xt7p8c9r5614 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r5614/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1980 1980 1980-08-27 2020 true xt7p8c9r5614 section xt7p8c9r5614 \“oi. ixxui. No. to K 2 r 2 l ”hm“, 0, Kentucky
Wednesday“. August 27. 1980 .n independent student newsp.per Lexington. Kentucky
_ _
i ,5.” » . j j 2 my.» . 4 . .
I ' ' .. “ . “-.’-7“?" I
- 4 - - “’fi. ' “2“,“.-I- '.-,~,“2:- 2. . ./ '
. / .. ,4 . 4.
{to 4’? $95 -, 5‘ 2; - {ifijfi-w’i :72'14.-’31’2‘“,‘,-/"’ ’ . ' 22 ,4 .e .
--...,;-::-;,:-r> .j:2.;2;;.3“;“, 4.3“ .
. 2-:., iii/"’.ja?‘ .'2'3' 2 . f,- ‘ , I
24 .- .44 M53..." .f'f-f'riigx" ”'fi' .44 '5‘}: . “53323: “.‘x
.2. I .«V/ .2“ ’4-5“ I . 204/4” /..'I41:” ",',“ . 43“ 2 42" ' 34.; rj.2“f2:j:;§=‘.;gfi
, .-“-,22“‘-;-“..21 25,32" ,I,,:,:,'v-.:“-‘:;:=“ ' ‘5 J9»: ' ‘ ._4 .2" '2 '3‘, 2“.: _.=§“'::1;: . ;.£“-- 2.5?"
2 -2-1“‘2“‘I“I'}’.'-“4"'-‘-” 7’ “ iii-“as? -’ ' -- 5 . . “-“.-.- -. “:- -,';:3 3““ 4“ 7:¢“._;“._.-.-; ’2': .;_ :23 .2264,” . . . -
t j til.” . M 3%“ 21““ . A25: .5}; ’ .93 g2 4'" 2=2“'.52“-. By J A( Kl Rl DD a $4.2 million reduction in the
figs ' .' ’ W .. . 45 “’5‘ :2". g , Day tiiiiiii operating budget. including the hir-
2:.“«>::;2“ / 2142-3: - “ 2 2 We? .. ”-22:24.- - ' -
a; $.54 “.3.“ . . j .2: I .4... -,- j .:2=>-'/2-. .jj .- ,. 35 j_ 2 ing tree/e. a It) percent cut in univer-
4 ,I/M , : ;.~"‘,“ . . : .- gears-w. '. ' During the summermarorchanges \ll\ printing. .'1 lll percent cut In In-
L-2:.. . .-.-.._,,g.j.,.j,:,:;.._ -. “202;; .2 2,2; , I:-<:-2.1;;.,. :2 _. 3,2,3. . 2 '2. £22,“. -,2: . _ . .
" H . “,1. ”43/5439? ’ ' " “'“"“s:- 9. 552' ../2=2’“" “9W ordered ”l “K 5 ”80‘“ ““5” “1““ ”1”“ and 3‘ 2“ PENN“ Cl” ”1 '
2 2 , 2 -“'-“‘:2=I’2¢-“4'=2“'“‘ir4.“r2“‘ “2222-21-5. “427:2“ 2. “-2“..’2’2-2-2“2:2:.2:12-29:24;“2- .. “22:2 . ,. -
a?” ”4’9”, 1 ”9, I44] 2 2'4. ,. .,-.,-,. . . 4. ‘5’ I/ budget w thll may haie unpleasant out»ot—state trawl
222:..:ei;;::=-. W :34 2;“ 721%“- /4-“: 2“.".-‘-2“"1'¢Z.2.“’€:. -="“'=i‘“-,'t‘2"'~..- 2'.i::.-."..'“.“.-..“'-i2‘“2“‘:;:2f“:::-4.4,...., -- “.‘“-:=“c- .‘2,’ - ' " . ‘ ' '
i / 42 . . ., - . 2 rdm'llta‘mm- “ 1th apprimmulvli 300 luculo
{ ’ fl ‘ 5/” ' - “' “ ‘l‘ht' 3X 100k a CilmPUS'WdL' smug positions presently \acant. the col-
.4? ’st- IM 2' ., j_ as Sl l,2 million in state lunding was Icgcg may haie trouble getting "lill~
, ., I, 5““ I I $.45: 5’ .3 CU! lrom this year's bud get, l' K l’rcs» ins." Singletari has ordered a tree/e
2 .'22; .:,;.., 2 12.: .4 A, j 4 . 2- “ .
