xt7pg44hn370 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hn370/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Society. 1917 books b92-52-26953815 English [s.n., : Frankfort : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Bibliography.Jackson, Sally. Catalogue no.5 from l914 to 1917 September / compiled by the librarian, Sally Jackson. text Catalogue no.5 from l914 to 1917 September / compiled by the librarian, Sally Jackson. 1917 2002 true xt7pg44hn370 section xt7pg44hn370 CATALOGUE No. 5 OF KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY FROM 1914 TO 1917 SEPTEMBER Fcbr3 0 I COMPILED BY THE LIBRARIAN MISS SALLY JACKSON FRANKFORT, KY. This page in the original text is blank. CATALOGUE No. 5 OF KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY FROM 1914 TO 1917 September COMPILED BY THE LIBRARIAN MISS SALLY JACKSON FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY THE STATE JOURNAL COMPANV Pnrnsr to the Camuwes" Franlewm KAeedo GENERAL LITERATURE 1. Adams, John Quincy-The duplicate letters, documents, etc., relating to transactions of negotiations at Ghent, published by 2. Adair, General John-Defense against charges pub- lished under signature of "Brutus," July 13, 1820. 3. Agnew, John Brownlee-Funeral Sermon of. 4. Alaska-Population and Resources of; 1881. 5. American Historical Association-Organized at Sara- toga, N. Y., 1884; incorporated in 1889; reports to be made annually to Smithsonian Institution; proceedings of; 25 volumes to 1912. 6. American Historical Association., Washington, D. C.- Report of; 1903, 1904, 1905; 2 volumes. 7. American Historical Association-Amendments to Con- stitution of; Ames; 2 volumes; 1896. 8. American Philosophical Society-Proceedings of; 20 volumes. 9. American Commonwealth Company-" Woman's Who's Who In America;" gift; 1914. 10. American State Papers-Public Lands; vols. 4 to 8. 11. American. State Papers-Finances; vols. 4 and 5. 12. American State Papers-Military Affairs; vols. 4, 5, 6, 7. 13. American State Papers-Naval Affairs; vols. 2, 3. 14. American State Papers-Foreign Relations; vols. 5, 6. 15. Andrews, Alexander-Family Bible of; born, 1763; married, 1787. 16. An Account of the West from 1520 to 1573; 1848. 17. Anglo-Saxon Classics-15 volumes. KENTUCKY STATE HIISTOICAL SOCIETY. 18. Archives of the Episcopal General Convention-Hobart Correspondence, 1804, 1805; gift to Kentucky Historical Society; J. Pierepont Morgan; 6 volumes. 19. Andrews, Matthew Page, A. M.-History of the United States from a Southern Standpoint; Philadelphia, Pa. 20. A rkansas-Biographical and Pictorial History of; 1887. 21. An Appeal to the People of the North-1861. 22. Art Catalogue. 23. Arteinus Ward-Biography of; 1878. 24. A udubon's Western Journal-By his daughter; 1 vol- um.e (bound); 1849, 1850. 25. Battle Monument at West Poin.t; 1 volume (bound). 26. Bank Act (National); 1882. 27. Bates, Fimnis-T'he First True Account of the Assas- sination of President Lincoln; Memphis, Tenn.; 1906. 28. Barclay's "Wilde Summer Rose "-1871. 29. Beecher, Lyman-Sermons of; 1 volume; 1828. 30. Bigelow, Timothy-Oration. Before the Municipal Au- thorities of Boston; 1853. 31. Bloss, William-What I Remember of Early Chicago; 1876. 32. Botta's History of the American Revolution; 2 volumes; 1834. 33. Bound Volume of Miscellaneous Pamphlets-1824-1830. 34. Bradford's History, or the Log of the Mayflower-Do- nated by Mrs. Jno. D. White. 35. Browne, James-History of Scotland; 8 volumes; 1909. 36. Bradley's "Granny Short's Barbecue"-1878. 37. British Classics. 38. Bunker Hill Monument Association-Proceedings of; 1879. 39. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress-1 volume; 1878. 40. Butterfield, C. W.-Washington Irving Correspondence. 41. Bureau of American Ethnology-loth Census; 20 vol- umes; 1880. 42. Business Woman's Club, Louisville, Ky.-Organized in 1899; incorporated 1901; started with no means, 35 4 CATALOGUE NUMBER FIVE. members; now owns buildings; Mrs. Jas. Buchanan, President. 