xt7pc824bw55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824bw55/data/mets.xml Griffin, Gildroy W., b. 1840. 1873 books b92-54-27062371 English Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, : Philadelphia : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Todd, Charles Stewart, 1791-1871. Shelby, Isaac, 1750-1826. Memoir of Col. Chas. S. Todd / by G.W. Griffin. text Memoir of Col. Chas. S. Todd / by G.W. Griffin. 1873 2002 true xt7pc824bw55 section xt7pc824bw55 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. This page in the original text is blank. M EMOIR OF COL. CHAS. TODD. BY G. W. GRIFFIN, U. S. CONSUL AT COPENHAGEN, AUTHOR OF "STUDIES IN LITERATURE," ETC., LiC. PHILADELPHIA: CLAXTON, REMSEN HAFFELFINGER. 1873. S- Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by CLAXTON, REMSEN HAFFELFINGER, it the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. STEREOTYPED BY J. FAGAN SON, PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED BY MOORE BROTHERSP, Franklin Buildings, Sixth St., below Arch, Philadelpbia. ataIf iolt TO THE lION. JOHN SCOTT HARRISON THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED, AT THE EXPRESSED WISH OF HIS FATHER'S EARLY FRIEND, WHOSE LIFE AND HISTORY ARE RE- CORDED IN IT. This page in the original text is blank. IN the publication of this volume, I can but feel that the people of Kentucky, and of the West, will take some degree of interest in the perusal of a work devoted to the life and public services of one who played such a prominent part in the history of the times in which he lived. Since this volume was ready for the press, I found, among some papers left at my disposal by Colonel Todd a short time before his death, a manuscript copy of a lecture he delivered in i849, at Frankfort, Ky., on " Russia, her Resources, Religion, Literature, c." Colonel Todd's residence in Russia, in the capacity of United States Minister to that country, his fine classical education and taste in literature, gave him many advantages for the investigation of the history and resources of that semi- barbarous nation about which so little is known even to this day. I have, for these reasons, thought best to print the lecture entire in this memoir. I have also embraced in this work, to the exclusion of much. matter of my own, a number of Colonel Todd's speeches and state papers; and also some extended ex- tracts from a work entitled "Sketches of the Civil and vii Viii PREFACE. Military Services of William Henry Harrison," by Colonel Todd and Mr. Benjamin Drake. This book is now out of print; but it had in its day a very large sale. It was published by G. P. James, of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1840. More than twenty thousand copies were sold, and as many more were distributed, in pamphlet form, through- out the country as a campaign document. Colonel Todd, on one occasion, pointed out to me such passages of the book as were written by himself, and those written by Mr. Drake. Colonel Todd, as many of my readers doubtless know, bore a very prominent part in the election of Harrison, which was perhaps the most exciting Presidential canvass in the history of the country. Many a story have I heard, when a boy, from the lips of my dear and venerated grandfather, of that interesting epoch, so familiarly known as the Log Cabin or Hard Cider Campaign. My grandfather was a very zealous Democrat, and he used to tell me how much the enthu- siasm of the Whigs annoyed him at that time. " For once, and only once," he said, " in the history of our country, did the Whig speeches, and barbecues, and banners, and trans- parencies, and cannon, strike terror into the hearts of the Unterrified." I remember his telling me, on one occasion, of some of the most enthusiastic Harrison men carrying, in the midst of a great parade through the streets of Louisville, an immense log cabin on their shoulders, the weight of which would have been enough to crush them to death, had it not been for their enthusiasm and the shouts of thousands of people enlivening their march. In one of these parades, Jim Porter, the great Kentucky PREFACE. ix giant, who was by far the tallest man in all the world, appeared, wearing a large coon-skin cap, and dressed in a hunter's uniform made of deer-skin and trimmed with bright-colored fringe. He swung his great rifle, which was over eight feet long, across his huge shoulders, and excited the utmost delight and astonishment wherever he went. Some years afterward, I went to see the great giant at Shippingport, a little town a few miles below Louisville, where he then resided. I expressed to him my deep regret at not having been able to see him in that famous parade, when he very kindly opened a wardrobe, and donned his coon - skin cap and gay uniform - coat. He presented a magnificent picture to my boyish sight, before which all my wildest dreams about giants paled into utter insigni- ficance, and even to-day I think of that interview with no ordinary satisfaction and delight. " Those were great times," said the giant, "that we had in the Hard -Cider Campaign. We shall not see the like again." And in- deed, judging from all that I have heard in regard to that memorable canvass, few, I think, will be. inclined to dis- agree with him. I could relate many such incidents, interesting enough, doubtless, in their way; but I have preferred to give in the following pages the more solid facts of history, and I have given them as well as I could. 