xt7p8c9r3f82_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of William Byrd Rogers papers text Calendar of William Byrd Rogers papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_7/0078/0078.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_7 xt7p8c9r3f82 {yl/Q£6{¤~·M YQ vw /dp/L’°’*—<*
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8/25/1855 Letter to Uncle [Wm. B.] Rogers from Sam R. Young, Holt
County, Mo. Young relates crop conditions in Holt County:
12-15 bushels of corn to acre. Cites grain and cattle
prices and land prices. Mentions size of his farm and
how far removed timber is. Remarks re relatives. Asks
Rogers to forward money that is due from sale of Young's
property, presumably in Barren County, Ky.
11/23/1855 S. R. Young (Holt Co., Mo.) requests his agent Wm. B.
Rogers to send money and explains the best way to trans-
fer it from Barren County, Kv., to Missouri. Price of
cows, wheat, flour, pork, and wages for work hands.
Price of provisions in the new territories are high due
to large scale emigration. Anticipation of another big
"fuss" between the North and South about Kansas. Missouri
land is too expensive.
5/5/1857 Brief price list for shoes and domestics.
2/23/58 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson (Davies$County, Ky.) to Wm.
B. Rogers. Remarks on cold winter trip home from
Barren County to Davies$County. lO" of snow. Speaks of
eight persons "possessed to get religion" at a meeting
during his absence; and invites Wm. B. Rogers to believe
in the gift of God
“6/5/1859 S. R. Young (Holt County, Mo.) requests Wm. B. Rogers to
inform him of money collected for Young since the latter
moved from Ky. Missouri crop conditions 1857-59. Mentions
return of Missourians who started to Pike's Peak [in
search of gold?] and became discouraged. [See letter by
John A. Bagby in Walter Bagby file 1/24/1859 re gold at
Pike's Peak.] Refers to the presence of other Barren
County emigrants.
V —".,i859 School tuition receipt from Ed. P. Thompson [Edwin Porter
Thompson, later Superintendent of Public Instruction,
9/10/1859 John G. Roger's letter from Chicago re money he collected
for Sam R. Young [in Missouri].
9/27/1859 Letter from C. Y. Wilson, Horse Well, Ky. to W. B. Rogers
requesting the latter to purchase his drygoods and
groceries from Wilson's new firm.
9/29/1859 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson, Davies County, Ky. to Mr.
Rogers. Ferguson acknowledges Rogers' collection of
money as Ferguson's agent, and requests Rogers to hire
and rent Ferguson's farm with as little improvement as
possible because he fears that the value of improvement
may fall to the "opposition."
12/12/1859 Receipt for 15 pairs of sash from Louisville Lumber yard.
12/13/1859 Receipt from Louisville Hardware Co.
`l/5/1860 Transfer of money. Wm. B. Rogers as agent for Nancy
Fergerson [sic]. [probably Ferguson].
`1/21/1860 Letter from L. R. Young (Holt County, Mo.) to Wm. B.
Rogers, acknowledging receipt of money collected on
Young's behalf by Rogers. Young suggests that 5% is
customary fee for an agent to receive for collecting
money for another party. Explains best railway route from
Barren County, Ky. to Holt County, Mo. Money is "p1entier"
in Missouri than it was previously. Price of hogs, steers,
corn in Holt Co. Young is member of Missouri State
Legislature and comments on the governor's desire for
more competition among railroads. Young is an "adminis-
tration Democrat."
“2A$/1860 Brief note from Thomas J. Gorin (Glasgow, Ky.) re
sending a boy to stay with Wm. B. Rogers.
2/19/1860 Wm. G. Ferguson letter from Davies County to Wm. B.
Rogers. Remarks re stripping tobacco in February; re
reliance on the Northern Lights as a useful guide to the
weather; re winning a suit for possession of property
without a bond; re cautions wording of a receipt to
acknowledge no more than is delivered.
B/12/1860 Wm. G. Ferguson letter from Davies Co., Ky. to Wm. B.
Rogers requesting him to oppose the building of a country
road through farm property, unless those who desire the
road are willing to limit the confiscated land to a \
20 ft. swath and to pay for the building of fences on
both sides of the road.
3/17/1860 Promissory note re use and return of a horse.