43. Catholic Society of the U. S.-Proceedings of Public Meeting; 1885. 44. Cary's "The Olive Branch"-1 volume (bownd); 1817. 45. Census of the U. S.-Eighth; Population; 1860. 46. Census of the U. S.-Eighth; Manufacturers; 1860. 47. Certain Super-naturalisms of the Bible-Examination of; 1856. 48. Clayton, Hon. Jn.o. M.-Speech on Veto Message of President Pierce on Bill for Benefit of Indigent Insane; 1854. 49. Climatology of Florida-1875. 50. Commercial Convention. of Southern and Western States-Journal of; 1854. 51. Cobbett, William-Works of; 2 volumes; 1801. 52. Congressional Globe-1843, 1844. 53. Congressional Globe-First Session; 36th Congress; 1859, 1860. 54. Congressional Globe-Second Session; 36th Congress, 1862, 1863. 55. Congressional Globe-7 volumes; 40th Congress; 1867, 1868. 56. Congressional Directory-43rd Congress. 57. Constitution of the U. S.-Documentary History of; 1905. 58. Crozier, William Armstrong-Edited by "The Buckners of Virginia"; published privately for William Dickin- son Buckner; gift from Mrs. Simon B. Buckner; 1 vol- ume; 1907. 59. Dakota Historical Society-Pierre, South Dakota; "The Early Empire Builders of the Great West"; 1904. 60. D'Aubigny's History of the Reformation-4 volumes (2 volumes missing). 61. Denny Genealogy of England and America (gift). 62. Depon's Voyage-3 volumes (bound). 5 6 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 63. Daughters of American Revolution-Proceedings of National Society; 8 voluones; paper. 64. Democratic Convention at Baltimore-Proceedings of; gift from Hon. Grant Green; 1852. 65. "Elementa Philosophiae Ad Usumg"-Bought in Quito by E. Rumsey Wing, U. S. Minister to Ecuador; 1871. 66. Elements of History 67. Famnous American Statesmen and Orators-6 volumes. 68. Findley, Rev. J. B.-Autobiography of. 69. Finidiey, Rev. J. B.-Sketches of Western Methodism; 1854. 70. Flag of Canada, Quebec-1908. 71. Florida Fruit Growers' Association-Proceedings of; 1875. 72. Fortier, Alcee-"History of Louisiana"; 1803-1861; 4 voliwie is; (includes much Kentucky history). 73. Georgia Historical Society Papers. 74. Constitution, By-Laws and List of Members; 1869. 75. Sergeant William Jasper; 1876. 76. Rev. Stephens Elliott's Reply to Resolutions, Georgia Historical Society; 1866. 77. Collections of Georgia Historical Society-Volume 3, Part 1; 1848. 78. Collections of Georgia Historical Society-Volumes 2, 3, 4; 1848. 79. Eulogy of the Life and Character of the Rt. Rev. Steph- en Elliott. 80. Dedication of Hodgson Hall-Proceedings by Georgia Historical Society; 1876. 81. Georgia-Steven's History of; 2 volumes; 1847. 82. Goodman, Thomas J.-Pocket Bible carried by; Co. I, 4th Va. Vol. Infty, Stonewall Brigade; 1868. 83. Gold Thwaites, Reuben-Edited by; Early Western Travels; 1846-1848; 1 volume; 1904. 84. Gouge's Fiscal History of Texas; 1 volume; 1852. 85. Guizot's Life of Christ-Finely illustrated; 3 volumes. 86. Henry Family, The-By John Flournoy Henry. 6 CATALOGUE NUMBEB FIVE. 87. Holy Bible-Illustrated. 88. Holley's Mrs.-Texas; 1836. 89. Horton Family, The-History of Fine Old Family in New York and Kentucky; 1912. 90. Houston, General Sam-Glanee at the Life of; 1 vol- ume; 1854. 91. Hume and Smollett's History of the Reign of George 3rd. 92. Hurl but and Father Marquette at Mackinac and Chi- cago; 1 volume; 1878. 93. Huidekoper, Frederick Louis-Some Important Mili- tary Operations. 94. Indiana-Geological Survey of; 1878. 95. Illinois State Historical Collections-"Travel and De- scription," 1765-1865; by Solon Justus Buck; Volume 9; 1914. 96. Illinois State Historical Collections--George Rogers Clark Papers, 1771-1781; by James Alton James; Vol- ume 8; 1912. 97. Illinois Deparment of Agriculture-Report of; 1877. 98. Illinois University-Report of; 1878. 99. Illinois Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners-Re- port of; 1878. 