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Boy, what a month this is going to GSO is here for you gay Lexington! And the opposite
be! I'm really exalted about our
Valent' D t Th B It should be true also. When there are only a handful
. ine: :nce at e ar.t F of people doing the work for hundreds of people,
5:32:82: ygu :hgudoenzg Egg: .thigr the rate of burn-out is incredibly high, and the
’ t f l' hm ' t t ‘ .
is the fourth year we have held the ra e o accomp is ent lS unfor una ely low
dance in cooperation with the nice The excuses of why you cannot help are endless. Is
folks downtown. We appreciate their there really NOTHING you can contribute? After all,
assistance and look forward to work- how demanding or incriminating is attending a GSO
ing with them on other events. social function, working the GAYLINE, attending and
h . presenting ideas at a 680 business meeting, or send-
Do you ave comments, suggestions, ing a much needed monetary donation? How tight can
or constructive crlthlsm that could your schedule be that a few hours could not be spared
benefit GSO? If so, please don't once a month?
keep it to yourself. I want to hear '
from you. This is your organization. Although I respect the valid excuses, is it to much
I am always open to ideas that will to expect support and help in whatever way you see
make GSO more reflective of the fit t6 give it?
needs of on: community; If we are A very heartfelt thanks to those few people who do a
eger €912g to imgrove he attitudes help where they can. Without you this organization
c 80016 y owar us, we mus work would not exist.
. , We will continue to work and strive for all of gay
Get involved! AgtenihbugiggifiEmeet- Lexington, tired and frustrating as it may be. We'll
ings, vo un eer or .e , ’ a - keep pleading for your help.
tend scalal events, discuSSion groups,
etc. Will we ever get it?
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!! 1983 ... It's Time!
See you at the Valentines Dance! SHOWYOUR Tim Banks
Keith Elston SUPRORT
President I“ 83 *H***
Gay Services Organization
A discussion group for lesbians and gay menias been initiated through GSO.
The purpose of the group is to provide a secure, supportive atmosphere where all members
of the gay community can discuss their joys, fears, and ideas with their peers.
At each monthly meeting, a topic of interest to the gay community will be focused upon.
The topic of the February meeting will be: "Coming Out: A Process".
The group will meet Sunday, February 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at 223 N. Broadway, Apt. 19.
For more information call Charlie Kast at 252-8143 or the GAYLINE at 231-0335.