xt7nzs2k9j92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k9j92/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 1986 1986 1986-11-26 2020 true xt7nzs2k9j92 section xt7nzs2k9j92 . _ . . I
’V l | Vol. XCI, No. 66 Established l894 Unwefsuy of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Independent since l97l Wednesday. November 26. 1986 E
26 o o ’ o o
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l . , It) \lltll\lzl.l'l r/ii -iz. i; . .» .Wuamt llmn» ,. w a . . _, . - , -. '.3 ', 3.1
. ’ .\\\‘>t'ltili'lll'l‘l‘\\ lij 'lm presto-1' 'ttw :it' n ;:' t.'ll M 7w“. ' ' ., 3.': . ‘. ,3",
z ¢ .3“ \tftt;:t.t~'t.t’i~f. " \gw tr. :1. "'. lltii'f ' : i' ,. ‘. ~e . ' '1 ,' '33.‘.. '.-333
. j; eI . \\.\.\3lll\l-3l3ll\ l‘tt-sitli-tit lieu tunixtioi. 'zie‘, it. 3.'“: it: -., ,; Mir: 1 i ‘,‘ 1' * 1mg: 't g I ,; '11:?“ '
. ’. ‘ L1\‘t.'l\ litiltiilltil \t‘t'lll *l‘, tilt‘. he! 't‘ my \l.;y"y;e if t , :v; ',.- '\. ,~ '7, ': It"'l' ' ' "i \. " . ‘ 5.13
' ~ ~——-—‘* WW ”'I , —--—- ”*M‘“- , II, ,. . sigzitvl u sttz‘t‘m}. uzz-l .. let-j. “:”‘l3.t it“ .\.t‘ lilt't} v -' .i .; ,. t ".utll. . ' l‘w; I“3t" - '-: , - ‘J- -' I.," , a, - ~ 3'5
' " ' " ' ‘ ' ’ 3 3 '3 ’ 3 ‘ ' 3 the “ho lldlltlll'tl st‘t‘t‘t'i .it'ms stilex 14.... on; W. » m. _ v, ,t y“, g“; 'w.’ -. ,, ,.. ,~ r 4 . "3, '. :5’332’33
. 'o [tail '.\.l~ t.ri-ti .zs ilit- .itliziiiiis'ru ‘l-'l"‘»"l»3 Ht. ; .. w ' - ,. x. \. . _ 1’ 5:15;" .. '.
. - . ' tron ilist-lnsert thut up ‘o $31! tiiilltot. lit-.ium I 1 ,. ‘II. .1?» , \ Lyt .» ..H;I, , . ., .1 . .‘IvIl .3-- ’.
. Hi the (none) the llitll;.tllI\ punt tor (.m I, Av”. ., ”I r , -.I,. 5.,“ ; .. J'.:”I ’t rt. a m : .. t . }' .j ”(333.3
I, l' .\ til‘llh ‘.\ii~ tlixe-t'ted to l 5 h.- \..,i.t.y,,t set .1: ‘. t “.1.“ . v.“ '.'..13 'r _- .4 .iw ' m .'n‘ ’,' '. . 5";3 3.
. '3 I’llllkl'd\“3‘3‘13‘1L3m‘”l3l'33°3l\ .~ he. i; 'ltlt” ’1": ‘fn‘ »;~'Et;' ‘t .1111 r .'-. \l't” " ‘ -' _ 3 ' 3.:31'3, 3'
.- ’. ' l - ‘. . '
, { [{Qiledl: iiulit‘llit‘lt'>\. \'Itll‘.lll_lt‘ll l" t..is twigm Hill: ilfl'i3 ‘ :. :1n". 3.'l(‘ 3"3} 4"3": 1‘ ' :3 " K" -'-’.I_ -
I ' ' . Q rlefi'ntl his ltnmuti polie} \\llllt‘ .i-t \tgitt' tie;x,r"“t-n' Fir -‘» inpt'mitjttns lli" "m ‘-":"t' ""t "r . " .3 .‘I -.
‘ fiat»; ' I tllllllllLl tli.it one t‘lt'ttlt‘tll of tts t'. _,;g '1. f. - .. ju;~3‘jj.-'j.' .\1.. \"'3l ‘v 1"“ ' . , , ‘ n-i'
”:2? a. '. ».t t t , . , . v‘ I s’ti li.‘ , ’ . , 3. .i'.3"3 ' 3
f.‘ {v I, pitiiitiiutioii .\.is \tl.‘vn\I~ ..:.i.tu .. .t‘vail‘ .. it i,t-,-. in 4 t . ,,. . :..
~ A '3? .33“. I; '3 7- tltmell ut.(l that lie .‘.il\ not Keir 'i‘lflt". i Imitum; w. :t'i‘fifi, m- dloh' . _ ‘ ' . " - gs” .' "7"
‘ *_ 'l.‘ ' ‘ . J . ‘. ' - .' i l" .
. "3 ‘ ’ x '3' ~w lull} informed of his own miles wt tllt‘3llt't' !«-«:r:.:. .:.::.~-» .'t"'l mm. "W- ll‘t’ - -' . ' '3,"“ ‘ ‘2“
. .v§_ , rt ”'2 " ’ l':\lllt‘\ ii "t“l : :u:.:.c '_‘ I.)i'.t'» ‘1 3't‘ “1"“ 3'“ ‘ 3" .st . n_. 3,-
w"_ ._._.._. l 3"; '33:: 3‘ 33' gg‘v. ‘ 7“ " ‘. 3,3;3 ' _‘.l...::-.zf;1{i- \Iivhrrw. (Li-311%.! tinfr w 1’ . ‘ w. mm (m ,. \ ll»v\.,siI I1 AII “:3 r.’33'-‘z33:33.:33.33
" 6».' ,‘r ' v . t ‘ . t . , i' .‘i t. ,' t».,~' \ - ',v .‘ \i':'t‘:t 'iri "" ‘ -‘ 3, '- 3 " 3.".
J“ or . . 9.. ’1, . l‘.tl\\lll \leese lt‘\t‘(tlt‘ll lli.i' 'lie 1 ts m" "it - -' ~ ~’ ‘ » . ~ ‘ ' r .. -. g’ ,- .
.— 9 J‘I __éIL;_.. i ~..,III__,“ ~ 16%" ’3 l \- _ I,H.,HI,,II. ”WIN \lli‘ll‘lrll33 ‘t; amino: It" .' ’u'if ”Li \." , . ;‘3-“"'...: :3. ‘;3
. ... I) : i s,_'_ .. a», M .2 I I” III t ,. u.” .. .. . .. . I ,. II ‘I I . IIII I
. W , * ‘._ £4.1- r ' 7 1. .I - g1! li‘uii took plum ‘n 12th, xiitht-it' lieu li'3.l._«ll3 iiiti.1'w§ : 's. e.‘ '»- m sit,\ i. ft ,x 5 I In )II .. ~-
. ’ ~ ... £27" ‘53:". «4 * : 3 . .- {3.‘
‘ ~ ' , igrating birds pose problem' '-
4 a. ». .33 . e» . r . " f I.
. '“m- ‘ " . m: 3 e . " W. ‘. " 3- ‘5;
wflw ' ‘ ' » . . . ‘, ,'
* s " . 0 mm s ave ea so u ion --
. O J . 3 f ,' . , '3 ' _ ____—_________‘______ ‘ 3 9LI ,‘~ ‘ '.33
, ,7 . a! e“ ; g” i in iiioiiisist l.l.l\ \\ . » . - . v. 5 .. .. 2‘. ,.
. . . : 2,. j ."5, .» .m: K\ltl£\l’llll.l.ll’.\ .. ‘. . .-_ , . , , .» ~ _. ~ w .~.‘
- .- » w 1 ’ . . “333333 f . 1.“ $033 , simuitims \vC \ClllL’U l30\lll\. W,» ; » . , . .f'l. r-t’,‘
. - ' ' 3‘3“ t , a v r l ‘5 “‘ r: I . » . . - I l - = ' :‘ . 33 33
t ' . ' ,3, _, 1"... . . x it: I ‘. . .r z. . . , ‘_ . t
_ » - . ~~ '~. =3»; ,~ . naisons. “ltlfilcs. ’ — . . t,