2 This page in the original text is blank. CHAPTER I. PAGE The Author's first Acquaintance with Colonel Todd -Characteristics of Colonel Todd as a Writer and a Man ............................................ 13 CHAPTER II. Birth and Parentage of Colonel Todd - Sketch of his Father, Judge Thomas Todd - Education of Young Todd ................................... i6 CHAPTER III. War of 1812 -Young Todd volunteers and is rapidly Promoted -His Gallantry -Battle of the Thames -McArthur's Expedition -Todd's Distinguished Services ....................................................... 21 CHAPTER IV. Colonel Todd resumes the Practice of the Law at Frankfort -Becomes interested in Masonry - His Address before Mt. Horan Lodge - He is married to Miss Shelby........................................................... 28 CHAPTER V. Colonel Todd is appointed Secretary of State - His Election to the Legislature over Judge Marshall and Judge Bibb- His Re-election over General Hardin - Is appointed Minister to Bogota - His Dis- charge of his Mission approved by John Q. Adams -He returns to the United States, and settles on a Farm in Shelby County, Kentucky - His Intelligence and Enterprise as a Farmer - His Services to Agriculture 35 CHAPTER VI. The Harrison Campaign -Colonel Todd one of its Master-Spirits- He removes to Cincinnati, and takes Charge of the Cincinnati Republican- ie speaks as well as writes - He, in Conjunction with Benjamin Drake, prepares a Life of General Harrison - Ex- tracts from this Work - Incidents of the Campaign ......................- -45 CHAPTER VII. General Harrison expresses his Gratitude for Colonel Todd's Services - His Appointment as Minister to Russia -Success of His Mission - Felicitous Speech of Colonel Todd at a Banquet in St. Petersburg - Motley and Maxwell in his Official Family -Colonel Todd's Visit to the Interior of Russia -Important Despatches ............................... 78 xi Xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE Colonel Todd returns to Frankfort - Delivers a Lecture on Russia - Withdraws from a Contest for the Governorship of Kentucky - Ac- cepts the Office of Commissioner under the Mexican Treaty - Ad- vocates a Railroad to the Pacific .................................................. go CHAPTER IX. Colonel Todd prepares a Series of Articles on Texas -Letter from Daniel Webster to Colonel Todd - Colonel Todd prepares a Sketch of Tecumseh for the Louisville 7ournal- He proposes to write the Early History of Kentucky - An Incident in the College Life of Colonel Todd - His Confidential Report to the War Department in 1815 ........ 122 CHAPTER X. Colonel Todd takes an Active Part in the Taylor Campaign - His Characteristics as a Popular Orator -His Opinions of Jefferson and Jackson - His Acquaintance with the Presidents - His Admiration of Madison - His Accomplishments as a Man of the World - His Moral Characteristics - Anecdote of Bernadotte, King of Sweden ...... 127 CHAPTER XI. Colonel Todd's Embarrassed Fortunes - His Personal Resemblance to Louis Philippe - Anecdote of that Monarch - Colonel Todd's Zeal for the Preservation of the Union - His Claim to a High Military Ap- pointment in the Civil War acknowledged but not discharged - Evil Effects of Conferring Military Appointments on Civilians -Colonel Todd's Military Talents - He severs his Connection with the Gazette... 133 CHAPTER XII. Colonel Todd's Friendship for the Author- His Opinion of Actors and Acting - His Exalted Estimate of the Character of Dr. Theodore S. Bell - A Letter to the Author - Colonel Todd's Address before the Perry Monument Association -Friendship between Colonel Todd and the Hon. J. Scott Harrison ......................................................... 137 CHAPTER XIII. Letter from the Hon. William C. Rives to Colonel Todd - Colonel Todd prepares several Articles for Dr. Sprague's "1 National Portrait Gallery " - Dr. Sprague's Acknowledgments - Governor Shelby's Pride in Colonel Todd-Colonel Todd's Last Illness-His Death ................. 143 APPENDIX. Correspondence of Colonel Todd with the Colombian General San- tander -Memoir of Governor Shelby ..........................................1 47 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. CHAPTER I. The Author's first Acquaintance with Colonel Todd-Characteristics of Colonel Todd as a Writer and a Man. L DID not become personally acquainted with the distinguished soldier and statesman who forms the subject of this memoir until the spring of i867. We had, however, been associated some time pre- viously in the editorial management of the Louisville Industrial and Commercial Gazelle. At that time he resided in Owensboro, Kentucky, where he prepared no inconsiderable portion of the editorial matter for the paper. He was a quick and fluent writer, and almost every mail was sure to bring something from his pen. I was forcibly struck by the readiness with which he comprehended all the plans of the paper, and by the spirit and determination