Frankel and Curtis architectural records


The Frankel and Curtis architectural records (dated 1897-1974, undated; 10 cubic feet; 161 tubes, 5 boxes) comprises architectural drawings, photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, financial records relating to L.K. Frankel, and building specifications documenting the firm's designs at various stages of completion, from architectural plans and specifications to finished buildings.

Descriptive Summary

Frankel and Curtis architectural records
1897-1974, undated (inclusive)
1925-1940 (bulk)
10 Cubic Feet
Architecture, Modern -- 20th century
Architecture -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Small business -- Kentucky
Houses -- Kentucky
Building construction -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Architects -- Kentucky
Dwellings -- Remodeling
Architectural rendering
Collection is arranged by format.
Finding Aid Author
Sommer Cade, Nicholas Hodge, Abigail King
Preferred Citation
2009ms105 : Frankel and Curtis architectural records, 1897-1974, undated; University of Kentucky Special Collections.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Frankel and Curtis was an architectural firm located in Lexington, Kentucky, in operation from 1919 through the mid-1960s by partners Leon Kaufman Frankel (1878-1949) and John J. Curtis (1888-1970), with associates James S. Frankel (1910-1982) and Melbourne Mills (1902-?).
Leon K. Frankel graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1900 with a degree in Engineering, and after receiving his master's degree in 1902, became a professor of design from 1906-1919. He was a member of Anderson and Frankel, which was a firm of architects and engineers in Lexington that predated Frankel and Curtis. He was a member of the American Institute of Architects and additionally trained soldiers at the University of Kentucky for service during World War I. He married Ora Slaughter in the early 1900s, and they had a son, James, in 1910. Frankel became a member of the American Institute of Architects in 1926 and a member of the Kentucky Society of Engineers in 1939. He died after a short illness in 1949.
James Frankel started working at Frankel and Curtis after graduating from the University of Kentucky in 1933 with a degree in engineering and earning a master's degree in architecture from the University of Michigan. In addition to his architectural work, James, who was born deaf, was heavily involved with organizations that assisted hearing-impaired communities, including helping found and serve on the board of the Lexington Deaf Oral School, later known as the Lexington Hearing and Speech Center. He died in 1982.
John J. Curtis graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1910 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and taught there from 1910-1919 as a professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering. He also trained World War I soldiers for service while at the university, and was a member of Lexington's Zoning Commission, which was part of the city council.
Frankel and Curtis designed hundreds of residential and commercial buildings throughout Kentucky and other nearby states, such as Ohio and Kansas. They worked on buildings for commercial districts in Lexington that include the Wolf-Wile Department Store building in downtown, the Rainbo Bread Factory, and the Cadentown School, which was the segregated public school for African Americans in Fayette County.
Sources: The American Institute of Architects Archives, "Questionaire for Architects' Roster and/or Register of Architects Qualified for Federal Public Works." 1946. Accessed March 15, 2016.
Staff report. "Death Claims L.K. Frankel, Short Illness Fatal to Architect." Lexington Herald. (Lexington, KY) November 28, 1949.
Hewlett, Jennifer, "James S. Frankel, deaf, architect-engineer dies." Lexington Herald. (Lexington, KY) May 21, 1982.
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005
Scope and Content
The Frankel and Curtis architectural records (dated 1897-1974, undated; 10 cubic feet; 161 tubes, 5 boxes) comprises architectural drawings, photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, financial records relating to L.K. Frankel, and building specifications documenting the firm's designs at various stages of completion, from architectural plans and specifications to finished buildings. Some of the buildings referenced are the Rainbo Bread Factory, Hyden Hospital (a Frontier Nursing Service facility), Lexington's Third National Bank, and various University of Kentucky facilities, such as the Dairy Building, the Delta Delta Delta sorority house, and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, which later became Scovell Hall. The drawing materials include blueprints, parchment, and linen, and the photographs include prints and negatives of completed buildings or those in construction. The office records comprise a small portion of the collection and include the financial records relating to L.K. Frankel, promotional material used by clients, newspaper clippings related to the firm, and general ephemera.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Drawings, 1906-1960, undated

A.E. Cohen Shoe Store (Lexington, Ky.), 15 November 1926

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project consisting of three pages that include sections, plans, details, schedules, and elevations.

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A.E. Cohen Steel (Lexington, Ky.), 20 January 1927

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of three pages of construction drawings, including details, such as mesh guards, beams, anchors, columns, rods, field bolts; indexes of field bolts, mesh guards; and elevations of end view and stairs.

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A.E. Shoe Store (Cincinnati, Ohio), 6 July 1926

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Set of eight sheets consisting of blueprints, design development drawings, and notes including plans, elevations, cross section, heating and electrical plans, and details. While included in the collection, this work was designed by architectural firm Fechheimer and Ihorst.

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A.E. Hammel Store (Lexington, Ky.), 21 June 1921

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Set of three sheets consisting of construction and design development drawings for a show window remodel and an elevator hatchway including: elevations (new show window), plans (new show window), and detail drawings (steelwork, elevator clearances, show window).

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A.E. Hammel Store (Lexington, Ky.), 25 May 1926-14 August 1926

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project consisting of five pages of construction drawings including plans (new tile lobbby, first floor, second floor, third floor, roof), details (copper ventilated glass set, elevator pit, show window, connection to jamb reinforcment, window bulkhead), sections (longitudinal through walls, cross-through front entrance, floor beams in penthouse, longitudinal as-built), and elevations (in-store).

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A.E. Hammel Store (Lexington, Ky.), 29 December 1928-11 July 1933

  • Tube 1
Scope and Contents

Set of three sheets consisting of construction and design development drawings including the following: elevations (front, in store), sections (through lobby, through plaster cornice and panel), plans (main window, third floor, second floor, first floor), and detail drawings (window walls).

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A.V.A. McMahon Garage (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 2
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, including elevations (front, south end) and floor plans (first, second). Located on McDowell Road in Ashland Park.

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Adams, Chester D. residence, undated

  • Tube 2
Scope and Contents

Set of five sheets consisting of construction drawings, including floor plans (first floor) and elevations (front, rear, sides).

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Ades, David store building and residence (Lexington, Ky.), 22 June 1921

  • Tube 3
Scope and Contents

Two pages of heating plans at 714 Franklin Avenue that include drawings of first floor plan and elevations (side, rear).

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Administration building (Clear Creek, Ky.), 6 December 1950

  • Tube 3
Scope and Contents

Set of 12 drawings consisting of construction drawings including: sections (transverse throughway, stairwell, transverse through cupola), elevations (side, front, rear, windows of front wall), details (basement exterior, blackboard, roof vent, side entrance, windows, front dormers, threshold, doors, columns, boiler/connection), plans (roof cupola, attic floor, first floor, second floor, foundations and footing, basement heating, plumbing, electrical), and schedules (hardware).

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Agricultural Experiment Station auditorium building (Quicksand, Ky.), 4 March 1940-17 April 1941

  • Tube 3
Scope and Contents

Ten pages of construction drawings, including elevations (northside, southside, rear, front); details (connections, window sill frames, jamb, steam heating, front); plans (first floor, roof, basement, heating in first floor and basement, plumbing in basement, ceiling from ground, outer walls); and sections (longitudinal of kitchen, whole building, jambs, cornice, stairs).

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Albers Supermarket store building (Lexington, Ky.), 7 February 1952-15 December 1956

  • Tube 3
Scope and Contents

Twenty-five pages of constructions drawings and sketches, including elevations; plans (floor, roof, foundation, electrical, site, plumbing, heating, ventilation, a/c); sections; detail (entrance, window); schedules (door, panel); diagrams; and indexes.

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Anderson, F. Paul (Lexington, Ky.), July 1912

  • Tube 4
Scope and Contents

Set of 13 sheets consisting of construction and presentation drawings including: elevations (north, west, south); floor plans (first, second, basement); heating plans (first floor, second floor); details (cases, windows, wall, doors, panels); remodeling plans (first floor, bedroom), and sections.

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Anderson, Wm. C. residence (Danville, Ky.), 29 May 1922-29 June 1922

  • Tube 4
Scope and Contents

Set of six sheets consisting of design development drawings outlining a residential remodel, which includes: elevations (front, sides); details (sill, stairs, cornice); plans (second floor, first floor, basement); and cross section.

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Dr. Arthur Bach office (Lexington, Ky.), 5 November 1945

  • Tube 4
Scope and Contents

Three pages of alterations and additions construction drawings, including: floor plans; elevations (right side, front); and sections (door jamb, jamb liner, cornice). Located at Security and Thust Building.

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Ashland Farm cow barn (Lexington, Ky.), 23 August 1910

  • Tube 5
Scope and Contents

Set of sheets consisting of construction, working, and presentation drawings including: elevations (side, front, sectional, half front, through rear); sections (longitudinal, half end); details (cow farm, stairs, doors, cow barn); and plans (cow farm).

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Ashland Golf & Country Club (Lexington, Ky.), 28 January 1925

  • Tube 5
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings that include elevations (front, rear, east, west, living room); floor plans (first, second, third, foundation, roof, attic, basement); sections (cross, through front porch, wing sections); and details (windows, entrance door, entrance gate, trusses, cigar counter).

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Ashland Golf & Country Club (Lexington, Ky.), 8 June 1924

  • Tube 5
Scope and Contents

Set of two drawings consisting of site plans, including a survery of the quarry for a proposed pool, and a contour map.

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Ashland Park (Lexington, Ky.), July 1922

  • Tube 5
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings consisting of a revised plan/map of the park. Handwriting on back reads "Ashland Park Reviera #2."

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BB Smith & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 1947

  • Tube 6
Scope and Contents

Set of nine sheets consisting of design development, construction, and presentation drawings for a store front remodeling that include: details (stone, granite); elevations (front); plans (site, vestibule, show windows, vestibule framing); and sections. Also includes an official Frankel and Curtis seal.

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BB Smith & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 6
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including second floor plans.

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BB Smith & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 6
Scope and Contents

One blueprint with design development drawings, including: elevations (east wall, west wall); and diagrams (fixture layout for second floor).

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Dr. B.F. Vanmeter office and flat (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 7
Scope and Contents

Two pages of construction drawings of addition to office building and flat that includes elevations (right side, front); and floor plans (first, second, basement). "Anderson and Frankel" is the firm name, from 1910s. Location at North Upper Street.

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Bailey, G.L., Dr. residence (Fayette County, Newtown, Ky.), 23 February 1923

  • Tube 7
Scope and Contents

Set of four construction drawings outlining the additions and alterations to this home including: elevations (front, side, rear, south); floor plans (first, second, basement); details. Very damaged.

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Bain, G.A. garage and residence (Lexington, Ky.), 25 April 1924

  • Tube 7
Scope and Contents

Three pages of remodeling drawings, including elevations (built-in case, front, sides, rear); sections (built-in case, wall); and floor plans (garage, first, second, foundation).

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Bagdad School building (Shelby County, Ky.), 30 July 1930

  • Tube 8
Scope and Contents

Two separate packets with sets of drawings consisting of presentation and construction drawings including: elevations (front, right, wall sectoin, rear, belt course front); plans (basement, first floor, second floor, roof, balcony, plot, roof framing of first style lintels, second floor framing of first style lintels); details (joist anchors, auditorium, proscenium wall footing, floor light); and sections.

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Bastin, S.L. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 26 April 1920-12 April 1921

  • Tube 9
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings, including: garage elevations (front, side); floor plan; detail (lintel above door); house elevations (front, west, east, rear, typical door); sections (cross, longitudinal, full size rail, full size baluster); floor plans (roof, second, first, basement, front steps); door schedule; diagram (basement, stairs); and details (porch column, baluster, front porch and terrace, cornice, side cornice, rake section, roof of sun parlor and living room, double hung window frame, casement window, cove mould, stairs). Location at East Main Street.

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Bederman, Sam apartment (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 9
Scope and Contents

Set of 8 drawings consisting of construction drawings, which include the following: floorplans (basement, first floor, second floor, roof), elevations (front, rear, right, left), details (typical door, typical French door, casing), section (cornice).

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Berryman, C.H. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 1 August 1925

  • Tube 9
Scope and Contents

Set of three sheets outlining a remodel consisting of construction drawings: plans (first floor, second floor, doors); elevations (side, rear, doors); and sections.

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Bishop, Clay residence (Manchester, Ky.), 26 April 1950-1 October 1951

  • Tube 10
Scope and Contents

Twenty two sheets of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, right, rear, left, long room wall, front entrance); schedules (window, door); plans (second floor, first floor, basement, heating and electrical, concrete slab, kitchen); and sections (verge board, porch column, scallop, window seat, fireplace, stairs, beams).

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Bloom, Lester residence (Lexington, Ky.), 7 June 1937

  • Tube 10
Scope and Contents

Set of 11 sheets consisting of sketches, design development drawings, and construction drawings that include: elevations (telephone niche); plans (site, telephone niche, bookcase); sections (telephone niche); and details.

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Bloomfield, Clarence residence (Winchester, Ky.), 14 November 1925

  • Tube 11
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction drawings, including plans (roof, attic, basement, first and second floor); elevations (side, rear, front, china case); sections of china case; and details (door, front, cornice, porch/main).

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Bloomfield School building (Bloomfield, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 11
Scope and Contents

Set of four sheets outlining additions and alterations to the school building and consisting of design development and construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, footing, first floor framing, first floor); elevations (steel arrangement in wall, joists, typical foundation showing steel arrangement in wall); and diagrams (foundation bending).

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Board of Education auditorium and gymnasium (Eminence, Ky.), 30 October 1935

  • Tube 12
Scope and Contents

Eight pages of construction drawings, including elevations (sides, front, rear); floor plans (basement, foundation, main floor, balcony, roof); details (water table, interior door frame, window, exterior door frame, balcony rail); schedules (door, lintel); and sections (through balcony, wall, longitudinal).

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Bourbon County High School (Millersburg, Ky.), 18 March 1948

  • Tube 12
Scope and Contents

Three pages of drawings, including floor plans (first, second, third) and site plans.

