xt7nzs2k9d0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k9d0k/data/mets.xml Shelby County, Tennessee Shelby County, Tennessee Court 1941 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects; iv, 100, 6 leaves, 28 cm; Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256/4/bk.1 books English Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Minutes of the County Court of Shelby County, Book Number 1, 1820-1824 text Minutes of the County Court of Shelby County, Book Number 1, 1820-1824 1941 1941 2015 true xt7nzs2k9d0k section xt7nzs2k9d0k `IIIIHHIIHWNH | HH1 E Q N E1 DHE5 L1?].L1?E’»"1 B , Z T HE DUUNTY ARCHIVES E ;‘¢»"' S :41 AGRICULTURE. 25 2% gs `··.;¤`g, <>3€"§§§}L¢° QQ? "°‘$?€€.@;2;22?§-?*‘°" E S S 1 1 af/ze Gauniq GMM _ af ' » SHELBY CUUNTY S ` 1 Back /Va. I , N »/820 - .24 THE TENNESSEE HISTORICAL NEcuNnS SURVEY 1 W/mk Paaizda Hdmméibzadaa S i E 1941 ‘ ` 1 g n;N,Hk’; TRANSCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES E ;>y,4’E OF TENNESSEE 1 W; c ·· Q I"~_ > I · _Q é oj’_ ` Prepared by a_M TNC The Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1_ Hf Division of Professional and Service Projects ·rY Work Projects Administration CV MINUTES OF THE COUNTY COURT V OF E ·* SHELBY coumw H * ‘ Book No. 1 `· 1820-24 Nashville, Tennessee The Tennessee Historical Records Survey January 1941 The Historical Records Survey Program C2 Sargent B, Child, National Director —< M dison Bratton, State Supervisor i c y m S · P c Q Research and Records Section O 3 S { O ‘§ Harvey E. Becknell, Director ' t J Milton W, Blanton, Regional Supervisor m = T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor O Q m 5 0 § c 2 T Q i Q _ i E u ‘f Division of Professional and Service Projects r F ‘ C , Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner A Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor g Betty Hunt Luck, State Director w T< T rg A ¢· P ‘WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION ? ; tl Q » i1 1 Howard O. Hunter, Acting Com issioner m< e R. L. MacDeugal1, Regional Director n‘ A Harry S. Berry, State Administrator M€ w tl j . aZ j 4 ls ·i A 3 . oi Z le f' Sponsor: ••••••••••• Tennessee State Planning Com ission cc V 3 ye ni Cosponsors: ..•..... Tennessee State Library. l A} Shelby County Board of Commissioners Tg ‘ _[_ . Ei F f . . . g 111 raarlca ¤ E Although the Historical Records Survey in Tennessee has as its * chief purpose the preparation of guides to archival and other historical ‘ materials, a part of the project's program has been the transcription of selected county records as a method of preservation and as a means of placing typewritten copies of source materials in libraries and research ' centers. “ Q This undertaking on the part of the Survey represents a continuation I of a program instituted under another project, sponsored by the Tennessee State Library, whose program and personnel were absorbed by the Survey in [ October 1958. Records have been selected for transcription with a view ? to their administrative importance, their significance as research * materials, and their physical condition. A poorly preserved record is, E of course, selected over a well preserved record of similar content. In “ more recent months primary emphasis has been placed on the transcription p of the minutes of the county courts, the governing bodies of Tennessee counties. The ribbon copies of the transcriptions are deposited in the ¢ Tennessee State Library, at Nashville, with carbon copies being deposited in the Library of the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, and, in many instances, in the courthouses of the concerned counties where they are used for administrative purposes. The_two libraries and the counties receiving copies act as cosponsors of this operating unit of the project. For the last year, carbon copies have also been placed in the Library of Congress, ` In the belief that certain transcriptions are of sufficient signifi- cance as historical research materials to justify wider distribution, the Tennessee Survey is mimeographing, for distribution to the institutions and agencies receiving other project publications, a limited number of such records. This volume, a transcription of the first minute book of the county court of Shelby County, is the first to be reproduced by mimeo- graphing. U Shelby County is in the extreme southwestern corner of the State; its southern border is the Mississippi State line, its western border the Mississippi River. Created by legislative act of 1819 and organized in the spring of 1820, Shelby County, like its present seat of