with which he entered into them. It seemed that the slightest hint from the publisher that an article was desired upon any subject was all that was necessary to have him produce it in the most complete and satisfactory 13 4 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. manner. He displayed a knowledge of every sub- ject upon which he wrote that was really extraordi- nary. He seemed to have a high and a noble purpose in everything that he undertook. He had been all his life a very active and energetic man. He was a highly accomplished classical scholar. He scorned to make a show of knowledge which he did not pos- sess. He was a thorough hater of all shams and conceits. All the best attributes of humanity were centred in him. There was not a particle of selfish- ness in his nature. There was no ostentation about him. He possessed dignity without haughtiness, and a courage which no mortal man could overcome. He was of a very kind disposition. He seemed to have lived always in an interchange of the gentlest offices. He never allowed trifles to fret and annoy him. He was in every respect a perfect model of a Christian gentleman. He could not do a mean or a little act. No weeds of bitterness ever grew in his manly bosom. He was a good man, a true man, and a brave man. I shall never forget the first time I saw him. I was busy one morning writing at my desk upon a subject that I knew very little about. I could not write a single line that seemed to me to have any sense in it. My poor brain was taxed almost beyond endurance, ahd I was about to give up in despair, when I happened to cast my eyes toward the door, and saw a fine-looking, elderly gentleman, with the kindliest face in the world, advancing toward me. He seemed to understand, as if by intuition, the nature of my trouble, and I immediately rose to speak to him and tell him my name and ask his in return. He did not give me an opportunity, but 14 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. took me by both hands, and said, "If I judge cor- rectly, you are my editorial associate." I bowed an assent, when he said, " I have often helped you be- fore, my young friend, and I beg the pleasure of be- ing allowed to do so again." He immediately sat down at my desk, and, after looking at my article, which was entitled, " The Duty of the Government to repair the Levees of the Mississippi," he smiled pleasantly, tore off the heading and pasted it on another slip of paper, and wrote, in about ten or fifteen minutes, one of the best articles ever written upon this subject. It is scarcely necessary for me to say that I was grateful for the kindness of my ben- efactor, and tried to make known to him my grati- tude in the best way I could. He rose from his seat, and, again taking me by both hands, said, " It is in our power to be of much help to one another. You have youth, and I experience, which, perhaps, next to an unsullied conscience, is the most valuable thing in this life." He did not part from me without giv- ing me a very cordial invitation to visit him at the residence of his son, Mr. Isaac Shelby Todd, where he said he would remain for several weeks, and would expect me every day until I called. Such was the beginning of one of the most charm- ing acquaintances of my life, and I record with no little satisfaction that from that time up to the day of his death the warmest feelings of personal friend- ship existed between us. When he died I lost one of the best and truest friends I ever had. I shall not see his like again in this world, but the memory of his love and unremit- ting kindness will ever be to me a pleasure inesti- I 5 i6 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. mable. In endeavoring to give some account of his life and public services, I shall not attempt anything like a panegyric or eulogy upon his character, but will try to relate faithfully and conscientiously some important incidents in the history of Kentucky and of the nation, and to describe, in a plain, truthful, and straightforward manner, the characteristics of a man who for more than half a century was felt to be a power in the land, and who was loved, honored, and respected by all who knew him. CHAPTER II. Birth and Parentage of Colonel Todd -Sketch of his Father, Judge Thomas Todd -Education of Young Todd. C HARLES STEWART TODD was born on the 22d of January, 179I, between Danville and Stanford, Kentucky, in the old county of Lincoln. At the time of his birth, the State was not a member of the confederacy. It was in what is called the transition period, but was passing rapidly from the pioneer stage to the dignity of an established and well-regulated commonwealth. The Hon. Thomas Todd, the father of the subject of this sketch, was one of the most eminent men in the nation. He immigrated to Kentucky from Virginia when about twenty years of age. He chose the profession of the law, and devoted himself so earnestly to its duties that he soon became known as one of the ablest lawyers in the Western country. The honors of his BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. profession came thick and rapidly upon him. His counsel was sought not only at home but abroad. He rose to the position of chief justice, the