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Bowling, J.H. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 20 April 1923

  • Tube 13
Scope and Contents

Set of four construction drawings including: elevations (rear, sides, front porch); details (brick balustrade, front porch cornice); floor plans (first, second, foundations). Location at Maysville Pike.

To top

Breckinridge, Robert J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 2 July 1921

  • Tube 13
Scope and Contents

Addition construction drawings are one page of elevations (rear, side); and floor plans (second and first). Location at 444 South Ashland Avenue. Extremely damaged.

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Brock, W.B. residence and garage (Lexington, Ky.), 31 August 1926-15 November 1927

  • Tube 14
Scope and Contents

Set of 14 drawings consisting of construction drawings. For the garage, there are sections; elevations (west, east, south, north); and plans (plot, roof, floor, foundation). For the residence, there are elevations (front, west, east, rear); details (stairs, front window, chimney cap, stone base, front entrance, cases, cornice); sections (cross-sections); full-size ornaments; door schedule; plans (roof, first floor, second floor, basement, foundations); and diagrams (basement heating, riser).

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Brown, John E. residence (Shelbyville, Ky.), 27 January 1937

  • Tube 14
Scope and Contents

Alteration drawings that include: sections (veranda, cornice, foundation plan); elevations (new front, sides, front, rear); diagrams (case in bedroom closet, towel closet in bath, cases in pantry, cases in breakfast room); and floor plans. Cuff around pages says "no farm existing."

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Brown, Linwood residence (Lexington, Ky.), 15 September 1931

  • Tube 15
Scope and Contents

Set of six sheets outlining the remodeling of the residence, which consist of presentation, contract, and construction drawings. They include elevations (front, rear, left, right); plans (basement, first floor, second floor); and detail drawings.

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Browning, W.E. residence (Georgetown, Ky.), 10 August 1926-31 March 1928

  • Tube 15
Scope and Contents

Set of three sheets consisting of construction drawings, which include a riser diagram and heating plans (first floor, second floor). For the porch alone, there are also elevations (front, side); plans (foundation, first floor); and a detail section.

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Bruce Engine House & Seda Company (Lexington, Ky.), 22 January 1938

  • Tube 15
Scope and Contents

Six pages of alteration drawings, including front and rear elevations; front and structural steel details; floor plans; and longitudinal sections.

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Bryan Hunt Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 25 June 1917-13 October 1924

  • Tube 16
Scope and Contents

Set of 16 sheets consisting of sketches, design development drawings, two letters, and a note with math problems on the back. The drawings include diagrams (electrical, steel, joist balcony, tank support); elevations; floor plans; elevator plans and elevations; and detail drawings.

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Bryan Hunt Co. wholesale grocery warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), 4 March 1920-30 July 1924

  • Tube 16
Scope and Contents

Addition construction drawings consisting of nine pages of floor plans, a plot map, details, diagrams, sections, and elevations.

To top

Bryan Hunt Co. wholesale grocery warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 16
Scope and Contents

Six pages of drawings, including details, sections, elevations, floor plans, and diagrams.

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Bryant, Fred residence (Lexington, Ky.), 15 April 1940

  • Tube 17
Scope and Contents

Set of five sheets outlining the additions and alterations to the residence consisting of: presentation, contract, working, and construction drawings. These include elevations, site plans, sections, and diagrams.

To top

Bullock, W.O., Dr. store (Lexington, Ky.), 14 July 1939

  • Tube 17
Scope and Contents

Location at East Main Street. Alteration construction drawing consisting of two pages of plans (first, second, basement); construction notes; and plumbing instructions.

To top

Bullock, W.O., Dr. Montgomery Ward building (Lexington, Ky.), 25 September 1928-28 January 1929

  • Tube 17
Scope and Contents

Twenty-two pages of construction drawings, sketches, letters, and notes that include indexes, plans, elevations, and interior/exterior details.

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C.A. Baker Funeral Home (Lexington, Ky.), 23 February 1935

  • Tube 18
Scope and Contents

Four pages of alterations and additions drawings, including floor plans (first, foundation, roof, office, casket room); sections (cross of the office, cross of the casket sales room); and elevations (south, north, west).

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C.A. Baker Funeral Home entrance (Lexington, Ky.), 9 April 1941

  • Tube 18
Scope and Contents

New front entrance design development drawings including elevations (front, south) and a floor plan.

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C.A. Johns Building, store and office (Lexington, Ky.), 12 November 1919

  • Tube 18
Scope and Contents

Set of eight sheets consisting of construction drawings that include: elevations (front, north, east); and plans (roof, third floor, second floor, first floor, basement, foundation). In addition, there was a note taped around the roll that read "Store of Office Building for C. A. Johns Walnut St Lex 1919." Walnut Street in Lexington became North Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in 1988.

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C.S. Brent & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 28 July 1920

  • Tube 19
Scope and Contents

Office remodeling drawings consisting of three pages of floor plans (roof, second, first), and sections (ground floor, roof stirrups and girders, across building). Located on South Broadway.

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C.T. Crowe beam selections, undated

  • Tube 19
Scope and Contents

Comprised of construction drawings and a sketch, including a diagram.

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C.T. Crowe built-in case (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 19
Scope and Contents

Comprised of construction drawings, including elevations and sections. Location is 220 S. Hanover Avenue.

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C.T. Crowe depot & store (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 19
Scope and Contents

Set of five drawings consisting of presentation drawings, which include the following: a floor plan, elevations (north, south, west, east), and sections.

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C.T. Crowe garage building (Lexington, Ky.), 3 September 1938

  • Tube 20
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of a sketch and a construction plan that includes a diagram and a note on back that reads, "m young struc. steel."

To top

C.T. Crowe garage building (Lexington, Ky.), 10 November 1950-20 February 1951

  • Tube 20
Scope and Contents

Set of 12 sheets outlining additions and alterations to the garage building. They consist of presentation, shop, and contract drawings, that include: plans (ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor, roof); elevations (south, north, west, east); details (column, framing, for re-locating, support); sections (column); schedules (column); and diagrams (bending, slab bending).

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C.T. Crowe garage and apartment (Lexington, Ky.), 1 February 1928-25 August 1935

  • Tube 20
Scope and Contents

Comprised of eight pages of construction drawings, including: apartment floor plans (second floor revised, roof, second, first, foundation); elevations (front, rear, east, SW corner, stairs); details (sound "deadening" partition, front gable louver, skylight, bow window, brackets, second floor doors, first-floor doors, apartment entrance, joist framing); proposed garage first-floor plan; front and side elevation; and first-floor section.

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Caldwell, Jerry residence (Danville, Ky.), 20 October 1924

  • Tube 21
Scope and Contents

Set of four sheets consisting of design development drawings and sketches with: elevations (front, sides, rear); plans (porch, porch foundation, first floor, second floor); and sections.

To top

Canary Cottage Steel (Lexington, Ky.), 3 December 1923

  • Tube 21
Scope and Contents

Comprised of construction drawings, including girder diagram and plans of the east store room and Hernando Building.

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Canary Cottage Kitchen store room building (Lexington, Ky.), 27 January 1927

  • Tube 21
Scope and Contents

Set of 11 sheets for the remodel of the store room building including: elevations (south); sections (longitudinal, floor); plans (foundation, first floor, balcony floor, roof, first-floor framing, roof framing, balcony framing, first-floor plumbing, ground floor, loft); details (gravel guard); and schedules (windows, doors, columns, floor beams, floor joists, rod beams/bars).

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Capitol Theatre (Frankfort, Ky.), 10 August 1928-8 September 1936

  • Tube 22
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of 49 pages of construction and record drawings, including elevations, sections, floor plans, details, schedules, and sizes of materials.

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Carey, Geo. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 22 November 1922-2 November 1923

  • Tube 23
Scope and Contents

Set of eight sheets of construction drawings that include: details (living room, mantel and bookcase, french doors, china cases, handrail); elevations (mantel and bookcase, sides, front, rear of residence); sections (mantel and bookcase, cornice, walls); floor plans (basement, attic and roof, first floor, second floor). Located at the southwest corner of Richmond Road and McDowell Road. Severely damaged.

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Carrick, J.C., Dr. property (Lexington, Ky.), 18 June 1929

  • Tube 24
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of construction drawings, including plans (roof, second and third floor, ground floor); elevations (Main Street, Limestone); and a schedule of damages. Location on corner of Limestone and Main St. Very damaged.

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Carrolton Auditorium (Carrolton Auditorium), 1 June 1926

  • Tube 25
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of presentation, working, and record drawings comprised of elevations (north, south, sides); floor plans (first, second, basement, roof); details (windows, folding portion, steel sash, wooden truss, hoist); and cross sections. Damaged document.

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Carrolton School (Carrolton, Ky.), 1923(?)

  • Tube 26
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings comprised of six pages of elevations, plans, details, and sections. A cardboard cuff originally around the document was dated 1923. Labeled as Marley and Young Architects. Damaged document.

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Central Methodist Church Sunday School (Danville, Ky.), 26 June 1929

  • Tube 26
Scope and Contents

Drawings show an addition to the Sunday School. Seventeen pages of presentation and contract drawings, including elevation of the details of the addition and site plans.

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Chapel and keepers and cemetery (Georgetown, Ky.), 15 June 1926-17 September 1926

  • Tube 27
Scope and Contents

Set of 18 sheets consisting of presentation, construction, and shop drawings: elevations (sides, rear, front); a longitudinal section; plans (rood, second floor, first floor, basement, foundation, beams, plumbing first and second floor, electrical first and second floor); and details (side wall of chapel, chapel porch eave, f.s. trim). Note wrapped around original roll read, "Chapel for Georgetown Cemetery 1926; card marked 7/1/82."

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Cheek, F.P. residence (Danville, Ky.), 16 April 1923

  • Tube 27
Scope and Contents

Presentation and construction drawings comprised of five pages of elevations (north, south, sides); floor plans (attic, roof, foundation, basement, first, second); details (double thru window, downspout head, stairs, entrance); second-floor wall partition diagram; and sections.

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Chenaut Building (Mount Sterling, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 27
Scope and Contents

Set of five sheets showing the plans for a remodeling of store front and show window. Included in the store front drawings are the following: floor plans (first floor, front window); sections (front wall, show window); and a front elevation. Included in the show window remodel drawings are: elevations (front windows, entire front facade); plans (window); sections (beam and cornice).

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Chestnut porch (Danville, Ky.), 25 April 1927

  • Tube 27
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of three pages of sketches, construction and design development drawings, including a diagram of the front porch, porch foundation and floor plan, sections of the porch, and front and side elevations. This is commissioned for a Mr. Chestnut, not a porch made of chestnut.

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Citizens National Bank (Winchester, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 28
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction drawings for the building addition comprised of window elevations, first-floor plan, wall sections, and chimney details.

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Citizens Union National Bank and Trust Co. (Lexington, Ky), 2 September 1959

  • Tube 28
Scope and Contents

Set of six sheets consisting of as-built and design development drawings, including: plans (floor plan, electrical); sections (through air conditioner, through vault); elevations (front, drive-in window, rear, exterior plywood face); and details (railing posts, bracket sylight control, right depository, floor light control). Location at Leestown Road.

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City Lumber Co. warehouse building (Somerset, Ky.), 17 August 1948

  • Tube 29
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings and studies comprised of: elevations (front, partial rear); transverse sections; joist details; floor plans; topography surveys; and door schedule. Damaged.

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Civic Center and Auditorium (Lexington, Ky.), December 1925-September 1935

  • Folder 1
Scope and Contents

Set of design development drawings that include: elevations (front, partially completed front); perspective drawing of front; and a ground floor plan.

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Clare, F.W. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 30
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings comprised of piping plans; elevations; details (stairs, hand rail, bookcases, linen closet window seat, front door, sun doors, front porch, cornice); sections; floor plans (first, second, foundation, basement, attic, roof); and full-size details (stair nosing, baluster, rail). Location on Ashland Avenue.

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Coal trestle for Logan and Caldwell streets (Louisville, Ky.), 16 September 1918-23 September 1918

  • Tube 30
Scope and Contents

Construction drawing comprised of one page of a plan, elevation, details, and deck and pumping post plan. Handwriting on back reads "M Seargeant Supt Ravenna, Ky." Slightly damaged document.

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Clifford Smith & Associates, McClure Building (Frankfort, Ky.), 15 February 1941-12 April 1941

  • Tube 30
Scope and Contents

Set of six construction drawings outlining alterations made to the building. There are two parts to the set: drawings of the building and drawings for Mr. Smith's office. For the building, there is a ground floor plan; elevations (north wall, east wall, south wall, west wall, east wall in kitchen); details (floor design, full-size panel joints, trim, mantel mould, west wall, corridor wall of reception room, chair rail, cornice in reception room); sections (details of wall); and a door schedule. For Mr. Smith's office there is a plan; elevations (east, south, west); paneling details (west wall, south wall, north wall, east wall); and sections (details of trim).

To top

Coke, Sterling residence (Lexington, Ky.), 30 March 1922-7 February 1928

  • Tube 30
Scope and Contents

Addition project to the house. Construction drawings comprised of seven pages, including: house elevations (front, rear, side, entrance); details (cornice, downspout, door, china cases, case in pantry, clothes chute, column, entrance, stair, wrought iron rail); and floor plans (first, second, basement, addition, and north, south, and rear elevations), floor plan (foundation, first, second); details (bookcase, telephone niche); and a door schedule. Location on Hanover Street Avenue.

To top

Colbert, R.J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 5 July 1928

  • Tube 31
Scope and Contents

Set of 10 sheets consisting of presentation, working, contract, and construction drawings, that include: elevations (front, rear, left, right); plans (first floor, second floor); detail drawings; and a section.

To top

Colbert, R.J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 31
Scope and Contents

Set of seven sheets of presentation and construction drawings that include: a plot plan; garage elevations (rear, front); a site plan; detail drawings; and sections.