. , .. 4. ‘ 7 Wage? l k 3:114ch ll.:\t‘ l)(‘tltll.t‘ .' ‘t.;3‘ i' ‘ ill " ’ _ I' -I‘..7
. '3‘ ‘3 . é. “’ unmm llet'M‘t‘Yi me I ix ram firecrackers and C\L‘ll ii. , -- , u ,‘ '. . 7‘
. . . s ‘4 J» v , ’ '- .‘ .
-. a "- . in?» ’~ :3 l’lun? llt\‘sltill .intl flocks of in;.:.fi ~ Hes "w: . m ' » ‘ ~ ' r' - .- ‘ "_ ”it"
_ " ' ~-‘ . . , . "~ - .. . traiopinu. \i.lll‘:ltl\_’ else .. . , ~ ., . .' v:
.» w. ’9’“ ii I II II ~ w...» _ » ill; Mitts i a » on: t; .; s». ,, . ,. .~ .‘ -. .5 -.
V ‘ ‘fiafiffisZ‘ 2V3»??? ' 3N7 l‘3llt( lI\'s -tl \‘l‘t).|.~ .iftil \Ktl l.‘1_‘\ L. " \CL‘lll‘ to \\ ()l‘h I . ‘ \t't" is ‘tl ,- 3.33 . . ’I i" \I 3". I3 I 33333
5‘ ~ W333 :yéw ,6? - roost”: it. trees or: t-nimpie ;:.: ,.:« l ‘k Bl ‘t\‘ in '- i’l’.‘ ' - . a ‘.. ". . . ,.
. ‘ 3 t 39‘W4Li3‘333‘y M1363“; 4'“ I. j .; LAl(l\.liL)\‘ll‘.(’:'l}'1A’/|X"l§g‘:l‘:,(‘l‘lii ' "k JUNO" "ions! " - .r‘ .- -- ~ . ‘ I ‘ ’ 3 ,
. . ,3.’ » ".7 x I v, -. IIIII 4 . I . . I I I I . . I . -. I. 3,3 :
. 1 ~ '7 , _ . 4:: . a» :5 {‘5 3.; Hirsuttti' \t'lf .ltillJ" \\«‘\si.‘- . l k adminisfrdlor u: tv . -- » . .I ;. I I
. ‘ . I .' . , > ~ ‘34:” 'llllti'tll o2 tiiel .K l’l’lt .. . ' ‘ 5- —‘ ';
v . ‘ 2» ~ ' ‘ I ~33“ - *I , , , . ‘ I w . . " « I ." '.
i . , ~. 3 3;" 5;”- lllt‘ tieullll tin/uni is 3lit‘ :u:._ Mi 1.. .I,‘ : .~ - II .I
. , '3 . . )3 33%}; t‘.t\t‘ l‘t\ltittl.i\tl.iv\ s mlnx‘ ' ‘s ‘ ’ » .- '* " 3 . -. 3 ' _. ».- ~ ' - , . - 3 .'
. .- .- . .j a. " I W33” II l.,lt\ si'tttt‘ Nth.» .I\t t‘il3‘ .w'. . _ t. t r . - ~. .' In“ ,I .~I
‘ V‘N‘t’wj ~ ~ 3. 3" . 4“ 14.3 “.5; 1,7 "I puinsl» Hill A \p{'\ trijtlij.;'I UH} 3M t , 3' ,N ‘ 3 _ = s_ ; ’f- . H 3 .3 ‘3 9, r.
' ’ 3 ’ ‘3 4 "wt “1‘39. m4!“ 3",”‘Vun4v ~ 3" ti » ‘ " .. . ‘ ’ ' 3;. . .
’ ._ . . ‘ ,2»: “.5 '- 33:; :3333'” ,3 ustuiii‘. tloesnt require tin-«hue ,:' tum s .- .r- s . . it; . . ;.-», .t it ,_. ,. ;. m. . . r_ ‘-'. .'
‘ ' ‘ e ' ‘. . -‘ - - 3 ”5 '7- ‘ . 3 ~ 9 ’3'.» fis-WE‘J: ”~""- “' ' 3 ‘ ' ' “ ‘ ‘ " ' ‘ “ ‘ '3 ' - " ‘. i,
I a 3" *33, 2"“ < , a ,II . , I» ‘- I 3 flit-titsmisi'ist'.’1.1seifliI't .i ltll."il~ .1' '5 31"3 set 't.‘ ’11 . ‘1 l3.t Afzw ‘llltl'v3 a; 3lll P‘t‘ is .' ' t. ' _‘ t 3. ' . ,- I.
3 ' ' . 3; ' “‘33" 3 .- L'Wwfi: gym-“3 "AW-3 3’3: r ' lll.il I‘I'_\tlll.\ ll‘ttlli til: til‘llfltlzfiii t.‘ .1 ‘ll ' ~ ~«' it .‘ _' ‘ ~ 3 ”U , .1’ W" 1’ ‘» "‘ ' " 3 , . 3 . 3 5
3 » . '°"'°°"’ ‘°"""""’ ""1" luni‘ llf‘ot‘ti has -.n:t I)! \.:ii\'=~'t '«W' I-tw ~ \' ' u" ' ’3‘ "H" ' ‘3 ' ‘4 l- 3"
scraplng h) “at finite cl‘iietot 'iie l Kllll"1'tit3 331333. :> 11H' i\-" t._. ".-' '~ «2' lfn -. _ .. . .I .. " ~.'3 ‘
l I'('H!|‘[ 41H. anti til tijgintimi‘. f1. i'l i .'-.it\ “I lit llil":..\ ll'f . s .. I .. II a I . I ' . , . , fI 3'.
l I I . “fits :ws‘.“ it: 11””, 1;;\ flu bx. .zi hII II _I ‘3 . r {3 , .I-3
" . i h ' l'htllips an employee of the UK DON" of Funkhouser Building yesterday The build 2th.»..- 3 w: mi , “f" U .3 ‘ I, . . I»; -_
. l 3333 1' sit'dpvs the ‘v‘vllVdOV.S on the third floor mg was renovated over the sumr er l3 "l“ l"“"‘ l’l3"3“'7' ”3"“ 3““3"'“' "- L. '» ui- nt- w: " ' ’ \‘3 3 ‘3‘ ‘33 ‘3 ,3 ' I.
I cesstie hirtt tll'tliplliL\ li.t\«' ils'x' \ 1" yI, 4,5 ;, 1. “I. . , at; .;- ir.:.t . 2.: i .' 3..” .I.’ ., ..
‘ '_"‘——'—'_—'_—'————— \\l3l: 'tie \Hl3, there hate later it M .I, .WI, m. ,. ,I, II . ;. “W. H ., . j , . .l ’
. I. ~-..':¢".v'u:.e 321' I _ . llI't‘.tl‘\\ .i; liistopftianme. l‘. lll~ Hm “I”: um». J. » I II _: It”, '.t ”I“. :. I._ . . ‘ '}. ‘I '. "
. .ecturer iscusses uses Wt ~ - .. l‘ ~ ~ , « _. . ,» ~
.33, ': llt' maul .1l'ttlll It“, ppnwmi r.. 'f‘i‘ I ,zi‘i'it .ti f‘t'nitui'i‘ t>i'(‘.i:tst 2: ”ii' lulu-T . a :tmt; l_i..i..‘ . . .I/ .‘ II I-I'; 3.; .I-If
-. 3 . O o . é'33 II . populut'oi‘. lhl‘ beet. t‘\pi‘_\t‘ll ‘:.e "‘ “:3‘33‘ 3‘3””‘3 3’7“} l" "" i‘t‘l :‘31 ‘ 3 3 .5 vIII I-3-'I.‘
or gene lc engl neerl "g :3 -, ii? . -‘ (li\t‘.i\t‘ liliti':r~,\ottitli12n.i7 it Up. l l\ liliii.t”w,,,.I....\:1I1_,.~,,.‘I,II1\ . mth I f .I I. II
2%,: Il" I . I, 3f . ,I. I I I. ,3 .' _.‘
. . . . . _. . UK counCII n m s 14 n w m
3’ " “fie-53 ' (3" l .1 » ', l . . I!
~7-1ii:.,,.’-i== Egg ‘1. . . _ . . . . .. . . g .' .
3 - » .. w’ . ,, ‘V‘ B) .l \\ I: “Hull.“ nutzons. no" .it. are \t'tt‘t lt't! \wn.. Ht pull. u 412.1.” s .1 iii. \ t. i~ .' . -. ,I . II. I-
. l1\\\ll| ltla\,\ll \\\ lllt' lh‘llt‘lll,\ of this new teclinolo- LII .. E Stuff “m“- mum“. not saw,“ I: ir'. amt! ,imndj I13”; inn“ .. .ur, ,_ . 1’." . ', -.I,. i‘ :'
