xt7pc824fn5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fn5v/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1794-09-24 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 24 September 1794 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 24 September 1794 1794 1794-09-24 2023 true xt7pc824fn5v section xt7pc824fn5v    

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1’111'15 51'111 (111 141911131111 “551111131011 (1 (11301112111 1101111111110

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"11011'1- (41311131111‘1Vziy111', (105111160 (1 (1511' (:01111'(' 1(‘5 [105105 (1111'
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710115 11111110110115 (10 0701101011 ('11 Virginie, quc 1‘(?5cz1(11'(‘
11:1 1'011111101101'1‘ Hurray, 0011515111111. ('11 11015 11115501111); (1(-
limo, un (11‘ 50 ('11110115 81 5 1119;1111'5 a altuqué, i1 :10 11111105
(101103 (011‘s . 1111 ('0111'01 (10 01111110115 11111011011115 , pour 121
(11102111. qui (':1011 (*5('0:'1(': par 111 1‘1'03010 1111111911156 111 C011v
C1ll'L11‘, 5(11211' (100x (111110111105 (11‘ gum're (11:101115-1111‘111111011.
81' (1111' 1’esr:a(11'c 111151111150 (1 (:nlcvd (‘111/11'011 20 111111113115 dc (:1-
1‘.(1.11':0i (11170110 11 ('.11V0y135 £1 1'1111111‘1'1x, 121111115 (110110 5051
1111501111 1101115111113 du 1951.0 (1u (0111101 & do 5011 ('51'01'10.

1 C61 61113091110111 :1 1011 {110551 11% 1111111 qui (10111111111- 111
gm" 'c (2011111? 1’Ang1etc1‘1'e 81 diminué (Eau1a1111’1111111micc (1U
111151110111 \Vashingtun , (10111 11:5 1111113 110115 11101112110111 521115


Du HJuz—R/zirz. 1e 4 segtembre.

La cour (11' \71'1-11111' rougagée (111115 111 guerrc par 11".;
511b5i(1('5 (11‘. 1’.\11.,1'1(-lc‘1'1'(:, pressc p1u5 vivcmcnt (111:: jg-
111a15 105 11111115 1‘\ 11-.3 111-10105 dc 117111111111: (10 10111-1111 1002
(011111150111 : (1110 111110501111 5111'—10111 1111); 011115 (111 1111111,
(30111111011 11 (‘51 11111101111111 [)0111' 011): (1c 51-. n112111'1‘111'0111pa
11'1111'nt C11 111051110 (10 1-1-11011usc1' 1‘1-11111‘1111 C01111111111. Ccs
(:x1101‘1111ions 51)111111)50111111:‘111 5:1115 (‘11'1‘1 11111115113 1(,‘ Z31C (111
(1111', (10 811310 '1‘1'51'1'11'11, i1 provoqum' 111 1011-1: (10:: troupes
(14111311111005. C1: 0121101111 (111 (1191-1105 1'111'1'05 (1c 1'131111111'1‘,
10111-1 (11: 001110 011 (701'1318 , (1’1':lz11 en ('1111, 81 par—10111 il
(2111‘0111'0 1105 161115, 011 11 1'1'1'011. (11‘s 11311011585 011215111135
(11,11 ("1111111111111 51 1111 1'1‘1‘115, 5111-10111 (111115 1111 11101110111011.
105 111'111-(‘5 (1(‘ 111 1'1'211111111qu1‘, 11.1110. 350 111' 111-1111111'c11’1 111 5111:
111 c0111111‘11‘ 111 5111' 1C8 111010115 1111105191131:

1105 (:0111'5 ('onvuincucs (10 1(5111‘ proprr: foib1cssc, 5011!:
111115 5011171951. C(‘Uc (11' 31111111011 viriil 111' ('01111'111'0 11110111’0111<
111-10111 un 11-11110‘ (:11 111:1'1u (111111101 3111111111111 (:11 cas (10
111111201 , 50171 11115111111115110511011 (11‘s 110111105 n11li'1c111(‘nncs.

