xt7p5h7bvq00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bvq00/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19700217  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1970 1970 2015 true xt7p5h7bvq00 section xt7p5h7bvq00 Family Relations Expert Calls For Openness

Candor Seen As Generation Gap Bridge

Kernel Staff Writer
Although it was not yet the
ninth hour, we were barefoot
in the ballroom of the Phoenix
Hotel. All 135 of us.
And we were not only barefoot, we were walking sadly and
silently through the woods. Then
we were moving through a city
teeming with strangers. On command the ballroom became a
place filled with good and understanding friends. Again we were





through the sunlight.
We were sensual. We were
authentic beings. And we were at
the beck and call of Dr. Richard
Hey who was helping us bridge
the generation gap.

Dr. Hey, president of the National Council on Family Relations, was the Monday evening
speaker for the Fourth Ceneral
Session of the Southeastern Council on Family Relations which

has been meeting in Lexington
since Sunday.
The doctor arrived at the meeting eating a candy bar which
he offered to share with bystanders.
Within minutes of a
he confided that he
had three children and "we made
the last one 14 years ago after
I'd been away from my wife for
seven weeks."

Instant Candor
Stunned into silence by this
instant candor, nothing further

Tuesday, Feb.

was elicited from the doctor except that he teaches in the "post
doctoral program at the University of Minnesota."
Hanging loose, Dr. Hey discarded his candy wrapper at the
speaker's platform along with
his suitcoat and shoes. Then he
urged the gathering of teachers
and other professionals in education to move the chairs to the
sides of the room and "everybody take off your shoes and all
get together here in the middle."
Some of the group were experienced in trust therapy; most
were Just used to following orders. But all, black and white,
young and old, meekly

now in a red


Looking perhaps 35, the doctor said, "I'm 51 years old. I've
never been young in 1970. I don't
know what it will be like to be
young in 1970. But I know how
it is for me to be 51 today."
Stating that young people "as
sexual beings" are "given some
perspective with shared informa-

and yellow striped shirt with a
red, yellow and navy striped tie,
Dr. Hey peered from behind hornrimmed glasses.

Sex Being

"I still perform adequately
sexually," Dr. Hey said. "In

fact, I've made some exciting tion," the doctor admitted that
discoveries about my sexual be- not every
person ought to make
ing lately. I think if young peothe effort to "bridge the generaple know this they can at least tion gap."
feel they won't have to have
'Some People Dead'
every orgasm they're ?ver going
"Some people are better off
to have by the time they're 30."
where they are," he said.
Dr. Hey said that if we are staying
"They're dead anyway. They
going to be authentic with youth should be encouraged to lie
we have to "discuss areas of
down," he continued.
life not up for public
Please Tarn To Page 7

ECemtocecy ECeknel

17, 1970


LXL No. 91


Two Day Voting

Advised For SG

Kernel Staff Writer
The Board of Elections apto
proved a recommendation
the Student Government Asmaximum
sembly for a two-da- y
area plan for the spring SG
elections Monday night.
Elections Board
Bruce Carver stated the proposal, stemming from the board's
third meeting, constitutes four
plans utilizing 12 voting places
on campus over a two-da- y
period, saying "we will recommend
the one which we feel is the
most feasible to implement."
The board's plan came in response to that proposal by SG
representative Steve Bright,
"That All Might Participate," a
bill called "one of the most controversial bills" introduced before the SG Assembly in several years.
Bright's proposal had called
for a
period for the
SG spring elections with polling
places being open at certain
time intervals during the two
Futrell Veto
Vetoed by SG president Futrell for "constitutional and philosophical reasons," Bright's bill
was criticized for having a time
period "entirely too long" and
was thus, turned over to the
Elections Committee to see what
they could come up with, for
an election proposal.
The twelve proposed polling
places which Carver says will
cover the campus "almost like
a glove," are to be open at different times, during a two day
period so that the UK student
body can have a "relatively easy
time" voting.
maximum area"
Hie "two-da- y
plan would , reduce the needed
man hours to staff the polls to
177 and make the polls "easy to
keep up with," Carver remarked.
April Election
The Elections Board proposed
that the SG election be held
during the first week in April.
If contested, it would be easy
to hold another election in two
weeks with "just as good coverage as before," according to
Carver and would present no




real drawback to the students
participating in the election.
Previously, SG President Tim
Futrell sent each Election Board
member a letter in which he re-


quested them to "investigate
other school's reforms."
with President
Futrell's request, Elections
Board chairman Jim Gwinn contacted state universities, the Associate Student Government and
the National Student Government in the hopes of acquiring
new ideas for reforming the









