xt7pg44hqm8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hqm8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1981 1981 1981-02-10 2020 true xt7pg44hqm8w section xt7pg44hqm8w . '————“—‘————_-T—' . . 4r ’ ”7'7 . " “ ' , ._ _, ~- " -<~ , . g KENTUCKY ~ ~« w M. ~~ ' 3t \,‘c:~,; ”(it ‘ . f » u m. M... . ' . . / l‘i. hIII I» . . VoI.LXXXIll, N0-104 nlversity of Kentucky' . “~- .. ' \ ~‘ “1'" .j.-_ ,. ‘ Tuesday. February 10.1981 Lexingon, Kentuckh i, "as; '\ ‘ . ‘ "I; . ' - _ f‘ ‘ '. (“a ..‘x ‘ l ( ew can appomte y rustees . i. - - . . o i . l,” l 'l ..X ’m... . i , ' ' By STEVE MASSEY affection for academics, someone fairs Jack Blanton said the recom- _ ' V“ -L“ ,, ,_ . ' {I -‘ 5 Editor-in-Chief with experience because of the mendation, if approved by CHE, ‘ ‘W‘NLJA \ z . , hard decisions to be made and so would transfer $500,000 from the ' Q ', .- ,‘ ' 5 The executive committee of the - meone with a basic affinity for the state‘s budget to UK‘s housing and , \ ;- ' UK Board of Trustees yesterday wholeacademic process." dining budget, which consists of i -. ~_ ,'-' , appointed Michael Baer dean of the Baer, who was ”surprised" by money raised through student fees . . -'.' ' College of Arts and Sciences and ' ’— - ’““ his appointment, said he felt it will and payments as well as through ‘1‘ ‘ ~~ . 'i " j . recommended the reappropriation . U a . be "important to emphasize both auxiliary services -— such as sales a}, ' ’I }- " of state money to finance the in- ‘ . teaching and research (in the col- at the bookstore and the student ‘ ‘ ‘ stallation of sprinklers andasmoke ' ” lege) —— there's room for both. We cinema. " ‘~ .. ., “I h . . . system in Kirwan and Blanding “Mt have a superb faculty that has a Blanton said the remaining ~ « aw» ““- 5 2’ -‘ ' . Towers. «'3 strong sense of pride in its teaching $300,000 will come from housing ‘ ‘ \ . «w, . ’ .. Baer, chairman of the political abilities.“ and dining‘s maintenance reserve \. ‘. - . . j I: .3 science department, will succeed , Baer also said the college will fund — money which has ac- f - Art Gallaher as head of UK's ' have to pay close attention to cumulated from fee payments for . in." ~J largest college July 1, 1981 when l enrollment trends in the ‘80s and housing and dining services over a ' i ‘ i Gallaher becomes vice president “look at the advising system — if period of time. h l. '. f, -' for academic affairs. ~ enrollment grows, the advising The 23-story twin towers, which i ' » . ' Gallaher will be replacing Lewis system must grow with it." accommodate about 1,280 students, t. f . . 5 ' Cochran, whose resignation also Baer has been at UK since 1966. were built when “sprinkling and if". " t _' becomes effective July 1. MICHAEL B AER The board‘s recommendation for smoke systems weren’t required," .. ’ .' '_ . Baer's appointment ends a six- reappropriation of money out of the Blanton said. “The addition of " .. ,_ . I, ~ month search by a nine-member rate scholar. He's a superior state budget and into the homing these systems is an attempt to get ' t. 7 committee appointed by President teacher on campus andasuccessful and dining services budget would an added measure of security. '- ' '-' f ‘ Otis Singletary and chaired by administrator in a strong depart- finance an $800,000 sprinkler and “Basically, we're trying to deal .. ~ . Joseph Bryant, chairman of the merit,” Singletary said in making smoke detector system for the two with a very serious problem and in- ‘ 3 ., ~ English department.- Six can- his recommendation to the board towers. crease the abilitytomove people in _' : '. ' didates were interviewed for the for approval of Baer’s appoint- The recommendation must MW and out,“he said,adding these pro- «1-. g ’ _ post out of 52 applicants, according ment. be submitted to the state Council on jects would receive top priority. - i: - '_, ’ '. to Brad Sturgeon, Student Associa- After the meeting, Singletary Higher Education. which reviews Concern about the safety of the l . ' ' ”i, tion president and one of the com— said he was looking for “a first-rate all capital construction projects at Kirwan and Blanding Towers arose t, {I -. '. , I." .