xt7pc824ff64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824ff64/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1986 1986 1986-04-16 2020 true xt7pc824ff64 section xt7pc824ff64 ______—___________________________—_________—______.______
P R Vol. xc, No. "2 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lutngton. Kentucky Independent since 197! p Woansday, April 16. 1986
{i .
U S l . L.
. . C aims success as 1 ya ca S Ol‘ revenge
L‘b t ' t 1' 'k ‘ ‘ "‘
, o . , . .r .

1 ya ries re a iatory stri e V . Reagan says attack blow against terrorism , - ; . ,

to aven e estimat d 100 d d - symwmmum. [2 _ _ _
3 g e ea .2 . ‘ '2 . “mia‘edp’ess Campus reaction to bombing mixed - 2 -. 2‘. 2. 1 .-
By KEVINCOSTELLOE spokesman Larry Speakes described WASHINGTON — The White ; .. ; y 2. _ . . ,2

Associated P1158 the US. air assaults on Tripoli and 5 , House yesteday proclaimed US air 3) BETH LAWSON the real problem of the Middle w . f .‘
the eastern city of Benghazi as a . m 52‘» . 2;; raids on Libya a success that StaffWriter Easl.‘\\'hl(‘h is the Palestine pi‘uii 2 '1 '- ;. j .

TRIPOLI, Libya —— Libya aimed a successful blow against command :5" " 2; “struck a blow against terrorism,‘ St d ts d f ult h di lem.‘ lhesaid i H .
hit—and-run blow at a remote U.S. centers for Libyan-Sponsored terror- 1 , ‘3 2:3; but the attacks appear to have jeop- _ u en an ac .V_ 3V9 ' "MI ”4".“ at‘ll‘m 151” ”11' will ., '. '- ' j
Coast Guard station in the Mediter- ism. "We have sent the message to V A “'2 eff; ,;;;.E, i.” ardized prospects for a U.S.-Soviet V'ded "380110115 ranging from tion to stop the terrorists At. .. -‘ '1 , ’,2' 2;;-
ranean yesterday and summoned Khadafy,"he said. . 3 2:5: summit later this year, SUppOrt alld OPPOSIUOH 10 Uncet“ dulrasool added because >ltlllt‘ ’._. : 1 2 a x .
fellow Arabs to an “hour of re- But in Tripoli, where many pri- *W/ r2 President Reagan said "the l‘ntt- laihty abOut ”9mm." evenings innocent t‘l‘."ill;ti'1 pt'Iiplt' drt‘ 3" - '5: '.
venge“ against America for its pre- vate homes were damaged, it was 5.5”“_.;‘2'2""-,; ,22: ed States won but a single on L 5- bombing 0f Libya. killed , -_ 3 . 21.,"1315‘ 1‘
dawnair raidon Libyan cities. clear the raid also left civilian eas. ;r;;.;2'j’2”'2;_i ;, ,I’g/ gagement in the long battle against (301- Edgar ;D- Maddox. a Pro' Robert ttlwn. d “NH!“ ppm-2‘ f; .- :I-{v .- .21.}

Sporadic anti-aircraft fire ualties. , , . Nip-.2" ‘f/ terrorism“ and pledged to continue lessor 0f military selence.~ sup- sor. doesn‘t support the i'im 3 . U“
crackled again over blackedout Tri- The raid's repercussions rippled 332;" i . y as” 1" with more strikes if necessary. ported the President 5 decismn to dent‘s solution "1 would iflt‘ti't ' .'-. L. 4'.
poli late yesterday. Libyan radio through the Mediterranean and be- 3.. .. ,2‘. "" J, 5 “We would prefer not to have to bomb Libya. He felt it nee: another way or >0lulltln int) 12... ~ g. ,y
claimed American warplanes had yond: l é 9; , ' 'I 3;“ repeat the events of laSt night," he 8558le to do lt‘ so I support him, ”pea“ guvernmem” ‘h‘mm ‘1" " ' _ V‘ 8": "~ 5 .2
returned in a second-wave attack. ,[n Britain. which Prime Min- 335335;...é/a'3 é told a group of business executives. Maddox said. 4 . more plus this mou- oiilg. mm 1 _ 2 - '; .
but US. officials denied it. ister Margaret Thatcher allowed to .-...:,...-:.s.;:2,:i:-’.<.. 2 . ,. 51%.... . But he said that would be up to L1. ‘History seems to indicate that plicates our bll‘iilnt-(i l‘t'ldlllitlsllll) 3; t. ;