Kernel Photo by Bob Brewer

'Today's Society
Like Field Mice9

Dr. Mark Luckens, associate professor of pharmacy, termed the
"affluent" societies as "effluent," in his Monday night lecture en-

titled "After

Non -Existent

Micro-Pollutan- ts
Kernel Staff Writer
exist? Dr.
Mark Luckens, associate professor of pharmach, says No.
An attentive audience of 70
heard Dr. Luckens speak Mon-day night in the Classroom Build"After
Microcontami-nates,- "
was the fourth in a series
of 13 sponsored by the Environmental Awareness Society.
"The decade of the 70's is

open mind."

"We must hear out the different plans," Carver continued.

Students must decide the
ibility" of the plan which would
"really be best for this campus," he added.


Carver's hopes came in lieu
of possible desertion by some
SG members at the SG meeting
next Thursday night. He hoped
the Elections Board's proposals
would be judged judiciously.
However, Bright voiced criticism of the board's recommendations saying that he plans
to go ahead with his movement
to override Futrell's veto. As
Bright viewed the proposal,
"these are no real election reforms."

a decade of decision," said the
toxicologist. "We must master
technology or let technology mas-te- r

Generation's Problems
He said there is no use to
talk of the generation gap in regard to current environmental


"Science functions to make
life liveable. Each new generation
has had its problems to solve,
and each has done its best,"
stated Dr. Luckens.
"Man has died in his own
filth and waste, and we stand a
good chance of being buried in our
own garbage," the professor said.
"There is no such thing as a
Some are worse
than others, some more toxic,
but it all adds up to a whole



Three hundred years of ecolog- -

talk in the Class-


room Building was the fourth in a series of 13 sponsored by the
Environmental Awareness Society. Luckens warned that "man has a
good chance of being buried in his own garbage."

Carver emphasized that the

Elections Board does not wish
to "discourage people from generating interest in election reform." He encouraged interested
students to come to the SG
meeting but not only "to come
with interest but also with an

proposed by Bright tliat "we
feel these four plans cover a
good continuum. There is a
maximum utilization of a large
number of polling places over
what we consider a long enough
period of time, that being two
Please Turn To Pae 8


spring SG elections.
Although no word has been
received from the National SG
office, Carver said "none of
these have offered anything
different from what we've tried
in the past."
Interest And Open Mind

Two Day Vote
Carver remarked in regard to
his board's proposal and that as


T-- li

ical violence, the first pollution
law of 1663, and the increasing
amount of desert land especially what is known as the "fertile crescent" show the progress
of environmental destruction, he

Fluorides, arsenics, carcinogens,
lead and pesticides are only a few
of the increasing pollutants which
are detrimental to environment.
Everyone's Concern
According to the toxologist,
a decrease of population will not
solve the current pollution problem.


The situation is becoming a
grave one, according to Luckens.
He termed the "affluent"
ties as "effluent."


Society Changes

"With presentday technology,
it will take a decision on everyone's part to offer a solution.
We must consider the next guy,
or there will be no one left to
Dr. Luckens compared today's
societies with field mice "getting excited and killing each other
In summary, Dr. Luckens
categorized three steps toward
the solving of pertinent environmental problems:
People must realize that there
is an optimal size which no so-

The professor said people generally are too concerned with the
present. He made it clear that we
live in a worid and society where
things can change, but where
not enough change has actually
taken hold of the problems.
"Change will come about
through the will and desire of
entire nations to reverse the
trend," said Luckens. "We are
not simply the victims of population, but also of contamination,
filth and garbage."
ciety should exceed.'
There should be a. certain
He held finnly to the belief
amount of living space separatthat man has been more concerned with dean water than ing communities.
air pollution. "When man
People have created technolstopped becoming a food gatherer ogy for the good of their childand a hunter, trouble set in. We ren; therefore, they should use it.
can no longer mess up an area
"There is no such tiling as a
and niove on," he said.
If war won't kill us,
"Hie pectrum of pollutants pollution will, so let's all sit down
and tackle the
includes water, food and bevand air," stated Luckens. Luckens urged.







KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1970

Architecture Series Features Artistic Flicks
Kernel Staff Writer
Georges Melies films were featured in the third installment
of the School of Architecture Film
Series shown Monday night in the

Student Center Theatre.