highest judicial office of the State. It is said that his means were so limited that he studied his profession by fire-light. Some idea of his ability can be formed from the marvellous facility with which he comprehended the difficulties of the celebrated Land Law of Virginia of I779. In the passage of this law, the legislative authorities neglected to provide for a general survey of the State, but authorized every owner of a land- warrant to make his own entry and survey. The owner, of course, located his land-warrant wherever he chose, but was required to do so in such a way that a subsequent locater could enter the adjoin- ing land. The system of registration under no cir- cumstances could have been more defective. It was with the greatest difficulty that a title could be estab- lished at all. As a natural consequence, intermi- nable disputes and litigation followed. The ingenuity and talent of the greatest lawyers in America were called into requisition. No one, however, achieved a greater reputation in the ad- justment of these perplexing difficulties than Judge Todd. His success was such that President Jeffer- son, in I807, called him to a seat on the Supreme Federal Bench. He held this position until his death. His friend and associate, Justice Story, pro- nounced the following tribute to his memory: "' Mr. Justice Todd possessed many qualities admirably fitted for the proper discharge of judicial functions. He had uncommon patience and candor in investi- 3 I 7 i8 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. gation; great clearness and sagacity of judgment; a cautious but steady energy; a well-balanced indepen- dence; a just respect for authority, and, at the same time, an unflinching adherence to his own deliberate opinions of the law. His modesty imparted a grace to an integrity and singleness of heart which won for him the general confidence of all who knew him. He was not ambitious of innovations upon the set- tled principles of the law, but was content with the more unostentatious character of walking in the trodden paths of jurisprudence - 'super antiquas vias legis.' From his diffident and retiring habits, it required a long acquaintance with him justly to ap- preciate his judicial as well as his personal merits. His learning was of a useful and solid cast; not, perhaps, as various or as comprehensive as that of some men, but accurate and transparent, and appli- cable to the daily purposes of the business of human life. In his knowledge of the local law of Kentucky he was excelled by few, and his brethren drew largely upon his resources to administer that law, in the numerous cases which then crowded the docket of the Supreme Court from that judicial circuit; what he did not know he never affected to possess, but sedulously sought to acquire. He was content to learn without assuming to dogmatize. Hence he listened to an argument for the purpose of instruc- tion and securing examination, and not merely for that of confutation or debate. Among his associates he enjoyed an enviable respect, which was constantly increasing as he became more familiarly known to them. His death was deemed by them a great public calamity, and in the memory of those who BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. survive him his name has ever been cherished with a warm and affectionate remembrance. No man ever clung to the Constitution of the United States with a more strong and resolute attachment. And in the grave cases which were agitated in the Su- preme Court of the United States during his judicial life, he steadfastly supported the constitutional doc- trines which Mr. Chief Justice Marshall promulgated in the name of the Court. It is to his honor, and it should be spoken, that, though bred in a different political school from that of the Chief Justice, he never failed to sustain those great principles of con- stitutional law on which the security of the Union de- pends. He never gave up to party what he thought belonged to the country. For some years before his death he was sensible that his health was declining, and that he might soon leave the bench, to whose true honor and support he had been so long and zealously devoted. To one of his brethren, who had the satisfaction of possessing his unreserved confi- dence, he often communicated his earnest hope that Mr. Justice Trimble might be his successor, and he bore a willing testimony to the extraordinary ability of that eminent judge. It affords a striking proof of his sagacity and foresight; and the event fully justi- fied the wisdom of his choice. Although Mr. Justice Trimble occupied his station on the bench of the Su- preme Court for a brief period only, yet he has left on the records of the Court enduring monuments of talents and learning fully adequate to all the exigen- cies of the judicial office. To both of these distin- guished men, under such circumstances, we may well apply the touching panegyric of the poet: I9 20 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. 