xt7pg44hqs24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hqs24/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1937-11-08 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1937 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1937 1937 1937-11-08 2020 true xt7pg44hqs24 section xt7pg44hqs24 . MINUTES OF THE UNIVEhS T J, November 8» 1937 \ The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall Monday, November 8, 1937. President McVey presided. The minutes of October ll were read and approved. The Committee on Duplication of Jourses presented the following new course which was approved: History 176. The Third French Republic. A study of the parties, politics, administration, diplomacy, economy, social movements, and general culture of France from 1870 to the present. A reading knowledge of French will be helpful to graduate students. Lectures, readings, reports, and discussions. Three hours per week; three credits. ' ‘JfgL The following recommendation of the College of Agriculture was approved: Change Animal Industry 104, Animal Breeding¢_from four credits to three credits. President McVey called attention to the next convocation, on November 18, the Speaker scheduled for that date being Dr. Sherman Smith, and the subject, ”Voice, a Golden Gift”. The report of the Special Committee on the State of the University was presented for consideration of the Senate. COpies of this report had _ previously been placed in the hands of the members. After a brief statement , by Chairman Neil Plummer, President McVey outlined the nature of the report, I calling attention particularly to the characteristics of its different parts. It was pointed out that the actual recommendations of the Committee covered only four points, as follows: Faculty Ethics, Supplementary Statement on a Research Program, FacultyuUniversity Relations, and Mimeographed Material, and that the other two parts represented,first,the comments of the Chairman of the Committee and,second, a digest of 52 letters received from members of the Committee and otherso ! In connection with the discussion of the comments related to administrative 1 organization, President McVey read to the Senate from the Bulletin entitled "Organization of the Board of Trustees, Conduct of Business Matters, Governing Regulations of the University”, the statements of the composition and functions of the University Senate and the University Assembly. The President emphasized the importance of each faculty member becoming acquainted with this manual, and with the Rules of the University Senate. In reSponse to the request of President McVey for comments on the report, several members of the Senate expressed their Opinions concerning specific items. Most of the opinions expressed related to college and departmental organization, fi ‘!§*k to the Committee on Duplication of Courses, and to the necessity for making ’ A‘ 776 .. . . . ‘ (1 Minutes of the Univer51ty benete « November 0. 1937 effective the work of the Committee on the State of the University. On motion, duly seconded, the Senate voted that the University Council be asked to eXamine the renort and to recommend to the Senate the procedure to be followed in making the most effective use of the entire report, and that consideration of the four recommendations mentioned above be made a specific order of business of the University Senate at its regular meeting in December, The Secretary of the Senate was instructed to place these assignments on the agenda for the next meeting of the Council and the next meeting of the Senatee ‘fl' ?vTYT"{“7'~" A71 " t: .1“ T' ‘i'T ""1 F‘ 'T‘”Y C'T‘Z‘T ‘. 1’“ ;I w J g. 44-) x; .1 .L W“ Jud. J LR\ 1 J. .J ‘ ... :‘5'1 :1. Z Eondny, January I’.u \ 7 ' »«..' ~v I -: ’ J. ‘— ,- "m~", - 2‘ rue J‘lY in by Senate net in the hectvre Room of fcfef n¢ J. l) thev nresiiei. -\~ n . n. ~ ~‘ , r The m1nuue: OI November 8. 1w37, were real and annroved \ ... "L 1 ',--'-’i .I‘ , r11 m- 1 -- . 1 "r! - ‘ -77 no Committee on Duwlicmti n oi worn oresentel the fGLlQWLDH new CQQTSDB, fifllCh WC- 7‘ G r .17 o T!) v e d: . 7 ~ " . ,.. " H i . Coiie e _1 Arts 4nd hcieuces Chgmigtgx 1R1. Chemigtri of the Vi,atins. Two hours lecture ner week for eight weeks for penlth office 3 only. 1 credit HVEiQRQ 1?og. Sunenlised £1311 flork in Pubii; Heglth NUTSiRV. fe‘tinn of clinical technivue in the various nheses of the 1 u ‘ a v‘ \- ‘(‘- 1 r 7‘, . ‘.' ~ . 1‘ . ‘ . unlic Hemita Nuzning nrogrnm. Methods in Cn1id care to be tencfir n the home, home cere in commuHECmble diseases Get on uf nicnl eouioment, techninue of wrotective treatmente and tests. C '1' v. x (35-1 5 ~ _ . K 1. KY . a . . hrtiene l3>Q¢ biqeyv1sed Piedd jork 1n E;oiic Eggith hanging. A study of, and unnotice in educational methods aianted to femiiv and CD sonooi visits, conferences and clinics, ,nd community nrojevts, lesson n1anning and oreotice nrel w lien} til dewwly-tmcgit'c - 1 r- ~ ~ . ~ ‘ . . 7 - 1 > - AVQIQQQ 1?gq~ Eggngiegg Field 30?? .n Public H with Euro ngo FOSEOT? an undcnctnndin: of all contributing Services in the health Aeoantm=nt's