xt7p5h7bsh3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bsh3d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1939081 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-08-aug1-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1939-08-aug1-ec. 1939 2011 true xt7p5h7bsh3d section xt7p5h7bsh3d Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, August 1, 1939. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of thle Uni- versity of Kentucky met in President McVeyls of-fice at the Uni- versity, Tuesday, August 1, 1939, at 10:30 a.m. The members of the Committee present were James Park, who was made acting chair- man, R. P. Hobson and Lee Kirkpatrick. Dean W. S. Taylor, acting for President McVey, Dean James H. Graham and Secretary D. H. Peak were present. 1. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of June 10, 1939 and June 29, 1939, were aTDroved as Published. 2. Financial Report The Business Agent stated that the financial report for the month of June, 1939, was not ready, due to delay in obtaining in- voices Lor outstanding purchases. It was ordered that the state- ment be published in these minutes when it is completed. Stl ement of Income and Expenditures Month of June 1939 General Fund Income Fedcral Appro. - Morrill- Nelson Vocational Education Board Athletics State Appro.-Summer School Special Agr. Appro. State Appro.-General Building Revenue Bond & Operations Fund State Appro.-Repairs to Buildings Federal Appro.-Bankhead- Jones Previously Reported 42,750.00 33,447.46 35,346.42 8,000.00 22,000.00 709,947.13 65,620.35 Current Month Fiscal Year to date 42,750.00 6,425.44 39,872.90 3,5;7.30 38,914.22 2,000.00 65,044.31 8,000.00 24,000.00 774,991.44 5,059.53 70,679.88 9,916.09 1,783.90 11,699.99 44, 438.21 44,438.21 2. Student Fees Student Fees - Summer School Student Fees - UH.S. Student Fees - El, Tr, School Student Fees - Univ. Extension Misc. Receipts Rentals Men' s Dormitories Library Equipment - Ap- Dro, Scientific and Laborato Equip. - Appro. Engineering Equipment - Appro. Interest on Endowment Bonds Interest on Peabody Endowment Total Expenditures Instruction Administration, Ex- pense & Maintenance Additions and Better- ments Total 213,075.65 63,553,09 10,825,00 7,620.00 14,056,87 8,252. 59 2,049.65 19,455,05 20,351,44 53,729.63 53,832.04 8,644,50 2,916,96 215,992.61 1, & 51, 00) 290. 00 20.00 1,897.28 1,471,46 216,00 2,141.35 9,507.56 6,255,502 6,167.54 500.00 _o __ 1,447,411.17 113,313.15 919,539.30 103,157.21 367,655,46 26,000.90 124,055.57 23,605.14 1,411,250.33 152,763.25 62,102.09 11,115.00 7,640.00 15,954.15 9,724.05 2,265.65 21,596.40 29,859,00 59,984.65 59,999.58 8,644.50 500.00 1,560,724.32 1,022,696.51 393,656.36 147,660.71 1,564,013.58 Excess of Expenditures over Income 36.160.84 (39.450.10) (3.289.26) Patterson Hall Income Boa.rd 1iliscell1aneous Receipts Room Rent-Summer School Total Expenditures ExDense Additions and Better- ments Totals 63,873.52 126.80 279.20 64,1S2. 72 126.,80 1,839.50 2,517.50 4,357.00 65,839 82 2 ?7p6 70 68,6.3 52 50,110,54 8,299,10 58,409.64 2,841.98 _ .0071 5,42.69 52,952.52 10,699,81 63,652.33 3. Excess of Inonme over Expenditures General Fund Income General Fund Expend- itures Excess of General Fund Income over Ex- penditures Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Ledger ac- counts Accounts Payable Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 12,887.30 (7.90;,.11) 4,984,19 ,rloO~ss 16,10.9.85 t, t29, e6. .5F-- 1,464,202.85 163,463.06 1,627,665.91 49,048.14 (47,353.21) 1,694.93 (19,002.03) 23,164.77 4,162.74 (9,302.96) 15,619.35 6,316.39 20.743.15 (B.659-51) Excess of Receipts over Expenditures f or the fiscal year to date - General Fund 12.174.06 12,174.06 Cash in Bank July 1, 1938 - General Fund 82.428. 52 Cash in Bank June 30, 1939- General Fund 94,602.58 Experiment Station Income Hatch-Federal Appro. Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Seed Test Seed Inspection Rentals Miscellaneous Fertilizer - Fees 15,000.00 10,726.92 1,587.10 1,553.28 946.95 2,041.75 1,590.49 3,080,08 904,70 1,410.46 27,602.12 3,383,25 509.47 53,277.00 15,000.00 538.19 11,265.11 1,587.10 1,553.28 946.95 2,041.75 67.30 1.,657.79 3,080.08 904.70 1,410.46 27,602.12 3,383.25 20.75 530.22 53,277,00 4. Public Service - State Appropriation Public Service - Miscel- laneous Feeding Stuffs - Fees Adams - Federal Appro. Serum - Sales Serum - Virus Sales Serum - Supply Sales Horticultural Appro. State Appro. Creamery-License Fees Creamery - Testers Lic. Creamery - Glassware Teste( Robinson- State Appro. Robinson-tisc. Receipts West Ky. - State Appro. West Ky. - Misc. Receipts Purnell - Fed. Appro. Bankhead-Jones - Fed. Appro. Nursery