Melies films, produced in the
early 1900's, were short, humorous, slapstick and very fantastic. Even though some may
consider them crude by today's
standards, they must still be recognized as the first films used
for artistic purposes, and by my
standards they are not crude but
brilliant, especially when the age
they were produced in is considered.
Long before others ventured
into the film realm, Melies was
experimenting with techniques
which are now considered commonplace: the fade-i- n and fade-ou-t,
double exposure, and
to name a few. In
all 10 of his films, these techniques are used, no mean task
with the materials he had to use.



makes noticeable use of camera
stops, and very good use, to
cause the disappearance of Jupiter's subjects, and at the end,
of Jupiter himself. As in many
of his films, Melies uses slapstick comedy, foreshadowing the
style of many silent films which

were produced

later by other
In addition to the slapstick
which inhabits the films, Melies,
who was a professional magician,
makes extensive use of illusion
which he makes Almost perfect
with his filming techniques. "Extraordinary Illusions" is a good
example of the combination of
magic and filming tricks, with
its illusions of a mannequin being transformed into a woman,
and a woman into a chef.
"The Mermaid" also incorporates magic into its format,
beginning with a magician pulling fish from a hat, then the
a backchange of their tank-intground of an undersea world,
complete with mermaid. PioneerMelies
ing the
transforms the mermaid into a



woman in a very realistic fashion
that rivals any work done to-


Besides using camera tricks
to convince his audience, artist
Melies used forced perspective
to give his work more depth.
In "The Damnation of Faust"
there are numerous scenes depicting the caverns of Hell, which
are quite realistic in impressions
of depth and distance.
is used also, as the
Devil demonstrates his powers

to Faust.

"The Inn Where No Man
Rests" combines several of the
filming techniques pioneered by
Melies, but its real value is in
the slapstick comedy which it
presents throughout. In action
and filming, it surpasses many if
not most of the silent slapstick
comedies which came later.
Through his techniques and
his ability in magic, along with
his imagination, Melies not only
foreshadowed slapstick humor,
but in "The Damnation of Faust"
and "The Infernal Cauldron" he
may be seen as a pioneer of
today's horror movies.
Though there is some humor
evident, filming methods and the
stories themselves make the films
seem terrifyingly real. The scenes
of Hell and the Devil's demonstration of his powers in "Faust,"
and the transformation of a
woman into a ghostly image in
"Cauldron," are more convincing than many of today's horror



triumphs, 17 other shorts were
presented, including one by Edwin S. Porter, producer of the
"Great Train Robbery."
"Dream of a Rarebit Fiend"
was a well produced work,
showing the nightmare of a man
who over-at- e
once too often. The
men climbing from a serving dish






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Your talent could win you a

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baton and saber twirlers,
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many origirvjl variety
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And ycu'I! havo the time of your life
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SIX FLAGS family of performers.
For complete information pick up a
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Monday, February 23

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(Registration Is 30 minutes
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selected, you'll work under
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and beating the Fiend on the ing eyes, lips and cigarette smokhead, and the later flight over the ing. One very good work was a
city on a bed, both showed imag- strobiscopic study of man cutuse of the medium for a ting his wrists.
Sears, Roebuck, made the
film so old. "Dream" was a very
movies in a strobiscopic study of
film in both its content
and the filming, though not as a Sears Catalogue. Yoko Ono
imaginative as those by Melies presented the audience with a
study of various nude derrieres,
which preceded it.
giving brief glimpses of them in
The other short works were walking.
"End after 9" completed the
done during the sixties, involvwhich recently series with a rapid succession
ing techniques
became popular, while others of numbers from one to nine,
were slow motion studies involv

followed only by


American Cinema Directors
Develop Artistic Identity


Arts Editor
"The Film Director as Supery
star," By Joseph Celmis.
and Company.
Due to the very nature of a
motion picture, it is often difficult to discern exactly who is
responsible for the "great" movies. From American preoccupation with the mythical glamour
of our own Never-NevLand,
Hollywood, we are prone to consider the actors as the main
factor in any movie.
The perpetraters of the myth,
the Hollywood studio heads.
would argue that they and the
producers who provide money
make or break a movie. In a way
they are right, because people
like Gable, lkgart, Taylor, Brando and movies like "Cone With
The Wind," "On The Waterfront," and "The Third Man"
could never have reached the
excellence they did if someone
like the Warner Brothers or C. IJ.
DeMille hadn't backed them.
Fortunately, older and wiser
minds, mainly European, have
convinced American film makers
that a mat way to make a movie
is to let the director have complete control over the production of the film. For years, only
Orson Welles could be ranked
with Eisenstein, Renoir and Van
Stroheim as great directors. Ev en
as late as the '50's and 'GO's,
few American directors could
compete with Codard, Fellini,
.Vntonioni and Truffaut.
With the emergence of directors like Arthur Penn, Stanley

