xt7p5h7bvw7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bvw7v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 2005 Vol.76 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 2005 Vol.76 No.4 2005 2019 true xt7p5h7bvw7v section xt7p5h7bvw7v Volume 76, Number 4 U_ s. pogtage
‘° / erg/jg . _ 7 in ,. .. r . ‘7 ~: . - Kentucky Press Association PAID
”2~;,e,“’/‘€3 [/1 , ‘k ”1%: 1:14. N .3“ 101 Consumer Lane Glasgow, KY 42141
’a ~ " ' i "i a Frankfort. KY 40601 Permit No. 939
) f2 K tree gig; F (UK) LEX 405 J
" ' .. k it ’ ’ tr as . . > REPROGBAPHICS 3
‘ ‘ F it it A“ i fi .. 21‘K'NG L'BRARY SOUTH
r i F ”‘ ~
April 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service -". 7‘ p
. I "T FT,"
Hall of Fame 'nd ct'on is Apr'l 19 ‘ A1 ‘
- :5 ' it , 3‘9 iiiiififéié _ . ’ . I . . ' if
. ”it” W ' ‘ NEWS & NOteS “
. . . ” ”a?“ . . . « . . ' .' 3"
f“ 1. it . ' ' ”Mr KPA 2005 Spring
, W} MW " "Advertising Seminar I
, ? * ' , ' We W '
' “ Planned for May . r
““51”“? " ““51"?“ ' r".- "" ' - ‘ . . -.:,-:. .' .1 ~ £56322“- I.‘3:12.51‘5.§5-‘it=}'-’,I-3~'3:vY‘ai'..i".:-15€'”'fli-‘iviL’iW'i‘T-‘r’di‘s; y .
1=':§.:E-Z3‘z'§':.r; *‘ i. . sir _ . ‘ KPA is hosting a Spring "
Bob Adams Gene Clabes Lee Denney Marguerite McLaughlin Bob Schulman Advertising Seminar. The last
(Editor’s note: A photo of Bob Journalism and Telecommunications Herald won 10 National Pacemaker ' Eire; yeaqus, we ve 33:];11218 I,
Johnson was not available at press will hold the 28th annual Joe Awards as well as numerous other A0: emfi gwspaitper Cu its
time.) Creason Lecture at 7 pm. in national and regional honors. lsomafon rave mg , 1311;“: ;
LEXINGTON - Four journalists Memorial‘Hall. This year’s Creason Adams holds bachelor’s and mas— phiceflfie: Syggcfimnan {it 7,
and two journalism educators will lecturer is Leonard Downie Jr., exec- ter’s degrees from WKU and has 9}; CB fl ravte Igul {1:18 W121}; A ’
be inducted into the Kentucky utive editor of The Washington Post. been publisher or co-publisher of szugi; .. . i; . , whats (.91., d 5
‘ Journalism Hall of Fame at a lunch— The 2005 Hall of Fame inductees five newspapers in Kentucky and its , 3200:153 1:219?! Ad Effie : 3:
eon ceremony Tuesday, April 19, at to be recognized at the luncheon are: Tennessee. He began his reporting 15; p. g . V mg
the Campbell House Crowne Plaza Robert R. Adams, Director of career with the Bowling Green Daily Thar ’ 11 b M 12 '
in Lexington. The six will be induct-j Student Publications at Western News. and 1:” at the 11-131: (1 (311111ij 111
ed into the Hall of Fame at a lunch- Kentucky University. Adams has Gene Clabes, Equine Director for Vall Road" L 1:15:31 e
eon ceremony sponsored by the UK been adviser to the College Heights Kentucky Equine Education Project. I 121611 'H’md O :i f th '§
Journalism and Telecommunications Herald since 1968 and a faculty Clabes is a past president of the ‘ St 0 1211;380:159 e80 a1: '
Alumni Association. member at WKU since 1966. mo 13 P11: din vee tin: pewfll '
