xt7pg44hqm1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hqm1s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1974 1974 1974-12-12 2020 true xt7pg44hqm1s section xt7pg44hqm1s \ol. [XII No. 87

lliitrsday Der ember 12 1971

Will resign council seat


(Ill independent student ne

2' 21 University of Kentucky

lexington. Ky. 40506

Hall accepts Carroll administration post

Associate Editor

Dean of Students Jack Hall will become Lt. . «.
administrative ’

Gov Julian ('arroll's
assistant for internal affairs when (‘arroll
becomes governor in January,

Hall said he w ill announce his resignation
as Eight District (‘ouncilman at tonight's
urban county council meeting

THE Board of Trustees granted Hall a one.
year leave of absence as dean of students
Tuesday Joseph 'I‘ Burch. director of public
safety and assistant to the vice president for
business affairs. was appointed by the board
to fill the vacancy. effective .lan it. 197:3

John Nichols. press secretary to (‘arroll.

said Wednesday Hall will deal with the mner- -

workings of the governor's office in his new
post Nichols said Hall will serve as sort of a
shooter." handling personnel
and solving day today


staff. ,

'3 of Kentucky has been in

3 Air Force.

ministration with the institution of two ad
iiiiiiistrative assistants rather than one.
(‘an‘oll Will later appoint an administrative
assistant for external affairs.

“DEAN HALL'S service to the l'niversity
an area which
required considerable ability both ad-
ministratively and in dealing with people.”
said (‘an‘oll iii a statement released Wed

“His interest in the operation of govern-
ment is exhibited by his election to the city
county council and I look forward to having
him on the staff." said t‘arroll. who succeeds
Senatorclect Wendell Ford as governor

Hall said he accepted the post upon
(‘arroll's request "I thought it was a very
challenging a nd exciting opportunity ”

AFTER SERVING five years in the l' S
Hall jt)111(‘d the l'niversity ad~

iiiinistrative staff in 19611. He served as

Hall was elected to the urban county council
in November. 1973 and has represented the
eighth district since January, 1974. The
district includes Gainesway and Lansdowne
subdivisions in the southeast section of

The Urban (.‘ounty Government charter
provides that the mayor shall appoint a
successor within 30 days after a vacancy
occms on the council. The appointee is sub-
]ect to approval of two-thirds of the council
and serves the remainder of the two-year

Mayor Foster l’ettit said several people
have already expressed interest in we
ceeding Hall. but that he will give the matter
careful consideration before making a
recommendation to the council in a few

“He‘s been a \ ery effective member of the
council and has worked very hard." said


Nichols said the governor's office will be

“streamlined” under the (‘arroll

a d Dean of Students

Council holds hearing


.I.\('K II \I.I.

on Rosemont Extension

Hy \.\\'('\' I).\I,Y
.\\\tb('|;tlt' I'Lditoi'

l’artial funding of the proposed Hose
tiiont Garden Extension will be considered
tonight at a public hearing before the
urban county council

The council will hear public debate on
the capital improvements budget. which
includes over SZtNI.(MNt for the Hosemont
Garden Extension

THE Itl'HEH‘ of Highways proposal
would involve construction of a four‘lane
expressway on the [K Experimental
Farm south of ('ommonwealth Stadium It
would connect Rosemont Garden at
Nicholasville Road with Mt Tabor Road at
Tates (‘reek Pike

The road would eventually extend to
New Circle Road and be linked with an
extension of University Drive near the

The highway department's public hear
ing on Rosemont Extension was held in
August 1973 leaving the decision whether
to build the road up to the state secretary
of transportation

THE HIGHWAY was opposed at the
hearing by Temporary Kentucky Organ-
ization (TKO) and southside neighborhood
groups concerned about the loss of some 20
homes. environmental consequences and
increased traffic flow in the area.

Numerous state legislators and urban
county council candidates also spoke
against the. road at that time, including
council members Pam Miller and Jack
Hall. through whose districts Rosemont
Garden Extension would run.

Mayor Foster Pettit said the road was
needed for traffic relief on Cooper Drive
and Nicholasville Road, particularly in
light of the thenimpending completion of
Commonwealth Stadium.