govern- ment, the city of Memphis, has had a history both colorful and dramatic, , no period more so than that reflected in this book. Shelby County and Memphis were brought into being by a small group of men of vision, chiefly the triumvirate of Andrew Jackson, John Overton, and Marcus B. Winchester, all clearly envisioning the metropolis that was to be built on cotton, land, lumber, and water·borne commerce. ‘ In the year of its organization, Shelby County had a population of 364, the least of any of the State's then 47 counties. Forty years later, in 1860, it was, with a population of 48,092, the State's largest county. In the wake of the great disaster of 1878 - the year of the yellow fever - the county fell briefly into second place, but since 1890 iv ` Preface it has been the State's most populous county; in 1940 its population was counted as 357,620. memphis, the county seat, has long been the ` largest city of Tennessee, This volume covers a part of the long period in Tennessee when the county court, composed of the justices of the peace, was known as the court of pleas and quarter sessions, and before successive legislative acts stripped the court of its common law jurisdiction and left in its place two almost distinct administrative agencies • one legislative and the other judicial, its jurisdiction centering largely in matters uf probate. The Shelby County court of pleas and quarter sessions, in the year l820, designated virtually all of the county officials, appointed` administrators, marked public roads, granted licenses to "ordinaries," levied taxes, heard civil actions of great variety, and tried and con- victed persons offending against the peace and dignity of the State. It . represented a decentralized government; it was, with its inclusive H functions and jurisdiction, an administrative agency in which were found gf most of the functions and authority which concerned a citizen with busi- V _ ness to transact with the government. This volume is intended to be a verbatim transcription, There are ‘ ‘ numerous apparent errors, but the book was transcribed as it appears. " " The copyists did not attempt, for example, to correct the clerk's spelling, nor were such matters as the date "May 20, l820" on page l in- vestigated, whereas there were actions recorded which obviously occurred before this date, It was inevitable that certain errors would result from the copyists' inability to read the clerk's scrawl; patient research and comparison would, perhaps, have justified considerable revisions in — the finished draft. The transcription is not, however, an editorial task. The bars drawn through much of the text indicate that the words, in the original, are similarly marked or scratched out, The numbers, enclosed in parentheses, throughout the text, indicate the beginning of numbered pages in the original minutes. The index numbers are to the pages of the original volume. E *? I The original book is in the custody of the county court clerk in ‘{*“ the Shelby County courthouse at Memphis, The transcription was made and ·-`ii typed in 1958 by employees of the Copying Historical Records Project, -*4 , the predecessor of the Transcription Unit of the Historical Records Sur- p‘ vey.» The longhand transcription was made by Gertrude McGill, and the · typewritten copies by Mae Welch, under the supervision of Penelope Jo Allen and Kathdeen Caradine, Publication of this book was under the supervision of Mary Alice Burke. Stencils were cut by Mary F. Barton, Cora I, Adams, Helen P. Allen, Patsy R. Floyd, and Bessie E. Binkley. A list of publications of the Tennessee Historical Records Survey follows V the index to this volume. h Madison Bratton, State Supervisor The Tennessee Historical Records Survey Nashville January 51, 1941 SHELBY COUNTY MINUTES VOL. 1 Minutes No. l May 20, 1820 Feb. 16, 182h (P.l) State of Tennessee ) Chickasaw Bluffs lbnday Shelby County ) May lst, 1820 Agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed at Murfreesborough Nov. 2h, 1819 establishing a new county on the Mississippi River known & called by the name of Shelby County, author- izing & requiring a court of pleas & quarter sessions for said county to be held at the Chickasaw Bluff on the day of the date hereof, Jacob Tipton Esqr. who having been duly qualified agreeably to the requisitions of said act appeared, caused proclamation thereof to be duly made, produced his commission, and took his seat for the purpose of opening Court as foresaid and thereupon proceeded to the qualification of Anderson B. Carr, Marcus B. Winchester, William