That same day, the UK School of Under his stewardship, the See FAME on Page 11 giggil‘éeprzgrmi‘bgfliydgjj: /
M ‘ /
0 Thursday, May 12 (1:30-4:30 ;;
KHSJ A convention set for Ma 4 Eastern» m... wow :
”The Battle for the Buy” -— teaching :-
KHSJ A membership center. Typical attendance is 800—900 the daily in Fayetteville, N.C., to Zgafid 3’93; 223613813? id 8:11.83 L
students. Several colleges and year- cover the Fort Bragg military beat. , b 0 d 2;: 6: bis 1.332113%? 3'
sets record at 106 book companies, among others, will That led to overseas assignments in lrwa C e; .a d h ’ t 11 t ye‘; i;
have exhibits at the convention. Afghanistan and Iraq. After a stint 0 ' pég an OW 0 8e ,0 a 73
By DAVID GREER Th . . . . agenmes. Behmeen these. areas, 4:
. . e keynote speaker Will be Jeff With the Reuters Wire serv1ce, CBS . , - ,
Member Serv1ces Director . . busmess owners areyexposed to 1
. Newton, field producer for the CBS News h1red Newton. He was , , ,
The Kentucky High School N . . . . . more than 700 advertisingvsales ,
. . _ , , ews program 60 Minutes embedded With a military unit dur— . . . . .'
Journalism Assouation, which is W . . . . pitcheseach year. Usmghis exten— ,
_ . . . ednesday. Newton grew up in mg the invasmn of Iraq. He served a , . ;;
administered by KPA, Will hold its L . . . . srve‘background as a newspaper .,
. , ouisv1lle and graduated from many months—long aSSIgnment 1n . . , ' . . ..
annual convention for high school . . . publisher and sales. director, as an , x,
, Eastern Kentucky UniverSIty where Afghanistan last year and narrowly , , , . , .,
students and teachers on May 4 in h . . . . . ad'agency owner and teievmion 7
. . e served as editor of The Progress, escaped injury when a military .. , , .;
Louisv1lle. . . . . producer, Mitch speaks from .1.
. the student newspaper. Humvee he was riding in hit a land- 3 . . . - _ . ,, , _ j
KHSJA membership for the cur- Af . experience when he talks to news .:
ter college, Newton worked for mine. , , J , , 7
rent school year stands at 106 . . paper ad sales staff members on ,:
an English—language paper in the Newton told a group of Kentucky . ,. ,. , ,,
schools across the state — a record C . . . . . . . how toeffectiveiy sell 21th the '
zech Republic before returning journalists during a ViSit home that r, . , , _ .
number. h h h . . _ competition. . , ,.
. , , ome w ere e worked three years he con51ders himself to be a newspa . , , x.
This year s KHSJA convention . . . . . . , ' Friday, May 13 (9 am. to noon
. . covering Fort Knox and the military per journalist Who just happens to ,y , , , . . .
Will be held at the Executive West f Th N E . . k' 1 . . :1 , j . , :_
Hotel near the main entrance to the or e ews- nterprise 1n wor in te ev151on news. / - f , . , _ ;
, . , Elizabethtown. He then moved to . g See NEWSOR Page 11, ;
state fairgrounds and exposmon See KHSJA on Page 3 . fl -; j , ' :j . ,, . ..

