xt7p8c9r5258 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r5258/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198801 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1988 text GLSO News, January 1988 1988 2019 true xt7p8c9r5258 section xt7p8c9r5258 M' .F' NEWS 1987““ L5@ Free at Selected Buninas Locations Home Delivery at $5 per year ' LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION, P.O. BOX 11471, LEXINGTON, KY 40575 _’ AVOL OFF TO A GREAT START involve as many people as possible to raise local awareness of AIDS. To get involved Announced in October to coincide with simply come to the next meeting, 5:30 pm, national AIDS Awareness Month, the AIDS Sunday, Jan 10th at Comp Care. If you have Volunteers of Lexington are off to a strong AIDS, ARC, or are HIV positive and need help start under the leadership of Chuck Conn. or support, please call Edwin Hackney at The volunteers have been manning an 233-0141“? during normal business hours. information table on Saturday nights at The Bar for the past two and a half months. This GLSO LEAVES FIRST SECURITY high visibility serves as a weekly reminder to the gay and lesbian community that AIDS is At the monthly meeting of the Board real, and responsibility is the only way to held on November 30th, the Board of Directors avoid infection. AVOL also hopes to set up unanimously voted to close GLSO's accounts the information table at future 'GLSO and with First Security National Bank, Lexington. Court events. The Board also agreed to notify the bank's The group held fund raising events management of the reason for the account during both November and December and the closing. Newsletter hopes to publicize future events. This action was taken to display support Proceeds from the fund raisers have been used for Tom Kahn, an employee of First Security to order new brochures which deal with the for six and a half years who was forced to disease, safer sex practices and related resign because of anti-gay prejudice within the issues. These new brochures, including one bank. CLSO had maintained its checking specifically for lesbians, should be available at account with First Security for at least eight the information table later in January. years. Condoms have also been ordered and will be available free of charge at the information NAMES PROJECT QUILT TO TOUR COUNTRY table, at least during the introductory months. At the end of November AVOL sent If you attended the March on Washington Chuck Conn to a conference in San Francisco you probably saw the huge quilt organized by sponsored by The San Francisco AIDS The Names Project. Each piece was made by Foundation. As a result AVOL expects to the family and friends of an AIDS victim and affiliate with the STOP AIDS Project, a highly included the person's name and personal successful program begun by the Foundation mementos. The quilt made a deep impression in the city of San Francisco but now having on those who worked on it and on all the an international scope. Representatives from March attendees. the STOP AIDS Project are tentatively The quilt makes an important statement expected during February to train volunteers about the impact AIDS is having on all to conduct rap sessions on fact versus fiction, Americans. As a result it will be touring the the psychological impact of AIDS, and safer country during 1988. The quilt is not sex practices. New recruits for the local scheduled for Lexington but will be displayed "Buddy System" have also begun training in Cincinnati on June 3rd. If you want to sessions. renew the feelings you experienced in Current volunteers have been invited to Washington, or, if you haven't seen this a ”get to know each other better" party at a expression of community, plan to visit Cincy member's home on Jan 3rd, but AVOL needs to at the beginning of June. M _ llllllllIIllllIlIllIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll Labrys Records has released a new . album by Labrys entitled M- D Egizeogeré néiSaOfrtggwlsntgguiitfommation Including the title song, the album contains I on GLSO -—-—— or nine Labrys originals that address the ' concerns of women, gays and people of color. I'd like to beco e a v . Labrys continues to express themselves With IEI GLSO entitling :e to E’fié’éghgfii‘bfiufiry “"95 am”? I°Ve' . Strength Pride and of the GLSO News and discounts at freedom. Sisterloveis an excellent display of GLSO fficfioTMy annual Member— their de’pth, versatility, and talent._ ship fee of $10 is enclosed. Since the release of their first album, Turn Around, Labrys has performed