100. Illinois Constitutional Convention-Debates of; Vol- ume 2; 1870. 101. Illinois-Biennial Messages of Governors of 1771-1791 (exchange); 1888. 102. Iowa-Messages and Proclamations of the Governor of; 1904. 103. Iowa Journal of History and Politics, Iowa Cit y-1906. 1907, 1908, 1909. 104. Iowa-Fiftieth Anniversary of the Constitution of; 1907. 105. Iowa-Life of Chief Justice Miller; native of Madison County, Kentucky; 1906. 106. Iowa-Annals and Historical Quarterly; 1908. 107. Irish and Scotch-Irish in America. 7 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 108. Irving, Washington-Life of George Washington; 5 volumes; 1869. 109. Jefferson, Thomas-Observations on the Writings of; in regard to attack made on late General Henry Lee; 1839. 110. Johnson, General Adam R.-Memoirs by; "The Parti- san Rangers"; 1904. 111. Jones of Virginia and London-Notes by Judge Lewis Jones, Winchester, Ky.; 1 volume (gift); 1891. 112. Journal of American History-12 volumes. 113. Journals of the Continental Congress-20 volumes. 114. Journey Thro' Spain-1786-1787. 115. Journal of the U. S. House of Represen-tatives, 2nd Con- gress, 2nd Session; 1792. 116. Kansas Historical Coliections-1907-1908. 117. Kingsbury, Susan M.-Instructor of History at Vassar College; introduction to the records of the Virginia Co. of London, with biographical list of extant documents; Governrmen-t Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 118. Knights and Ladies of the Golden Rule-Ritual of. 119. Laidley, W. S.-History of West Virginia, especially Kanawha County; 1 volume. 120. Latrobe-The First Steamboat Voyage on Western Waters; 1 volume. 1291. Latrobe-The Last Chapter in the History of the Steam- boat; 1 volume. 122. Library of Southern Literature-Edited by Edwin An- derson Alderman, Joel Chandler Harris, Chas. W. Kent; 15 volumes; 1908-1909. 123. Library of Congress-Report of; 1908-1909. 124. Library of Congress-Catalogue of Van Buren Papers (gift). 125. Life of Samuel Mudd-By his daughter; 1 volume. 126. Lee, Ambrose, of New York-Photogravure of Robt. E. Lee (gift). 127. Lee's Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jeffer- son; 1 volume; 1855. 8 CATALOGUE NUMBER FIVE. 128. Lindsey Family-Association of America, by Mrs. M. L. Atkinson, author and Secretary of the Association; 1906. 129. Limoges, France-Its People and its China Elite Works (gift); 1890. 130. Lowery, Woodbury-The Spanish Settlements within the Present Limits of the U. S., 1513-1574 (gift); 2 volumes; 1911. 131. Louisiana Historical Society Publications-History of Louisiana; 1 volume; 1904. 132. An Abstract of Genealogical Collection, St. Louis-1 volume; 1907. 133. Macaulay's History of England-5 volumes; 1849. 134. Maryland-Archives of; Acts of Assembly; 1666-1676. 135. Maryland Historical Society-Report of Secretary; 1850. 136. Maryland Historical Society-Catalogue of Paintings; Engravings, etc., in Gallery; 1853. 137. Maryland Historical Society-Constitution and By- Laws; 1844-1878. 138. Maryland Historical Society and the Peabody Institute Trustees-1866. 139. Maryland Historical Society-Gen. Henry E. McCul- loch's Defense of Himself; 1 volume; 1879. 140. Maryland Historical Papers-Maryland's Influence in Founding a National Commonwealth. 141. Papers Relating to Early History of Maryland; 1776. 142. Expedition of LaFayette Against Arnold-1878. 143. Sketch of Life of Benjamin Banneker. 144. Sketch of the Life of Dr. James McHenry-1876. 145. Settlement of Ellicott Mills-1876. 146. Excerpta ex Diversis Letteris Missionariorum-1877. 147. The Founding of Washington City-1879. 148. The Early Friends or Quakers in Maryland-1862. 149. Meade, Bishop William-Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia; 2 volumes; 1878. 9 10EBNTUCKY STATz HIsToRIcALES SoCIETY. 150. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections-12 vol- umes (bound); 1860-1909. 151. Massachusetts Historical Society Collections-"A Brief Memoir of Dr. George H. Gay." 152. Michauz's "Early Western Travels," Illustrated; 1 volume. 