xt7p8c9r555x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r555x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1975 1975 1975-01-24 2020 true xt7p8c9r555x section xt7p8c9r555x Vol. LXVI No. 96
Friday January 24. 1975



an independent student newspaper

Hello, morning

Kern“ no" photo by Loo Thomas

The birth of a new morning sun peeks over Kentucky pastures on Old Frankfort Pike. just east of


Students subsidize s5, 195
of Faculty Club Operation

\ss'stant Managing Editor

Operation of the University
Faculty (‘lub is subsidized $5,195
annually by students. according
to a fact-finding committee
appointed by President ()tis A.

The Faculty (‘lub uses three
rooms on the third floor of the
Student (‘enter Its primary
function is to provide a place for
“facilitating contact between
faculty members from different
disciplines and between faculty
members and administrators."
according to club president Willis

l".v\(‘l‘L'l‘Y. OFFICE STAFF
and graduate assistants are
eligible for membership.

The club's limited budget is
of its 400 members.

“The annual cost associated
with the Faculty (flub operation
is $5,456." according to the
committee‘s preliminary report.
It arrived at this figure by first
deriving an estimate of Student
(‘enter operating costs per
square foot.

The report stated there are
3,065 feet of usable space in the
Faculty (‘lub and places the
operating cost of one square foot

at $4.87 Therefore it costs $15,456
yeady to run the facility.

0F TIIAT FIGl'lHi, $2,500 is
paid for by club members.
Another 7,761 was subtracted by
the committee from the total cost
of running the Faculty Club in
order to arrive at the amount
students subSIdize the club

Many members of the com~
mittee disagreed with the
deletion of the $7,761, which
represents the ”costs of
providing Alumni Gym overflow
space for the Student Center."

(‘ontinued on page 6


61 University of Kentucky

Ierington, Ky 40506

Student affairs forms

prejudice institute

Assistant Managing Editor
An institute on racial prejudice will be conducted for the
Office of Student Affairs to educate the staff to better un-
derstand and deal with racial prejudice.
The institute, which is limited to 30 participants, includes a
series of two-hour workshops and one day-long seminar.

“VH2 ARE NOT lmlNG this because we believe the student
affairs staff has many problems of racial prejudice in this
area.“ said Dr Robert Zuniwinkle, vicepresident for student
affairs. "We are doing this because we recognize that the
l’niversity is committed to improving its image and per-
formance in this area from the president on down,“

Zumwuikle said the institute is being conducted also
because people have subtle and unconscious biases and
prejudices which need to be understood and dealt with.

"i hope the institute will give us a better understanding of
our own attitudes for more effectiveness in dealing not only
with blacks hut in our attempts to improve our general
campus environment." Zumwinkle said.

.\l.'l‘llt)l'(ilf Zl'MWINKLI‘I said the institute was no
secret. he added that publicity could be detrimental because
it may give the impression that the Office of Student Affairs
is trying to look good in dealing with racial prejudice.

The Human Heltaions (‘enter will administer and coor-
dinate the institute. Jon Dalton, the Center's director. said
the institute has two basic objectives.

its first objective is to provide the student affairs staff an
educational program regarding the origin, nature and
dynamics of racial prejudice. “This is just to educate the
staff regarding what prejudice is and how it happens,“
Dalton said.

THE INSTITl'TE‘S second objective is to “provide
systematic opportunities to understand how racial prejudice
makes an impact in the University," Dalton said.

Workshops for theinstitute willbegin Feb. 25 and will meet
once a week through March 25. Areas to be covered will
cover; the master race myth; stereotyping. scapegoating
and racial prejudice's impact.

Dalton explained the first hour of the workshops will be
devoted to a formal presentation from workshop topic
leaders. The second hour of the workshop will be used for
group discussion and reaction to the presentation.

DR. l-ZARNEST MIDDLETON, college of education, is one

of three leaders for the m aster race in yth workshop.
Continued on page Is


Kernel Staff Writer

$1, “The Graduate"

By January, 1975.
long gone. a dollar won't
much spaghetti.


l'.\' IT El)



Draft resister turned grocer

Pratt continues with a silent protest

In January, 1968, Lyndon B.
Johnson was an unpopular presi»
dent. a local restaurant offered
“all the spaghetti you can eat for
was a cur-
rent movie and Don B. Pratt of
Lexington took a stand against
the United States government.
Johnson is
“Flesh Gordon"
is attracting large crowds and
Don Pratt is operating a small
grocery store in his hometown,

Local Board
23, sent Pratt a notice in January,
1968, telling him to ride a bus to
Louisville to undergo the A rmy‘s
p h y s i c a 1

Several days before his sche-
duled trip to Louisville, Pratt
announced his intention to
refuse induction into the l'nited
States Armed Forces because
of his opposition to Ilnited States
policy in Vietnam.

