Vol. LXIV No. 107 Wednesday, March 7, 1973 Eight pages an independent student newspaper University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 w. “M.“ v r . Stick em up Haring his nostrils and leering menacingly, this pin-headed clay figure asserts his position as part of the ('lay People ceramics exhibit in the Student (“Mar 59”"); (Kernel photo by Sue Ellison) 9“ ' M an.“ a. . Housing contract has new look It) DAN RIll‘IA Day News Editor Every year about this time over 5,000 potential l'K students sign their names to a legal contract with the University. The contract is the rental agreement between the l'iiiversity and people who want to live in a residence hall. This year though. the housing contract is different Major regulations governing a students behavior in the dorm are spelled out in the contract In previous contracts the student agreed only to “abide by all regulations per- taining to the residence halls of the l‘niversity. whether such regulations be now in effect or be later enacted." Dean of students .lack Hall said the changes were put in the new contract to make the dorm rules more specific and clearer to dorm residents. Before this. many of the regulations for the dorms were in the Student ('ode The code has been amended deleting most of the references to the dorms. saying "the rules and regulations for the l'niversity student residences are con» tained or provided for in the written rental agreement between the student and the l‘niyersity ” The infractions listed in the new contract could be cause for removal from the dorm, are: t. l'se, possession, or distribution of narcotics or dangerous drugs. such as marijuana and 1.81), except as expressly permitted by law, 2. The threat or commission of physical violence against any person, 3. Possession or use of firearms, fireworks. or explosive materials, 4. Visiting with a member or members of the’opposite sex in areas, other than the public lounges or any residence hall. except during approved'open houses;or in any area after official closing hours, :3 Tampering with or improper use of fire alarm boxes, it The intentional commission of any act in any residence.hall area which poses a substantial threat to the health or safety of others. and 7. Repeated violations of residence hall rules as promulgated by the office of the Dean of Students. When a person has been accused of committing one of these infractions, his case will go to the newly created Residence Hall Administrative Board. The board which will be appointed by, President ()tis A. Singletary, will review the case as specified under the L'niversity regulations, it will have the sole power to determine if the contract has been violated by 'l certain infraction. and therefore the power to remove a violator from the dorm. The new Student (‘ode provides for the enforcement of additional rules set out by the dean of students. it says violations of (‘ontinued on Page 4. (“0L 4 Tenants' group may disband due to non-support By (ill. ARNOLD Kernel Staff Writer The ['K Tenants‘ Rights Organization. il'KTROi will fold almost immediately unless the organization gets more support from the student body and more students attend tonight‘s meeting. Dee Wade acting» ['KTRU president. said. Student interest and participation began slacking off near the end of last semester. Wade said, now only two or three people remain active in the organization, The organization was formed in spring, 1972. The organization reached about 150-200 students last semester, Wade said, about 70 other students filed complaints against their landlords with UKTRO. “We didn't have enough power to help some of them," Wade said, “but we did manage to help about forty.“ They talked with landlords, filed complaints with the Lexington Building Inspector. had buildings inspected and arranged legal counseling for students whose landlords refused to return deposits. Wade said. “We also worked on a form lease which was fairer and gave more power to tenants Inside: On page 8 read of without being too biased against the establish a tenants' union for collective landlord," he said. The lease has not yet been accepted by any landlords, but several landlords. including an organization of them. have expressed interest. he said. If enough students attend the meeting and are willing to work with the organization, Wade said they hope to bargaining with landlords. “it looks like a union may be the only way to really get anything done about housing problems." Wade said. A tenants' union is an organized group of tenants living in the same building or under the same landlord. “it‘s one alternative we have for working for reform outside of the system," he said. This will be discussed and explained at the meeting. he said. “But unless more than a couple of people show up. the meeting will be the end of any type of campus tenants‘ organization." said Wade The meeting will tonight in room 107 of the Student (‘enter Freeple group plans 'happy day' The “Freeple Happiness (‘onspiracy" will soon be con; verging on Lexington in full strength. “We‘re planning on weeks of bringing about a revolution of peace, freedom, love and happiness which will totally metamorphose the University community." said Steve Dunifer, coordinator of the effort. (in April 22, the “conspiracy" eight the continuing Ri his POpUlal‘ity of militarism via ROTC. Page 5 g has a commentary on dominance of U(‘LA in the NCAA. And on page 2 our lead editorial heralds some of the small gains in personal rights UK students have made. and ROTC the absolute will hold a “Happy Day." “to celebrate the cosmic affinity between all living organisms," said Dunifer “Most people fail to recognize its existence,“ he added. The tx‘lebration will begin at 1 pm behind Memorial Hall. A parade and street dance will wind its way through the University community. culminating in a tolkrock concert behind Memorial Hall. According to Outside: Thunder The through Thursday with temperatures in “under . the group has obtained a parade permit for the event. A meeting will be held next Monday at 7 pm. in Room 120 of the Student (‘enter for anyone interested in contributing to the Happy Days success. Dunifer said that so far it will consist of “a blend of Ken Kessey. Zen Buddism, and a bit of cosmic jujitsu thrown in for good measure," forecast calls for mild weather the high 60's falling to the 40‘s at night. ‘ and sun There's a 70 percent chance of rain today. a 20 percent termittcnt sunny skies through the day. Enjoy chance tonight and in— the pre-spring while you can, because it won't last much longer.