xt7p5h7bvz5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bvz5s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-01-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 17, 1977 1977 1977-01-17 2020 true xt7p5h7bvz5s section xt7p5h7bvz5s Charlie Daniels

A chat with the Tennessee rocker

(Editor‘s note: Nancy Daly. who conducted
this interview immediately following
Charlie Daniels' show at ltupp Arena
Friday night. was aided and abetted by
Kernel Staff Writer (‘has Main.)

Arts Editor

We slipped backstage between Charlie
Daniels Band’s last two songs. “Orange
Blossom Special“ and “Uneasy Rider.“
The road crew and others lucky enough to
have stage passes seemed exhilarated by
the band’s performance—justifiably so.

i spated concert promoter Stephen
Gudis. who was exceedingly jovial despite
reportedly low ticket sales. Good-naturedly
evading the question, he refused to confirm
semi-reliable reports that sales fell 2.500
short of the break-even point.

“Yeah. we lost some money on this, but

don't worrv. We'll be bringing Charlie
Daniels back here again sometime," said
(ludis of Entam. Ltd., the Charleston, W.
\’a.. outfit which also promoted the Doobie
Brothers concert at Rupp Arena last fall.

Asked to speculate on the Marshall
Tucker Band-Pure Prairie League Concert
Entam, Ltd. has scheduled at the arena
Jan, 1!), Gudis said ticket sales should be
better if Lexington thaws out a hit.

As the concert ended. Chariie Daniels
and the boysdescended from the bandstand
and received hearty backslaps from their
ferociously loyal road crew.

After signing autographs for a cluster of
teenagers, Daniels consented to an in-
terview. “Just give me 10 minutes or so to
settle down. darlin‘.“

Fifteen minutes later, promoter Gudis
led us to a small. mirrored dressing room,
strewn with empty Budweiser cans, where

Daniels and some of the band had settled
down to relax.

in sharp contrast to their highenergy
performance, the band was subdued. Asked
about the night’s set. Daniels said he was
“just content. l feel like my day’s work is
done to my contentment.”

The band members were uniformly
unimpressed at the prospect of performing
at one of Jimmy Carter’s inauguration
parties this Thursday in Washington, 0.0
They view it as first another stop, though
slightly more prestigious than most, in
their grueling concert schedule.

“I’m not politicalatall,” said Daniels. “I
wouldn‘t want to be associated with any
politicians in the world right now with the
exception of Jimmy Carter—him l’ll vouch

Cynicism? No, it was just typical Charlie
Daniels honesty as viewed after a tiring

-—-oavud O'Neil

Charlie Daniels [center stage} put on a show that was low in ticket sales but high in
excellence Friday in Itupp Arena. lf‘onccrt review appears on page 1. I

hour-and-a-half show in the middle of a
hectic tour.

The band's two buses had rolled into
Lexington early Friday from Terre Haute,
lnd. In just three hours the whole crew was
to leave for Johnson City, Tenn, for a
Saturday night concert.

But not before a little partying and more
music. Daniels said an old band member,
EarlGrigsby. had arranged for him to sit in
with some local musicians at Lexington‘s
Camelot Lounge.

Continued on page 4

Vol. l,.\’VlII. Nu: :ber 87
Monday. January 17, 1977

California dreaming

«am it .grn

Moe lliown. business udiiiinistrzition sophomore. looks lllu'
everyone and their bu others who braved ) esterda) ‘5 cold us he tries
to keep himself warm. Today ‘3» expected high is around 3 ohm e.

Record cold moves in;
emergency measures set

Associated Press

Gov. Julian Carroll placed the
state Division of Disaster and Emer-
gency Services (DES) on round-the-
clock operations yesterday as rt»
cord - breaking low temperatures
blasted the state.

Carroll asked Kentuckians to stay
in their homes during the unusually
frigid weather unless traveling was
absolutely necessary.