21-22:.;§1'33.‘::5'2_, :3.’ .:.§: 29"? -.i..;-. ., identOtisSingletary ordeicda tree/e on these positions in addition to
5’. . :1 X . j j ..,,.,.4.,“ j .- f-“ on hiring. and S5 5 million worth ol those \aeated in the lutiir“e
. 1,4,2: ,j . ,2 4474:.- ” I? I» II . III . : I/ I ,1 flea”: construction pl’OjL'Cl\ “Lire llitlt'll- ( oiitinued on page '5
‘? .. . 2 . " 27, . E43 2' nitels postponed,
: . “ ’“v“;; , . -‘ 2‘ '-.: 1,.” ' -,;=:-:' 2: '
2'2 “5.“; , “2., ‘ “ . .2222 W In addition. a capital construction
4., ' ‘ 2 =“ .2“ i=2: z"- .“i-.2 2 2 . -
53/ . .22: T; .42 {- _.“.:2:2 been issued by the state litiance
/% _j’;z "’1 3‘2 2:. ‘5 _.§}E§_ Department caUsed building., plans
” 2’j4’. €35 2 lor new ambulatory primary-care GOV. Brown
,2... 2.2-; ' jj. “r..- and Pharmacy lacilities to be dis- ‘
. 2”“? a. .2 _’ .13. " sol\ ed As a result. the deans ol the
%> ":3 '2 ' “3 f" '_ ' 22. "-_‘§‘4.. (‘ollc 'e ol l’harniaci and the ('olleue
"’2 2- 122 - '_ ’ ol Medicine are lelt guessing about
2‘ dCt‘l'Cdli'dlltlll. .
- 4} l he 5] l .2 million is l K‘s share ol ralse taxes
., i a $30 million cutback in the state‘s
%7fi . $350 2 million budget loi higher edu~ By S\ RAMS} ‘
' ,I cation l he cutback was presented to “ ' ' ‘ ‘
- ~.. ' 4 r. . 2\ssotr.:tttl l’tess “(it 1
£54,“ ;/ :- ::“'.:.-=.:52fl“- “ \iiiglelan and other state Uiii\eisit\
9 7,“. ' FE"? .- . I 22': 4." V . . '
“24-142: ;2 - _ presidents by (it)\ .lohri \ llrown
By l)\\'|l) ((l\l.l‘./I\'ernel Staff on .luli m l R \VKl )Rl (j J i Y
_ - . 2t )\ rm .
Movers lhe cut lll higher education lutid— l H ‘ _
llll.‘ is p‘irt ol “2 SIM million stile lrown Jr. working on ““ budgtt
p lldll‘ r du tion It H mu t b ilclicit speech. said vesterday that he
, , , . . j _ . s e .g c c i“. s e _ j . “ ‘ _
““\1mirigin"is a task feared by all campus residents. but nutrition niiin \lillie Oakley try to make the best of it moiing into Blanding made 1h” \eai' llte reduction H m ‘l"“ ”M “'1‘ 0‘” bl“ d““ not
sophomore Donna “imsett. left. and elementary education fresh- Tower Sunday. response u; a decline m I“ (“mun lilwr it I“ ”NW-‘1“?”WWW‘H’HE“
lor“ the m “al \ H which be H” l m potential reicnue shorttall this liscal
L L's , ' L _Il
l “ l” “ yeai“.
l‘lie lagging ecoiiorriy was blamed ’
‘ O 0’ tor the decline ”-5,, I
(Met hall til l l\ s record 53 5.3 *5, ,j
0 0 million budget tor the Willi-Kl liscal {*9
on e 2 I”Sl 2 year “as state appropriated. State 49, ‘-
or liiizince Secretary“ (icorge ‘\ll\'ltl\ ., ,, 55;] .4,
UltlLrClll K‘sslateappropriations be “5 M 1;
reduced to SI:7 million ‘ _E """ ..
B.‘ ll‘" I \l‘i‘l ( 1’ I.r'sl'1-lc‘llls iiri rli “ \‘- t 'ilii' list I Ml- nglclar‘i .L‘d‘k-d lhc hUdgC‘ EU‘ ’95. {if} T a:
- \‘i"' w r-- l ‘ij ‘ U L H "the most serious liiiaricial crisis in l I ; r“
, " .i '. s.i.i , V.. . . 5.2
.9 ‘l m,“ “ I” he ,ippm\,“l,‘wh i—“C (lur editoriultodm is concerned with (.oi. John \. Brown Jr.'s once firm com- the history ol the [‘riiiusity. -, “H =2..- ,2?"