To top

Coleman, Bert residence (Danville, Ky.), 11 August 1928

  • Tube 31
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of construction drawings comprised of: elevations (front, rear, sides); sections (thru front, thru eaves, walls); floor plans (first, second, basement); details (window, base and shoe); and schedules (door, window).

To top

Coleman, C.A. House (Lexington, Ky.), 18 July 1935

  • Tube 31
Scope and Contents

Location in Hamilton Park. Four pages of hand, design development, and shop drawings, including: elevations (front, back, sides), floor plans (first, basement), door schedule, wall section, and full size details.

To top

Community Center (Simpsonville, Ky.), 28 February 1924

  • Tube 31
Scope and Contents

Eight pages comprised of constructions drawings and sketches, including: elevations (north, west, east); plans (roof and balcony, first floor, foundation and basement); and cross and longitudinal sections. Cardboard cuff originally around document names the project, place, year, and then reads "card sent to minister of Baptist Church since there is no mayor of City Hall."

To top

Consolidated Coach Corp. Co. Cunningham halfway house (Shelby County, Ky.), 16 November 1929

  • Tube 32
Scope and Contents

Four pages of presentation drawings and a sketch comprised of elevations (front, rear, sides); and a first-floor plan.

To top

Consolidated Coach Corp. halfway house (Shelby County, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 32
Scope and Contents

Four pages of presentation drawings comprised of elevations (front, side); and floor plans (first, basement).

To top

Court House tower (Versailles, Ky.), 29 January 1927

  • Tube 33
Scope and Contents

Reconstruction project comprised of three pages of construction drawings, including sections (horizontal, vertical, half); and a half elevation. Slightly damaged.

To top

Cox, L.G. bathroom (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 34
Scope and Contents

Location at 427 West Third Street. One page of construction drawings comprised of: floor plans (bath, shower); elevations (west, details, shower stall, north); sections; and schedule of fixtures. Damaged document.

To top

Cromwell, Thomas residence (Lexington, Ky.), 6 August 1929

  • Tube 35
Scope and Contents

Addition project comprised of one page of construction drawings, including: plans (roof and attic, stairs at first floor, dormer roof); elevations (rear of dormer, side of dormer); and cross sections.

To top

Cropper Consolidated School Building for Board of Education (Shelby County, Ky.), 26 May 1922

  • Tube 36
Scope and Contents

Six pages of presentation, construction, and working drawings comprised of: elevations (front, rear, sides, folding doors); plans (floors, roof, foundation, basement); section through folding partition; details of blackboard including chalkrail; and full-size astragal diagram. Damaged document.

To top

Culbertson Rexall Drug Store (Lexington, Ky.), 11 July 1947

  • Tube 37
Scope and Contents

Thirteen pages and two additional sheets of construction drawings comprised of: a plot plan; elevations (front, rear, sides, column detail, outside column); plans (first floor, second floor structural); outside column; roof (structural); first-floor slabs; foundations; heating and air conditioning, electrical layout; details (apartment door, inside column, front door, parapet, roof, marquis, footing); sections (wall, wall column at side door, inside column detail, door frames, lintel, typical second-floor windows, typical jamb section second floor, boiler room window, typical first-floor window, stairs, thru landing, thru sixth riser, thread and riser, chimney); lally column schedule; and sum total wattage needed for electrical layout. Note originally taped around roll names the store, 1947, and "(Bldg gone)."

To top

Curtis, H.E. and Anne L. Morton residence (Lexington, Ky.), 27 March 1924-24 May 1924

  • Tube 37
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, east, west); plans (roof, basement, second and first floor); details (doors, french doors, door trim, F.S. base); and sections (door's jamb head).

To top

Curtis, J.J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 37
Scope and Contents

Five sheets outlining a remodel, which consists of presentation, contract, and construction drawings. These include: elevations (front, rear, south, north); a first floor plan; a section; and detail drawings. Located in Transylvania Park.

To top

D.H. Glass Store & Garage, 6 July 1931-17 August 1931

  • Tube 38
Scope and Contents

Comprised of 11 pages of construction, contract, and presentation drawings, including: schedules (beam, glass, window); plans (concrete foundation, mechanical equipment, floor, show window, store garage front); details (floor drain, steel frame, cut-stone sills, cast-iron grating over drain trough, roof drain and strainer); elevations (beam, rear, sides, front); and sections (grating, thru show window, thru store entrance).

To top

Dairy Building at University of Kentucky (Lexington, Ky.), 25 February 1929-7 March 1929

  • Tube 38
Scope and Contents

Set of 10 sheets consisting of construction drawings, which include: plans (footing, first floor framing, second-floor framing, roof framing); sections; detail drawings; and schedules (footing, column, joist, beam, slab, floretyle).

To top

Daniels, Joe residence (Little Rock, Ark.), undated

  • Tube 38
Scope and Contents

Comprised of 10 pages of design development drawings, including: plans (basement and foundation, floors, roof); elevations; details (interior, exterior), and wall sections. Note on back of document reads "Mann and Stern/Joe Daniels/708."

To top

Danville Laundry Co. (Danville, Ky.), 10 February 1927

  • Tube 38
Scope and Contents

Four sheets outlining a remodel consisting of design development drawings that include: floor plans (first floor, second floor, mezzanine, dresent first floor, proposed first floor); and sections.

To top

Danville Public School (Danville, Ky.), 16 April 1929

  • Tube 39
To top

Davis, J. Bruce residence (Lexington, Ky.), 5 August 1919

  • Tube 39
Scope and Contents

Location on Hanover Avenue. Comprised of four pages of construction drawings, including elevations (north, south, east, west); and floor plans (foundation, first, second).

To top

Davis, M. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 39
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (basement, first floor, roof); elevations (front, rear, sides); sections; and detail drawings. Located at Mentelle Park.

To top

Davis, Maurice S. residence & garage (Lexington, Ky.), 19 October 1931-20 November 1931

  • Tube 40
Scope and Contents

Six drawings of design development drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, sides, garage); plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof, site, garage); sections; and a window schedule.

To top

Davis, Maurice S. residence (Frankfort, Ky.), 3 April 1953

  • Tube 40
Scope and Contents

Four pages of construction drawings, including: details (double hung windows, casement windows, pier, fireplace, typical ornament metal, truss); sections (roof porch, gable, foundation vent, fireplace, eave); floor plans (first, foundation, roof); elevations (fireplace, utility room, north kitchen wall, rear, front, sides); and a site plan.

To top

Dawson, W.L. residence (La Grange, Ky.), 6 March 1922

  • Tube 40
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction and design development drawings that include: elevations (south, east, west, north); plans (first floor, second floor, roof, basement); and detail drawings (basement, roof, porch cornice, altenative option for bay window, double-hung window, double-dormer framing).

To top

Delta Delta Delta Sorority House (Lexington, Ky.), 30 March 1956

  • Tube 41
Scope and Contents

Additions and alterations project comrpised of construction, design development, study drawings, including: site plans, plans (first and second floor, foundation, basement, roof, framing, heating, electric); elevations (kitchen, north, south, east, west); sections (longitudinal, cross, stairs, front entrance, bay window); details (door rail in dining room, wood and rubber bases); and schedules (floor, window, window lintel, beam). Plans indicate one side of the house was located on Rose Street.

To top

Deming High School and Elementary School (Robertson County, Mount Olivet, Ky.), May 1946

  • Tube 41
Scope and Contents

Set of 23 sheets consisting of consturction drawings, which have the high school and the elementary school. For the high school, there are: plans (fire escape, grading); sections; and an elevation. For the elementary school, there are: plans (grading, plot, first floor, second floor, heating, plumbing); elevations (front, rear, sides); cross sections; detail drawings; schedules (door, window); and diagrams.

To top

Deming High School fire escape (Mount Olivet, Ky.), 8 October 1946

  • Tube 41
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including: stair elevation; tread and landing details; sections (railing, door, transom sill); and a plan of a fire escape.

To top

Detail of suspended balcony, undated

  • Tube 42
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of construction drawings, which include the following: a detail drawing of the balcony construction and a section of what appears to be a joint.

To top

Doyle, Margaret store building (Paris, Ky.), 25 September 1936

  • Tube 42
Scope and Contents

Set of 12 drawings outlining alterations to the building that consist of construction drawings. These include: elevations, plans (foundation, key, erection, bulkhead, present and altered conditions); column schedules; detail drawings; and sections.

To top

Dyer, O.L. residence (Burnside, Ky.), 1 March 1950

  • Tube 42
Scope and Contents

Comprised of construction and presentation drawings, including: a plot plan; subdivision site plan; plans (foundation, ground floor, roof); sections (thru planting area, typical wall, thru terrace, thru terrace step and walk, thru front cornice of garage, fireplace, typical roof framing); elevations (fireplace, rear, front, sides); details (septic tank, oil storage tank, roof valley, cornice); scehdule of kitchen equpiment; and heating requirements table.

To top

Ecton Residence (Lexington, Ky.), July 1925

  • Tube 43
Scope and Contents

Two sheets consisting of presentation drawings, including: plans (first floor, second floor); and ceiling and sill height drawings.

To top

Elizabeth Inn (Elizabeth, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 43
Scope and Contents

Proposed building project comprised of 14 pages of presentation and working drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, side); and floor plans (first, second, third).

To top

Ellison, C.E. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 28 January 1935

  • Tube 43
Scope and Contents

Set of construction drawings outlining alteration, which include the following: plans (first floor, second floor, attic); detail drawings (beams about chimney, towel clost in second bath, cabinet in first bath); and diagrams (heating layout for first and second floors, piping in basement). Note taped around original roll: "C. E. Ellison alt. to Resid Lf 1935"

To top

Elsey, J.D. residence and apartment (Lexington, Ky.), July 1946

  • Tube 43
Scope and Contents

Location at 318 Transylvania Park. Comprised of seven pages of presentation, contract, and shop drawings, including floor plans (first, second, third); the then-present layout of the three floors; a door schedule; and a detail of the side entrance.

To top

Embry & Company Inc. store building (Lexington, Ky.), 14 June 1928-23 April 1930

  • Tube 44
Scope and Contents

Addition project comprised of 11 pages of presentation, construction, and contract drawings, including: elevations (front of vault doors, front, rear, sides, masonry, hallway, rear wall of reception, north of penthouse, north and west in elevator); sections (plan of door, thru gate, longitudinal of top of shaft); plans (masonry drawing, rear wall of reception, foundation, floor, roof, ceiling plan of skylight); and details (left wall, reception room, barbershop door, mirror, wood base, future second floor).

To top

Embry & Company, Inc. (Lexington, Ky.), 26 May 1960-20 December 1960

  • Tube 44
Scope and Contents

Set of six sheets outlining a remodel, which consist of construction drawings. These include the following: elevations (east wall, west wall, south wall, north wall); detail drawings (fitting room partitions, light fixture); plans (remodeled third floor, existing third floor, ceiling, floor plan, electrical); and sections. Architectural firm name on this packet is Frankel, Curtis, and Coleman.

To top

Erdman, B.K. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 21 January 1954

  • Tube 45
Scope and Contents

Set of seven drawings consisting of design development and constrution drawings that include: site plans, elevations, and sections. Located at 3/2 Holiday Road.

To top

Eveleth, C.A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 1 April 1924

  • Tube 45
Scope and Contents

Set of seven sheets outlining a remodel, which consists of construction drawings as well as before and after drawings. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, basement, attic/third floor, site); elevations (rear, east, north, west); section (wall detail basement); and pipe detail drawings.

To top

Eveleth, Charles F. building (Lexington, Ky.), 9 July 1923-1 October 1923

  • Tube 45
Scope and Contents

Comprised of three pages of construction drawings, including floor plans (first, second, roof, foundation); wall sections; elevations (north, south, longitudinal, west, east); and schedules (steel sash, lintels).

To top

Eyl, Edward residence (Lexington, Ky.), 12 July 1923

  • Tube 45
Scope and Contents

Comprised of four pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); floor plans (first, second, roof, basement and foundation); details (base, trim, cornice, baluster); and sections of front porch. Location on Maysville Pike.

To top

Eyl, J. Edward residence (Lexington, Ky.), 31 March 1940

  • Tube 45
Scope and Contents

Set of presentation, construction, and working drawings, which include: elevations (left, right, rear, front); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation); section; and detail drawings.

To top

Eyl, W.C. residence and garage (Lexington, Ky.), 11 May 1923

  • Tube 46
Scope and Contents

Comprised of two pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (side, rear); floor plans (first, second, foundation); details; and sections (cornice/wall, foundation). Location on Nicholasville Road. Damaged.

To top

Farquhar, F.F. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 1 March 1926

  • Tube 46
Scope and Contents

Set of 11 drawings consisting of consturction drawings, including: elevations (front, sides, rear, entrance, built-in linen case); detail drawings (front entrance, book-case, breakfast room case, fire place, stairs, walls); sections (entrance, cross-section, transverse section, through sun-porch and living room wall); and plans (roof, first floor, second floor, basement, foundation, stairway and rail).

To top

The Fair Store (Lexington, Ky.), 11 September 1929

  • Tube 47
Scope and Contents

Remodeling and addition project comprised of 12 pages of presentation, working, and construction drawings, including: elevations (front, east, Water Street, window guards, show window); details (hood and bracket, front wall construction, column bases, column casing, steel window, wood window, skylight sash, trim, show window); plans (floor, plot, roof, column bases, foundation and basement, display window, show window); and sections (thru piers, thru connecting arch, thru rear wall and balcony). Cardboard cuff originally wrapped around document read "Fair Store (Press Store, Dept. Store) 1929."

To top

Falmouth Electric Plant (Falmouth, Ky.), January 1912

  • Tube 48
Scope and Contents

Set of four sheets consisting of working and design development drawings, including: plans (piping, floor, site); a diagram of equipment; and layouts (electric lighting mains, transformers, street lights).