“A lot of people get out on the road
in this weather and they get strand-
ed when thev have no business being
out there. ' said John Nichols. the
governor's press secretary. Nichols
said State Police will increase their
patrols on Kentucky‘s primary high-

ways. “thus improvmg the chances
of stranded motorists being spotted
and assisted.’

He said emergencies. such as loss
of heat in homes. should be reported
to the State Police. which then would
coordinate assistance efforts with
DES personnel.

Nichols also reiterated that the
governor has asked Kentuckians to
conserve energy in view of an
apparent natural gas shortage this

State police said ““34 if any,
trouble on the interslnu .\ hid been
reported. but cautioned motorists
about secondary roads, where “driv-
ing is extremely hazardous."



an independent student newspaper

Cats snap back;
Auburn .jinx fails

Assistant Sports Editor

Portions of this article were taken
from the broadcast of radio station

()ne down and one to go.

By beating Auburn Saturday, 75-
68, coach Joe Hall’s Kentucky
Wildcats are half way through a
toughSoutheastern Conference road
trip that concludes tonight in
Gainesville. Fla.

To say thatthe win at Auburn was
crucial to Kentucky‘s SEC title
hopes is like saying Julius Erving
has a nice dunk shot.

Kentucky beat the Tigers of coach
Bob Davis on their home floor for the
first time in four years because its
shooting improved —to a lukewarn
44.9 per cent— because it played
more aggrtssive defense than in
recent games AND because it held
onto a lead in the late going, despite
a furious Auburn press.

When the Cats missed their first
five shots. it looked as if they hadn’t
shaken the slump in which they hit a
miserable 32.9 per cent against

Butby hitting five of six attempts
in one flurry, UK shot to a 10-2 lead,
causing Auburn to call timeout

The Tigers quickly regained their
comptsuie and the rest of the half
was nip and tuck. Kentucky took a
39-37 lead into the locker room,
thanks to Mike Phillips‘ 10 points.

Kentucky opened a six-point
margin. 4943. but Auburn caught up
at 51 apiece when guard Eddie
Johnson hit a driving shot.

While Kentucky was busy missing
open layups, Johnson scored on
another driving move that left UK‘s
Jay Shidler guarding air. Johnson's
partner ‘at guard. Stan Pietkiewicz.
hit a pair of free throws to give the
Tigers a 55-51 lead.

With Auburn collapsing on Ken-
tucky's Rick Robey in the middle,
[any Johnson and Jack Givens hit
from the outside to tie the score.
llobcy put UK ahead to stay with a
stuff shot, 61-59, with 8:26 to play.

When Givens hit a jumper
moments later, Kentucky hada 66-60
advantage, butAubum quickly drew
within two.

Aubum‘s Eddie Johnson fouled
Kentucky’s Larry, who hit both free
throws, and Givens came up with a
pair of baskets to widen the lead to
72-64 at 1:37.

Unlike in the Tennessee loss,
Kentucky managed to hold onto the
ball and kill the clock— a minor

The road victory kept the Wildcats
in SEC cmtention, improving their
slate to or in the conference and 10-2
overall. Tennessee and Alabama
remain urbeaten in league play.

Auburn dropped to 1-4 and might
as well start thinking about next
fall‘s football season.

Jack Givens partially regained his
shooting touch. hitting on 10 of 20
from the field for 20 points.

Phillips finished with 13 as did
Larry Johnson and Robey added 12.
Substitute guard Truman Claytor hit
double figures for the first time this
year with 10.

Starter Jay Shidler, who played
only 12 minutes. missed on all four of
his "white lightning“ bolts from the
outside and had trouble keeping up
with Aubum‘s veteran guards.

Claytor, who impressed coach
Hall with his defense, may have
earned a starting assignment
against Florida.

“Truman picked us up." Hall said.
"His defense on Johnson was out-
standing. Johnson and Pietkiewicz
are the key to Aubum‘s game and
they didn‘t totally kill us."

Johnson led Auburn with 18 points
and Pietkiewicz had 14. Pepto
Bolden added 15, but leading scorer
Mike M itchell was held to only eight.
He had scored 69 points in his last
two games.

