xt7p2n4zhb4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zhb4z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1979 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 49, 1979 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 49, 1979 1979 2012 true xt7p2n4zhb4z section xt7p2n4zhb4z IT _ 9 `
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{9 _ 9 Summer 1979
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6 cre e a er wildcat stands tall on a homecomin ride throu h down-
P .
town Lexington in 1962. today, below, the signs have changed and the l
theatre has been replaced by a parking garage. see more “then and n0w"
contrasts of city and campus growth beginning on page 12.
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50th in A
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lSSU€ issue {
1929 -79 {
. j i
the kentucky alumnus Summer 1979 vol. 49, no. 3 l
` 1979 omws {€¤t¤¥€$¤
President _ _
John Owgn5’5O 2 taking note of an annlversarv
t I-¤>¤ldl¤¤»· ¤ mms em- .
nomics building, a law building and li- .
Address ........................... City ......................... brary, and a central heating plant. .
I hereby apply for the following reservations: A Speclal Commlilee to md In diawmg l
up plans for erection and operation of
GAMES AT HOME; the building has been appointed by Presi-
_ dent Mc\/ey. lt is composed of the fol-
Sept. 21-Maryville ........... N0. desnred ..... @ $1.00$ ....... towing; James S Shropshire, diisptpr pt ·
Oct. 12-Georgia Tech ........ N0. desired ..... @ $2.255 ....... student publications, Chairman; Roy
Nov. 9··FI0l’Id8 . . . . . . . . . . . . N0. desired . .... @ $2.25$ . . . . . . . Moreland, professor of Law; Maury J.
Nov. 28—Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . N0. de$II‘ed . . . . . @ $2.50$ . .... . . Crutcher, superintendent of buildings
and grounds; Sarah Blanding, dean of
GAMES AWAY FROM HOME: women; M.E. Potter. professor of phys-
Sept. 27-xsvaer (Night) ....... Ns. desired ..... @ $1.50$ ....... ical €d¤¤¤*i¤¤¢ ROM K- Salymt re
’ Oct. s-oms State ........... Ne. desired ..... @ $2.005 ....... S€“°l‘ “$*S*¤“‘ l" the p’“"l€“* 5 °“‘°€i .
cer. 19-Auburn ............. Ne. desired ..... @ $2.50$ ....... and ROM H°““· "”°l“$°l Ol °°'“`
Nev. 2—A1sbsms ............. Ne. desired ..... @ s2.s0s ....... l“"°€‘ TWO Sl“‘l€“li‘ Fl"“°“ lie? L€"`
Nov l6_Tulanc No desired @ $2 20S ington, and David Difford, Louisville, are
• ••••••••••••• • ••••• • ••••••• alsornernbersofthecornrnitteel ~
Rellishv fee ·•··•- S •···•·· Although no definite arrangements
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have been made it is hoped that the stu-
(I'0|he abovc prices the IDX Fedet•ITa¤ Ind the 3% Sta\eTnx has been added.) dent ulillon building lnclude Ofllces Ol
the Alumni Association.—September
September 1935 1935
4 .
UK ACQUIRES "NO . ,gg._,rz.i__i » ·_ _ · e qs git _· ,__~ __ at _,,t.g_,·· . g
J V ‘> ;·· , ‘* A N ` "..·· , T. vo" .
MANS LAND" , ,.f Ti. *..·,— e - ·~ i` ~ -»·§El§i= · e
By Helen G. King i' é " ,•» i‘ ;· _- is Sims" E cg neg; ‘· ·•·_ .*iei;`
The oldsters knew it as Winslow street du- " V A `;vTAlT:·-:-· iu; E\`E·;E ~. 'i` 9 it AA Ki. %·' Q all
’ ` ‘ '¤¤¤ ‘“'“' ` vnu \¤¤`etiL,hIU ·r " , i -. ...'
and the youngsters remember it as Euclid . “"*'“ Fil? . °`.·· ay 1 i
· · ii. H °‘·· ;—ii‘ fe s
avenue, but that section of Lexington, g,?gg.iigt,i,ine»t§g·'éi>i_?i·tsi·t t-,
bounded on the west by Lexington ave- _ g . AA iii *‘if,",,
[ nue, on the east by Rose street, and on A”""°W";°d?i" - _ ___ · _ _ · *= [J" ld \._ Mt ncl.,
i the north by Adams street, including half .`..¤€Aha ¤¤ _ ,-, 0 i in-·· ";_'
a block north of Adams, has become the ‘ H-'·A"" - '¤.~ t i b':'¤ hu
property of the University of Kentucky, .
; and some day in the near future will be V, _ _, 7 gg- { " —· ,»
ll the ground upon which will be erected a ..-~ iii? " i i·‘»,_ · » I ` -
l $1,000,000 auditorium-fieldhouse, for . I ‘ A" .· i . , _ `sg
the use of University students and other AAAATA“$A ;, __ , ‘ _, · ~ · _ r .