L i i l ' . . . . .2 , , . , , , , -, _ - “.5, .44.
percent mpg-H,“ ‘ -- MM \l‘llll( .‘m_ mitment to state education. In the midst of stntewide cutbacks. uniiersities must .sparing lattilty and stall salaries. 23;? .’4__-.-j', .
\«t hen I Is lL‘slthllt‘L halls ollieialh pus mu, “Mud.” n ,, ‘Holi ('lai cut (It) milliion from their budgets. Take it look in the iicwpoint on page 2. he declared "open season on esery- __ 1
. i t t i .. . .“‘ ,. . . _ ‘
opened Sunday. m” H”) ““de ,_ l hwy MH“ So m below {m the thing as decisions were made [or . ’w , . ,2
who wanted a ltrsllll got one j M ”4W”! rm w u. 'b- ii. . . . . ciits in seicial areas. . _
l hert- “c 09* stttdcritsii'i 1h" “ m“ is{ l. i . Yi 1do ‘ L 1;]- l”“:‘ l” On page two present it synopsis of toeiif. state. national iind worldwide stories Hu- huduct clump. included a p“. . ff; ”'3;
2 ‘ ‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ tie a .oorii .issiii it it'll . e saiii -_ , _ ‘ ~ . ., ' :-.:. 4'5:§3"‘32-
trig list. deull'illllg to .lean l indie). lhi“ deadlinr“ to claim a room 1‘ \- “mm ""9“ u‘ 3'" "1‘”le “5‘ “l 34 9 ””llll‘” ~l .‘L‘l' ”l Igg-‘s'fifj-s
. director ”I the housing program D m ““1” ll H h n”! mum“! in slatt- luriding. S5 is million lrorn this , 4 , .
"We're qUItL sure that we tan't take l l .i. . . .. . . .W-H 5 l"Utllfl‘l- and SSS‘lltlt) lW' the ' ‘
' “.‘. “I I», the stud “tits 1” 'lie H“ I "‘ “~ “"'“' o. “‘~ ‘HI‘H‘ALLan‘\ ”2““ the \ritioniillhganiliition for “unit-u 3i"l(l its first meeting on campus Mon- purchase ol construction bonds to JOHN \. BROWN. JR.
_ “ "j ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ”\‘l bu“ ”it'd“ the room V‘l“ “'3 din. Along with it closer look at the group. “P offer it summary of clients which | 1.n.. th . [K \1 .1 ““l f . t' ‘\
semi-air she said “.1,“ch h - d M 1 ' den“ “e” "m ”n I o s it a LL L U. ita tn Li
1 ll» ,- i. d“ h, - - . “we"? " 'e'm" Eu 2 p g ' proposed prtriiarstare laciliti "I hope we can get by without
llll. ry urges .u trits w i are ( ‘1‘ “Id m. lCdll.‘ m.“ n“! km)“ j “ .. S" ' . .. ’ ,
“mm,“ 1“, | ”Hun,“ housing the ”I‘M popular doiruiton Unflm In addition to the )5. .000 lortlie that. the goitiiior said in an
asszgiiritcnts to make other [time [”1“ ”L. esplairicd “Hm“. doirns l pmming ”HUN" Hem, a“, gm." “ ,und‘mn [m page (,_ purchase ol bonds. the budget cuts interiiew
- 4- ,. . . . . - - ll y . . include Broun plans to speak on the Keit-
‘ll’dl‘H’ll‘l‘l‘ “Wu“ 5 ”ll“ depend on the student s first encouir . w
-.. “ . . . . - . ' the dela\ ol 55 5 million in ca i- tucks lducational \etworkat “ m
h b l P P
w o .i.. .il ”it .it om ol t it waiting. [a “.m “”an {”ng It A student . .
