xt7pc824fd8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fd8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1981 1981 1981-03-31 2020 true xt7pc824fd8r section xt7pc824fd8r Vol. LXXXIII, No.130 . l'niwrsity of Kentucky 1" ’
TIMI” MII’CII 31. 1981 anindcpen‘cni student nthspapn Ile\inglon, kenluck) 1, .1 ‘ .
». {-1'11'5‘1‘?
Reagan, three others shot ,. .. ..,. "'2‘ / go. ;
a ' . -. . ; .
ia’ W h' t h tl ' .i ' ~ stunneda/‘rer
ca 3 e as mg on 0 e _. fi g , ,
By TERENCE HUNT -————— ' t . _, ,, " _ it.“ ~ - , 4‘ . ‘ h ' ,
WWW We, B u , 1 1 , ,_ , 1...... . W 1 _., s ootm g Spree 11
u etin 1, .1, 3, 3
WASHINGTON —— President ' ' -. .7 1 ”’ 9"” ”‘1 ”S \ \i “1“”. 1.; _- _;
Reagan was wounded in the chest WASHINGmN(AP’-The'“d°'°‘ 1 1 .. l E . Assistant Knit-runnmcn' moor 53"} 3
yfitfl‘day by a gunman who tried to 8' "cows“ group 5““ “my “my . , 1. "“ " and t'l.\ll\' on Kitit ‘ -. 5 ‘,
assassinate him with a burst of .22- that me man charged “'m' ”'9 “t' -. " ’ ' ‘ , gm“ “1m” '31. f ;' '3
caliber bullets from a “Saturday tempted assassination of President ) \ '1 1
night special." White House press Reagan quit the group because “he l’ ‘2‘"- . k M ' . ""’ Ever“. ui‘ullnwu- twlm isit. i Aih 1.1” 1.1;,
feltthatwe were notsufficiently mili- :: ' ; _: 1 ,1, ‘ ( . , V, , , ,w x ;
secretary James S. Brady was . 13,32 . rouiitit t. i». . .v no. i k Jtit ..t.. i .
1 critically injured in the blaze of gun- ‘a““°"“m-" 1- ‘ ' ’ 1. iii-oi. w - m .
‘ fire. John W. Hinckley Jr. left the Na- ‘ ‘1‘: .. :39 .1 m \',,,1M1,1‘ \‘sznfl ”LN“, ., (
' Reagan “sailed through surgery" tional Socialist Party 10‘ America in f N J ’ 1 \ «meiotic of the uttvii:pletl ti\\ii\iliii ,."1-' i ‘5'
aceordingtOdocmrs Whosaid he’dbe the summerof 1979' said party leader 1‘ . tion o: l’l‘t‘Vitlt‘lll Renae“ in .1 i '
readytomake presidential decisions “3'0” Covington, adding. “We ‘ \t'oshinuioi. » ,-".- ,
by today. agreed mutually that NSPA was not " - WNW” “W1 “mm rm t 15;;
But Brady was said to be fighting his cup of tea." gill pimple were \ri1K‘Kf‘ti n. the . "J
for his life, a bullet through his brain. :‘Helwalf‘tfd “f “5ng out :{nd CT; \mwnm ~_,. :1 .

r. nni ’Le - a ll mltun awu ac s. esort carr ——-———--———-—— .11:
mEngl: bulslecl" wgrgrsjii‘ijovzdrgfoi; onadebate about it."C0vington said. Kentucky t)lll(‘l;ll\ react to f .
Reagan’s left lung. He said the presi- _____._.— 1 the assassination attempt in ‘ 1
dent's condition was stable. the Pro- Hinckley was arrested last Oct. Sat 3 story on page ti. 1 _
gnosis excellent. the Nashville airport for carrying __ ________________

“Ho'heyt I “”8“ t0 dUCky Reagan handguns. The FBI said he was cal" ' lidl‘} l);i\'lt‘l\tlij iiirnputpr \l_'i(';'it'(- U1",
told his Wife as he was wheeled into rying three weapons that day — 1,,phnnwn1 gm .1 ”mm“ ,1 1h .
surgery. Then he told the doctors he While then President Carter was . probably the xiori-z of one Ht Iii-i more ; ' :‘ ‘
hoped they were RePUbhcans- making a campaign appearance in I ' - 7 liberal people who tion i like the title 1‘ f‘ ..