153. Missouri Historical Collection. 154. McCw, John N.-The McCue's of the Old Dominion. 155. Minnesota Historical Society-Charter and By-Laws; 1 volume; 1879. 156. Minnesota Historical Society Collections-Volume 3, Part 3. 157. Minnesota Historical Society Paper-The Hennepin Bi- Centenary; 1880. 158. Mexican War Veterans-Proceedings of National Asso- ciation, Washington, D. C., February 23, 1875. 159. Michigan Pioneer Collections-S volumes; 1874-1885. 160. Michigoan Pioneer Collections-1896. 161. Matthias and His Impostors. 162. McAllister, J. T.-Index to Saffell's Soldiers of the Rev- olutionary War. 163. Miscellaneous Works-Bound volume. 164. Missouri Historical Society Papers-1905. 165. Missouri Historical Society-The Montezuma Mounds from the Mission. 166. Mississippi Historical Society-Publications of (ex- change); 1906. 167. Montana Historical Society-Report of; 1904-1907. 168. Morse's Universal Geography-Volume 1. 169. New England Historical and Genealogical Society- Constitution and By-Laws; 1852-1876. 170. New England Historical and Genealogical Society- Proceedings (1871-1872 missing); 1873-1874. 171. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-List of Members; 1877. 172. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-Ad- dress of Dr. Winslow Lewis before; 1863. 10 CATALOGUE NUMBER FIVE. 173. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-Dis- course Delivered by William Jinks; 1852. 174. New Engiand Historical and Genealogical Society-Ad- dress of Hon. Marshall P. Wilder; 1880. 175. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-His- tory of; 1844. 176. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-Cat- alogue of Possessions; 1854. 177. New England Historical and Genealogical Society- Charter; 1666. 178. New England Historical and Genealogical Society- Registers; 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904 to 1914. 179. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-Cat- alogue of Possessions; 1854. 180. New England Historical and Genealogical Society-His- tory of the Society; 1844. 181. New York Historical Society-Address of Wm. R. Huntington, D. D., Commemwrative of Eugene Hoffman, President of the Society; 1903. 182. New York Public Library-Bulletin; 1908. 183. New Hampshire Historical Society-Proceedings of Meeting of 80th Anniversary-Concord; 1904. 184. North Carolina Historical Society Papers-Trinity College; 1906. 185. North Carolina Historical Society Papers-History of the Revolution with Mecklenburg Declaration of 1775 and Names of Signers. 186. North American Rodentia-Monograph of. 187. Obituary Addresses upon the Occasion of the Re-inter- ment of the Remains of Gen. Chas. Scott, Wm. T. Bar- ry and Capt. Bland Ballard and Wife in Cemetery at Frankfort, November 8, 1854. 188. Oklahoma Historical Society-Proceedings of; 1904. 189. Oklahoma Historical Society-3rd Biennial Report; 1903-1904. 190. Oklahoma Historical Society-Magazie; 1903-1904. 11 1KENTUCKY STATE HwsTo-IcAL SOCIETY. 191. Old and New Monongehela Bell, Vernon, Pa.-1893. 192. Oldfellow, Olivia-Portfolio of. 193. Old Style Geography, with Maps and Tables-1860. 194. Owen, Charles H.-The Justice of the Mexican War. 195. Page, Thomas Nelson-The Negro the Southern Prob- lem; 1904. 196. Paley's Philosophy-i volume. 197. Paine's Political Works. 198. Pennsylvania Historical Society in New York-Year Book; 1904-1905. 199. Pennsylvania Historical Society in New York-Year Book; 1907-1908. 200. Philadelphia Agricultural Society-Memoirs of; 2 vol- umes; 1811. 201. Philosophical Society-Proceedings, January to June, - 1879. 202. Plummer, W. T.-Vital Godliness. 203. Post Office Department, U. S.-Official Register; 1881. 204. Porcupines' Work-(Volumes 3, 5, 8 missing). 205. Potts, Rev. J. P.-Oration before Survivors of War of 1812 in New York; 1,551. 206. Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia-Journal of; 1904-1909. 