After a sendoff given by about
20 friends from l'K‘, Pratt
boarded a 5 ant. bus to
Louisville with dozens of other
potential draftees.

bus Pratt was ordered to ac-
company a group of men who
were scheduled to undergo the
physical exam. After he refused
to comply with this command.
Pratt began a series of events
which included several court
appearances and, finally, a 20-
month stay in a federal prison in
Milan. Michigan

Pratt said he defied the
government because of his belief
that the Vietnam War was
morally wrong. He thought that
this belief required that he not
comply in any way with the

Pratt said that by refusing
induction he hoped to encourage
more people to “stand up and say
.they won't be used as material in
a war of aggression“

Law Professor Robert A. Scdler,
who was Pratt‘s attorney.
said.“because people like l)on
Pratt fought the battles then .is
w hy there is no more draft today,
why there won‘t be any more

Pratt and Sele argued for
three years in various federal

('ontinued on page l6




r . t
E .

A quiet symbol of
an unpopular war.
Don Pratt. who
went to prison ra-
ther than to the
draft. refuses to
accept conditional
amnesty instead
operates a local 3
grocery store.

Kernel staH photo

by Ed Gerald


 Editor in (Net Linda Carries
Managing editor, Ron Mitchell
A , . rate eu tor Navuy Daty

" to -al p. ,1 etim‘ Dari Crutrnei


Features editor Larry Mead
{\i is i-dfloi Greg Notch!"~
Sports editor Jim Mauom
Photography t‘dl'o' Ed Geiatd

kditonafs represent the opinions of the editots


U.S. has given enough to South Vietnam

A Pandora‘s Box holding the
assorted ills and miseries which filled
the Indochina War is about to be
reopened. President Ford has
requested additional funds for
military aid to South Vietnam and
pressure is mounting for aid to the
beleaguered government forces in
(‘a mbodia.

In response to a winter offensive by
the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
armies. which has resulted in the
capture of a South Vietnamese
provincial capital at I’houc Bin".
President Ford has asked for 33m
million of military aid. in addition to
the $700 million already appropriated.
during the present fiscal year and
indicated that he will ask for $1.3
billion in military aid during fiscal

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
her high administration officials
have indicated that this additional
aid will be enough to stave off the
present military threat without
renewed American intervention.
Kissinger has also warned Congress
that it must accept the blame if the
aid is not approved and the ’I‘hieu
government forces are defeated.

The members of the 94th (‘ongress
are faced with the decision of whether
to give in to these requests or to hold
the line against a potentially spiraling
military involvement in South
Vietnam They must also consider the
ramifications of the decision on the

Letters to the editor

axe If






decaying military situation in

The argument that America must
accept the blame if South Vietnam
loses the war is absurd. For ten vears
the I". S. poured huge quantities of
money. men and weapons into In-
dochina to no avail. If that direct
involvement was not able to insure
the suryival of the 'l‘hieu government.
then are we to expect that increased
military aid will now havethat effect"

If anyone is to blame for the defeat
of either South Vietnam or (‘ambodia
it is their governments inability to
muster enough support from those
they claim to govern.

At some point the I' S. must make a
decision on how far it will go to
maintain the South Vietnariiese
government. As the military situation
becomes more critical will the I" S
then resume bombing of the north‘.’
Will it eventually send troops again"

Hopefully (‘ongress w ill decide that
the I‘. S. has already given enough to
South Vietnam

I‘Iconomic considerations also make
the Ford proposal undesirable .-\t a
time when the President has asked
everyone to tighten their belts (ltttl
called for a reduction iii government
spending. a military in
\cstiiieiit in Southeast :\.\l£l is hardly


in keeping with a federal policy of
economic austerity

'l‘he precedent set by broader
military aid to South \‘ietnam would
be a dangerous one. Lyndon Johnson
met his political demise because he
thought gradual increases in
.-\riiericari involvement in lndtxrhina
would not be the l'rirted States into a
position it could not abandon Military
aid is involvement by another name,