\»:'1\\3 '"l u} ll.i\<‘ .ilremii heen seen It] the ;§;m 3i?" . H 3;; ‘hi- ,.,;;(,.I\IHI; jun: 11,. \ “.1 fun \qmgt; (ll t'n mm U- .tg» .' V ,-.-I ‘.3 ' '.
3 _ llll"’lill"‘3,\ tit‘tKlllL'lltll‘. ”l ”1511“” I?“ M" 3’ 1?». The l3K [K‘Vt‘lllplttv'tt (‘tltttliul t‘i' l3llt' mm Urumqi ttlt‘lllltl t\ iii-.stst .ltit‘. es ti ‘lt'ttlit-ttsiit‘ .I\\lt(‘i;ll(' 4m ' 1 3' ‘I .’ ~ '.3
~ ”“3 3"3'3‘3l’l’\ ”l 31°33‘33” “33:3 "‘lW'll l‘ ”W" “lllt'll‘m ”1"” W3" 3’1” 2‘23». (:2 ' ,3'3‘3 ceiitli numetl H neui nicnitit-rs lt~ .q sit iI,.\H;._\i.im.,v_ erxtl counse: «i: the twinpnni ,u‘tt ll .- " 3. “ t I
I ‘tt'i‘: ll; \H'i-i‘ lllt‘ lll.t|l1 \(tllli't‘ ti! til i. li)l]\ l’lL’tifthll‘Wl “hu'h llttlk Plitk't' ll! ”‘13“ ~ Ilé‘i‘; 3"”; lltllfilt‘l' lllt‘ l3lll\3l3l“ll_‘r -\ flll‘.(lrl'll‘:\1l.£ MllitI‘v ,it't' l‘l‘.‘H‘.'..t.\ l \‘l,il‘.t\ IIIII Unit [tit run", .itl'fi..'. ‘3! ill'tt‘ '. II II .I . I .-I III ‘ a ‘E'3
~ ’ 3"”“3 ““3 llltllll durum " ““33“” 333 IlJillt'l'f‘illlt‘ ”‘1’“ ”ml m lh“ ‘ll l‘lll‘d 3f . “1 efforts nosing par‘nt: u: lirns: .mf \Vltr rite-sitter? At‘l't' ,iist, '..t:?;v~tl t... flte .3 . g. .
. {flit Yitli‘.tht‘.‘.l.\l ho) ( uitiss tieii-tnpment of (itisuhol : he "The counL‘il comb” of a group ”1 :1e\. $5.1m l‘ Kt'fltit‘Jl‘. president council - . I... .
‘ a rot- . ‘yfi ’ . . ‘ . ’ , . , . ' ' '
. ,-;:i..t . .. .\ ti l ‘ ". v.13, 3 ll "‘j ‘ _ ’t i‘ “ {-1 -'.ii‘ \‘irf‘ .l.i. ‘, .\ , 3.,' t“.'.
. . ll: |l enipli isi in M m [it it “H“. mem Qi'tlt‘llt' enuineering , _..I \olu tuis who ht lp suppoi l l\ ll} n l\i ill u} l ti k l «I i I(\ .ltlllltllL‘ ”MW lit‘\'- :m-ri tun . tilt‘ . .' I ». -. II
"33333333 331: A 33333333338 “‘33” 333333 (33333 lit i (H t l'tt‘ tow ird lllt tlth r donating ”HM-‘3 "l' lllltllll—‘ll P’T‘dlt‘ \l‘llli'll l” 13'3““‘1'333‘3 ”H“ mm M3333 l’itlut- l lltll"l\ tl3Lt o l‘ Ht ‘ l' l * " '3 ' 3 3
..s n" sari . ' . . ,. _ _ , . .ii -i.i Hz. in -: , 1;. ..
[,Nl.\\llll‘w he transferred to different 1‘ ., fundraising efforts, suitl lcri'\ B uti\e 1!?llt’t‘t of launk tine [\olit'tl l. . V . g . g _ ,- I. 2
~ minim; .tlltl isolation of the t‘\,\llt' ti- _ _ -, . Meriiie her .is «sell is .lunms .t . t - - .
f tllLliilll\fll\ in order to benefit 11ml} . . ‘ Mohlei. director of the (lttice of He l’ollui‘tt senior \it'c presulen oi .. . . fl . ., I. . .L . a
i liiosis L‘t’lle and other \ullttlb (llx - II lllttllllti “hemp,“ 3H,!” ‘1, low: I ,. . .'
: ntrul it; such realms .is llt‘t'l't'.l\lllL‘_ I I \'t’l“f)iii(‘iit .l .l l" lflill.ll'\ \\ l. l}"ll.\llli‘ ‘onttilto _ . - v”. - ' '
. u‘ s as .. , , ._ i ' , .
I mm. mm tapes. men-“sing “in...“ ‘ Most members of the (‘Ullllt ll .llt mm “WNW“ Wm. “mum,” . . I I, .
: "‘\ "' "'l 'l' 3 ’33 " ‘3 3 ' ' c ‘ - . , " '3 i" *.t-\ 3t -\ 33 " . 3.33
I 3.), '33 oi (IR rm and drums”... Huh» III”! that certain (“8&st R()\ ( l Rllss (lihtl in positions in \\Ihltll lllt}. t ill I”... ltohert h ”WWII” president loo l l\ thttllit.t . l.l .333 l. I II ,' . “I
. lieutth problems. turtiss Sdltl his: _ r . ”I“ n» tt I! m ”m mo, n II Th influence others to dothe ttl‘ttlt'} or ”1 (”.mnwrw \Immm; “Imk and A RUM» [,1-(.,l.i..,n U, impish. e \ o.“ .. - ._ .
sigh? .H the \Vorslium Theater ‘3 3 A 5 H H ' . ”“3 33 3“ genes “‘9 ("’Uld determine “lm'll the} can Que monc) HOMO} “”3 Ron iltl 'l'urm-i iresident of the (‘1).tiiitl ,\lour~t sterl’n: \t""l3'1til‘._lll ' .' ' -_ '
l"“\“3"ll«3 tllt'.lll.\ that 3” ”3” genetic genes cuuseuhichdiseases ~ t ._ ‘ 3‘ » 3 3 p 1' \‘ \ki't‘ » ,s ., - . . t; . l'-‘ ‘ ' ‘
' 3 ll“ l’l‘K‘t‘” ”1\”l\*’> l«lkllll.1 .i structure there are certuiii ('lll‘tntltr ‘ l” “HIP \‘l‘mlllw’ ”W l’t‘lt“ llll'llt‘l'(vl"'llll “1““ ‘ 3t “3“” 33“ ' ‘3 '3 ‘3 ' . 3 _
. , \Wll itll‘t't‘ ”l ll\-'\ (‘Jllt‘d J l’l-Nlml some pairts that contain harmful "When the ilene is located. \\t‘ ”3333M” “333333333 ,mlflmdm '35 ”"33“ law I.oii:s\:lle residents huie also 333 m3" 33“ 333 33 A H 2 3 ‘ 3 . .
“ .mti t‘ttttlllltllllL‘. it \\llll t‘t‘l'ldlll pi'etle uenes \\lllt‘ll, when combined ill the could possthl} keep the gene from ll‘3l\llll’t3"'h”m“W'ncmbvr‘ been minted in the i‘tt‘ltlt’il The; are "l‘lie members are \iizlirt: ‘o us . ‘ -3 '3 3 . '
li‘l‘tf'tllt‘tl en/imes to produce ti tr- l‘lL‘lll gene comhintition. produce being produced. replace it or use “The members select nominations ll l.lll(f('ll \lcl.ellun senior \iee sist us \iheneier the} tin (tillt'tl ' ' -