Diplomats here estimated 100 peo- be used as a base for the us; at- MOAM‘VIAR KHADAFY byan leader Moammar Khadafy. WU cant appease people like with the Arab world. 'l‘it‘sr’iilt l ; »’~ .:2‘: ;, .-
ple were killed in the attack on Tri- tack. opposition leaders assailed her ‘ ‘ whomhelabeled an arch-terrorist. [that 'rlfthz'ig/lafdd andjéédcome out Olson said he lK‘llt“~ l‘\ u... ,.. . ; . '.

‘ ' ‘ _ " ' ‘. . “ ' ' ' ' 1 rl , A 0 . ’ 8 5 ;-‘or "g ~.i- j ;' 2'. .2:
pflgegrgbdmt?rsdsal% tihiwdead mr deClsmp‘ A"“""m‘?.“¢an 'PI‘Otes'ters craft fire echoed over the Libyan dwgat ls retquirfd IS Rf” Dbl}? u; a Th5 bombing ft: not the solu- lmhgrzefiiilfi‘iee‘fhlliiiH-x‘rlibs I'lll‘llll «.1. V . 2 ‘
cu 1 yan ea er 0. oamma demonstrated outside L2.S. diplo— capital. but there was no sound of en inpursui 0 error or poi ica ton th t .2“ 10 th t "t‘ .. . .-.. i . .t,_ \‘l' _ , . ; 1
Khadafysadoptedbabydaughter, mane misswns m West Germany. warplanes or other indication of a goals, Reagan said. The chOice is I'd Ala “Abdslp el errorisgé ing against thh l ii..le. swim itu . .. ; a. . V,

- . _ . . ~ - .. sai aa u rasoo . a niem r 2 it am - 1. .«.~ 5 . -. 2‘ "
mggestzf:8§£0 [Egalgdmf'mtzmii Griff-riff. Arabia andfygrus. ed h new'US attack. Occasional dull ex- th(l:‘lrr“(sesidential s kesman Larrv "f ['K‘S Organization 0f Arab Stu- Fulfill: dllsiiswte'li tail .1. wouiuiiiu . " S V ‘

. . ‘ .. f’, e 2 ra “or enounc t e plosmns and repeated bursts of ap- . p0 . . . : dent‘ .' . . ... ‘ . ~_ . 2 ‘ ' ‘ .
against American targets wherev- military strike, Even U.S.-supp0rted parent machine-gun fire could be Speakes said the nighttime [.5 Th t JUHIOL d1 {IN \Hh hr Wt”! I ,- 2- ~. ;

'2 . , .2 ~ 2 .. . .. " rei n ono ~ 22 . .atd......; ' .:-
ertheymaybe. _ Egypt. generally hostile to Libya. heard from various quarters of the bombings successfully accom ut em inatefircori2tn2m 3.1)] 0 think [ht bomliii \ Ll . ; . _ . _

_In its . first retaliatory attack. expressed "alarm and strong resent- capital plished their twm objectives of P a b P 3 5 an 4’“? \».»i Ull'l \ t‘.- . 2 l ‘ ‘
hlgya may?“ to havet.::St::¥:n[2: merit." , ; At about 10 p.m_ (3 pm. ESTI, the dainatglntg Khadafy Sdabfilt}:, to {Til __l ‘. ‘. ‘ .' " .
"5]- man ime naVigai _5 .. .zAt an OPEC meeting in Geneva, Libyan radio said American planes pe ra e. errorism an. s owing. iii. . 1 ‘ ; - ~ . , . '