President Ford and his advisors
iiitisf realize that the final solution in
Vietnam. and Indochina as a whole.
must be a political answer The of
tensive thrust by the North \‘iet-
riariiese and Vlt'l (ring is part of a
campaign to improve their
bargaining position in the political

The Paris l’cace 'l‘r'caty made a
small step toward a real peace in
Indochina Some day. like it or riot..
members of the t'oriiriiiinist l‘arty in

South Vietnam will have to be in
chided in the national government
and l’l‘t‘SItlt'Ill 'l‘liieu. a man

disr'espected by many of the people of
his nation and hated by the \ iet ("orig
and. .\or‘tli \ietriariiese~ will have to
step down as head of the country
'l‘heii and only then will there be a
chance fruitful
begin .\ political settlement must be

for negotiations to

the first priority for l’i‘csrdent Lord in
devising a Vietnam policy in 1973

'Pencilneck' overexposed to athletic program

The list of complaints towards
the athletic department is grow-
ing and I‘d like to add my name to
it. Aside from the fact that there
is an Obvious disparity between
male and female scholarships in
this athletic program. cost~free
tutors only provided for jocks
twill someone explain why these
tutors are paid in cash‘h and a
beautiful agriculture farm raped
to build a hideous monstrosity
which is used five times a year.
the most damaging effect of the
athletic program as I see it is
what it does to people's heads.

From the jock's point of view
many of them are trapped in the
macho stereotype for four years.
Youthful vigor is a very expend-
able trait, What‘s going to happen
to these men when their physical
prowess fades? Four years of
lower division courses and wet
nursing can only carry a person
so far.

Being a non-jock or “pencilt
neck" as the jocks refer to us. I
too am exposed to the detrirnen»
tal effects of the athletic pro
gram Interactions between
many of these jocks and women
of this campus usually result in
definite ster‘eotypic role playing
she is reinforced in her culturally
defined submissive.
helpless se\iial coiiiirrodify' llc
assumes the role of the dominant.
hunter I‘Iach

role of it

pbafliis oriented

reinforces the other in these roles
which are truly anti-humanistic

In addition. a definite jock
subculture is visible. The traits of
this subculture include: driving
fast big cars, the jock walk. loud
disruptive behavior in classes.
and. in my mind the most
damaging effect. blatant sexism.
Remember. boy's. just because
you can throw a football or
dribble a basketball does not
make your genitalia any larger
iif’ that matters at alli or more
desirable than the male ”pencil

Anger is definitely present.
And. for the female. “pencil
necks" have been repressed too
long. We will not hover admiring-
ly at your feet any longer. It‘s
about time for you jocks to look at
yourselves and see what you've
become. And sisters. let‘s not
reinforce such a self'rdesti‘uctive
pattern any more, Act now.

(‘aroly ii Dougherty
Social Work Senior

Lauds wrestlers

l l\. SI'It' ('hamps. I‘K high in
the \t ',\.\ ratings Sound like otrr
basketball Try again


doth rule" could be



an apt motto for athletics

from this year on. Yep. that is
correct ttur‘ fine university has
what is pi‘oabably the true class
of SEC wrestling powers.
l ltimately. I‘K may. as well. be
the heir apparent to national
biggies in this sport

Proof of these bold statements
has already been supplied in the
form of impressive wins over
defending SI‘It' champ Auburn.
Indiana. Princeton. and another
southern power. l"l‘ at that
tanooga. l’erhaps equally as
impressive are two narrow
losses. one to the Penn State
.\ittany Lions. 1921 tfifth ranked
nationallyi and to highly rated
Buffalo. iii—t9 Kentucky's overall
It} and it record is absolutely
brilliant considering this is only
the teams second year under
coach I’letcher I'ai'r'

I say all this not as a reporter.
but as an opinioned observer l
have found and now the
same situation that has existed in
other areas where wrestling
expertise and fan support were in
their infancy.