'Fortunati ambo; Nulla dies unquam memori vos eximnet avo.'" Judge Todd gave every attention to the education of his son. He encouraged him to cultivate a taste not only for the classics but for almost every species of knowledge. Young Todd was placed at an early age at the Transylvania Seminary at Lexington, Kentucky, for the purpose of preparing for a more thorough course of study at the celebrated college of William and Mary in Virginia. He graduated at this last-named institution of learning in 1809. About a year afterward he went to Litchfield, Conn., to attend a course of law lectures by Judges Reeves and Gould. At Litchfield he pursued his studies with the utmost energy. He was licensed to practise law in i8ii, and opened an office in the following year at Lexington, Ky.; but at that time the second war with Great Britain broke out, and he determined to take part in the contest. BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. CHAPTER III. War of 18I2-Young Todd volunteers and is rapidly Promoted-His (allantry-Battle of the Thames-McArthur's Expedition-Todd's distinguished Services. T HE spirit of war was nowhere more brilliantly illustrated than in Kentucky. The whole State, from the Big Sandy to the Mississippi, was alive, as it were, with restless energy and activity. In the mean time Hull's surrender was announced. It served only to add fuel to the flame. Hull was at once proclaimed a traitor. No language was suf- ficiently strong to express the detestation in which he was held. The Kentucky troops were impatient to be led to the scene of action, but they moved amid the most distressing circumstances. They were indifferently armed and wretchedly clothed. They suffered privations almost unheard of. The country to be crossed was but a succession of swamps and marshes. The Secretary of War was unable to supply means of transportation. Notwith- standing these obstacles, the ardor and enthusiasm of the volunteers remained unabated. William Henry Harrison, on whom the President had conferred the rank of Major-General, assumed command of the forces in the West. Harrison was an especial favorite with the Kentucky troops, and his appointment served to increase their enthusiasm. Young Todd was among the first to volunteer his services, and he was elected ensign in one of the Lexington companies, but was soon afterward ap- 2PI 22 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD, pointed to a position in the Quartermaster-General's Department. He was afterward assigned to another position, and was soon actively engaged against the enemy. We learn from McAfee's History of the War of I8I2, and from Hall's Life of Harrison, that in the campaign which followed Colonel Todd ren- dered invaluable service. General Harrison, in a letter to the War Depart- ment, recommended him for a captaincy in the line, saying that "he appeared to combine the ardor of youth with the maturity of age." The campaign terminated in the unfortunate battle of the River Raisin. The movement to that point was made by General Winchester. It was made in violation of Harrison's instructions in regard to the campaign. Harrison's instructions were conveyed by the subject of my sketch from the right wing to the left of the army, a distance of one hundred miles, through a swampy wilderness. McAfee, in his His- tory of the War of I8I2, says that " Colonel Todd performed the hazardous journey with a secrecy and dispatch highly creditable to his enterprise." The defeat of Winchester was the defeat of the campaign, but measures were taken to obtain command of the lake prior to active operations in the next cam- paign. In the mean time the British General Proctor attempted to take Camp Meigs on the Maumee, and Fort Stevenson on the Sandusky, but both attempts were signal failures. Harrison made a requisition upon the Governor of Kentucky for troops to act in the decisive opera- tions of the campaign. The Governor, the noble and gallant Shelby, around whose peerless name so BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. many bright and glorious recollections cluster, offered to lead the troops in person. Four thousand mounted men rallied on thirty days' notice. The venerable Governor reached the scene of operations just as Perry had obtained command of the lake. The genius of Harrison now shone out in the fulness of its splendor. He had entire command of the lake, and was ready at any moment to attack De- troit and Malden. The British forces became alarmed at the condition of affairs, and began to re- treat. Their Indian allies fast deserted them. Less than one half remained faithful in adversity. Even the gallant Tecumseh refused to share the fortunes of Proctor, except on condition that the first favorable ground should be selected for battle. The division of Major-General Desha was formed at right angles, which caused it to face the Indian line. But, just as the order to advance was about to be given to Trotter's brigade of Henning's division, information was obtained through Colonel Wood, of the Engineers, that the enemy was formed in open order. This information decided Harrison to charge the British line with Colonel Johnson's regiment. Harrison placed himself at the head of the right bat- talion of this regiment. The enemy was unable to resist the charge, and gave way in the wildest confu- sion. The Indians fought with the utmost despera- tion; but, Tecumseh being killed, they were driven