- mittee members. academic administrator, which im- state universities. after major fires occurred in Las T . l3. ' ' I The 38-year—old Baer is a “fiI‘St- plies someone with knowledge and Vice President for Business Af- Continuedonpage 5 fl . . t . i. . I -. I . . I, it t..- IIIIII Women in malea’ominated fields make progress ‘ " 'l ' l d ‘ ‘ ‘ ” but st: 1 face unique prob ems an pressures 0.... O . Window Dressmg : . , By DENISE DAMRON DP Dorothy Clark, 27' a surgery .r .. ' ' I ”' people Wlth whom she has worked. The Porter building will be a warmer place to have classes. thanks to '1." Reporter resdent at the A. B. Chandler . One of those co-workers seemed to the efforts of Tom Freedman The em I . f Kl (‘H . . . . i. '.3 Medical centeh said the 9mm“ t have a different attitude in reVieW' stalling double-insulated windows in the‘lo?n::ro h ‘h (lo: wast m- t- “A woman's life was made for involve the work load and the long ing her work as opposed to review- street c urc on Jmes one ‘ . - fantasy. All those idle hours, the hours. , ingaman's work in the firm. ‘ boring, repetitive jobs . . .We were “There is also the pressure of “His expectations were dif- - ',~ ‘ '. born to stay at home . . . keeping your job,” Clark said, . “ , ferent,“ she said. ”A lot of times he SA batt C over [A -' {.7 - 01)::th are ofhen as c:ose as we I‘becauie there is a kind of competi- t didn‘t expect me to do as well as my ’ . 5. I . ge a we rea ywan ionsys em." ' male counterpart. The kinds of "a ——Nancy Friday, My Secret Garden Trish Vanaman, assistant vice- .. work that he would ask me to do did requested rate Increase .« 5 " . . , . . president Of Central Bank and I, WW’M' not reflect as much responsibility . , Author Nancy Friday said this in Trust Company, said there is a lot " -- m ' as i felt 1 couldbe handling." '. f" ’ 1973. but the truth 0‘ the statement of pressure because “you have ex- .i Hensle 28 is sin 1 nd has By PEGGY BOECK Recommendations to be submit- ' . ‘ ls Slole tumlng around. Many Mme m so many areas and you it?" :s' h 3.1, l g ea run Staff Writer ted by SA can for: ; ,l ' women are taking those dreams must be a generalist. There are a ' “5:.- .’ er 3:: insuranceéhagencg for the .«The evemng bus service hours . and turning them into reality by lot ofmnfljcting demands." ' 2:; an 315:3? bl sai .52: has . . . 0f operation seasonally adllfited 50 ' .- entering into fields once dominated . . 1. _ pro cm W" nher The Student ASSOC‘ahOh “’0" its that the service begins around 8 ’,, , by men. State Farm insurance agent a“, , professwnal peer group. fight against General Telephone pm. during the warmer months I ', -. . The latest figures, in World Debra Hensley said there 15 a CO“- .h. . ' ih. .‘s‘ “l‘ve found that men do not give Company Of Kentucky's requested and 5:30 pm. during the colder « ..' Almanac. 1981, indicate that 42per- stantI pressure caused by the need " s . much credit to a woman in rate increase one step further months. ,‘ I f ’ cent of the US. work force is made to bringin new busmess, as well as . § hUSlhfis- They 35k Did your dad yesterday by films a complaiht wAn amnesty week in March I 9} up of women. Eighty percent of not being able to leave work behind . 1, start that, or did your husband, or with the Franklin County Circmt which would reduce outstanding .1; working women are employed in after leavmg the office. what man put that there'?