Irvine, Thomas D. Carr & Benjamin Willis, who having produced their Commissions, MAA severally took the oath (administered by Jacob Tipton Esqr.) to support the Constitution of the State of Tennessee tho Oath of Office as Justice of Peace for said County whereupon proclamation thereof being made the Court opened in due form. Present the Worshipful Jacob Tipton Anderson B. Carr Esquire Marcus B. Winchester William Irvine Thomas D. Carr Justice Benjamin Willis The Court proceeded to the appointment of a chairman whereupon .William Irvine Esqr. was duly and constitutionally elected. Ordered by the Court that John Bead be appointed Clerk protempore of this Court, and that Major Thomas Taylor in like nnnner Sheriff. (P.2) ’ May Term 1820 contd. May lst. A deed of conveyance William Thompson to Anderson B. Carr for an improvement was proven in open Court by the Oath of Michael Byrd one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration. A covenant between Anderson B. Carr & Humphrey Williams was proven in open Court by the oath of Michael Byrd one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration. An Agreement between John Grace & Anderson B. Carr was proven in Open Court by the Oath of Marcus B. Winchester & Samuel R. Brown, 2 (P.2 C0¤@'d·) subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration. Ordered by the Court that notice be given by advertisement on the Court House door signed by the Chairman of the Court for the election of officers for said Court which was done accordingly. Court adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 9 o'clock. Will, Irvine, Chairman Jacob Tipton A. B. Carr M. B. Winchester Thos. D. Carr u Benjamin Willis, Jr. Tuesday morning May 2nd, 1820, Court meet according to adjournment. Present the Worshipful , Wm. Irvine Jacob Tipton A. B. Carr Esqs. . .~ H. B. Winchester · Thos. D. Carr Justices B. Willis (P.3) Hay Term l82O cont'd May 2 The Court proceeded to the appointment of Clerk and to that office appointed Wm. Lawrence who thereupon took the oath to support the Consti— tution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee the oath against duelling & the Oath of Office. The Court proceeded to the appointment of a Sheriff to that office Appointed Samuel R. Brown who thereupon took the Oath to support the · Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee the Oath against duclling & the oath of office. The Court proceeded to the appointment of a Register and to that _ office appointed Thos. Taylor who thereupon took tht oath to support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the State of Tenn— essee the Oath against Duelling & the oath of office. The Court proceeded to the appointment of Hanger and to that office Sppointed Alex Ferguson when there a question arising whether said Ferguson was elligible to the appointment, as a naturalized citizen the decision thereof was postponed. The Court proceeded to the appointment of Trustee and to that office appointed it appeared on ballotting Paul Baylis & Willimn A. bavis in nomination that the votes were ··l.= equal the decision of said election was postponed until 3 o'clock P. M, 3 . (P.3 Cont'd.) The Court proceeded to the appointment of Coroner and to that office Appointed Gideon Carr who thereupon took the Oath to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Tennessee, the oath against Duelling and the Oath of office. (P.A)The Court proceeded to the Balloting for constitution upon counting the votes William.Bettis & William Dean in nomination it appeared to be equally divided. Whereupon the Court postponed the decision thereof amwl3cNdom. The Court proceeded to the appointment of Solicitor and to that office appointed John D, Perkins. Court then adjourned till 3 o*clock P. M. Court met according to adjournment Same Justices present. Ordered by the Court that the Wednesday after the first Monday of this Court be set apart fer transacting County business, The Court proceeded to conclude the appointment of a Trustee to that office appointed William A. Davis who thereupon took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the State of Tennessee the oath against Duelling and the Oath of Office. The Court proceeded to conclude the appointment of Constable and to that office appointed William Bettis and William Dean. ' The Court then adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o’clock. Will Irvine, Chairman Jacob Tipton M. B. Winchester A. B. Carr Thos. D. Carr (P.5) May Term l82O cont'd May 3rd. Wednesday morning May 3, l820, Court met according to adjournment Present the worshipful William