J’s tiny Lampedusa ISI§nd. 1{3 Libyas petroleum minister called had struck Tripoli again and four the_United States would strike no way for an Air l-orce l--111 fighter- DomlnlCCi. :9. o; l’tlt'l‘li) litt‘ii in. - ' ‘ 1.
miles north of her? But LS. of“- for an oil embargo against the Unit- had been shot down But m Washing- punish him for past attacks on bomber and i‘s two-man crew miss- pilot. and mp1 mu. r' l._-.
Journalism Hall of Fame will also be ‘ \ ¥ ,9, ,1. us ers 1n ‘ o .,. 'Qig. :11; AL; gig 1,3 1.!“ .« 3 ._ f .21.; ;
offiCially inducted during the lec- I _ . 2,, c 1 :2 a Filmilfifilliflflal") % r , .3 .. _ .
ture. The Hall. established in 1981. ‘ .2 f 2 ’ ff ‘ - . 0 a earn-2571793.! 1.73 in ' ;-f ;._‘
honors outstanding journalists who '. =2. . 2. g ; y. 2 ‘ I KD fest " a g'fléialflfilafla 3.5!. e *' -' 3‘ " 2. -
have spenta significant part of their 5‘ . ,_ g, 1"...“ l 1' . - a . ; WiglgIa-IQ gig fig‘ 11‘. ' . . _ 2‘
careersin Kentucky. W“ ‘ t . ‘ I: g talk: 2%?!“252 a“: a: an '- ' ' 2 . ‘.‘ '

, .24 2. ‘ cw,’ " .' i ' 2 .. . ‘- ...

See Pl'LlTZER.Pagc7 .:.. ; ‘2 Plflg-POHg balls .9 a i’Jidfllflfalgldtz Qt"! ,4. o . 9 . .. - . -

' _ 2...... ,. E! a aacgggaaaigm we" 2% . ' 2 .2 ‘
' 2 - 2w t 2 ‘ 2222~ ‘ ' ....—*:22:~2 m at; merit/.1? a, . . . 2 . 2

a"? '" ._.. ‘2; I contain coupons 5"“ :w/ .’ a and aim am am not a)! . ‘

' ‘ ’ ’ ~ 4...)... L. 2\. '.~ . ByEVAJ.Wl.\'KLl-2 *— ° 7. Wm 4M. 431% .116 9m 5! o
2 . . « 252» ~ _ *9 " -2 StaffWriter /’ ' ’4/ Ii=/ ’3 ”mm W alga: ’5‘ —— 7 ' ‘ .
I“. W men's basketball ...2. mm... ‘ ‘ 7‘32“ f v.‘_ 2 . 2,7. 10/! Z: ’/ E n z V5” | ’ _ . .
\ ,.. 1 .~ . h ' 1 x - I . _. __ k 4 ‘ ,

room hold its annual awards were . - 22- ~ _. ‘ ‘ . ~- ~ . Grab your hardhat and your beach a o . , ' _ ”“144:

W to honor the ploy- ‘ m ‘ ’ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ pail and bounce on over to the Piit- ‘ 5%”; . .5‘3j‘y'33 i)": 11.4. .,.—:3. 2‘3" .

.n and m For the “flaw. “mm" terson Office Tower at noon today 1» 47' mae‘affitfiéigfi“. - 1‘. {53%;

story mm'rogoz Aftermath for the Little Kentucky Derby Pins ° ° """ A” ""2 u...“ ”M 2

’ ' ' Pong Ball Drop. "’ ” WP“ ’

1... W Van "at“. A patron at Victorian Square observes workers clearing Three thousand Ping-Pong balls

;m_a.k“°§ M “"9“ away debris alter a horse van'croshed into a car yesterday will be dropped some 238 feet on in- LKD is “a chance to pull the Lexington and

or m I... Roth can still causmg slight damage to DeSha s and on odiocent store. leIduals waiting below. Tickets for . . . .

I me. it II 'dld F" o prizes such as record albums. ste- Universny Of Kentucky community together 11] a ‘
"I.” . ' reos and getaway weekends are con- ' ' ' _ .

review of tho bonds lot." . . tained in someoftheballs. :nl?:e Effigfniln llO rh1sefmudch’needed dollars

ell-n _. no W. E or e sc 0 ars 1 un .

...-.- 2 ase of preregistration em mm a... p

‘ . . u campus courtyar , t un .
h 2 3”,; will nd th. ft for the Rose will bring wine lovers LKD .“ Lafitte Hunt
‘22}; .3 and haters together in competition. Cllmml 99 C alrwoman
; . “kg-{f e IS a erno on Entrants will run an obstacle course
. _ - 2 . holding trays of pseudo red wine. —

.- n _ . Staff reports ginning of the term and will be . . _ .