Inspection - State Appro. Nursery Inspection - Fees Total 18,349.67 298.30 56,009.40 15,000.00 1,668.71 66.95 68,85 7,179.03 44,012.98 8,553.50 2,372.16 d 480.45 12,368.59 3,441.24 12,970.01 5,411.13 60,000.00 2,650.33 15.00 1,913.97 2,735.01 3,987.02 4.50 10.00 16.56 1,631.41 1,029,99 69,070.78 1,766.64 1,810.00 444.5119( Expenditures Expense 354,279.7: Additions and Better- ments 3.649.4' Total 357,929,11 Excess of Income over Expenditures 86,582.71 Accounts Payable (8,853.9i Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger accounts (28,845.8 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts 48,882.9 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station 233.36 21,000.00 313.30 57,923.37 15,,000.00 1,668.71 66.95 68.85 9,914.04 48,000.00 8,558.00 2,382.16 4-97.01 14,000.00 3,441.24 14,000.00 5,411.13 60,000.00 69,070,78 2,000.00 1.810.00 6 14,853.39 459,365.35 L 74,827.99 429,107.70 7 7.660.45 11.309.92 3 8_2,4C044 440,417.62 3 83) L) (67,635.05) 8,094.82 18 947 73 t759,16) 3.891.36 (24.954.45) 9 (55.649.87) Cash in Bank July 1, 1938 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank June 30, 1939 - Experiment Station (6.765. 88 (6,765.8B) 31.519.75- 24,753,87 5. Extension Division Income Federal Bankhead-Jones Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplementary Federal Capper-Ketch-an Staute Smith-Lever County and Other Total Expenditures Expense Excess of Income over Expenditures 405,170.68 148,308.76 13,272.77 36,800.97 110,231.51 18,978. 57 9,768. 4'9 4.476.18 405,170 .68 148,308.76 13. 272. 77 36,80o. 97 120, Y0 .00 23, 454.75 _732,763.26 14,244.67 747.007,93 _ 651,306.78 90,785.85 742,092.63 81,456,48 (76,541.18) 4.915.30 Excess of Income over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Extension Division Cash in Bank MIy 1, 1938 - Extension Division Cash in Bank June 30, 1939 - Extension Division A,915. 30 2.688.11 _7 ,603.41 Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Notes Genoral Ledger accounts Total Expenditures 1,736.02 3.910.12 177.84 405.96 1,913.86 4.316.08 5,646.14 _ 583.80 _6229.94 544'. 10 188.40 732.50 1,253.20 50.00 1,303.20 10,500.00 ___ 10,500.00 .12,297.30 238. 't_ 12.535.70- Excess of Expenditures over Receipts = (66,651.15) 345- 40 (6.,a5.7-6 Excess of Expenditures over Re- ceipts for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1938 - Trust Fund (6,305.76) 9,578.17 Cash in Bank June 30, 1939 - Trust Fund -- - __. __ _ Summary General Fund Income Experiment Station In- come Extension Division Income Trust Fund Income Total General Fund Expenditures Experiment Station Ex- penditures Extension Division Expendi- tures 1,513,250.99 444,511,96 732,763,26 1,736.02 2. 692.26 .23 1,464,202,85 357,929.18 651,306.78 116,109.85 14,853.39 14-L,244.67 177.84 145. 385. 75 163,463.06 82,488.44 90,785.85 1,629,360.84 *'159,365.35 747,007.93 _ 1,913,a6 2.837.647.98 1,627,665.91 440,417,62 742,092.63 Trust Fund Expenditures 544.10 188.40 732 50 Total 2,473,982.91 336,925.75 2.810.908,66 Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 218,279.32 (191,510.00) 26,739.32 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger accounts (58,347.84) 27,056.13 (31,291,71) Accounts Payable (18,156.94) 23,714.17 5,557.23 Student Lonn Fund Notes 2,656.92 355.96 3.012,88 Excess of Receints over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 144,431.46 (140.413.74) 4,017.72 Excess of Receints over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in B,..nk and on hand July 1, 1938 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand June 30, 1939 - Combined Fund 43?17.72 128.414.55 1 3n,13 2 7 7. Abstract of item showrn on Statement of Income and Expenditures, as "Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for General Ledger accounts $31,291.711" Debit Accounts Receivable Credit 44,3&0. 64 Sundry accounts 44, O80. 64 13,088,93 31,291.71 135.08893 3. College Federal Funds. The Business Agent stated that hne had received a letter from the State Treasurer which is copied as follows: OFFICE OF STATE TREASURER Frankfort July 24, 1939 Mr. D. H. Peak University of Kentucky Lexington, Ky. Dear Mr. Peak: Enclosed is U. S. Treasury check No, 5,858,553 dated July 20, 1939, for $101,974.51, covering 8. settlement of claim #08551(20), for "further endow- ment of Colleges of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Office of Education, 1940." Kindly acknowledge receipt of this check, and oblige Yours very truly, (Signed) Jno. E. Buckingham, Treasurer GFB Encl.check & Notice. The Business Agent stated that distribution of these funds in former years was in the ratio of 85.5 per cent to University of Kentucky and 14.5 per cent to State