‘ " Court. _ tickets to $2.50 per ticket for a clerical, 5315, service, factory or “It’s hard to think about going ‘ “You always have comments," SA also endorsed the new parking period between one and two weeks. i. ; L'- . plant jobs. home and saying, ‘Tonight I can " - i" said Hendricks, a 30—year-old at- proposal, With the adflltmh 0‘ ll 0t ,1 A graduated fine system as in- .' ,I j. -. The remaining 20 percent who bake or watCh tEleVlSlon 0" take torney Who has had her 0W" Prac' “5 0w? recommendations. , centive for early PaYment of ,. are in traditionally male- care of the children,’ " said at- . '_ ticeforayearandahalf. . SAscomplaint calledIforadeci- charges. Forthefirst five working ‘5 , dominated fields are ",3ij pro- torney Carol Hendricks. ‘ ' '-‘ “They say, ‘Well, you couldn‘t do 510“ on the C°h§tltt1tlhh3hty 0t GOV- days after receiving a ticket, pay- ', -' ' ‘I yess, but these women face unique “When I go home, if the office DEBRA HENSLEY this if you didn't have a husband John Y. Brownsabolishment 9‘ the merit would be 83, after Which the ' , problems rising from their small doesn’t follow me, I‘m thinking in who supported YOU. 0'3 if you're not Energy Regiflatory Cominissmn fine wouldberaised to 5'7. ‘. numbers and recent entry into terms of getting to the typist the Bett Unsel d 29 t' f. ed married, weren't sleeping With ahd the Utlhty Regulatory Com- wRedesigiation of spaces for ..‘ fields suchaslaw or business. next day or a court appearance to blicy accountant Q": E? :1; men on the other side of all these "IIISSIOD. thus creatinga Public S?“ smaller cars, keeping those areas I1.“ . ‘. ,' Although the women in each prepare for. That’s what has kept glam“ and Pulmer is a gees; cases.‘ “ Vice Comniismon.IThe Somplall"; in long rowssoIthat space occupied I," situation have their own problems, me from having children. I‘ve had divorcee with one child Unseld Besides discrimination, there are also asked for $1313: 1232': ‘e by larger cars isobViom. . . . I.- I_ I- .‘ .‘ most say that the main difficulties all these professional tasks for so said she often takes work hom other obstacles that each woman which “’9de . l ted m: ,’A phone number spec1fied 0“ It]. lieinthe pressures of their jobsand many years that I could never with her and makes an effort t: has come up against in her career, hammenmfféerequ I?“ Cltatlhhs that people can call to i; in balancing their roles as wife, figure out when you would have the schedule time forher son many of them self-induced, “wise?“ t1. em gags; questiontheappealsprocess. ' ,t‘ 1 mother and professional time to relate to another person,“ ' _ Hensleysaid. mhstltlhggllzlt‘lt‘ H ,"K It ' wCl‘eatlng larger bus shelters, '.‘.~‘,. I‘,-, busimwoman, Hendricks said. “I try and take breathing spew“ “I‘ve hadtoask myselfwhatdoes ”35,; .. saw '5: hféhefi? 3:23, :2; . el‘Tm‘mg the Proposed ' if; _—____ __________ and 9” them up “nth quality time it really take to havea viable, going Sturgeon “Everything is under- tingp an. ta di ki d , a 1, I inside for him, and try to reassure him on business? It takes hustle, and it til hedule .. he added . wlncrease s um par rig ur- -. m § Q __ , a constant ba5ls that he s lmportant n - way h" on S? ' , ’ ing games to help pay for the crea- ~ . . - - means work, she said. referi to SA 5 court battle involv- - - - - - - . and he is a very big part of what I Hendricks said she has had a , “8 tion of additional stadium parking - _. do “she said. . . . pro- "‘8 6113- space, eliminating the need to ‘, -‘, .‘ ' blem in dealing With the stereotype - thoro . 4. . _ . . . . . . Havms prepared a “8h charge LTl students for this expan- - , . Windy With periods of rain today, lnparts two and three ofa series In addition to the outside that women in maledominated critique of the lml UK Parking sion. .- . I changng t° snow by evening, With on professional women Reporter pressures, thirst) at: "Shelly"? fields begome “aide"ed- l ”OWL SA V°t°d to endorse the wincrease the towing fine, ' ,3 - a hlIEh m the low to "hd 405- Snow Denise Damron looks at women in pressures caus y ea 1 u 8” May e busmess natura ly proposal with 11 recommendations. preferably in $2.50 increments over ' 1 ' - '. ending tonight, wuh lows of 15 to men toward women in the white— reduces IusIto a dollars-and-centsI, which will be submitted to Jack three years with a pro ‘15 . . I. . mMostly cloudy, Winy and COlde!‘ the academic world and the outlook collar PmtfiSth- maten‘i‘hshf V‘ew 0t the “’9'”! ' Blanton, vice president of business base the hrs} year rising to $20 in -. , '. 