Q1011 1'1 1111'c14'11r (11: 13110111300115, 1111-11150 not so!
1011111151117. ; 11 (1011110 110111- 111 5011 , 11's (1.':p1'.115(‘.s 6110111113:
(11111 (11111105, 3'11 CH ai'gmli qu’vn 1101111111'5 110111 1a (10-
11-115' (11‘ 111 0031111011 ; 11 161110-310 (110-1111110111 (1121(i0u1‘ do
\‘10111‘11' . (11‘ 112117111 11.15 (".11- 1‘1'n1b0111'5é (1(‘5 11515 do rc—
{71‘151: (11: 171111111011 11 (10 F\1u.y.:11r'c.17.1111n 1". (101211111! que la.
1:;111'1'1'1: ('10 10104111? 151151311520 11111 105 1121111115 1111 (10.1113 (185
5011111105 (‘0;1511161'1111105 , X»; 11 11:11'10 (1011 (105 1111011111111"!
(1011 1101111031 (.111: 1121115 1(‘ (‘as (10 1013111111012

0‘11); (1(‘ 1:05 1101111111105 (1111 voyeur (1110 121 gucrre uc~
Lucile 1-1151 1113110111131: (1110 par 11:5 guinées dc 1.1155113x








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Verve . fm'mmt 11v. vr'r' 11x pour 11110 1" commm' c 1111 Midi
1l-.' 11'1" 1.11111: 111- 111111115 1' 111115 :1 i1ll. 111' 11:11)} 11:1yC1'11o5
1, 1";111115111111: 1'31".”—

"115,111‘11'3 1'11: 11 5. '1 1'1 1'1.‘1'111111 11118 51111 1'
111'»: l;2.' 11".: 1"1'111 1'1ch 5:011:00 11'01' 1111111' [1' lninzlerC
i1liiar111:1'1"11'1.-, l11'1'..'. i115 1:1:1111l1'5' 110 In (101111111110 5'1'111111'1'550—
11110111 1'1; 1'61’1'11i1' 1'1 111 11.1ix. 111' l'avcu 1111 5.11115 1'111'1'11 dC
11:111'5' 11111115 , 1"; 1111C C(xllC 11111x 5'1'1‘01'1 1111'1111'1’1 suiviC. 1l1' 111
«11111111511: (11: l1'111' l1|1C1'l1" £1 11111111'llcil15 11.5111r1'11L 11vcc 1'11 1111'1110

ardcui', 1111'1'1 111 1111 111: 111 guerrc uclucllc.
Dr B 'uxtllcs. Ie 2° jour aans-culou'a’c (18 ssptrmbre , v. St.)

L1351'0111'051'1112111511012111311111111un {11111011150 0111 l'uit 111111111'1'
unc proclnmnlion 11:11' 1111111011011 csl (5110111111 lou51C5'1110-
p'iélnira's 1‘1 1iC-l1nlcuz's 1l1' 111-111'1':C5, 111'\'1\'1'1'.5 6; 1101115111111);
d1: 101111- 1'5111'1'0, 111cl'ui1'c 10111' 111'.Claz'n-’1.0n, 50115 110.5 1011.5,
aux 111'1':1\05'1"5‘ dc l'aétm'c 1'lu 001111110110. "1'0111 1'0 11111 111'
3010 1111s 11.':.'1.'.~'5:111'c 11111::' 11‘ 5('1'\'11'1‘ 11135 1111111515 . 1111151 (1111'
pour l1-s [1 '501115' 111" hubilzms 11C 1'05 112‘0'1'111'1'5 '1'\’1\0111' 1'1-x—
pluilalion(11511111111115 111' Pa r1101111111 1 , 51:1'11 [131151 01' lé 11.1115
l’inlér 11:111' 111' I1". 1'5-1111111 110111.. '

L05 1111-11195 1'1'111'315111'121115 11111 pi'is 1m 31'1'011': Convernnnt
11‘s Evin-1‘s , 11‘s 131111111511 10515113111015 11111 .5011L111'1'11Ci1'5'. Ii
11".11' C51 111-111111111- 1lc 1'1'1001'111'1' 11’111:01'1l 51 ['11.'15' , 511115 111111.-
(l’C'h'C 111'1'1'-t1':.5 ‘rk 11'1111'5 ('ommc 5115111115.