THE DEPARTMENT of 'l‘raiisimrtation
has been \Ilt‘lll on the road since the public
hearing But since that time the political
and bureaucratic situations ha\e changed

(‘ampaigmng m Lexmgton
before llls l' 5 Senate election
\ictot‘y. (iov Wendell Ford ordered the
highway department. to hold in abeyance
all plans for Host-mom Garden Extension

Ford said in (ictober that the road's lack
of popularity with Lexington residents
warranted a study of alternative routes
He recommended that the highway depart-
ment consider an alternative suggested by
road opponents at the 15173 public llt‘iiI‘HIL


'I'IIE .\I.’I‘I‘IR.‘\'A'I'I\'I‘I routi which the
l'iiiversity has offered to bund, would
extend l'niversity Drive around the
stadium and hook up with Tates (Treek

(Ihanges have also occured in the
highway department itself A 1973 federal
highway act requires that the planning of
federally-funded roads be initiated at the
local level.

A Transportaton Policy Committee»~
consisting of the mayor, county judge.
urban county council and state secretary
of transportation—was formed in October
to fulfill the federal requirements.

FEDERAL FUNDING is involved in
Rosemont Garden Extension. so before the
road is built it must win urban county
council approval.

Tonight‘s hearing will be the first test of
council sentiment on the road, although no
major acton is expected to be taken.

TKO and the neighborhood groups will
be represented to oppose the road and
Miller indicated either she or Hall will
move to delete the 3200.000 earmarked for
Rosemont Garden Extension from the
capital improvements budget.

ass:stant dean of men. acting dean ofmen and
associate dean of students prior to becoming
dean of students in 1968

Happiness is...

Ramona Burger. 7. has that light in her
eyes because of a visit from one of her
favorite people. Santa (‘Iaus paid a
surprise visit to the (‘hristmas party given
for the children in the Medical (‘enter
hospital. As expected. he brought plenty of

Kernel Staff Writer

New recommendations for the
alleviation of the “physical hazard
problem"on Rose Street will be presented
by several University administrators at a
meeting of the Urban County Tran-
sportation Commission Tuesday, Dec. 17,
Dr. Michael Romano. special assistant to
the vice president of the Medical Center,

Lawnence Porgy, vice president for
business affairs. Dr. Peter Bosomworth.
vice president for the Medical Center and
Romano were asked to attend the meeting
by Mike Bewley. student representative to
the Transportation Commission and
special assistant to Student Government
lSGt nreSIdent David Mncci.

departu re.

“1 think we'll feel the loss of his
but I can appreciate the op

portunity he‘s been offered."

Administrators to present
intersection suggestions

T0 Al I 0W for safer pedestrian
crossing on Rose Street between
Washington Avenue and the Rose-
Limestone intersections, Romano will
recommend lowering of the speed limit on
Rose Street from 35 mph. to 10 mph. on
a trial basis. He will also ask that a
committee of University and city
representatives be formed to find a long-
range solution to traffic-pedestrian
problems. Both proposals are subject to
approval by Porgy and Bosomworth.
Romano said.

“All indications are that the problem is
serious enough that sooner or later the law
of averages will work against us,"
Romano said. “There will be a fatality if
something is not done about it "

('ontinued on P899 "’


 Editor-incnict. Linda Carnos
Managing editor. Ron Mitchell
Animate editor, Nancy DIIV

Features editor, Larry Mead
Arts editor Greg Hotel-ch
onrts editor. Jim Manor!

Editorial page editor, but Cruthr finotognpny editor. Ed Gerald


Editorials represent Meopmions ot the editors, notthe University

Who should represent graduate students?

A decision by the Graduate and
Professional Student Association
(GPSA) to refuse merger with
Student Government iSGi was wise
even though the group is having
trouble staying afloat.

Only seven graduate students at-
tended Monday night‘s meeting to
vote on whether the two organizations
should become one under SG control.

SG Vice President Mike Wilson
originally suggested that GPSA and
SG combine forces in hopes of
creating a more viable organization
for graduate students. The plan
would have permitted GPSA to act as
an autonomous body, controlling their

Letters to the editor

own budget and electing a director
and advisory council.

Wilson said he and GPSA President
Rick Deitchman negotiated and
decided the original agreement would
benefit both groups. However. when
the idea was presented to the SG
cabinet. Wilson said cabinet members
did not want GPSA to be autonomous.

Deitchman said SG wanted full
control if the merger took place.
Deitchman and other graduate
students were reluctant to concede
the entire organization and the $2,000
budget to SG.

Since the mergerdid not take place,
Wilson said SG intends to create a

position for a graduate aft'a.rs
director within SG. Wilson said he
thought SG could provide a service ior
graduate students by studying
several pieces of legislation. in-
cluding minimum salaries for
graduate teaching assistants and the
possibility of tuition waivers.