in I donlt wish to become a voting Member various communities and at women‘s music S. but please send me the GLSO News festivals. . Labrys Records has been laying the each month. The “WWW $5 groundwork for recording other women who is enclosed. perform women-identified music. Sisterlove was created through the efforts of several women. Labrys is Elena l ame: Jordan and Patricia Lyons, with Elena doing I the vocals, guitar, trumpet and programming, and Patricia on bass. Four other women ddress: helped with the production, and Maxine Machke, a Macintosh computer, assisted in . synthesizer control. The album is available in CltY. St, Zip: women's and alternative bookstores throughout . the U.S., and by mail order from Labrys I 8-11 ‘03 Newsletter, P-O- BOX 11471 Records, Box 1714, Tolland, CT 060814. . A Lexmg'ton, KY 40575 ,c.‘\ GLSO News is published monthly by the )w‘ ” Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. ,9 3 CD "3 one}: (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services f}, v A. 5%??? Organization), Box 111171, Lexington, KY l10575 , ' fisgfg:: Steve Savage, Editor a '_ g. 5;? Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar -./E_§:E§- Edwin Hackney, Asst Editor, AIDS Information . I, ; Vii—2:}; Laura Joans, Asst Editor for the "‘A“dII.“s"’f 3 ' 1. wi‘, Esmerelda Collective (Women's News) °°“§,sfs't,‘fi:,‘,','_ (I ”'3': \f‘fl ; Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist 7’ w' Additional Contributors: Dave, Christine ‘1‘“.2 Maier, Teresa , Debbie, Kathy Rorrer; AVOL, \ v5 } ICBE, The Advocate, NGLTF, WSJ, Frontiers: \ i‘ Typists: Dave, Craig, Equipment: Dave, g; a" _ Karen; Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Dave, { . ,I. Keith, Gerry, Mailing: Bill, Dave; Courier: Barry; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Jim, GREAT MOMENTS HOSTS ICBE SHOWS John, Gerry, Dave, Jonathan. Beginning in December, the Sunday Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are shows of the Imperial Court of the Bluegrass those of the authors and do not necessarily Empire moved to Great Moments at 137 West represent those of the GLSO Board of Vine Street. The move has been an Directors. Submissions are welcome. All unqualified success. Great Moments provides submissions become the property of GLSO and an excellent atmosphere for the shows as well must indicate the full name and address of the as a convenient downtown location. Crowds author. Anonymous submissions are not have been large with around 130 people accepted. The editorial staff reserves the attending each show. The shows get right to alter submissions (including ads) to underway at 9 pm and this month are on the meet publishing requirements. 10th and the 214th of January. See you there! 2 PROGRESS IN ANTI—GAY VIOLENCE BILLS Since the House Judiciary Committee's support. Action on the Bill is expected in the , October 20th vote to favorably report the Hate upcoming Congressional session. , Crimes Statistics Bill to the House floor, the On the state level, California approved ; I National Gay 8 Lesbian Task Force has legislation that raises penalties for crimes 3 secured co-sponsorship from 71 members of the motivated by prejudice, including homophobia. _ House of Representatives. The Bill (H.R. This legislation makes these crimes felonies 1 3193) would mandate the collection of statistics punishable by up to three years in prison. j on crimes that manifest prejudice on the basis Connecticut became the first state to enact a f of race, religion, sexual orientation and law which requires gay-related hate crimes to ethnicity. The Bill represents the first time a be recorded by the police, though the , piece of Congressional legislation containing a legislation itself does not mention sexual , "sexual orientation" clause has advanced this orientation. The legislation requires police to ; far. "monitor, record, and classify all bias crimes." 