xt7nzs2k9h2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k9h2d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1972 1972 1972-10-12 2020 true xt7nzs2k9h2d section xt7nzs2k9h2d l<€l II UCky Vol. LXIV No. 31 an independent student newspaper
_ K Thursday, October 12, 1972 University of Kentucky
Twelve pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506
Offshoot of Free Un iverSIty
UK student group plans 'free high school'
By FRANK YARBROUGH Lexington’s free high school may be Will change to meet the "GEdS 0f the the student. The instructor's purpose is
' Kernel Staff Writer structured similar to another free high students. It could even change daily." mainly to guide the student in the right
school, New Morning School in Cincinnati. ‘ . direction. Schramm said.
Most people associate the word free with Forced learning doesn't work Last year Free School Community had
getting something and 110‘ paying for it- I“ New Morning SChOOl has 905tudents, six Th b ~ ‘d beh' d f h‘ h h l . problems getting organized and working.
at least one case this is not entirely true. instructors, and 200 volunteer workers. e as'“ ea m ree lg 5° 0° ’5 At a meeting last night. Larry Schramm
Their classroom is the city of Cincinnati. to allow the “It‘d?“ to. StUdy ‘what he said, ”What we mostly did last year was
ASYOUP 0f UKstudents are attempting to The University of Cincinnati supports New wants. Howe said‘ A Chlld won t learn If sit around and talk about what we were —
establish a free high school in Lexington. Mom" . he s forced to Forced knowledge Just . .. . ..
. g SChOOl by letting them use . - u - , gomg to do. He also said What we need
According to Sally Howe,preSIdent 0‘ Free classrooms and laboratories doesn t make it. The primary Irespon- now is manpower.
School Community. a campus ' Sibility for getting the work done lies With
or anization, “it is free in the sense that _ y _ .
of free to do arises2.22:3.salami: . .
gliéfeépglg :1: )[I‘i‘ngftZSSf’sgtlliztgfs they standards. If for some reason it can not be co I I e g e s o p p o s e ' a W s u I f ..
accredited, then it will not be formed. '
Last car was the first for Free School .
Commubhity at UK. When it became an SChoo' w'thout walls By MIKE WINES tuition fees now charged most
‘ official cam us or anization, its two main - - - Editor-in-Chief “out-Ol-Stale StUdehtS-H '
objectives wire togupport Innisfree,a free scllihlgfixiethlhi’t] 8:21:21 theesizenxsillh bfh: Kentucky's state 00119895 and And at yesterday‘s Council'on
elementary school at 424 W. Third and to ' universities united yesterday to Public Higher Education meeting
, . . . . students are free to choose what they want . h' h could t th ew Ca itol Plaza com-
begin organizing a free hlgh school. to study. The students will meet with a oppose a lawsuit .w lc . a e n p . - .
. overturn the institutions fee plex, college and universny
Offshoot of Free University faculty member to outline what courses policies for out-of-state students. presidents agreed to back
Innisfree, the elementary school is they want to take for the year. The lawsuit, filed by a Ken- Kentucky State's fight against
operating this year. Innisfree has between _ . tucky State College senior the sun with whatever legal
22 and 27 students, ranging from five to 13 Students Wishing to go on to college will against the college 5 president methods are available.
years old. take regular high school courses, science, and board'of regents, contends Eastern Kentucky University
math, English, etc. Those who do not will the ihShtUUOh’§ requirements {9" president Dr. Robert Martin
Larry Schramm, last year’s president of be able to take what most appeals to them, state “reSidenCY" are In asked the Council to work “with
Free School Community, said Innisfree depending upon available facilities. violation of the Fourteenth the commissioner of finance and
was an offshoot of UK‘s Free University. Amendment of the US. Con- the governor. and hire the best
So far Innisfree appears to be doing well, Schramm said that even though the stitution counsel possible to prepare a
and students have not had any problem school may originally start out structured If the suit were upheld, state brief" on the residency case.
going into public school, he said. after New Morning School, “the structure institutions could be forced to Martin was backed by UK
forego nearly $7 million in higher president Dr. Otis A. Singletary, '
Continued on Page 8. (‘ol. 4
, j r‘ :4 . t"; May lose old ones _
.1 . . .