5 :I' tomorrow, highs in the low to mid for graduating females. Look for Unseld said she has come across she said. For the old-fashioned affairs, and Tom Padgett, director the third year. . I. . ~." ms. herstories onpage 4. attitude problems with same of the Continuation page 4 of public safety. CMtlflued on page 3 3 _ I -'. : St d t h 't 'd d ' Bl kH' M h u en s express en age, prt e urmg ac lstory ont By ANGELO HENDERSON always extra proud to be who I am, got to go." realizes that we are equals instead preciate and grow from 0}“ past. for blacks to be recognized. ‘ Staff Writer and i feel that all people should be Carol L. Bogle, biology of just being blacks,"she said. t°r .“ '5 “’"h the mac“ 5°99” "‘8' “I think it's a shame that there . ‘ . ' ' proud. It's not what color you are, sophomore, said history is an im- Some students feel that Black “’h‘tm must interact daily,“ H0" has been a month set aside for I , beISeveral U1:f tlhlgitiIkhzhiigents say; but who you are." portant part ofa person's identity. History Month should be not only sa'd- the th' t 'de white people to realize that black . "Sunmede be felt and “he '3 no . Another student said this month “In order to become a surviving for black students but for other f “:3"? {giftHistha TI: calls; :3“ people exist," she said, .. and for - - pr ‘5 “0 different than any otherwhen and stron le lfeel it is 'm r- racesaswell. or a ryI - - black le to rem mbe h ' ‘ only during Black History Month, theprideot‘ blacks in their heritage 8MP ' I p0. .. l k Hi t M th . t‘ students to feel tlus istheonly time the peog; .. e r W ere , - . which is being observed nation- _ ‘ and the of tant to kntiw what hashappened in Bac s cry on is a me people think about the ac- ycame rom. . . V’ldethismoflthilllt allthetime. 131013;“ ' M th - to review the past, Bogle said. To me, for all racesIto 18.8!“ and remember complishments oftheblack race. However. Holt said some people ' _ , ‘ “This is lmt a month in recogni- 8 ac 3m 0‘13” ks history is the backbone and struc- the contribution that black “it“ . t th set as'de for may feel that black history is over- . tion of my pI'lde. but live always thIeIaccomp ti: ha“ t ture that gives support toa race." Americans have giventotheUmted S 105 I8 mon her the ly stressed. . been W" said Beverly J. Ed- (Itiisjustano rIc nce ore- States,"Holmessaid. everybody o remem . . ac- .. . . . . .‘ . ' . . . acquaint ourselves With the past, Barbara J. Easley, a computer Lik H I M k H Holt rts complishmentsof black historians. Some might feel that there is too . moods, chemical engineering giving us added strength to be able science freshman said the lessons e . o mes, ar ’ .' a and the rest of the year is thrown much emphasis on Black History “hm“- . to confth the struggles in the learned from the. past could help and sciences freshman, saidtgahe away," said Frank W. Walker ll, Month," Holt said. “But you should , “m“ I" wasn‘t“ m“ future," said Zonetta M. Easterly. blacks inthet‘uture. mam '""°"’“ '“°'° “ arts studio sophomore. consider the fact that in spite of all ~ ‘ frahrnan, said. “I m always extra chemistry freshman black people. . the effort made toward making the mnbwtunbhck race endour .. ' w “Black history shows me how .. - - Theme A. Lolton, a telecom~ ' -. ,, I feel proud every month, . , Black History Month is not set . . . . lso public aware of these four meager mhhhm“ Easterly said. "I think black much blacks have achieved m the aside just for blacks to nationally 'hm‘l‘w‘m $235” 53m weeks, there is still a great lack of ‘ Marcie o Butlel'. arts and history makes you realize how far world and also how much further acknowledge their history. Whites “'39 “9“" ‘ , '° undemmndmg and appreciation of . science trahmen, said, “I‘m you‘ve come, and how far you've “’3 have to 3° before the “'0'“ too. must takethetimetoleam, ap- History Month ‘5 observed merely ourhistory." - _ fi ' t 1 ' I t D r r . -...--__*.-______.,_____ _~ “.1-_. ”g _- .,__-_-!