”Olawmen also were wounded in [heeitY- . 'll conservatism sweeping the count 3“ 5
the mid-afternoon blaze of gunfire Monday’s shooting occurred sud- m It MS pmmm mnwm, '1,“ '_
outside a Washington hotel Where denly on an overcast Washington Assume") Press, fawn Hiistiaiid his less CUILV ~ . «y .5
Reagan had Just addressed a union afternoon. 1 Ronald Reagan, is being pushed into an was reported to he in good condition as of 1 am. today \ icy“ " ‘ 1’

T ere was no known motive for the awaiting limousine by a Secret Service agent. Reagan while Brady was listed in critical condition, "Will it” ddmlhlStTatl ”‘ tllit‘ ‘lilrv :" 1 1.
savage burst-of gunfire that exploded there are going to be more gigid n on. , .1 .. :1
. 185 the preSident stood beside his terrorism attempts People .iri ‘2
imousine, ready to step inside for a 0 9 [i f lighting “Raga“ right ”M M, ”W ., .
1 rainy, one-mile ride back to the After attempt on preSldent S e .3. ”wk“ undmdm f“wrung”... M: i ._
3&2, in: White House- _ Stall Surat-Ant Elizabeth Light. :i .i- 1‘ 1‘ .
One eyewitness said the assailant, m mp HI ,1. Mmmwmlw per:~<»t- ‘ ‘
w 4; . itandjng t2“ {fit from the preSident’ ”t'l stilt, 'lit' .‘l'LI‘nliil Valli“ ci.\ rl  an sutured ovevit i not. t "

. is pronounced in good and stable condi- By The Associated Press x ”1, EM' _ 'V 0po , m, ,, 1%va tumwdpmw ,

g ,5 3? tion after surgery. . ,s ~ 1 11 17"?” .t. , i ». t g m m“ 3- M , 31195;”, . :'_ g: .

E,- 1,.»1‘1. “a “I can reassure this nation and a NASHVILLE, Tenn. — John W- 371a; ‘ 1' 1: ‘1» 1 “mm“, 11;“, W} 1,, p. 51,; ‘1. -j—

i .: " 1 " watching world that the American Hinckley Jr., arrested in the woun— ‘ 3% x13 ‘ 3,1,“), ‘1, Wmnd w h, M MM , i 1 J.

I - .151‘ 1~. 1- 23. government is functioning fully and ding Of PreSident Reagan and three if? ‘ -» 3‘ s tiln'l hem-x '1 the sol" ll “it :i-t'i ll. '1
l i i . -~ effectively,” Vice Praldem George Others ywwrday' was carrying three 5 ‘ which ths Kind of tion; . it) happen ’ ,
JAMES S. BRADY . BUSh said at the White Home “St handguns when he was arrested in . it makes the “oxide: wt. it Min! of iI"/'
convention. They were reported in night. “We've had full and complete Nashville last October while then- _ W lhmg,”H1wn,w,n,juh, mm '5, 11‘-
_Sel‘l0llS condition but apparently h°t communication throughout theday." President Carter was in town. the - i p 1 :1 g; ”Things mm.- M», an“ i. “lit'Y‘. j '1
m danger. . O’Leary described Reagan as FBI said' , g ‘V :- {1 things like .in (l.\.\.‘t\.~il“iulltln attempt . , 1“

A youthful, sandy—haired gunman “clear 0f head" and said he “should Rep. Bill Alexander, D-Ark., said - ‘1‘ ' “it can Like place so easily The it“sf'l of I I -, .' ..
from suburban Denver was wrestled be able to make decisions by tomor- the Evergreen, Colo.. resident was it; mm”) m mg wunm‘ downy mm ,’,1. ,
intohandcuffs andarrested moments row,certainly. arrested by Metropolitan Airport 1.11.9331 [0 be m high d5 mmb “1m“ 1m, ,,1 I,
afterheleveled his pistol at the presi- “We donot believe there is any per- Police on Oct. 9 for carrying han- .2151" i think I, ,5 --ncdddM t; ,flh'é’.
dent and fired from near point-blank manentinjury,”he added. dguns. Former President Carter was , 1 I "l'm “fl mock“, that ,1 mp1,,“ ' f1 5 '
range. O'Leary served as Spokesman for conducting a town hall-style meeting I "1 1 i '- ed this MK)” 'I thought something like T1,? " j!-