\ oiCi 11‘ 1'1': 110111Cm 11111 21 1311111111111" 110111 in 1101111'110
01';;;:1111.511l1011 1111 gouvemcment dc la Bel lg qua, 1.11. 115
11'111'1’5'1'11'111115' cu'xoyés 11:15 '195' 11.111115 1111 110.11 1\‘ 11C dumbrc
8'1 3701151: :

11 ('on i'ié '11n1 qu’il imporlc nu bion 1111 51‘1'vice 81 11C
1:11'11111115 1'11! 011 1:1'né1'alo 11'1' 1011115 l1'.5 11111111? 5' thus 111 BCI~
$111110, 51 [1'5 1111!1'Cs11ny5 0011,5115 111V11011nn115 , 11111;: l':11'—
1'0111li551'm1'11l :11: 1'11114uc canlon 00 11.11111: 1111 pays , soil
délcrmiIL': 1'1’11111' 111an1c1'c coni'ozme .1 1’111'1'011111551-111vn'. 111:5
juridichons 1'ivilcs, 1'our'nssu1'1'1' l’CxéCulion 111's 1011m-
silions. 8; le travail des dill'éx'Cnies 1131'111'05 81' (lcs aulrcs
P10110515 111: in 1'1'1111I1li1111C, arrétcnl 1'0 11111 51111. '

1". LC 131111111111 1'5! 111131519131 quatrC 1_1u'111'ti€I'5, (1111 sont
Ics 1111111111'1'5111' [$.11x1',lles (lonlle1:11Ci'-li1~.1-'1st 51131111114105,
dC L011v11111,1lonL 11' 1:111'l'— 11011 C5l 1‘1 Louvnin; (1".1\11'."C1s:
1111111 11: 1'.11-l'~lic11 est i1 A11V115; 81 du Hi'a1bz111l—‘y'y’uiion,
(lonl (C1l.1-f—11111(-5121 1 ivellcs.

ll y 11111 (111111: 1C 1111111'1101' dC TirlCmonl, ancicnnc d1";-
anJunCC 1111 qumliCr dc LOUV‘JLH , (10111 10 end—lieu est
A 'l'iJ'lCmmu;

E: In viiie dc Naiinos 81. 565 (lépleancos , (111i l'ormvnl
1m :11'1'01111155:'111C11l 11111111111501cndavé1121115chz'ubunt, dont
11‘ 1111-1311151 051 :1 11111111115 .

La Flandro 11111111111111, 1°. 1:1 ville 11c Gund 8: 51's 1'1é—
‘pcndzm'fs, 110111 11' 0'11'1' lieu osl 51(311n1i'

'1“. La V1.1C (I1: [3111. ,CS 81 IC {111111011111 (11.: 131'1'1 71:5 rlonl.
39 C!‘1Ci~- 1011 1'51 .‘1.B.'1'11rC5, 81 11111 1'1'55'01l155911l I15 Vill1'5'
11’ ()al 111,11: Nicupo." l1, DixmudC 01 21111115, 151 louL15 l1'urs
(11-11 n1lzm11's;

1.0. l a vil1C 1in1'C5 81 toulcs 51:5 le'JP‘CDdI'HlCPS, deal 112
chef—liCu C51 :1 Y111'C5';

“10. L11 V 1!]!' 111' (. (1111 tray 31' cellos 111: "11011111, AIME-11111111: ,
311'. , 81 ‘01111'5 i1'u1's 110111'1111an1'1'5 , 111ml. lc cth—lu‘u csl. £1.
C011 !1'n_\,' ;

'°. l.11 Mandi." 1711116111110, 111ml 11: Cht'f—licu 135111 Alost,




(1111' "11 1'51 111 11111111111';

k -’. . 1.1- 1113's do \Vacs, dont le chef-lieu csL 1‘1 Saint—1

7°. LC Tournaisis 81 ses dépcndancca, (70111 10 1111:1115.-
cst ."1 Tournnv

Lc [11.1111111L 1'. om111C11l lout l1: ({épartcmrnt 111'0v1511i1-1- .1
JC11111111'111C, 1111111 [1: 1'1111— 11111 1:51.11 'Hons U ml 11111151 .-
l1'r115' 1.15l111'l5‘, 110111 11‘s chcf's—licux 50111 31.0115 , AU]

1.1- 1ays 11C1\am111' 1'0'11111111111 1C5 ville dc Nnmur , Q
(71111111501, 81 lo11l1's 11's 1l1'111111la111'c15 1lu 1'0111l1': 110 \1111111.
110113 11' chcf— liCu 1'5‘1 1'1 i\.1111111'.