. l.ll|\ tl:‘\\ gene. \\lllt‘ll mu} deter thaimsmse gene therapy to help those already from other members to present to president of ltl('llllI\ management oi upon." Molile} suit! "The t-ovineil ' = ;
lt‘iiltt' reusons tor uene (lt‘llt‘lt‘llt'I\ afflicted \\‘lfh a disease.” (‘urtiss the nominating committee." he said llunmiin lne _ and Donald It has one goal Ul)\ mush .iizo ’ii.;' s o ’ , . ',
_ - . mt lmslt‘th‘llt‘t'lllhll'llt‘lltlH t'ui'tiss s.iitl th.it h_\ prmluemg neu Sttld "l‘he committee l‘t‘\'lt‘\\.\ the norm 'l‘oiiles. \Iee president and director wisemoremone) . _
T ff 0 f. I. ‘-. .
INSIDE LK O ers a. Paper says King ma lSt , . .
N {AL . * ' 3
- t is. »\ - . . . _
com ll CTS \ 01' l O I [0n ' ’ ‘ ‘
. _ the Opera House cele- 1| " 3
brotes its lOOth birthday this \ c0 f .-
woekond with o Gilbort and at low costs ) ‘ 0 Sum "1mm the (~(itlllcll on nghur Eilut'dliiul is
Sullivan classic. See DIVER- — ' $ 433- - d in the process of the search. newspav
’ 3 ' ”(3* VW“ PW“ ent )er stories don't hel) them in their
» SIGNS, Pa e3. . ~ < ~ ll“ ¥ 7" . -/ 'I‘m‘” l‘ml“ _ l - ‘ l
. ‘ 9 I.” 5” “3”\ R \F( HHHH) l. J ' for administration. is one of H ti loll “ -
. . . .. I _,_ - . . = .
' 53"” “‘1'“ I ' w -‘.<.). nalists for the t ouncil on Higher lad 'I‘l l .. d Fl I .
I /_ « n' .-.. '. S! x x ’ ucation s top post. according to it (Dutltl (.(llllldLl( tlllltlt,
"I. MW three-point rule The 1 niversity has made an offer I." “" “ N... newspaper reports I.\I\§(x\luf(ngI ill] ewcutive Search
. will undoubtedly come into that students. staff and faculty can mil-(£3 King. .ilonu mm the councils gict “mad“; asinst Izlhfmdmgt qualifieg .
. a ' “ q ‘ fl ' . . . s. . ~ . " , g o i )5 ion, .‘ ‘
Plo‘l "“5 Saturday Wh." ”‘9 mid!) Hm“ —/ mg cxecutne director (nlr_\ (ox. (an 3 3 es . r 3 p3" sai
through special contracts wrth / ., , . , Norman 1. Snider. director of comr
Co“ Op.“ their ‘00,” $00 . \l . d 7 h 'K ll was mentioned as among the 14 ii n to f th (‘llF
' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - ‘z s ' .
5m P0 .6 IBM. ““1 (3 an (1383333 3 (31 38]" seI nalists vying for the executive direc “m“ l ' n 0' 9
' g ’ (I‘oImputt ”[3033] “‘3“ on (13831.9 t} a tor‘s position on the (‘lllfl according Neither Snider nor (‘ Dennis
‘ ill) Iistantia smImgIs. 53' l ,ugfine to a storx published h} the UNIX Riggs “Cg prestdent of Fleming As-
“ t is. z.‘sis an Vic ' ‘iance or . ~ ‘ . . .. . ' . .
w to; llinlLIInes-si:ervices 3 ( 'l ‘o 1 ”HM 333mm 3333mmdll3iusu3dd3) l d soCiates. would confirm that King ls
. t .. . . n According to t e un isc use . f 1 .
.. . . , . - a ma ist for the post
t TE: Iworld r315 3:3?"“"fi;° Chm?” mu JON“ "meow“ sources used in the Courier-Journal
' 9““ - 3““ 'm“ “”3 er 33‘ . ' s o t- “ ’ ‘ oin the search. but it is
. . . . (v - _ down from about $1.400 to $1.000. she "The business has been over story. 12 0f the N finaliJs are u Vie re d g .
staff asSistant for [K ommunica , t . t talk ho tour
h lik M . . ~- ofsstate applicants not our preroga “9 o a u
S owers fly 9 8 morning . . ., Th Sdld \ihelming. he said . . . .. .
tion and Information bistems e . . clientsbusmas. Riggs said
3 WM" ‘3 high 9'0““, 55 and 0 offer helps people associated wrth UK can market any of the 12 to 13 However the l'niversitv's con- When reached at hls ”m0? yester-
low tonight around 40. the l3nl\'(‘rSll_\ become computer In systems that IBM makes. discounts tract that establishes the discount d3?" afternoon. ng declined ‘99" The council‘s executive committee
Thanksgiving day will b. crate. said Daugherty. who is in vary per system. with the one of- for the IBM PC expires at the end of ther confirm or deny "‘9 (‘ourier- Is scheduled to meet on Sunday at
cloudy with a high In tho Charge of orderingthe computers. fered on the Pt‘ being the largest this year It mav not be extended Journalsory 2:30 pm. to further discuss the se-
.. - ‘0‘ Students can save a large percent Discounts on the WANG and Zenith Williams said ' ‘ “It would be very inappropriate lection of a replacement for Harry
”PP" . age on an IBM PC. Daugherty said. systems fall between 25 and 28 per for me to comment on a news article Snyder. who left the council in June,
‘ That discount brings the retail price cent.thliams said scd‘OMPl'TliimPagcz of that nature.” King said. “When Snidcrsaid.
,\ l.