_ ,. , charged a 820 late registration fee. The individual finishing with the Facu‘hg cigars tfitntlhrliabnei'e. lThe Run chairwoman.destrilhehh‘the fur?“

' A Q m M of Today is the last day for students They also run the risk of not being - ‘ or . e en g “l . a "0°" on as a ‘T an“ 0 p“ ‘ ”m“ on

. . ~ |0W05t time am the most amount 0f the Student Center Patio. and Universuv of Kentucky commu-

m w my to advance register for both summer able to get in the classes the need ~ ~ ~ ~ 2

C II sessions and the fall semester Fister said y ' wme Willbedeclared the Winner. nity lOSl'lher 1" a “Will? “'lt‘brution

m .f w. h “I. m m ' . _ - Late re istration is . The events are part of a weeklong to raise much-needed dollars for the

mid Q CI 0 '0' MW in A?“ Fister, “WW“. registrar for l h g ‘ a more Tomorrow. the rodents 0‘ UK W‘“ celebration in honor 0‘ the Kentucky scholarship fund “

m‘m t. W um ”Swat“ “'5‘ adv“'“§v 3"“ 9‘“ 9““ y and ”he’s?” Wm. , vie for “Ratof the BluegraSS" in the Derby Festival. The LKD Festival is

7“; 'M m dents have until 4:30 this afternoon than advance registration and isnt LKD Run for the Rodents. Experi- patterned after the [puisville tradi- All events are open to the student

113:}: I. a . w to 3.0 to the datum °f their‘collega to verypeasantshe sald' mental mice. PWVidCd by the Stu- tion, with proceeds from the events pOpulation as well as the general

2 ~. ., . ' “38‘5"" for "9’“ ”"19“" 301333332 ' A payment 9| 359 '5 needed ‘0 COH- dent ACUVIU” Board (the SW50? 0f goingtotheLKD scholarship fund. public, and admission is free. For

»._ 3 2;: h 1 ’ 3' . 5“,“.an who do not advance reg- firm students. registration. Last day LKD). will run a specially designed more information. contact Hunt at

.2 2 , . 2 ister w." have to register at the be- topay thefeeis Aug.6. racetrack sporting their sponsors‘ Lyme Hunt. LKD committee 257-8867.

