Free at Selected Business Locations Home Delivery at $5 per year LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION, P.O. BOX 111V“, LEXINGTON, KY 110575 GLSO RECEIVES GRANT You saw it here first during May and lesbians live here too! Probably some gays June! Then another 100,000 people saw it in and lesbians living in rural areas will hear of the Lexington Herald-Leader during Gay and GLSO for the first time and realize there is a Lesbian Pride Week. Now Kentucky will keep place where they can turn for support. seeing it time and time again for the next The Chicago Resource Center funded a year! No, this is not a late April fool joke. similar GLSO project during 1985-1986. You What we are referring to is our ad, "Are You may remember seeing billboards around Abusing Your Child Without Knowing It?" Lexington which read, "Someone You Know is The Chicago Resource Center has Gay... Maybe Someone You Love." Although awarded $7,500 to GLSO for a Community restricted to Lexington, that project increased Outreach Project. The project will include a the visibility of local gays and lesbians. The monthly advertisement in the Herald-Leader new project is even more ambitious since the similar to the one you've already seen. We Herald-Leader is read all over central and plan to develop other ads for the eastern Kentucky. And if we can place ads in » Herald-Leader which follow the same format, rural weekly papers, we'll be touching an even and will also run them in the Kentucky Kernel larger audience. Watch the newspaper, and and selected small town newspapers. During remember GLSO is trying to help Kentucky the next year Kentuckians will learn gays and overcome some of its homophobia. GAY ACA GROUP FORMING IN LEXINGTON Several local members of Adult Children planned simply as a supplement for those ' of Alcoholics (ACA) will be startin a new members who want to discuss aspects of their support group for gays and lesgians in lesbian or gay lives without being concerned Lexington if at least eight people express about possible homophobic reactions. Of interest. ACA provides a safe, comfortable course, people not wishing to take part in any place for you to talk about the pain and fear other sessions may attend only these Gay ACA that resulted from growing up with an meetings. As with all these programs, alcoholic in the family. Often, people who anonymity it assured and attendees take part have no history of family alcoholism benefit in meetings only to the degree with which they from these sessions because their families were feel comfortable. unable to express affection or respect to each Meetings are tentatively scheduled for other. If you had an uncomfortable childhood Saturday afternoons at St. Joseph Office Park. or a potentially dangerous one, you will find Anyone requesting more information may call others at ACA who can understand because Karen at 259-3292. If the answering machine they have been there, too. answers .please leave a message including your Four ACA meetings already occur at St. first name and phone number so she can Joseph Office Park. This new group is not return the call. meant to replace those meetings. Instead it is