__ __ ,. l '1. ' T I e d | orl a I s & Steve Muse) Scott Robin-ell Chrh All Jd-Clly Clry m 15- m Editor in Chief Editorial Editor “(XIII- Spam Editor llm‘lmm Idiot" ”flu" "W beau-um l C o m m e nt 3 Associate Editors , mucus l Jay l-‘ossett C’IhIMIflM" ‘ l Managing Editor Mel (Touch MC I‘m ' lb. Will-00 ‘ 1 1 Vicki Poole Ila- llall Dante WIN Assistant Entertainment Editor 0.. w E l Assistant Day Editor J” Uttlc Assistant Sports Editor MArtm 1 in. Arr-(urn, rim "ii-um mini." and rig-m... letters In opt-ton“ be typed. lnpk- I 1““ M Dale Merl. ' l sph‘fll and include no... man“ and prop- uranium- ind-am u in for Mode-u as us Day 54"" WW . i r-nt'IUirn. luau M be mum I» M mum a“ mum and ton-nu in M words. L Senior SM Writers l #_.-A_,_-_H______-._.______-_____._ ' Pu . ' ‘Pl ' r l d r e’ . ggze. aymg ea goo 0 a e 4' ‘. o o o . e o . ’ _ Newspaper rating system would Justify money spent, creatrvrty would fare better . . _ NIELSON RATINGS—a s stem , - - . . ._ of establishing viewership of pro- OFSwpogfg‘glgbclilrsiidgd sgrfihfli‘n percent of the mph 50 percent i toa mass market. If he can land 8 And I play i! Wu've got the f . ' granirnmg by the broadcasting net- {h J N' 1 ~ .. the time. weather, ads, obituaries, 10b there, then Puggielivss. money . " ' , ‘ works against each other. A cross- e . l: seam rh'riitings 0f classrfied ads, sports, more ads, But if not, Puggie dig. Unless, 0f 0' ifyou'reafriendtome i_. _ , ~ . ' . . “mo” of the American population PewindPef 0;" tdi S creator felt and a feature story or two to plug course, his creator returns to work But the one-man band I. 1 ' is monitored according to their J-usu.‘ m eman. “8 payment. theholes. forthe Kernel. By the quick lunch stand j , “mm h b‘ ‘ like an Arab with or]. You want it lomes With an electronic newspaper the It is sad that Puggie's fate rests Hempla l realgood . . g a "5' to determine and he’s got it and you‘ll have to .., editor knows b ' ‘ - ' y "8 Jorfrcc. * ' , l‘t‘liillVi’ shares of the audience - ., . . ’ ysurveying his elec- m the hands 0‘ people who print . . , i,i.,\,,‘.,,m.iworks pay “”39“" . . griffin «7i lmmc devwes. how many peOple words for money, because it is their , . ~ . . ’ The Ke’ "91 5 readers d9"! pay | ’ read each article that appears on attitude that delivers more of the N bod to tohe hi _- l' le'n i it too bad there aren t for the pleasure of reading. the ., the screen. Puggie might rate a 75 same, 15s of the new, more of what 7:0 :1 .mp5“ ed or m t "d . . . {\irisvn ratings for newspaper paper. however, and 50 there IS no ,, {;"~ percent “share." while Griffin plays in Peoria and less ingenious, hi it "8 ay ’0 awn a - , . _. ' \-'l‘l"‘l“~7 way '0 pay to read Puggie. The . rates a one percent “share." The imaginative and clever literature 5.“ kn hehad I h “1mm he a chance to get rid of Kernel ls submrted solely by '*—*" _....___, ’ “fi—"“ result: eight pages of Puggie, with and art. a“: with, 1‘ v mm" . . the <‘l'lp and fill the space with meager advertismg revenues (no not. And the unpppular lS sentenced afew ads thrown intopaytheway, In the end, it is hard to assign . Sothe pane d 'M. munch - . something worth the ink and paper money is derived from student fees to the medias form of capital This. like M'A‘S‘H reruns, is blame in this situation. Should the I "In?“ to 8° over and as); for a .~ . it h printed on. Writers not produc- or umversrty sources), and the punishment,cancellation. nice for a while. It soon becomes Kernel ante up to pay me by w" . ' .‘ ing h substantial audience wo ul dbe hudget cari deliver only so much This makes televrsron a very old and trite and another idea is cutting space that might be better Mga be utonaharm 4 , '3 out on their cans, and good rid- “rm?"