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April 2005
K t k 1 ° th
en uc y peop e, papers in e news ]
The Newspaper Association of America 2000, appeared at the Bob volunteered their time and services in Shelbyville.
America named Helen Hoffman, Warner Memorial Concert Feb. 26 at and 100 percent of the donations The Paintsville Herald welcomed ‘
Courier-Journal circulation direc- Maysville Church of the Nazarene. went directly to the Warner family. Mellinda Robinson as its new sports is
tor/ sales, as the recipient of its 2005 Warner was The Ledger This was the eighth concert in the writer in February. She is a 2000 spc
Circulation Sales Executive of the Independent chief photographer series. These concerts have provided graduate of Johnson Central High wir
Year. until his death Feb. 2. All of the musi- thousands of dollars to organizations School and earned a degree from ups
Heather French Henry, Miss cians, technicians and performers and individuals inneed. Morehead State University in May ,
_ ,, .. .. , ‘ Andrew Parker, of Murray, is one 2004 in communications with an cha
' * > The Kentucky: PresS , . . - iliiijilf‘é‘lffifiéé‘iie Ursa“ :3: are: m
' I ' j . . , , ' .- . , g ‘ ‘ Journalism recently selected for the The Appalachian News-Express :11:
'[heKentucky press' (Permit # 939) is pub... p 013,113.11 5; 90.1.1 Estep, WhiteIYNeWs .I» Dow Jones Newspaper Fund sum- added and promoted members of its tea]
fishedmonttflybyflte KentuckyPress . 1mg 9 ._ “ ) mer internship program. This is a staff in February. Rachel Stanley, .; cha
Association/ Kentucky Press Service, Inc. :‘ ‘. ' , "i ‘ : ,' . nonprofit foundation that’s sole pur- who was hired as a reporter in mid- ,
Third Class postage is paid at Glasgowfi _ ‘DiStIfiQtlZeDonna-‘Carman.’€asey 7 ’ i: _ ' pose is to encourage students to con— July, was named the news editor. She ' b ac
KX42141-Subscripfionprice 15%?“ COWW'NHWSL I C , 2;.» .. '. sider careers in journalism. Parker received a degree in news writing .
year. 1308:1161???” SendChmgepf address 1 " , .0 , l5. will participate in a two-week pre- and editing from the University of mg
top'l‘he KentuckyPress, 101 Consumer ' District IBfDm‘White,Anderson News ‘- ‘ . h' 'd . N b k N th C 1. t Ch 1 H'll Sh 831
Lane,ankf‘ort,KK40601;(502)223~8821.‘ . . . . _ .. .1: .- interns ‘1p re51 ency in e ras a or aroma a ape 1 . e wa
. .. _. . ,V x} ‘. ;_ District :14 4Teresa'5centers,3ereaéifizen this spring. Then he w111 spend 10 came from Lynchburg, Va. after off
Officers I . ) ' , ' ' _ a -' . '- V j" , , ., weeks interning at the Lexington reporting for two years at the News ma
Kentucky Press ASsociafidh' . .1 ' . 1‘ SfatéAtfiLarge y: Z. , ' .g.; Herald-Leader. 8: Advance. Janie Taylor. was hired pip
p); . , , ’ gaffgylor‘I-iayes,KentuckyNewEra. 7 Ann Laurence, publisher of The as a reporter. She previously worked Or
President;Chaflie I’oprt‘mennilfi'ranklinj: '1.»..'.*:=T6m”CaudiH,,Lwéingfoanerald—Leades ': Morehead News, was given the at the Times-Tribune in Corbin for sti(
Fawli‘e p' L ’ I 1 V‘ ' - WeSawyers,LondonSenhne1Echo :p Beacon of Hope award from Saundra three years. She has 10-plus years oft
. ' ~ -- , .- MarkVanPatterLBowlmgGreenDaily'2; -' Newton of the American Cancer working as ajournalist. She received bal
gfgegstémect-GlmnGrayManchester News-:1}; 22:331.}? .: Society at the local Relay for Life her degree in English from Eastern ‘