Irvine Esquires Jacob Tipton Justices M. B. Winchester j A. B. Carr Thos. D. Carr The Court proceeded to confirm the appointment of Alexander Ferguson HS Hanger of this County, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that he is naturalized citizen whereupon he took the Oath to support the Constitution of thc United States the oath to support the Constitution of the State of Tennessee the ceth against Duelling and the oath of office. . » A (P.5 Cont'd.) Willimn Dean and William Bettis heretofore appointed ` Constables csme into open court and took severally the oath to support the Constitution of the United States the oath to support the Constitution ` A of the State of Tennessee, the oath against Duelling & the oath of Office. A John Montgomery & John P. Perkins Esqrs. produced their licenses as _ practicing Attornies and having taken the oath required by Law are there— J fore admitted to practice in this court. John P. Perkins took the oath required by Law as solicitory of this Court. William Lawrence came into open court and entered into Bond for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office as Clerk of this Court to the Govenor and his successor in office with Anderson B, Carr & Marcus B. Winchester his securities therein in the sum of five thousand dollars. if (P.é) Samuel R. Brown came into open Courts end entered into Bond agreeable to Law in the sum of five thousand dollars for the faithful dis— charge of the duties of his office as Sheriff of this County with William ` Lawrence & James Stewart his Securities therein. Gideon Carr came into open Court end entered into Bond agreeable to Law for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office as Coroner of this County in the sum of five thousand dollars with Anderson B. Carr and William Irvin his Securities therein. · Thomas Taylor came into open Court and entered into Bond agreeably to Law for the faithful discharge of thc duties of his office as Register of this County in the sum.of five thousand dollars with Jacob Tipton & William Irvin his securities therein. Willium A. Davis came into open Court and entered into Bond for in the sum of Two thousand dollprs agreeably to law fo the faithful discharge of the duties of his office as Trustee of this County with Thomas D. Carr and Samuel R. Brown his Securities therein. Alexander Ferguson came into open Court and entered into Bond for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office ss Hanger of this County in _ the sum of five hundred dollers agreenbly to Law with William A. Devis, William D. Ferguson & Patrick Meagher his securities therein. (P.?) William Bettis came into open Court and entered into Bond in the sum of five hundred dollars agreeable to Law for the faithful dis- charge of the duties of his office as a Constable of this County with Gideon Carr & Anderson B. Carr his securities therein. William Dean came into Court & entered into Bond in the sum of five hundred dollars agreeable to Law for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office as a constable of this County with William Irvin & Joshua Fletcher his securities therein, 5 _ (R,7 Cont'd.) Ordered by the Court that Joseph James be allowed to keep . an ordinary or house of entertainment in the Town of Memphis upon condition y of his prdfnfing licenses, entering into Bond & agreeable to Law ordered » by the Court that Patrick Meagher be allowed to keep an ordinary or house of public entertainment in the Town of Memphis upon his entering into Bond & according to Law. y A title Bond, Peggy Grace to T. D. Carr for a lot No. L3, in the town of Memphis, was proven in open Court by the oath of A. B. Carr one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registra- v tion. A Title Bond, George Allen to William Lawrence, for an occupancy was proven in open court by the oath of A. B. Carr one of the subscribing _ Witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration. A Title Bond Drury Bettis & Jno. Gibbs to Wm. Lawrence for an occupancy was proven in open court by the oath of A. B. Carr one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration. (P.8) A Title Bond, Robt. Mc Allister to Wm. Lawrence for an occu- pancy·was proven in open court by the oath of Wm. A. Davis & A. B. Carr two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for A Registration. _ Ordered by the court that the following persons to wit: Thomas H. Persons, Joshua Fletcher, John C. McLemore, Marcus B. Winchester, Charles Holeman & William Irvine or any five of them be appointed a Jury of Review to mark out the best and