Assistant Sports Editor
2i - ' :%<.. = ‘ 2. .- 2 -
ihitfiiswiitit .:§atrs§ws§‘etiiss -::‘ .2 2 '~ _
' l ‘ h 2 4
Banquet puts fma touc es on - year srosuues
B) WILLIE IIIATT .3 :. Staff and AP reports
Sports Editor at V :. ' .
The Wildcats had to rearrange _ 3 , _33’ , ' IVE '3
their Southeastern Conference regu— .» ' . ‘ 2 3i 3 ‘ ' °
lar:season and tournament _ _ 3' 3 . " ' 3 UK Signs top (“Stance runner
championship trophies last night to ' ' ‘ 3 3_ _ _ 3
make room for the season's final . . 39 UK Signed Kentucky’s premier women's distance runner
3 ' plunder 3 ;2 ‘ ., 2'. st "42» ‘ to a letter-of—intent yesterday. Coach Don Weber said yes-
The annual awards banquet. spon- 3_ >$V§\$§\$¢§°\ j i terday.
' l :3"? b-‘(ng iompiiiuefhgf 121L211}: -: v ‘ 13:13:“ ; ' " ‘ ' . 2 ‘ Donna Combs, a senior at Ballard High School in
3 . 3 touches on the sparkling 198586 sea- 33 _ 3 . M .3 3 LouiSVille. won the Kentucky State Cross Country
. . son The ceremony included a slide 2 “S” -. .I that; 3 i3. 8‘ Championship title in 1984 and 1985. Combs, is. also won
2' . ', i show. complimentary notes from 2% ’ ‘ 5:35- 33s§ 9°33 ’ g" state titles in the 800-. 1.600- and 3,200-meter runs.
NBC commentator Al McGuire and = 3 -‘ 3 1 13.3.;- _ 33 " 33 3 “We’re glad to have her," Weber said. “She’ll be able
.~ ' 2 SEC commissioner Boyd MOWhOTter i ' " * fi 3' I " V . ‘ as to run 800 meters through 3.000. I think she can run just
’ '3 _ ‘ ' and the announcement of the team's 3 33 :. ‘2; g1: 33 3‘: r s :3 3% about any distance.” \
. ‘ , ' individualawards. 5*: \ H " i3: 391., .- i 7 ' ‘ ~
.. ., , . * .°.. -- Before coming to Kentucky in 1984. Combs was a
3 . I want to thank all of you for _ 33 .33;;::3__.: . _ i 3 . a . .
. making this a memorable year.“ 3 3 33 w ~ , . - few 3 g" standout performer in Florida where she won three consec-
" ‘ 2 t'K coach Eddie Sutton said in his 4* ' Q‘ 2 333 323:3; utive state titles in cross country and in the 2-mile run. She
. »' . - ' ’ ClOSihg comments ”I want ‘0 thank _ - 3 ' 2- 5352.. has taken numerous other Florida state rankings since she
3 .‘ . my family. and l have to thank began running in seventh grade.
. ' ' ' , - ' m9“ guys here If we have one i Combs plans on majoring in fashion merchandising and
3. ' ' * wish. we wish we could relive this . a- . > 33.3 m k In tUK
' f ’2' . season one more time and get a bet- 3 3 _ 33 3 . ar C l 8 a -
i ' ter draw in the NCAA." 33 - a _ .. .
- ' ‘ ' 3 " The banquet closed out Sutton's . 3
" 2 '5‘ first year at Kentucky. which saw 2 ’ '
‘ ' 3 ' his team finish 32:4 and advance to 3 _ ». . .
_ .' the final eight of the NCAA Tourna~ , ’ 2 - ' Rugby Club to have benefit tonight
2 ' ment before losing to Louisiana ' . ‘ 3
State ' - 3 The UK rugby club Will have a benefit tonight at the
2 As expected. Kenny Walker took 3 ’ _ ' ' University Club on Limestone Street to raise money for its
33 . hnmf’ enough plaques3t9 “11 a ball _. - - " Little Kentucky Derby Tournament this weekend.
, ' rack. receivmg “arm for the Mo“ ""MWIWAMON Kwneis'o" Dollar donations will be accepted at the door starting at
- - \aluable Player. Outstanding Se- . _ . h . . . . . .
. nior. Fewest Turnovers “or time Roger Harden accepts one of his awards from last night. Harden received a bronze Converse 8 pm. T Ose persons givmg donations Will be eligible to
" , , 2~ played 3 Most Rebounds. Scholastic UK Coach Eddie Sutton at the awards banquet for the Super Clutch Man Award. win a drawmg for a six-month membership in either the
7 Award and the Sacrifice Award 3 _ 3 3 YMCA or Shapes spas.
' . tmostchargesiaken: his dad IS a representative for Con- tured a summarizing montage of the 3MCGW‘9: Who 3“ 58350" long The opening round of the LKD Tournament is Satur-