- democrat” Illstltullm "VOW" are called for. Not a new idea. but devoted to new writers? What if it my rdphis h °"” . . . dance Puggie could go down the street registered With a click of the dial; another tried and true idea. A new mears cuttinga page of sports? A etahe . rlefr: ed . ' After all. who really reads a to the Lexington Herold or The Lex~ the popular vote determines the idea would be a gamble, too risky Is Puggie‘s creator wrong for H: wsfla‘: Mar“! good I r . ' newspaper these days? It either ington Leader; they ve much more program schedule. for the investors‘ capital. asking for all he thinks he can get? free P y "8 . o . , goes (we r our heads or is simple money to pay for things like Pug- And the Winners are (a drumroll After a few years, the stuff that How about all he thinks he should ' .. beyond belief What we need 15 gm. But then we d have to .pay to please) . . . Charlie's Angels, The plays in Peoria becomes so boring get,nomatter how highihepfice? —Jonl Mitchell “Fir m” = _‘ something in between. something see it and some might object to Dukes of Hazza rd and The that you want to move to Puget I can‘t answer these questions. (from Lad‘ ' the C © , , _ that wwhes out to touch us where that; stacks of Heralds and Misadventures of Sherriff Lobo. Sound or Panama just to get escape Maybe we get what we pay for. 1969 S‘ heliufim gyr’ we are. our (13in lives. not the Leaders are not dropped off at all Still, you complain: "This is it all. On the other hand. some people . iquom ' . . . ramblings of an armchair UK bluldings and local bisinesses crap; there‘s nothing on TV Likewise, afta- reading the find simple pleasure in performing Thenext time youarelooking for ' , ' secretary of state or the ravings of for fr ee. , . , tonight. The‘eys 5" “me ‘0 choose quarter -a-copy “CWSPaPeTS and well and lUSt getting by; there is a good surgeon want an ”.99 .' . l. a clown ‘ So there Will be no Puggie until from that no one could actually watching commercial television, it more artistic freedom, less record album need a 9 gallai of , .- What we need is something that money. crops up to pay his creator make an intelligent choice.”_ ' is refreshing to try public TV or to pressure to make the supply meet gas to get toyour 31th job, ‘. . will make most of us happy, or until his creator stops deman- A lot like this past preSidential pick up astudent newspaper. They .thedemand. or just want to see We again, . . .- 50thth g that lets ‘5 know that dingasmuch money. ltis as Simple election —- a choice between the worry less about what the majority remember that the supply is ‘, . ' our feelings are important enough as that._ . evrls of two lessers, Carter and of the people want and more about meeting the demand and that you v. , . in be on 'he editorial page, too Te‘eV‘S‘m Y9“ 533" d” "0‘ Reagan . . _ , trying new ideas. bringing in new Joni Mitchell calls it “playing are getting whatyou payim 4 ’ . S'Hll‘fllllllg like Puggie. seem to have’this problem. There If partrcrpating in this. sort of material, developing talent and re- real good for frw”: And if you happen upon . ‘ l' or those new to this page, Pug are so many different channels and democracy -- Nielsen ratings and mining creative. something “real good for free," it ~ , .. tile is the little cartoon that graced networks that there is always plen- the ballot box -- does not give you It is that spirit, originality, that even something 50-50 for free stq) - , ', ~ - last lerm‘s Kernel and made itself 9’ t°.p.lease everyone. W“ telev" the satiSfaCfiO" that you think it broughtusPuggie in the “TS! Place and enjoy. The way things are go- - ,_ popular m the process. Puggie did Sion it is easy to determine roughly ought to, well. duck, because here Without a proven audience, no ma- Now mel play for fortune ing it won’tbe around for long. , - hm ”mm to the Kernel this term. how many people are watching a comes the electronic newspaper, 30,- newspaper would ever publish And those velvet curtain calls ' ' - '. . and the- popularity of the strip '9" show by placmg electronic gadgets and. true to its electronic paren- puggie‘ Now that his creator has I ’ve gotablaclz limousine many of Puggie‘s fans wondering on the back of a samplegroup 5 TV rage, it is a middling, bland com- built an audience for his cartoon, And two gentlemen James Griffin Is I W}. senior. _ - ' .' whi-ro llt' went and when he might .SetS' The results provrde a 309d pilation 0‘ wire 59M“? COPY that "5 Puggie can move on to a paper that 5800”“!!! me to the halls His column appears every Tues- ' . f I ' l'P’ill‘n idea of what ‘5 WW!” and what '5 originators are sure Wl“ please 50 can afford it, one that caters solely day. - , - ‘ . .1? e rs O z e I O r All contributions shouldhedeliveredtollslmdhmmUllverdtydl‘eltucky. m- ‘ *. = . n i‘ .l lngton. Ky.. 40506. The Kernel reserves the right to edit for yuan-r and My and to .