Industrial School for Col- ored Persons. The distribution is supposed to be made on the basis of white and colored population of the state, and the above stated ratio of distribution was made years ago in the distribution of Morrell-Nelson Appropriation. When the Bankhead- Jones Appropriation was first paid, the question of distribution was raised and the Board of Trustees decided that although the ratio of population had changed it was not advisable to change the ratio of distribution at that time. The Business Agent stated that the question was submitted to President McVey and he advised referring it to the Executive Committee. Thereupon, on motion and second, unanimously car- ried, it was ordered that the distribution of the appropriation for year 1939-40 be made on the ratio of 85.5 per cent to the University of Kentucky and 14.5 per cent to the State Industrial School for Colored Persons, The Business Agent was directed to return the check to the State Treasurer wi th following inform-a- tion: Aurcust 1, 1939 Mr. John Buckingham State Treasurer Frankfort, Kentucky Dear Mr. Buckingham: I an returning U. S. Treasury check No. 5858553 dated July 20, 1939, for $101,974.51. The question -;f distribution of these funds was referred to the Executive Cormittee of the 9' University of Kentucky at meeting today and it was decided to request that distribution be made on the sane basis on which it has heretofore been made; that is, in ratio of 14i per cent to the State In- dustrial School for Colored Persons and 85.,l per cent to the University of Kentucky. This distribution, according to our figures, will be as follows: University of Kentucky Morrill-Nelson Fund Bankhead-Jones Fund State Industrial School for Colored Persons Morrill-Nclcl'n Fund Bankhcad-Jones Fund $42,750.00 4,438.21 87,188.21 7,250,00 _ 7,536.30 14,786.30 I will appreciate your r.making the proper pay-in- voucher or vouchers for the University on these two funds. Very truly yours, D. H. Perlk Business Assent Encl. 4. Insurance. The Business Agent presented schedules of insurance of the University and Experiment Station propcrty, submitted to hirn by the State Division of Insurance, stating that the schedules were not comploto,atnd the Business Agent was direct- ed to present the schedules to the Cormmittce when changes and corrections have been made. The schedules show the amounts of pnrrmiurms as follows: 10. College Premiura Tornado $3,333.64 Fire 8.339.10 $11,671.74 Experiaent Station Tornado $ 1,272.02 Fire 2,140.81 $ 3,412.83 Robinson Sub-Station Tornado $ 90.80 Fire 464.35 $ 555.15 Princeton Sub-Station Tornado $ 235.94 Fire 391.35 $ 627.29 5. Bill for Well Drilling. The following bill for well drilling was presented. THE STANEOPE WIEDEMIAN C02LAINY, INC. To University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky. July 12, 1939. To drilling 70 feet at $2.00 - - $140.00 To pulling tubing 28.75 $168.75 The Board of Trustees authorized this vork, to be done by resolution at the meeting of M1arch, 1939 (See section 12). On notion and second the bill was ordered Daid, and the Bus- iness Agent was directed to submit it for' pay;-ent to State De- partment of Finance in usual manner and form. 11. 6. Audit. Mr. Hobson reported that acting on the resolution of the Executive Committee at meeting of June 29, 1939, he had received from the Secretary of the Board data relative to University audit; that he had examined the data and that he had presented the question to Attorney General Meredith by letter. At the time of this meeting he had no response from the Attorney General. 7. Home Management House Lease. On motion and second duly carried Dean Cooper was authorized to renew the lease of Home Management House at 162 Bonnie Brae Avenue; the renewal to be made with M:rs. May Duncan for one year from August 1, 1939, on same terms as last year at rate of $65.00 per month. 8. Liquor Dispensaries. The President presented the following letter from the Dev- ereux Dispensaries: DEVEREUX DITSPENSARIES July 10, 1939 Board of Trustees University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Gentlemen: The Kentucky Court of Appeals, in a decision handed down on June 20, 1939, in the case of Joe Dougherty, et al vs. Kentucky Alcoholic Control Board, held that an erroneous construction had been placed upon Section 75 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of 1938 (Sec- tion 2554b-177 of the 1938 Supplement to Carroll's Kentucky Statutes) by the Board as set out in its Rogu- lation LC-24 from the Department of Revenue. The Court said, in effect, that, if any part of the land or the building from which the liquor and beer business is conducted is