In Evergreen. family attorney Jim two surgeons who operated on at theGrand Ole Opry that day. ‘. this would happen he Reagan ti.» ’1‘}
Robinson said in a statement from Reagan at George Washington The federal government last night . been sc‘i‘i-wmg around it, much ”1.1.1 . -_;..‘ ._
the suspect’s parents that young Hin- University Hospital. They made a formally charged John Warnock Hin- . with budget (“1.131 mug mm Nitric}. ,1‘1_ ~ 1,. '

1 ckley has been under recent six-inch incision to remove the bullet ckley Jr. with attempting to -1 ,‘ 1 . “new,“munmi1i,”S ‘i‘t-shnizin i,“ ’ .- '
psychiatric care. that had penetrated about three in- assassinate President Reagan and . LM 1min, 1mm”, clothing and ,._ {1-, r'

' “His evaluation did not alert chos into his left lung, missing his assaultinga Secret Service officer. 1 merchandising wmor1 \(iid ‘1 \ t '1
anyone to the seriousness of his con- heart by several inches Hinckley was held without bail by t shocking “t‘ a ”(ll ”“0 ”t m.“ tillol‘i’t‘ ‘- J j 1.
dition,”the statement said. Robinson Reagan‘s lung collapsed, and the US. Magistrate Arthur L. Burnett ‘ i people but he tlllllli deserve to be 1, 1' f
added that Hinckley‘s parents were surgeons inserted two chest tubes to pending a preliminary hearing set ‘ shot ’ .‘1_",.'. 1"
“heartbroken," but would stand by restore it. for Thursday at lOa.m.EST. She also said the media 'tlltltll v.1 L1,} '
me“ 50“ They gave him blood transfusions. Hinckley could face a prison term Jam; w1HIN(‘KLEY,JR1 seem to low what they're talking '.~1 ~

Roger Young of the FBI described about 21/2 quarts in all, to replace the of up to 10 years and $10,000 on the ~ ‘ ( ("minim ”n page 6 ,-r -, (3.,

‘ theweaponseized from Hinckleyasa bloodhelost, assault charge and up to life im- agent and a Washington policeman Shop owner 15380 (villdStt’lh “010-“ _——_-——-————-—-————— i-‘ f ‘.
“Saturday night special" and said it The wounded president walked into prisonment for attempting to Brady was shot in the forehead and tel“ 581d he COM? N‘mt’mlx‘l’ ntlthlnté InSId Q l , l,
was purchasedataDallasgunshop. the hospital, “alert and awake"tif a assassinate the preSident his condition was described as ”9x1 9‘“ about ”'an ‘1‘ Kim m m l thdmg “MN m .

. ‘ . l . ' . . ,‘ X ‘ ‘ s i t r t L \ r t . fl. 1 i ’
8312c fiyisisassb°i°m"i?ofi"oihi'g?£ iiil‘gdoc‘ii‘r’edgfié‘a’éei‘ih“ 3?; in mower development. iedera. "em” "m“: B "emf: "'2, *.",’;1?,,‘“‘T*:.".1f1:“‘$2; impr..iii1mi...i....i.m 1:
p 1 1 p 1 1 - ‘ n agents in Dallas SClZGd records of a Hinckley bought two identical 22’ ‘urtau ) . ct ‘ U “I“ ‘ systems installed See the >l<)l‘\ on ..1'.”-" '1:
dent, andof assault With intent to kill phySiologically very young. gun purchase b Hinckle four da caliber revolvers in a Dallas pawn Firearms “in“; records of the mm page? 1 5, . 1-31 .‘
8 Police officer. He was in custody “He was never in any serious ammwNashvfilemesty ys Shop last October records Show sac-tion. Goldsteinsziid g” ______.______ .
Monday mght, awaiting arraign- dangfg (313arysatd. Reagan was wounded with a .22- Federal agents seized the records However. the federal officials out5|d2 "g'a _'-1
ment. . 118.“ ra. 3., was. . . .. caliber pistol outside a Washington from Rocky‘s Pawn Shop about two refused comment on whether one of

Young, the FBI spokesman, said His condition is critical, the doctor ho . , 1 m the wca m was the lSlOl used m ”m dwu' Mm”) sun“)- “mm .

the had bee ‘1 bl 1' ‘th 'd H hot in the side of the “’11 “5° wmnded "‘ the meme” “W’s alter‘hesmo‘ ‘41 p“ p - . ~