nearest route for a road from the Town of Memphis to the county line in a direction to Taylor*s Mill settlement on Forked Deer and nnke report thereof to the next term of this court. Ordered by the Court that William Irvine be authorized to keep a Public Ferry for the purpose of conveying persons & property across the Mississippi River at the public warehouse, otherwise called Irvine Land- ing, he having entered into Bond in the sum of two thousand dollars agree- ably to Law for keeping the banks in proper order, with suitable boats, and giving due attendance with Joshua Fletcher and Gideon and Carr his security for the performance thereof and that he allowed to demand & receive the rates following to wit: For each man & horse one dollnr—-----~-——~---- —-—— ~ ———--- is l.00 each loose or led horse mule or jack 50 cts —-—————-—- .50 each head of cattle under five fifty cents --—--—-——-~ .50 ‘ » each head of cattle if over that number twenty five Ct. .25 each head of hogs or sheep if under five 25 cts, ---—- .25 each foot passenger twenty five cents- ——-———-——-———- .25 each four wheel carriage & drivers of four horses or under if empty three dollars ---—--—-—-—--———-—-—— ——— 3.00 the same if loaded five dolL;rs—--- —--———— - —————————— 5.00 each horse in a team over four twenty five cents—~—-- .25 each two wheel carriage & driver & two horses, l.50-— l.5O tho same if loaded ---——- ~ ------————----—————————— ~——— 2.50 6 (B.9) Ordered by the Court that the following rates be adopted for the y regulation of ordinnries or houses of public entertainment to wit: ' Boarding per week two dollars & fifty cents { Boarding end Lodging per week three dollars & fifty cents each Diet thirty seven end one half cents Lodging per night twelve & an half cents Lmghgymrnbmttm£w2&anhMfcmms ” Borrding per dry less than week one dollar Keeping horse per week two dollers fifty cents Keeping horse per day with corn & fodder or oats 25 cents ditto per feed with corn only twelve & and half cents ‘ Whiskey per half pt. twelve and one half cents French Brandy or Gin twenty five cents per half pint Apple or Peach Brrndy Eighteen & three fourth cents ditto Jamncai Spirits twenty five cents per ditto Ordered by the Court that the following persons be summoned s venire to attend here nt the next Term of this Court to wit: John W. Padem John M. Riddle Daniel Hirkleroed Robert McAllister John Bettis Roberts Patrick Meaghcr lhmmhrcy Williams ‘ Thomas H. Person William Thompson Persons Joab Been Persons John Grace Charles Holeman Robert Quimby Joshum Fletcher Tylmen Bettis Russell Bean Drury Bettis Gideon Carr Palmer Jacob T. Swaford George Allen Joseph James Butler Ashford (P.lO) Benjamin Willis Esqr. came into open Court and tendered his resig— nation as a Justice of the peace for this county which wes sccepted. Ordered by the Court that Thonns Cerr Esqr. be appointed to take a list of taxable property for this county and make return thereof to next Court. Court. Ordered that the court be edjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow ' morning. Will Irvine, Chtirman A. B. Corr · Thos. D. Curr (P·ll) Huy Term Thursday nth May, 1820 Court met according to adjournment present the worshipful Wm. Irvine Esquire A. B. Carr T. D. Cerr Justices I 7 (P,ll Cont'd.) A Bill of Sale Joeb Been to Wm. Irvine for a negroe boy slnve was proven in open court by the oath of Overton W. Carr a sub— - scribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified fo Registration. A Title Bond from Benjamin Ferguson to hmm Irvine for two occupencies wes proven in open court by the osth of Overton W. Carr one of the sub— scribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registration, A Deed of conveyance from Jno. P. Smith to Wm. Irvine for a certain parcel or trect of lend therein described wes proven in open court by the oath of Joshua Fletcher and John Fletcher two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be certified for Registrotion. Present M. B. Winchester Esqr. Ordered by the court that Jacob T. Swerford be allowed to keep en ordinary or house of Public Entertainment at his now dwelling house in this county he having given bond in the sum of twelve hundred & fifty dollars with Joshua Fletcher his security & qualified according to lew. Ordered by the court thut us Patrick Meegher failed to produce to the Court sufficient security to procure n license to keep an ordinary. The order of the 3rd dey of this term is hereby rescinded. P.l2 Ordered thst Joseoh James be allowed to kee un ordinar or house . _ _P of public entertainment et his new dwelling house