The result of SG's appointing a
graduate affairs director may well be
that GPSA and SG will compete for
representation of graduate students.
The prize for SC. if it eventually
absorbs GPSA, is the $2,000 which
GPSA now receives and the addition
of approximately 3,000 students to its

Thi- most important consideration
is. how graduate students can most
cl't'ec‘iveij be represented. The
current problems of GPSA stem not
so much from any inherent weakness
in the organizzzéion's structure, but
from a lack of interest by its mem-
bers. Merging with S0 would not
5 iive this problem. as SG is often
afflicted with the same disease.

The bad way for GPSA to revive
interest is for its leaders to develop
important issues, If none can be
found, then graduate students ap
patently don't need any represen-


‘Colo' not

As a graduate student in Span-
ish I was quite taken aback by
some of the broad statements
made by Kernel Staff Writer.
Joseph Stone in his article enti-
tled “Calo”. I do agree with Stone
on one point. however, when he
states “Jay B. Rosensweig is out
to make a buck.“ My question is.
did he really “get a lot of words
from latrines...signed by famous
Latin American poets" or is that
just the sales pitch?

I was not sure who was actually

making statements like “Calo. or ‘

gutter talk, is the spice of the
Spanish language," “Jay B. Ros-
ensweig has compiled a diction-
ary of “feelthy words," and
“Calo is not only used by prosti-
tutes. pimps and pushers, but
also by policemen. bartenders.
garbage collectors, et. al., that
make up the Spanish-speaking

The words “gutter talk" and
“feelthy words“ bother me the
most, since Calo as I know the
term simply applies to slang or
gypsy speech. I doubt if either
“gutter talk" or “feelthy words“
can be considered the “spice“ in
any language. especially Span-
ish. From my own personal
experiences ot living in Spanish
speaking communities. I can
safely assure Mr. Stone that
these communities are made up
of much more than prostitutes.
pimps. pushers. policemen, bar-
tenders, garbage collectors and
others similar to these.

Mr. Stone also states “but just
as few people speak the Oxford
English taught in the American
schools, few people in the Hispan-
ic countries speak formal Span-
ish." Granted that few people
speak perfect English or Spanish,
but can one actually believe that
the majority of people in Hispan-
ic America speak a language that
can be classified under such
terms as “gutter talk" and
“feelthy words?“

Assuming that only the state
ments in quotation marks were
actually those of Rosensweig. I
feel that the writer of this article
has misinterpreted Mr. Rosens-
weig‘s purpose for the dictionary
and has misquoted his sources for


such material. If Mr. Rosensweig
has indeed compiled only a
dictionary of dirty words in
Spanish and does refer to this as
“gutter talk“ I feel he has erred
in calling this popular speech

Judith S. (‘onde
Graduate Student
Spanish and Italian dept.

to Greeks

After reading the article in
today's Kernel regarding the
Student Senate-Gay Coalition
controversy. Iwould like to make
a comment about the type of
news coverage presented daily to
UK students in the Kernel.

When I came to this campus
this fall. I was delighted to
discover that the Kernel is an
accurate source of campus e-
vents. and continuously offers
controversial and interesting 9-
ditorials on major issues. How-
ever. I have been disgusted time
after time by the failure of the
reporting staff to provide straight
unbiased news coverage.

Throughout the recent election.
students were forced to wade
through not-very-subtle innuen-
does in every article in order to
discover what the facts were
about the campaign‘s progress.
Now there is a new controversy
for the reporters to play with;
Student Government has with-
drawn support for the Gay Coali-
tion‘s dance. and the Kernel
article would lead students to
believe that the entire Greek
system on campus has ganged up
on the Gay Coalition.

I feel that this article was a
gross misrepresentation of the
situation. The important point is
why the senators voted against
the sponsorship. not the fact that
they are Greeks. The article
contained more information a-
bout the number of Greeks on the
Senate than the actual reasons
for the proposals defeat. The
misplaced emphasis is an inex—
cusable injustice to all Greeks on


It is the responsibility of a good
newspaper to present FACTS in
news articles. and opinions in
editorials. This is the Kernel's
manifest failure If the student
newspaper has something ag~
ainst Greeks in general. it needs
to find a better way to present its

Eve Hutcherson
Architecture freshman


It is most disheartening that
even today this University
community cannot bring itself to
respect the right of others to be
left alone, to be tolerated in the
exercise of an activity which
threatens neither violence or

The student government has
sold out one group of students to
gain — of all goddamn things ._
favor with the administration.
Such favor is useless if the
Student Government will so
readily abandon such basic
principles as the right of all
students to equal access to
university facilities.