Hi rek] , oh: no Pl: em 2’." :a' heat? ‘13: hull t _ through were White House Press Secretary Hinckley bought the guns Oct 13 fire the shotsoutside the Washington and continued worm today with 11.

edgy; aiyt'hsogmwrence w en quos 10" ore ' Cinmisgdmm pages James S. Brady. a Secret Service using a Lubbock address. said pawn Hilton lt'mix‘rtilllrt‘S as high as the low as i!. ,

Pr h 1 UK de ’ to BMW their own ’

1 By RON HALL forfeit them. and the plots will go in apartment " '1" ' F}
f ' Senior Staff Writer other persons. (‘orn1 tomatoes, beans cabbage. ,-'_-; 11 .1
___________,____._~ - ‘ The Grounds Department of the broccoli and squash are some of the . - 1',
/ / . With spring's arrival the hiber» PhysicalPlant Division has already vegetables “fish has grown lie ~1 f i i:
M /[/-\ , ..
/ K .5“ nating green thumbs of UK broken the ground, Stofer said The said these are among his favorites ‘ ‘ 1 ‘
k“( 6 A gardeners come out Of their winter plots should be available by April and are more suited to the \hm‘lt'i \ : . I
gloves andlhtO the warm earth. 13. growing season caused by the late ' .1 .
For the last six years the Univer- Water and electricity are not pro- start most participants get - 1 . ‘_ x
A sity has made garden space vided at the site, and each person “You don't really haw ii long x .i - , ‘
/ Q .‘ '..‘ available to students. faculty, staff must bring his own tools. While growing period," he said 'Who-n 1_ 1
Q 0 and retired personnel to pursue garden tillers and composted they prepare the land it s usually ~
i. .‘ ' \ €~ \‘ their interest. Ramona Stofer, who or anic fertilizers are allowed. too late ifor peas and other mrly .' ,
‘ .6 t e . . g 1. 1 .
’ ‘ ‘. 30. l ~~k i“, ' coordinates the program, said it fresh manure cannot be used vegetablmi 1 1, ,1
‘ ‘ I Q \h was ”originally set UP to battle "11 becauseofits odor Rainy weather often keeps the _ ‘
. ‘t ‘ a /f. , flation,” Jim Wash. of design and con- Grounds Department from break- ~ ~
1 ‘ 1" Res nse has been overwhelm- struction, was one of the 300 mg the land on schedule. Stofer .
Q A Q; 9° _ . 1 .
‘ ‘ . , ‘ ll V ins. she said. More than 700 people selected this year But he said it is said "We usually get slowed down ‘ , ‘ 1
l, ’ ‘ k ’: l x \‘i registered this year for the300plots not a new experience for him. “l’ve about iwoweeks " . 1
I , " ‘ ,' l ‘1 . located on the old UK Experiment been lucky enough to get one every By growing his own produce ‘ ‘
. F ‘ , Farm on the southeast side of Com‘ year they‘ve hadit,“ Wash said he has been able to cut ‘
v , 1, monwealth Stadium. WaSh said he is glad such a pro. into his summer food bills “I find , 1 ~_
i ‘ A lottery March 17 matched gram exists because he does not that i eat more salads and raw 1
\\ ~ registrants to the 25-by-50 foot plots. have enough space where he lives to vegetables. and I don‘t buy as . - .
K\1\\ Thewinners Will benotified by mail row the vegetables he likes “l'd much." '
. 1 . 1 , g . .
‘1 i ‘ \ll‘ - and have until May 4 t0 hefllh WOTIP like to have the fresh vegetables Wash ll\'(‘S alone and said be pro
‘2 , ing on their plots. Those who have this summer." he said. “I don‘t duces more from his plot than he '
. A ‘ ‘ L not improved their spaces by the" have a garden at home; I live in an ('ontinued on page 7
t . l ' h I l o