We are. unfortunately. better
known nationally than here at
home This arises mostly out of
ignorance \y‘restlrng is a cori-
tagioiis spectator sport that must
be seen to be appreciated,

I therefore challenge the LR
and all other proper
the next



lit‘lllL‘s to attend


wrestling match \\.ithi a real
.\lo.st of all do not
c\pect to lxrller‘ Kowalski
takeon the \laski'd liggplant in a
w i cstlmg isa real amateur sport

recognition as Slit~ champion.s

star' be born
'le\as torture match
these I K guys are class

deserve your support and

Jeff (il'eeiibct'g

(.eology graduate student

Criticizes Corps

I would like to express my
tlianksand admiration tothe l' S
Army (‘orps of I‘Ingineers‘
Louisville office to keep such a
good record of the March ts, 1974
meeting of the Environmental
Action Society concerning the
Ited ltrver ltam project

I fully agree that such student
iiieetjngs are not well organized
and the official records of the
proceedings are often not kept
How very different from faculty
meetings where we keep minutes
and sometimes waste hours

Now. thanks to the (‘orps. we
can assess what was achieved by
the coalition of the lin-
yironriiental Action Society and
Student Government within one
year .-\ inart'h to l-‘i‘ankfor‘t.~
collection of 40.000
signatures on a petition against



lfed flaxcr darn tooo



issiied. wide
scale disserriirrated
1., the general ltllltllt', letters to
the the

o\ er'w helrn ingly against the dam.

t‘tllltIlS of loral papers
and the protect postponed so that
new data could be collected on
’lii’ ecology (if the gorge and land
ownership Keep it up students

I' l\ e lawyers are donating their
time to the good fight. ‘lttlltt'tl by
at least si\ l K faculty merribe' ~

,\lr Leegari. (‘lricf
l’lariiiing liiyision. told me that
the never lost a dam
project in Kentucky so far This
might be the first one

”I iiii'


'l'lie t‘or‘ps' energies and ex
pt't'ilst‘ were far better spent on
the Lexrngtori urban area in‘
\entor‘y. which the local papers
unfortunately don't want to
publicize This document is on
exhibit in the King Library
«government publications room)
and in the public library

Really. the ('orps is not all that
bad. especially in the field of
record keeping They only "lost"
one of my letters ihandwrittent
sent in I973 from Indonesia. and
my name was only spelt Islet
wrong sometimes

\\ illem Meijcr

Biological Sciences
\ ssociale I't‘ofcssor







Fan action


at basketball games

It) .I. It lll-INIH'

'l‘lIIs past Monday night I witnessed the
\\til\l e\IIIhItInII ol crowd l)t'll£l\lt)l' that I
ha\ee\er seen Il’t'lt‘l' to the actions .II the
I K students during the ’l‘ennessee game

some students delend their conduct by
saung that thev act III a disorderly
IIIaIIIIt-I' to show their allegiance to the
train I have tlI’t\t‘tI tI'oIII litilll,\\'lllt' to
attend I l\ basketball and toothall games
since giatluating tInnI I K III ltlm and.
«hiring this period, ha\e IIIIssed no more

than sI\ eaines

\ttt \\I|l admit that. until recently.
oitwot tit\ trips toioothall ganIes showed
III-at onalty to IK because there was
little hope that I K would end up as the
.\ Iiating teanI III spiteot this. I alwayshad
faith III tlIeIII \Nlien I l\ loses a ltasketltall
wt toothall game a little ot Inysell dies
with Ilii‘tt' loss

It Is nix opinion that my allegiance and
love lot I K basketball and toothall will
It..IIl h Iliat ot any student at I'K
Regardless, | ha\e never honed a Ieleree.
a play eI or coach ot the opposing team. nor
ha\e I e\er thrown Itli_|t't‘l.\ on or near the
plaung sIII‘Iaee It a reteree Inakes what
appears to he a bad call against I‘K I may
tIIIlI a Iew "oli nos " but this Is the extent
ot III\ protest

liI \Iotitla} nights game I teIt that I K
tuned up on the shnI I end ol the oIlIcIating
I Iket oach .Ioe Hall I helIeve that I K Is
planng aggressne basketball and not

dutx 'basikethall It may hepreiudieeon
'm. pait but I belie\e that when snIIIenIIe
on the present team has an altercation
with an opposing player. he has done so
ot:l\ In selt detense and Is not the

.Itigt‘t‘sst II

II” P! \\ I- Its have not disappointed
no III their actions. but the students
tertainly I.a\e tine oi I'K's IIIale
iheerleadcrs was yelling through a
megaphone wlIeIIeu-r a ‘I‘ennessee player
stepped to the line to shoot a tree throw
llus cheerleader should time. by e\aniple.

t'\li|li|lt*tl good sportsmanship Instead of

contributing to the poor student behavior.