Let us hope that some student
group comes forward to fill the
void left when student govern
ment refused to reserve space for
the gay dance. Any registered
student organization can reserve
space for the dance.

Surely somewhere in this great
center of free thought there is one
small groupthat can summon the
small amount of courage to rise
above the mediocrity and

mindlessness and help the gay
students have their dance

Steve Bright

Third year law

iEditor‘s note: regulations by
the Dean of Students office state
“Universny facilities may be
reserved for use by registered
student organizations for
meeting and other non-
commercial events related to and
in keeping with the stated pur-
poses of the organization.“ Some
student organizations charters
may not contain a broad enough
statement of purpose to allow
them to sponsor a gay dancer


The Board of Trustees Tuesday
voted down a proposal by Student
President David Mucci to reform
the visitation policy in the dorms.
(The buildings are dorms
because they are barracks for
immature children instead of
residence halls for mature
college students.) The Trustees
voted down the reforms without
even worrying about the
students' reactions. Why didn't
the Trustees worry‘.’

They knew that some of the
student senators istudent
senators are supposed to help
protect students‘ rightsi were too
busy kissing the administration's
ass to protect students‘ rights.
After all, better relationship with
the administration is Worth
more to some senators than
students rights. Ass-kissing is not

respected by the Trustees or the
admmtstration and get those
senators nowhere

The unified student body must
have leadership from those
elected student senators that is
fair and just Those elected must
be more concerned With students'
rights than a better relationship
with the administration, When
those senators decnde to be
leaders for students” rights. in
stead of administration camp
followers. then the senators can
work on making the Board of
Trustees answerable to the
l'niversity community At least
the senators could demand an
explanation from the Trustees for
their secmly arbitrary rejection
of students rights.

The senators could then work
on the relationship between the
students and the administration.
lly being united for students
rights. they could then form a
new working relationship based
on equality for students.

But. as long as some senators
choose to kiss the ad»
ministration‘s ass rather than
work for students' rights. all that
above will remain a dream.
Senators will have to get on their
"idealistic bandwagons" long
enough to see that it takes a
unified student body to change
attitudes. “Perhaps then we
could get some real work done."
After all, the new relationship
that some senators put in at the
last student senate meeting has
“gone straight to hell on a train
driven by this Singletary."

Marion Wade




to s






Racist hysteria whipped up in South Boston


Since schools have opened up in Boston
under a courtordered desgregation plan
blacks have faced attempted lynchings,
black children have been stoned while
riding school buses and black neigh-
borhoods have been occupied by tactical
police. Racist hysteria concentrated in
South Boston has been whipped up by
Louise Day Hicks and John Kerrigan.
members of the Boston School Committee,
under the guise of opposition to forced
busing. While Boston has been out of the
headlines in recent weeks the situation
remains very serious.

Busing is nothing new to either the white
or black community. For years black
children have been bused right past the
white schools to the more rundown black
schools. This phenomenon took place in all
parts of the country where there was a
sizable concentration of black people.
There was no hue and cry among the
Louise Day Hicks, George Wallaces, John
Kerrigans or Lester Maddoxes about this
busing which was used almost exclusively
to maintain segregation.

l\ ImS'l‘nV. blacks are less than 20
per cent of the population and other
minorities are about seven per cent. The
city is sharply divided into compact
communities along national lines. Most of
ihetension is centered in Roxbury which is
almost exclusively black and South Boston
winch Ls exclusively white «primarily Irish
('atholici Boston has historically been a
working class town. but the 205 and 305
marked a change from industry to finance
which has meant the greater im-
poverishment of industrial workers in the
city and an an increase in “white collar"
workers and the petty bourgeoisie. It has
meant higner unemployment, more people
on welfare and lower wages for workes as
they moved into lower-paying service jobs.
It is in these circumstances that Hicks and
company attempt to turn the frustration
and anger of the white workers away from
the capitalist class and their various hacks
and hangerons toward another sector of
the working class and an oppressed
nationality —- blacks.

