J o oo p G 'Owe 3iitw(cl!m Editor Comment On Maintenance Today. Weather: 0 Iuilv Cloiiclv And Cool; Ami Operations University of Kentucky Vol. LIV, No. ':, LEXINGTON, KV., THURSDAY, OCT. 21 .; x .. ? ; :o icr MOSCOW, Oct. 21 ( Khrushchev, calling lor a summit meeting, urged today that the United States stay its hand in the Cuban crisis to quench the threat ol thermonuclear war. The Soviet Union will take no reckless decisions, he said, hut will act if the United States carries out "piratic actions." "As long as rocket nuclear weapons are not put into play it is still possible to avert war," he said. "The question of war and peace is so vital that we should consider useful a meeting in order to discuss all problems which have arisen, to do everything possible to remove the danger of unleashing a thermonuclear war." W)-I'rcm- J o Wallace Briggs, and Kuth Adams rehearse fur the Guignol production of "Harvey" whirl) will be presented beginning Oct. 31. Guignol To Present 'Harvey9 Oct 31 Staff Writer Guignol Theatre's second production of "Harvey" will he similar to the original production in Wallace Briggs, director of Guignol Theatre, said he was so pleased with the 1950 version that he wanted to give a repeat performance this season, with only minor changes. He will again be playing the By JOE CURRY, Kernel 19-50- Light Page Reds Seek ummit; hips Alter Course : ........ 19G2 . lead role. Although the play touches on the fantastic, Ray Smith, designer of the sets, has approached the design problem with a realistic attitude. The major problem will be the fast scene change from a Victorian library to a reception room of an institution. To accomplish the transformation of the stage from one scene to another, the technical device of a wagon is being employed. Smith of the reception room set is on a wagon explained that three-fourtplatform which can be rolled off the stage, revealing the permanent Victorian set behind it. Smith said an attempt will be made to use three dimensional effects rather than painted shadows. Shadows, woodwoik, and molding-wilbe real and will not be created with a paint brush or spotlight. Guignol's cast will include not only students but also members of the community interested in theater work. Rehearsal schedules are under way in preparation for opening night, Oct. 31, and for the arrival cf Harvey, the rabbit who wasn't there or was he? The play will run through Nov. 3. top-lev- el Khrushchev's comment came in a message to Bertrand Russell. British philosopher who had sent a message to the Soviet leader appealing to him "not to be provoked by the unjustifiable action of the U.S. in Cuba." Russell also sent a a message to President Kennedy culling the U.S. quarantine action a threat to human survival and urging him to "end this madness." The Khrushchev reply did not discuss the central issue raised by the United States the announced stablb hment of missile bases in But he Cuba under Soviet accused the U.S. government of hatred of the Cuban people and of "election campaign considerations." c There was no immediate reaction from the State Department in Washington. One source said no conclusion should be formed from Khrushchev's words until it was known how Soviet ships would meet the U.S. naval blockade. The Defense Department announced today that some Soviet Bloc vessels which had been moving toward Cuba "appear to have altered course." In the message broadcast by Moscow Radio, Krushchev said the Soviet Union will take no reckless decisions or "be provoked by unwarranted actions of the United States." "We will do everything in our power to prevent war," he said. Khrushchev used these words in calling for Washington to reserve itself on the quarantine: "The Soviet government considers that the government of the United States must display reserve and stay the execution of its piratical threats which are fraught with the most serious consequences." "We fully realize," said the statement, "that if war should break out that it would be a nuclear war from the very first hours. This is very dear to us. Hut evidently it is not clear to the gov Kernel Editorial Merits Worldwide Attention Sporcli On UN Sol For Friday Clark M. Eichelherger, national director of the American Association for the United Nations, will speak here Friday By NANCY MOORE WOODWARD Asst. .Managing Editor on "The United Nations ToThe United States Informaday." tion Service picked up a Kernel The address will begin at 7:30 in the auditorium of the Tay- editorial, "Centlcmau of Courp.m. lor Education Building. age," from the Associated Tress The address is sponsored by the to Hash around the world. UK Patterson School of Diplomacy This editorial, written by and Commerce, the Kentucky Council of Churches, and the Ken- Stephen Palmer, headed the list tucky Division of the American ol opinions by U.S. colleges Association for the United and universities about lines II. , orld. Many opinions and views have been expressed about Meredith, the first Negro knowingly admitted to the University of Mississippi. Palmer likewise expressed his views in his editorial whi(h recently appeared in the Kernel. Palmer is a first year law s'u-deat the University. In June, VX2, he received ins A. B. J. di'grc-While a student in .join r. dn1. Palmer wrote mamh editorials tor the Kernel. De-- h in to cnutinue his wiiti.i'J, he Jack (iuthr.e, Kerial it he CMclci suboi ia Is throughout the year. mit This was how hi. view- - of Meredith appeared in piint. The editorial made the Associated Prt ss and many foreign correspondents have ouoted him in tht r home newspapers. '1 he