When I’Iernard King left the playing lloor
at theend ot the game he niade an obscene
gesture to the crowd. This was wrong but
'Itil as wrong as the conduct ot a student
who reacted by hitting King III the lace
with an orange drink carton This was a
'hrave‘ student who showed great
"courage” III the safety of a Iriendly
('io\\tl Would the student have reacted in
tlIIs IIIaIIIIer II he and King were alone.
away tronI the triendly surroundings of
\Ieninrial t'oliseuni"

lInnI the date that I graduated from
I K. \ou can tell that I am a member of the
older generation." but there should be no
generation gap w here good sportsmanship
Is concerned It you \‘HII notice. most of
Ilittst' tans sitting on theoppnsite sIdeot the
iloor tronI the student section behave
IlIeinsehes quite well lake Inyselt. they
ha\e been I K tanz. tor many years but
they teel no need to he abusive tn the
I IsItIng teainsor lit the relerees‘. There are
e\ceptions. but these tans are III a \ery
sIIIaII IIIIIIorIty and are not respected by
the rest nt us

It I'III'I l K students are looking tor a
practical reason Instead nt a moral reason
tor show Ing good sportsmanship then I can
gne them a tew examples Number one.
the 'l‘ennessee students will try to give [K
a rough time when we visit Knoxville III
retaliation lnr our treatment given to the
\'ols This whole situation VHII then have a
snowball ellect with students ol one school
try mg to outdo the next ones III attempting
to he the most unruly Number two. does
noise upset the opponents when they are
shootIng tree throw s" l£\ Idently not. since
’I‘enness‘ee made :ttt ot .tti tree throw at

“lillt' I was attending I'K a tew students
honed when the opponents were shooting
tree throws School ottIcIaIs. through the
Kentucky Kernel. asked that the students
retrain trnm such actions They did. and
you would besIIrprIsed at how pure silence
can pressure a player Into missing tree

Opinions trom Inside and outsade the university community




Kentucky Coach Joe B. Hall attempts to quiet the crowd during the
.Ian. 20 Alabama game.

.\nd last. what does the effect of unruly
students have upon I'K’s ability to recruit
outstanding athletes‘.’ Most good athletes
have seruples that are superior to those of
some students at I’K and would he turned
nit by students that do not exhibit good
sportsmanship :\tt example Is .Iimmy Dari
(‘onnnr The coach of Washington State
I IIIversIty accusedJimnIy I)an of takinga
"cheap" shot at one ot his players. Jimmy
lian was hurt over this accusation. lle w as
later \‘UIdicated ol the coach's charge
when the Washington State player told his
coach that .IInIIIIy Dan was only reacting
to the player's aggressiveness.

H IIY 1)”) THE students act so unruly in
the Tennessee game'.’ Do they think that
'l‘ennessee Is better than our team and that
the students had conduct Is needed to
IntInIIdate the opponents so that [K will


wIn' I cannot believe this

It" the present trend continues. a
basketball game will resemble an armed
camp where only wholesale arrests otlans
\\lll ensure that the game Is carried to its
completion Let us hope that this situation
never comes about

I “Ill be the tirst to admit that 'I
basketball game at I K is more enjoyable
when the students are in school When the
students are not being rowdy. their
emotions and \ocal support can do a lot
toward helping ("K to win a close't'ought
hailgaine The excitement that is
generated by the students places college
basketball a nd toothall head and shoulders
above any other tornIs ot entertainment


.I.B. Henry is a limo l'K graduate who
now resides in l.oIIis\iIle.

Students have own version of English language

By Robert Pattison

Ihis sentence demonstrates alot ol
the to frequent errors that occur III
nIv freshman ((tntpttsllltlli classes, Its
not rust there Willingness to gleefullv
splll an IIIIIIIIIIYt‘ or end a sentence
with .I [ift'pti‘dlltitt which are the prob»
lems kindly boarding school masters
used to be concerned With. Its truc
Iy students arent the good mann ‘red
middle class bunch who I Went to
school With, there more often cops or
shoesalesnIens or garbagemens (p‘Ir-
don me, sanitationmens) sons and
daughters. and yet there a sharp group,
warv. ski ptical, bright.

So when I knock myself out day
after day class after class explaining
the genitive case III english. the proper
position of commas. the runon sen—
tence. the distinction hetWeen the
three tIIeI'es and still these mistakes
appear e\cn III the work of the best
of them I wonder.