Kentuckians. __», · , , j· 2,},,,;. , at at tt, l l
The newly acquired land, which faces j V . , U uri. _, ` _ _ l
l the north side of the Kentucky stadium ` Irll A" TA ° · Al ` J ·° "A '$’“'*i“"i"""A""A‘* ' `A "‘
l and football field, takes in a block and a bed, ice box, sink, hot plate, book rack, l
half between Lexington avenue and coal stove and built in cabinets. The ,
Rose street, connected by Adams street bedrooms will be furnished with bed,
l and Euclid avenue, and was made pos- mattress, dresser, chairs, built—in closets, i
l sible by an appropriation of the 1942 B unudd _ P k The bath will contain commode, shower l
l Legislature which granted the sum of V V at cr and electric hot watertank and heater. i
l $400,000 to the University for capital `“lVly Old Kentucky Home" will take a Work has already been begun on the
- outlay, for the purpose of acquiring land modern trend this fall for 200 University prospective driveways and side paths. `
l and starting construction of an adequate couples when they move into the pre- The lay out discloses that the closest l
' auditorium-fieldhouse. fabricated houses, obtained from the house will be less than one-tenth of a
l The land was aequired ever a period Government, and erected by the Univer- mile from the main campus and the far- i
i of more than a year and a half, at a cost sity of Kentucky off Rose Street and Clif- thest not more than four-tenths of a mile. l
i of $110,000, and because the war pre- ton avenue on the Experiment Station Outside conveniences will include four
l vented the University from obtaining farm. The new housing unit, it is hoped, community laundries. parking spaces, l
l building materials and permits, and alge will help the housing shortage for mar- and coal bins.
because the money was appropriated for ried ex-service students returning to the The new streamlined homes will be for ;
"capital outlay," the University of Ken- campus, and should be completed in married veterans only and reservations l
A tucky Board of Trustees used the remain- time for the winter quarter. The houses should be made through the office of the
der of the $290,000 to acquire more are being obtained from Charlestown, Dean ofMen.—-Nouember1945
_ property for the University, at the same lnd. i
i time pledging itself te bend the Uniyerr One site, offRose street, and adjoining A Q
sity up to $400,000 for the purpose of the campus ofthe University Experiment
e building a fieldhouse when the oppor- northern boundary will accommodate 72 l
tune time presents itself. ln addition, this houses; and the other, at the north en- FOR AAF
current, biennial request of the Board of trance to Clifton avenue will take care ef Having egrnnleteel a highly essential
l Trustees, to the Legislature, asks an ap- the remaining 128 houses ioh tor the Allies and the AAl:_ Mary
i propriation ofan additional $600,000for Announcement waS made from the Edith Engle whe hgg Served mere than
A the next biennium, anticipating the erec- R€Qi$lY¤Yl$ 0ih€€ lhel the Yehlal 005t tc two years as a Women's Airforce Service i
tran of e $1,000,000 fieldhouse at the siuelehis ter the heuses has het yet heeh Pilot, has returned to the States and to l
close of the war. decided Ulddhr hui the ldidl cost et lTdh$· other civilian work. Her last assignment A
There were 78 old houses on the Dorting the houses to Lexington, their was at the ltitth ltenging Group, l_oVe
, . Euclid avenue and Adams street prOD· €l€€h0h» cest ei $€WdQ€· water ahd elec- Field, Dallas, Texas.
erty, which have been torn down. Many tfic tacilities, and the work of clearing the Mrs Engle was graduated from the
alumni, recalling the unsightly shacks Qiduhds will he Pmlaled ih rentals. Rents University in 1937 and took her Masters
which decorated that part of the City will not be prohibitive however it was an- degree in i94()_ She was married te l_t_
which faced the north end of the cern- nounced. William R, Engle ot the United gtates
pus, will rejoice in the news that what The new homes will be modern, some Navyi She has ferried planes throughout
was once an eyesore will, in the not t0O With lWO h9dY0Olh$· $0l'h€ Wllh 0h€· Bhd the United States for the Ferrying Trans-
A distant tLltL1t‘€, be tl't€ site of 5 building in iUl’l'll$h€Cl, .€XC€Dl lOl' b€Cldll'lQ. lliW€|'i, port COmmand_ 5he has mgrg than
which the youth of Kentucky may build china. Silver, glassware, bath and kitchen l_iO() hours in the air and has made gOZ_
brawn and muscle, and where they may equipment. The living room and dining ems ot deliveries ot fighting aineratt tor
find a meeting place capable of housing fOOm and kitchen will be in one large the ATC including the large tWo.englne
the entire student b0dy,—F€l)rUGry 1944 lOOm and will COhl@llAl 6 i@bl€. chair. clay trangpgrt plan95_-—Febru¤ry 1945
5 .
‘ ’l .
Av itil t _ _
` _ . r lil _ , \i»r ARMY SPECIALIZED
A ` Y _ is AQ l itil ‘ , ``AA‘' Q TRAINING PROGRAM
— - as , . ix hr, ~ A: · i_!‘
,_ · i` 1 . *°l 2% ir.; ·A1— ENDS AT UNIVERSITY
__ l K ` , c ‘tt;?"' __ With 5,713 soldiers and reservists and
_ Q “ V \ ‘ i ef) rr Le ` 4,100 civilians trained at