 I I t
. , on.»- on
e d It 0 rl a I s & l :Ji‘izxfitiq Extinct Editor mm :P‘Otfl Editor 2:5:th Editor mum-dam
l F at mantel DlvlCoyk
- m e nt 5 . £3.52. Edltor Auociatl Editor: 0""! PWWW’
m Vlckll’ook
. ‘ CO I Jacki Rudd Assistant Day Editor :ngly‘lllreck arm I Uuo Wallace _ rue-m ,
. ' ' 3 Day Emu" Johnuulc AuutantSporu Editor Aulotant Entertainment Editor Std/Artful
‘ t [It Anluu‘h Armd urhum‘ Mimi-1» and nut-Hum |rllu~ and Upllfllli should be typed. lrlpk- ”Ill C. m
coated and "mode name. IN‘CIU’ null ulupr' ulmuhummi Inducing l l H) luv sludfllh and | h Conch“ M;
l t Inflovm Iellcn would ht Illutrd In :00 ‘U'I.\ and null-0m and \Ilflllllflllh lu I00 studs. yum, SWIWVl‘I"
. ._._—————.-——-————__._____————————-—-——-——-————_———
‘ SA S t dd t t tll .
' . . o
. College Senator candidates ,
l I - ' C .((.)!1|‘h';(.hli.()r All-ELI(‘L',l.t.'l111l‘.3.~ Ayse Tamkoc — My participation more effective input into the decision LEXINGTON TECHNICAL W
. ‘ , -' 7 With ISA at EKU and Concert Com— making process. I feel my
. V - F ' Gilbert Joehl *1 am seeking the Ol‘ mittee SCB has wet my appetite for background experience and personal Leslie Carole Huff ._ As a student
- ‘ ._ ‘. . lice of Agriculture (‘ollege senator participation in general student ac- interest in making this a more Sharon Napier —— I am seeking of- intheCollegeof Medicine, I find that f
‘ = - \ - . because the agricultural student t0- tivities. I‘m energetic and en- creditable organization, will help to fice because I believe that LTI I as well as fellow classmates often John Comm" _ 1 am seeking this ‘
f . .~ , , day needs tC‘Chhical and business thusiastic and believe I can con- make meavery effective senator. students deserve an outspoken feel out of touch withthedecisions 0f office with the belief that I can pro- i
' . v‘ > . ' backgrounds he 03" 0le Set from tributea great deal of novel ideas as ___-_.wa,--__ representative in the Student Senate. the student government. As a vide valuable input to the Student 1
.' . ‘. . ‘ " . ‘ other colleges at the UniverSity a college senator. @Eggfigflflifilflfllfilfi] LTI students have not been con. senator, 1 would hope to learn more Association on behalf of the College l.
. . ._ 2. _. ‘ Since the agriculture student is in- sidered as equals in the Student about the major issues confronting of Pharmacy and more importantly,
- .' ' .- . j; . teractlng Wlth the LTniverSity system Madeleine Yeh — I think that l Malvaria J. Smith —~ My reasons Senate in the past, and I hope to im- the students of the main campus as the University of Kentucky. If J
. . , more. i think it'll be imPOrtnht t0 could represent A & S students in for running are four-fold. With Gov. prove the situation. I am opposed to well as those affecting the College of elected, I plan to serve as a liason
f L; r . ' . represent agriculturi’ihtf‘rt’Sts in f0r- both Student Association and Univer- Brown considering the elimination of the new parking proposals, which Medicine. between the College of Pharmacy
'| , I '-‘ _. ming L'nivemiy polities sity Senate. During this past school one engineering school, my major would require LTI students to begin and the Student Association so that
' ; 1 ; - . . year I have been one of the A & S concern will be to lobby for the con- paying for parking spaces Finally, I the interests of each institution will
, h . '- l‘lillil‘llil‘liil’ ALLIED HEALTH, senators. Unlike some of those tinuation and improvement of UK's would like to upgrade the Student beaccurately represented. The posi-
‘ ' ‘ . . elected last year, I have remained in college, both at CHE and during the Association‘s student service pro tion will provide me with the oppor-
', . .‘ . : Perl Jean kenned) — My my office, so that my constituents 1982 Kentucky General Assembly grams. tunity to become well acquainted
~ ' '. sophhmhi't‘ year, I served as a com- may not be devoid of representation. Next, as chairperson of the Traffic Debbie Hertelendy -1 am seeking with the operations of the Student
- . 5 . . . “55‘9"“ {Oh the S‘Udem Affairs 1 have diligently attended the Appeals Committee this year, at) Mary Lynn Von Roenn — I am a position of senatortorepresentthe Association. In addition,lbelieve the
' CQm’hme“ ““5 was my f'rs‘ “ml“! meetings Of the University Library Parehtly campus awareness 9f .basic seeking the office of LTI senator due College of Nursing because I would experience will greatly benefit me in
. . with 5" A5 I became more familiar Committee, and Since January the StUdEht rights and issWhSihilitiss to the fact that I represented LTI dur- like to see nursing students increase my future endeavors.