I vvonder If just maybe they know
something I dont about the english
language Something lnllllll‘.(‘ about
its history and snIIIething Instinctive

about Its tIIture Alter all. Its been
the movement of the language to
progress toward sInIpIIcIt\ I'he case

structure. With Its confusing endings.
was 'Hl early \Ictini Why say “()n
his dagunI hierde (iregorius goda Iara"
when With a little reliance on word
order and common sense you can
more simply say "III his tune (iregnrys
heard good lectures”?

Besides the nagging whom the last
\estige of the case structura III english
Is' the genitnes use of the apostrophe.
But surely- common sense and word
order indicate the geii"tI\e usage and
my students perception Is correct in
eliminating the troublesome super-

'I'heri s wisdom in doing away with
punctuation that doesnt contribute to
claritv and when my classes mono-
IitIIIcaIlv dispose of pointless spelling
distinctions where the sense Is ob\i-
ous there judgment niav be sound

Then again, alot of my colleagues
lose sleep row the way some students
~.I IIII two words or letters Iiitn one but
metathesis or the changing of the posi-
tIoII of sounds or letters Is a \etIeI'abIe

tradztion. or else a ne'wt might still
be an ewt

I cant go Into detail about every
granIIIIatIcal mnmation made by In:
students, theres .Ilni to recommend
them though and It you are an editor.
the author ol an english grammar
or the perpetrator It a work on foot
note logic and you can read this you
should pay attention to my class be»
cause one day they might take over
and one day you might wake up. And
discover your tired.


Roheit PuttIsnII who describes IIIIII
self as (I former copv editor for ct
Itt‘ll\'(’t‘.s‘ll\' press editor ot pornography
(Itltl IItetuiv ngent IIoIc teaches enghsh
Irt Oneeitsbot'ough (should he Queens
horn) ('onIIIIIIIIIh (should be (‘Imtmu-
nttee) (‘ollege (should he (‘olIdge) III
B'W‘ntflt‘ commit Queem period or nun
l‘t’ no pt‘imtl



 l—-Tlll€ KICN'I‘l't'KY KENNEL. Friday .lunuan‘) 2t. I973
news briefs

GOLD DISCOVERED South Vietnamese try [i
IN CALIFORNIA to recapture territory

JANUARY 24' ‘848 s\lt.tt\, South \lt'll!.tll] \l’ \\.‘I\(',\ ol ht-lu'oplvrs Iundl-d
5*rike If Rich With GOLDEN SAVINGS Hoops on .I (‘ouununlsl held mountnnlop Mtlllt' J.) nulvs north ot

.\.n;;on under hum} tu'r ’l‘hursdu) 1n rt «ounh-r oltvnstu- against

TOdOY 8 Tomorrow . \orlh \‘Il'lnnun-w llu'usls

'l‘lu- opt-mum! lull the Ht)_lt'('tl\t‘ ot (‘Qll‘l')lllt_{ out l’rosndvnl


\mnrn \un 'i‘hu'u's shuttling orders to .Illmnpl L'l-cuplurv ol all







Coats And Jackets ‘ Fabu'ous Separates let‘nlor) lost In (‘olnnuuust h-d torn-s ,1
50 per Cen’f Off ‘1 . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 50 Per Cent 0” 'l'lwlnlunn')nu'nlunLh-donlopot .\u| Hullh-n .\lounlulnulonglht- M"
' ’ norUu-uslvrn upprom-hL-s to In) \th (It) JHQ'I' homlx'rs hud [Nu
Imported Sweaters ) “,1 ,g.‘ ' { Luxurious Lingerie \ollt‘m‘d up\orth \ u-lnunu-sc-posttlons Hn .\ll.|[t Lu posuutn \Lus tor
,. 0" t‘.tp1lln'(t h_\ the \orlh \ u-lnunu-w on Jun t» I! \\.t\ onu nmnm d (in
10'30 Per cent 0” ’ 20 Per cent lul N lot‘l'vs \\tl(t\'.lllt‘(t ll lhv lilul'k \ u‘tllllHWHHléH” |
o W“
Bond eyes preSIdency
\IC“ \ ttl{l\ \I’ (ll-ole'ILl \ hlm'k Ivglshlot’ .llltlull Hotltt \uni In;
HHII‘MLI) ln- \\|H run tor fhl' prl-sllivnl-s Ill Wit. It he um um Htough Le
I . ’ support .lHlt $t}oo_ooo h\ ths ,lnnt- ll.

