xt7pk06wxc1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06wxc1q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1907014 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1907-01-jun4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1907-01-jun4. 1907 2011 true xt7pk06wxc1q section xt7pk06wxc1q Irregularities MINUTES OF TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,J1u-4, 1907 Page 135 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the A. and M. College of Kentucky held at the President's room, Gymnasium Building, State College Grounds, Lexington, Ky. June 4th 1907. Judge Kinkead moved that Judge Stout take the chair tem- porarily, in the absence of Mr. D. F. Frazee. Said motion being seconded and put upon its passage was carried. Thereupon Judge Stout took the chair, and Mr. Hillenmeyer, a student appeared before the Board, and made a statement about the appropriation which had been made by the Board at its De- cember meeting, to assist in the publication of the State Col- lege Annual, known as the Kentuckian. Mr. Hillenmeyer retired, and after considerable informal discussion action thereon was deferred to give Mr. Hillenmeyer an opportunity to obtain certain statements of accounts desired. Mr. D. F. Frazee having come in, Judge Stout resigned the Chair, and placed Mr. Frazee in nomination for Chairman at this meeting, and said motion being duly seconded, put upon its pass- age was carried. Thereupon Mr. Frazee took the Chair. The roll-call showed the following:- Present - Messrs. Brooks, Carpenter, Clay, Kinkead, Lafferty, Metcalfe, McChord , Nicholas, Patterson, Smith and Stout, Fra- zee. 12 Absent - Gov. Beckham, Judges Barker, and Bell, Messrs. Hopkins and Terrell. There being a quorum present business was proceeded with. Thereupon the Chairman submits statement of bid of Combs Lumber Co., for the erection o. the Agricultural Building in which they propose to erect said building for the sum of $22,069.0o MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-4,1907 Page 136(cont'd) Thereupon Judge Stout made the following motion:- Resolved that this Boara accept the bid made by the Combs Lumber Company for the erection of the Agricultural Building, and that there be appropriated for the purpose of paying for same the amount necessary therefore, over and above the $15,000 heretofore appropriated for said purpose; and that the Chairman of the Board of Trustees be authorized and direct- ed to borrow the money necessary therefor. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Metcalfe, and upon roll call on same the vote stood as follows: Ayes:- Messrs. Brooks, Carpenter, Frazee, Kinkead, Lafferty, Metcalfe, McChord, Nicholas, Patterson, Smith and Stout. 12 Noes - Clay The resolution was unanimously carried. President Patterson stated he voted for the resolution but reserved his belief that under the Acts of Congress appropriat- ing money for the use of the Agricultural, and Mechanical Col- .leges and the Act of the Kentucky Legislature levying the half cent tax for its support, the use of such money for building purposes is forbidden. At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the Execu- tive Committee since the last meeting of the Board, and upon the conclusion thereof, President Patterson moved the minutes as read stand approved.. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Brooks, and being put upon its passage upon the roll-call the vote stood as follows: Ayes - Messrs. Brooks, Carpenter, Clay, Frazee, Kinkead, Lafferty, Metcalfe, McChord, Nicholas, Patterson, Smith and Stout. - 12 Noes - None At this point the Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting of the Board, which stood approved as read. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-4, 1907 Page 137(contid) The motion was carried unanimously. At this point President Patterson read his Report to the Board, which was referred to the Committee on President's Re- port, which committee was at this noint appointed by the Chairman as follows: Committee on President's Report: Messrs. Clay, McChord, Lafferty. President Patterson stated that he desired to append to his Re-oort; for action in connection therewith two resolutions, which he read to the Board at this point. Thereupon upon motion duly seconded and carried, it was Resolved: that a committee of five, consisting of Messrs. Frazee, Kinkead, Nicholas, Clay and Patterson be appointedto confer with the authorities of the Kentucky University upon the subject of the change of the name of the State College to "University". Upon motion of Judge Stout duly seconded and carried Mr. Frazee was appointed a committee of one to notify the authorities of Kentucky University of the proposed conference and to ascer- tain if it is agreeable to them to have such a conference. Upon motion of Col. Clay, duly seconded, and carried it was resolved to take up and act on at this time the two resolutions appended by President Patterson to his Report. The first of said resolutions is as follows: Resolved that a reasonable and moderate sum be charges each society, club, fraternity, class organization or other body to cover the p~pense of light, heat and janitor's services in con- nection with the use of the gymnasium or chapel; M,.IINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-4,1907 Page 138(cOnt'd) Resolved that the number of dances or balls allowed during the year be limited to five, and. that such dances or be.11s suspend not later than one o'clock A. Ml. Upon motion of Col. Clay, seconded by Judge Kinkead and put upon its Dassage said resolution was unanimously adopted. The second resolution so offered by President Patterson is as follows: Resolved that hereafter and until further instructed the faculty is directed to embrace the following studies in the course of instruction in the Academy. Two years in Algebra, Plane and Solid Geometry, three years of Latin, two years of Greek, one year French and one year in German. Physical Geography, three years of English, 1 year general History, and one year in Physics. Upon motion of Judge Stout, seconded by Mr. Brooks, said motion was placed upon its passage, carried. Mr. Nicholas offered the following resolution:- Resolved that the Board are satisfied with the bond that has been furnished by Mr. Hillenmeyer in the matter of the issual of the college annual, and th.t the sum of $300 be paid to the students for said purpose, which was appropriated by the resolution of December, 1906. Said motion was duly seconded., and placed upon its passage, and upon the roll call the vote stood as follows: Ayes - Messrs. Brooks, Carpenter, Clay, Frazee, Kinkead, Lafferty, Metcalfe, McChord, Nicholas, Smith aid Stout. - Noes - None President Patterson not voting. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jun-4,1907 Page 139(cont'd) Mr. Nicholas moved that a committee be appointed to go and examine the office of the Business Agent, and consult with the Business Agent, and see what he would suggest in the way of giving him better quarters, and report as to what they would advise in the way of repairs. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Smith, and being put upon its passage was carried unanimously. The Chairman appointed on said committee Capt. Nicholas, Mr. Carpenter and Judge Lafferty. At this point the Chairman announced his Standing Committee as follows: Committee on President's Report: Messrs. Clay, MIcChord,and Lafferty. Committee on Finance:- Messrs. Nicholas, Stout and Smith. Committee on Appropriation:- Messrs. Stout, Kinkead and Carpenter. Committee on Building and Grounds:- Messrs. Metcalte, McChord and Brooks. Committee on Experiment Station:- Messrs. Kinkead, McChord, and Carpenter. Committee on Salaries:- Messrs. Lafferty, Clay and Nicholas. Committee on Internal Expansion:- Page 140 Messrs. MoChord, Clay and Smith. Committee on Military Instruction:- Messrs. Brooks, Kinkead and Clay. Committee on Minutes of Faculty:- Messrs. Carpenter, Smith and Brooks. Committee on Athletics:- Messrs. Lafferty, Stout and Nicholas. At this point-upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock A.M., June 5th, 1907, at the same place.