. ‘ tal construction and rcnoiation io— tomorrow lor orie~hii|l hour. Imnie— .
ll“ tried on \orth ( aiiipiis is l lresh- ' ( “h' h ht “h t “t “t d t ' ed 2 - . p “
4\s rooms become “nail“i'ole liiid- m H I. II t K ‘ l "Wm“ “mm "”h" I" p'e‘em’ '5‘ ”“2 ‘ ”n “ I "'0" ‘ "I “2,3 ""55 rects. including the ’sl i million tor“ diateli alterward. a news conlerence
‘ ‘ ““ i "'n“a\\s “ “ -r“> “ - ' ' - - '2; . .“ ' 2~
le\ “ind her stall m” telephone stu: h it 11;ij er _ at. s tostix t H. L. Hllllt‘ thiy “:9 iiwiiy thigsummir. (Link out his olumn on Page! .I ingsmfl) completion ol the Sandersalliown “I“ be held m the kll studios at
. e .l( t ei huu- hot-n it it (tuner I an imagine . . ~ .
tlt’lllsotl[helltitltliillotntllte‘ttltiltllt‘ rm ”MM, s'udents “h“ ll't\“ I” Aging Building. 3K()(l.llllll loi ltsmgton. .
”penny” “H! h u ‘ ’h ll 1 ‘ 1‘ upgradingol the luriklioiisei Burld— Seieral commercial stations \iill
. t o sir L' ieii ies c sL‘\\ lCrt‘
- . . “ ' , . . . .. . l'.. 5‘). l “ i. “arr‘ tl1“s ."in‘r.
Rooms assigned to students is ho tltt‘lL‘ l‘s a listing ol oil-tarnpus hous— It would he “he to find it friend With iiir conditioning. is {In or large shade tree [IEM‘FS‘S Hgllm‘ l‘” ”R L\P inston L ”l ‘ E piled] ‘55 5““: .l' .
d” '1‘” “-ll”“ “P l“ ”mill” and lliHL‘ the ”hubby.- m the Dean ol Students because the weather seriice is predicting hilly. hot and sunny days through tom- ” ' " 9‘ ‘l “ “ “'1‘“ appear ‘_‘ ‘ ”_ ”E 1mm
not riotilied the housing ollice thex “my; .Umruj oiithe mm lloor ol the morrow. Tonights lows tire forecasted in the 90s. cancellation f” equrpnient pur- interim ICEMM‘” ( ommittee on
will he arri\ ing latc. will he mailahlt l’atter‘sorr ()ll‘icc lower. Chm“ ““le i" bl ”“ll'l‘” ( ()ntlnued 0“ PM!" 4
or e S or or It r ushees .- . s. 2s... I F C ISSUGS ne W r I
, .- " W .. . 4": 1. f '42:" .5‘1‘. _ . ‘“ _ ,I: .-
_,, 5-2.1; .' - 3. -.
... " "' g _j .-.°'é:‘Z-O rION
. - logettict ht‘ii‘ic schoo‘ began and \IaiiitiL ft rlll the l 'lllt‘kl ‘tates .’l/tt xii.» mm tllllltul ‘ ENTS DUE %O:'::Am . \L" FEE
. .- \ouail \iari it" home l‘nei trad been on a conscitetl it is also u.te U\\lhit that any ‘ ‘ I f
"' _ - . “1““ "”3 “i““l” ‘l‘sdk‘llli ll" I‘s'cati iitiei. the \ \ \tnerica. oiil\ toy \iotild bk: meijnhcltncd hi the 0 finC)‘ ”VMQQTs WE ‘ '- VOUS‘EVS‘T
. z lettingtotlic radio It\ias \ug l4. iiith the Lillht‘lsitlll into a troop ne\i daily companion oi modern 1 ab \’ 0‘“ / AYM T
V~ Whit. the Nth anniiersary oi \~_l carrier it had been cot-n a tie“ lite guilt, We uill iccl guilty for ) In A WE
- .V . ,V Den. the Lipaiiese surrender that namc \iilllt':l an“ ‘i‘I'lL‘l‘liid\ be up, hating been in ltat; We “I” V TODAY ‘
1', . VV .ii ended \korld \\a' ll lhestationto couldn't icniczitbcr lhc l \ \ lcel L’lllll\ ior‘ haiirii_r been on ma EALTH ‘EE LAMR‘é W
- V‘ .' V; which the car radio wastuned. one “hatsisriariic it had \ilillCii moo isrorig side again i\‘.e \srll icel ‘Zj/SERABTR COMMUTE? lb
:. ~ : i:::.i::,;::;.::i:;:at: —————————-—— » WM my
, V . . homing \ie could do about the
' commemoratingthedayyiithaspc- situatior. except sit. \iatch and pas . .. \
