xt7p8c9r2r1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r2r1d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1906 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1906 text Annual report. 1906 1906 2011 true xt7p8c9r2r1d section xt7p8c9r2r1d i N1NET12ENTH ANNUAL REPORT
A Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station
State Ccllege cf Kentucky E
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T0 His Excellency, ( A A · ·,
rGO’l.`U7“NQ7l of Keizitucky/. p `
Sir:-— _ ,
Under the author_ity_ of the Board of Control, and in accord- °
ance with an act of Congress, approved l\iareh 2, 1887, and ,
entitled- "An Act to: establish Agricultural Experiment Stations
in connection with the 4Agricultural Colleges established in the
several Statcs,i-iuider the provisions of an act approved July 2,
1862, and under -thc acts supplementary thcreto,” and of the
act of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, approved
n February 20, 1888, and entitled "An Act to accept the pro-
{ · visions of an Act passed by the Congress of the United States,
approved March 2, 1887, for the cstablislnnent and maintenance 1
K of Agricultural lixperinient Stations in connection with the p'
' Agricultural Colleges established by the several States and Ter-
4 ritories under an Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862," I
. herewith submit the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station.
‘ A Very Respectfully,
' M. A. Scovnm, Director.
Y as
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Agncultural and M echameal `
College of Kentucky » ’
V i ; _ _- . s
l ` His Excellency, Gov. J. C. YV. IJEOKIIAM, °ex—OHicio Chairmani .
Q J AMES K. PATTEEsoN, President of the College, ex—CHieio. L
JUDGE `VILLIAM C. BELL, .[l[2l1`1.‘O(lSl)1·l1‘Q_`,·B[(3l‘C(21‘. County.
l; ' HoN. CAss1Us M. CLAY, Paris, Bourbon County.
V -»
.!l , . ` , -
r JUDGE GEoEGE B. ]’\.INI{]·1AD_, Lexington, Fayette County.
gf JUDGE J o11N McCuo1zD, Lebanon, Marion County. ‘
HoN. CHARLES NY. B[E'L`CALFE,, Pineville, Bell County.
A· BASIL M. Bnooics, Esq., Slz1n;·;l1tersville, \\`elJster County. .
Q , _ A l DAVID F. FIil\ZEE, lnso., Lexington, Fayette County. . -
‘ ,4 1 ‘ .
. ·; Z HON. JFRANK A. Hoie1<1Ns, Prostonsbur<¤· Flo ml Count 2 _
i I G7 5 .,
[`E —-§ C1rAnLEs B. NICHOLS, Lso., Lexington, Fayette County.
JUDGE RoEE1z1· L. Srour, Versailles, lVoodforrl County. J
' ~.-511 ·· ‘
5 · .*’»°_§ . . . ‘
JUDGE LIENRY S. BAEKEE, llOlI1S\’1llO, Jefferson County.
` FQ . , _
HoN. Tmms CARDENTEE, Scottsville, Allen County. _
JUDGE XVILLIAAI T. .lJAFF1·ZR'l`Y, Cyutlxizuin, ]lr€t1‘l'lSO11 County.
DENNY P. Smrru, Esq., Czuliz Tri1;n· County. l.
__·._»__$._ ; 2 ee, ..
j';g;,`_, IIoN. CLAIJDE M; TE1uU, Ky. .
__ O. JB. XI(f*IIOI.S,"Lexington, Ky. _
_~ C. M. (QIIQAY, Paiis, Ky.
· _ J. Qi. P;\TTEI%SOX, I’1·esiI(\Q'ISt and -BOI2ll1ISt.
E. C`. V;\I;GII N`, I\SSIS1'2ll1T`, Sem} Ins]>e<;ti<>ii. I
. B. II. _I’I.\I{T, Assistziiit (`]1<·mist, Eee¤IS.
‘ (}E(i)I{(`}E ROIJEIITS, -\ssist;n‘1t ("lneniist.
TIC. (_}OOI), ;\nin1:1I Iliislminhiiaiii.
. J. \\'. X["I`TElii, Assistinit in VI):lI1'_$'i1l.Q`.
` MISS (). I,. GIXOVIIIO, St<·11<>g·1·z1pl1]'2ll'_\' llll<'l't‘Si]
are printed in the back of this report, beginning on page 250. -
I*`er/i/izcr /}i1·f.