‘ ' ' nanon
. . l
I I C S . Res g h met the Reagan
' ' ‘ W 2 law.
. . nnne [he .
L I ‘ ' ‘ d ’ 0 n ed t‘mm my I . ' ‘— m “guano" brOke a Veteran
. . ‘ 'es Comm“ I ‘Le his de admlms G Keel Jr-. 'hU joined
' ' 26, 7’“ . n compa'“ II‘ . ms M II, take hi: ,Atton I- official “I gecurity
. ' ym I tructlo , [hat 800d I'D“. 0mg dent, , rnme" ationa ‘ ,.s
. . y NO [on cons . mam/es m l 'Ht‘ 5 8 preS‘ goxe f the N g0. “d
- . -. .chosda ' _ non-un represe rate“mm msSa * . or! [he -. on 3"' staff 0 . onlhS a h
" ‘ ' - KERNEL W the pro 1d throughhdtlenge the “3 I2 I. and supp ho insisted the i1 {out m cy's top sued
’ ‘ ‘~ " Y rs 0“ ’on 5" to c ' l 5 - ide. W COU"c he age" . cce
' -‘ - ‘ ' ' TUCK work" -a| um «med .. d the d the ed to l . 515 I0 5“
I . . . . ~ 2 K5” . 01" future Ough I0( I hers D“ I . _ 19 5‘“ I . eagan [0 . nan] CUng ba
. .. . -1 1t IS calls I be hired {mm 33'“ “I". at- ”‘Wur I . won lhls..m.tid Onymlt-‘Z; followmg Rrs that “uh job 0" anra . urceS re'
d h 1‘- I 0y 0 nounCed mm jecg‘t “tn Kern“) would “0‘ X 'rhev may haxdfiy the “'ar‘ fist M“: told reporteflo mill-loll] t0 P0ind€x{:néressio“a-ll E‘amm- R"
.‘ ~. . I . h an I ha 5 site -' . . . .. har . v'ct‘ p l c!er . vtedge' he [‘8' d C Phi , iS‘
‘ “ ‘ 1““ m dfilgned ment the - da!C but 1‘ 5 the H e '2 km)“ froml A" .t 8811- adm'“
. I . . ~ A ". “fluid lI-IIrn] an ‘ _ . t smte no“' 0“ “1‘1“? battle. t execu North 5 “ected Ieapons [9d [ha ‘ng the Sen-
' ‘ ' ' ' - ‘- L ”1”“ ~ ‘n a 10m . strong ed ‘ rm31 9 n 5““ 'el Benne' ‘ ‘lliOn C0 ' ped W - 1 - por 'aS urg- f rm?r ‘