he having given Bond in the sum of twelve hundred end fift dollars with Alexander Fercuson end y - »D William A. Davis his securities and qualified according to lew. Court then adjourned until the next term in course. Will Irvine Chairmen A Thomas D. Carr M. B. Winchester (P.l3) blank (P.lL) Records of Shelby County Court Monday lst day of August Term l82O cont*d, ’ A Court met Present the worshipful William Irvine end Marcus B. Winchester Esquires Justices. For wont of a quorum they order that court be adjourned until tomorrow morning lO o’clock. Will Irvine Chairmen ‘ M. B. Winchester (1215) sim-; (P.lé) Records of the County Court of Shelby County 2nd dey of August Term IBEO 8 li (P.l6 Cont'd.) Court met Tuesday morning Court met according to ad- [‘ journment present the Worshipful William Irvine, Thos. D. Carr & Marcus I l B. Winchester Esqrs. Justices. . Depty Sheriffs Qualified William A. Davis personally appeared in court & the court having examined his appointment & ordered the oath of V office to be administered to him, which was done, l I Grand Jury Empanneled The following persons were brought into court elected sworn and empanneled as a Grand Jury for the present term— vis Thos. H. Persons, Foreman Willie Roberts John Grace, John W. Oadham, Jacob T. Swaford Drury Bettes, Patrick Meagher, Thos. Palmer Humphrey William, J. M. Riddle, Joshua Fletcher, Joseph Janes & Robert Quimby who being solemnly sworn, charged etc. retired etc. Daniel Harkleroad, Robt. McAllister, Wm. Thompson, Joab Bean & Tilman Bettis Gentlemen named in the venire facias but not elected etc. as Grand Jurors were dismissed until tomorrow morn- ing lO o'clock. John Bettis, Benja. Persons, Will Persons, Charles Holeman, Russell Bean, George Allen and Butler Ashford Gentlemen named in the venire · facias and summoned to appear here this day, were solemnly called and came not; but there several excuses having been heard & deemed sufficient. It's therefore considered by the court that they be dismissed and released from their recognizances, Court Adjourn Court adjourns until tomorrow morning lO o*clock. Will Irvine, Chairman Thos. D. Carr M. B. Winchester · (P.l7) Minutes of the Records & proceeding of the County Court of Shelby County for August Term l82O Wednesday 3 day of the term. V _ Court Met Wednesday morning Zrd day of August term l82O Court met according to adjournment. Present the Worshipful William Irvine, Thos. D. Carr & Marcus B. Winchester, Esqr. Justices. Return of Report of Road Comms. The Report of the Commissioners nominated and appointed at the last term of the sd county court; to ex- aminc find out and mark the nearest and best way for a public road to the East boundary of the County of Shelby was produced in open court and 4 ordered to bo filed. Patrole appointed Same court present, when they nominate, appoint .· Bhd authorize Russell Bean, William Dean, John N. Riddle, Joeb Bean, John W. Oadham ard John Mazles to patrols, etc. through the county of gf? . 9 ‘ i (P,l7 Cont'd.) Shelby under the same rules and regulations that are € usually observed by patrols companies in this state for the space of J three months ordered that they be notified thereof by the clerk. j Taxes laid for l82O Same Court present when the County taxes for i the year 1820 are laid as follows, to wit; County tax on each hundred acres of land l8 3/A cents, on each black p¢ZZ/ town lot 37 l/2 cents. On each white poll l2 l/2 cents, on each black poll 25 cents. On each Stud horse or jack kept for mares the price of the season ef ana mare. V On each wholesale and retail store and on each pcdlar or hawker the sum of five dollars. And the court also lay tie jury & poor taxes the same. on each article as the county tax; except wholesale and retail stores, and pedlars or hawkers and stud Horses and jacks which are not taxed to the jury or poor and it is ordered that the sheriff collect the same when he collects thc State tax. (P.l8) The sane court present when the Grand Jury came into court and handed in their Bills of Indictment. Grand Jury came into Court, _ No. l State ' No. 2 State ' Indictment vs ' Indictment vs ' retailing Henry Gibson ' A, B.- Patrick Megher' spirits, ax No. 3 State ' Indictment, A. B. vs ' · Patrick Megher * the Grand Jury then retired. ' N0. 