- I i “"th SA‘ the ‘dea 0t running for Arts&Sciences faculty committee. ll needs increasing. Finally, two pro- ing the past year and I feel qualified knowledge and involvement in stu-
' ' sensihrcam" t° mind- A5 1 leamed 0" elected I pledge to continue proieC- leeks that require further considera- to hold the position again this year. dent government and UK activities. 1
-_ ._ . ' the vacancy for the All seat, ldecid- ting the interests of A &Sstudents. tion are ll beer in the Student Center, Now that LTI has enough represen- enjoy participating in service '
' , . " _. “d to take a Step forward and run for and 2’ extending the reading period taion, a strong and experienced voice organizations. particularly com-
' . the OfflC" lam very interested in SA Fflfi'fii‘n—L‘STNE—SSE before finals. is needed to advocate the needs of munity service and student pro- Mary Forsythe
- .' -_ t. . g' and am Willing :0 give it my best. lAND ECONOMICS ; LTI students. grams.
,' u ‘ ‘ . , . , _.... 7 ,7 ,, 7,47 as... ""—’—‘—’—"""‘ Mark Suter —Since I have been a
_I ,t‘tll,«leEGE Ql-‘AflflllIEETLBfll Ray Carmichael ~— Iam asking the student at UK I have seen a 0
.’ ’ _ students of the College of Business substantial decline in interest con- & t _ t_lfl d d t ,
‘ ' " . J09 (‘ablk‘ ‘* l feel that l can add to and Economics to reelect me their cerning student government. I feel ”a or a r 8 can I a es
. . ;' .~ . the Senate population and can reflect representative to the Student this is an unhealthy attitude con-
- - j . views of the Architecture College in a Association because for the past year sidering SA is supposedly the student lSENATtLRS-AT-LARGE for two years, I have seen a need for work for the students to help the SA
' . " fair but responsible light I haven't I have represented legislation and voice. clearer lines of communications becomemore of anactive forcein the
' ’ ' ' . I g heard a loi from the Senate this year fought in the best interest of the Also, I believe that in recent years 'I‘im Adams — . ~ In the Right between SA and the student body and daily hV5°fthe studentsofUK.
' ‘l ' l as far as Architecture is concerned business college and its students. I there has been an incredible amount Direction" for an improved Student I would serve as a liason for more . .
. .' ‘ , and l want this COllege to have a plan to continue that fight this year, of money spent on “white elephants" Association. Any productive student input. Kent Grubbs — I seek the position
- . - a I larger voice on campus I feel [can My knowledge of student concerns as well as on projects, that while organization must have a balance of of Senator-at-Large so thatIcan take
‘ .. ’. ‘, fill this need as well as making it a and needs have been expanded possibly worthwhile, have had experienced members and new John C. Davenport - SA has an active role by representing the
i I V W’Oiideriul learning experience for through my work with the B & E disasterous results With the propos- members with fresh ideas. I have become, here at the University of students‘ best interests in the
. . -. '- mysollj students and I feel this knowledge ed cutbacks in funding I believe worked actively in other organiza- Kentucky, a ridiculed organization. decismn-making policies that affect
V .' . ' . can help me provide even better restraint must be used in programm- tions and my experience With them They have lOSt the respect Of the stu- b°th myself and my fellow StUdEht5~
. - h ' J9“ ”well?" “ l am seeking this representation for my constituent ing cutbacks. I think I can provide will enable me to work effectively as dent body, student newspapaer, and '
' ~ : f I V 0th“ maths? l “'Otild like to work in next year I want to thank my sup thatrestraint. arepresentativeofthe student body. faculty. This must change in order Scott S. fllsle —— I feel that this
‘ cf ,' f " the student government to make LTK porters in the past and thank you the for SA to achieve any beneficial year’s SA focused toomuch attention _
_ . ‘ -' a better univerSlty student for putting your trustin me. Mark Vonderheide David Bradford — The effect that results. By bringing SA Out of its shell on running a club (hence the name
' , ' '- ,.._,_-.,__,,.,___-s~ Student Association’s policies have atthe Student Center and openingop— changed to Association) and making
g _' . 'COLLEGE OF ARTS - (‘harles Hickox _ In order to help LQQLLEQEDJ‘EEE on individual students is my main portunitios up for more student in- a profit, instead of representing the
-. l » y L,&;D.S£l,l5JQl-‘ES _f secure significant improvements for concern. For this reason, I seek the volvement, I propose to bring about students. I feel that the Senate .mUSt