\\ rat‘s " 3...: d' 1 ° b
_\ _ it. Sta mm to ge new neig or, -
ti ' ' ’ i' ‘ "' ,. "
‘ ‘ i _ . S?“ «is? {4 By CAROLYN (‘ROPPER The property where the Burgcr (‘hcf is being bUIlt
\ ‘. ”MW . AND was bought earlier this year by LcXIngton~ ,
pADDO-CK . ‘ .. ‘ . t A . RON .\llT('llf-Zl,l, Frankfort Foods Irom Michael l)cBoor and (‘harlcv -
Cl.” ‘ ‘ . ‘ : A 3; I Kernel Stall “Titers BilUSCll lill‘ $173.00”, _
y." . , ., . 9522?”; I; -. .‘t‘ a V‘ 1,; UK is about to get another restaurant. with the A clause in the (Iced on the land whcrc thc ,
‘72? t , ‘: T - _ ‘ COhSlTUCUOh 0f 8 Burger Chef on Ellt‘lld Avenue restaurant will stand prohibit .\ the budding: (ll any
. f: ' . A I across from Sloll Held and 4”” air 0f indecision similar busmcsscs on any .‘idiaccnt land ’
.:__"_ .- 7: 339‘?“ g c '. _ 3:; J E l .} hangs over the businesses located on the corner of ,. . . ,
f, ”5 7 ~.: ' ‘ " “Chm" “ I, ,., “if ’55? . Rose Street and Euclid Avenue [he restriction applies mainly to the land at lllt’
RESTAURANT ”Maw-w -~ g, A“ The carryout hamburger stand W,” be built on corner of Rosc Strcct and l‘.ut‘lld :\\cnuc \\lll('ll l.\
M ”we “(I the site of the old DcBoor—chington laundry which "““Wl “It ““3”” find ltitll-‘t‘h
.. 1m? W ’ ’ ; . if was demolished carlier this year. _
on; .,_ “W , Accorrding to Dave Edwards. Burger (‘hcl' , lncludcd 1‘” that land ‘5 ”I" 7 l” 7 Mitrkf‘l. 'l‘ht‘
”it; 3,, ate " . N _ central zone manager. the new facility will be l “ddm'k‘ ( lub. lIi-i-N‘UUX Liquor Dispensary.
is, w“ ‘_ completed by Dec. I. Perry Brothers (‘onstruction Student Services Store. and thc l)cltoorrl,cxmgton ,
i R (‘o. of Indianapolis. Indiana is the contractor. 1“”"ldr~V 7
The future of the Paddock Club. Deveraux Liquor Th" restaurant franchise has been granted ‘0 Shopping cciiter rumored
l)ispensary,Studcnt Services Store and the l)eBoor~ “'th p930” and (‘ampus Foods. an itmllitl“ “l ,. , _
Lexington Laundry may be in question due to the LOUlSVlllt‘ Foods Systpm‘ lnc. and [‘(lengton lhc future of the bUIldings on the corner rciiiitins
construction of a Burger (‘hef on the corner of Rose Frankfort Foods of lndianpolis. uncertain \yith rumors that the land Is gotng to be
Street and Euclid Avenue. (Kernel photo by Jim Th9 ”"99 companies Wt” “55“"? ownership and ”HMO ”"0 " ”WWW“! ccnto-r ("1d other reports that
Ross.) management of the new business. It '5 UP 1‘" Sill“ (‘nntinucd on Page 5. (‘01. l '
. d . As you look into the darkening
InSIde the Kernel To ay . an... m. a... g... .0
know there‘s only a 50 percent
The story of an escaped Russian cop turned ’ k chance of rain today" And better (
Christian appears on page seven today. The a e yct, there‘s only a 20 percent
Cincinnati Reds won the National League chance of rain tonight. Tem-
baseball pennant Wednesday. and the details are an u m bre I'a peratures m“ be m the upper 70‘s
on page nine. And Ralph Nader questions Chief today_ decreasing to the low 50‘s
Justice Warren Burger‘s alleged repression of tonight (‘heer up. the forecast for
consumer legislation on page three. Friday is cooler and clearing.