from every position they assumed. Colonel Todd was engaged in the battle from the beginning to the close. He was by the side of Har- rison in the charge upon the British regulars, and was despatched with orders to Governor Shelby, 24 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. whose command was stationed at the intersection of the two divisions. Colonel Todd, with this portion of the army, now participated in the action against the Indians, but when the Indians were driven from their position he was recalled to engage in the pur- suit of Proctor. In this pursuit Colonel Todd was accompanied by Colonel Wood, Major Payne, Major Chambers, and Captain Langham. There is scarcely an historian, who has given an account of this en- gagement, but makes some honorable mention of these gallant and accomplished soldiers. The pur- suing force, though unable to overtake Proctor, suc- ceeded in capturing his sword, carriage, and papers. Wood and Todd were far in advance of the other offi- cers. The pursuing party succeeded in capturing quite a number of prisoners. A mounted British officer, who was among the captured, endeavored treacher- ously to shoot Colonel Todd. This attempt was instantly discovered by Captain Wood, who struck the coward down with his sword. Captain Wood 'was breveted major for gallant conduct in defence of Fort Meigs, lieutenant-colonel for conspicuous service at the battle of Lundy's Lane, and colonel for his he- roic part in the defence of Fort Erie. He would have been made brigadier-general of the elite of the army had he not fallen in the sortie from the Fort on the I 7th of September, i8I4. He was wounded in the thigh, and was bayoneted while tendering his sword. That our readers may form some idea of the im- portance of the victory on the Thames, we give the following extract from an article entitled "The Mili- tary Genius of Harrison," from the pen of Colonel Todd, first printed in i840, in the Cincinnati Re- pddblzcan. BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. "The strong position of the enemy rendered it probable, that, if the American army should be victo- rious, the result would be achieved by the loss of many gallant men. "The British troops occupied the left of the allied army, resting upon an unfavorable view, with its right extending into swamps filled with Indians under Tecumseh. To undertake to turn the Indians' right would have been hazardous, and certainly at- tended with great loss of life. The British line was then properly regarded as the weakest point of the enemy, In the first instance the charge was in- tended to be made by the infantry, the front of which was commanded by Trotter; but the fortunately dis- covered error committed by Proctor in opening his files led to the brilliant conception of charging with the mounted troops of Colonel Johnson. The result is known to the world, -an entire British army cap- tured and two thousand Indians defeated, with an immense loss of life, by less than fifteen hundred Americans, whose loss was less than thirty killed and forty wounded; and an end put to the war in the Northwest, an important territory restored to the United States, and the uppermost part of Canada conquered. Other generals have acquired renown by great bloodshed, but in the career of Harrison we recognize equal glory in the results, with much greater prudence and humanity in the preservation of the lives of his patriotic soldiers." In the fall of i814, General McArthur undertook an expedition into Canada. Colonel Todd, having been previously appointed Assistant Inspector-Gen- eral, acted as McArthur's Adjutant-General. It was 4 25 26 BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL CHARLES S. TODD. one of the most brilliant and successful expeditions of the war. It was organized at Urbana, and marched from Detroit. It consisted of seven hun- dred mounted men. Its object was to prevent the enemy from molesting Michigan. Headley, in his " Second War with England," says: "It was, however, no holiday march. Expedition was necessary for success. The horses were kept to the top of their endurance - straining up acclivities, floundering through swamps, struggling with the rapid current of rivers. This detachment succeeded in penetrating more than two hundred miles into the enemy's country, and to within twenty-five miles of Burlington Height. It marched more than four hun- dred miles, one hundred and eighty of it through an unbroken wilderness, defeated five hundred militia strongly posted, killed and wounded twenty-seven men, took one hundred and eleven prisoners, and returned with a loss of but one man. McArthur showed himself a skilful and able commander, while his subordinates deserzed the highest commendation." McAfee, in speaking of this expedition, says (see McAfee's History of the War of i8I2, page 453): "lAnd thus terminated an expedition which was not surpassed during the war in the boldness of its de- sign and the address with which it was conducted. It was attended with the loss of one man only on our part, while that of the enemy was considerable in men, as well as the injury done to his resources. It was with great difficulty that General Drummond could subsist his troops, with the aid of