. . | «wpm'l lo lw .l st-L'Lous landhtuh- lHl lhv pL'L-sxlh'nl'} \th nu

BEHIND g t .-\o-on thul .lnd nolhun; l-lst- lionli Mlllt :n Lln Hltt'l \L«-\.\ on \lit' s

' / I -’i ' \ \l \nu‘rnll program .uhhnu
EVERY CLOUD! ' tflllilHL‘lhlII, l llopv'oln-.Ltltt'mtmw'\oI‘Ll'~.t\ .tl’mll' “hottm's ‘1‘
THERE ’S A L‘t‘lItlt‘tlltlllllllltltll‘tHlltlt‘t’t'llltuI'Jllt'IMII'H txhntklntlot Pt'l'\ttt‘, H l.”
|\ \\ hut ln- or \ht‘ shunts tor oL .lLl.lll3\! \«lml kznli ol tuouxxun Yhm “’

. o . . llnr :,\.-..mé.L livml uh.» rnhrm! ’hr ‘n'olLIM Houw o! b"
He [urn-12mm rs lollo\\ lHLI ll l.l\\\lll' .1111} as noxx .x -r.m- \I‘llJlHl’ stud ""
FINAL FALL CLEARA CE hlsmnlluLu'x hkthl-aH-ox (noun-l \\‘:H.uv-ot Lllmnm ‘.\.t\ ”l
1 tnm‘ol row-Ll!(«pl-«tullonotxunnululhrLolwltu' wnthnulha-na .l H}
up to 60% Off tut-ssum- Inl «onnnu HHH‘. ‘hr opposm- t'lltt n! Hu‘ pohluni “
. sLu-rllutn hz' .uiltwi lull ”1.. pt't'llll.lt' .m‘. l 'hlnk ant l'onl L”
Heels - $11 90(0116 pair) $18.90(tmo patrs) LW' W' W "
_ . o 13 9O . Bond ('l'llH'l/t'tt l’n‘mutlo'nl l-oll’t S !.l\ l‘l“ l”"t"'\;] “3””! If ‘1“: \l

- . ' Elllpllnlttt‘ .lnx Huru- H‘? lot ' n-propia-.xl.olmu .3 ‘hc-uloslnxm
El—ats $ 8.90 (one palr) $ (two palrs) :l .IHH\\\ most who [AVA [nu lhr ms: '4» t-J't“) on [n.tunLl ”hr loam "'
Boots ' $15.90 (AHIHL: lhv Lnr'ollls ol oil and \HLLLI lon.p.lrnc-\ lr‘unuml Monti I;

_- ~.tH(’lt lol \lI‘oHL‘t’l' .IHH'HIHM'H lollllnh 'o HEH' 'hl' tilLlIIII':\

(SIZESStO10) vtollolnu' [lllltvlt‘lll\
C O O 0

1076mm n the, Lansdomw Shoppes 269 3-12] Strlklng munICIPOI workers "‘
o o o o o . \‘
Ignore IfllUCtlon In Covmgton In
Ht\l\t.ltt\r \l’ \llltxlllL‘ unumuml .\Hlt\(‘l\ lt'llt.lllll'(tIlH 1“

lhr loll Ill ('ox Inglon tor .l lhu‘ll stunuht «to: llllu‘sllax Lunot nu; .u;

I lllllllh'lllttl <)l'(tt‘l‘lllL{ lhl-n: ll.“ k H» .wtk
BA K 'l‘ht-n- “us no pu'kt-llnu tor lhv tzr‘sl Tlll‘t' \EHl r 'hw \ll'lkt‘ ttt'flltll ll

\ulhotlln’s mid 5.1M! summons l..t\»- lm-n st-Lu-d on the Hl‘. t.
RAICH LIE BOOTS \‘»t|l‘kt'l'\ \\ho \U‘l‘t' ttlt' harm-l ot \M'lhu'sriu} \l out I .H‘Illtl‘. r