Kentucky stayed with its man-to-
man defense almost all the way.
“We're trying to bring it (defense)
back,” Hall said. “You‘ll see us stay
with it longer until it gets sound."
Hall was especially pleased that
his team outrebounded Auburn’s
leapers by a margin of 46-33.
“Givem led us with 13. Somebody
ought to pin a medal on him for
outrebounding Auburn. Rebounding
definitely won the game.“

Auburn coach Bob Davis said,
“Our old magic has run out on
Kentudty. We played about as well
as we are going to play. it looks like.

“We didn‘t dothe extra things that
it takes to win."

Three Wildcats almost didn‘t
make it to Auburn—or anywhere

Guard Dwayne Casey was driving
his car to Lexington‘s Bluegrass
Field Friday morning for the flight
to Auburn, with Rick Robey and
Larry Johnson as passengers, when
the car hit ice and went out of con-

The car left the. road, plowed
through a fence, rolled over as it
headed down an embankment and
came to rest upright The three were
shaken up but walted away with
only minor arts and sore muscles.

Joe Hall was relieved that the

three escaped injury and en-

couraged by the team’s play at

"We‘re started back. We're going
to celebrate met the game in
Gainesville, war or lose."


"Wm" 'Mcnfi'idi
JAN 1 7 1977

N'0r5m 0‘ flying?“

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky







Kentucky is one of three states being considered for a federal
energy grant to fund an experimental cooling system in a
state-owned building. Representatives of the Southern interstate
Nuclear Board are scheduled to visit Frankfort today to evaluate
Kentucky‘s proposal, according to state Energy Commissioner
Damon Harrison. Kentucky‘s proposal would conserve electricity
used to cool the proposed state Fish and Wildlife Resources
Building. now in the planning stages. it involves making ice during
the winter and storing it to cool the building'tn the summer.


llours before convicted murderer Gary Gilmore was to lose his
life before a prison firing squad. the US Supreme Court yesterday
refused to intervene. In Washington. Justice Byron R. White. who
represents the high court in urgent matters from the 10th US.
circuit which includes Utah, turned down a request to postpone the
scheduled execution at sunrise this morning. White said he was
authorized to say that a majority of the court‘s other eight justices
agreed with his decisron.

Lee Roy Patterson. a member of the International Executive
Board of the United Mine Workers of America and a candidate for
the union's presidency. said yesterday that UMV. President Arnold
Miller has failed to provide leadership. Patterson claimed the
unions income in the past two years has been 812 million. while
expenditures have totaled $13.5 million. "The facts and the issues
under his administration will defeat Mr. Miller," said Patterson. a
resident of Whitlisonville.

At least seven Latin American
presidents have addressed a
personal message to President-elect
Carter urging quick conclusion
of .11 new Panama Canal treaty
yielding substantial US. control of
the waterway and its zone to
Panama. A special emissary bear-
ing their letter was due in Washing-
ton late yesterday. Foreign Minis-
ter Gonzalo Facio of Costa Rica
was to meet Secretary of State-
designatc Cyrus D. Vance tomor-
row to hand over the document for

transmission to Carter. ('yij i), VANCE


Two US citizens have been charged with conspiring to commit
espionage by passing secret documents. film and other material to a
Soviet agent in Mexico. John Boyce. 23. and Andrew Dalton Lee. 25.
were taken into custody yesterday by the FBI and Mexican
authorities after trying to sell three rolls of microfilm containing
US. defense information classified top secret to Boris A. Grishin. a
science attache at the Russian embassy in Mexico City.


Today will be partly cloudy and very cold. The high should
reach 5 above. There is a chance of snow tonight and again. very
cold. It is expected to clear tomorrow and, naturally. be cold.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches.





editorials 8: comments



Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

on the right track

ikntsnnrctron and r'.‘-.'cxa'.-n projects have
t tilt. .:._-arlcr;..c resources for fine arts,
Mug-t «:r'il itcbrrt; 2 students in recent. yczz‘s.

l’ .l‘clf.’ ="«

.,t ‘ .r
‘ '. .K‘.‘,\ I.