207. Putnam, James C.-Speech of Ecclesiastical Tenures, January 30, 1855. 208. Prominent Families in Virginia with Many Descendants in Kentucky-5 volumes; 1907. 209. Preamble and Resolutions of Old Soldiers of 1812-Jan- uary 8, 1855. 210. Proceedings of National Convention of Soldiers of 1812 at Philadlelphia-1854. 211. Proceedings of Mass Meeting at Cooper's Institute to Consider National Finances; March 24, 1874. 212. Rankin's Dialogues. 213. Randolph's Resignation-Vindication of. 214. Richardson, Hester Dorsey-Side Lights on Maryland History; 2 volumes, 2 sets; 1903. 12 CATALoGuE NUMBER FIvz. 215. Ratterman's History of the Great American West; 1875. 216. Relics of the Mound Builders-No. 23; 1874. 217. Robinson's, Conway-Account of Discoveries of Great West Until 1819; 1848. 218. Rhode Island Historical Society-Proceedings from 1872-1878. 219. Rhode Island Historical Society Collections-Volume 1; 1827. 220. Rhode Island Historical Society-Reports of; 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877. 221. Rhode Island Historical Society-Proceedings of Gen- eral Assembly of the Incorporation of Providence Plan- tation; 1647. 222. Rhode Island Historical Society-Kimball's Oration and Rodman's Poem before Municipal Authorities of Prov- idence, July 4, 1856. 223. Rhode Island Historical Society-Judge Pittman's Cen- tennial Discourse on the Settlement of Providence, Au- gust 5, 1836. 224. Rhode Island-M1essage of Governor Chas. Vanzandt of; 1879. 225. Roosevelt', Theodore-The Winning of the West; 4 volumes; 1908. 226. Saulsbury, Hon. Eli-Speech of on "Civil Rights" in U. S. Senate; 1874. 227. Salmon's Modern Gazetteer, or a Short View of the Several Nations of the World-1762. 228. Scrap Book of Newspaper Clippings. 229. Scott, Gen. Winfield-The Life of. 230. Scottsmen of Renown, Edinburgh, Scotland; 1904.. 231. Sketches of Character. 232. Smith, Thaddeus-Historical Sketch of Point Au Pelee Island. 233. Smith, Elder John.-Life of. 234. Smithsonian Institution-Report of; 1846-1886. 235. Smithsonian Institution-Bulletins; 1885-1906. 13 4KNTUoCKY STATE HIsTOuICAL SocETY. 236. Smithsonian Institution-Report of; 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912. 237. Smithsonian Institution-Review of Life of from 1846 to 1896-50 years; gift from the Institution; 1907. 238. Smith, Geo. R.-Life of (Ex-Kentuckian and Founder of Sedalia, Mo.); 1907. 239. Sons of Colorado-Crossing the Plains in 1864; 1908. 240. Sons of the American Revolution-Year Book; 1896. 241. South Carolina Historical Society-Collection, Volumne 1; 1877. 242. South Carolina Historical Society-Address before; 1877. 243. St. Louis-The Future Great City of the World; 1870. 244. Swift, Rev. Jonathan-Works of; 1812. 245. Stevens, William B.-Bistory of Georgia; 2 volumes; 1845. 246. Swiss Family Robinson-1 volume. 247. St. Andrews Society-Report of; 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878. 248. Solon-Travel and Description; 1765-1865. 249. Story of St. Louis-A Beautiful History; gift of the Author. 250. Shakespeare's Works-13 volumes. 251. Shepherd's Life of Robert E. Lee-1 volume; 1906. 252. Tennessee in the Civil War-Wright, 1861-1865; 1904. 253. The Negro-By Ariel, Cincinnati, Ohio; 1867. 254. Texas Veterans-Convention of, with lists; 1873. 255. Texas Veterans-Excursion to Fort Meigs of Veterans of 1812; 1870. 256. The Universal Spelling Book of 1767-Given by Mrs. Reed, Franklin County. 257. The New Standard History of the World-2 volumes. 258. The South in the Building of the Nation-By Southern Historical Publication Society, Richmond, Va.; 12 vol- unmes; 1909. 259. The Elements of History. 260. The Land of Moab-1873. 14 CATALOGUE NuxBn Fxvz. 261. The Silurian Spring-Waukesha, Wisconsin; 1 Pamph- let. 0 262. Thruston, Ballard; President General of National Sows of the American Revolution-Gift; Proceedings. 263. Townsend's Journey Thru Spain-2 volumes. 