To top

Farmdale Baptist Church religious education building (Louisville, Ky.), 9 August 1957

  • Tube 48
Scope and Contents

Set of six sheets consisting of construction drawings, including: plans (driving and parking, first floor, second floor, foundation, first floor entrance, framing on all floors, heating and plumbing, electrical on all floors); sections (cabines, riser, connnecting corridor, ground floor entrance, column footing); elevations (northeast, northwest, southeast, stairs, entrance, first floor entrance, ramp); detail drawings (stair handrail, northwest entrance and stairs, doors); and a door schedule. A note taped around the original roll read, "Educ. Bldg. Farmale Bap. Church, Louisville, ky, 1957 card sent 6/30/82"

To top

Farmers National Bank and Trust Co. wide front (Danville, Ky.), Undated

  • Tube 48
Scope and Contents

Comprised of four pages of design development drawings, including: floor plans. Cardboard cuff originally wrapped around document reads "Farmers Natl. Bank Danville, 1930 card marked 7/16/82."

To top

Farmers National Bank and Trust Co. narrow front (Danville, Ky.), 12 September 1928-10 July 1930

  • Tube 48
Scope and Contents

Comprised of 26 pages of progressive sketches, design development, and construction drawings, including: sections, details, plans, elevations, diagrams, and schedules. There are intricate drawings for front elevation and interior details.

To top

Featherstone, S.B. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 6 October 1919-1 March 1920

  • Tube 49
Scope and Contents

Comprised of seven pages of shop and design development drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); floor plans (first, second, foundation, roof); sections; and details. Location on South Hanover Avenue.

To top

Felsenthal, A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 12 February 1920

  • Tube 49
Scope and Contents

Five sheets consisting of design development drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); sections; plans (first floor, attic floor, roof); and detail drawings. Located at Bullock Avenue.

To top

Fire Station concrete slab construction for center entrance (Lexington, Ky.), Undated

  • Tube 50
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including a concrete slab plan and section. Location on Third Street near Walnut Street.

To top

Fisher, E.N. apartment building (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 50
Scope and Contents

Four pages of presentation and design development drawings, including: elevations, floor plan, and site plans.

To top

First Presbyterian Church (Danville, Ky.), 10 August 1948

  • Tube 50
Scope and Contents

Seven drawings outlining a remodel that consists of construction and shop drawings. These include: plans (first floor, roof framing, basement floor, roof, heating); sections (transverse); elevations (longitudinal, west, east); door types; and full size detail drawings. Note taped around original roll that read, "Int Presby. Church Remodeling 1948 Hold for put up nartor on vacation card moved 6/30/83"

To top

Frankel, L.K. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 51
Scope and Contents

Comprised of 10 pages of construction drawings, including: floor plans (first, second, roof, basement); details (cornice, gutter, stairs); and elevations (front, north, south, rear, fireplace and mantle). Location on Aylesford Place.

To top

Fred P. Weissman Co. (Harrodsburg, Ky.), 13 December 1940-11 August 1945

  • Tube 51
Scope and Contents

Set of 30 sheets consisting of blueprints, construction drawings, sketches, and void drawings. These include: plans (site, floor, roof, foundation, boiler room, electrical); a topographical map; layouts; elevations (front, rear, sides); sections; a riser diagram; and detail drawings.

To top

Future roof place, undated

  • Tube 51
Scope and Contents

One page of a construction drawing and a sketch, including a plan, diagram, and math handwritten on the front and back of the document. The bottom of the page reads "50' ramp to future roof."

To top

Garage for Bourbon County (Paris, Ky.), 25 November 1919

  • Tube 52
Scope and Contents

Eight pages of construction and design development drawings, including: details (eave, skylights); elevations (front, rear, sides); cross section, plans (footing, foundation, floor, roof); and a letter that appears to be for the contractor.

To top

Garver, A.F. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 19 November 1923

  • Tube 53
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); details (casement, trim, chimney, veranda, staircase, cabinets, stair rail); and floor plans (first, second, basement, roof). Location on Irving Road.

To top

Gassidy, Tilton J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 19 February 1921

  • Tube 53
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings outlining a roof and cornice remodeling. These include: details (main cornice, dormers, side cornice); and elevations *(front, rear). Located on Ashland Avenue.

To top

Gay, Gatewood residence (Lexington, Ky.), 15 February 1927

  • Tube 54
Scope and Contents

Eleven pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, south, north); sections (foundation, roof, whole house); details (enlarged features from whole house section, door and window, basement pipes); scheduling for doors and steel sashes; and floor plans (roof, second, first, basement, basement heating).

To top

Gay-Coleman Co. apartment building (Lexington, Ky.), 30 November 1935-1 January 1936

  • Tube 54
Scope and Contents

Twelve sheets consisting of construction and design development drawings, including: plans (basement, foundation, first floor, second floor, site); elevations (front, rear, sides); longitudinal sections; and detail drawings.

To top

Georgetown Water, Electric & Power Co. power house (Georgetown, Ky.), 5 April 1923

  • Tube 55
Scope and Contents

Comprised of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, sides); wall section; removable mullion detail; and plans (plate set in concrete, ground floor).

To top

Gilcher, Emilie N. elevator (Danville, Ky.), 10 September 1914-18 December 1914

  • Tube 56
Scope and Contents

Set of construction drawings that include: section of elevator shaft, plan of hatch enclosures.

To top

Glascock, C.A. residence (Flemingsburg, Ky.), 21 June 1923

  • Tube 56
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction and design development drawings, including: floor plans (roof, foundation, first, second); elevations (front, rear, sides); details (Hoffman casement, Dlt window); and sections (building wall, front porch).

To top

Glass, S.A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 56
Scope and Contents

Eleven sheets consisting of presentation and shop drawings that include: elevations (front, rear, sides); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation, basement, attic, roof); and detail drawings. Located at Ashland Avenue.

To top

Gleneyrie gymnasium and auditorium (Shelby County, Ky.), 29 April 1933

  • Tube 57
Scope and Contents

Six pages of presentation drawings, including: plans (first floor, roof); elevations (front, north); details (framing of wall at line of stage); consult drawing of steel work and sections (above playing floor, on center line).

To top

Glenn Theatre (Georgetown, Ky.), 5 May 1937-2 August 1937

  • Tube 57
Scope and Contents

Four sheets outlining alterations of construction drawings. These include: elevations (front [present and altered], front stairs); floor plans (entrance [present and altered]); detail drawings (metal display frame, deal plate, marquee details); sections; and a door schedule. Note taped around original roll read, "no longer in existence."

To top

Goldsmiths Store (Richmond, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 58
Scope and Contents

Eight pages of shop and presentation drawings, including: details (shelf cases, bases FS, cornice mould FS, corner table); floor plan; and elevation (counter, rear, front, sides).

To top

Goldsmiths Stores Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 26 February 1928-19 March 1928

  • Tube 58
Scope and Contents

Five sheets outlining a remodel, consisting of design development and engineering-related drawings. These include: detail drawings (display window and case); longitudinal sections, diagrams (store room lighting and heating); elevations; plans (main floor, second floor, third floor, roof, foundation, window).

To top

Goldsmith Stores Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 2 March 1928

  • Tube 58
Scope and Contents

Not a Frankel and Curtis document. Revised measurement plan comprised of three pages of construction drawings, sketches, and notes from Frankel, including the measurement plan and a plan of a cap case.

To top

Goldsmiths Stores Co. (Lockland, Ohio), 11 March 1929

  • Tube 58
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of 10 pages of presentation and construction drawings, including: elevations (south, north, west, east); sections (thru ceiling, streets); and details.

To top

Gorman, J.P. garage and residence (Lexington, Ky.), 5 May 1929-4 September 1929

  • Tube 59
Scope and Contents

Set of 13 drawings consisting of presentation, shop, and construction drawings. The residence includes: elevations (front, rear, sides, on center line); plans (garage, floor, stair landing at second floor, first floor); sections (on center line, through driveway, through vestibule); details drawings (display doors). The garage includes: plans (plot, roof, main floor, roof framing, top chord); elevations (front, rear, left, back); sections (cross, longitudinal); and detail drawings (truss, wall connection).

To top

Goodwin-Field Motor Co. garage (Lexington, Ky.), 17 May 1922-15 August 1922

  • Tube 60
Scope and Contents

Location on East Main Street. Comprised of nine pages of construction drawings, including: elevations; sections; details; and plans (first floor, roof, foundation, heating).

To top

Gox, L.G. residence and garage (Lexington, Ky.), 10 March 1925-27 July 1927

  • Tube 60
Scope and Contents

Location on West 3rd Street. Comprised of two pages of construction drawings, including: shower section; elevations (front, side); and garage plan.

To top

Grandstands for Springfield, Indianapolis, and University of Kentucky, undated

  • Tube 60
Scope and Contents

Three proposed grandstands project comprised of 5 pages of sketches and construction drawings, including sections of proposed Lexington stand, proposed Indianapolis stand, Springfield IU stand, cross section of Indianapolis, and University of Kentucky stadium.

To top

Graves, George K. garage (Lexington, Ky.), 21 April 1923

  • Tube 61
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of construction drawings, which include: a floor plan; elevations (front, side); and sections/detail drawings of a wall). Located at Ashland Avenue.

To top

Graves Cox Building (Lexington, Ky.), [?] July 18

  • Tube 61
Scope and Contents

Comprised of six pages of presentation and working drawings, including: sections (thru roof and attic, new parapet); detail (typical jamb, typical sill and spindel, typical head); rear elevation; and plans (roof, framing).

To top

Graves, J. Arthur residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 61
Scope and Contents

Nine sheets consisting of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, west, east, rear); plans (foundation, first floor, second floor, attic, roof); and detail drawings (cornice, etc.).

To top

Grover, H.M. front porch (Georgetown, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 62
Scope and Contents

Comprised of two pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, side); plans (foundation, floor, roof); and detail of porch floor.

To top

Haddix & Eades apartment and store (Lexington, Ky.), 1 March 1946-20 March 1946

  • Tube 62
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of presentation and working drawings, including: a zoning map; plans (roof, first floor, second floor, basement, foundation, first floor structure); elevations (south, west, east, north); schedules (column and footing, concrete slab, concrete beam, lintel); sections (cross, through center of front wall, etc.); and detail drawings.

To top

Hancock, A.B. residence (Paris, Ky.), 24 September 1928-4 October 1928

  • Tube 63
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings outlining a remodeling, including: elevations (front, left side, rear, front of case, side of case); sections (through floor, through wall); floor plans (first, basement); and detail drawings of a case.

To top

Hancock, A.B. stud barn (Paris, Ky.), 8 October 1995

  • Tube 63
Scope and Contents

Four presentation drawings, including: sections (doors, cross, longitudinal, etc.); elevations (end, side); and detail drawings.

To top

Hammel, A.E. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 3 October 1922-26 April 1924

  • Tube 64
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of design development drawings, including: elevations (south, front, north, rear, garage); plans (basement, roof, attic, first floor, second floor, garage); sections (residence and garage); and detail drawings. All drawings are marked "never built." Located at Ashland Avenue.

To top

Hammel, A.E. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 3 October 1922

  • Tube 64
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction and presentation drawings, including: elevations (rear, front, left side, right side, bedroom closet, bathroom, cornice detail, case, kitchen); plans (first floor, second floor, attic, roof, basement); sections; and detail drawings (head case, base, hand rail, door). Located at Ashland Avenue.

To top

Harrymon, J.F. residence (Maysville, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 65
Scope and Contents

Twenty-six sheets of construction and shop drawings, as well as sketches, including: elevations (front, east, west, rear, porch, stair window); plans (first floor, second floor, basement, first floor framing, second-floor framing, plumbing, heating, stair window); sections (through bathroom floor, cross); and detail drawings (full-size ornaments, front entrance, gable window, stairs, windows, porch, outside blinds, stone base, cornice in hall).

To top

Hart, W.H. residence (Ky.), undated

  • Tube 66
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of design development drawings, that include two front elevations.

To top

Henning, S.T., Allendale cow barn (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 66
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of presentation drawings, including: elevations (south, east, west); sections (cross, wall, floor); and plans (loft, floor).

To top

Henry Clay School (Shelbyville, Ky.), 19 June 1922

  • Tube 66
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of working drawings, including: elevations (front, end, stage annex, rear); detail drawings (entrance head, end joint, trusses, trussed beam, 5-group windows, door casings, blackboard, sign); floor plans (roof, second floor, first floor, foundation, basement); presentation drawings.

To top

Hernando Building (Lexington, Ky.), 15 April 1921-29 August 1923

  • Tube 67
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets outlining a remodel, which consists of studies, as-built, and design development drawings. There are: plans (first floor [before and after] second floor, fourth floor, site, general [as-built]); elevations (front, floor); sections; and a projection of the vestibule ceiling.

To top

Heyman, Gus L. garage (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 67
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, including: a floor plan; elevations (front, left); wall sections; and wall detail drawings.

To top

Hickman Street School (Winchester, Ky.), 17 July 1934-22 June 1939

  • Tube 68
Scope and Contents

Thirty sheets of construction and design development drawings that are separated into four groups: rebuilding wall, auditorium and gymansium additions, heating plant, and alterations and additions. For the rebuilding wall group, there is: east elevation, first floor plan, and a section. For the auditorium and gynasium, there are: plans (floors, basement, roofing); detail drawings (doors, door frames); elevations; and a column schedule. For the heating plant, there are: plans (first floor, second floor, basement); sections; elevations (rear, right side); a piping diagram; and details of the ceiling. For the Alterations and Additions, there are: elevations (front, rear, sides); sections; plans (basement, foundation, roof, first floor, second floor); a riser diagram; and detail drawings (doors, roof extensions).

To top

High school building (Clinton County, Albany, Ky.), 8 January 1935

  • Tube 69
Scope and Contents

Nineteen sheets consisting of construction drawings, including: plans (old school, new school); elevations (east, west, north, south); sections (east, west, longitudinal, through bleacher); plans (roof, first floor, second floor, basement, foundation, heating, septic tank, dosing chamber); schedules (lintel, door); details drawings (window frame, filters, front entrance, door frame); and diagrams (basement riser, truss). Note taped around original roll reads, "High Sch. Albany, Ky 1935 Clinton Co. card marked 6/30/82."