, ' .1 .' L 7 the Business and Economics College. Nadine Wright -— I am interested in Office of Senator-at-Large. I served this long-awaited change. check thepower 0‘ the adnunistra-
-. ,' - . L Rod Flynn — I'm seeking office 1 am seeking the college's Senate helping bridge the gap between the as president of my high school‘s Na- .. ti0h- I believe most strongly tha SA
' - .l because I believe that A & S students seat. As a fifth semester accounting students and the government, The tional Honor Society twice and was Debbie Early —My main concern, should work for and be the most
.l ‘ ',- _ deserve active representation in the majolg in excellent academic stan- present financial situation of the our class’s Salutatorian, I intend to If re-elected as Senator-at-Large, forceful advocatosofstudents.
‘. . ’..'. s " .' Student Senate AS Director Of Stu~ ding» I know that l have the University could trigger apathy‘ use my past experience to work for would be to understand the feelings
. . .5 , , I dent Services. I have been involved knowledge and experience necessary discourage new enrollment and con- the improvement of our Student of the UK students and convey their Alan B. Holt — I am seeking theis
t ' I. in several student service programs. to carry outasenator's duties, which tinuing enrollment. Enthusiastic, Association. thoughts through representation in office becauseIwishtobecome more
. ‘5 . -_ _. including the student Book Ex- include representing you, the B & is concerned, and creative students are SA. Not just representing the normal involved in the various aspectsofstu-
. ‘-'\-: " change.student buying power cards. studentsin the bestway possible. needed to represent the student body Tony Brown — I am seeking a oncampus undergraduate, but off- dent life at UK.AsaStudent Associa-
'. . ”13.x. and traffic 8999815 The 300k EX- and to open these concerns and seek senator‘s seat to gain insight and ex- campus, professional, adult, and tion senator I will be able to ac-
,- i, j :‘ .- change was a big success «it saved l'FOIQITEGEEOF“ El support from the students. lbelieveI perience in being a part of the minority Stildehts also. This year SA complish this 8°3l- It Will 815° offer
. . f" students over $6.000 0" textbOOlis' iCQMflQlCflpjil could serve and represent the Fine political and administrative func- cangO“ln the Right Direction." me the opportunity to apply 00h'
g '. r. ». . . _ and 1 will work for its expansion and Arts college well. tions exercised by the Student structive efforts toimprove the situa-
i} .. refinement .Iim Dinkle ~ My platform sup- Association in behalf of the student Hugh J.Flndlay—— UKisa melting tion in-whl'ch the students of this
; ; ' 5 .~ ' ports an improved campus bus ser- (GE—AEELFEHEOOQ population. [also feel that the black pot of the common man. It is not umverSity life. .
., , Dean (iarritson -» SA goals should vice, the pending lawsuit against 3 students need responsible represen- separate groups on affiliations that
'- h -‘ " " he 59m“ oriented With programs to Gen—Tel rate increase, a separate \‘incent Yeh * My experience in tation in thestudent government. makethewhole, but eachof usinour Sali A. McSherry — . . In the .,
2 henefltstudents lhave implemented College of Telecommunications and the Senate will be beneficial in ownlight.lam oneofthose lights, no Right Direction"forastr0ng Student
l.,‘ new programs and completed 9* restored funding for higher educa- organizing the 1981-82 Senate. As Alesla Cornett — I am seeking the more, no M88. And I would like to Associationlprosently mm the 906l-
‘_‘ C . .v .j. , istlng ones. JUSt 0"? hi the new ideas tion To accomplish these goals will chair of the SA Constitution Commit- office of Senator-at-Large because I serve the common man at UK as a tion Of SA Senator-at-Large and the
‘1'. , ‘. t a we came up with this year is finan- require a joint effort Your vote for tee. I hada role in developing the new wasa memberof theSenate this year common man. experience has been both frustrating
'I.‘ - 1"]. cial 515515th? to Stiidf‘ht organiza- me will assure fair and impartial Constitution and By-Laws. I hope to and I enjOyed the responsibilities I and more often than not, rewarding.
‘1'. . V tiOhs QUit‘? 3 {WV organizations have representation for all students. have a significant role in seeing the had. Also, I want to continue with my Gina I-‘ucci - I am running for the My goal is to work toward a strong