3/26/1860 Receipt of money to loan out.l _
J 'K
5/471860 Wm. G. Ferguson letter from Davies County to Wm. G. Rogers
§§|§Q ID indicating no alternative to submitting to the building
of a county road through farm property, even though the
county may not build fences along the road. Letter
directs Rogers to get a several hundred dollars check on
New York and how to endorse it so that it can be trans-
ferred among various parties. Mail service from Evans-
ville to Bowling Green via Green River to become a regular
twice a week service in July 1860. Postcript acknowledges
receipt of $500 check and ability to get 6% interest on
loans. Remarks that no telegraphic service is available
l yet, so mail service is still necessary.
6/%/1860 Receipt for sewing machine from Louisville guaranteeing
( the machine for 3 years.
’6/1 or 7/\$@@ Cancelled check of $100 showing payment of sewing machine.
’é~’2$'” MO sam . .-{ M
7/13/1860 Receiptifor'sgIe ofWa`Buck`sheep.ii"'
fi 4 • [
9/II/1860 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson (Davies Co., Ky.) to Wm. B.
Rogers. Personal letter; brief mention of crop conditions;
remarks re writing letter by candle light.
11/12/1860 Letter from Wm. G. Ferson to Wm. B. Rogers to rent and
hire Ferguson's estate in Barren County as in the past.
Ferguson prefers letters from Rogers to be sent to
Curdsville via Bowling Green because he has little faith
in the Owensboro postoffice.
'll/19/1860 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers to rent the
former's estate to a Mr. Pearce, provided Pearce has
collateral to guarantee payment of rent. Brief reference
to the Bible. Crops not as good at Ferguson's place as
it should be.
'2/6/1861 Wm. B. Rogers' general merchandise account with H. Dodd
and Son from 9/26/1859 to 12/5/1860.
3/16/1861 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers referring
to the latter's information about a slave on Ferguson's
Barren County estate who had disappeared. Ferguson
speculates about the possibilities: the slave's wife may
be hiding him only to bring him in for the reward;
someone may have taken him south for sale; or he may have
been induced to go to the North. Expresses concern re
"contrary winds" that are influencing slaves wrongly.
Letter ends on a religious note, encouraging Rogers to
pray and store up treasure in heaven.
4/24/1861 $7.00 license for a stallion.
‘8/25/1861 [After Civil War has commenced] Letter from Wm. G.
Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers expressing gloom because the
money in Ferguson's area is controlled by "union men
who voted to give Abe men and money to carry on his
murder and plunder of Virginia and all South." Remarks
re Lincoln's promise to end slave labor. Ferguson
advises Rogers to manage Ferguson's affairs in Barren
County as best he can under the threatening circumstances.
Ferguson distrusts the mail service; believes that letters
are opened and the contents are "lost.“ Money must not
be forwarded by mail.
,10/28/61 Receipt for purchase of dry goods.
`l/12/1862 Copy of court order for three men to appraise the value
of deceased man's personal estate and slaves.
`l/2%/1862 Promissory note by 2 men to repay $40.75 within a year.
3/3/1862 Letter from John M. Reid (near Mt. Eden, Spencer County,
Ky.) to Wm. B. Rogers. Reid remarks re obstruction of
mail by troops in August 1861, and requests Rogers to ship
a horse to Reid by way of Louisville. Reid advises Rogers
to use telegraph services.
4/9/1862 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers again expressing
no confidence in the postoffice and advising Rogers not
to send anything valuable by mail. This letter was
delivered by a personal friend. Ferguson advises Rogers
to conduct Ferguson's affairs according to Roger's
discretion. -
5/l2/1862 Letter from J. M. Reid (near Mt. Eden, Ky.) to Wm. Rogers
acknowledging news that Reid's hoise had been taken by
the "Beligerents" [Union forces]. Reid states that
despite the local excitement in his area anything taken
[by fighting forces?] has been paid for. He expects
the Civil War to produce much misery, but he thinks the
"Beligerents" [North] will lose because seaports are
blockaded. Then the "Conservationists" will turn their
guns on the abolitionists. Reid trusts the mail, at
least for the delivery of a pen from Barren County to
'7/9/l862 A request by Simpson for Mr. Collier to pay Wm. Rogers
$7.50 for Simpson's board.
Ul/l/l863 W. B. Rogers' receipt for selling 1,000 lbs. of beef at
6¢ per lb. on account to the 33rd Brigade, A.C.S. The
account was payable on proof of Rogers' loyalty to the
32/l0/1863 Receipt indicating that Wm. B. Rogers had provided food
for l2 horses and eight men for one meal each. Signed
by Capt. Johnson, llth Ky. Cavalry.