‘ , rpm :.!=_rdy pic-pared by a task form" of
" :::=’.. and M"? pci‘s'irincl revealed that
itit‘t’flffilif in spar».- and s: z‘rices. The
stymied specific scrviccs and
-- :rccorr:t.tm.‘-,.ilions to a; student
t «in vi. institutions. in most

l. ' .t‘.j: was; found deficient.


,‘l ”fin.

.. sparssioti clearly needed

1» t '1 tort-u Tt‘cHlt'l:t.t*'i'_l‘.‘.(l irrapret‘crnctrt of


2:. a project surface that can
, -. .','lf't :'-rc-.n.l-‘crv.TCe fc-rthe gettnralstctlvnt
Iii:- preposed expansion of the
; ., ;i~..,~.5t.-_ .511: reprcsc‘nu;onccfthOSerar-c


Student Government officials should ensure
selection of the best possible cross section of
.:tudent interests for the committee’s mem-

The committee, of course, should make itself
aware of divergent interests in determining what
new programs should be included and what

existing programs upgraded in the expanded SC.

42th x- foo-.3 .-rrt't«:':" . the SC

.v:- .. .4. 2.2:..1 2... mom, and proposal (on-
..: .r. rr:r,';..rn;. implying facilities
. t t 41 programs. tideo tape

. .. rout
‘ than; i.‘ .’ 3c trig lét':“lt‘il. The prcsent
.:. .4 .:, 3»:er} with benchmark in-
_ :t’fiisiu'it'txl-pt‘i‘~>ltli2€:r'll. The task
-t 2-; 4:. t'tillf‘luili’d that. on additional 950
i . , a {mile-:5 dating luchtrmc and

no flit-lure, a perennial sellout, has dif~
., obtaining quality films because of poor
' ingrown: xii-fl outdated faculties.

in. Ill siiiflz’IiiSil‘dt-(h'l is considering St,
rem-shrug sign that student nee-(ts
..-.-;.:ly ‘, 3 ignored in the t ontiwmg’ budget
:hy taak force also established

-- , r: ~
s. . ii“! I.“ .1

.i i ”VA-,1.

In addition. the student committee must be
zuvale of funding procedures.

Just as students should expect a policy-making
role for the expansion, they should also expect to
pa y ter- the improvements. A $10 annual increase
in student tees will fund the project. What. the
cennmttee must ensure is that current students
should not be charged for improvements that
they won't be around to enjoy. The project will
not be complete until 1979-80 at best.

State approval required

The 20-member student committee wouldn’t be

feylcffilllflili’Q of their peers if they didn’t ask


:“‘.‘t_*.:'.ltm of a git-men! .rstutient committee to ones.

»~ use. M w. 53 were“ 9*Pffltsl2l‘ 4nd,.

'i-x fruit» HS tllf‘"’i‘?it)ll.

I r .; .:.:niit.;.o,r,~éy we: ping changcs m the SC
l: war .A,’ unt‘cr the tiucctiou of those it will
~2élitflt‘lilS \‘icc President for Business

rilamon student


v..4 .»-...~-..

this ryrcstion: Will these improvements make it
possible to sell beer in the SC‘.‘ The question has
been raised before and the answer will probably
be the same—a resounding no, since the state
legisl azure is unlikely to reconsider changing the
archaic law which precludes alcohol sales on
state property.

Expansion of the SC will require state ap-
prtn‘al. T hat task force has presented a solid
case. outlining the deficiencies of the present
system and citing the need for expansion of
existing programs and implementation of new

The present SC is inadequate in many ways; it

13 therefore commendable that expansion is

affairs and

proposed and that students have been made
central in the planning. Just how good a facility
students get for their money depends on who is
chosen to represent them.