2 $;5,A;£¢ J vs_ Z;¤i¢¥M~’% féizixilixié Ii¢fvf¢r‘ ¢%¢X F‘¢<%fi¢K Méénéf Judge & Final Senterlce me Aéfénsiarif lézézfrté ¢%JfZ¢¢i 2% his FW 2$X¢¢i¢Y¢’ éyiilaérl AM ¢yik6¢€i% 2656 ZM ¢nf¢f¢¢ MA Méfw yi? 14%% wifi! 1/frfyfi/¢f¢$v’»é if ii ¢¢M%ivf%:’¢¢i Jézf MM Me'! ri¢%»é 1%%% 75%% ¤»éi‘¢%/ bf fivfazi ZM AM M M! #1% Mi fyif 1/M M4 xii Mé zéiaiséi aw 16%% 1%%% ¢¢#¢ in Mia kiévfaflf ¢;€z5éM¢¢/ No. l State vs Indictment Henry Gibson A. B. Daniel Harkleroad, Robert Mc Allister, Wm. Thompson, Joab Bean, ~ Tilman Bettis, Enos Wade, Wm. Bettis, hmm Ferguson, Gideon Carr, Wm. West, Arnold Kelley & Benjamin Willis being returned and sworn as the Jury in this case and the defdt. being called to the bar, pleads not guilty; and it appearing to the court that the defendant lack material evidence which he may procure tomorrow; It is therefore ordered by the court that the _ trial be put off till tomorrow morning and that the jury be dismissed till 9 o'clock tomorrow, the defedt. being left in the custody of the sheriff. No. 2 State vs Indictment Retailing etc Patrick Megher p lO r .· g (P,I8 Cont'd) Judgt. and final sentence The defedt. being called to * . T the bar, pleads guilty, and submits to the grace and mercy of the court \ wherefore it is ¢pn considered by the court here that the defedt. be . fined the sum of one dollar for the use of the state; and pay the costs in this behalf expended. "e (P.l9) N0. 3 State ‘ vs Indict A. B. Patrick Megher ¥' `I Continued by consent of parties untill tomorrow. Court adjourns ' - till tomorrow morning 9 o'cIock. ` Will Irvine, Chairman Thos. D. Carr __ j M. B. Winchester (P.20) Minutes of the Record and Proceedings of County Court Shelby County for August Term l82O Thursday nth day of sd term. Thursday morning nth day of August term l82O Court met according to adjournment present the worshipful Wm. Irvine, Thos. D. Carr & M. B. . Winchester, Esq. Justices, Deposition to be taken issued. Same court present when it is ordered that a commission issue to M. B. Winchester Esqr. to take the deposition of Enos Wade & Arnold Kelly in a certain matter of controversy between Thomas Woodward & Patrick Uegher and that the defedt. give ten days notice thereof.· N0. l State vs Indictment A. B. Henry Gibson _· Final Sentence Pursuant to yesterday’s order of court; the court U proceeds now to the trial and the evidence both for the state and the defendant being heard; the jury upon retirement find guilt in manner and form as charged in the bill of indictment. Therefore it is considered by I the court here that the dcfedt. be fined one dollar for the use of the state and costs in this behalf expended etc,. ‘ Petit Jury Ordered by the court that Whn Bettis and Benja Willis be released from further attendance on the last empanneled petit jury and : ~ that Denial Herkleroad, Robt. Mc Allister, Dmn Thompson, Joab Bean, Tilman » Bettis, Enos Wade, Wm. D. Ferguson, Gideon Carr, Wm. West, Arnold Kelly, Henry N. Whitman and John Ferrell be empanneled & sworn a petit jury for the present term. , Q_ Courthouse Comm. for Ct. House Ordered by the court, that Thos. D. Carr, Esqr. be authorized and empowered to contract with same workman to build and erect u temporary log Court House, Jury room and jail on Market Square in the town of Memphis & hereby appropriate $l75. for erecting and building the sane. T3; A t ll · . i (P.2O Cont'd.) Grand Jury Disudssed Same court present when the grand . J jury came into court & having dispatched all business were finally dis- - · missed. f < t (P,2l) Ordered that Patrick Megher have license to keep an ordinary at his now dwelling house in this county on condition of his giving bond & . security etc. as required by law. Ordinary P. Megher. P. Jury Dismissed Ordered by the court that the petit jury em- panneled etc. for the present term be finally dismissed. Cxurt adjourns till tomorrow morning 9 o'clock. M. B. Winchester Friday 5th day of August Term Court met according to adjournment pre- - sent M. B. Tinchester Esqr. Justice Court adjourns for went of a quorum ~ till tomorrow morning 9 o'clock. M. B. Winchester J (9.22) Records of Shelby County Court August Term 1820, Court Met. Saturday oth day of the term court met according to adjournment, present Willm. Irvine, Thos. B. Carr and M. B. Winchester, Esqrs. Justices ‘ No. A State vs Indict. Thos. Patterson Final Sentence of the Court. The court this day took into consider- ation the present mt heretofore exhibited by the Grand Jury etc. and not withstanding the Grand Jury found not a True Bill the court still consider ‘ that the Defcdt. pay the costs in this behalf expended etc. No. l A. B, Carr, Assignee etc. vs Attacht. Michael Byrd Debt, Judge. entered, etc. This day comes the plaintiff by his att. and j - the defdt. not appearing tho solemnly called; therefore on motion of the plaintiff it is considered by the court that judgt. final by defau