'11-.15'5 dc LiCI_1,'1 , (10111 11' chef—licu 1'51 1‘1 IIEPSP, Com
11111111 10.1105 5 '5 1l1"111 111i1111111'5.

11. .'L15' 11111 isl111l5 (1C5 1:".11115111'1111 1'1-(1155‘15111'55111.
511111 l1'11115, 50.1.11‘111 1'1.‘151)Oll5111)l'ill1", 11111' 11) 1'1' .111 11111-
0011. 1.1 111-51'1'1115111I11115 1lu 111-11111' 51 131'11'1' "1135, (111115 .
11'015 011.15 110111 1101:11110111lu11115111z11-.1'-':l1 ', 1111 Cl .111-11
111'1'111 0‘1 111111111;- 111'. 11111le 195 V1ll1'5 51 1111111115 11111 .101


1.15, 11:11.51 .1111: 111's 0111111111105. \'ii!11,-,‘(‘b' , l1a1111'z111x , 81 111-11,
(li- '11111.11111'.'15 01121111111111 11111-11'011111105' 11151111125 viii-15.-
n11111' I1 5.

Hi. Quunl (INK licux {Q 0111.".1'11'1'1111-115 qui 11C 5'1: 110-125
010111 11115 1'11111111'15 1111115 1’1111-1: 011 l’auh'c (11's. 11191101111111.
1105' chclS—ucux (Ci—1.1055115 11125151135 , 1111 110m 111 1111151111111.
civilC 51'1'011 1'onltrsli'c. 11's 1'1-1111isilio115 8; 10115 11-1 111‘:
1'Clalil'5' 1'111x 1111611110115 11111111111511'1111111'5 , 51'1'11111 111'11v:1.1
1'1'11101111'11115 1‘31 1111105515 1111\' 11:111ri5'l1'als 1101511115 li1'11x 811:
claw 'mcns , 1115111111 cc que, 1111111'15 105' 1"11151111111111-115'».

11"1'1'1"u15' , [a Ju1'151ii1'11011 nit 1:11'; reconmxc 011 1.11"l.'1'1111:.1-


1V.lieluliv1' menl aux VillC5' 81 11'11'il0i1'1' 11111111511511.
conquis , {‘31 dams tomes 11:5 11111115 81 co11111111111:s 11111 11,-

b1'1'o11t, 11:11' 511111: 2111 110u101r do 111 1'é11L1I1Iit111C 11,;-
1111151 11111115 $1 [0115 1C5 aclcs 1'1'11111fs run 111 (-1111 :111115 1113.
11151111111151, 51:10nL égalcmvm fails 81 111111551515 111011.113,
1111'111 111011111131511'1113 11051111155 1'1111‘5 1"\' 1'11111mu111.'5 1115-
CC 11111? 111 11111511111011 011 la (01111113115100 du ciu'i' 11151.
élé reconuue ou détenmnéC.
5151115 , .BL'chgux dc ,
Gillcl , Frécinc.

F R A N C E.

Bricz , Haussmann ,

la 3 wrde'mz'az'rc.