V V it ciai [Vsl'olll’lllll the broadcast icar MCD I isait V r "7‘ Q) a]
; .. . :iitct. rcadaigs oi a i)L'ilUi‘ Ona d \ ~ . ' i ~~~~- 4 ' ’ i. i
i I.” 1:4 “*‘iun‘i-‘li‘fl iissi‘J'i'A Hi th‘ da\ *ibbiiihiiiifiiiiiii: cliiiiiiic ['Ilii‘tliligi'rilI : ' k I, if ‘Z’T’ i I i?“ r M i
... t . V r .i_i ./ , .. . \ , -
I ‘I ”High! "W" "TM“ from N4; llctioit. tic realI/cd i' iiasn‘t an / r"'/t' / f I *1
. . '1'eitr'tilngs of radio reports and —______...._._____ original idea ,litntiii latter had .7 L ‘ * i
r VV.V'V,V V leUHs iron: the period iilt-\ hm, departtd \c\ipoit “Huh, si‘i-cchcs about Hm [Man U, VI/J—rrgf'fr/
,VV V. . V. ii’lL \tl\ :dea ol a special pro \mh \A, \trri;;iur,‘\\i\ .awmriw ioy cox-pt he had tailed .‘i a ' I _*________
’. ,. V grain ti clitlltlli‘lllitlillt’ \ .I Has lghCVv \ilil“ llut uhcn the trier. “national malaise" and “a L‘tlsls |lt i pu le 8; MW
.V, V in silttc'li \ wimp: “an as -\iid lit:'da\ “v”: ”V” Hm: ”h. tlcc‘k Elie i1c\l intifidrltig' " Hut~ ‘t tiring \i‘in i
3,‘ meant ::ttic to turn or amivne he morning lilc “hm” \il'P‘ “up noted. ( attct hadn't ptoposcd am {50
.5f V "'f kricu lit nail our rnr.itiVi;ii more ,V.:\\9VV,V,k I“ b: WC” iii“, “humV real solutions But then again, i
_ than tsio icutdcs oi \ —.l i)a_\s and mm” “d‘ ”H, last for them. ()in neither hail aiiyoiit clsc
V L-wrs ..H oi them had passed by \i.in “mi mm pride In tact. the (lid \1‘rri‘s generation had a ......
. V’ “”hm” ”'V'M“ \Muitsisriarriy had no [isc to, W“. sciisc oi purpose \\itlt sun and '
. .V Bii' :t dawned on him that lilL -..--,s l'tL‘lt’ iiasn't a (terriai:l \\.li sadness. \i'lillg’ \iari icati/cd that For erS eCtIVe on 1 9 80- 8 1
.ii . A“ A)" mean W had meant si'it‘ til i'\l\lt'llLC that clittid hayc “l" 1‘ “iii” h” generation ’1“ i
. V. I. V VV.. :ijrnicfiimf!“ l‘V'9”VF"V‘L'V“lV‘“hMi lIWil LiliiL"‘.! .l lllttlt.‘ than that. thii is \iliat the V
'-. V “r “QM. . pt .pi iii“ (lid \lati \. “NV h” began to ppm-“VI.“ it“. entire nation lacks \llii in bad no ' '
.'. toting Md“ ““1”" i" talk ”hm” lI-"tt's " Detroit itseli. ()lii \iaii tell Ida‘a oi \ihar mi could do to regain turn to Kernel editorial 8 e
’. I, ‘ It \s tit: rivoimznct'l described 2hr; .m -i [m ”dunk“ Pitt‘itttea , ‘iic (IHI piirpiist .itiii \iHL'tf-i‘ill ‘
‘V V:V_VV spotittitViu-ius :iolsi parades that “mm 14),”, Ilu‘ Itch/i (mm Hg, -\s the s.“ iicarcd iiiiiitoiiii
‘ ~ '. t‘lllpli'L. ..“IM's across the t‘iillttli‘. hum, lltc \; ~ -- ‘ \ ‘igii it » Detroit. 12' . t‘ ‘ t ll ‘ " '
(Vi 2.. . Vi .is \rsrgtitaus earncd that Japan thug-{mm "’ifliiiiiiit-rw VIVViVVtVaViVth VVVVVVNV VVVVVLtVVVtViVle V ]'[|::L:Im,‘,':.d“a]: By Paul Mann lo mu“. matters e\cri “Ur“: VIIZV1VtVtLtVolV iacLKIV/ie [\VV:'rmi/ isVVthc
,V i" «.V ’tad dc. rim .3 mm“: “Fm mummy tux .1 “Hum” mm a ii:isi.\ \Ci‘iklt the WHM ,Hmm .. llii (arsioiri ‘ many students don‘r hau- any typr- \ V. [jiiPthV in cltllls ,\ to carry
hump \1_m MM“ V, ducm‘m irzi: ttgareties \ilIL't' (lld \iaii Mm: in. Iron l-ii‘iL’lt (Mr ”V In» In l days the \tiictican people oi income because they ham-n1 night; tdoV‘TiinVi, VV VV .
