculty of the Law College is adopted as a tempcrary settlement of the question of collect- ing the fees fron the students. 231 Kentucky University, Lexingtcn, Ky., June 12th, 1872 Substi tute Rejected Collestion of fees in the Co l. of Law. Curator White moved a substitute but it was rejected. Curator Z. F. Smith offered the following amendment - kich was adopted- That the Exective Cos. be instructed to confer with the Faculty of the law College and. with their consent permit the Treasurer to report in his annual account the tuition fees of students of said College as received hy him in full and the same as paid in full to the said. Faculty to preserve his accounts in due form of layi, the s.riid. Fnculty being allored to collect or these fees of the students and divide among themselves as they wish, the matriculation fees to be collected & accounted for by the Treasurer and that the Students of this College be required. to observe the rules of matriculation and discipline impaired on Students of all other Departments - Adopted. Report of Con. on Commercial College. Officers of the Bible Col. invigeJ to be present at the consid- eration of the Regent on that Col. Com. on Commercial College. Com . on Farm & Con. on A. & M. C. Mili- tary & Mech- Depe rtment s. 232 Morrison College 1872 June 12th, 2 o'clock. The Board met and. roll called and the members present this morning answered to their names or came in afterwards. The Comrittee on the Commercial College mede their report which was adoited and filed,- On motion the officers of the Bible College were invited to be present at the diqscussion of the report or Comtee on said College and make any suggestions they desire there on. The report of the Comrtee. on the Bible was then taken up and discussed - as also the amendment of Curator Dr. Smith. The discussion was participated in by Curators Smith & Elley and Prest. Milligan was called upon to give his version. Professor 14cTarvey was also called upon to ex:press his views on the same report. Prof. Pickett also (at length expressed) his views of the wants of the Bible College. On motion of Curator Z. F, Smith the amendment of Dr. Smith was laid on the table- /23Y The Gomtee on the Cimmercial College read their written report through Curator A. H. Bowman the Chairman which was read and adopted. Reports of The Comtee on Farm and also the Comtee on the Military & Mechani- cal Departments were read. and adopted which reads as follows- The Comtee recommend 1st That an outline course of History Ancient and Modern Geography headdied to the preparatory students already provided for & that a suitable Tutor be provided etc. 2d. That for present assistance and relief in the college of of the Bible - W. B. Smith be constituted and adjunct Prof. of Eh}glish literature, This will give Prof. Pickett more time for the critical instruction of av1a-nced classes - relieve Prof. Mc'arve~y of the Sophomore class in Sacred History and give other needed aid in this department. Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 12th, 1872 Request of Prof. Mc- Garvey Memorial of Prof. McG. refered to Conf. Com . Curator Sloan aided to Con. Commi ttee. Curator Wilkes ruled out of order His appeal not sustained. Curator Wilkes permitted to read his paper. Conf ering Degrees on students of College of Arts Confering Degrees on Students of the Bible Co 11 edge Proceedings with regard to J.T. Haw- kins. Amended to read provided the funds of tne University will justify. Adopted. On motion it was resolved that the Board now go into Zxecu- tive Session. /234/ Prof. Mc garvey asked permission to read a memorial to the Board of Curators iTl re,-- rd to certain charges against him and asking for an investigation. Which was granted - Cutator Sloan moved to refer the above document to the con- ference Committee with instructions to report rhet course it shall take - adoptea. Curator Livens moved that Cur*r Sloan be added to the Con. ference Comtee adopted. Curator Wilkes rose to a point of order and after an ey- plenction commenced to read a memorial which the Chair out of order on a point of order - Curator Wilkes appealed from said decission - And upon the question shall the opinion of the Chair be sustained being put- It was decided that the Board sustained the decission or rul- ing - of the Chair. Curator Z. F. Smith moved that Curator Wilkes be permitted to proceed with the reaiing of his memorial - adopted. Curator Worthington moved that the memorial be respectfully returned to Curator Wilkes. It was move-L as a substitute that the memorial be refered to the same Comtee that Prof. McGarvey's was -adopted. /235/ Regent Bowman read off names of the candidates for grr~4Iua- tion in the College of Arts to whom he was directed by the Board to iL sue diplomas. Their names are as follows James Lane Allen Fayette Co. Ky. Samuel Davis Pinkerton Lexington, Ky. Henry Marland White Leirington, Ky. Regent Bowman then read the names of the candidates for graduation in the College of the Bible. Curator Shackelford moved to issue Diplomas to all of said graduates except J. T. Hawkins of adopted. Curator Z. F. Smith stated that the young marn exempted - he was informed had denounced ani circulated slanderous renorts in regard to Regent Bowman upon which Curator Allen moved thp't a Committee of three be appointed to see Mr. Hawkins and, renort to Exective Committee amended that if the young man shall deny or make a proper retraction said Committee shall direct the Regent to sign his degree - Adopted. Curators l len, Campbell & Sloan were appointed said CoMtee. 