 ' The («Momma '89.: Assistant Manaqmq Editor Kam- M
To further demonstrate his ignorance on this about the Gay Liberation Front merry-go-round. fife; 4mm
topic, Scholl flatly states, “Practicing He sees great danger m Permltt‘f‘g theugroup on / ‘ 2CD
homosexuality is illegal in Kentucky." campus 55““ seems to believe . Ca“??? p I A
What is illegal in Kentucky is practicing prosxtitutes and Bike Thieves Liberation /\ o , 0 @‘ , ,
“sodomy." (Kentucky Revised Statutes 436.050). might follow. f“ 72 ’ A
Since homosexuality is defined as “sexual desire UK A f ' ' ' - —— " ' '
for those of the same sex,” as well as ”sexual 9°" S m _
relations with those of the same," Scholl is 1 don't know that the progression is logical.
clearly choosing the definition that best suits his Hall's office has recognized UK Young ,
denigrating purposes. Republicans. A reasonable progression in that TUESDAY 8. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 25 . '
it is not illegal to practice or display sexual case might be UK Buggers (in the eavesdropping Voting for H CO
desires for a person 0‘ the same 59" except if sense) for Nixon-Nunn and, based on a recent _
those practices or desires culminate in a for- “Washington Post” article, UK Agents Voting m all cafeterias 11am»? p.m. . ~
hidden act. Provacateurs for the Re-election of the , ,, ' ‘ .
But to grant Scholl his choice of definitions for President, Student Center 10 a.m.-7p.m, (lassroom Bldg ‘0'4‘30 pm.
the moment, again he displays his ignorance of While Scholl might argue that UK Agents ‘ THURSDAY OCTOBER 26, 8:00 P.M.
the law. Provacateurs is not such a bad idea, many would ’ _
Those acts that are forbidden by Kentucky law disagree. But does that mean Hall sh0uld have Pep Rally..,Bon Pure
have been explicitly defined in Kentucky House shut the door on the Young Republicans? 5 Homecoming Queen finalists presented
Bill 197, passed by the 1972 General Assembly I'll be looking forward to your next column. Coach Ray to Speak...
and constituting a new Penal COde- T0m~ Location Field in back of Seaton Center 8. ,
ff. t I I h I Complex Tennis Courts .
Law 0 lcers ge ego e p FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 8:00 P.M.
Kentucky police, judges, sheriffs, and Three law students working on a part Homecoming ReVUe
attorneys are receiving help from a small time basis with two additional directors Mini-Concert with Josh White Jr.
office in the Law Library. The office staff the operation. They supply Casino Party -
serves as the base of the newly created photocopies of cases, recent Supreme Mystic Array .
Kentucky Criminal Law Information Court decisions, loan books. and answer Movie- Liberation of LB. Jones
Service. legal inquiries. This makes a convenient . ‘
The service, an idea of project director supplement for the lawyers and judges in Locallon i SlUdenl Center _
Paul Willi<, has received 337 telephoned an area withasmalllawIibrary,they said. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23
requests for answers to legal problems 3:45 AM. Homecoming Parade
since it was formed April 17. The calls The Kentucky Crime (‘ommission funds 1,30 P M Wildcats vs Georgia Bulldogs
sometimes contain three or four separate the service. which is available only to ' ' ' . ‘
legal questions, which may require 15 Kentucky attorneys and law enforcement 8300 RA," Templal'ons 8‘ Supremes Concert
minutes to one and a half days to research. agencies. Locallon 3 Memorial COI'SGUm

 t~—'l‘lll€ KI‘INTL'FKY KERNI‘IL Thursday. October l‘.’. INT:
----------------- 0
- ~ ' ned
I |Quahfications determ1
I ““ '2‘ I -
‘5” ' k d f
I u .~ $5234 IChild center see 5 mac or
I 4"? m .11.- u: | .
I. e 775‘ M“ ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' care services including fuellity. staffing. supervision and
l 54', a“ he? I .32.:11'f..;‘.'.:;z?.‘;‘.".‘... c... .e.....- ....... W... .. .
I Q \ i ‘ I piahs for 3;.th care program ment. administration of child "the” may follow
I x 3 .33 I at UK have come a long way care programs and staff Ray said the center at UK will
I m since last fall and are now to the SUPE’TVLSLO" and training, '5 be able to offer care to ap-
3: I point of hiring a director for the required. proximately 125 children. A
I I center. expected to open in the Position open survey last year indicated over
. , a v . fall of 1973. . 800 children are in need of child
I “RIPE” \OUR OWN AD‘ (“LIP I A child care Advisory Com» Nancy Ray,chairwom‘an 0‘ the care within the University
I ,I‘HIS COUPON AND MAIL TO: I mittee was appointed by Otis search-commuter. saild these community.
Singletary. president of the education cre entias are . .