_ : ' g , £ ., . s Dmsron Chairman n".i,"‘2;:Z>'."."‘E.l.f “1):;‘5 community kickoff in February. The Kentucky University in 1991. Randy t1 e
VieePresrdent-«AhceROuse,Murray NewsEditonalesromMflteAlexxeff, award, given by the ACS southeast White was hired to be the new sports rie:
'5 Ledgerand'fimes 1:: ,g BowlmgGreenDaflyNewsi division, goes to one media outlet for writer. He is a recent graduate of v e1

f p '1" :3 .. _‘-\ ' ' “j p’ ""‘j ‘jv extensive coverage and participation Eastern Kentucky University with a 5 . rie:
Treasurer ~Tay10erayea. W, l , - , , , . p'vadverfisingiDiyisiOn ~SteveWheatleyg'.l' 3f . for Relay for Life. degree in creative and technical writ— 'T ree
Kentucky New Era . ' ‘ ' EhzabethtownNewsEntezpnse . * '5 Melissa Wayne is the new circula— ing. Mike Moore, who joined the p a]
Pasthesidenti JohnNelsonthegs '77 Circulatioansmn—Knssjohnson,13:3 273:1, tlon director at The Sentinel News See PEOPLE on Page 12 hc?‘
AdvocateMeSSengen Danville q" '1, - Legdngtonflerald—Leader. x I. ("Effie ______________..____—-—-—— W11

‘ " f- » ._' jé .. . J l: :5 * f 3- She was born inth Point, NC.
Board ofDirectors I WabastsmmChfiFetm Deaths and attended Guilford College in my
333%: Ergoyd' Ford, The WENW’ Kentucky Utilities 3. ' ' ‘I "Q- I, _— Greensboro, N.C., and then received ~ be!
., p. l. ‘3: JournahsmEducaflonRepresentafive Former Gleaner owner lIIJer- degree 1fn 1\llingfishc at lthe he.
WWW“ WWADRWM : ‘ LizHarm» Easwmlenmdsy‘flniversity" dies at age 69 cggmittyin 0She 1:; lexical: 11ml:

P gs grep. ‘ _ ” * ' .. ’ _- GeneraICounselsJonFlerschakei; '3 Martha Cannon Dear, whose fam- associate degree in computer science
DistrictB‘mDavid Dixonfl'he Henderson Ashley Pack, Dinsmore &'Shohl '" 71 ily owned The Gleaner in at the University of Evansville. . be:
Gleaner ‘ '- 7 _ » 3 f _» ~ 5 Henderson and several west As a journalist, Dear served as 6111
. , . , .s . - , , VKentucky PressASsociafion'Staff‘i-“f. ; Kentuck weeklies until 1997 died wire editor for the Fayetteville, NC. em
Districtzl: Jeff 10b?" Butler County 3am“ David'ii'l‘hompsomfixecutivepirector ' ~ F y - I Observer and as women’s editor at - d9!

. , . ,. - BonnieHowardCoritrbller . , eb. 23 at her home 1n Durango, _ ' ;

Districts-"R031 Filkms,1(entucky ~> , "TeresaReVIett,DiIeCtorofSalesj" ~ Colo. afteralong battle with cancer. the New Kensmgton, Pa., Daily ' —
Standard _ - , V. “ f David Greer, MemberServicésDifegtgr She was 69. , Dispatch. There she met her hus- ‘
' ‘ . ' ‘ L ‘ " ,' DanaLeazi News Bureau'Director... j? .,: " She and husband Walt Dear and band Walt Dear. She taught English B
Districté-Iohn Mum, Louisville Courier- David Spencer, NewMediaDjxector ‘ ‘ their children Bryan, Jennie and at the Pennsylvania State University C (

loumal . . , Buffy 5111113, BookkeepingASSistant ' V Elizabeth became owners of The New Kensington Extension Center

. . 'Stephalfie CFMHdIReseaICthermg Gleaner in 1986 when they pur- and also served as a docent at the
D1531Ct7“Kelleywmd9 Gauafi?‘ , ' Coordinate ,' ' ,x ” " chased the newspaper and several Evansville Museum where she Vi‘
County News . p ‘ Sue CammachAdrrumstrauveAssxstant_ . h h‘ld b h d d

' : Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant . west Kentucky weekhes .from Dear taug t-C 1 ren a out t e stars an u

DistrictS—Ken Metz,BathCounty News Holly Willard, INAN BusinSSClerk , Publicahons and Radlol which the “Inverse Dear also contrlbuted C01
Outlook , ‘ Tami Hensley, Tearsheet Clerk - . ' ' owned those properties and a hand- editorials to The Gleaner’s Opinion

_ V ' : - I ., . ful of out-of—state dailies and weekly Page. im

District9»Loretta Tackett, Paintsvflle _ ' l newspapers. Walt Dear had over— The Dears moved to Durango in (111

Herald , Staffglembgsaafficersgnd Direfitlzrs di ' , seen the Kentucky operation of Dear 2000 after selling their newspaper K5

ma erea e e~m usm in ~. - - - - . .

District 10_ Edmund Shelby, Beattyville vidhal’s first initialljfufllast S , ffibllecraitctplns and19R535lehfor 1:10? of hlpldmgs 1n 1997 to A.H. Belo Corp., :0

Enterprise _ , , name@k§rpress.com.. . _ , ) ' p s1nce ,w en 18 am t e parent company of the Dallas F

, . - - , . p ' . . 11y moved to Henderson. Mornmg News. Ba

. _ ' _ di]

 ‘ The Kentucky Press, April 2005 - Page 3 E},
How man wa s can on sa beats"

y y y y . :

l 3

g Arose is a rose w clips, stops, ham- why it’ 5 become one of my favorite and ”m.” Most other lower case letters

l is a rose but in On Second is: mers, pounds, categories and one I really want to see were 1 point — I don’t remember all 7

‘1. sports writing a 1" thrashes, batters. when the contests are judged. Just to the particulars ~— but three, i, j and l

g win is a.....drub, 111mm:— 3}; Well, you get see how creative our newspapers are. counted only half a point.

3 upset, nip or rip. fig? the picture. You * * * * * So the struggle became writing a E

1 One of the . could use a differ- But the real art to headline was lost headline that synopsized the story but i
challenges of 1134, fggggufig%ggcsf£ M ent word in every when computers came on the scene. If stayed within-the count limit, depend-

j wrlting game sto- story. you don’t remember Snuth-Corona mg on pomt Size and column width. If ‘

l ries is being a lit- We then got portable typewriters or IBM the head was too long, you had to r,

', tle more dramatic than just saying one into a discussion on some of those Selectrics, chances are you don’t know start over, or be more bland and that’s 1

3 team beat another. And that same words and tried to define when one the struggles of headline writing in a lot of where using tip instead of clip 1;