264. Truth's Advocate and Anti-Jackson Expositor. 265. Tyndal's Pen Pais, or Laws of England. 266. Underwood, Rev. J. L.-The Women of the Confedera- cy; 1906. 267. U. S. Geological Survey-Bulletins from 1 to 16, inclu- sive; Volumes 11 and 12. 268. U. S. Geological Survey-Origin of Certain Place Names in U. S.; 1905. 269. U. S. Off icial Register-Volumes 1 and 2; 1881. 270. U. S. Official Register-Volumes 1, 2, 3; 1885. 271. U. S. Department of Commerce-ist Census; Heads of Families State of Maryland; 1790. 272. U. S. Department of Commerce-ist Census 1790; Heads of Families; Enumeration of Virginia; 1782-1783. 273. U. S. Department of Commerce-ist Census, 1790; Heads of Families; State of Pennsylvania. 274. United Confederate Veterans-Proceedings of 6th An. Reunion, Richmond, Va.; 1896. 275. Vicksburg-The Siege of; 1861-1865. 276. Virginia Historical Society-Collections Volume 3; do- nated by Geo. W. Ranck. 277. Virginia Historical Society, Richmond-Report of Sec- retary; 1883. 278. Virginia Historical Society-Department of Archives and History; Circular of Transcripts; Report of Jno. P. Kennedy, Librarian; 1906. 279. Virginia Historical Society-Brock's Sketch of Rich- mond, Va.; 1880. 280. Virginia. Historical Society-Folio copy of Laws of Virginia; 1880. 281. Virginia Historical Society-Virginia Magazine of His- tory and Biography; 1913. 1KzTUCKY STATz HIwToiIcAL SOET. 282. Virginia Historical Society-Index to Saffell's List of Revolutionary Soldiers; by J. T. McAllister; Hot Springs Publishing Company, Va. 283. Virginia Historical Society-McAllister Family Rec- ords; 1913. 284. Virginia Historical Society-Southern. Historical Pa- pers; 1913. 285. Virginia Historical Society-St. Mark's Parish, by Ra- leigh T. Green 286. Virginia Historical Society-History of Kanawha County and Charleston, W. Va., by W. T. Laidley, 1912. 287. Virginia Historical Society-Prominent Families of Virginia with Many Descendants in Kentucky, by Du- Bellet; 5 volumes. 288. Virginia Historica2 Society-The old Virginia Court House at Augusta-town. near Washington, Pennsylva- nia; 1776-1777. 289. Virginia-Bishop Meade's Old Families and Churches in Virginia; 1894. 290. Virginia-A Handbook of 291. Virginia-The West Virginia Historical Magazine. 292. Virginia-Second Annual Report of Librarian of. 293. Virginia-Report of R. A. Brock, Secretary of South- ern Historical Society; 1906. 294. Virginia-R. A. Brock donates the Army and Navy Prayer Book, Richmond, Va.; 1865. 295. War of the Rebellion-Naval Records of both Armies; 4 volumes. 296. War of the Rebellion-Official Records of Union and Confederate Armies; 69 volumes, 127 books. 297. Waters-Genealogical Gleanings in. England; bound. 298. Waters-Genealogical Gleanings in England. 299. West Virginia-Report on Archives and History; Lew- is; 1906. 300. Washington's Journey from Philadelphia to Cambridge June 23 to July 3,1775. 16 CATALOGU Nuxrn Favx 301. Washington's General Diary from 1789 to 1791, with Journal of a Tour to Ohio in 1753. 302. Washington and Irving Correspondence. 303. Winthrop and Belknap Papers. 304. Winstandley's Divinity. 305. Wilson, Woodrow-History of the American People; 5 volumes; 1903. 306. Wing, E. Rsmsey-U. S. Minister to Ecuador; "Eke- menta Philosophae ad Uswnm"; this book bought i Quito by; 1875. 307. Wisconsin Historical Society-The Dells of Wiscouswa River; 1901. 308. The Wisconsin Historical Society-Magamue of Soci- ety; 1909-1914. 309. Wisconsin Historical Society-History of the Nort- west, published from Draper MSS., by the society as4 presented to the Kentucky Historical Society by Reuben Gold Thwaites, President of the Wisconsin Society (since deceased); 18 volumes; 1910. 310. Wood, James H.-l7th Virginia infantry; Stonepvfi Jackson, His Campaigns and Battles; The Regiments as I Saw Them; 1861-1865. 311. Wright-Tennessee in the War; 1861-1865. 312. Wyoming and Idaho Territories-U. S. Geological Str- vey of. 313. Young Men's Mercantile Library Associatios-4t Annual Report of Directors; 1817. 