xt7p2n4zhb7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zhb7q/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1976 Volume 1 -- Number 13 athletic publications English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1976-1977) coaches Hall, Joe B. Rupp, Adolph Rupp Arena players Lee, James Haskins, Merion Grevey, Kevin UK vs. Indiana University (December 6, 1976) statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause, 4-Dec-76 text The Cats' Pause, 4-Dec-76 1976 2012 true xt7p2n4zhb7q section xt7p2n4zhb7q TV 1976, The Cats' Pause PAGE 2 THE CATS' PAUSE, DECEMBER 4, 1976 THE CATS9 PAUSE Published by WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P. O. Box 7297 Lexington, Kentucky 40502 Postmaster, please send form 3579 to: P. O. Box 7297, Lexington, Ky. 40502 OSCAR L. COMBS DEWEY BENTLEY BOB WATKINS JOHN HENDERSON TED WATTS JAMES MEAGER JACK McKAY JACK MAIDEN DONNA COMBS BILL STRAUB EDITOR And PUBLISHER RESEARCH EDITOR NATIONAL COLUMNS FEATURES ART PHOTOGRAPHY INTERSCHOLASTIC EDITOR SPORTS HOBBY COLUMNIST CIRCULATION MANAGER SEC COLUMNIST Published Weekly Except Monthly June, July and August Advertising Representative CURTIS ADVERTISING AGENCY 2134Nicholasville Road/Suite 6/Lexington, Kentucky 40503/(606) 276-2555 PAUL L. FAST, DIRECTOR of NATIONAL SALES PHYLLIS S. MARTIN, ADVERTISING COORDINATOR 'Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Lexington, Kentucky, 40511 and additional mailing offices. Subscription Price - $10 per year for minimum of 30 issues, payable in advance. Advertising rates available on request from Curtis Advertising Agency. WILDCATS FEATURED IN THREE GAMES ON SEC TV SERIES The Kentucky Wildcats will appear in three games on the Southeastern Conference Television series, which enters its 13th season, and only the Wildcats can boast of having been featured at least three times each year. Appropriately enough, the Wildcats open the series Jan. 8 against Vanderbilt at Nashville, and close the series the final two weeks, hosting Alabama Feb. 26, and traveling to Knoxville to meet Tennessee, Mar. 5. Alabama and Tennessee are featured three times, while four teamsAuburn, Georgia, Mississippi State and Vanderbilt will appear twice. Florida, LSU and Mississippi appear only once. The nine-week series over a regional network again will be produced by TVS Television of New York. All games will be played on Saturday afternoons. A double-header Jan. 15 will feature Vanderbilt-Florida and Alabama-Mississippi State. Kentucky has won 28 and lost only 14, for a 66.7 per cent win average during the past 12-years. The year-by-year breakdown: Won one of three games in '65, three of four in '66, two of four in both '67 and '68, three of five in '69, all four in '70, three of four in '71, two of three in both '72 and '73, one of three in '74, all three in '75, and two of three in '76. The Schedule: Date Teams Tip-Off JAN. 8 KENTUCKY AT VANDERBILT ____3:00 CST Jan. 15 Vanderbilt at Florida..............1:00 EST Alabama at Mississippi State........2:00 CST Jan. 22 Mississippi State at Georgia.........4:00 EST Jan. 29 Auburn at Louisiana State..........3:00 CST Feb. 5 Tennessee at Auburn..............3:00 CST Feb. 12 Mississippi at Georgia . ............2:30 EST Feb. 19 Tennessee at Alabama.............3:00 CST FEB. 26 ALABAMA AT KENTUCKY .......4:00 EST MAR. 5 KENTUCKY AT TENNESSEE......4:00 EST goac/l 7V