, idler-ln-(‘Ikl
Glnrv I'dmirdl

Edlorlll Editor
We lter lllumn

M nnulu l-Zdlru
John Winn Miller

Letter: and corn-nu should to “drum to the Edi-rill editor. I... m. Jar-alts.
spaced and signed with new. “but and telephone u-Mr. Lotion "not out“ no uric and cow-u on restricted to 7"


Adel-l mum Editors n" Editors 0k! Plot a
Mile Meow Salim-e Durham Sir-art 3;:
tin Gabriel M Iii-my

Stove Balllnur Mvcrtbln; Manner

Milo Strain“ Alex Ketn

Am can. ' Sum mm hummu-
Nancy Duly .lm Kemp Leslie CM?

mug. 'I'Iey run u up... m.»-



Thorium: the future fuel?


Almost invariably, the topic of
nuclear fuel brings up a discussion
. of uranium. But there exists another
nuclear fuel of equal potential-—

This fertile material-fuel from
which fissile material can be
made has become significant only


during the past decade. Thorium
fuel has not benefitted from proper
rcsearch— largely because it hasn’t
been recognized as a viable fuel

As everybody knows. the nuclear
age was suddenly ushered in after
the successful weapons program
developed during «Werld war ‘II'.’
Uranium contains the only naturally

'occurring fissile isotope, U-235, in
very very small amounts. This was
one of the isotopes that was used in
nuclmr weapons.

lligh purity Plutonium-239 (Pu-



239), which is used for'the same
purpose, was obtained from special
typts of reactors. But these reactors
required Uranium 235 to function.
Therefore, great effort was invested
to obtain U-235 from natural

After the war, an intensive effort
was needed to develop nuclear
technology for commercial use-
energy production. But that need
was very much reduced with
documentation of pertinent
knowledgeabouturanium fuel. So, it
seems the new enthusiasm during
the 1950‘s directed every effort in the
nuclear f icld toward development of
uranium technology.

But with the spectacular
development nuclear power plants,
the need for nuclear fuel resources

wvas well recognized in light of the
enormous energy needs in the
future. Scientists knew that fertile
materials (Uranium-238 and
Thorium-232) could be transformed
by neutron irradiation into fissile
materials tPlutonium-239 and

steamed have a long ro e for equality


1,»;1... :.ui.‘:~ lift i3

1‘; . it u Nut"; ritr‘t-i‘ r‘r‘f'
‘ :4. ..1 L"i
i'.trt.. -\._ -l‘rC

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‘ v‘ "i, Ll killing",

:1 .0

m.» f. 5- '- 'b.‘:itscl\‘c..
.‘r "Butter
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it» ,, 'lt :‘t E. '1» cit.
. ~:.. 31: 7,: ill rht curl}
".‘ . ).;1v"tw ali‘ic'l‘rtC‘lil
..i :w. .a. l;‘(' of humor lot:
. r .- . r-u 5;! ~i party uni wt-r't-
' .t’-i:--l "-p't -‘.’m:lll.‘l l'li"'~t-l§!.\'
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w . . "'lnt’ ‘urtl fltis'
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E 'tl‘. :- mt‘. I" if!“ ctlltl A!

3-“ .~ ll‘.r',‘\ ‘."lr:) 3' {is grim;

hill" .m. ri'rugnu'nl scams

--...t H" -;uret»-r 'flit res

:~:.:.:t-: ll. -22 biforc The
_i..:.:. ~ the re. its just not as

“a ,‘il '2. a would ".-~‘- Int- kt-y.