. ‘ . I ‘: _: Pu! l» I Sald l . k(‘5 d feel - {he 10 I 0‘ be? [)anl ‘ . $30 ml y SI_sh|p . mldd e anI “r mt 0 ‘eed

- ‘ ' - tht.‘ "md the ugh has n - \u [AB( - n . {or L- 3811 _ Te app0 . suct

.~ ‘ ‘ ' ~‘ \( l \ But word '9 for _, Altho ent ‘ “ottdd. jento d unl0 anb bV Isl‘ k ac ['00 to x85 {0 I d

‘. ‘ ' rl \ ‘ m d” {eren‘ ts ‘ agreem. . tvbeA .. t m ‘ - an - r m .- honed - to ban . tra' , of Te m d"
~ -~ ‘ ‘ ' l“ ‘n . W“ mm! to Dre - eslde“ fthe . - '1“ hke- ; ad“ bersh‘p , 'dly f0 . « sip rred bets Tower Gram

~ . {‘1}‘ - z in! . - \ r . 0 . , It“ )hbd x . m . - a I “85 nsfe re . hn th
.‘ 3‘ -\-~I- \- \WKM U 1‘ w'” \lw‘t' ""mlmmtl‘lnt t” ke'ruikhea!‘ George Curnnbageol‘gme Elf-there WI“ tt); ”(mun b2); dechmngernngt saldi men and trip by COnIESgIme m gaindexle'j- egrowmmeflh LarrV
' " l‘ . ‘ .~ ' \ ‘ tr 1\ 1‘” ‘ V ,,let'.\” O‘ the p an . “'hile I [ha . $15 WI I k haS , [‘S w , IS the nts Se dinisla declln kesma" '
I . . .' I , , .vl\(;lt' II n; I-llnn- III t. k-Ilng de‘ I temen am' bu d y “0! . 10 yea V ‘aVlng l _ Cou I the San Tower e SP0 en! on
. ‘5 I .\ ~ . . \\_\.\H II “III... .. I I. It kt II (”mp .~ the m thelr glaI -!i0n on .-' both m U he pab‘ _ n5 are 5 . . I open _ hllng I Jlm hite HOUS 10 C0[hm _
.. _ \ ‘~. -. II - . t . I 11‘: .-m It A!“ J.“ t - KV I Cow-‘15 truC' I rlmmd I nl. .. bed I [he unto .d agains.. I u fit: I a. . Lead“ W fused ‘d he ex
'2 - ‘» " " »' “ NW ' . , Hm“ WM]- ~ ‘t 11>" '~ cons o (11>C 1mm" - - deb‘“ --\\'hat [to bl . 1! 3° -cardgu ~ ntv - told kes "3 but 58' ..
v. :- ~ -. -.:~_-.~>. . - - 1' . .- .mx ;‘ ”mtg ,. . cw“ ‘ . “no“ 5 15 n to emp ' f'ctalb ge ‘I “an d thdt 11 - N .2 Mal" ' . 'd Me?be .2 Spea epol‘l- - rm“
5‘ ' : ‘ H: “‘8" -' W“ ’- - WW” 1’" “~ mm“ to the egard 'on 0“ . tang-“a hw don rs 8" . ~11 bu -‘ Hutht 5 sat ‘ pn~ Tower! -,me d 9" ...
d ‘ :"“ ' " K ‘ ““1”“ ’ " 'm ‘ ' ‘ “WM t‘lII [ch ‘ -dd'“°" Obha r -nd um ore than - t (' untracm wk “9 rl- » t D-T"Ka ' r: at a t the an 10 n: ' dLIItor du
‘-'~ ‘7‘“ ~~v ‘ "“ L“ w! “1‘” 't“ “I ‘" th'm‘ on 1“ ‘l - me and tr\' d thing m rlktl“3 shUP C s the w - uh'Ame \Vr'gh ' 11 leade 5 ring tha cts Reag .to Pom " .,'\-ing
2 I I ‘:’ . . I IIII, u I II vii-l" I th‘ 1>| . 09mg ' as no . 9 labO I “mun . hand U» II Iota”) essumo. brie bV pe . 'eSSm I hanks“ I

I . ;~. . I .I - .\ . I, - t m!- . “mm. 1 that derl -- . thal donI » 11> congr - House 'Ad on[ ~ nt suc‘ - m s T -- nch

f" I'- " . -.‘ I 3 II -. I I I \"1\ ‘ I I ,“h't'h .l t 1““ [ha redun . “5 lb -- “t and ' [0 lt' “Vh‘te arr"L - a ne reSlde . ‘nlOP 1d
v" ~ " " W “" “"l‘ ' ‘ - t »|‘-"“ -- \* ear“er requ' ‘t med d tub . vou 1" t-ate . . Vere C reath - the P . ounldl
- -- .. ~ . .~ ‘ . ..- ,..-..w»— ,ald . . bar- .. , t I . e: hire . the} 3 -- cm ,mms‘ . ms to mg .. m- m .,

'I H I‘: I‘ h.‘ .‘I 3‘ . 7 ‘.'[L'-1"\‘ l wtgu.’ ”(IL‘ ‘I It“! “HfiI yttk' h‘idI ‘ . c()llt‘(tl\?Ihing “ha 5 usuall) g L '9“ 0“)!" iUn C'dn- I reement “1 f net-£01“? d the Iran“ [Fr than [he hollda) d} Iallfol‘nld-I I I‘HV ad‘
II II . IIIIIIII II I.. I, II “MIL . I . “(mg to“ than dI estabm f r member re anV 10be 'iid one uh I _ Ited the dB the Cost 0 “we! .tnI h was grea -ern”‘e"" .nsouthetnC {tonal schI 'e m
-.I .II I k" . I. u. r: .II‘.I'} I I - k .I I .\ It .‘ ‘ II III MK II UH”: " I .1110” . [IS 0 _ ere a ' r5“ 5‘ I . Of an( ‘ I esunld . Irease . I “'hlc I 8 go\ I 31 1 er na ~Fklr an , I

1 “ ‘ *"“" ‘ "L L ' “V “1"" .- ~“‘*\ Mr“ «“1de - If Lh membe dltlon “‘ . - \111 Inc t 91““ he L" ‘ - -r1b£‘d “Form C M‘ nwlhh
‘-: “-._x 2:5 x?. a 2' “ '- ‘ rm: ”“4 :L ”WY" . ~1th ‘ ~k1nz‘1 ‘ -nd "on to non- - 0" Con mom \ ' “79"" - 10 t e desc- ~ thls - abet" ' -~ ’ 1‘ J‘

.g- K 2;, _~I ,II .I .33.; \x I I m .1. I II” _ LA” I “1)! 0“ d ._ g0 kmg I II tht’ u I 0(013 pe ('Obt .. “ees I onh . 'er R 955mb. II I I :11
-..\:. , .5. :. _ . ". . II .« -. A .4; .U I N l1m h um . {rat spea . trdt . It“ 1 . I sdld A . 1811C“ .. _ \b addr “st
It '_-\.‘ . I--. 002 V. ' "I II .1!‘ \ «uh “I‘LL 'k ‘1'. but I TV Lon Sourcet . d L on the plan . “TU-1h . I [he trdl [he I'd don [0 I I d surp
‘- ‘-"—l -‘ - ‘ .. m1; ‘1'" w” ‘ wit: me - not be 1“- ’ld9r5 dn . 19 000 )nt‘ of ~)ld t0 . 'h Lon xpl‘esfie . I
. 1:0. *5 .I; ~.‘\ ,‘I‘NI 5!; “I . I E II. 2'“ ‘-\ , i (1“ t‘“ . “1)u1d nVn“ ' '- d Bul ,. I 0n 0‘ ' 19381 ( were 5‘ '191‘ “'hlL , 0Up~ e . -igna“0'_' . 1nd
-.‘:C~ C-‘E J. . “t 2 L' 5' I -- " - . n w! 1" -. utt- JW “1161‘" 'Assoclate gantld ‘ .. Arms “ion, at . 0n hr, tel‘ Sreb {mendh ‘