Most of South Boston's housing is
cramped. old and in bad condition. Many
buildings are abandoned. windows
broken. walls and roofs caving in and
generally run down. Louise Day Hicks. not


surprisingly, lives on the one exceptional
street in South Boston with large, wood
frame, attractive houses and gardens. She
is a big realtor and a slumlord in the area
with a vested interest in keeping “Southie“
as it is. Unlike other working class areas of
the city South Boston has almost no
progressive organizations, especially no
tenant groups. Next to Southie is a large
Gillette plant which employs mostly
dropouts and graduates of South Boston
High School. Its owners are backers of
various right wing causes and use racism
and paternalism to keep their plant non-


Nnal Bonn/Tit: New York Times

The anti-busing racist and national
chauvinist movement among the South
Boston workers did not spring up spon-
taneously. Hicks has been carefully
organizing such reaction for over five
years. She is a member of the Boston
School Committee a very powerful area of
the city‘s political machine. It operates off
a patronage racket (granting $15,000—
$20,000 jobs in exchange for favors and
votes and is a springboard for higher of—
fice). She has used this position to
disseminate racist propaganda and to
systematically build up a reactionary
organization for such ideas.

FOR INSTANCE. Hicks dominates the
Home and School Association (similar to
the PTA). Hicks herself is known to have a
phone chain that can organize over 1,000
people in a half hour. The School Com-
mittee used such tactics as sending notices
home with every student urging parents
to attend an anti-busing rally. The'notes
were to be returned with the parents‘
signature. Whites were excused from class
to attend these demonstrations. The
Committee organized “information”
centers all over Southie and other white
communities to serve for the distribution
of reactionary and fascist literature _,
from th John Birch Society and the Ku
Klux Klan. Open fascist elements have
also tried to organize. The KKK sent up a
busload from Tennessee. The American
Party (formerly backers of George
Wallace) has set up headquarters in South
Boston. The Nazis have been to town, too,
but were seen as too associated with Hitler
and were rejected by the community.
Even the KKK doesn‘t have a strong base
in the area but is accepted because of its
stand on integration

The m ain reactionary strength however,
is Hicks and Kerrigan, who parade
demagogically as “fighters“ for the
working class while serving the interests
of the bourgeoisie by fostering fights
between blacks and whites and keeping the
workers unorganized against their
capitalist employers and slumlords. The
“populist“ Hicks and Kerrigan fit the bill
of “patriotic”, “anti-federal government"
fascist elements. Unless progressive,
democratic-minded people rally to support
integration and oppose racism and
national chauvinism the organization of
Hicks et. al. has the potential to become a
full-blown fascist movement.

The Emergency Committee for a
National Mobilization Against Racism has
been formed in response to these racist
attacks. It is a coalition of labor, com-
munity groups, legislators and
progressive organizations. A march on
Boston will be held on Dec. 14.

KENTUCKIA NS interested in attending
can contact the Louisville Committee at
502-778—3848. A bus will be leaving
Louisville Dec. 13 at 2 pm.


Margaret Weeks is a member of the
Lexington (‘ommunist Collective.

Senate gay resolution 'a fine example of tokenism'





In response to the article in
Monday's Kernel by Jim Harral~
son and Glenn Stith, I would like
to say that if my credibility is of a
“Nixonian Nature.” then Mr.
Stith's credibility is of a “Hitler‘
ian Nature." The carefully word‘
ed prepared speech by Senator
Stith betrayed his true feelings of
contempt for a large minority on
this campus. Senator Stith‘s sup—
posed support of our struggle for
recegnition as a valid student
organization is laughable and a
fine example of tokenism. By his
attitude Mr Stith has displayed
his contempt for us by treading
on a group of people for the
advancement of his political and
peer prestige.

In reference to the senator's
research as to the availability of
other locations for the dance. let
me clarify the misinformation

given to the campus community.
The National Guard. if I have
been correctly informed. has a
clause. as do all the branches of
the Armed Forces. excluding gay
people from serving this country.
What makes Mr, Stith think that
the Guard would go against
Federal policy by allowing a
group 'of self-avowed homoseic
uals to hold a dance in their

Let me correct some other
incorrect information given at
the Senate meeting. The gay
group is not as wealthy an
organization as the fraternities
and sororities and all the places
Mr. Stith contacted cost at least
$400. The so-called expensive
band that was to play was not
hired because they were too

Also. I sincerely doubt if Mr.
Stith, who is alledgely hetero—

sexual, would identify himself as
a homosexual even to pmvc such
a minor point.