I The KenLUCky Kernel I Universit in the fall of 1971. necessary for effective ad- Ray said the center Will be
I . . . I This coinmittee has been ministration of the facility and designed to provide a “good
rule UniverSIty 0f KentUCky stud in facilities needs staf- “willgive manuveruring space to experience for children, service
I Room 113, Journalism Bld . . y g . ' .' I - the director." in dealing with UK for the parents and be priced so
fing and funding for a UniverSIty _
I Lexington, Kentucky 40506 I center The center will be personnel. that. people” who need It can
I I available to the children of The job requires the person to partiCIpate.
Local Rate (Up to 12 words) faculty. staff and students. have experience in teaching or Looking for funds
I ‘, I In Aug. 1972. a Search Com- directing child care programs,
I LEE). MIKE M I mittee was activated and and evidence of personal in- The committee has examined
I $160 $500 $350 I charged With filling the POSWO“ volvement and concern in this federal,state and private sources
f director for the center. area. of funding. Ray said it is possible
Ex r w 12—12 nt 1‘ ° . .
I . tda orgs 0V2; t C: 5 pt; I The committee has determined The position is open to both the center will only be available
I “or per. .ay. oun eac WOI‘ . the minimum requirements for men and women and already the to low-income families at first. In
sets 0f lnltlals, addresses and I those seeking this position. The committee has several ap- that case federal funds can be
I telephone numbers when figuring I minimum of a Master’s Degree'in plications on file. The expected obtained.
I COSt.) I an area closely related to Child starting date is Nov. 1, depending However. if no funds are
, _ . on the availability of the can- available the center may only be
I COPY Deadlme—MUSt be recewed at I CORRECTION didate. open to higheincome families who
I The Kentucky Kernel by noon, one I The Rev. Moultrie Between November and next WI“ be able to afford 1L, she said.
day prior to publication McIntosh‘s talks on pen- fall the director will explore The federal government has set
I ' I tecostalism and Orthodoxy funding possibilities. The the minimum child care serv-
I I will be held Oct. 16th. 23rd, director will also work with the cices at 81.2003 year, much more
I and 30th at Canterbury advisory committee to develop than the average family can
I I House, 472 Rose St. criteria for renovation of a afford.
I —— —- —— I mafigeeafeés ..
I M2eegwgzzg... $2 : a a. z ' ‘2 e :
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 THE KENTl'FKY KERNEL Thursday. October l2. I972—5
O 0
New Left sh" alive
Dept. of Theatre Arts _
. . Presents
NAM embraces democrat socml'
IC IS m Th T ,
. . e amin '
By BILL PINKSTUN SOCIalIStS bl" cant idenllly Wit“ said the American people have is only "exchanging Asian lives 9
Kernel Staff Writer other leftist groups. He noted that apparently lost interest in the for American lives.“ Of The Shrew
The New Left is not dead; it‘s NAM differed from other leftist war “They believe President
merely reorganized. The New organizations in one respect. by '1 1 ‘ . _ NAM IS planning an anti—war Oct. ll, l2, l3, 14, IS
American Movement (NAM) has defining “working class people“ Nixon wh‘enyhe says hepls ending demonstration in the near future Gui nol Theatre 1
picked up the battle flag and is as teachers and other white the war. 'Vialls said. Nixon 'Sht in cooperation With other leftist 5:9 A Bld -
moving to the front. collar workers rather than blue really ending the war. he said. he groups- 1 1 g.
NAM is an organization collar workers alone. - Box Office Now Open
committed to democratic Democratic Socialism . \\\(0U PASSPORT 8, I2-4:30 Daily
soc1alism. defined by a national In order to ‘eventually bring - [X E3‘ 12 9-00
coordinator as “a society about “democratic socialism," . . C3“ APPLICATION P f 1 D .—
characterized by ecfmomlci NAM has designed ti program to ' " ’ ‘ " \\ PHOTOS er ormance 3Y5
rac1al, and sexual equality." “move largenumbers of people C“\ Phone: 258-2680
into political opposition to the 0 ‘ 3-54.50
According to David Walls, a corporations and the govern- 5 5
graduate student in sociology, ment,” said Edward Greer. a “V V“ 1 6' 5-50 WW“
and a member of the Lexington national coordinator of the " ‘ q ] 2-57_50 FINANCIAL AID
chapter of NAM, NAM’s purpose movement. This weekend "W 10' 5 o I'm-time lobl. whom-min. Ion- : '
is “to build a mass movement of .. . 2012 Regency Rd- SPENGLER STUDIO 3 UK Student Financial -.
_ . The program deals With three 222 s Limestone ° - - °
blue and white collar working areaS' the economy anti- In Southland ”