3 H.R. 3193 was introduced by Michigan Police in Connecticut have agreed to include ) Rep. John Conyers (D). Despite the many sexual orientation when collecting statistics. co-sponsors, none of the Kentucky members of Attempts to pass bias crimes laws have been 3 the House of Representatives have lent defeated in IL, MN, OR, and WA. 3 j m--. . . V, V, I I PRICE OF AZT DECLINES BETWEEN THE ACTS I Burroughs-Wellcome Co. announced a 20% Congratulations to the womyn's theatre 3 cut in the wholesale price of AZT on December group "Between the Acts" for their great ' lthh. Sold under the brand name Retrovir, performance of Sarah Dreher's 8 x 10 Glossy. ' AZT is one of the most commonly prescribed The group played to full houses Nov. 20 and E and controversial drugs used for AIDS 21 at the Unitarian Church. Thanks to ’ patients in the U.S. performers Carol Filson, Barbara Scherrer, ‘ Approved by the FDA in March, AZT Nancy Haney, Phyllis Giberson, and Sharon was priced at about $7,000 per year wholesale Ruble, the play was not only a technical or about $10,000 per year retail, depending success, but also provided much food for upon pharmacy markup and dosage prescribed thought. How many of us recognized a bit of for a particular patient. The new wholesale ourselves in one or more of the wonderful price is about $5,500 per year. characters in this play? Burroughs-Wellcome has been criticized After the last performance, some of the on humanitarian grounds by AIDS advocates audience showed their appreciation by staying and gay groups for its pricing policy since the to help tear down the set. It was almost a drug was introduced. With 19,000 people shame to tear down such a great set - currently receiving the drug and no especially that apricot tree! A good time was alternative expected soon, industry experts definitely had by all. Hopefully there will be believe the company may have recovered its more great performances by "Between the investment already. Acts". We'll be looking forward to them! M MARCH ACTIVISTS CLEARED IN D.C. . Twelve lesbians and gay men were their own expense, the court Commissioner granted dismissal of all charges resulting from said, "I cannot ask them to return two or their civil disobedience at the US Supreme three more times just because the District of Y Court on October 13 during the March on Columbia cannot manage its own security 5 Washington. The group appeared in a D.C. forces and guarantee the appearance of the t Superior Court on December 2nd. Each had state's own witness." Of the twelve, seven 1 entered a plea of not guilty at the October traveled to Washington from the New York - s arraignment to charges of unlawful entry and New England area, but one man made the trip ll demonstrating on Supreme Court grounds. from Georgia and one woman rode a bus from S Charges against each were dismissed San Francisco. The cases of four other e after the prosecution's witness, a police participants in the Supreme Court disobedience t officer, did not appear for the trials. Noting were scheduled for later in December and in e the activists had traveled great distances at January. . _— ‘ 3 Wm ASK AUNT MARY LETTER TO THE EDITOR ”- To the Editor: A friend of mine sent me a November issue of the GLSO Newsletter and | read about Dear Aunt Mary: My male boss is Tom Kahn being fired. It made me very sad harassing me no end for being a lesbian. He to hear of such treatment. I have just insist that if I ever slept with him, or any finished a letter to that bank telling them what other man, I would never go back to women. I thought of the way it was handled. Mostly I I like my job, and actually like my boss, all in did my best to shame them, and at no time all. | just need something to put him in his were my words evil. l do not know if they place on this one issue. will reply, but I doubt it. Semi-Steamed, Lexington It is an ignorant World and l am doing what I consider to be my part of the battle to Dear Semi: Tell him you think that if make changes. I am doing my best to do it he ever slept with another man, he would with love, but there are times when I feel that never go back to women. Suggest you put a 2 x 11 added with love is the only way. him in touch with a very good friend of yours Name Withheld who just happens to be a gay man who enjoys sleeping with "straight“ men. When (if!) he tells you how gross he finds your suggestion, WOMEN MAKE MOVIES explain to him that his proposal is equally , unappealling to you. Let me know how it Women Make Movies, Inc. is pleased to goes. announce the publication of its 1987—88 15th Aunt Mary Anniversary catalog. With more than 100 titles, the catalog highlights the work of If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, Women Make Movies as distributor of the send your letters to: Aunt Mary, c/o GLSO, largest collection of films and videos by and PO Box 111171, Lexington, Kentucky H0575. about women in the U.S. For a personal reply, include a stamped, self The titles of Women Make Movies addressed envelope. All names are strictly represent the wide diversity of issues, styles confidential. and ideas that women have brought to the screen. With the acquisition of 20 new releases in 1987 alone, WMM distributes works