3 _ Roger Harden. one of two other verse. Harden hit three last-second Wildcats‘ season shown to3 back- pitched Walker as the player of the day morning at 10 on the fields between Ni ch olasvill e Road
L‘K semom received the Leadership shots during the season. ground mUSlC ranging from Man in year, again said Just that. He closed nd C n lth St d' UK 7 4 h
3 Award. the Best \‘arsitv Free Throw Sophomore Ed Davender and ju: Motion“ to Elvis Presley’s “My his note by saying “Congratulations. a °""T‘° 3wea a ium. ' ', on t e season.
Shooter. Most Assists and the Chris- nior Winston Bennett will receive Way." The audience erupted with Kenny.Send money." meets XaVIer "1 the W351 game. Th€3 winner W1” play the
tian Athlete Award bronze Nikes for Best Defensive applause when the camera flashed Winner or West Virginia and the CinCinnati Law SChOOl
2 Traditionally. the defensive award Player Award as soon as the new the 69-64 final score against Louis- Sutton recognized former coach team at 1 pm.
' is a bronze Converse shoe. which awards comein3. 3 3 _ _ Ville- J09 3- H33“ and his Wife; Katharine. The championship game is scheduled for 1:30 pm.
had been made before Sutton signed The Wildcats third senior. afoot» and received a standing ovation Sunday
acontract with Nike Leroy Byrd. r eceived the Wildcat The ceremony's emcee. WVLK when he was introduced, “1 appre- '
Because of the mix-up. Sutton sim- Award. WhiCh Sutton said iS “given sports director Tim Smile. read a ciate that.“ he said. "Next year at
I ply created the Super Clutch Man 10 the 0le guy in3college basketball message from McWhorter praising this banquet if we don‘t win 31
, - Award for Harden. who continued thatIcan PQSIUP‘ 3 Sutton’s contribution to SEC basket- games I fully expect that kind of re-
' 3 wearing Converse this season Since The mminute slide program fea- ball in only his first season. ception. Crum named Sporting News coach 0f year
. 6 9 . . .
xper s argue w e er e s are es eam ever — :o
. the national championship this season, was selected college
3 BOSTON <.2\Pi _3 The Boston Cel- “I really don‘t compare ex-players West played for the Lakers in in gton spent a good portion of it gasketball coach of the year by The Sporting News yester-
2 tics may be the best team in NBA and prior teams." said Los Angeles 1971-72 when they were 69-13, the without center Jeff Ruland. New ay. . , .
history [‘nfortunately for fans fond Lakers General Manager Jerry NBA‘s best mark. Ramsay was gen- Jersey went through the latter part It '5 the second time the St- Lows-based SPOTIS weekly
- of rankings and disdainful of un- West."Ithasnovalidityatall." eral manager of the Philadelphia with center Darryl Dawkins on the has honored Crum as coach of the year. He previously
settled debates. there's probably no Former NBA great Wilt Chamber- 76ers in 1966-67. when they were sidelines and New York was deci- won the award in 1983.
waytotell. lain said tougher competition “he“ 63-13: the second t0i) record. Cham- "13le by injuries ‘0 Bernard King, Crum has coached four Louisville teams to the Final
. 2 Changing conditions in different the leaguehad fewerteams and nu- berlain played for bothclubs. Bill Cartwright, Patrick Ewing. Pat Four in the 19805. He has won two titles. the other being
eras make it tough to say which of merous critical injuries this season Cummings and others. in 1980
the best is better than the rest. strengthen arguments against . 3 ' . . . . . ,
“They should be considered" claims that this year's Celtics are The Celtics path also 3 was “It‘s pretty hard for Boston to Among active coaches. Crum is tied Wllh Indiana 5