,. ‘ n a“ h“- “7” “M L“‘1”? "“ \ ‘l stand out met the hood llllil inn! /lei [I]! H t/.I li/nr loin/rt llicti “l“ go to the polls and Lit-“dc timc lot d ‘Uh With the c\ccption i 1; *dr‘ bi'L MM d” ‘lmc‘hr'i'
i i ‘i A 1"“ ‘i til'. (lisldllt't'its llt' itslt‘ltt'ti tollic hit itll lilt‘ L’ldlai llllilik'. (1111/ “it \\ “hike llilllii\ lilL' iL‘ll(iL'r\hlp ”i ”1“ 0t (IllUL‘kéhlUlllll(iL‘pUHI iltllll \lt‘lll .l‘IL tt\L.' ‘!\\c‘\ And ”WW,“ “I”
V'V i't ssas .ii .i si‘l'it"s‘ilL‘lL‘ Ill tilt: “sh“ur, in.” ' “mm/V a \i‘kllill\ \\lii tall into and Dad. money is not a part oi a dHUVhC “tiling columns “huh “I“
.'VV. Vi; \l.i:i 'ht'lt' \iai .l lain that l‘rilil lhe announcer 'i‘llttncd. tilltl‘i ()Iii \laii began singing along .\ sieck later. millions oi telc\i i'oilcgc student‘s cictyday lierVithVit pctiodicVallVy Vthesecolurrins
’ i. '. "NH”; 'i it” My N93" "l 5“" ,inti i‘\t‘ltil.i.’llilii\ \ l l)a\ \\.lsrlll ()li-etli at ilit‘ beginning then ‘ mm ”MW“ m” “Hum hnd out \ocabtilar'y. ll LthmVanVUEriMV andvnlldeal
.i it, ;t "5; Jim“ ‘1' “m utizttt'u'iictitml t‘i‘rlleil‘rltg ii: to“. shorten \oiiric \1.‘ir: “its ‘lslivli ““0 Nhni ’R lloyset U- money " ””1 1h“ "“l.‘ “1:1,“, MU” I u Hi umnist (lccms
VVV , ll" ,VVH: my” .t; “V“ \at‘lt‘s V”, VV VV VVV rill VVVVVVVVV VV VVVVV said VV VVVVVVVV isiit-ti (l‘tl \iavi had retained VVVVVVV -\.id unless their is a dramatic problem conitontirigl K students NEUTIV‘ V V . V .
.‘. ;. - [an R i't‘," a “tare in bi \t‘ltl liorrir lit .; i-gt sum”. and Em vi“. . A ‘ H, iitl'tpi ii- it’lil a Li'lillli\ than “w" 'l C\"i"i”hc5: ‘\”“'l“"“‘ '1‘“ \cu students must iacc untamiliai n [,ik I?!“ \L haye encouraged
VV.V‘.V',' VV'Vi.' and his Motives ‘.\C'" haw u ' .ii iiimi hung m“, iw“ WC, i,“ 3”“ is “it“ oi the “a“, H, it.~ \k V,\ ‘i‘l-“s‘ 'i” 114‘” “lHWlChNIL'il W4” ”1 surroundings and soriicliois adapt mil “Mk” V“? >3ch letters and
V " ‘ . .V .5 ‘N A “1"" “NW" ” 'l " “ii!“ and pitibabi iimilif it or t» out “hidt it tilillsllil to! trim to builii a ”TLQVIVlIV(mthUth‘: 4' V \ I [U ”m ”Hm-“mu" (imdll‘imnp :thlllliliiiiit:iiit‘t::ll::l;3(lhlll:::1((ipi:frilliisl
.‘ V . V ”Ni m, ”NW hm neaut m; Hm“ . i. V_ ,‘VV , V. .V . . _ ‘ i“ “'5” a "l‘ M ” ll.” - students must bc'in lannirir ior ‘ -
'-VV:" ':\ ilt". had been ill lillt‘t‘ itiia» ‘l-(l t'iriia \I‘lllll' \i ll l“ . - ..t. h it ilriiitrriiiiii Lilli: i“ [:JLIU‘: ‘illllir‘ifr i especially tot iilt' \tnerican people. rm.” ititures one: ”15‘ Icaif the WI“ .