SUBMISSIONS SOUGHT concerning young adults, women writers and artists, women and labor, women's history, Frontiers, a journal of women's studies, health, cinema studies, international is accepting contributions (fiction, narratives, perspectives, and a series of films by Latinas. poetry, photographic essays, etc.) for a The catalogue is available upon request from special issue entitled Women and Worth. Women Make Movies, 225 Lafayette Street, Subjects include: Suite 211, New York, NY 10012. women and economic theory women, worth and power 3 m current social and legal issues \1\\\\\\ women and unpaid labor “M .. women and wealth Iii/III“ 3' institutional devaluations of women Ni \\ C worth beyond wage work \\\ f \ xiii \ s\< Deadline for submissions is March 15, \\\\\ "_ §\ g: 1988. For more information, write: Editors, '@ — -‘3‘ g C“ V Frontiers, Women's Studies Program CB 325, _ y a ‘— a ”a University of Colorado, Boulder CO _‘ T"*" ‘ ' €69 80309-0325. . «5%,, - .4— " ‘Lover’ may be too man); 4: mm. Lzr‘: in." say we live under III: mm: rock." _ u D _.__/ ‘ : -- , ‘5 i «m : I I gig/8:): ' g\ 2:} : y #5 L I They’re straight, fi‘ ,7 : ' ;;:T/ 3 but they’re very EV a In ff iy/ v mce people. " Q‘ ‘Ej V iv ° W“ \,_ “ t ‘ \I I I‘ , lg; 4/ 4‘ , \3 7, \ \'\\.,Q ‘\““—r,_?'"."§ WC . H ,4 §YA \ i "‘Ma'gw‘gf. '\ .5 ; Ex W424 % ; .3 L, - .\ ». \\\:::;‘ , 2} '5 "my, I ~ . - 33‘“ 3%. gym ”Whv can't we wnle In a gay character?” 1,, -- - . . W” , , . / j. /—\ (44$ : (3% 7/73 my '\ t ’ 3 '« {£4 Mm ”4 . (§\ , { 4 .’ 4% 2' a“? 413 g i 3 w Jim}? WW kg; .62”; 537.15 9;; g S v_ x - ' (fia'i'fi A W , 4 gt.” 41 4; . 1'3 ,3 :: Us 6 jfif H"; ’ ~55; __ ‘._ .r - (— fg . [a i J '- «3m- a cm: W _ i ( I \ ~01 /, , . boost/m i 44:12. . ‘1 ":32: .gtfépzuflimlmlx' only “I. And \fhal’s even udder is. . .lhey’re holh named "Mary." V #:2’W / ' w} k 7 ‘_, , K \ {f 5:23-37 m ‘/m 3‘ (n: g g5 , ‘ 7 ‘ R (" \3= 4 '45" V’L @75qu [77 \1 a?» jvfg‘bza émy ;. ./ ' 1);; / 4;" / . 5%) 5 ‘4? "‘ ’4‘" x. .1' l “W211, a: The'New York Time: wauld ya! it, we'rz sharing III: .mme apartment." I W myself and everyone - everything around me - P l have God." J' ’ C. - "Varies, in general most are /3 smerelda 5 par] against (Priest, etc.), yet it is becoming more “ O‘r accepter‘jd." 5“ .J. - "It has been my experience that Q“ the 'Reform Temple' is not necessarily anti-Gay 3;” > from a religious standpoint but is anti-Cay .t‘!‘ from a survival standpoint. There is an everlasting underlying pressure to blindly —————_—— unite and support the culture and fight the Greetings! oppression/prejudice as a single unit. It is Last month Esmerelda's Parlour was from this need and 'history' of religious devoted almost entirely to the subject of oppression that 'The Temple' can not allow Womyn's Spirituality. Please feel welcome to homosexuality to be an acceptable lifestyle. write with questions or comments about the We are pressured to believe that in order for column. This month we continue the subject us to survive as a culture/religion, we must of spirituality/religion with excerpts from procreate and continue the accepted family interviews with lesbians who practice more structure.“ traditional religions. Next month, depending on the response, 3. How has your denomination's attitude we may continue with this subject by printing affected you personally? your opinions, or we may move on. If we do move on, one suggested topic is lesbian O.D. - "I love even those who have separatism and its effect on the cohesiveness already judged me and have sent me to hell.‘I of the "gay community." While I personally C. - "It does bother (me) at times, but live my life in an almost all-women atmosphere I don't let it get in the way of my beliefs." and socialize primarily with lesbians, I don't R.J. - "Being Jewish separates you from consider myself a separatist. Anyone who the rest of the world and being gay separates would like to write or contribute to this you from the rest of the Jewish world." column, please call me. Our deadline for copy is the tenth. it. How do you balance your denomination's This month's poetry arrived in attitude towards gays and being gay? Esmerelda's first mail! Keep it coming. Don't forget about the Lesbian Potlucks O.D. - "I don't attend 'church' - bring a friend! Finally, I would like to regularly and when I do go - it's for my extend a warm welcome to my friend's newborn mother. I find God outside the church - son to our community! Happy 1988! Laura everywhere. C. - "I feel that the God Catholics INTERVIEWS believe in is a loving, caring thing and sees only the love and