3 . ' '. worthwhile projects and little money new Bv-Iaws implemented in the goal of informing the students about Office Of Senator-at-Large because centralized SA which will represent ,
‘1. We need someone to actively serve :fijljlfic'lij GFFENTISEY‘. way the committee intended. what goes onin the Senate. theStudent Association needs strong, and benefit the students‘ best in-
} ‘ : if -: the students That's why I'm seeking 7' i 7-H“ WV A ' dedicated leadership. From an out- temts.
~, : .1” 7: 3. i’llit‘" Shea Lair -. Through this office I ELIIFCFI-‘RSFWF-Fi Bill Cox — I have seen the Student side view, I have noticed flaws within .
will attempt to involve and inform lHOME ECONOMICS l Association take a real interest in the Student Assoc1ation. It appearsto ROb Mlsey—Ibelieve thatlwould
' -' (“l"‘l‘m “('“lhthi'h " With campus my college about the activities. in- “ ’ "’ ‘ """"#—'"“ helping students in the past two me that instead of representing the help tackle the followmg important
. iii ,','.' and communiiy aciion. SA has terests and concerns presented Edie Rowe—Iwould like this posi- yearslhave helped with campaigns students, the Student Association issues that the Student Association
3 i}. demonstrated the reality of an active before the Senate. This position af- tion so that I can represent my col- in the past and would really like a represents itself. The association has traditionally ignored: 1) Ticket
. Stiideht VOW? “lure action reQUires fords our college the opportunity of loge, and their ideas in the Senate. chance to get more involved. should act in cooperation with the distribution for football food team
.. ,1; f. the kind of involvement I‘m ready to increased participation in the func- Responsible. interested persons are students; the association should not food fights in Donovan Cafeteria, 2)
:r'. i help lead Better Siudeni services 'a tion of the student body at large. 1 essential for our University to run. I Gregg P. Cyrus - I have always act against the students. After all. Throwinga party for each student on
"if“ . ' . Student Center Pub. for examPlPi hope and strive to take full advan- feel that I served as a good represen- been interested in the Student it’s the students that make Student his or her birthday, and 3) Flooding
' ', .' " are the Lhings we deserve —* things tageofthis opportunity. tatlve in the past year and could con- Association and I feel that this is Association possible, not the elected Commonwealth Stadium so we can
j‘ we Willhave withabetter SA. tinue that this year, where the true student leaders on officials alone. As John Dunn once have intramural mock naval battles.
' " ’: - ." ,} (OLIFCEIIFWCWTS‘ campus may be found. I am seeking said. “No man is an island entire of
.' l',’ ' '. .1 Mary Beth Speaks ~- Students are ' ’ W "’ ”WM“ ’ '" this office to better develop my himself." So Student Association Mike Olliges— (Iwouldlikeaposi-
J t'. drastically undercompensated for Bernard ()rr _, I feel the Student [CiiLFEFUF HAWl leadership capabilities and at the cannot survive without the helpofthe tion as Senator-at-Large)301can be
.'j l 3‘, ,n-j ’ their work on campus There have Association couldbea much stronger same time fulfill a personal obliga- students. I want to work with the of servicetomy fellowstudents.
1.’ ' 3‘ '* , been students who have worked on organization. with the addition of Timothy Mann - i am seeking the tiontothe University. students and make Student Associa-
‘ ' ’ -‘ : campus for t“’” years earning 0le 32 more active senators. If senators office of student senator representing tion great! Rayvon Eugene Reynolds — SA is
'1’." ‘ . l _ "9 to $2 50 an hour SA should represent strive to be more informed of the dai- the College of Law because I want to Denise Damron — By serving as readily becoming a comsumer 3d-
t ' . . ~ students in this area as a student's ly developments of specific projects meet agressive, young, rich, SA press secretary and director of John M. Fullam — Having served V068“! for students 0" camps and
. " " - ' rights issue and in running for Oilico of their interest. their role as a beautiful coeds who desire sex with public relations, I feel that I have the one term as Freshman Senator. 1 across the state. I" seem a second
'. ' i'd like to see this issue dealt within senator will become more mean- a tall, good-looking and intelligent qualifications, interest and time to have seen where the SA needs inm- term as senator. I will strive to in-
"v? .‘ ' y, the seriousnessudcserves. ingful‘ and allow them to have a law student—me. put into theoffice. BeingapartofUK provement. I wish to continue to Continuedonpagea
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