i." ,- V' V_‘ s tins t'lil ll.i.i i,iIVl‘lti.1!r’rii"‘ritr"i" .m_V, ”V L‘x'ilci‘uilt‘iii‘ :1: 3...: .VVVi'VV W.“ a up”), VVP LL! a {V‘hmtifVV i and 'l ““0”” l‘“‘”““' “‘Vis'“ d”) unnctsity And those in betneen R ”nulls” letter; and opinions t”
i I ii :3 :‘Hnli\ "I "H swindhni K“ "h”. l‘ \ ttiilt‘il lit’ 'ls \’ liltiiiftiilzs 'i'll\ \\.iitl i l P‘CHCI \‘Hh ”HMHUH dud ”HUI"; ”m“ slttlgglc “"1“!” ‘1“ ”t lilt’ (iii-”11 sflithf. ”Ufnulhni BUIId-
Iii I‘ 'i \iim i‘i'l-i'ii it. tiisiori isii‘t tlhtitilltillll.’ iri Hr. lk'lillllk'ii to a ioiiiitri “light l‘l“.\mt"” ”“1””‘8 “imp-”ll belts contusion 'né‘h‘m‘ b" “”V‘Vm hayc "1 K I I)
V‘ . . .ZWV-i "l’oiiiis " .iskvd \miiic \ian ”L,“ “WWW“ lit V‘VVVV! "in" ”Am “Hm,“ toilciri th the llL'iiI aic bcing tightened and gas tanks \otnattet \ihatthe problem mil} “'1 lull] 0"“ ”W semester 311'“
.il It '“ hi" “ k P" "i‘v itst'ii. t\tcpt "t .i s'iittix C‘tlsil’lai Iii \otc \ ct he so bclicit-d in \sliat “Hi iiflm‘u ”P be ”in page “I” coniront H idl- 'thUVl U , “\ng nmri‘ ISHFT,‘ “I“ '
VV '.V- 2. . (to Van vsas taiii‘ttg lash" iimi \imhm hMVmVWV \V “V ‘ ,ts VVV m had mm that h \eais laici llt‘ \\ tieii the country tails irito aii “mm Hm,“ “I“ (”mun ION] and VtgirintViVVarrnc so it may takeacow
'V; V i- V l\eii L‘tlil\l{‘d rt‘a'i trad liiilss‘llllll. ‘t/i, ./ ,1 \4 , UV, 121V, g r,‘ «wk \\.I\ able to sing a \iish that (mil “V"‘mml‘ ”bl“ (””ch ‘Wdcm‘ national situations \shich atiect the rink”: (f‘hVVm' [in I‘m” to appear
ti. - ‘V,- It Eatc illl r‘oitits below; he iias i" 11'th HIL' scvriis itayc illstpcdlcd \\ iittld hlt'ss \tttt'tii‘a wvmmht‘h”“1‘1““!thhum“ [ K community I lit» P‘V‘P‘V' j~- l) . '
l: ’,V’ "l is“ ”l” l““ 8"” «l i's'llilll‘i ftoiii ow language \\ hen the song ended. \oung ”Tm” istakingalatgct biteotitoi Andre“ Young and ‘\nd_\ Rm.— iii “Twin“! 0i I 80 Numb“
VV‘V Vi ' ' f numbcr oi points :iis' to: getting H“: .r (.moudpmt hm um.“ M Van glariccd out‘oi the \Uillt‘l til i k \lmknh bank accounts and ”C.‘ are lhs‘ nationally syndicated mi L it?» interesting , So stay
. wV' through the iieek u 'lioiit gctt‘iiii: illiit‘ it», he muons about i! in last his L‘\t‘s Old Man “as still and MN” "m” m" t“ ”“m’w “Ch columnists\ihichyiillappeai inthis :nVormcd V ho “my“ hm might
.V V “”1““, mm auai hm the big cient \oiirii; \iaii can tetiieniher quiet sitting hunched toward VVV ' scmt-slt'r- llit»materialcontainedin Wilt" Rooney tends to take the turn something
V V '. piiiiil ilttt\t'sls tame 'totii loin; mdklm ml,“ t‘\t‘t\titit‘iiripp\ “V” his si-ai. looking out mp “Hutu“ i ”‘9‘" classroom h'hlc‘ may be ”W humorous side iii an issue vshrle P I“ ._ . . . t .