on the same street, highway, or road and within 200 feet of the grounds of a church, school, or hospital, the license is void. This revision has made it necessary for my brother and me to got the approval of you, the Board of Trustees of the University of Kontucky, before we will be granted nermits to operate a Retail Package Liquor Store at 379 Rose Street and to 12. sell beer at The Paddock Restaurant at 381 Rose Street. The previous interpretation mile by the Alcoholic Control Board granted 7ermits to those applicants desir- ing permits within the restricted area if their premises was not facing on the same street as that upon which a church, school or hospital faced. Our Business is not situated facing the same street as that of the University and we were granted licenses for the f is- cal year, 1938. The present inter)retation is to the effect that no license shall be granted for any prem- ises, the property line of which is within 200 feet of the property line of a premises upon which there is located a protesting church, school, or hospital. The property line upon which our premises is situated is within 200 feet of the property line upon which the University athletic stadium is situated, Our package liquor store at 379 Rose Street has been operated in a very orderly manner since August, 1934; The Paddock Restaurant has likewise been op. erated since September, 1936. Never has there been a complaint from the University of Kentucky about the operation o1f these two establishments. The Pad- dock, in particular, has always been an active and loyal supporter of the activities and objectives of the University. The existing conditions described above make it necessary that we obtain from you a letter to the Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Control Board stating that the University of Kentucky does not protest the granting of permits allowing us to continue our business. In behalf of my brother, John R. Devereux, and myself, I rmAke this urgent appeal that you grant us this courtesy and, in so doing, I assure you that we will continue to conduct our business in the future in such a manner that will not cause the University any necessity of corn. plaint. Respectfully yours, (Signed) J. B. Devereux Partner Devereux Dispensaries The Paddock Restaurant J. B. Devereux: WMB The letter was read in open meeting and the question dis. cussed, No action was taken, but reference is made to the action of the Board of Trustees at the meeting of June 3, 1938, Sec. 16. 13. 9. Degrees, Summer Commencement - Committee. On motion and second, carried, the Chairman appointed Lee Kirkpatrick, Louis Hillenmeyer and Dean W. S. Taylor as a commit- tee to act for the Board of Trustees in approval of the recommenda- tions of the University Senate of candidates for degrees to be conferred at Midsummer Commencement, August 18, 1939. 10. Financing Improvements - Kinkead and Breckinridge Halls. Dean Graham referred to a resolution of the Board of Trus- tees under date of June 2, 1939, wherein Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman, was authorized to execute, on behalf of the University, a supplemental lease upon Kinkead and Breckinridge Halls, where- under the University agreed to pay an increase in the annual rental upon these Halls in return for the conversion of the ground floors of these buildings into living quarters for additional students, by the owners, acting by and through their Trustee, the Security Trust Company of Lexington, Kentucky. In accord with the aforesaid resolution, the Trusteeshad pre- pared and had presented a supplemental lease, which was executed by Judge Stoll Just prior to his leaving upon his vacation and which he had forwarded to Dean Graham, with instructions as fol- lows: Colonel James H. Graham University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Colonel: Enclosed herewith you will find three copies of supple- mentary lease between Security Trust Cor.mpany and the Universi- ty which Mr. Harbison sent r.me today. I have signed all three of the leases and acknowledged them but before delivering them I wish you would look there over and see that they are all right. If they are not, I imagine at a- meeting of the Executive Commit- tee, which will shortly be held, the lease changed as you think it should be changed can be authorized, if you think this one does not fill the bill. I am also sending you Mr. Harbisonts letter to me. Yours truly, (SIGNED) Richard C. Stoll RGS:FPJ Enclo sure. Dean Graham then stated further that as the title to the two buildings in question was not vested in the University, and that as the supplemental lease, as executed, named the Works Progress 