‘ 5 challenge carries over to headlines. was more appropriate than another. the old days. could some into play. With ”tip”
‘ One night at the Lexington Herald, Take nip, clip, tip. Those would With computers, you type in the counting one less point overall than 1
i back in the ’605, we had finished writ— have to be used on real close games. headline and if it’ s a little long, so ”clip,” it might just make the differ- Z
'_ § ing the briefs on various high school You can’t say one team ”nipped” what? Just click on point size and ence inwhether the headline fit.
i j games around the state and were another if the score was 70-40. That’s downsize it until it fits in the column Then there was the other side. The 5E,
i 1 waiting for the first edition to come when you would use rip. width. Lexington Herald had a strict policy 7
I 7 off the press. That time often meant a But if the final score was close, then Back then, we had large charts of that the headline had to cover at least 1,
l - I makeshift basketball game using nip, tip, clip would be the word of headlines styles and onlya few select— two-thirds of the last column of the 35
t 1 pipes on the fourth floor as the goals. choice. ed point sizes —— 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, headline. If it didn’t cover at least two '
t ‘ Or taking the wooden 18-inch pica Even outlasts would indicate a 60 and 72. And at the Lexington thirds of that last column, then start 1'
7 sticks, wadding up a couple of pieces close game if the headline space Herald, you couldn’t use 72 points rewriting until it did.
i l of paper and having two-man ”base— allowed. unless it was the biggest story of the Headline writing is indeed an art. :3
l 3 ball” games. Then there’s the other extreme. The decade. But 40 years ago, the art wasn’t so E
l ‘ But we apparently had gotten a lit— ”blowouts." Blasts, destroys, ham— Since the heads were done on lino- much in being creative as it was being 1
r ‘ tle more creative that night on the sto- mers, pounds, drubs, trashes, batters type (yeah, I know, if you don’t know able to write a head that told the story,
i ' ries and the talk turned to how many all indicate a game that wasn’t close. what a Smith—Corona portable is, you and fit. i;
E ' = verbs we used in headlines and sto- And when the underdog wins? have no idea what a linotype looked * * * * * r}
‘7‘ ‘ " ; ries to say one team beat another. We Well, there’s upsets, shocks, surprises. like), point sizes were limited. My favorite head that I ever wrote
' j reeled off a few that would be in the I don’t think we ever decided if The charts hanging in front of you came at the Georgetown News and ’1
3 j paper then turned our attention to there was a certain difference in the showed how big the headline would Times back in the early 1980s. There 7,?
Z 4 how many words could we come up point spread when nip was more be but more importantly gave you the was a gas shortage and it was not ’
_.. ‘ withinplace a wins or beats. appropriate than tip or clip, but at maximum number of ”counts” for unusual to see long lines at service j.
Z. l For some reason, 37 verbs stick in least we had a good number of words each font, depending on the column stations, waiting for a chance to get a ;
n 1 my mind. We stretched the limit some to choose from so that headlines width. gallon, or five gallons, or a fill up. It
d { because depending on space in the weren’t boring. I don’t remember the limits but if a was so severe that drivers would fol-
e ‘ headline, we needed short words, * * * * * 24-point head was to be two columns, low tankers around town to see where 1}
1, ‘. medium words and some long ones, Headline writing is an art and a then the maximum ”count” might be the load of gas was going. Then 3;
n 3 like annihilate or victorious. good headline really can be a differ- 30. they’d sit there waiting for their
:e There were the easy ones —— wins, ence between a reader wanting to To make it even more fun, letters chance.
5 beats, bests, nips, tips, rips,trips, clips, read a story or deciding to skip right had various ”counts” with them. A Our lead story that first week of ,,

lS - drubs, rolls over, upsets, shocks, over it. And we’ve had some pretty capital ”W” or ”M” were the largest the shortage was about the gas short- 3
3, ‘ ’ j embarrasses, clubs, blasts, slips by, good entries in the headline category and counted three. All other capitals, age. And I think my one-word head-
it ‘ _; destroys, downs, outlasts, surprises, of the KPA contest. That’ 5 probably were 2 points, as were lower case ”w” line summed it up: Gas (0) lean.
Y ‘ i —-——————————"
97 . sion on television news. embrace the First Amendment. ties in radio broadcasting.
h V 11 KHSJ A A group of University of Former yearbook adviser Melissa The convention will conclude
y Continued from page 1 Kentucky students will present a Macintosh will do a workshop on with its popular awards luncheon in
2r j workshop on the Flrst Amendment. how graphics and photos can turn whlch students w1ll be presented 3
1e <1 Newton Will show some of the Recent surveys have shown some yearbooks from 30—50 to best of awards from the annual KHSJA con-
ie I video footage he shot while overseas high school students do not under- show. EKU journalism professor Dr. test for high school newspapers, E
.d during tWO breakout sessions at the stand or appreciate the freedoms Liz Hansen will present a session on yearbooks and broadcast programs. :
rd 1 convention. they have thanks to the First ethics for high school students while Again this year, the convention :2
m Other sessions for students Will Amendment and support the con- KPA legal counsel Ashley Pack will will actually begin the evening E
include the best of student TV pro— cept of government approval of sto— present a workshop on issues for before with the annual Pizza With ,