. . {firufl t‘;.rl,a- ,‘t‘tul \iTldt‘S

t, 3‘. l ..il..'.. wcrcnt damned to

.'-,:'.I‘.lf1\r. ‘.‘t':‘ll ‘llf-

. . .' -. .; In“ all f the Mirror
Luk, ll :5 ‘1' but to which

Ipnutriuii tt-iy. that‘s exactly what


e n wir- «illil female did—Hex
Halclit’ 'i, We Tattle ti-tt the coaualls 0f
tilorzt, limit; lxrrtc, Bella and
Slur'cy ttn‘::‘ the; were frayed. Now
mt “up!“ an. :i'ntrrt has ruled against
'Iiii’r'rl bcrrlils for pregnant
t..m“.- l. null!) .25 far as mcrtical
x‘rcnt-i- can tl-‘.(Tlllll‘rt‘. are thc only
sex capriaic ol having babies. )Ct
at t'trttllm; to the (hurt. this is still a
“ritorch i’opt' or no Pope),
naturist wtml maturity benefits for
tl“.l,t'tt'Il K"-llllt‘il. and against the
.2 Hunt: to use It'luathcycr
-".tl:.t‘ she chums on a driver's
.ll filings. Kentucky‘s
Signs-tar} at 'l:.i:;.-~po:‘faiion, man
rut ~.ti .tntm lisi‘mts. has urgently
ltt‘ttlhit-{l the ilzgitway I’nlrol to
unlit; r up .11. dioxins and subject
then. to .: pcrutlty not c:~.’cccding SL300
or up to .u‘: nmnlhs in jail.

t'olttmniit Ktlpatrick
.‘lllltl‘S in A Wall” i~ are being
ttnjraalcftii. lllul were turgclitng the
tic. ih-i Sttpn‘mc (‘onrt has
-’l'..fi 'or- s. to us, and that the furor
tint .‘tiptt‘mc tourt .s receiving is
railigcr‘yc'l. that lhc rulings Wcre
talc and lust

It". a», l (till, i boiled owr at this
point and promptly disregarded all
prtytoun rubbish about not taking
lllf‘ «.errotzslx my furor was

lt's ut-t'ittc trrcrcasirtgly difficult
to !‘.ll1mitllltr' the fact that mm,
H rtlrotit female representation or
flip!!! :irc mukmt! major decisions
rilftcfn: 1 terrialc lives.

but the rcct-nt court rulings and
ktipatrtdt blather are only one
aspect An area which plotls along
llllulli‘llili‘t’l in the portrayal of
upturn in advertising For years.
uomcn lll ads were relegated to the
~1tlm~r'.'tcttt. brainless beauty, kt'cp
tlrncin their places rolcs- million
4.4;,” ‘tltllllllfl Witt-s. They‘re still

For cxamr-lc. ‘Jtsk commercials
are running ra mpant on the air. Just

bl .r. ,
....i.- Ll

ili't'llrlt‘ of

J .v mes


“l “The female body

08 on alluring j
object d’ott is ;
nothing new '”
to Madison y


once when the sickle voice cries
" ling around the collarl“, I wish
lhc wife would yell, “WASH YOUR
.iEt‘K, JERK!“ A group of con-
sumers in Boston tried to organize
last year to boycott the product, but
the effort never got past (.‘harles
Itivcr Square.

The female body as an alluring
object d‘art is nothing new to
Madimn Avenue. Jttlic London. Joey
Ilcatht-rton, and Farrah l‘aw't'ctt
have scored in this game. One of-
fensive commercial using this tactic
rs the Names stockings ad. The scene


‘ .,,,-
9 iv
9 r . “ “t
. ' . - d
J j . * \
y . v
' l
, W' neg; .3.

is a bistro in Paris, two young lovers
stroll hand in hand and gaze into
each othcr's cyts until liomco spots
a chick in a clingy dress tlegs a la
llianSl. While the poor schmuck in
the $500 Dior-original pants on-
semble wonders where she went
wrong, on obnoxious voice wams.
“You‘ll be taking in the view, but he
won‘t take his eyes off you—-
ticntlemm prcfcr llanes.“ lf gen-
tlcmcn prefer Ilancs, let them wear

Another favorite is the
homemaker who uses .loy to wash

her china and is complimented by a
guest that evening as looking "as
ravishing usher ta ble." Advertisers
are trying, lhough. There's the ad
where a beautiful wife rm plores us to
please understand that she is
murn'td to a man, not a house, and
plea so don’t assume that housework
is the most exciting part of her day.
But who ends up selling the product
while scrubbing the floor? It ain‘t