does accept gays." 1. What religious denomination do you belong to? 5. What experiences have you had . . . O.D. - "Pentecostal through age 13, O.D. - "The only bad experience is open denomination since then" getting stared at or avoided while attending C. - "Catholic" 'church' with my family. No real harm. Good R.J. - "Reform Judaism" experience is they always want me around when softball leagues begin. Funny, but 2. Tell me how you believe your true." denomination feels about ”homosexuality." C. - "i really haven't had any. It may be because I have not been active in my O.D. - "Most of the people in my church say church for about Ll years. I go about once a that I will burn in hell, but there are month." exceptions. There are a few who believe as l R.J. - "l have been lucky in that I do - that God is love and to have love for have been exposed to Jewish Gay/Lesbian ’7 6 I M ' organizations and found a network of Jewish UNTITLED Lesbians all fighting similar inner struggles by Kathy Rorrer with this conflict. Where I have lived prior to 3 moving to Lexington, the Jewish culture was e integrated into mainstream greatly reducing Affirmation, how that word fills my brain. the impressions of isolation due to a lack of Women loving women. t understanding." The sight of you loving each other thrills me. >’ 6. What would be your advice to someone No fear in the place, this sanctuary. >’ just coming out who wished to remain active Arms encircling waists. ‘ with their denomination? Y You restore me. e 0.0. - "First to decide what God is to A sense of rightness fills my heart. 5 you and then where you believe you can find Hands clasped together with love. 5 him. You don't have to give up God to be Friends, lovers, women. M gay." A coming together to bask in the music of one - C. - "Co talk to a priest and learn to of our own. r understand more about being gay." t R.J. - "An excellent book to read would As I look around, drinking in Y be Nice Jewish Girls, A Lesbian Anthology, the sight and sound of you, published by Evelyn Torhon Beck [Persiphone i realize that this is a celebration of joy. Press). Many major cities have Jewish A rare sense of rightness e Gay/Lesbian organizations but my experiences in a too often alien world. has been that if that is not the case in a specific city, the local Unitarian Church can e provide religious guidance, without pressure to deny your Jewish heritage. A5 with any # lt group of people, it would be up to the . individual's discretion at to whether they feel ' .i 2 11 they could be active in the established Temple c," _ Z s as an openly gay person." "$2“ "_ - ‘ B ismi‘ s CELIBACY ’ w“ \A . W . 7 :3 j by Christine M. Maier \ v ‘. . 1' ‘5 Y Each night she comes . ‘ another form of beauty . » ' a new description for strength. \ . . ,5 Each night someone new ,g‘ . . :5 packages unopened ' é\ l. . wrapped in velvet skln. L j {EFT-\‘LQXN I can touch her, and her, ‘5 and her skin thaws my fingertips is and her fingers trace a blaze 7 """'"-"V“"°""d'”°“"9"" 9 Upon my Skin w d and her eyes sear my flesh. d I sense the clean core of me It she could expose. ‘y Then she is gone. I 5 Y a Each night someone new. I Each night the slow burning. in - M 7 i . JANUARY PROGRAM Our January program will be a review of the March on Washington. We'll look at tapes taken of the March, the Nightline program - - following the March, and a discussion of its effects on you, the gay community, and the U.S. It should be fun and interesting. If you'd like to bring your pictures from the March, or a snack to share, feel free. See 0 DlGNITY/LEXINGTON Y°u there“ P. .Box 19840 Lexington, KY 40593 JANUARY DIGNITY CALENDAR 7‘69 8417 Tuesday 12th 7:30 Liturgy at Don's Thursday let 7:30 Rap Session at Keith's FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT Topic: Change. Thursday 28th 7:30 Program Meeting at It's January. Christmas is over. 1988 Keith's: Video, Reflections lies ahead. This means misdating my of A March on Washington. checkbook until March, snow for the same length of time, most of my days spent indoors. JANUARY COFFEEHOUSE It's also a time of Reflections and Resolutions. Last year, I actually made three While we are already looking ahead to resolutions. I still remember them. Two were the New Year and all the possibilities it no Coke (diet only), and no alcohol. I was offers, we, the GLSO Coffeehouse 8 Dance reasonably effective at keeping those (2 Committee, would like to take a moment to look Cakes, 1 glass of champagne, 20 pounds back upon our first six Coffeehouses and lighter). thank you all for