To top

High school building (Campbellsburg, Ky.), 3 May 1928-2 July 1928

  • Tube 69
Scope and Contents

Twenty sheets of presentation, design development, and construction drawings that include: elevations (front, rear, left, right); plans (basement, first floor, second floor, roof); sections (foundation); detail drawings (footing columns, light columnging, side entrance, pier under gymnasium, stair rail, door trim, base, blackboard, auditorium eaves, gynasium eaves, entrance, corner cresting, windows, basement columns, foor light, stair rail, joist bearing over triple windows, lintel, steel, beams, trusses, proscenium); sketches; and schedules (door, lintel, window).

To top

Houlihan, Edward residence (Lexington, Ky.), 10 April 1929

  • Tube 70
Scope and Contents

Six sheets consisting of construction drawings, including: elevations (rear, side); plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); and detail drawings (lintels, doors, windows, side door, cornice, rear entrance, fireplace and cases, joist line, fuming).

To top

Hub department store (Danville, Ky.), 6 November 1931

  • Tube 70
Scope and Contents

Two sheets outlining additions and alteratoins to the basement that construction and presentation drawings. These include a basement floor plan, an elevation of a new stairway, and a detail drawings of a reflector setting.

To top

Hub-Frankel department store (Danville, Ky.), 5 April 1958-30 May 1958

  • Tube 70
Scope and Contents

Three sheets outlining additions the mezzanine that consist of design development and construction drawings. These include: sections, a lighting layout, diagrams, plans (floor, framing), notes and indexes, and detail drawings (stair and rail, structural steel).

To top

Hulett, Betty residence (Fayette Co., Ky.), undated

  • Tube 71
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development drawings that include: elevations (front, rear); and plans (first floor, second floor).

To top

Hull, Walter A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 1936 September 3

  • Tube 71
Scope and Contents

Thirteen sheets of presentation and construction drawings that include: elevations (front, east, west, north); plot; sections; plans (kitchen, second floor, steel, basement steel setting, second-floor steel setting); schedules (door); and detail drawings (interior door frame, exterior door frame, door frames, bath, steel frame, door between passage and laundry, basement window, foundation wall, front entrance, railing, arch, window frame, cornice from main section of house).

To top

Humphrey Belt Elevator Co. (Fairbault, Minn.), undated

  • Tube 71
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of construction drawings, a sketch, and some math problems on the back. The drawings include a second floor plan and a diagram.

To top

Hunt, Geo residence (Lexington, Ky.), 24 October 1921-25 October 1921

Scope and Contents

Three sheets consisting of construction drawings that include: elevations (front, side, end, staircase); plans (floor, garage, staircase); and sections (garage, staircase). Located at West Second Street.

To top

Hupp, W.E. residence & garage (Fayette County, Ky.), 19 March 1923-7 October 1929

  • Tube 72
Scope and Contents

Fifteen sheets outlining additions and a remodel that consist of construction drawings and sketches. These include: plans (foundation, first floor, second floor, garage); elevations (front of residence, sides of residence, read of residence, north of garage, east of garage, south of garage); sections; and detail drawings (conservatory). Located at Maysville Pike.

To top

Hupp, W.E. office building (Fayette County, Ky.), 24 September 1934

  • Tube 72
Scope and Contents

One sheet outlining a remodel that consists of construction drawings. These include elevations (front, north); plans (floor, foundation); a section; and a truss detail drawing. Located at Maysville Pike.

To top

Hupp, W.E. tobacco barn (Lexington, Ky.), 6 June 1924-10 August 1926

  • Tube 73
Scope and Contents

Five sheets outlining a remodel that consists of construction drawings. These include: floor plans (present and remodeled); sections (cross-section, horizontal, through feed room, through stall front); detail drawings (window, doors); and elevations (side, end).

To top

Hupp, W.E. Robinwood Lodge (Herrington Lake, Ky.), 31 January 1936

  • Tube 73
Scope and Contents

Four sheets outlining an addition that consists of construction drawings. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, third floor, foundation, basement, roof); sections (cross section through recreation room, through entries, longitudinal section); and elevations (front, end, rear).

To top

Hyden Hospital for Frontier Nursing Association annex (Hyden, Ky.), 29 June 1926, 29 June 1926

  • Tube 73
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets consisting of presentation, working, and design development drawings. These include: elevations (side, front); layouts; plans (first floor, second floor, roof, foundation, basement); a typical wall section; and a door schedule.

To top

Independence Baptist Church grade school building (Independence, Ky.), 21 October 1957

  • Tube 74
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets consisting of presentation, shop, and construction drawings that include: plans (site, floor, structural, footing, foundation, heating, electrical, plumbing); elevations (east, west, north, south); schedules (door and finishes, light fixture); sections (cross, wall); diagrams (boiler connection, temperature control, service and feeder riser); and detail drawings (trussed rafters, library counter, chalkboard). Note taped around original roll read, "Grade School Bldg, Independence Baptist Church, Independence, Ky 1952-58, card marked 6/30/82."

To top

J.D. Gay gross seed cleaning plant (Pine Grove, Ky.), 4 September 1936

  • Tube 75
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of presentation and working drawings, including: elevations (typical side, typical end); plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); and sections (cross detail, cross at end, longitudinal near center).

To top

J.D. Gay porch (Pine Grove, Ky.), 3 May 1921

  • Tube 75
Scope and Contents

Set of sheets outlining a remodel that consists of design development drawings. These include: elevations (front, sides); and plans (column setting of porch).

To top

J.D. Gay storage barn (Lexington, Ky.), 9 November 1926

  • Tube 75
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); detail drawings (shed loft bracket, window, head, jamb, side wall, and girder bearing); elevations (sides, column, end, north end); and sections (sliding doors, etc.).

To top

J.D. Weil building (Lexington, Ky.), 17 February 1936

  • Tube 76
Scope and Contents

Six sheets outlining proposed alterations of construction and design development drawings. These include: plans (five floors, roof, heating); sections, elevations, a door schedule, and indexes).

To top

J.D. Weil building (Lexington, Ky.), 3 March 1939

  • Tube 76
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction and design development drawings that include: elevations, schedules (window, door, lintel); an overflow curb diagram, plans (foundation, floor, roof); sections; and detail drawings.

To top

J.D. Weil residence (Lexington, Ky.), 28 May 1929-15 June 1929

  • Tube 76
Scope and Contents

Set of three sheets outlining an addition, including the following: elevations (bathroom remodel, residence elevations); sections; detail drawings (bathroom, residence); residence floor plans; a schedule of fixtures.

To top

J.H. Reister elevator details (Cynthiana, Ky.), 29 November 1915-3 December 1915

  • Tube 77
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of construction drawings that include: a hatch enclosures plan and an elevator shaft section.

To top

J.H. Reister department store building (Cynthiana, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 77
Scope and Contents

Eleven sheets of design development and construction drawings, as well as some handwriting on the back. These include: plans (floor, roof, etc.); elevations, and sections.

To top

J.O. Keene cow farm and house barn (Lexington, Ky.), 12 August 1915

  • Tube 77
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of presentation and design development drawings that include: elevations (end, rear, front, etc.); plans (ground floor, second floor); sections (cross, half longitudinal); and detail drawings (front wall and cornice, side jambs of rear doors, full-size fenesta, side jamb of rear doors, treads or rear doors, side walls to sleeping quarters).

To top

James M. Todd building (Lexington, Ky.), 15 February 1935

  • Tube 78
Scope and Contents

Three presentation and construction drawings that include: plans (plot, foundation, first floor, roof); elevations (front, north side, Noble Street); a cross section through office looking toward rear; and sump pit detail drawings. Located at 220 Walnut Street. Note that Walnut Street is now Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

To top

Jas Daugherty store (Paris, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 78
Scope and Contents

One sheet titled "Sketch of Proposed Alterations for Elevator." Consists of design development drawings that include: plans (basement, first floor, second floor, third floor); and an elevator shaft section. Note taped around original roll read, "Jas Daugherty Store Elevator Paris no date."

To top

Jenkins and McRoberts public school building (Jenkins, Ky.), 20 May 1912-26 May 1936

  • Tube 78
Scope and Contents

Set of 17 sheets outlining additions on blueprints, construction and design development drawings. These include: plans (floor, boiler, piping); elevations; diagrams; schedules; detail drawings; and sections. Note taped around original roll reads, "Public School McRoberts, Letcher Co card marked 6/30."

To top

Jessamine Coal, Feed, and Supply Co. coal dump trestle (Nicholasville, Ky.), 18 August 1920-8 November 1920

  • Tube 79
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of design development and construction drawings that include: detail drawings, plans, sections, indexes, and elevations.

To top

Jessamine Coal, Feed, and Supply Co. (Nicholasville, Ky.), 18 August 1920-8 November 1920

  • Tube 79
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, including plot plans.

To top

Jessamine Coal, Feed, and Supply Co. trestle and storage system (Nicholasville, Ky.), 18 August 1920

  • Tube 79
Scope and Contents

Two sheets consisting of design development drawings, including elevations; indexes (DRGs, materials); and a plan of a coal dump.

To top

John G. Epping Bottling Works building (Lexington, Ky.), 27 August 1937-23 July 1940

  • Tube 80
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets consisting of presentation and working drawings that include: elevations (north or National Avenue, front or Walton Avenue); a section looking east; plans (foundation, first floor, first floor of bottling plant); and detail drawings of set brick.

To top

John U. Fields & Associates filling station (Lexington, Ky.), 18 July 1923

  • Tube 80
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction drawings that include the following: a floor plan, elevations, and sections.

To top

Jones, T.T. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 80
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of design development and construction drawings, including: elevations (left, front, right, rear); plans (basement, first floor, second floor); and detail drawings (stairs, doors, window frame, rail). Located at Aylesford Place.

To top

J.W. Porter Funeral Home (Maysville, Ky.), 5 October 1935

  • Tube 80
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of construction drawings, including: plans (floor plan, etc.); elevations (front door, front, east, west, rear); details (front door); sections (front door head, longitudinal through rear, wall of sun porch); and a door schedule. Note taped around original roll reads, "Funeral Home J. W. Porter and Sons, Maysville, Ky, 1935 card sent to Kmorf Bros. of Funeral Home."

To top

Kane, Frances residence (Lexington, Ky.), 3 September 1938

  • Tube 81
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of construction drawings, including garage and residence sections. For the garage, there are: elevations (front, rear, right side); plans (plot, etc.); and a section. For the residence, there are: elevations (front, sides, rear); schedules (lintel, door); detail drawings (balustrade, batten, girder, fireplace); sections; and plans (foundation, basement, first floor). Located at Swigert Road.

To top

Karpen Factory building (Lexington, Ky.), 23 May 1940-11 June 1940

  • Tube 81
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction and design development drawings, including: plans, elevations, and a section.

To top

Kaufman Clothing Co. cases (Lexington, Ky.), 4 June 1929

  • Tube 82
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development drawings and sketches on the back, which include: diagrams, plans for floors, and elevations of floor fixtures.

To top

Kaufman Clothing Co. elevator (Lexington, Ky.), 28 June 1929-23 July 1929

  • Tube 82
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of design development and construction drawings, which include an elevator plan, and diagrams.

To top

Kaufman Clothing Co. store front (Lexington, Ky.), 14 June 1929

  • Tube 82
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of design development and construction drawings, with notes on the back. These include: street view elevation, floor plans, sections, and detail drawings on doors.

To top

Kaufman Clothing Co. store (Lexington, Ky.), 31 March 1934-23 October 1950

  • Tube 82
Scope and Contents

Set of 23 sheets outlining alterations and additions for design development, construction, and presentation drawings, as well as sketches scattered throughout. These include: sections (longitudinal, cross); elevations (fire escape, rear, side, front); plans (floors, roof, foundation, basement, displays, site); fixture layouts, and a door detail drawing.

To top

Keer, W.G residence (Lexington, Ky.), 26 May 1926-April 1937

  • Tube 83
Scope and Contents

Set of 21 sheets of design development drawings as well as sketches, which include: elevations (front, south, rear, kitchen, north, stairs, post); conservatory sections; plans (first floor, foundation, porch, stairs, floor plan); and persepctive drawings (1st floor porch).

To top

Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station lab (Lexington, Ky.), 3 December 1945-6 April 1948

  • Tube 83
Scope and Contents

Set of 31 sheets of construction drawings and blueprints for outlining additions. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, electrical, plumbing, basement, plot, foundation, framing, heating, roof); diagrams; elevations; a room finish schedule; and detail drawings (table, etc.) Handwriting on back reads, "Uk Ex STA."" Note taped around original roll reads, "Agricultural Experiement Station Univer. Ky 1948."

To top

Kentucky Theatre (Somerset, Ky.), 20 March 1937-1 April 1937

  • Tube 84
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets outlining alterations of construction drawings. These include: plans (foundation, basement, main floor, second floor, heating); sections (longitudinal, through exit stair, cross-section through foyer, cross-section through auditorium); detail drawings (side wall, heating ducts). Note taped around original roll reads, "Alt. to Ky. Theater Somerset 1934 - 1937; card marked 7/6/82."

To top

Kentucky Theatre (Somerset, Ky.), 20 March 1935-1 July 1935

  • Tube 84
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets that outline alterations to construction drawings that are in two sections: the theater and summer ventilating equipment rooms. For the theater, there are: detail drawings (marquee, pipe rail, carpet strips in aisles, truss over proscenium, stage nosing, door frame details); diagrams (heating); plans (basement, foundation, first floor, second floor, alternate structural plan for marquee framing); elevations (front, side); and sections (longitudinal, through marquee extensions [alternate], cross through foyer, cross toward foyer, through projection-room wall, windows in side wing wall, windows in foyer wall, through rear exit stairs, cross through and toward stage, through side exit). For the summer ventilating equipment rooms, there are: a longitudinal section, duct detail drawings, and a plan.