Art Dept. Plans
Portrait Showing
On Feb. 22, the University
Art Callery will open a special
exhibition, "Two Centuries of
American Portraits." Selected
from the National Gallery of Art
in Washington, D. C, these
paintings represent some of the
most penetrating portrait painters in America's history.
The paintings also reflect the
character of 18th and 19th century
America and show the development of American portrait painting through the most distinguished artists of these periods.
Opening reception will be held
Feb. 22, 5 p.m. The exhibition will continue through March


Kubrick and Mike Nichols, Amerhas finally
reached the age of the director.
This is the subject of Joseph
Celmis' book, "The Film Director as Superstar," published by
Doubled ay.
In a series of 16 short interviews of directors of American
movies, Celmis tries to uncover
the what and the why of directorial genius. He occasionally
asks stupid questions like "Why
do you make movies?" To w hich
the reply is always, "Because
I have to." That is something
akin to asking "What is our purpose in life?" at a cocktail party.
It doesn't matter worth a mound
of mouse manure why Kubrick
made "2001." What matters is
that he did make it.
Despite a few little logical
inconsistencies like the alxne,
Celmis does a very good job,
both in the selection of his subjects and in the conduct of his
interviews. Besides the heavyweights, Kubrick, Penn et al,
Celmis has talked to IJiian De
Pahna, director of "Greetings, "
Downey of "Putney
Swope" and Lindsay Anderson,
who directed "If." lie also hit
some of the wild men of American filmdom, people who present
movies that leave you wondering
he was thinking
about. Included here are Andy
Warhol, Norman Mailer and Jim
The only questionable choices
are the good directors who make
bad movies, like Roger Corman
and Francis Ford Coppola. Corman directed a long string of
horror flicks and
westerns, climaxing his
career with the Vincent Price
versions of the Edgar Allen Poe
classics. Wow!
The title of the book comes
from a quotation taken from the
interview with Roman Polanski.
"To me, the director is always
a superstar. The best films are
best because of nobody but the
director. You speak of "Citizen
Kane" or "&W or "Seven



low-budg- et

it's thanks to the director
who was star of it. He makes
the film, he creates it."

Jazz Ensemble
Recital Planned
On February 18, the UK Jazz
Ensemble I will present its sec0
ond campus concert of the
season. The concert will be presented et 8:15 p.m.' in the Agr19G9-7-

The Kentucky






The Kentucky Kernel, University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Second clas
pontage paid 4t Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
1'ublwhed hv the Board of Student
Publications, OK i'ost Office Box 4afl.
Begun as the Cadet in 16U4 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1813.
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.


Yearly, by mall
Per copy, from files


Editor. Managing Editor

Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports
News Desk
Advertising. Business, Circulation



icultural Science Auditorium.
Tli ere will be no admission
charge, and the public is cordially invited.
Since last fall, the ensemble,
under the direction of Assistant
Professor Walter Blanton, has
made considerable progress. On
November 4 of last year the band
played its first campus concert
in Memorial Hall. It was a great
success. Since then, they have
been invited to play througliout
the state. Every performance has
been received with great

* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb.' 17,

1070- -3

AWS Honors Outstanding Women

Mrs. Milward has been the
ship in Alpha Lambda Delta, County Parks and Recreation
Cwens and Links honoraries and Board.
executive secretary of the Central
Sociology instructor Karen Sue Kentucky Concert and Lecture
Kappa Kappa Camma sorority.
Vicki Fudge, a senior from Johnson, who is active in the Association since 1966, a member of the Lexington Junior
Burkesville, named to "Who's American Sociological AssociaWho in American Colleges and tion and American Studies AssoLeague, a member of the Board
Universities," includes among ciation, was selected as an out- of the Child Guidance Clinic
her activities and honors the vice standing faculty member. She is and president of the Chi Omega
a recipient of the National Sci- Alumnae of Lexington.
presidency and presidency of Aence Foundation and Ford felMrs. Harold E. Runyon, from
lpha Camma Delta Sorority, Phi
Beta Kappa honorary, Panhellen-i- c lowships from the University of Maysville, is a member of AmerCouncil and AWS, of which Texas.
ican University Women, chairshe is vice president.
E. Miller, woman of the
Mrs. Sherman
Virginia Robin Lowry, senior another faculty member, is an Director of the Maysville Civic
of the "Hiselementary education major, was assistant professor in the English Chorus and
a recipient of a senior trainee-slii-p Department and a student teachtory of the Christian Church."
Outstanding Students
in special education. She ing coordinator of English. She
The students are Carol Anne
for "Who's is a member of Phi Beta Kappa,
Kate Elliston, Vicki was also selected
Who In American Colleges and a past president of the Kentucky
Fudge and Virginia Robin Low-- Universities" and is a member Council of Teachers of
Carol Bryant, a senior anthro- of Delta Zeta sorority and the and a member listed in "Who's
Walk-OuWho In American Women."
Student Center Board.
pology major and Mortar Board
Kentucky Women
Faculty Honored
The Kentucky Education Asmember, was an ambassador to
Peru as a member of the StuThe AWS outstanding Ken- sociation's Delegate Assembly
Outstanding faculty members
dent Committee for Intemation- -' include Mrs. Evelyn Black, a protucky women are Mrs. Jess L. voted Saturday to stage a walkal Education. She was also se- fessor in the UK Social Work Gardner, Mrs. Burton Milward out on Feb. 23 if their demands
lected for "Who's Who in Amer- Department. She is a member
and Mrs. Harold E. Runyon. for a pay raise are not met by
Mrs. Gardner, a Lexington the General Assembly.
ican Colleges and Universities." of the American Association of
The KEA had asked for a six
Senior Kate Ellis ton, Panliel-leni- c University Professors and the Nawoman, includes among her acincrease
President and member of tional Association of Social Work- tivities the UK Women's Club, percent
the University Judicial Board and ers. Mrs. Black is a recipient of the YWCA Board of Trustees, which would amount to a raise
Mortar Board was also honored.
the recognition plaque for outthe Experiment in International of $1,200 over the next biennium.
Gov. Louie Nunn offered no
Her activities include member
standing service to the Fayette Living and Alpha Camma Delta.
pay increase in his proposed budget, but the Democratic substitute budget, passed by the Senate Wednesday, gave the teachers a $500 raise for the next

Kernel Staff Writer
Highlighting its Wonderful
World of Women Week Feb.
the Senate of Associated Women Students (AWS) has honored
10 outstanding women.
The 10 women were nominated for their outstanding contributions to the UK community. Four women are nominated
as outstanding students, three
of them are faculty members,
and three are outstanding Kentucky women.
16-2- 0,

All-Sta- te

KEA Votes





r itv

Spirophiles In Ugly Mood

Isaacs Warns Newspaper Editors

EL PASO, Tex, (AP)-NorIsaacs, head of
the American Society of Newspaper Editors and
Courier-Journexecutive editor warned Texas
publishers Monday that "an ugly mood" against
news media is sweeping the country and predicted it would get worse.
Isaacs told delegates to the Texas Daily Newspapers Association that Vice President Agnew's
criticism of news media "has tipped over a witch's

"We have more sick people in this country than
we would like to admit more people who would
give up freedom of the press willingly than we
have admitted.
"The national mood about the communications
media is indeed an ugly one. The signs point to
it getting worse."
Isaacs said he was not complaining about Agnew's criticism of television and newspapers.

The KEA has proposed a
increase on the cigarette
tax to provide funds for their
requested raise.
At their meeting in Louisville
Saturday, the KEA decided to
walkout if the
stage a
funds were not allocated. A similar walkout was held four years
ago, but it lasted only for one

"What concerned me was what I considered
to be an attempt to intimidate television networks
and muzzle commentary. I'm afraid all of us have
seen the effect. It has worked to some extent and
probably will more," he said.
"I am still astonished that more newspapers
did not stand up to fight for their colleagues
in television on the occasion of Agnew's first attack.
"To cling to the theory that we on newspapers are the only journalists is utter nonsense.
Too many newspapermen are still passionately
involved in a private feud with television. Here we
have the most powerful form of communication in
history and many newspapermen seem blindly
intent in denying its existence, " he added.
Isaacs said he feared the Agnew attacks have
done psychological damage that has been

week-lon- g

Observers say about one half
of the 32,000 member KEA will
participate in the walkout if it is