helping to make them a big The third was to accept change. There success! Whether it was behind the scenes, was a lot in my life in 1987. I moved. in the limelight sharing your talent, or Friends moved away. I dated one person for through your attendance and word of mouth six months (and still going). I live with a promotion, your support was most appreciated. friend as opposed to alone. l balanced my Each Coffeehouse has been profitable, and the checkbook and paid off VISA. I didn't get to series has turned into a tremendous fundraiser play as much tennis as I'd like. Some good for CLSP. In the future we plan to continue and bad things. a var ety of themes and types of Life is constantly changing. I never entertainment, and Welcome any suggestions or feel I deal with change as well as I could. I comments you might have. We are always feel like I did only fair on changes. I like looking for fresh ideas. At the January some constants in my life and I realize I have Coffeehouse, a questionnaire will be available relied on those too much. Therefore, I will regarding the Coffeehouses. We hope you will keep that as a continuing resolution. There help us by filling one out. Thanks! will be others. I want to write daily. I love to do it, but l don't allow myself the time. I For January we will be doing something will this year. I will work at taking criticism a little different. For those of you who have more effectively. I always take criticism too been wanting to just DANCE, DANCE, DANCE, hard. here's your chance. The doors will open at 9 Well, those are my resolutions. What pm, and we will have four continuous hours of are yours? l hope one is coming to Dignity. great dance music. There will also be plenty Our next Rap Session's topic is Change. of room to just sit and visit and catch up with Come and talk about change in your life and all of your friends after the holidays. No live how you feel about it. entertainment is planned because we will be Have a good 1988. I hope to see you at too busy recuperating from the holidays. The Dignity soon. cost will be $3 and it is BYOB. Looking ahead, we hope to have something special in In Peace, February for Valentine's Day. And after that, Keith who knows? . 8 m WW recs. 7. 64/21 3: A; 7 M402” J/wié 5233— 000 / . é) / M (@234 / z/aég. QZ? W 326425. 3” 4M 0% o W 4% dfi/AW' ii Qfl 76w M WM {a %M : %/M M gm 026/ /997 ii 94% .9 W 3/ /%’8 GAY AMERICA SEATTLE. WA WASHINGTON, DC By unanimous vote of the King County On Nov. 20, the District of Columbia Council, Cal Anderson was recently appointed Court of Appeals ruled that the District of to fill a vacancy in the Washington State Columbia Human Rights Act requires Legislature. Anderson is the first openly gay Georgetown University to provide tangible man to hold office in that body of government. benefits to lesbian and gay groups as it does to other student organizations. MATTAWAN, MI Judge Mack wrote the majority opinion, "This country has a long and unfortunate With a vote of 62-61, members of the history of discrimination based on sexual First Congregational Church (United Church of orientation The compelling interests Christ) declined to renew Rev. Cyril that any state has in eradicating discrimination Colonius‘s contract because he is gay. The against homosexuals or bisexuals include the UCC is one of a very few religious fostering of individual dignity, the creation of denominations that ordains openly gay a climate and environment in which each ministers. Decisions about ministerial individual can utilize his or her potential to appointments are left to individual contribute to society. and the equal protection congregations. of the life, liberty and property that the Founding Fathers guaranteed to us 91”.” SAN DIEGO, CA ST. PAUL DE VENCE, FRANCE After 5 years of court battles, custody of 16 year old Brian Batey has been granted Black and Gay American essayist, to his late father's gay lover. Judge Judith novelist and playwright James Baldwin died at McConnell based her decision on the "stable age 63 of stomach cancer. Baldwin's early and wholesome environment” the gay man could fame was achieved by his ground~breaking provide, which the boy's fundamentalist essays written in the 19505 and 19605 about Christian mother could not. racism in America. His 1985 essay Ihg Evidence of Things Not Seen discussed the CHICAGO, IL infamous Atlanta murders of Black children. Among his novels, Another Country chronicles Senator Paul Simon (D) signed on as the experiences of young British gays, and cosponsor of the federal gay rights bill. Giovanni's