in , 2, duction, newspapers and yearbooks. ries published in newspapers. The high school journalists. the Pros session in which students l.
2r j Kentucky Kernel adviser Chris session by the UK students and Murray State’s Joe Hedges will get to ask candid questions of pro- ,
L, " 1 Poore will present a session on job another from WKU journalism present a workshop on newspaper fessional journalists. The pre-con- E.
as . , opportunities in newspapers while instructor Jackie Bretz, who Visited design while Clear Channel Radio’s vention activities wind down with a 1
Barry Fulmer, WDRB-TV news Indonesia earlier this year, will illus- Kevin Hughes does a session on student dance featuring DJ Dave .;

director, will present a similar ses- trate why young people should behind-the-scenes career opportuni- Smith. :

 1 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, April 2005
Best-known news anchor turns first to newspapers ]
1. Being a news— . in America and leaders. And my gracious, we’re try- job, but the very nature of their
.. paper journalist Oh, By said so on CNN ing to cover all the important news in media tends to limit the thorough-
: has never been an The Wa j, recently. those two great bailiwicks in 17 or 18 ness and depth of their reporting.
: easy job. The y 3; .3 Appearing with minutes (after commercial time is Furthermore, the local paper kr
‘ hours can be long ——4 \‘hfi CNN’s Wolf subtracted from a half-hour news- serves as a major source for their K(
and stressful, The By David Greer W Blitzer, Cronkite cast). It’s madness. And we simply story ideas. Any newspaper reporter Se
job demands the KPA Member Services "’ was asked, ”Where can’t do it.” who works in or near a city with tel- of
utmost precision ”"8“" does Walter Cronkite worked as a newspaper evision stations has seen their stories or
‘ and accuracy in Cronkite go when and wire service reporter before Show up on TV after the paper comes bi
gathering and reporting the news. he wants to get the news?” beginning his television career more out. K,
‘ And if those obstacles weren’t “Well, I go to my newspapers than five decades ago so maybe it’s The next time you’re exhausted — pi
enough, there’s the greatly exagger— first,” Cronkite replied. ”They’re not too surprising that he holds that and maybe even bummed out — be
, ated but persistent theory that news— more complete than broadcast news opinion. But saying it out loud in from a tough day of being a newspa- uz
. papers are dinosaurs destined to dis— today. The misfortune with broad- such a public forum struck me as per journalist, think about Uncle m
‘ appear from the face of the earth. casting today is that all — even being rather significant. Walter and his unashamed and very yr
Well, hold the presses. The including your network (meaning Walter Cronkite, the dean of public endorsement of newspapers of
nation’s premier, most beloved and CNN) — do not take enough time to American TV news, turns first to as being the best source for news. ex
well-respected television journalist give us all of the facts and the back- newspapers for his news. And why Better yet, convince your boss to st;
g has other ideas about newspapers. ground... shouldn’t he? Newspaper journalists run some house ads in the paper, buy
1 Walter Cronkite, retired CBS Evening ”We’ve got one of the most com— are the real local news experts in billboard space and yes, even radio w
. News anchor, once known as the plicated nations in the world, partic- their cities and towns. Electronic and television spots to proclaim that _
, most trusted man in America, under— ularly today. We’ve got a complicat- competitors can and do offer a head- Walter Cronkite says newspapers are
stands the importance of newspapers ed world in which we presume to be line service, and often they do a good the best. 1
. _______________________________________——————
f ‘ o o ’ o
.- WKU hosts Flrst Amendment Flrst Celebration c.
. Jo
j BOWLING GREEN — The School say they take its rights for granted. very solid journalism school,” Dr. helped the school earn its title from
\ of Journalism and Broadcasting at The School of Journalism and Johnson said. ”This was confirmed the CPE as aProgram of Distinction. 0f
3 Western Kentucky University and Broadcasting and the Office of the when the school was reaccredited six Also, Western Kentucky University 7,». n(