6/18/1863 Receipt for license for ownership of a Jack.
'l/20/1864 Wm. B. Rogers due to pay $700 on demand to Mrs. Sarah
[7/26/1864 Receipt for $4l6.l2 by W. S. Parrish as guardian for an
infant girl from Wm. B. Rogers as administrator for
infant's deceased father [?].
[l2/24/1864 Letter from a James W. Wood to Wm. B. Rogers requesting
the latter to return the sale price of a horse that turned
[ out to have defective eyesight.
'l865 Receipt for claim against John B. Wood‘s estate.
`4/l7/1865 License for a Jack.
l0/3/1865 Receipt for iron railing, gate fixtures, and stone shipped
from Louisville.
`l2/l/1865 $39.00 promissory noteép KE»**‘*€ ‘"'` ‘”‘°‘i; »'·
l2/6/1865 $2000 house insurance policy.
May 1866 [ Wm. B. Rogers and two other mean are appointed by the court
to plan a road to intersect the Munfordsville and Glasgow
V6/30/l866 $17.50 receipt for paying I.O.U.
10/15/1866 Receipt for $10 fine and $3.40 cost of suit., » -~ f"
{,'?, - I . .
8/8/1866 Letter from Wm. G. Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers. Remarks
re hogs dying off at a fearful rate, and election of
county judge and clerk.
$8/24/1866 License for ownership of a Jack. .lyNj _\
Dec. 1866 Contract by Wm. B. Rogers to hire a man and his wife!
from 1/1/1867 to 12/25/1867. The man to receive $155
and the wife to receive $55. The man is responsible for
his fami1y's doctor bills. If sick, his wages will be
deducted accordingly. The wife is to cook, milk, and
wash. Wm. B. Rogers is obliged to feed the man, his
wife, and their two children and furnish a house for
them. Eliza is to have every other Saturday free.
[Possibly the employment of 2 former slaves?]
5/20/1867 $15. receipt as part payment for a horse [?].
1/7/1868 Wm. B. Rogers again contracts for a year‘s work from the
man and his wife mentioned in the Dec. 1866 contract.
`&/18/1868 Wm. B. Rogers directs insurance company to refund $15.
excess payment.
‘4/11/1868 License for ownership of Jack.
·Dec. 1869 W. B. Rogers' receipt for paying $100 in attorney's fees
to John T. Bohannon.
il/20/1870 Wm. B. Rogers payment of $2.65 income tax on $53.00
income during 1869.
*3/29/1870 Receipt from Barren County Court Clerk to Wm. B. Rogers
for his payment of $35.65 fee relating to an injunction
suit against the Barren County Cpurt and railroad
‘1870—187l Price list for food, drygoods, and hardware.
·12/23/1870 Letter from W. H. Ferguson [? son of Wm. G. Ferguson ?]
to Wm. B. Rogers. Remarks re scarce money, sales price
for tobacco and instructions to Rogers to rent the Fer-
guson‘s estate as in the past.
5/10/1871 Wm. B. Rogers' receipt for depositing $167.50 in Citizens
Bank of Louisville for W. H. Ferguson.
—8/3/1872 Minor receipt.
3/15/1873 W. B. Rogers' receipt for a letter addressed to Wm. G.
8/27/1873 Letter from W. H. Ferguson to W. B. Rogers. Quotes
price of wheat and corn after long, cold winter.
17/16/74 W. B. Rogers' receipt for subscription to Glasgow Times.
d0/8/1874 W. B. Rogers' receipt for $5. fee paid in relation to a
law suit.
12/9/1874 Letter to Wm. B. Rogers from W. H. Ferguson, Curdsville,
Ky. Ferguson mentions condition of 1874 corn and tobacco
crops, and also the price of corn, wheat, and pork.
He requests W. B. Rogers to manage the Ferguson farm
[in Barren County] as in the past.
ll/ll/1874 $6.80 receipt.
`2/13/1875 Notice from F. M. Jones and Brothers, Coral Hill, Ky.,
directing W. B. Rogers to release an amount of tobacco
in his possession or face legal action.
2/23/1875 Letter from W. H. Ferguson, Curdsville, Ky., informing
Wm. B. Rogers of the theft of 2 horses, bridles, and
saddles from Ferguson's neighbor. The horses are
described. Prices of corn and wheat are quoted.