.I I:I3.L.I Ei"<:§‘!.$—‘.";-'C‘,1:- u . . III,I.\;.I1H.- I IIIIIII J .- I I “mum . 1red I c.. an 01' “11)- I 1‘ $19 ml he pentdg PomdeIK -er\' ()ld resignu'
‘1:"~|,-;Il232.'.\v ._\:‘.;I" .in ' _ III I, tn" ‘: KN‘I 'IIIIIIIIqr-P‘II ‘IIIIII a)! .III‘IIIIII 'm anal-n?) Eleni [orb In IIIilrglyIIeImbursidII: costS- II “er [I‘enI‘ghéd bIV IthEaI well”
71'". I‘; U I_II\$.I~ ;- II"-'I_I‘;.II ;\ ,, I II t“ I “MAI “ I MW". t I NHL 2 I agree he I I rink, . . -idu9- . as 0 . -na IO . III I
135.4 u-‘v: .‘R‘uv . ‘. *1 . tux-1' .'.-m Mt m1 “I .. 1 Ih‘ h r I - ‘ n Cme - ' "Cb - 1m former t-l' [u
.:”:.-"2?-":“.-‘.I“~"u“ ; ‘ \f. _t: -. \ “M A ,- \\ LL 7. - hl- 5““ » and 0‘ e 3mm") ' - ”HUN” 0 million 1" the reporfi‘ I ore
IIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIII I,“ . -. . I I I II I, - III I .- I. I I III Imtmm . 1051 work “mfiothmg' 5 Of the Isg’ some Sl-umbered {19’édviser toldedaI0 say an) 12:]: I
'i-V'5‘§-""‘,‘H. L331; ‘.~1‘"\‘.i',~- ' L : W L, tit. :41 v-vf' "" th cal hlllh“ ~uch as ruinedIkt-Or Employ wrigh‘ Stated in “I Inme Con‘ i3", nol prewar)” the {acts-

IIsItI \ "xiii-‘13:: ‘93. . II .II I. w I filed “'1 dunmgesb- IIII dlreclOI . Iagmenl. 'aS dePO~ . TIN-qt 0 I Contra -] I have . d ~~ I e
‘L “137% ' ' ' ‘ V have I“ h‘ . » 58‘" ~ ce 3““ ‘ 'sk 31‘“ -. mv “f bank “L terO- d un“ .- rprIS“ ' - (-t‘t’rg
I I . :5 I- l ,_I~n.‘nI v. I , ~ . unb- B] U I_ I , RI [dbl . , 155 C8 . , \ bu _ [ate I
tIrIlfIIfiII fist-$5} . plalm wouLdII Board 01 $11130“! (;()\'I- (.9 Benetltb IS“; a greaterggInqu 3:5 and Adggan the moneiés :1 am \er'retary flash“ jnlt’ndeIzg
'5 ‘5‘“ ""715“ ‘55-" ’ Lnons. ' nluC . L'K - . 1w "‘1 WOU “keep t- ‘ . drew L Rosa ‘ ,SeC .red ut‘

3'" ""‘*“'~"”v-‘ .2; “ S ”:1 - que“ the he the - I (011“ and ' hhalara -.d shO" Idel~ - Jorgt .- ara- decld . d purs x-

" *"H‘w ’-‘r . 12 >8“ -‘ rob' - Baker‘ . - leg“ 5‘ heah .me I)“ , . led -. u. » - ted MC shunZ 'ob d" .. 2.- 12!!»
._ ..-.. .. .- ,a __. . : .- .. . no p - 1th .Iauon tetthe . saV , . haw wan h U“ 4121 _ the j _ In 3.31»,

. NIH, ‘.:J;-.:g.=,'.\: . _ ..\ n“ ,. I..- will) he 1 ASS“ . ey. 1” - gnaw” ‘ ' h bird5 I" ‘ . lfurt e umbrt taV 0" 51’3“ . 'nclud'
. i,,-",-;.‘“~,-_.-I..m, 3‘s“. "- \ A I 111C” ’ rnnlen I )n attoln - I‘dmlnL ‘hen I e I kesnldl I . an . {Ons‘ S . I “11" p05 I IIIIeSI I I h
t-ré‘qis! h)" inf-:3". ' ’ .. Wu, Mi‘“ d of {tr 9 . Lexmgl‘ --tht‘\ ~ .-“ gmp V‘ 5P0 posluun' amzal aver} " '- \’ ()bJeCI ~hi “It

VIIIr‘I .IIII. Ef‘ItI-eja .‘.»,3' II, I I , , t . - I Ht’d km 1“ andd I matlt“ 'I ”12 \H ‘ I and uan 0p ‘Unlra org ma": (VJ-"- ‘ Ign pullC_ . Iallons p
71’: ”*2“ f- - _-~;-- Pvt ‘ ‘ . , .- MW" . ~e 9‘99 -m' d“ . .xnCt’ "‘ . - uthU>~ roblt’m g for L 4m tra--- : fore better 1“

‘ . . .-'.-;"‘-‘-‘-‘«’~ I . - 5 ' ' ' ‘ t. t H") .. ht"? 0“ ,Hecl d * . neghh‘ .1» I0“ “ , :9 the p .. Vt‘ gen‘ group A .J‘sut ‘ “ a
.-.-.I, I:.:.‘_|II\II.I5 Sufi-.'.“ 2. I < I I t. \ I d. I T0 Ck I Sho“ I I thUII II Ii“ hat I I id. \ II ,.--- -3“Cu “u I i0n~ I on mg . I0 be
gfhl’zrii1'x-i?1.33.353 .- . L N ' ' .- “V ”:3! mar? 1 1:119 in [he would “mag: l'n‘n'el‘sm tint: mat. ~~\\t i .- William“ :1)me is dbl" "LwIII‘III'I‘eI-conn‘ctinfortnathL m- ”an. uitt’ privtlegegms en-
2:12;“;i2‘3,:;.....-n‘:.'f' ~ ' . Wt : ” ”MN ‘ moo rn- 1 0t 5h0W he mes“. '1 the p “‘3 ’- 'e "0 ‘ is u - f 1 q ‘ 1 in -
i ‘-"-.>'s'--'-'-?‘~'v 1" ' .- \ ~ * .--.~-: k -\ n I" the "‘0 me Dar rublem ‘ . int unll ..we hd‘ - "Thls . '[ed ‘1 9" m h'" . appear
"'1'“ 412:4 .355}. , » .-I.r.v . ,I..II . Wilt. .- I.“ m la- be n0 p I_,I“\ (t . t hed- bm .I ted »\ . d In an
IILLII‘IqIIItI-I I «,v-‘fi- {ha-3', : II II.I. q_;.( II \ . .1 N“ ht . Ch popu Iould (1‘ .II IIIIId5 ()1 I . I ,. he rep of [he do assoc“ I I “Z sal I n ”13‘
‘I.‘I';;II*III~,II .Lh‘fjl': 9&1: '-t , ' .- "Y‘ ' III \‘. " ."'II: t” \ I 'I 15111 nlu d “ I ld w“"{ {R “ 1”}. ’\‘Q the tnd ' roblem thing [0 , VOr“ bhu SpeculflnIo dis.