14. Administration as a participant in the proposed conversion work, it had become necessary to advise the State Director of the Works Progress Administration as to these facts; and that this had been done, with the result that the State Director had advised that, under the conditions pertaining, the University or the own - ers of the buildings must be liable for the whole cost of the work involved, as the regulations of Works Progress Administration would not permit any participation within other than public prop- erties. Dean Graham then presented a revised draft of suppleraentary leases prepared by the Trustee, wherein the rental payments by the University are increased in accord with the total estimated cost of the proposed work, or, in terms of dollars, an increase of from 89000 to $12,000 in total cost and from $8,540 to $11,400 in construction cost, to the owners. After discussion, the follow!ing resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: 1. That the revised supplementary lease from Security Trust Company for the annual use and occupancy of Kinkead and Breckin- ridge Halls by the University of Kentucky, in lieu of a supple- mentary lease signed and executed by Judge Richard C. Stoll on July 20, 1939, but not delivered, be and is hereby approved and ordered spread upon the minutes of this meeting: THIS SUPPLEMENTARY LEASE, made and entored into this 1st day of August, 1939, by and between SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of the State of Kentucky and having its principal office in the City of Lexington, Kentucky, party of the first part, hereinafter called the nLessor", and the Universi- ty of Kentucky, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Kentucky and having its principal office in the soae city of Lexington, party of the second part, hereinafter called the "Lessee", witnosseti that: Whereas by a certain lease dated September 1, 1938, and re- corded in Deed Book 303, page 455, in the Foyette County Clerkis Office, the within Lessor leased to the within Lessee the premises situated on the campus of the Lessee in Lexington, Kentucky, and containing the two (2)dormitory buildings known as Kinkead Hall and Breckinridge Hall, hereinafter called Buildings "B" and IIC"; and Whereas it has now been determined that by the making of cer- tain alterations and renovations and improvements on the ground floors of said two buildings, additional dormitory rooms can be provided for rental to students, with a consequent additional rev- enue from that source; and Whereas It is provided that the Lessor shall raine, through the sale of Twelve Thousand Dollars (12,000.00), face amount of Land Trust Certificates, the sum of Eleven Thousand Four Hundred 15. ($11,400.00) Dollars, which will suffice to make the said altera- tions, renovations and improvements, and shall cause the said sum of $11,400.00 to be expended in the making of said alterations, renovations and improvements, all as shown by plans and specifi- cations which have been prepared, and which are identified by the signatures of the Lessor and the Lessee thereon: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the additional rents and the covenants hereinafter stipulated to be paid and ner- formed by the Lessee, the Lessor doth hereby execute this modified or supplemental lease, and doth hereby lease, demise and let unto the Lessee all the above-mentioned real estate, which is fully described in the lease of September 1, 1938, above mentioned: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said demised Dremises unto the Lessee for and during the term of one (1) year beginning the 1st day of August, 1939, and ending the 31st day of July, 1940, upon the terms herein expressed or provided for. This lease is not intended to, and does not, supplant, or in any way modify or affect, the above-mentioned lease of September 1, 1938, save only in that it provides for additional improvements and facilities to be added to the leased premises, and additional rent on that account; and this lease is In no sense in derogation of the rights of the holders of the Land Trust Certificates issued by the Lessor under the Declaration of Trust which it executed simultaneously with said lease of September 1, 1939, and which is recorded in the office of the Fayette County Clerk in Deed Book 303, page 461; and the making of this leause shall in nowise affect the said Declaration of Trust or the rights of the parties there- under, but this lease is subordinate and inferior to the said earlier lease and to the rights of the parties under said Declara- tion of Trust. This lease is upon the same terms and conditions as said lease of September 