—. .' ~ g {'7 ‘ eliminatellhelou matatalmndmyeondemorrejectm. " i > . ’ ' V O . , 4 _ ~ 3 is [X1 debatmg teal“? desm’d by a larger faction. . . . . , , statement ignores the fact that we verbally resigned long beforewe for- In reading the Kernel one sees accusations of lnSUfflClenl. investiga- mally resignedin writing. Thetime interval betweenthosetwo migna- ' \ ‘- . 7 , tion by SA into certain legislation involving the expenditure of money on tions led to his statement of purgation, W we we in good 8W ~ '. We n ould like to aim this letter toward the students of UK rather than behalf of the student body. This is due to the delegation of .power within at the time ofour original, legitimate resignation. ‘_ . : w ‘L. “mm-(l. lhat band of “young demagogues" that are presently venting the organization to "qualified? nonelected offrcrals. Appornted officrals The system can work. It Wm hardwork, dedication, andtheahili- : .‘ . ‘ any in “lare'SS in the Student Association. We do not want to stand on op- research and BPPV‘W‘? legislatlon Wh‘Ch ‘5 then, rubber-stamped by cer- ty to rise up after being beaten and try again. We are presently seniors ., -' ., ‘ lxmlv sides and throw stones via the editorial page of the Kernel; tain administration officrals, haphazardly revrewed by the Senate and and do not have the time tofinish outour majors, work about mboursa ‘ , ' ' : rnlllvr. we would like to show a side of Student Government which the possibly passed. There are times, however, when "5.93“" 15_ thorough week, andbechampions forthecaiseatthis time. We hope, forthesake , .» i f w Fr'rlt'l sniff sometimes misrepresents but also. at times. does not slam and the intent is well-founded, resulting in better lighting 1" trouble of the student body, that thereare students thathave thetime torefu'm ; 5 hard mough areas of campus, aiding blood donation, fighting for better parking, and the Student Association. Also, we hope that m of the information in --_ I .. This letter will be in part for those sane students who will never want helping offsampus students. this letter will help. One bit of hope: there are senators and ad- » ' , ‘ ‘ to run for a student governmental office; to show them why some issues . _ . ' minstratim officials in the Sturhnt Amociatim that want towu'k fix the V - -' below the SA are often unjustly prolonged or passed. You will see why POW'SaI hopefuls need [0 be aware Of what they are up against. Pnor students. If the student body wants this m to be straight“ out, the '35 5 I mnlurr mistakes are made or almost made. Also. you will see that on to running for office, you need to get 3 COPY 0f “Robert’s 31115 0f time in this spring’s election. We can gripe becausewe put in our time ‘ i _‘ .. . .' you luck) days good legislation is passed that greatly benefils the stu- Parlimentary Procedure" and digest it, cover to cover. Once elected, (Shaw, Feb. ’m _ Dec. ’80 and Taylor, May rm _ Dec. rm). We will be (lelil body lrealize that this is hard to believe but "Yes, Virginia, there the need to immediately begin compiling a “5‘ 0‘ senators, [‘le voting thisspring; ifyou wantchange,thenvote. _ ‘_ f ; arr l1 rod senators and bad senators." Hopefully this message will also elected and re-elecled. and their phone numbers is paramount. AC' . ,- ' . 'z'; reach those brave students of sound mind and body. the former being quainlances need to be made. coalitions formed. to prepare for the first am, 9,“, , I ' mml important. warning them of what they will have to face. not to surprise encountered by "1051 newcomers. The surprise being that by Fmerhalssflmm ' ‘3 ‘ " y'.