among the greatest NBA clubs. the best teamever' smoothed out by a rash of inJiliunes think they would have had that kind Bobby Knight for most NCAA titles and second to North
. . Portland Coach Jack Ramsay said "it's nice that people want to com- that Sm’Ck "13W ‘93.“: partic ar- - l h : Carolina’s Dean Smith in trips to the Final Four.
. . . h I- -- h' k' u b th' k . ’t lytheirAtlanticDiriSionfoes. of record 1f ai l 059 teams were
yesterdayoft e Cetus. it in its pare.33 ut I in you can com- healthy."Chamberlain said.
' very difficult to determine what pare. he said.
. team is best. Different levels of Boston‘s 67-15 record this season Philadelphia lost guard Andrew
- competition enter into the picture.“ was the fourth best in NBA history, Toney for most of the season, Wash-
, l . ?R\\ If you've iust found yourself 3 credits ’ ® . “IQMB
33 ,. short...you can take the course you need ““5""... M....,.m.m )oflns
~ _ . home with you this summer fhru the £9 ,
‘ . indopondont Study Program. \
~ .' v sdo K W
_. _ 33 ‘ E ory 1:0 y 5% ivory Saturday
_ '.' ' 9 i!
2 ‘ ' . Inquire Today! TACO ""5”" S, '~ sort SHELL SATURDAY
' ' ' / 2Tocos/99c . 2f 1 29
a . - ‘ 3/3.») orS .
5" : . ‘ '. T i. ‘4» '23" )) ----- LOLJP‘UN ------- EVERY N'GHT Io-u-m-COqum-nunnn
; ’ - . “ 0/‘3 -.3 // Eff.) : 9-Closing . ';:";:j5.
2'3 3 - .. ._3f- .3 . I 9 Room ‘i Frozoo Hall 257-3466 "3/- . 49‘ TACOS ' 41%, .
. 2 .. .2 . r i. .2 2--—-2. . awe:
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3 3 . 3332 3 _ 3 fl . \ GOOD FOR 1 FREE TACO I mwlhiij ' GOOD FOR 1 FREE TACO
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3.- . . . 5 2 z ‘ 3 ‘ Pick Up Your Froo Catalog 8- Look At Tho Study Potato Ole 8. Medium Drink I Mum” MMW'CWW'W ' Potato Ole a, Medium Drink
29‘ _ - 3‘ 3 .1 Guido For Tho Courco You Noodi Wood ”mi April”. 19“ I g 1nco Will ' OHorgoodthru April so. 19“
33. 33 . 2 33:3 3 m n Good only at TACO JOHNS - Down I ‘3 3% {39335321. | Good only at TACO JOHNS . Down
' . , 1-3 Coliseum Plaza Under: '3 i l I Coliseum Plaza Under
. , . .
'3'23 3 3_3 3‘3'3‘33I‘33
‘,l 3 '. 3 43
h 3 “I 3 d t 3 ' A.N;.i. 3h ' I,“ s w rk ‘ c. THE STUDENT GROUP
' ’ OS f. 0f" O CO" U“ n O" OW! Of O r UMMOI’ O -
, . 2 . ; roor Dovolopmonf Program. HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN
' * , 3 INTERVIEWING ONE DAY ONLY _ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16. 1986 (Currently carried through Colonial Penn insurance Company)
, 2 . is up for ronowoi for tho 1986-87 your.
You may apply if you re oponding tho summor In ono of tho following -
3 ' - Kentucky counties:
9 ’ Ad .0. C 3 u 53 .. 3 3 Decisions regarding the plan for the next year Will be made at a
i 2 a" v 0 am)! moon ovos it man timon Ohio 9... W. no .
Allon IrochOn (any sum Cannon Hogan“ “wavy” m 0.de Shh?” Wobctor mee'u‘g of the
3.7"?" :Timndfi (human can». Groon mum to.” My". 0”,. W" W
. °' V " Cloth Homo. Hancock “'0" lm Motcolio Poodioton Taylor
, [anon “Nov to m comino r r
...: 3:... m: :3... :1... case" mg... :33: :2: STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY
:2”. gang (3mm Gaufl'lh No" lovuo moon ”W .W 1",“...
3 a on" Como-cloud Gerrard Wm Laurel im Nabokov. lockcoetio Union 3
'°”° ‘°‘ ' W" W w u- 3:32.. mg 3:“ 33:3,... COMMITTEE
Oponingo also available In como indiono Counties ThurSday’ April _‘ 7". at 6:00 p.01:
1 arm or reason on mousse“. Ann. 16. mo Rm. 501 C College of Allied Health/Nursing Bldg.
@ in Room 109 Studont Contor - u.|c.
intoniom will loot approx. 30 min.. boginning of: '
10:00. "zoo, 12:00. 190,290,350, 4:00 All interested students are invited.
Opon intoniom - No oppoin'monf nocoooory Cami oftiro oecopfoblo