To top

Kentucky Traction Co. (Georgetown, Ky.), 19 January 1923-21 February 1923

  • Tube 85
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets outlining alterations and additions to blueprints and construction drawings. These include: elevations (front, rear, sides); plans (first floor, second floor, track); and detail drawings.

To top

Kentucky Training Home dormitory building (Frankfort, Ky.), 2 May 1945

  • Tube 85
Scope and Contents

One sheet consisting of design development drawings, which include plans (roof structure, elevator room).

To top

Kirk, T.H. garage (Lexington, Ky.), 18 April 1921

  • Tube 86
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, end); and plans (first floor, second floor). Located at corner of Ashland Avenue and East High Street.

To top

Kirk, T.H. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 9 April 1921

  • Tube 87
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction drawings, including: plans (basement, first floor, second floor); elevation (rear, front); and detail drawings (list of steel lintels). There is also a note on the binding of the packet that reads "Former L. B. Shouse Res., Mrs. T. H. Kirk Additions."

To top

Kirkpatrick & Stevens Redrying Plant (Lexington, Ky.), 23 July 1920

  • Tube 87
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of presentation, construction, contract, and working drawings, that include: a street framing plan; a layout; sections; elevations (end of buidling, east side, west side, side, both ends); and detail drawings (roof joint, foundation and framing sheet No. 2).

To top

Knots, splices, etc. (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 87
Scope and Contents

One informational diagram that includes types of knots with their uses and construction; detailed drawings of each knot; and how to tie them.

To top

Lafayette Phoenix Garage ramp (Lexington, Ky.), 14 August 1929

  • Tube 88
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (first floor, second floor, third floor); sections (cross through wall, through slab); and a beams schedule.

To top

Lafayette Phoenix Garage ramp, freight elevator (Lexington, Ky.), 29 May 1923

  • Tube 88
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction drawings outlining a remodel. These include: plans (first floor, penthouse); and sections (beam, conrete and finish, ramp, etc.).

To top

Lambda Lambda chapter house for Sigma Chi (Lexington, Ky.), 29 August 1923

  • Tube 88
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of presentation drawings that include: elevations (front, rear, west, east); and plans (basement, first floor, second floor).

To top

Lebel Service Garage building (Lexington, Ky.), 14 May 1927-26 July 1927

  • Tube 89
Scope and Contents

Twelve sheets of sketches and construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, first floor, second floor, roof); detail drawings; elevations (front, rear, sides); and sections.

To top

Lee County Health Center (Lee County, Beattyville, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 89
Scope and Contents

Set of 11 sheets of presentation, construction, and shop drawings outlining an addition. These include the following: plans (site, floor, roof, partial foundation); elevations (demonstration kitchen, exit stair, front, rear, left, right); sections (building cross, stairs longitudinal, stairs transverse); a survey, detail drawings (construction joint, handrail, vertical steel tubes, door, counter drop CLG, duct support), and schedules (door, hardware, materials and finish).

To top

Lee County Farms map, undated

  • Tube 90
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of a presentation map.

To top

Lerman Bros. Inc. proposed building (Greensburg, Ky.), 1940

  • Tube 91
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of blueprints and design development drawings, as well as writing on back of pages. These include: plans (survey/site, floor, void); elevations; schedules (concrete pier, door); and a section through wall.

To top

Lerman Bros. Inc. store building (Richmond, Ky.), 6 June 1938-30 July 1940

  • Tube 91
Scope and Contents

Eleven sheets of presentation, contract, as-built, construction, and shop drawings outlining additions and alterations. These include the following: plans (show window, deflected, reflected ceiling plan at center entrance, roof, present second floor, first floor, heating, main floor, present basement); elevation (new front, present front, back window, end window, alternate front); sections (through head display window, through terrazzo floor, jamb, though present, through left front show window); detail drawings (knee brace for cross beams); and a door schdule.

To top

Lex. Avenue Baptist Church (Danville, Ky.), 29 December 1928-18 October 1929

  • Tube 92
Scope and Contents

Set of 23 sheets of presentation, working, construction, and contract drawings, which include: elevations (typical columns, detail of outside pipe rail); plans (main floor framing, second floor framing, roof, third floor, balcony, third floor ceiling, main floor ceiling, third floor ceiling, balcony ceiling); and detail drawings. Note taped around original roll reads, "Lex. Ave. Baptist Church, Danville, 1928 card marked 7/11/82."

To top

Lexington Avenue Baptist Church (Danville, Ky.), 14 August 1928

  • Tube 92
Scope and Contents

Seventeen sheets of construction drawings that include: elevations (front, sides, rear, roof and top, roof top); sections (longitudinal, cross section, through stair bay, through audt. wall); detail drawings (tower, columns, beams, windows, side entrance); plans (first floor, basement, second floor, main floor, third floor, balcony, roof, sub-basement); a door schedule; and a diagram for auditorium truss. Note taped around original roll reads, "Lex. Ave. Baptist Church-Danville, 1928, card marked 7/11/82."

To top

Lexington Candy Mfg. Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 18 July 1919

  • Tube 93
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction and machinery drawings, which include: machine drawings (iron bearing housing, bearing house cover and felt washer retainer, equipment for syrup plant); and plans (ground floor, piping).

To top

Lexington Dairy (Lexington, Ky.), 24 May 1929

  • Tube 94
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction drawings outlining alterations. These include the following: elevations (front, rear, side); a schedule of materials; cross sections; plans (first floor, second floor, roof); and detail drawings. Hand writing on back reads "Lexington Dairy Building File #17."

To top

Lexington Dairy loading shed (Lexington, Ky.), 29 September 1930

  • Tube 94
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include a plan, a front elevation, and a scale of detail drawings.

To top

Lexington Dairy building (Lexington,Ky.), undated

  • Tube 94
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, floor); and elevations (front, right side). Some calculations on back.

To top

Lexington Dairy building (Lexington, Ky.), 21 June 1929

  • Tube 94
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of presentation and contract drawings outlining alterations. These include: plans (first floor, second floor); sections; beam elevations; and detail drawings (treads riser and platforms, stairs, steel stairs, pipe-railing, columns, beams).

To top

Lexington Ice Co. factory office (Lexington, Ky.), 15 February 1929

  • Tube 95
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include: a first floor plan; elevation (front, reat, right, left); a typical wall section; and a detail drawings of a partition.

To top

Lexington Laundry Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 20 March 1929-20 September 1929

  • Tube 95
Scope and Contents

Sheets of contruction drawings and blueprints outlining a remodel. These include: elevations (front, rear); floor plans; sections; and detail drawings. Note reads, "no longer in existence."

To top

Lexington Mine & Mill Supply Co. building (Lexington, Ky.), 5 July 1922-6 October 1923

  • Tube 96
Scope and Contents

Eleven sheets of construction drawings and sketches outlining additions. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, roof, foundry, site); elevations (truss-east, truss-north, building front, building, rear, building sides); sections (truss, building); detail drawings of the truss; layouts; and schedules (lintels, beams). Located at West Main Street.

To top

Lexington Wholesale Bakery (Lexington, Ky.), 18 April 1921-12 October 1921

  • Tube 97
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development, construction, and as-built drawings outlining an addition. These include: plans (floor, site, steel framing); detail drawings; and an elevation of the building.

To top

Lexington Wholesale Bakery (Lexington, Ky.), 20 October 1919

  • Tube 98
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings that includes a layout of the steel work. Located at Sixth and Jefferson Streets.

To top

Rainbow Bread factory (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 98
Scope and Contents

One sheet of contruction drawings that includes plans (first floor, foundation, etc.) Located at Sixth and Jefferson Streets.

To top

Levy, Morris apartment gouse (Lexington, Ky.), 26 March 1921

  • Tube 99
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development drawings, which include: floor plans, elevations, and a general specifications list and memoranda.

To top

Levy, Morris residence (Lexington, Ky.), 21 November 1921-15 March 1922

  • Tube 99
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front door, front, side, rear, windows, bookcases, stairs); detail drawings (cornice, rail stairs); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation, basement, roof); and sections (rail, stairs).

To top

Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co. (Lexington, Ky.), July 1916

  • Tube 100
Scope and Contents

Set of 16 sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: diagrams; plans (floors, foundation); elevations; a transverse section; and detail drawings.

To top

Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co. platform (Lexington, Ky.), 4 June 1923

  • Tube 101
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: plans, detail drawings, sections, and elevations of concrete platform.

To top

Ligon, M.E. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 14 March 1924

  • Tube 102
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevation (side, front, read, elevation); plan (roof, basement, foundation, second floor, first floor); sections (through side wall, through porch); and detail drawings (girder beam, bracket design).

To top

Louis des Cognets Co. office (Lexington, Ky.), 11 September 1923-26 March 1924

  • Tube 102
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development drawings outlining an addition. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, foundation); elevation (front, east, west); and a cross section.

To top

Louis des Cognets Co. dump trestle (Lexington, Ky.), 12 January 1920

  • Tube 102
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of construction drawings, which include: layout tracks; sections (cross, half cross, etc.); and a side elevation.

To top

M.E. Church South parsonage (Somerset, Ky.), 16 March 1932

  • Tube 103
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction drawings outlining a remodel. These include: elevations (front, right side, rear, left side); sections (cornice one story part, main roof cornice, rear porch cornice, front porch cornice, porch foundation section); plans (basement, roof, second floor before remodel, second floor, first floor before remodel, first floor); detail drawings (second floor windows); schedules (door, column); and diagrams (heating layout, riser).

To top

M.E. Johnston's property topographic map (Lexington, Ky.), 1916

  • Tube 103
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of a topographic map.

To top

M.G. Weisiger store and apartment building (Danville, Ky.), 26 January 1922

  • Tube 104
Scope and Contents

Nine sheets of design development and construction drawings, as well as sketches. These include: detail drawings, plans, elevations, and a list of materials.

To top

M.T. Moody Sulphur High School (Sulfur, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 105
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of construction drawings that include: plans (first-floor framing, second-floor framing, basement framing, anchor bolt, beam); and column sections. Drawings are made by International Steel and Iron Co. Note taped around original roll reads, "Idenry Co. High School Sulphur 1929; card marked 6/30/82."

To top

Mahone apartment building (Clear Creek, Ky.), 10 October 1950

  • Tube 105
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction and design development drawings, which include: elevations; plans; schedules (door, concrete beam); indexes; sections; detail drawings; electrical plans; and diagrams.

To top

Main Street Property Inc. storage and garage building (Lexington, Ky.), 16 November 1953-8 September 1960

  • Tube 106
Scope and Contents

Set of 56 sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (west, front-north, rear south, store front, second-floor partition, end of air conditioning unit #2 and #1, temperature enclosure for Pheonix Store Front, end of A/C unit #2, rock, new air duct, across Comb's Alley, looking towards bridge doors, main street elevation at W.H. Roland Store, interior elevation or rear of show windows, Roland's trusses, Roland's balcony facade); sections (cross, longitudinal, cornice at brick wall, head and cornice, sill, more various cross sections, typical walls, window frame, floor, various foundation sections, ramp second floor to roof, longitudinal, section on center line of duct work, cross section of bridge, Roland's crass, Roland's trusses, Roland's stairs); detail drawings (typical window, sill, mullion, head, jamb, cashier's booth, stairs, store front, lag screwhead in wood canopy, door frame types, door types, light standard flashing, pass window, beam-south wall, concrete ramp first floor to basement, first-floor slab, concrete ramp first to second floor, and different types of pilaster, concrete ramp second floor to roof, various column types, light standard, first flor lighting, over head door, sign support, overhang, duct, beams for new bridge); plans (second floor, roof, first floor, basement, second-floor stairs, store front, partial floor plan at ground level, foundation, first-floor framing, second-floor framing, roof framing, roof framing of penthouse and ramp roof, basement, first floor, ramp roof, first-floor plumbing, basement plumbing, roof plumbing, second floor plumbing, electrical plans for all floors, temperature enclosure for Phoenix Store Front, basement sprinkler system, telephone layout, revisions to A/C, duct system, bridge over Comb's Alley, bridge roof and duct, existing bridge, Roland's Balcony, Roland's first floor, Roland's baclony electricity, Roland's first floor electrical, Roland's first floor); diagrams (waste and vent, service and feeder, duplex condensation pump connections, drip trap, connections to heating coil of A/C units, boiler connection).

To top

Mangel's store (Lexington, Ky.), 28 July 1936-18 September 1936

  • Tube 107
Scope and Contents

Fourteen sheets of construction and design development drawings outlining alterations, as well as sketches. These include: diagrams, plans, details, and elevations.

To top

Mangel's store (Duluth, Minn.), 27 July 1936

  • Tube 107
Scope and Contents

One sheet of blueprints that include: indexes, elevations, a section, and a diagram.

To top

Marks, Leo J. residence (Lexington Ky.), 1 December 1926

  • Tube 107
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of presentation, design development, and working drawings outlining a remodel. These include: elevations (front, right, left, rear, north, south); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation, and detail drawings); built-in towel case, porch cornice, front porch step, scale detail of side elevation, windows, bookcase in living room.

To top

Marshall, A.R. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 108
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (first-floor heating, second-floor heating, basement heating).

To top

Marshall, A.R. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 12 March 1921-20 October 1921

  • Tube 108
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of construction drawings, which include house and garage sections. For the house, there are the following: elevations (front, west side, rear, east side, typical door paneling); detail drawings (cornice and walls, front clothes closet, full-size door and window trim, full size base, plinth, and toe strip); plans (roof, second floor, first floor, basement); section (full-size hand rail, section of 13-inch wall showing detail of double hung windows). For the garage, there are the following: plans (foundation, first floor); sections (detail, side); and elevations (side, front). Located at Bullock Avenue.

To top

Martin Barlin store building (Lexington, Ky.), 4 April 1922-13 July 1922

  • Tube 108
Scope and Contents

Twelve sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, first floor to second floor); sections (longitudinal, through west wall, through front first floor, longituindal); plans (first floor, second floor, third, column, beam and lintels, framing, sidewalk area); and detail drawings (wall, columns, sidewalk). Located at East Main Street.