Les 1161'111C1'Cs nouve 1ng dc Loan' 11'315 annon 'oiCnl 1111"
{011110111511 011 121'11C1'al1: 1"loil 1111111115 haul 51 1111:. 1'
15111111111: & 1121115 11.111111111111111 1'011111'5 ( 0m 11' 111:1111; .5.'
10111'5 1'0115' "1'11111'5' il 11 1111115 11115513 1111 SCH! 1111111111 5111' [mm
1111011l.0115'u1)11051: (1111' 1111 11111113 10111151111110 111'111':.115 .
1'1 1011l'1' 1111120119 111 111111101551111'1'. dC cc qui 151" 1:11551'1' j
A111 1W011110.
1111:: Vivc curiosilé pa. mi 1C5 11111alc‘u1's 111' 110.1v11‘l1'5 11-"le
5111111051'11111111: Pillax‘oulu 1111.0!)1'1'1111);1'11111'111115.f1--|'1 C
licnl 1111 sc.'."1'1 ; 1l'aul1'1'5' 1'n 111115 3,1311 l 110111’1'0 111'1'25211'1111
1111'11 ya 1'11 1'11 -"111,"l1l1' 1' 1' 0 I111. '1. 1111'. : v. 0!/ 1111' CX11- 0... on 1111111111 1
1301: 11111' 11: 1111"1'onl1'nl1m nl -:111".: :11 1111 11011'111'1: , 1.111111" "
d1'.'n11'1's 111'115 110115 0111 1115111111. Q1101 (111 '11 1:11 soil .
5111111115550” 011 [10111111u1' 011 111':1'.1'5.511:1'C (l1-5' 11011';1.'ll1'5'1'1".'\'n
‘6""CHC 111: 111'11l Ctre 1i1'1'011hruc 1l11'C1 , 1'111' [1'5 l1015' 1'1)_'."1'
111'5 11c 51' 11115501“ qu'avm: 11111: 15111111111110? CXermC 111'.
1'1-1111111115 l1:1l11lu1-llr-5 {woe le 1'1ml1'n1'nl, 81 1111115 1'1-111111110
01'1 1311111151: du 11111: 117101111 C51 111'1'351'50 VC1'5 In {lolll111-ll‘1‘
csl 1111110:.5.'01'1' 1111’0110 n'cill 1111.5 1111 111-50111 cxh'C'mC 111-1'1'11'
voir (11:5 01'111'1'5 1k 111's services 1111 ministCrC 11111111111111”?
Au 1'1'510 , 11111'11111C5 1111111615 11111101115311 (1111: lo 23 1.0111

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Proclzmun'on (st repre'senmns d'u peup/e , com-71555211?“ dans
les dé'urnmens dc: Bouchesdu-Rhone , c'u 1"2zr Cr 21: Z'Ar-





Les représenluns du pcuplc , envoyés par la convention



11111121 convention 1121110112110

.1101' .

n211ion211c 2m m11ir'u de vous , pour y maintenir 121 paix
51 la 11210110111111} , 81 y px'écher 1’1'sp1'11. 112' com'oa'dr- 1119‘
1'6-55211'1'8 2‘1 1'2111'2'1'missemcn1. dc la 1'0publiquc 8; 210 11011310110
(11' 10115;

Apprcnnrrnt avec 1101110u1' 8: in.2i'r112'1110n (Inc 111:: 1:1'11#
Vt'illans churchent 21 trompcr 11's rommunw, 84; 21 11111'
jnspimr (11‘ la défi'mcc su1' 121 rurcté 111' 1"U1'.sir11.1'111'0:1~:
qu J115 répandrnt 11' 1111111 (1117115 30111 vcnus pour 011112112111?
12's 132113110115;

21211011}; 118 l'r'poussm' une r'alomnic 2111551 0111111111110,
8; 11111 111: pcut 811'8 quc trts—p1'éj11d1c1u1110 21 121 12110210.
publiquc -

115 (11.1'1arent, 21121 {211:8 (111 pc11p12'11221'r11s , (1111' 12-111'5
inh-nliuns 50n1pu11‘5 1111nmc11'u1's 0031115; 211111»; 501111121513
12: 1'01'm1' 0.; 11'14'111'2111121111' 103011111011 111' 1-1-11"1'c j115‘111'1 21. .\
11211110115 uppx'ixm's , 2121x 1'11111V'2116111's <'.'\’ aux 21112511115; 12:1.3
c'n 1n.'-111:.'—11'ms , 1011101115 1111'1gés p211 11's principm 112' 1'1—
quité. (10 121110 unr'. guerre 21 1110.1 2111.1 21.2:101'1'2I11'5
infrignus , 311x 111170115, aux 11112111111111.011rs 111' 121 101111113
1121131121110 , 1‘"); aux 11100112105 (1111'5110111'1'0111. 11020211111,
11111'11101' 1015:1110 qu’ils 1'rnp1'111111111.