You can light back. Like the
consumers in Boston. fight with
dollar bills. This is simple. K2-R gets
out spots as well as Wisk. K-Mart
stockings run as quickly as Ilanes
and they‘re cheaper. Tide cleans
tlislrts as well as Joy, only the box is
('lun‘lSlL‘l‘ and takes up more space
unddocsn't smell like lemons, which
is nice if you‘re allergic to lemons.
And Volkswagens get better mileage
than t‘tugurs in spite of Farrah

Women have a long row to hoe to
gcta fair shake. It‘lll happen in spite
of the Supreme Court and James
Kilpatrrck. But because nearly 2,000
years ago Jesus didn‘t namc
Lorraine or Susie to his cabinet,
there will never be .1 Pope Rita. and
Jewish mothers will continue to be
stcrcoiy pcd as Jewish mothers, and
Mormon women will still be barred
from the (heat Tabernacle.

But one day Barbara Jordan will
be president, Bella Abzug will be
Senate Majority Leader, Betty
Williams will win the Nobel Peace
l’rim. (‘hrrrlie's Angels will be
cancelled. and Mr. Whipple will be

I hope as tomorrow.


Barbara floats. a graduate of
Florida Southern College in
lakelantl. is a graduate assistant in
the College of forum-nicotine. Her
column appears every other Mon-

Uranium-233, respectively). A fissile
material is essential for the func-
tioning of a nuclear reactor.

Thorium as plentiful as Uranium

Geologic surveys have shown that
as much thorium resources exist as
uranium resources; large amounts
of the material being rcquircd for a
viable industry. Also, accurate
experiments tn different
laboratories across the country
thttis Atomic Power Laboratory,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory)
showed that breeding could be
achieved in thermal light water
reactors using the Th-232-U-233 fuel

But, I think the major push to
thorium technology came in late

1965 when the Atomic Energy'

Commission approved Vice Admiral
llG. Rickover‘s recommendation to
develop a light water breeder
reactor t'LWBR). This project in
essence involves replacing the
uranium core of an existing
pressurized water reactor with
thorium fuel and practically
determining whether breeding is

(‘urrcnt reactors sufficient

There are many advantages from
this program. For many years in the
future, the utility industry will be
committed to basing the expanding
nuclear industry on water reactors;
so there will be great reluctance by
the utilitics to change to other types
of reactors. The utilities will not
have much difficulty when they have
to change to thorium fuel with the
same reactors, because during the
life of a reactor the fuel is
replenished many times anyway.

The LWBR is the only breeder-
convertor reactor system that
promises significant improvement
in fuel utilization while avoiding
many of the problems that must be
solved to obtain high fuel utilization
in other types of reactors. The
LWBR development will be of much
use to countries rich in thorium
resources, which, apart from the
US, include Brazil and India.

The one important technical
problem assoc ta fed with the thorium
fuel cycle is tire to the high
radioactivrty of the spent fuel. I
believe that remote reprocessing
technology will solve the problem.

Thorium needs full-scale research

Though it is possible to obtain
breeding in uranium with
plutonium-239. one. has to go into fast
reactors which have not been
commercially developed. Though
plutonium obtained from com-
mercial reactors. due to its being
impure, cannot be used for making
weapons, there are other social and
technical problems associated with
a large scale plutonium economy.

With the above two important
points in favor of Tlr-232-U-233 I
believe that full scale research ef-
fort should be channelled towards
the development of thorium fucl