To top

Maxons' residence, undated

  • Tube 109
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction and design development drawings, which include: plans (first floor); detail drawings (cornice, casement windows, casements, book cases and mantel, kicthen wall, wainscot); elevations (front, right side, rear, left side, wainscot, book cases and mantel, kitchen wall); and sections (casement).

To top

Maxon, W.T. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 21 July 1948-11 June 1949

  • Tube 109
Scope and Contents

Sixteen sheets of design development and construction drawings, as well as sketches. These include: diagrams, sections, details, elevations, plans, and schedules.

To top

McWhorter, E.C. (Lexington, Ky.), 1 September 1928

  • Tube 109
Scope and Contents

Eleven sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, right, stairs, rear, left); sections (main cornice, foundation); details (stairs, living room, window, full-size cornice); plans (roof, second floor, front floor, basement, basement heating); and schedules (doors, windows).

To top

McWhorter, E.C. garage, 11 November 1928

  • Tube 109
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include a section through ramp for garage.

To top

McCracken, S. Ralph (Lexington, Ky.), 25 August 1919-4 August 1920

  • Tube 110
Scope and Contents

Nineteen sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, north rear, south, front porch, hall cabinets, bathroom cabinets, typical inside door, window opening, garage front, garage north, garage south, garage rear); plans (site, first floor, second floor, basement, roof, garage second floor, garage first floor, garage roof, garage foundation); detail drawings (eye-brow, eaves, ridge, ornament over front window, front door, drawers in pantry, table-leaf case, kitchen sink and cabinets, double-hung windows frame, meeting rail and muntin, newel, casement windows, porch cornice, cellar window and area, girder and pier); sections (end of ridge, cross section through center, cross section of porch ceiling, double-hung window frame second floor, full-size rail, belt course); diagrams (heating plan), and a lintel list.

To top

McCormick garage (Shelbyville, Ky.), 22 May 1923

  • Tube 110
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include: elevations (street, rear, side); plans (first floor, second floor); and sections.

To top

McCracken and McCall new building (Lexington, Ky.), 19 November 1948

  • Tube 110
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (concrete footing, main floor); and elevations (side, end).

To top

Megowan, J.W. bungalow (Fayette County, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 111
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (first floor, second floor, foundation); and elevations (front, sides, rear). Note written on cardboard binding reads, "W.E. Hupp Res. was J. W. Megowan Res."

To top

Melcher residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 111
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of presentation, working, and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, sides, rear); and plans (first floor, second floor, basement).

To top

Melcher, C.R. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 9 March 1928

  • Tube 111
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, sides, rear); plans (first floor, second floor, roof, basement).

To top

Meyers Bros. store building (Lexington, Ky.), 18 April 1938

  • Tube 111
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction drawings outlining a remodel. These include: plans (window, main floor); a front elevation; door designs; sections; and detail drawings. Note taped around original roll read, "Meyers Remodeling 340 W. Main 1938." Located at 340 West Main Street.

To top

Midway Baptist Church Sunday school building (Midway, Ky.), 23 December 1946

  • Tube 112
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of design development drawings, which include: plans both existing and proposed (first floor, fround floor, second floor, first floor; basement (existing and proposed), second floor (existing) and a front elevation.

To top

Millers Home (Lexington, Ky.), 1 July 1942-1 May 1946

  • Tube 112
Scope and Contents

Six pages of construction and as-built drawings, including: plans (basement, first floor); sections (thru side of basement, first floor, stairs, thru ceiling); details (location of light structures); and elevations (front, rear).

To top

Milton Rauh Esq. residence (Dayton, Ohio), undated

  • Tube 112
Scope and Contents

Nine pages of construction and design development drawings, including: floor plan, elevations, section through house, and interior detail.

To top

Mitchell, Chas. (Lexington, Ky.), 21 November 1921

  • Tube 113
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of seven pages of construction drawings and blueprints, including: floor plans (first, second, basement); elevations (front, rear, sides); and sections.

To top

Mitchell and Blakemore residence (Paris, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 113
Scope and Contents

Eleven pages of construction and design development drawings, including: floor plans (first, second, foundation); elevations (front, rear, end side); and details ("special hearth", ceiling beams, porch, stair, front door, hand rail, and dining room panels).

To top

Mitchell, Chas residence (Lexington, Ky.), 7 April 1923

  • Tube 114
Scope and Contents

Addition project of two pages of design development drawings, including: elevations (front, side); sections; and plans (floor, foundation). Location on West Third Street.

To top

Montgomery Ward & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 25 February 1931

  • Tube 115
Scope and Contents

Proposed addition project with three pages of design development drawings, including a longitudinal section and floor plans (first, second).

To top

Montgomery Ward & Co. retail store (Lexington, Ky.), 3 April 1929

  • Tube 115
Scope and Contents

Eighteen pages of design development drawings, including: elevation; detail; plans (floor, mechanical); indexes; diagrams; and sections.

To top

Montgomery Ward & Co. store building (Louisville, Ky.), 29 May 1929-10 June 1929

  • Tube 115
Scope and Contents

Thirty-five pages of shop, construction/contract, and presentation drawings, including: plans (roof framing, second-floor framing, mezzanine and office floor, first-floor lintel framing, first-floor framing, anchor bolt setting, slide, matchway, plot plan); elevations (tops of beams, doors, room side); details (beams, columns, window background, main stairway, windows, showing relation of steel rod support to beam/column and window mullions, relation of steel beam hangers bolts to awning bar and balcony supports); and section through bulkhead).

To top

Moore, J.B. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 116
Scope and Contents

Five pages of presentation, shop, and construction drawings, including: floor plans (first, second, basement, attic/roof); elevations (front, rear, sides); section of door trim at full size; and details (ceiling beam, stairs, living room door, window stool and apron).

To top

Muncy, L.K. residence (Manchester, Ky.), 18 September 1953

  • Tube 117
Scope and Contents

Alteration and addition project with five pages of presentation, construction, and contract drawings, including: elevations (north, south, east, west, cornice return at existing elevation); floor plans (first, second, roof, foundation/footing); and details (ceramic floor, transom for east and south doors).

To top

National Bank of Topeka, Kansas (Topeka, Kan.), 12 August 1931

  • Tube 118
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including a cross section and longitudinal section. Location at Sixth Avenue and Kansas Avenue.

To top

Nelson Amusement Co. theater (Georgetown, Ky.), 16 October 1950

  • Tube 118
Scope and Contents

Fourteen pages of construction drawings, including: elevations; sections; details; plans (half plan, roof, first floor, balcony floor, boiler room, foundation and footing, framing, electrical); door schedule; legend; and electrical diagrams. Contains hand-written notes about materials stapled to drawings. Cardboard cuff originally around document read the project title, year, and "no longer in existence, no movies in Georgetown."

To top

New Grand Theatre for Frankfort Amusement Co. (Frankfort, Ky.), 6 September 1940-12 December 1940

  • Tube 118
Scope and Contents

Seventeen pages of construction drawings, including: floor plans (first, second, balcony, basement, roof); sections; elevations (Main Street); plumbing legend; wiring diagram (in projection room, in basement, in closet); schedules (finish, door); and details (ruff truss, RB beams, girders, columns).

To top

New Shelbyville Hotel, undated

  • Tube 118
Scope and Contents

Six pages of construction and working drawings, including color-coded site plans for floors.

To top

Newberry, J.J. property (Harrodsburg, Ky.), 8 November 1944

  • Tube 119
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including a site plan.

To top

Nichol, W.D. apartment building (Frankfort, Ky.), 17 June 1937-12 August 1937

  • Tube 120
Scope and Contents

Six pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, north, south); plans (site, roof, basement/foundation, first and second floor, heating); sections; details; schedules (column and footing, door); and a wiring diagram.

To top

Nicholasville Baptist Church front portico (Nicholasville, Ky.), 10 March 1960

  • Tube 120
Scope and Contents

Alteration project of two pages of presentation and record/as-built drawings, including: plans (showing existing conditions, showing alteration, partial of north entrance and south entrance); and elevations (front, partial of window, partial of entrance).

To top

Nicholasville Baptist Church religious education building (Nicholasville, Ky.), 10 May 1957

  • Tube 120
Scope and Contents

Six pages of presentation and construction drawings, including: plans (foundation, roof, first and second floor, roof framing, first and second-floor framing, first and second floor heating and plumbing, first and second floor electricity plan); elevations (First Street, front, east, north, south, front entrance from First Street); sections (roof bar joist bearing on masonry, thru connection corridor looking north); door schedule and types; and details (modern fold doors heads and jambs, stairs, boiler). Cardboard cuff originally around document reads "card marked 6/30/82."

To top

O.K. Motors Co. garage (Louisville, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 120
Scope and Contents

Nine pages of construction drawings and blueprints, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); cross sections; floor plans (first, second, foundation); schedule of concrete and brick work. Contains a newspaper cut of the article about a garage project that may have been used for this project.

To top

Old Lewis Hunter Distillery distillery building (Lair, Ky.), 28 October 1933-7 November 1933

  • Tube 121
Scope and Contents

Wood Kirkpatrick Engineer. Seven pages of construction drawings and nine blueprints, including: sections (cross thru distillery, thru mill); details (stairs, columns, doubler foundation, cooker foundation, beer well, drop tub, columns, stairs); floor plans (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, foundation); and elevations (front, rear, sides).

To top

Old Lewis Hunter Distillery distillery building specifications (Lair, Ky.), 7 November 1933

  • Tube 121
Scope and Contents

Wood Kirkpatrick Engineer. One page of specifications accompanying drawings that describe the work to be performed and the material to be used in construction, including: intructions to bidders, form of proposal, general conditions, general description, excavation, rubble foundation, cut stone work, brick work, plain and reinforced concrete work, roofing and sheet metal work, lathing and plastering, carpentry and mill work, painting and glazing, structural steel and miscellaneous iron work.

To top

Olin Gentry residence and stock farm (Fayette County, Ky.), 28 May 1936

  • Tube 121
Scope and Contents

Alterations and additions project comprised of one page of construction and design development drawings, including: plans (floor, foundation); and details (cases, windows). Location in Idle Hour.

To top

Oliver Street School (Winchester, Ky.), 7 March 1938-28 October 1938

  • Tube 122
Scope and Contents

Fifteen sheets of construction, design development, and shop drawings, as well as sketches outlining an addition. These include: elevations (front, rear, sides); plans (plot, basement, first floor, second floor, roof, original building); sections; detail drawings (stairs, doors, columns, mullions); and riser diagrams.

To top

Organization chart public welfare activities, 16 January 1932

  • Tube 122
Scope and Contents

Set of two sheets

To top

Owns, Hiram filling station (Corbin, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 122
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (Center Street, Laurel Avenue, half elevation at column); detail drawings (doors, windows, perimeter beam for Center Street and Laurel Avenue, trussed beam, cresting on Laurel Avenue, opposite side, cresting on Center Street, cresting, framing, index); plans (ground, roof, ceiling); and sections (wall from ground to roof, rood details, beam).

To top

PAT Moore porch, undated

  • Tube 122
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of presentation drawings, which include: elevations (front, end); plans; sections; diagrams; and detail drawings.

To top

Parker Apartments (Lexington, Ky.), January 1912

  • Tube 122
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: elevations (sections, front, side, rear); and plans (floor, roof, and basement).

To top

Pastime Theatre for Miss Bertha Wolf (Owenton, Ky.), 6 April 1937

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (balcony, first floor, present condition, altered condition); sections (longitudinal, long); detail drawings (ticket office, metal display frame); elevations (front); door schedule; and notes on colored entry and exit.

To top

Peck, A.H. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 22 February 1922

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, right side, left side, rear); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation, basement, roof); and detail drawings (broom closet, kitchen cabinet, breakfast nook, stairway, bookcase, kitchen cabinet, china case, cornice).

To top

Perryville Baptist Church educational building annex (Perryville, Ky.), 2 July 1951

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Fourteen sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (rear, left enf, right enf, auditorium); plans (roof, second floor, first floor, basement, foundation, footing, plumbing, roof drainage, second-floor structure, first-floor structure, roof structure, first-floor heating, second-floor heating, basement heating, first-floor electrical, second-floor electrical, basement electrical); sections (roof, walls, typical joist connection to beam, basement wall and windows, area wall, first-floor windows, through baptistry and along auditorium); detail drawings (glass panels in Jr. dept., chimney, counter from kitchen side, head and jamb for folding doors, corners of front baptistry glass, electrical panel); diagrams (schematic, basement and drainage, water mains and risers, sanitary sewer system); and schedules (column, window, full-page door frame, hardware).

To top

Phillip Gall store building (Lexington, Ky.), 13 April 1940

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction and design development drawings outlining alterations. These include: elevations (structural steel, front); sections; plans (basement, main floor, second floor; and a door schedule.

To top

Phillip Gall & Son storefront (Lexington, Ky.), 4 May 1953

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of construction and design development drawings outlining alterations. These include: sections; plans (floor, mechanical); details drawings (doors, cornice); and indexes.

To top

Phoenix garage building (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 123
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of construction drawings, which include: foundation plans. Note: not designed by Frankel and Curtis.

To top

Piggly Wiggly store for Goldstone, Chad S. (Paris, Ky.), July 1921

  • Tube 124
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of design development drawings, which include: plans (foundation, first floor, roof); elevations (front, rear, side); and sections.

To top

Pittenger residence (Paris, Ky.), 2 June 1938

  • Tube 125
Scope and Contents

Presentation drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides, stairs); schedules (lintel, door); details (living room mantel, stock doors and trim, jambs, screen on porch, typical concrete footing, bathroom, cornice return); floor plans (foundation, basement, first, second, roof); and sections.

To top

Polk, J.K., Dr. residence and office (Lexington, Ky.), 12 November 1919

  • Tube 125
Scope and Contents

Six pages of construction and design development drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, south, north); and plans (foundation, first floor, second floor). Location on Deweese Street.