111.5 511111 12's smllimcns 21111 125 21311112111;


1001' 00112111110
11311011'11‘2] 1011;11212'5.
111' .11: 21' 1'1'111:1iI!01‘,1‘an 50101111110 I21 1'é111113'l11uc
1'1'211115'21151' , 11111; 01 indivis 1111:
0101100. J. J
0121011011. 5
Slams Imus 21.1113 Z'une (365 5211:: £121 zrz' una' Cr..-/1;'Iz:l dz;
derarte'f cm dc Pars: .—Du xcndavzsamc.



0r! 6% . Auguis;





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M21118—C?1211'101.tc—1J)'P0'.111: Campcl-Sumzr'on . {1:613 '10 70
ans , 110 211721115, v1"1\.'c' (10 L. 152.110.1171)» . 1'xA1'11121‘Ic
maxi-1'1121'-11e—1'1121111p , (I1)111I1'1118'1'21 312111-1111p1'1‘51)211'1> .
A111 ":2'-»C011st'I112'c J 1101101D1'153'111'I ' 11C 1'0
1108 21 (.011512121111101flc . 11111711 d11‘031'rc 130211110112; ,
1212111'1'11211~-115— 121111). 1101; 011106 2'. AM {1:11 3
J. ;\u'“u.<11'—\-11'101'.1)1'11‘~,21':1 51-11} 111' 5230113 171: 2111 le‘s—
C‘ 7 fi
(18112111001001 1111 Word , by :diei' 2.21 61—101'21111 1'
1111-111 118 dragon 118 81"g111' . (101111'511r1111'. ('10 ..'\ C1. 11021i111'1'. .
Campct—haugcon. 1'1111'1' 13011111015 , 8; 1 0.1101—I.}1-s:1—1
1001's, 111111110 1111'018.1>'ou.111';'s , 211054-05 . 1112125 11031
convaincurs 1113110 211111'121'5 011 0112111213 (10110 0011.501211—
. . . , . . 1
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1011 121 \‘51’1 1111 1‘,f 1'
2-. "1" 11501' 1'0'1- -. 1111'1' icidcs 211's 1 '1'211'12 102111503 01111.1"
121 0 165 l 1 L
121 1121.1'8' on” 111's 1'01'1'1- Ion'11'11213'1n 21ve1 11's
.I 1
111111;,1'1'5 & 21111.1'1'5 131111111125 (11' 121 1'1'31Iu'111'11I 218; C11 (217119121111.
2 . . 1: >
0111 (:10 21011111111205.


'13, 21313,


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Lu. .4.








D1211'st1'n. 2101'1151' 11'01'031' 11111112" 111111211015 111115 10 1P1‘1‘1—
011'1' 112111132115, 11012111.;1'211 1.0111' 21111.:1' 01101'.'1;1:1' 521 {'.-.111;1;;
10.112013: 021’11 21 121111011130 1'11 1’1'2112'I'. 8; (1.1111 mun? 11'1121


busy-13011: 111.1113 11~3 1.11.2111 11:15 1011 2211'2'1' 1'11"; 111111211011-




1'11119.1'1'—1'1"\'0121110111115315 '21 13:1" 1";;21'.1.111"211 211'11111’110. .
11'0'15 1'1'511'1'011'. 11;".1'11115 1‘11 111111 111' 101112110 11. 11° 1'1.
111' 1:1 101 11.1 5111111111310 , 111311.111 cc 1111'110'11 21111'21 5: '.
21111101111111. 0112011110.
CHAMBRE DU 1.101151211"
Du 1er Vcn.z".ev;;i2zire.
C. J. L. 130111'111'.1'11. 211,03 111' . 8 21115,, 116 11 Foam 21 rm?

11:211'1‘2111'1' . 1'111' 111' P1111011 ;
.1. (.021111-. (51 21113: 111" 0 1.21358", 112'23211'1.


an r9011 51211201}








Ti. Bin-rye! , 1-37 an; , n:’: 31- Snusza‘yc, 'd‘ép. (to l’Imh'C,

nlCIXIbl‘tt llu comitf: rif-vulutionnairc :i-C su commune;
Du 2.

F. Dialogue, 30 ans , né £1 Graillonse, dép. (lc l’ArdécliC,
cu tivutuur 8: jnqt: (to paix du canton do Courquoy;

C. ll. Li‘gr‘mlrrr, 27 ans . no :‘i Cousnos , dép. do I’Eure,