KENTUCKVKERNEL My, Apr. 1‘, 1“ - 3
OStrike . . emp oyee s at in Sudan 0C [1
Continued from page one By PHYLLIS MESSINGER him as a diplomat. but another State Earlier yesterday. about 200 dem-
Associated Press Department spokeswoman. Diane onstrators shouting “Down. down Conunucdtrom past we

. - - - t . l - _ . Kelly, later described him as a USA." marched through Khar-
rafiflws‘ai': ”Egg," ms??? sigthih; :fi:;:ymdilt:?::fifiagd WASHINGTON — An American lower-ranking embassy employee toum's streets to protest the Us air good idea, but he said he didn't
stroyed a US. facility on hilly. about 100 people had been killed employee at the US. Embassy in who was not in a policymaking posi- raids on Libya. I know the extent of the bombing
seven-mile—long Lampedusa. in the US. bombardment of 'l‘ri- Sudan was Sh°t and seriously tion. . . . Marchers. Who 'hdhded 50m“ L" "Butnow I'm unsure." he Said
where 30 Coast Guard and Nav ' ' ' ' ~ . wounded yesterday 1" Khartoum, The British Broadcasting Corp. re- bvans. also shouted for the govern- Boswell aid h " l k f '

y poli. Libyan offiCials said only . , . , - . . . . . s e is 00 mg or a
personnel run a LORAN-C elec— that many people were dead. theStateDepartmentsaiId. . ported that the Victim was a techni- merit to close the LS lumbassy in Standstill between the l'nited . .
ironic navigationstation. Casualties in Benghazi were not .The spokeswoman said US 0“.“ Cian. Kelly would not confir m that. Khartoum, States and Libya. Um” Khadafy I V
reported, but Libyan radio Ctals do "0! know Who was reSPODS" however. _ _ in Washington. National Public can come up With more "terrorist ’

Coast Guard spokesman Nicho- claimed that homes schools and b"~’.‘°r the assault, and no group has Stockman said he was Sho‘ "‘ the Radio, quoting an administration tactics " , .
las Sandifer in Washington indi- a center for the disabled were de- claimed responsibility. However, the head by unknown assailants and has source. said the attack was pre- "It was kind of scary at first. . " . ,
cated that two missiles were seen stroyedo incident followed anti-American pro- been hospitalized in serious condi- sumed to be a Libyan operation It thinking we might go' to war." ~ . I
“landing in the water" near the Lfighfir:giz§éhe US. bombing of hen. said there had been several man said Lon Duncan. 3 speech thera- .
shore. He said there were no cas- ' t t l ' Robert Bruce. another State De- gence reports that the Libyans had P." tFGShmah . -. . g .
ualties on the island, which has a “2‘38ng fighhzfihgg glam: The White House said it had few partment spokesman. said the been planning some sort of action Duncan supports the Presi- , (r '. I
population of 4,000, was killed in the attack and two details about the attack. but spokes- American was leaving the embaSssy against [7.8. officials in the Sudan dents stand. which to her is . . 1- ,

of his sons aged 3 and 4,2 were man Dale Petroskey said President in his car when another car drove Sudan was we”. close to the [mt "saying were hot afraid The ' ‘ j' .. , I

After the American strike, the seriously injured. Khadafy has Reagan had been told of the shoot- upbeSide himandsliots wereftred. ed States under the presidency of bahh‘lh Khadafy H’Ourt . , , a"
Libyan radio declared that "the eight children. including the re- ing. Bruce. who works on the depart- Gaafar Nimeiri but has mended lnturniutmn im thlx stint um . - .' Z 5'
hour 0! unity and revenge has cently adopted Hana. State Department spokeswoman ment's Africa desk. said the attack fences with Libya in the year since also gathered in (‘ontiiiinting . -'. = . . i
struck” and called on Arabs in Anita Stockman would not identify took place in the afternoon or early he was ousted in a bloodless coup on Writoerd (ii-minimum v. . g I. II, I“. '3
neighboring states to attack Libyan officials said Khadafy the victim. She initially identified evening,EasternStandardtime April 6. 1985. ‘ I. '. "IiI (,3,
American and EWP‘Fa" targets himself had not been hurt. The 'f r'
and interests In the region. colonel made no known public ap- . ° ‘. , -' "L- i, if;

~ d. ewman en er series cone u es tom ht
mgrgggj :darihguggmd‘dfligz television provided foreign net- " f; ‘7‘;

. . ' . . ks 'th '1 l‘ ' t =. ; . :zi'g
uniforms and carrying automatic $2.“, Khadaf: :écrgivfnlgp asasiéiVIet: . .‘ "- : 31’ 37"."."1':
weapons. surged through a visitor ' Staffreports a deeper inquiry into the East as a especially Zen. and died at an East. xSandra Schneiders. a biblical it‘d-I. "u_’._“, -_..‘.,"I.’v;, 7f
bombed Tripoli neighborhood ' d’