- . l'Tl'lV‘ lhwm to decide against running but rather to prepare them in ad- the time committee heads and other POSltiO“s 0f power are to be decided : i. - < “4...... l,,, what they will beup against. upon and delegated, the administration-backed coalition of senators Roh'l‘lylor g -" I will already have the list of senators and will have begun lobbying for FormerAliSSenator 1‘: ". ,‘v_ ,'1 ~ these positions. Training in parlimentary procedure consists of merely ,3 " .‘.n S.-'\ meeting really has to be experienced in order to be fully unap- basics, enough to 3110f” the novice to realize what is happening but 00‘ : ‘ pm --ili d. but we will try to recreate the sordid scene. For the most enough to stop any “("10" 0f the more experienced senators. . '. . ' purl. din-isions are not made by debating issues but by debating per« -‘ .' ,3“ ‘ sonnliiu-s The most prominent ofthese personalities being thatof presi— It was these reasons that led to our decision to resign our itions. . .‘ . . _- '. drill Bradley Payne Sturgeon. Discussion is often interrupted by We could have claimed heavy school loads but that would not me been I agree that at timestthe “a?“ Pmiifki “:Lmzzsmx: l . Sturgonn whose “only“ function at Senate meetings is supposed to be the real reason. We could have said that extracurricular activities 3:“: fr or math: 5:: 03m" 2:“ stud they'issues in depth like the .‘ '- 7‘, ‘ gii my presidential address at the beginning. Apparently he is trying to necessitated our resignation. but karate lessons were only a minor fac- C ab. e‘w 1:3“: 5 r nnial gblem ain’t/divides the two branches , ‘_ f ' reliw his days as a senator. The mention of debate brings up weary tor. The major factor (and, for the most part, the only factor) was that 31;.meshgtpisnzf flint“ it has nothingtodowith my “mental '. .‘ ; . , nil-mumps of continuous speeches involving no new insight. just a rear- the meetings we attended accomplished very little, if any, beneficial abilities ‘.'. 11ie aim Eliza is that Mr Ts Ior and Mr Saw missed ' . . mi lgl'lnhni of what had already been said. It is a debate team. h0pe|ess- legislation Sturseon‘s comment about our being close to mutation and m of iasi wens-s :ieetlngs and ihmhreiuiomatllcally med . . Z, . - '. I), Wlhmahzed. practicing technique instead of getting down to the lonly being allowed to resign through his grace makes us realize how Finall in m opinion SA has already initiated the long-awaited.“ ‘ -. ,j‘ , . " husuwss they had been elected for. Pr-esupposing that a faction of hard— badly we had overestimated his mental capabilities. It does not bother much neyeded riform This has been evident all year long as we have 5:5,. , ;, working senators could achieve numbers necessary to allow for the us that he felt the need to strike out at is in an attempt to stabilize his constant] pushed the barriers 0‘ student advocacy This year": (.i ‘; " ; phage of favorable legislation. the second. and more awesome. power shaky administration, but we would like to close this letter with an ex- organization has worked in many diverse areas and with.“ increasing . I ha 4. willlt‘S to light. The power of a full knowledge of parlimentary pro» planation of our actions to our A & S constituents. degree 0‘ expertise and confidence ' i; r U-riinl- lS sufficient to allow for a select few. complementing one We would liketoapologize to those who hadtheconfidencetovote for ' ,' ‘ illillTiuvl‘ s motion's to alter, divert, and eventually dismiss legislation us. whether this support was for us or for the system itself. Sturgeon‘s :dizmt‘ggzd ‘ atlon . v. _ es in . en mod , . I ~ I, lT‘s Fol? THE "BRAD ' , whnrs won THE MASK? ' i ,, : . SWEEEON LOOK -ALlKE cones-r ;, . V Q§ ‘35-'“3'115'3f112 ——___.— ——-'—"' ——————— ' _.'.* _' ’4‘) ’é‘: ,ggg; —___—\\ § .' ‘,. r , *fe ‘ g- . ' ‘l ' I‘ .5155. ' 35} E?"'-',.£3'i}.if??? = if % aéfim : 'r I ~ I ‘ . '25:; “ ’ .{ii}?*535355213'253515? " r’ ‘ ' fin} " n‘v ' ' fizz-"‘55? '.