Kernel received netiie from Ilap a former I K student now with the Peace Corps, that the editorial was (p.:otcd in papers hi Wot Africa. "I thought it was something our campus could taxe a iec on because" we're a southern University," said Pallia r. ul.en :ekcd why he wrole the editoiial. "We should tal; the initiative- for a pro-- : c.' h e southern ftaiid." he added. "These are my personal conviction-., but as an editorial it was intruded t dip oj'Tnit'ii and pre-sea lid arj; nt; cuts Q Ktrnel readers." In the iUlitorial, palmer called . XT Sheltei rrourt Outlined For UK Proc'i'duies lor students to I ollow in the event of an attack were drawn up Wednesday alt ernooji at a special meeting of the Campus Salety Committee. Dr. Frank G. Dickey, piesident of the University, said, "We do not ported at the commit tie meeting. The following proceduies were wish to alarm unduly the faculty and student body but the possibil- recommended in cae of attack: Students will be notified of an ity of armed conilict is great enough that we feel special pre- emergency by campus police cruimeasures should be sers using public address s steins cautionary taken." and by telephone calls to proper "The fullest cooperation of all administrative offices. I'pon reconcerned in following these rec- ceiving students notification, ommended procedures is requested should listen to available iaili should there be an emergency," he for inhumation on nature or the added. attack and the time elinuiit inThe Safety Committee will con- volved. students in the following tata-goritinue to work today on more adesh nild: quate plans and these will be 1. Siudfiits as they unjdeveluped. living in University should return to their Ill any immediate emergency, a hoi:-:'iunits for turner 0 limited amount of food flfid water are available, it wus re- Continucdon I'arj 8 o ii editor-in-chie- 1 f, ! four-pow- four-pow- e e cation he would never receive. He? may have been admitted to the University, but this, palmer said, was no assurance of his graduating from Ole Miss. Palmer went on to ask who ol' us would "have the courage and inner strength to hold the bitterness and the hatred for tho-.who chanted, "Nitjser, (io Home?'" He thtti compared Meredith to a Inula- builder. Ntv.roe- - will follow hi.-- , foot tips. Put the'V may be al'le to bleach the hasni bt . au-- " ot the bitelee Meie-flltbuilt tor his race. u-- sptike-Miia- we-c- V.al:'.- - to i to gov e rntuenial "We haeinto hi cal co. oil Across the 1. V.a-- . u. e vv t ti ;m aud i !y .' e iialy the .. lu-c- ; .!.. a'.d T!ie quickly eu.e nt ble. De tellM' ;ed with . -- C.v l ... te-- b call lrom t b si kll c; theh Is t the V catii'ii et p .bli it to do in e- nitoi malitai on vent etf attack. 'ou-.at home In other ea "sho-- t bu l.a slu'llei has been eneiallv at a av ei ; in i eeti it t .ltd months siuMt.dy that te j m ;him w th for last eon.-- t ii:. Mi a NflVl'l A. Keiekf teller of New Vw'k. ebaoiiiin of (he Civil Defense Conn;:utle ! the called an cmr (vis' ('onferent-eI uniiM'iin uii i ji;r j al I i ri all a v ai-l- U 'l :rvn d. - adqii " ! c a Nilllll'fnU re alh ei ed- tab- n. prot u !.ew V e there' no p. u r ion i statt o trake plans : Va lllpila: ti innmcr.t pri to the fullest d In some (a-woi.- d, '.Uip-- h , ; w.i re- la.-- t hem -- 3- - t e!"!Hiid, ' 11a t 'ie and i t in tho to '.1,1,.: l)e te i!si itiou asencies and oliieials spraiin into aetion yesterelay to meet with all available ri'MUin r. .u:v emergency arising from the ( ub en (li a siulf a 1"! but i; et pr vi- to it nie-- II.-go- tivitie s. ..... adde-d- pipeline-- la". an:l journalism in a prt lev ion. He agi. e PulmeT er o;-"- Meredith that were printed in Meredith a "student of sacrifice beand a gentleman of newspapers throughout the cause he was paying courage," edufor an w ernment of the United States of America." Hinting at resistance to any U.S. Navy search of Soviet merchantmen, he said that if the United States persists in its "piratic actions," then "we, of course, will have to resort to means of defense against the aggressor." "We have no other way out," he asserted. Before the Cuban situation reached a crisis, President Kennedy said he would welcome talk with Khrushchev if the Premier went to the United States for meetings of the UN General Assources in sembly. Diplomatic Washington suggested there had been feelers from Washington on the subject. There were indications in London today that Prime Minister Macmillan was considering a flight to Washington to see Kennedy There has been no summit meeting since Kennedy took office, but the U.S. President has met separately with Khrushchev, Macmillan. and Preser ident De Gaulle of France. A meeting involving former President Dwight D. Eisenhower blew up over the issue of the U2 spy plane. At Washington, D.C., it was announced that the Capital's emergency relocation center at nearby I orton, Va.. is being manned on a basis. At Bridgeport. Conn..- - the Civil Defense director said there will be no more Saturday noontime tests of air raid sirens bt cause they might cau-- undue alarm. The l.txt time hey sound, it was said, it will e the leal thin. Many Civil I). v.. t.lli.a's were etra hours to being kept answer inquiries. Defense Depu i tinc'it otfieials in Wi'shinston s.tj t;o million shelter are spaces arountl the nation scheduled to be steckcd with necessary supplies. At present, they saiel. shelters lor only se veral hundred thousand persons are ready e fetr in. me tin tc in this regard. A said tilt stinking process be".;an old;, tliree t ? u ene-m- , - (J. Uer. SUI'IUN iftl.Mlll (eJ) e7 o O o u e *