I the Office of the Provost’s American Provost felt that trends such as this months after my arrival. The has become involved with the Vi
Democracy Project will host a cele- highlight the need for events such as Accrediting Council on Education in American Democracy Project ' M
bration of First Amendment rights ”First Amendment First.” Journalism and Mass through the Office of the Provost. , SE
on Thursday, April 21, in the audito- ”This study was significant Communications wrote a stellar The American Democracy Project, th
I rium of Mass Media and Technology because these high school students report, and the school was rated in a three-year project involving 145 f1]
: Hall.” First Amendment First” will are our leaders of tomorrow,” said compliance on all 12 ACEJMC stan— postsecondary institutions that re
‘; feature educators, philosophers and Dr. Pam McAllister Johnson, director dards." began in 2003, is a partnership with - til
'1 professionals in the journalism of the School of Journalism and WKU’s School of Journalism and The New York Times and The . p1
industry from both public and pri- Broadcasting. ”This study shows that Broadcasting has been a top competi- Carnegie Foundation for the Si
; vate entities discussing the impor- we need to better educate our stu- tor in the Hearst Foundation Advancement for Teaching. The pro- '
l tance of First Amendment freedoms. dents about the First Amendment.” Intercollegiate Journalism Awards gram was created because research C
“ Participants from both newspaper Invited guests for the event will Competition, the collegiate equiva- has indicated a student’s involved 81
1 and broadcast news will be attending include students, regional and lent of the Pulitzer Prize. For the past through civic education and engage- t1?
from across the country. national media executives and jour- several years, the school has ranked ment. 25
: ”First Amendment First" will fea- nalism educators. in the top four overall. ”As a Program of Distinction, we P4
ture several notable speakers, includ- The purpose of the event is to bring The photojournalism program has felt a special obligation to be a very pi
_ ing Pulitzer Prize winning columnist journalists together to discuss the placed first 14 of the past 16 years in active participant in the goals of the . a1
; William Satire, former publisher of First Amendment and to encourage Hearst competition and was second American Democracy Project,” Dr. 1e
the Courier-Journal Barry Bingham students to embrace the freedoms the other two years. Johnson said. ”We did not have to SE
: Jr., former chairman of NBC Julian granted to them as journalists. ”First Amendment First” is one of make a stretch to contribute to the t}
3 Goodman, executive director of the While WKU’s School of Journalism many examples of outreach pro- success of the project, though, t}
; First Amendment Center Gene and Broadcasting has earned an grams through the School of because the goals of the project were PI
Policinski, photojournalist Molly international reputation in the indus- Journalism and Broadcasting. also the goals of our school.” W
i Bingham and David Yalof and try for being one of the best training In 1999, the Council on The ”First Amendment First” cele- a
Kenneth Dautrich with the grounds for journalists, the school Postsecondary Education approved bration is one of five initiatives the at
University of Connecticut, who con- has begun initiatives such as the the creation of the Center for let school has planned to champion the p
ducted a project for the Knight ”First Amendment First" celebration Century Media through WKU's jour- First Amendment by educating stu- It
1 Foundation on high school students’ so that the school can also become nalism program. The center provides dents. 0.
I opinions of their First Amendment known for championing First an umbrella under which the school First, the school has created assess- E
rights. Amendment rights. is expected to provide programs for ments for their students about Vt
: Yalof and Dautrich found that ”I accepted the position of director students, educators and profession- understanding the First Amendment, a,
t three of every four students do not of this school because, during the als in Kentucky. A
f - : thirilqabout theFirst. Amendment or 'interview process/I-foundrthis to be a - Such ambitious programs have ' - 4 See FIRST 011 Page 10 . C‘

 5 c
The Kentucky Press, April 2005 - Page 5
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