314. Young, Willoughby-Bible owned by. MAPS. 315. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee during the Civil War (Confederate)-1861-1865. 316. Map of Kentucky and Tennessee during the Civil War (Federal)-1861-1865. 317. Map of Reconnaisance of the Country between Wash- ington and New Orleans-1854. 318. Map of Central America-1856. 17 18 ENTKy STATE HTOOL OY. 1S9. Map of Hancock County, Kentucky, and parts of Breck- inridge, Grayson and Ohio Counties. ALMANACS. 20. Bradford's, John-Almanacs, Le3iington, Ky.; 1800- 1806. 21. Library of Congress-Check List of American Alma- nacs; 1639-1800. 22. Kentucky Almanacs-Bound; 1803-1806. 23. The Philadelphia Times Almanao-1871. 324. The Tribune Almanac-1870. ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES. 325. American Biography-5 volunes. 326. Biographical Dictionary-32 volumes. 327. Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky-Armstrong and Ireland; 1 volume; 1878. 328. Chalmer's General Biographical Dictionary-82 vol- umes (volume 25 missing). 29. Commercial Dictionary-2 volumes; 1804. 330. Dictionary of U. S. Congress-1864. 31. International Cyclopedia-Edited by H. D. Peck; 1906. 32. New International Encyclopedia-21 volumes; 1911. 333. Purley's Universal Dictionary. REPORTS. 34. Alkska-Report of Expedition to Point Barrow; 1 vol- ume; 1885. 335. American Historical Association-Annual Reports; 1897-1914. 336. Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution-Annual Reports; 1979, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1886, 1900. 337. Colorado, Denver-Report of Historical and Natural History Society; 1905. 338. Commissioners of Public Charities of Illinois-Report of Board; 5th Annual Report; 1878. is CATALoGuR NuMBU3 Fir. 339. Exploration of the Missisippi River-Report of Board of Survey; 1853-1856. 340. Illinois Southern Normal University-3rd Biennial Re- port; 1877-1878. 341. Illinois Board of Health-lst Annual Report; 1879. 342. Illinois Soldiers' and Orphans' Home-5th Anul Re- port; 1878. 343. New York Historical Society-Report of Eecutive Committee; 1903-1908. 344. Pennsylvania-Report of Department of Agriculture; 1906-1909. 345. Secretary of Interior-Report of; Volume 3; 1881. 346. U. S. Library of Congress-Report of; 1901-1909. 347. U. S. Bureau of Education-Report of Commisswor; 1880. 348. U. S. Bureau of Education-Special Report; 184. 349. U. S. Geological Survey-ist and 5th Annual Report; 1880-1884. 350. Vicksburg National Park Commission-Report of; 1906. 351. Virginia State Library Board-2nd Annual Report; 1906. 352. Smithsonian. Institution, Washington, D. C.-Report of; 1904, 1905, 1906. 353. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.-Literature of; 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. 354. Smithsonian Institution-Annual Report of National Mwseum; 1893,1895,1896,1897,1901,1908. 355. Superintendent of Yellowstone Park-Annual Report; 1880. 356. Yale Jollege-Report of President; 1903. MAGAZINES. 1. American Journal of History-B volumes. 2. American Historical Magazine-Illustrated; 1908. 3. American History-Journal of; 1907, 1908. 4. American Historical Review-April, 1906. 19 0 KNTUOKY STATE HsTorAL SCITY. 5. American Woman's Review, St. Louis, Mo.-1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. 6. American Monthly Magazine, Washington., D. C.-1906. 7. American Weekly Messenger-Volumes 1 and 2; 1814. 8. Analectic Magazine-1816. 9. American Practitioner-February, 1882. 10. Arena, The-Contributed by Frank Chinn; 1896. 11. Bath Society Papers. 12; American. Journal of History-Pictures of Lee, Davis, Grant, Lincoln. 13. Bob Taylor's Magazine, Nashville, Tenn.-1906. 14. Cambridge Historical Society Magazine-1906, 1907. 15. Chicago Historical Society Magazine-1908-1913. 16. Century Magazine-Contributed by Frank Chinin; 1900, 1901. 17. Confederate Veteran, The-Nashville, Tenn.; 1905. 