The Senators Harralson and
Stitli are worried about damag-
ing their relationship with the
administration if the Senate were
to sponsor a gay dance. but they
are not worried in the least about
damaging fraternity relation-
ships with both the University
and with the law enforcement
officials by repeated violation of
the liquor laws of the Common—
wealth and in direct defiance of
University policy

In summation. let me repeat
that the main argument used by
the truly concerned senators was
that they were afraid of damag-
ing Student Government's rela‘
tionship with the administration,
“Who elected you?" Whose in»
terests are you supposed to

represent. the administrators or
the students? If the Student
Senate allows itself to be inti-
midated on such a minor issue as
a dance. who is to say where this
type of stifling policy will end.
Students speak out to your
representatives and demand an

end to gay oppression on this
campus...now before this op-
pressive attitude spreads and
engulfs the entire campus.

Carey Junkin. a reshman in
the College of Arts and Sciences.
is president of the Gay Coalition.








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news briefs


Black students evacuated
from Boston high school

BOSTON iAPi —— Decoy buses and lines of charging policemen
were used Wednesday to spirit black students out of South Boston
High Sclioola sabout 1.000 angry whites hurled missiles.

Several police officers were injured by bricks, stones, cans and
other flying objects as they led the police charge in front of the
school. which was closed earlier in the day after a I7-yearold pupil
was knifed. A number of civilians in the area were also injured,
witnesses said. An undisclosed number of white youths and adults
were arrested, police said.

AFTER POLICE cleared whites from in front of the school, four
school buses rolled up to the front door. But the 132 black pupils
who had been inside were led out a side door to other buses,

The moving of the black students climaxed a day of tension that
started when a white student was stabbed at the school A black
youth was arrested in connection with the inc1dent. police said.

The School Department ordered all South Boston schools in-
volved in court ordered busing for desegregation closed for the rest
of the week. hoping for a cooling off period to relieve tensions.

Whites outside of South Boston High smashed windows in the
decoy buses and vandalized several police cars

Ford says 5% surtax
can deal with inflation

\\ \Sllthi'l‘ttN .-\I’ - President I’oril hclieyes that his
proposed ti\e per cent incomi- surtax has lllllt‘ chance ot being
.ipproH-d It} t'ongrcss this year but hasn t ruled out Ilttl’iitlllt'IIIL‘ it
again :ii thc iii-\t i one-re“ .1 presidential spokesman said “ml

I-iinl told a group ol i'iit.L1I‘t's\liiil.ii lt'.iilt‘l'> that his Hct t:
iioiioii.ic piograiii which include I thi ~iirt.i\ .ms tincly tuned

to deal with both ii-ci-ssioi: .inil Intlation

"\HC \ltl Lot coini.‘ to L'i'it' upour Huht auauist tI‘illtilHIIt and we
.o'c point; to continui- to trut.‘ It‘tt"~\l'ilt White Home Press
Secretary Iton \i'ssi-n quoted I"ord .is telling about :0
congressional leaders from both parties who met \Hll] I’ord at the
White House

I’ord rcmauis opposed to mandatory wage and price controls.
even on a standby basis and still wants a “triggering mechanism
tor the public sernce employment piogram." \i-sscn \.iltl

’I‘he administration‘s employment plan calls tor stepped up aid
tor jobless persons when unemployment reaches the trigger [)ltllILs
of it. 0.3 and T per cent of the labor torce. and remains at those levels
or higher for three months

Terrorists throw hand grenades
into crowded Tel Aviv theater

'I‘I'II. .-\\I\ iAP' -- A terrorist threw hand grenades into the
audience of a crowded movie theater Wednesday night. killing two
persons and wounding 52, police said

They sa id one of the Victims at the theater in To] A\ iv‘s central
district apparently was the terrorist. whow as “blown to bits.”

Police said the dead man was carrying a British passport that
said he was born in (ihana and lived in Turkey. He arrived in Israel
Wednesday morning at Ben (turion airport, they said

IN BEIRI'T. Lebanon. Palestinian guerrillas claimed respon-
sibility for the attack, which they said was in retaliation for the
rocketing by Israeli agents Tuesday of three Palestine Liberation
Organization offices in Beirut.

Their statement, carried by the guerrilla news agency WAFA.
said five guerrillas participated in the attack.

The Israeli government has maintained silence on the Beirut

The last attack on a major Israeli city was in May 1972, when a
suicide squad of three Japanese Ited Army Terrorists killed 26 and
wounded more than 70 at a massacre at Israel's international




The Kentucky Kernel. IN Journalism Building, University at Kentucky.
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Published by the Kernel Press, Inc lounded in 1971. Begun as the Cadet in I!"
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since ltts


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