236 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 12th, 1872 List of gra duates in Bible Col. Col. o' Arts. Col. of Le. Commeercia l Collee. Thos. Babes, R. S. Cave, J. D. Dillard, Thos. =. Foster, J. K. Farrow, Virgil M. C-ains, R. M, Geijeus, J. T. Hawkins, Thos. J. Lyle, L. D. McGowan, J. G. Mayfield, Manville, S. Moser, 0. S. Soper, C. P. Williamson, G. W.Yancey. It is ordered that the degree of Bachelor of Arts be con- fere& on the students of the College ef Arts wbose rnsamres are given below. viz. Allen- James Lane Jr. Lex. 'y. Pinkerton Se,:uel Davis LLB. Lex. Ky. WThite- Henry Warland Lex. Ky. Adams, Djvid William Lex. Ky. Belcher, William C. Austin, Tex. Chur - James Higby, Lex. Ky. Elstner, Milton Cparter Shreverort, La. Graves, E. Price, Cold Spring, Te$ s Snowden, McLaawrin Homcz', Dtiraugh N. C. Thomas, S nford Alexr.nder Georgetoivn Bee:ch, 7ugene S. Franklin, Tenn. Berry, James Taulandingham, Lex. Harper, John Franklin, Kenston, N. C. Harris, John Woolfolk, Versailles, Ky. Lee, Mathepr L. Clinton, Y. C. Mclen, Jac. Shirley La Grange. Shaw, Emison, Sorghstown Sneed, John Shannon, Brentwood, Tenn. Graves, Samuel Overton, Hopkinsville, Ky. Leigh, Wm. Archer huntsville, Texas. Payne, Leslie Elwood, Hlopkinsville, Ky. Rientfro, Robert Byron, Huntsville, Texas. Fogers, William Ficklin, Danville, Ky. Williams, John Nottle, Lexington, Ky. Williams, Leslie A. lamestonntown 3roxton, Azro Davis, Wyorcester Mass. Crass, George Woodland M. Tenn. iiad.aJen, Clifton C. North Middleto-rn Howard, Sarago Z Ark. Jeffreyp, Thomas Mathenw, Weisar P. 0. Idaho Haufman, Holidoy Clay, Hustonville, Ky. Primer, Philanda Holcamb Telataba Sta. Miss. Ryle, Ja-s. Lewis, Bellview, Texas. Totten, John Churchill- Belford Walker, James Loi s, Douglas, Texas. Warren, Freeman William, Leington Webb, William, Lexingt'n, N-y. 236 Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 12th, 1872 Busine es reporte1 by Exec. Comr. LMotion to lay on table lost. Motion tO refer carr i e (1. M{eeting of June 13, 1872 Paper from Dr. Joseph Sm it h The Exec. Co. . Action of the ESxec. Com. Ratified Offense of Students of the Bible Col. passed by. Report of Con. of 3 to whom waz refered the case of J.T. Rawkins. Cura L 0 Jese-h Sr.ith road to the Board. a document from the Extive Comtee containing sudgestions of business for the action of the Board. It was move4 to refer the docuimer' to a Contet of three. 7 It was moved to lay it on the ta'ble but the resolution was re ec t cd. ,ueztion on reference was then carried and Curator Campbell, Sloan & Judge Caldwell were appointed the Committee. It was then movel to aajnurn till 'a otclock tomorrow morn- iLg, - Benediction by Cur-itor Sloan. /237/ Morrison College, Kentucky University June 13, 1872 The Board met pursuant to adjournment anct the roll being called the following Curators were fo-ond1 oresent. R. M. Biel`op, J. B. Bowman, John G. Allen, Beaj. Gr-Oz, Andre7.r Steele, Joseph Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, J. S. Woolfolk, A. H. Boyr- an, C. T. Worthingt'n, Joseph Smith, P. C. Ricketos, B. B. Xroox, John Shackelford, Z. F. Smith, J. P. Tarbi t,, R. P. Sloan, W. T. Withers, Bnos Campbell, James S. Caldesll, L. B. Whilkes, Z. M1. Sherley, Horace Miller, Henry Bell, William E. Rogers, Lenlon A. Thomas, Dr. Crutcher. The minutes of Previous meeting viere read and approved. Curator Dr. Smith presented a paper suggesting some matters of business for the consideration of the Board Which upon re- quest of the Fogent was hell up for the present. Curator Worthington called up the report of Curator Sloan offered the follo-ing Resolution. Resolved that we noet5fv the action of t he Exccutive Committee ad interim and tha:t while their ,minutes show a failure CrJ part of the students of tne Bib'e College to meet the requisition of the Board a't its 'November aecission. We are several less in the exer- cise of clergency pass by their officer on that matter and in the-,t view approve the 2action of Presilent `Iilligan in the final des-o- sition of the oase - adoptel. /233/ Jllil',e Caldwell Chairman The Co"s-ittee on the La-wl College as reauested made their re- port which was red.l and ad..opted and is now filed. The Comt" to whome was refereJ the case of John Tm. Hawkins report by their Chairman the document filed. & marked A. as the report of the Comtee ,which document reads as follows viz