(.(lttlugv H-Inulns lltlt‘ttltt'l'rl‘lt \xluh- \Hpt'l\l\ttl'_\ prl‘sonm'l

Sierra Men’s 8‘ Lad'es ReQ- 42-50 Now 31.95 handle other Inlnnh-nanu' tolls

ROCkY Men’s & Ladies Reg. 4750 Now 36.50 lhvtnv nu-tnlwrpunc'ldeny-(l Hllll‘\(t.'t\ tllltit't‘Y mth stulr luhor

nu-(hulozfis luln‘r Ill ”11‘ ll.t_\ \l.t_\or l’u-L'nuni (.1 Hum and mo olhm

Saenfis Reg. 5500 Now 41.40 «ouunlssmnvrs huu- opposed nu-dmlton

'Hw ('ll} l.\ nth-run; an hourl} I’ltlv‘ ol .lf, (‘t’nlx to Itlt' nonunllot‘
Euro Men’s 8. Ladies Reg. 32.50 24.50

Hit-(t \\ orkl-rs \kho un- hohhnu olll lot‘ numb J“ hm“

V l SQUE lnntsfree sponsors chth supper
vaumton‘s opt-n (*lussrootn M'hlttll. lnnlslrl-v \\ LII sponsor .L ('hlh
MOd 7557 Ladies Reg. 29.00 Now 21.75 suppL-I Mondu} t‘\(‘lllnL{ ul Allultu rt-stuurunt on South l.|lli('\l()llt‘
across lrom the 1K rumpus l'roH't-ds vull go Lnlo llw \('t](tt.ll'\hl[l

tund tor Six ('(Intrul Kt'nlut'k) ~\‘ouanslt-rs \L ho 4lttt'tllt \('tl(m| on .1
CA N N o N DA L E PAC KS I‘l'lth'Pd tlullon husts

N-hquL‘shu fund gout lor the your l.\ $1.8m. .‘u-L-onhnL: to In
OP40 Reg. 45.00 NOW 33.75

nlsh‘m- rhuuMomun Mum “ltl‘lt') Supper \\ Ill lw st-L'xwt h'otn .) ,HI

0P4] Reg. 35.00 Now 26.45 to :1 in p Ill \t)(t\\lltt('tlltl “I“('(lxt73(1‘1118,ttl‘\(‘l‘.'lL{t'\\|H MN 3»


Illlll\tl't'(*. ItN'Htt'tt on lhv grounds ot l‘iltslvrn Muh- Hospllul ul ttlt‘

RIDGELINE TENT (2 MAN) UNIVERSAL PACK L'oLnt-t' ot t‘HllI'Hl Strm-l .lnd \vnloun l'Ikv, |\ no“ In Its lout'th

\t'lll‘ 'I‘hvn- are ('urrvnll) .H students trout nut-s tour through lit

(2) Reg. 89.50 Now 69.50 (3) Reg. 3995 Now 29.95 Il‘!l|\tl'l't’ molu-d Mom .I l’K l’rm- l'nn'vrsu) night «to» on
_ .lltt'l'lldth't‘ttlfl'lltltln Ill lhvsprlngot INTI ,\ humllul ol pztt‘t-tttsl K

\Yllltt'lll\illl(t10("éllHtll('£|tltl',\tlt‘tlt‘\t‘(tNtrttllfll} enough In the open

A”. WOOLR'CH SHIRTS 20 0/0 OFF \(‘tlttttt (-om-vpt lo organize :I no“ whool and tHH‘k It up with tlu-u~

monv} and much hurt! work


. . The Kentucky Kernel, lld Journahsm Buuldln Um t t K t k

0th v rtls d S e l l q' “9"" ° 8" "‘ '
er unad e 9 p C a S Lexmgton, Kentucky, 40506, IS mauled twe times weekly dur-ng the school year

except duronq hol.days and exam penods, and twice weekly durum; the sumtner


sessnon Tmrd (lass postage paud at Lennqton, Kentucky, 405”

Bank 0 O M‘ Published by the Kernel w ess. lnc tounded In ‘97] Begun as the Cadet In 1894
Amertcard I I p a o n Charge and published (ont-nuously as the Kentucky Kernel \l't’t“ 1915

Adverttsmq published hereun IS Intended to help the reader buy

Any talse or
musleaqu advertustnq shoutd be reported to the edntors

Kernel telephones

230 W . Main PH 254.0327 Editor Edvtonal t‘dltOl’ 7571755 Advertising hUSIl‘H".\‘ (”(ulahon 753 4646

Manaq-nq vdttor News desk 757 17:10 Sports Arts 257 H100





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