V3/3/1875 Western Union telegram from E. A. Bagby, Louisville, to
W. B. Rogers re death of an individual. Delivery charge
for telegram was apparently $1.50.
@/25/1875 Letter to Mr. Rogers from W. H. Ferguson, Curdsville, Ky.
Ferguson acknowledges receipt of check from Rogers and
requests him to have someone take possession of the
Ferguson farm [in Barren County] as in the past.
8/6/1876 Letter from W. H. Ferguson to Wm. B. Rogers notifying
Rogers of the death of two black women from rheumatism
and consumption. Bad crop conditions from wet spring and
dry summer, though oat crop and hay all right. Ferguson
advises Rogers to rent the Ferguson estate as in the past.
10/2/1876 Henry L. Rogers [son of Wm. B. Rogers] and another man
are summoned to Barren Circuit Court to testify for W. B.
Rogers, defendant, in a case initiated by F. M. Jones and
Brothers [mentioned above 2/13/1875].
`8/26/1877 Letter from W. H. Ferguson, Curdsville, Ky., to Uncle
Billy [Wm. B. Rogers] re considerable sickness in the
in the vicinity, and a detailed account of weather and
crop prospects. Remarks re a neighbor being killed by
runaway team. Inquires whether Wm. Rogers has rented the
Ferguson estate. Also the unmarried author of the letter
wants to know if a sweetheart selected for him by his
aunt is still unmarried.
(1878 (April- An account of W. B. Rogers with J. W. Settle, apparently
Nov) for blacksmith services, i.e., sharpening plows, shoeing
mules, etc. Detailed price list.
/l/2l/l878 Letter from John G. Rogers in Chicago to Cousin William
[presumably Wm. B. Rogers]. Nostalgic comments about
the passing of the old generation of family members and
about William being the oldest remaining member of the
Rogers family. John G. Rogers remarks re his job as
judge, and how the panic of l873 so depreciated property
that he fears he will not be independent for life. He
favors repeal of the Resumption Act.
'7/19/1879 Not original document. Last Will and Testament of Wm.
BT_Rogers copied in 20th century in pencil, apparently
by Emma Baird Chambliss, a great granddaughter of Wm. B.
Rogers. All land and personal property of every kind
left to sole control of wife Nancy during her life;
daughter Mollie Wood to live on land with Nancy. At
death of Nancy all personal property to be divided
equally between the children; C. B. Rogers, Mollie [Wood]
and H. L. Rogers, and the children of Wm. B. Rogers'
deceased daughter (Annie B. Parish), i.e., one full share
to be divided among Annie's children. At Nancy‘s death
C. B. Rogers and H. L. Rogers to receive respectively a
certain parcel of land as specified in the Will. The
remainder of the land at Nancy‘s death to go to Mollie
Wood and her children. H. L. Rogers to be executor of
‘9/15/l88l A lengthy and passionate plea by an aged and contemporary
friend (U. Wright, Dry Fork, Barren County) for Wm. B.
Rogers to recognize that ihoral, upright life was not
enough and that Rogers, a his advanced age, should join
the church. Without the church, morality degenerates.
Rogers' decision for or against becoming a Christian
will fix his fate for eternity. Rogers should use his
ripe judgment to join and become a beacon light to other
misguided travelers. Otherwise those who follow after
Rogers will repeat his example and remain outside the
church only to leap into the darkness without any divine
lO/l6/l88l Letter from W. H. Ferguson re crop conditions and price
of wheat and corn at Owensboro.
`l882-1883 Wm. B. Rogers' bank account at Trigg and Co., Bankers,
Glasgow. Brief annotations only.
9/20/1883 Part of letter from Curdsville [presumably written by W.
H. Ferguson] to Wm. B. Rogers advising him to take
Warner's Liver and Kidney Cure. Mention of crop conditions
and apparent error of Wm. B. Rogers in not forwarding
enough rent to Curdsville for the estate Rogers has been
managing as agent.
Miscellaneous dated and undated documents _
V Cd c:s;m,}~»*»;>g _;
l. John H. Bagby sells his interest in ¤·slave girl,to Wm. B. Rogers
for $27.96. The slave girl formerly befonged to John Bagby, Deceased.
2. Pencilled note to William [Rogers?] re mistaken delivery of his
mail to another Rogers.
3. Advertisement for Hog Cholera Cure.
5. Announcement of fourth annual term of Owen College by Ed. Porter
Thompson (6/27/1878).
g. William B. Rogers' drygoods account with Trabue and Terry.
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