Room details experiences of Black Simon is presently campaigning for the 1988 Gay American men. Democratic presidential nomination. Both the Lexington Herald-Leader and the Courier-Journal carried articles announcing Recently deceased Mayor Harold Baldwin‘s death and discussing his works and Washington's Committee on Gay and Lesbian life, including his homosexuality. Issues held a zit-hour read-a-thon at the Daley Civic Center. The project, called Naming ENGLAND Ourselves, raised $2,000 for gay charities. The policy-making General Synod of the CHAPEL HILL, NC Church of England has rejected a resolution which would have declared homosexuality A local cable TV soap opera, called "sinful in all circumstances" and removed all General College, includes a gay male couple. gay clergy from their ministries. Archbishop In a recent episode, the two men separated, of Canterbury Robert Runcie, leader of the and one of them is currently dating two Church 10f England and spiritual leader of the women, though the other man wants to resume world's 70 million Anglicans [including the their gay relationship. The couple are US's Episcopal Church), stated ”In the face of non-stereotypical, and the director has said he much cruel prejudice, I want to insist that to will not introduce AIDS into the story line be homosexual by nature is to be a full human since he believes that would incorrectly AIDS being. We need to listen to what such is a gay disease. homosexuals say about their situation." 10 M 4 . , _ DIRECTORY " INTO THE FUTURE GLSO Gayline. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 231—0335 W ’I GLSO Board. ' ' ' ’ ‘ .call Jim, 299—0352 . CLSO Newsletter............ a January 15-17, 1988. 3rd Annual Arizona > ....call Steve/Craig, 265'8887 .f Gay Rodeo. Phoenix, AZ. GLSO Gay Parenting Grouv 5 February 12-11%, 1988. Couples National and e Network 3rd Anniversary Celebration. GLSO Speaker's Bureau. - ' '- 5 Atlanta, GA. ..........cal| Barry, 268-3935 February 12-114, 1988. 2nd Annual Gasparilla GLSO Coffeehouse 8 , Sports Festival. Tampa, FL. Dance................ .e February 12-1'4, 1988. National Conference for ......call Esmerelda, 231'7985 al Black Lesbians and Gays. GLSO Cards 3 Games. - - - - -- . Los Angeles, CA. ..........cal| Karen, 259-3292 n February 14-17, 1988. Unitarian Universalists Lesbian POtIUCk- - - - - ' - - - - ~ IE for Lesbian and Gay Concerns (UULGCI ......ca|l Esmerelda, 231'7935 )f Convocation. Portland, ME. Gay/Lesbian AA- - ~ - ' . - - 5 - -- h June, 1988. 9th Annual World Conference of _- - - - . - - - ~ .call Craig, 255'8887 .0 Gay and Lesbians Parents Coalition Imperial Court Of th‘? n International. Columbus, OH. BluegI‘aSS Empire. - ~ ' - ie June 3, 1988. Names Project Quilt on display. ...........call Mark, 256—1779 Cincinnati, OH. ............or Jerry, 272-7381 July 21-2u, 1988. 6th Bi-Ennial International Dignity/Lexington.....:.... Assembly of Lutheran Concerned/North .1........ca|l Ke'th' 269-81117 America. Toronto, Canada. Liturgy. . . .call Don, 299-141158 L, _—-_____—_ (Lexington's chapter of the national , _ ° Catholic gay and lesbian support a; i, 7( :3", \M / Q organization. See the Dignity ‘g a (1; fl page included in this newsletter.) 1t 5 \ M\\\ W nterweave. .. . .ca l ICraig, 286-8887 , ' ‘ (A group wuthln Lexmgton's Unitarlan E MA . (EC): Universalist Church composed of gay L a M men, lesbians and non-gay friends.) as o , \ M ACT/Lexington............. 281-5151 Id // ‘ (AIDS support and education) 2k AVOL...................... for support call Edwin, 233—0LILIU Id m "Idrenmtlordzredaluc-Pac/t,butiruleadxhzyxemmeaVegemmic." for info call Chuck, 233'0'492 lg _-_——-‘-_——-—— (AIDS support and education) ‘d CLASSIFIEDS HIV Positive Support Group ..........call Edwin, 233-014LILI fl LeXIngton_Fayette County Roommate Wanted: Gay male seeks Health Department roommate to share two bedroom AIDS lnformatlon..... '252-2371 1e apartment close 10 UK and "H .II. (For anonymous AIDS counseling and )n downtown. Must have own bedroom ' mm”: :3; testing, call Greg Lee at the above Ly furniture; sofa or color TV a plus. I lll'mll 335;; number.) . _ . 3“ 23347140. Ask for Rex. "' ‘ Lomswlle CI‘ISIS Hotllne... )p (502) 637—u3u2 1e Owensboro Gay Alliance... we we” adjusted, outgoing, 35 y/O . ............. . (502) 685‘52Ll6 1e Bi/W/M wants to meet others (21 to National .Gay and Lesbian Task Force of 110) who enjoy hiking, camping, afiz Crisus Line and AIDS Crisis to travel and special times. I'm 6'2", P'Tfigg . L'F‘S- - - - - ' - -- I805” 221-701111 an 180 lbs, and enjoy life. Marrieds 2* “