1, 193B, and all the terms and provisions of said lease are hereby ratified, adopted and made a part hereof, as fully as if written out herein, save only as herein otherwise provided. The Lessor shall promptly furnish to the Lessee upon the execu- tion hereof the sum of Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Doilars (11,400.00) for use in improving the premises as hereinabove in- dicated. The Lessor hereby grants to the Lessee the right to extend or renew the term hereof for an additional period of one (1) year, and also from year to year to extend or renew such extended or renewed term for an additional year, until the term hereof shall have been extended for a total of eloven (11) years from the 31st day of July, 1940, each such extension being upon the same terms as are provided for herein, and with the are provision for no- tice and the like as is provided in the ab-ove-mentioned lease of September 1, 1938. 16. The rental herein reserved is in such amounts that if paid for the original one-year term hereof and also for eleven (11) additional, or extended, terms, it will complete the amortization of the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars (812OOO.00), the total cost (including legal and financing charges) of the alteration renova- tion and improvement to the two said Buildings "B" and "C4 as here- inabove indicated, in Twelve (12) years, with interest at the rate of 4% per annum, so that at the end of each year from the date hereof the Lessor may pay 4% upon all the outstanding Trust Certif- icates to be issued against said rental, and may also redeem One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), face amount, of said Trust Certifi- cates; thus, the rent for the term hereby granted shall be the sum of Fourteen Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($1,480.00), payable in cash in twelve (12) equal monthly instalments on the first day of each month during the term; and the rent for the first ex- tended term shall be the sum of Fourteen Hundred and Forty Dollars ($1,440.00), payable in cash in twelve (12) equal monthly instal- ments on the first day of each month during the term; and so on, for each extended term thereafter, provided the term be extended under the provisions hereof; so that for each successive extended term the rent shall be the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) plus 4% of the amount of the then unamortized part of the original principal sum of $12,000.00. The rent herein reserved is to be paid in addition to the rent reserved by the above-mentioned lease of September 1, 1938, and thus may properly be termed "additional rent." And said addition- al rent is proposed to be obtained by the Lessee from its sub- letting of the additional rooms planned to be built into the said Buildings "B" and "C" as hereinabove indicated. When all the additional rent herein provided for shall have been paid in full, and all the obligations of the Lessee hereunder shall have been performed, then this supplementary lease, as extend- ed, shall cease and terminate, and the promises shall thenceforth be held under the above-mentioned lease of September 1, 1938, only. An option was granted to the Lessee by the above-mentioned lease of Soptember 1, 1938, to re-purchase the demised promises at any first day of September during the term of the original lease, at the purchase price fixed in said lease for the date in question, said purchase price diminishing each year by the amount of amortization of the original principal required to have been paid within that year. Said option is hereby amended as follows: after the additional investment of the $12,000.00 in the leased premises shall have been made by the Lessor as herein promised, the re-purchase price, as fixed in said original lease, at any first day of September from September 1, 1939, to September 1, 1951, both inclusive, shall be increased by the amount of the prin- cipal of the said $12,000,00 of additional investment that may then be ou standing and unamortized. 17. IN TESTIUONY OF ALL WHEREOF, the Lessor and the Lessee have respectively caused their names to be subscribed and their re- spective corporate seals to be affixed and atstested, by their proper officers, respectively, therounto duly authorized, all on or as of the 1st day of August, 1939. SECURITY TRUST COMPANY (Signed) B C. N. Manning Pro sident ATTEST: (Signed) S. A. Wallace Security UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY (Signed) By Janes Park Acting Chairman of Executive Committee of its Board of Trustees. ATTEST: (Signed) D. H. Peak Secretary. STATE OF KENTUCKY) )SCT COUNTY OF FAYETTE) I, GCean Petrie, a Not