It takes marijuana out ot
the narcotics drug classification
and places it on the dangerous

drugs list.
Mental Health Commissioner
Dale Farabee said in a statement that the bill fits the punishment to the person and closely follows proposed federal legislation in distinguishing between possession for personal use
and for sale.
The deterrent effect of heavy
penalties for drug sales to young
people is emphasized, he said.
"More realistic provisions are
made for those who may be casually experimenting with dangerous drugs," he said, "people
who may be a little mixed up,
but are in no way hard core

It differentiates between pos-

session of a drug for. personal use
and for sale.
It provides a scale of penalties for possession for personal
use. A first offense would bring
referral for treatment and later
offenses imprisonment.



iSSSis sua,
at your bookseller

tollable at

385 South Limestone St.

In Gov. Nunn's home county,
the Glasgow and Barren County
school districts said they would
not participate in the KEA

fir your cptM needs at






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Revamped Drug Laws
Proposed For State
posal to double the maximum
penalty for selling a dangerous
drug to a minor will be introduced this week in the Senate.
Sponsored by the Kentucky Mental Health Department, it would
revamp state laws on alcohol
and drug abuse in other ways,
It provides for hospitalization of alcoholics under procedures similar to those now used
for the mentally ill.


Displays Will Include




* The Kentucky


University of Kentucky



17, 1970

Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
James W. Miller,
George II. Jepson,

Manning Editor

Robert Duncan, Advertising Manager
Chip Hutcheson, Sports Editor
Gwen Ranncy, Women's rage Editor
Patrick Mathes,
Jeannie St. Charles,


Mike Herndon, Editorial rage Editor
Frank Coots, Associate Editor
Dan Cossett, Arts Editor
Don Rosa, Cartoonist
Jcannle Leedom, Dill Matthews, Jean Renaker

Assistant Managing Editors

Bond Reform Critical
House Bill 29, bail bond reform,
is one of the most progressive pieces
of legislation presented at this session of the Kentucky General Assembly.
Introduced by the able Speaker
of the House Julian Carroll, who
stepped from his speaker's chair to
present the proposal from the floor,
it passed by a gratifying 79-- 0 vote.
The overwhelming passage was
interpreted as a personal victory
for Carroll as a similar measure two
years ago went down to defeat in
the House.
The bill now rests in the Senate
Judicial Committee for consideration. We sincerely hope that the
Senate follows the lead of the House
in passing this
into law.
It is assuring to note that the
bill has received little or no negative lobbying from the state's bail
bondsmen. In fact, many of those
affected by the bill have come out
in favor of its passage.

Obviously, they realize the stigwith which they
have been too long saddled. They
are as anxious to see their profession controlled as the rest of the
ma of surliness

Of course, those bondsmen who
favor reform are those who manage clean businesses. Passage of
the legislation will sound the death
knell for the characters who have
made their living taking advantage
of people under duress.
Quite naturally, an arrested person will go to any lengths to avoid
spending time in jail. A passed bill
would mean that bondsmen will
no longer be able to impose outlandish fees, require undue collateral or make more bonds than they
are able to back up.
O ur st ate legi slatur e should take
every step to prevent repetition of
the slip-u- p which occurred during
its last session. A repeat performance would be unforgiveable.

Kernel Forum: the readers write


histories are not "available to anyone."
Confidential material is labeled such and
To the Editor of the Kernel:
is seen only by the Student Health Staff
when it pertains to the patient's illness.
There are a few things that come to
The U.K. Med Center, being a teachmind after reading the article concerning
ing hospital as well as a research hosLew Colten and G. S. Pope's SDS meetpital, has a much higher budget than a
hospital. This fact is compounded
It is one thing to say that there is rountinefact
that many patients receive
by the
shoddy treatment of patients at the Uni- medical care free via
that the hospital is
versity Hospital,
A liigh budget for this hospital is,
mediocre, etc. These are broad, flowing
statements that have been said many therefore,
In their care for the budget, these
times before, and indeed have crossed
of our minds here at the medical students surely would not want (nor could
afford) the continual operacenter, faculty and student alike. The fact tion hospital
of Student Health Clinic on a 24
is. the normal bureaucratic difficulties of
basis in order to give students
administering the needs of hosp