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By Bill Loggins

The demand for two services provide by the Lexington Gay and Lesbian
Service Organization has increased over the past year and the
organization has moved to beef up those services. The GLSO Phoneline
has installed a voice menu and there has been an increased demand for
speakers from the GLSO Speakers Bureau.

On October 25, the voice menu was initiated on the Phoneline. People
calling the Phoneline number (231-0335) can now hear a short
presentation of nine different topics. Topics callers can choose from
include GLSO, Phoneline, speakers bureau, religious organizations, AIDS
information, social activities,
special events and Lexington THIRTY"HAPPY CAMPERS" ENJOY
The Phoneline provides a valuable
link for central Kentucky gay men 1%: Steve R.
and lesbians, as well as providing The twel h annual fall campout
information to visitors and people at Eddie's Scott County farm was a
new to Lexington. big success again this year. Over
The Phoneline is staffed by 30 people gathered around the huge
volunteers four nights a week: log fire at the old campsite——our
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and thanks to Willy and Eddie for the
Saturday from 8 to 11 p.m. great weather. Hot dogs and
New volunteers are always needed marshmellows were joined by five
and welcome; training sessions are course dinners cooked in the
scheduled as new volunteers are campfire this year.
added. An electronic switching After some great song and dance
system allows the volunteers to numbers, and a few "blonde" jokes,
answer the calls on their home we spent a relatively quiet
phones. evening under the stars. (Of
The current messages on the voice course, it was not real quiet for
menu are being used on a trial Lannie, who was pulled out of his
basis. The phoneline staff tent two or three times—-it never
welcomes your comments on the pays to go to bed too early!)
messages. The next morning everyone

Demand for Speaker Increases shared bacon, sausage, eggs,

The GLSO Speakers Bureau has banana bread, and even fresh

experienced unprecedented growth oven-baked made from scratch
this year. Since September the biscuits. (Yes, Peggy came in
bureau has sufplied volunteer second place for the paraphernalia
speakers for c asses at Eastern award.
Kentucky University, Transylvania The big excitement this year is
University, Eastern Kentucky the Title Award: "Pee Wee's Big
University, Lee College, Northern Adventure Award," which gioes to
Kentucky University, Kentucky everyone who raced down t e hill
State University, and the to round u? the herd of cattle.
University of Kentucky. Someone le t the farm gate open
Continued on page 5 and the Continued on page 5