' ' 5'? " ""1"" " ' ' “- . 't' ili" ‘ .. r * "L ., ”1"” - 51115531 ' he” ' y." "FAY?“ ._ - at I“ ”“- 1 rnill p. h‘ v9 ”0 de“ t to end . In

:23"; 131.33% .f‘, ‘ ""“I'I_‘.,‘ x I 2. H I I - z“ . . .\ It! 1' <- \IHIJ . I ,LnW‘," 1“; k I 0 rt II ~ , \‘9 g I ‘1ld~ e I 9 d I ”or d()“n .
1354‘“ ’i)‘:~:g;3 3‘; , i V‘ I - ' ' ‘ v :1 1']; tattllpux \ p1) emp105tes. W‘LA pcrgifi“ un‘lab‘onlV [XL at?“ [danh “ :15 U “955915 5‘ State? -“' )rg9 BUSh ent elnlghl s:tepR€agan 0‘ er the
;“4-":’*'~«.’-‘.‘{-’:311‘—t‘”37.3.43" - ‘ ‘ " md the PI -au59 ”‘9‘ "'L L359 “‘0” 3115111”) .m “mp wi‘h‘t' idem Gm )kesman‘ he tenI “1th. ah-
‘t‘v‘l' “u"- " It?" "54“ 1‘ " “ASP“ 5‘ rc‘il‘m“ bet “\- such a ( tual Comm ~lud9> mt “Ce Presd b\' hlS Sp‘ . d|S‘ agree" farms [0 [r h di'
=m".*~-‘.:“.;--"c';‘5L ~ . “I m H ‘ .orrvc -- u “ac - This H“ tribe ' -s “"“r~‘- ws 88'9" -bout ‘ "
.‘.; _..-__.~II.,I,II- .51“. ". . w. i“" -\t- yhn ,memt . d cm .. said as deb . . I ter- a . . - L . w d -. Str
‘34,; Kim. I .>._ .~."I«;"i". I : ., -- II . - I I . , .. I mu“ ) Uure . he \\ . Fltl“a {1195- I . I I‘ kne . m hls
"’- v. ‘21.” o'.::"-'-" “a" 4 .. .~ ~’~ «\ 31““ ‘ ,. to b‘ H age" -r]ln dtsC10$ 15 “e Index 9 . t mfo" . 'te
rew- : -_ - ‘ n "‘ . we” . - com‘ 3““ , outthe .4 nt fee . P0. did "0 . )r W“
;: in,f1 girl-kt." " L i - t"" t! .: \H‘d‘IBII Inuotlngb‘ d [urbefidti'ice prfilgfitV in “10:: VQFS'Un bglther Reagdrh‘ Donald
Nata-I,“FI‘I‘QI-In'rbIVr _ .r \ H: II I I . .. x x . i I I I
(2‘91“-'"'-L..~'~..".v.'i"f:"-"v;"§" ' « ' L ”7*“ n . IBM T .bsolu‘e mm“ 55 ~ - ‘ ‘ penan- h‘ef 0f. Sm attorne)
‘ ~. y".:';1'«‘=5'1‘;--‘*‘»v ' ' » ' ‘ ct ““h need “ king Prue to happen HouSe C I said- Then rede‘
3114“»)— 1152:1431: I . ' did The CYEérzbout 25 per“ “Sum—mi)! be illlowedadded- Regan, Megsepomdexler 5d?“ the
.5 “:5 ,7 ’- ("55:12 '5‘ 23.51:.“ », j S' ‘ _ «am )‘ an sal , rne .
'I'L.a'".1t»’.'-'\7-‘J‘1':JLE~'."if : Daug- “"mH time equa th|~‘_L -~the ku‘bm d devel- general .parlane‘ ledI Spnng.
I'; ’.~L.‘,C' ”-5.- If. -' {II-1L; ‘ e k; [0 Come In. In 115 a! (h: said h [0 agilln~ these relate Cessor. NIL .menls 135 a Clan-
’x'-’.--%:.’:‘.'C'*:?-.- ':‘,'I.s;-’.r._-‘=.:- 11 ~ tmree Wee “ 1odels “0'“?! ,- p ten“ 6 4 too muC ~k- There were secret pa) 0 he “em gnton ‘0
:1; °""~"~‘, . 0 C131 abou Laid Other nfter the U“ 9 peration COS-m thrt’e “'0' r mentsf _ 01‘ C0” Ttmul the llmdential muss rerng
2; :}I3,I~'II:I» "5.1““;53’21 I gel spe herty b ' daVS a That 0 513” wt me yet! up embers mam c e pres! -rmS‘Cu . . _
.. 5:31 . tum 0‘“ ~K Cred‘ as 10 ‘ n: tht‘ .t and ‘0 ; In the ‘ ”-old -,-eral m Dem0c dest'” d a” d ,- h ”10““
. 'r.- '7'" .12..-._r "3": . I Ir“. 2 he L . soon ‘ald- 98‘} um I ) 1rd 6 I I said . n It 5 /N\ [h the r955 aboar I “It
*x‘v ’ « L‘ t > ‘ Nah I mexr d Shes r 01 1 {1168 ‘p‘ v'tlnmb - rah" ' -; . 'n b0 ~ 5 exp [ran to mee
m:"-.~ fz‘a .. - ~‘ . mt> m“ 4V for platCe ‘ summe , -d an 0 we W .‘ ..S In ope . mule”: 11381“ 1 . 1 Dame“ devt‘l‘ Iane ..
:1 ‘£"-Lfo"»“~':}‘-i _- .. ,nw‘h‘“. l tht’m pa, m the - ['h hd .. ”wed ‘ “' . .wce “a h of W" H ubllcd' | test cart-{0 p. l adt‘ls
1.- - 2 =.: -..‘ ‘.»,?;-'-~I,' . . ' - .1 -* . , - no P .. d Fr0 1983. h'“ (d hat be! wort I d Rep I . thO a . ap' . man 8
*t‘..~‘:‘~'.' 2-5. — ‘ . ; ~~mh \‘ ‘sd' - ad' er or n! ‘ ‘ ulP‘ { 100.000 d” -k 0‘“I for th‘ 'ttel'a
_.-t- 2'v‘-1“'-‘~’:‘- J'e'I- fink?“ u - _ "‘ - ' ‘ . \\ “ham“ be paid m summ d artme utcr ("1 4 bout 3 *d sh0£ Lalled . .utm‘ ‘
"'z’a-t-i‘tfl “a”! “ \- ‘ ...' \ ~ " ,. MW" mu-.-.'I'«';.,II:TI‘.‘,1 'x . I.. , I ‘~ ,- I H :'t‘»“ t" >3 I I . 1) . ' I . 581 . 0 o
'v'Ifi-I'EJiJ-‘i”. -,III , -. . - III 1 - ' . I . » ,~ I IIIIIIII u IIhI‘I IIIII \\ 1111x112: IBM PCS iends
13’2I"-'-'-'.'»..-L~',-;"WEB, \ ' " . - " ‘ " , .1 :ufM' ; . ~95 F
‘sifi Fli‘flftl-fifkfi; 1-. \' ”I”. T' L ' , : ~‘ A L ’1: thumb Mk rt! e1 A 'I r ce to so