18. Cosmopolitan, The-19 volumes; 1892-1898. 19. Cosmopolitan, The-Contributed by Miss SaUy Jackson. 20. Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reign of Charles 2nd, James 2nd, William and Mary and Anne. 21. D. A. B. Monthly Magazine, Washington, D. C.-1905- 1914. 22. Franklin Farmer. 23. Globe and Appendix. 24. Gospel Herald-Volume 1. 25. Harper's New Monthly Magazine-January, 1885. 26. Harper's Magazine-Fiction Number; (contributed by Frank Chinn); 1900. 27. Harper's Magazine-(Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton); 1902. 28. Inland Monthly, The-St. Louis, Mo. 29. Iowa Journal of History and Politics-Iowa City; 1904. 30. Iowa Journal of History and Politics-Iowa City; 1907, 1908. 31. Illustrated Kentuckian, with Portrait and Sketch of Life of Mrs. Jennie C. Morton. 20 CATALoGuz NuMs3 Fw2 32. Journal of the Society of the D. A. B., Washington, D. C.-1914. 33. Missouri Historical Review-1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914. 34. Mechanical Magazine, St. Louis, Mo.-1905. 35. Missouri Historical Society-Bulletins; 1904. 36. Missouri Historical Collections-1903. 37. Modern Culture-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Mor- ton; 1900. 38. Munsey, The-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton; 1902. 39. National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D. C.- 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912,1913,1914. 40. North Western Reporter-Vol. 32, No. 3. 41. North American, The-Philadelphia, Pa., May 21,1894. 42. New York Library-Bulletins of; Astor, Lenox and Til- den Foundation; 1907. 43. Ohio Historical Magazine, Columbus, Ohio. 44. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Portland- 1906, 1907. 45. Official Register of the U. S.-2 volumes; 1881. 46. Official Register of the U. S.-1 volume; 1885. 47. Presbyterian Historical Magazine-1906. 48. Puritan, The-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton; 1900. 49. Putnam's Monthly Magazine-April, 1870. 50. Rural Northwest and Oregon Agriculturist-1905. 51. Revoue Franco Americaine-1894. 52. Review of Reviews-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton; 1892. 53. Review of Reviews-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton; 1900. 54. Shakespeare's Head, The. 55. Scribner's Magazine for 1893-1900. 56. Scribner's Magazine-Contributed by Mrs. Jenme C. Morton; 1902. 57. Southern Historical Magazine-(Mississippi). 21 22 KziTuCxY STATE HISOJAL SoCT. 58. Southern Magazine-Contributed by Mrs. Jennie C. Morton; 1894, 1895. 59. Strand Magazine. 60. The Louisville Monthly Magazine-January, 1880. 61. The Western Citizen, Paris, Ky.-January 26, 1813. 62. The Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky.-1905-1909. 63. ,The Convention (bound copy)-Jan. 2, 1847, to Feb. 2, 1848. 64. The German Pioneers-Vol. 9, Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 65. Truth's Advocate and Asti-Jackson Expositor. 66. The Confederate, Nashville, Tenn.-1907. 67. The Censor-Vol. 3; 1833-1850. 68. Transylvania Medical Journal-Edited by Dr. Lunsford Yandell; 1832. 69. Transylvania Medical Journal-Edited by Dr. Ethelbert Dudley; 1833-1850. 70. The Talisman, Chicago, Ill. 71. Tom Watson's Magazine, New York. 72. Texas State Historical Magazine, Austin-1908. 73. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography-(Ex- change); 1913. 74. Virginia Magazine of History and Genealogy-(Ex- change); 1913, 1914. 75. Virginia, West, Historical Magazine, Charleston-1900, 1901, 1902, 1903. 76. Virginia, West, Historical Magazine, Charleston-1904, 1905. 77. Washington Historical Quarterly-1907, 1908. 78. Washington Historical Magazine, Seattle, Washington. 79. Weekly Register-Vols. 3, 4, 5, 6; Franklin Press; 1813, 1814. X 80. Western Luminary-Bound No. of different volumes. 81. Woman's Business Magazine-Edited by Miss Hardin, Denver, Colo. 82. The Gospel Herad-Methodist Episcopal Church, Leo- ington, Ky.; 1831.