3. Muffler-pp. h I mechanical
engineering pad-ate stolen



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gee: Jim: tionetgec (1" education, health, nutrition, Professrons students in the m in )1 ‘2’ It “ 1' ' ii" ;* 'l ‘ "h h ”1 - * "‘ l ' & I ~ . F . . i [luv
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(m Barbourvrlle). the rural areas—the small, Students interested in '
il'issile ALCOR employsmore than isolated communities It] the applying ftl‘ one Of these i.:i§l till ilw liK 1. [Minnow polo-’1‘ out :i'y .uniw "vim ’.-l ~ v' i r
e func- 200 studentoutreach workers mountain “hollows m nineof positions can call the ALCOR oownmom System» .o: :‘ own hi not thrown. vs. . i it
each summer and provides Kentucky’s most im- office in Hazard, Ky” (606-
servrces to nearly 291000 povenshed counties—ALCOR 439'2660)v or WI‘lte t0 ALCOR' Main Office: One First Security Plaza
”mum people in previously inac- attempts to attain a Simple lnc., Hazard, Ky. 41701. - 24 Hour Banker Lccatmns
' Blur-rim: Ftl'tli ‘ 72/ i ii: lit \wruo- " 176? r r. l ml 9“ ;ti"i i C: 7' ' 17'2‘1 A‘ w. w .ivin lJri. th‘? 1‘. .., ..
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ALCOR in eighth year
Of Appalachian service

Kernel Staff Writer

This. summer, at six
Kentucky colleges, the Ap-
palachian Leadership and
Community Outreach, Inc.
(ALCOR) willbegin its eighth
year of providing community
service for families in rural
Appalachia. '

ALCOR is a non-profit
organization founded at Alice
Lloyd -. College in Pippa
Passes, Ky., in 1969.

It gained corporate status
in 1970, and by 1971 was
serving 20 Kentucky counties
from six college campuses.

In addition to Alice Lloyd,
ALCOR has cooperative
agreements with Cumberland
College (in Williamsburg),
Hazard Community College,

cessible mountain com.
munitis.‘ .

The students work in a
network ‘of‘.67 community
centers, which are spread
throughout Appalachia.

According to Jack Burch,
ALCOR president, the
majority of students em-
ployed are undergraduates at
either UK, theUniversity of
Louisville _or Eastern Ky.

The students are also
primarily local residents,
and, as Such, liaVe little
trouble gaining acceptance in
the communities to which
they are assigned.

The students perform
various kinds of work in one
or more of six outreach

The programs include
community development,

and welldefined set of goals.

These goals are based on
utilization and development
of resources (human and
otherwise), development of
community leadership and
provision of social and con-
sumer servrces.

ALCOR receives funds
from an impressive array of
private and public sources,
including Kellogg, Upjohn,
Western Electric, Ford Motor
Company and the Rockefeller
Foundation. Additional funds
come from the state attorney
general's office.

In the coming months,
ALCOR will be accepting and
screening applications for 20
available health care
positions which need to be
filled for this summer‘s
program. Openings are
available for health

'I'III‘I |\'l-.\'l‘l ('K\’ kl‘.|t\l"l.. Murillo), January l7, I‘l77~;t



We ’ ll Keep
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tcurate I I I
333;; picked for training study .
rratory, The department 0f the institute. Dr. Bernard T. I-‘agan will
ratory) vocational education in the During the coming months, serve as coordinator of the Milli-3:“;BAXKAV 'I‘RI'ST COMPANY
old he Collegeof Education hasbeen staff members of the new program. "“"“" “"M‘ 11......
water selected as one of 25 US. department will take part in
3 f educational institutions trainingactivities designed to '
33 uel which will participate in the help them to use per~ JournaHSt
rush to National Institute for Per— tormance-based vocational .
m late _. formance'Based Vocational ’tea‘c‘her"education'i'ma'te‘rial‘s Nugent
Energy , : Teacher Education, Dean and“ implemenfwa' per-“W 1,. , ..
.dmiral George Denemark said. formanc'e-based program in
ation to The selection was made by training vocational education to > Spea k
reeder the Center for Vocational students.
ject in Education at Ohio State In a performance-based The Central Kentucky
1g the University, Columbus, a program. students preparing Concert and Lecture series
xisting nationaleducational research to teach in vocational will present a lecture by
r with - a n d d e v e l o p m e n t education areas must noted African correspondent
tically organizationsponsored bythe demonstrate their com- John Petr Nugent tomorrow
ling is National Institute of petence to perform critical at 8:15 pm. in Memorial
Education. The US. Office o