. I i 4 ””"Ullh ”l‘d‘m'l‘ tlit' \v‘u \tirk \1cis “Hitting the siiittitig \oiini: Man was glad ()lii same but the UN.“ and thc WK“ Young closely e\amitics domestic i ‘3': aIn" " th'e [dmmnl I‘d.-
' " . “M “an m" taking ""WH‘» 1"“! \ksrlil \t'ries iilt‘ iiosesr Van didn't sa\ ill]\lll|ll)l.ihL‘Lilllst' my diiictcnt policies and “w“‘l (”Mum i“ a tit ishco'ltimn w." “9P9” "fl."
.V = VV net-ding nopiotnpti'iilittimloll"): analog to \ l [)a\ tor \oiing hi' \iasii't sure hr' could haic 0 er urs 8"
V ' Klan Hr began to sliiit l’l time \Lmk ”Hr-“”hm “m the cnd M .itisui'tcd
' He had been in the l iitb '\llli\ it“ \ ttthmt “V” Hut ”K.” “V“ ”V, llic trip \liiyn ”Mm “1mm VHV L tt h d't
V »' tindct the tontmatid oi (icti “Alli happiness \titt'il oiit iti\olicrncnt iii hm” \‘W'W “A“ -”“l ”M “-1“ e ers to t e e I or
’. ," («lath In.“ “'V‘V‘j but: m >th \ ii'ttiarii i'lliil'd, rather :is\iesai tit 3"": ""3“”! “”l Mm”? “J" “"‘
.rita, thtn \it.l\ 'l-t.i Italy Ht rim", “thmfl {ht mctloadcd glad lilL'\ had been ablr‘ lit\li.llt \
i i .4 “Wm-d [hi M'm 3”“ 0' UH” lli‘i‘i'it‘Yi’ts lilt oli lilt' root oi lilt‘ l [Lit I Ilic [\Ulllltlii Arrrii-lyicluitiics all F'il'llmi” i”“‘¢"””l~ and may delete Opinions:
.' V ’ .i.‘| oi thcni slit. nt bchind then \‘_'.i\ \Mrm ”NEH“ “mm“ “dun“ contiibtitions iiotn thcl‘K cotiirniiir I'hclm“ statements, Should ht‘ 90 llm‘S or less and
V lit and, his iiicnds ta'icd llll‘lll ai' Vim”, m de ,,VL.M,_.m.d Vietnal» It\ lot publication on the editorial (ontributions shouVld hc Vch|I\chCd ‘h‘mld gnc and “Hum" 3 P“~‘”mn
V “MW Md LN W wwmm ‘mm VVVV V VV VVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV skids. there and ”l‘imil” mg“ to RVoom lHJourVnnlism. l niverstty pertainingtotopical issues oi interest
arm n: lllt in “V“ ,i V‘VVVH VV ilt'l tiiigt-ti “till i ([IL"\‘(l[‘[|]|[)n\‘.]](1(qtn‘rn‘c'yIdl. oi'Vlsentchlty, liexmgton. Ky. 40506. to lht'l K community
, \Iiii iliost' i'aiiatis inn “0'0 ”up” ‘3 mm lta\ “L, hm.” tlictc itt Richard Sienui‘iilu' inn iM'l'll. 3"“ ind!"- “'3 '~.‘~ {"319 11'“! '«l‘i‘iii‘l‘l‘s’s‘d. V or ILVK‘V‘I era‘V‘m“ um””’"“"‘
Lta/\ ilt ili'tlalcd \lviaysatguitii; ii Vt - V.” PM”, ““0"“ ”lb" things. I hflmhurzi‘t i and mm! ”Him” ”W \Htii‘t \ sigtitiV xii“ .Iprntnmh‘.‘ .lh'f. H) hf‘ifirc iht‘
V; “H, “V”. W“ “H“ «ah m V it» "lt' ptol‘iictii VV (it't'pt‘l li cook. a cinema projectionist. a llitL~_V.l(l(llcss:intlphttnr‘nlllfil’K‘r l k VVVfV::VI;VVVV\si i a t to asters! the
other .t h- .i .i \o- li‘nt‘ rm, ”n. “I“ reporter and copy-cditorfurthe