To top

Premier MFG Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 4 May 1920

  • Tube 125
Scope and Contents

Nine pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, south, north, front door); sections (cutting table); floor plans (first, second, basement, roof); and details (lintels, loading room floor slab, concrete slab above vault). Location on Jefferson Street.

To top

Prewitt, David store building (Lexington, Ky.), 19 April 1929

  • Tube 126
Scope and Contents

Reconstruction project comprised of three pages of construction drawings, including: floor plans (first, second, roof); details (handrail, stairway, skylight); sections (longitudinal, cross); and elevations (front). Cardboard cuff originally around document read the title of the project, the year, and "336 W. Main, Lex."

To top

Princess Elkhorn Coal Co. theatre building (David, Ky.), 29 December 1944

  • Tube 127
Scope and Contents

Company based out of Mallory, W VA. Four pages of construction drawings, including: details (beams); sections (first-floor framing, second-floor framing, trussed rafters, longitudinal cross); plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); and elevations (front, side).

To top

Price, W. Preston filling station (Lexington, Ky.), 4 January 1924-14 February 1924

  • Tube 127
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of construction drawings, including: plans (ground, roof); sections (of roof, columns, thru office wall on Main Street); elevations (Main Street, columns, Walton Avenue); and details (lamp post, tile, hipped roof end, lantern and bracket, beam fascia). Drawings reproduced as blueprints and partially colored. Location on Main Street and Walton Avenue.

To top

Pryor, J.M., Dr. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 2 July 1925

  • Tube 128
Scope and Contents

Six pages of contruction drawings, including plans, elevations, details, and sections. Location on West 2nd Street.

To top

Pryor, J.M., Dr. apartment house (Lexington, Ky.), 3 October 1925

  • Tube 128
Scope and Contents

Three pages of presentation and working drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, west); and plans (attic, roof, first floor, second floor, basement).

To top

Public school building (McRoberts, Ky.), 20 November 1935-8 July 1936

  • Tube 129
Scope and Contents

Addition projects comprised of five pages of working drawings, including: floor plans (rear part of old building, roof, first, second, basement); details (basement, foundation); section (roof); and elevations (front, side).

To top

Public school sketches, undated

  • Tube 129
Scope and Contents

Thirty-three pages spread over eight individual packets of sketches, including: floor plans (first, second, basement, ground, foundation); and a front elevation.

To top

Railey, Irvin residence (Versailles, Ky.), 8 February 1922-17 February 1922

  • Tube 130
Scope and Contents

Two pages of design development drawings, including: floor plans (first, second); and elevations (front, left side).

To top

Redwine residence, 1939

  • Tube 130
Scope and Contents

Fire damage adjustment project comprised of four pages of construction drawings and sketches, including: elevations (front); and floor plans (first, second, roof, rear part of basement).

To top

Redwine, Marcus C. residence (Winchester, Ky.), 4 March 1939

  • Tube 130
Scope and Contents

Five pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); sections (thru hood over); details (cornice); plot plan; and floor plans (foundation/basement, main).

To top

Robinson, J. A. residence (Danville, Ky.), 1 June 1926

  • Tube 130
Scope and Contents

Two pages of construction drawings, including elevation, sections, and porch plans.

To top

Robinson, J. A. residence porch (Danville, Ky.), 1 June 1926

  • Tube 130
Scope and Contents

Five pages of presentation drawings, including: elevations (window, outside casing, left side, front); sections (interior view, left side floor plan); details (front entrance, balustrade); and plans (roof, floor).

To top

Russell garage (Lexington, Ky.), 25 February 1925

  • Tube 131
Scope and Contents

One page of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, south, north); floor plans (first, second, roof, foundation); and details. Location in Cognets Ashland Park.

To top

Russell Jr., J. Barbour residence (Maysville, Ky.), 17 June 1935

  • Tube 131
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, west, south, east); floor plans (first, second, roof, foundation, basement); basement heating layout; details of porch; sections of porch; schedules (window, door); and mantle plan and elevation.

To top

S. Bassett & Sons bank building (Lexington, Ky.), 25 September 1937

  • Tube 132
Scope and Contents

Reconstruction project comprised of 17 pages of construction drawings, including: plans (ceiling, basement and heating, heating and ventilating, floors, electrical); details; and sections.

To top

Sawn, H.A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 132
Scope and Contents

Five pages of working and presentation drawings, including: plans (first and second floor, cellar and foundation); and details (china cabinets in dining room, cellar posts bolsters and longituinal girder, front porch, windows, kitchen cupboard). Location in Ashland Park.

To top

Sawn, H.A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 18 August 1921

  • Tube 133
Scope and Contents

Four pages of construction drawings, including: floor plans (cellar and foundation, first and second floor); elevations (porch, china cabinet, front, sides, rear); details (china cabinet, window, cupboard); and sections. Severely damaged document. Location in Ashland Park.

To top

Schoumaker, Harry, undated

  • Tube 134
Scope and Contents

Three pages of presentation drawings, including: plans (base and foundation, roof, first and second floor); and elevations (front, side).

To top

Shouse, L.B. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 134
Scope and Contents

Construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, side); plans (first floor, second floor, roof, attic); and details (stairway and newel, inside casing, inside base, collonade). Note on top of binding reading "Formerly L. B. Shouse res. T. H. Kirck res."

To top

Sharkley, Patrick residence (Lexington, Ky.), 17 September 1940-1 May 1941

  • Tube 134
Scope and Contents

Eleven pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, east, west); door schedule; details (door frames, kitchen cabinet, porch); sections (thru rear porch, longitudinal, thru gable wall); floor plans (first, second, roof, basement); heating plan; and site plans. Location on Leestown Pike.

To top

Site and foundation plan, undated

  • Tube 135
Scope and Contents

Four pages of design development drawings, including: plans (site, foundation, floor) and a front elevation.

To top

Slaughter, J. apartment house (Lexington, Ky.), 15 January 1927

  • Tube 135
Scope and Contents

Seven pages of presentation and construction drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, side); floor plans (first, second, basement, roof); and a wall section.

To top

Slaughter, J. proposed residence (Lexington, Ky.), 10 October 1927

  • Tube 135
Scope and Contents

Three pages of presentation and design development drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); plans (roof, basement, foundation, floor); and details.

To top

Slaughter, J. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 11 November 1927

  • Tube 135
Scope and Contents

Three pages of presentation and working drawings, including: plans (basement, floor); elevations (front, rear, sides); a site plan; and details.

To top

Sloan, Marguerite D. residence (Burnside, Ky.), 21 December 1950

  • Tube 136
Scope and Contents

Fourteen pages of presentation, construction, and design development drawings, including: plans (floors, ground floor, foundation, roof, bay window, first-floor mechanics, ground floor mechanics); schedules (slab, door, window); elevations (north, south, street, motel and gift shop north and south elevation); door types; sections (sill); and details (double hung window, typical casement window).

To top

Smith, Thomas residence (Lexington, Ky.), 9 April 1928

  • Tube 136
Scope and Contents

Five pages of design development and construction drawings, including elevations, sections, exterior details, floor plans, door schedule, and electrical diagram markings.

To top

Smith, Z. residence (Eminence, Ky.), 20 August 1949-20 February 1950

  • Tube 137
Scope and Contents

Sixteen construction drawings that include: elevations (front, rear, sides); sections (through fireplace, garage, porch); detail drawings; and plans (first floor, foundation, roof, alternates, electrical).

To top

Somerset Community Church (Somerset, Ky.), 28 April 1921

  • Tube 137
Scope and Contents

Seven construction drawings, which include: plans (floors, roof, basement); sections; elevations; an interior detail drawing; and community hall detail drawings.

To top

Somerset Hotel Co. Inc (Somerset, Ky.), 7 March 1929-10 July 1929

  • Tube 137
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of construction drawings, which include: floor plans (fifth floor, second floor, lobby floor, basement floor, sub-basement floor, basement showing mechanical equipment, steam mains, risers, drops, and returns, foundation, footing); details drawings (concrete footing, notes on heating); and diagrams (heat pipes, footings).

To top

Somerset Hotel Co. Inc. (Somerset Ky.), 7 March 1929

  • Tube 138
Scope and Contents

Nineteen sheets of design development, presentation, and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, left side, right side, main entrance); sections (lobby looking towards front, through rails, through penthouse, through stair tower); plans (penthouse roof, second floor, fifth-floor front, lobby floor, basement floor, roof framing, framing at fifth floor, framing for roof over private dining room, lobby floor framing); schedules (door, concrete beam, bending, column); and detail drawings (windows, stairs, hollow partition, elevator, columns).

To top

Sphar and Gay storage warehouse (Pine Grove, Ky.), 24 July 1937

  • Tube 138
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); elevation (west side, half-front); sections (cross through building).

To top

Sprague residence, undated

  • Tube 138
Scope and Contents

One sheet of design development drawings that include a plan view of the living room chimney.

To top

Sprague residence (Lexington, Ky.), 21 April 1927-8 December 1927

  • Tube 138
Scope and Contents

Set of 19 sheets consisting of construction drawings, which include the following: elevations (front, rear, east, west, main entrance, garage front, garage east, garage west, garage rear), sections (main entrance, entire building, chimney, garage window), plans (roof, second floor, first floor, basement, property, garage roof, garage floor, garage foundation, main drainage), and detail drawings (landing seat, radiator grill, plaster cornice, cases for pantry).

To top

Stemmler, E. M. (Lexington, Ky.), 22 October 1928

  • Tube 139
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, right, left, rear); plans (basement, first floor, roof); and detail drawings (eaves, beams, basement wall).

To top

Strauss, James residence (Lexington, Ky.), 31 October 1929

  • Tube 139
Scope and Contents

One sheet of design development and construction drawings outlining alterations, including a plan for first floor (full and partial).

To top

Strauss, James residence (Lexington, Ky.), 30 January 1941

  • Tube 139
Scope and Contents

Sixteen sheets of presentation, contract, and shop drawings, which include: elevations (front, east, south, west, fire place in den); plans (first floor, second floor, basement); sections (wall, along east and west property line, through center, detail section through window, plot, roof fireplace in den); schedules (window, lintel, door); and detail drawings (roof framing, living room fireplace, stair, full-size stair treads, bathroom, cabinet).

To top

Strauss, Phil residence (Lexington, Ky.), 25 May 1921

  • Tube 140-141
Scope and Contents

Twenty-three sheets of design development, presentation, and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, west, east, case in owners bathroom, solarium entrance door, front entrance); plans (vegetable closet, foundation, basement, first floor, second floor, electrical); schedules (lintel, door); and details drawings (chimney support, case in owners bathroom, chimney caps, plaster cornice, brackets under stairs, front entrance, railing, terrace balustrade, front wall, case in butler's pantry, eaves, door head). In addition to the residence, there are plans referring to the garden house: elevations (rear, front, west, east); and a plot plan.

To top

Strauss, Phil residence (Lexington, Ky.), 25 May 1921

  • Tube 142
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of presentation and design development drawings, which include: elevations (front, east, reat, west); plans (attic floor, second floor, first floor, foundation, basement); sections, and detail drawings (front door, main cornice).

To top

Stevens residence (Lexington, Ky.), 15 January 1924

  • Tube 142
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of presentation, working, and construction drawings, which include: plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof); elevations (rear, front, sides, cabinet, chimney watershed); and detail drawings (porch slab, downspout head).

To top

Stevenson residence, 1946

  • Tube 142
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of construction and presentation drawings, which include: plans (ground floor, foundation); and duplicates. Also a business agreement letter. Note taped around reads, "A. F. Wall Estate; Col. Stevenson's Residence 1946."

To top

Stoeckinger, J.A. residence (Lexington, Ky.), October 1933

  • Tube 143
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings outlining additions and alterations. These include: detail drawings (brick wall construction, shower entrance); sections, through brick wall; through wall; vertical section through walls; plans (first floor, foundation); elevation (south).

To top

Stoll, R.C. residence (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 143
Scope and Contents

Twenty-three sheets of construction and presentation drawings outlining a remodel. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, foundation); elevations (east, rear, foundation step); and detail drawings (french doors, survey, specifications).

To top

Stoner Creek Country Club house (Paris, Ky.), 1947

  • Tube 143
Scope and Contents

One sheet of design development drawings outlining alterations and additions including: plans (first floor, second floor).

To top

Student Union Building chapel altar at University of Kentucky (Lexington, Ky.), 8 February 1946

  • Tube 144
Scope and Contents

Sheets of design development drawings, which include: elevations (front, side); plans (top); detail drawings (full-size details of altar); and sections (through center).

To top

Sulphur High School (Sulphur, Ky.), 20 February 1929

  • Tube 144
Scope and Contents

Ten sheets of presentation and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, left, right); plans (basement, first floor, second floor, roof, plot, first-floor plumbing, second-floor plumbing, basement plumbing); detail drawings (buttress cap, stair rail, windows, stairs, side entrance, exterior door); schedules (window, concrete lintel); and sections (mullion, head, jamb, sill, wall, through buttress).

To top

Sunday School addition to Centenary Methodist Church (Danville, Ky.), 3 June 1929-24 August 1929

  • Tube 144
Scope and Contents

Fifteen sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof, footing); elevations (east, west, north, south, fireplace); schedules (window, door, column); sections, detail drawings (fireplace, etc.); and riser diagrams. Note taped around original roll reads, "Centenary Methodist Church, Danville, Sunday School Add. 1929; card marked 7/1/82."

To top

Supt's Residence Baptist Children's Home (Glendale, Ky.), 10 September 1938

  • Tube 144
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, sides); detail drawings of front entrance; plans (foundation, basement, first floor, second floor); and sections (front entrance).

To top

Third National Bank (Lexington, Ky.), 19 October 1906-1 May 1907

  • Tube 145
Scope and Contents

Nine sheets of blueprints, sketches, design development and construction drawings. These include: diagrams, elevations, and detail drawings with exterior details, and plans (floor, heating, footing).

To top

Thos M. Rose store building (Lexington, Ky.), 4 May 1937

  • Tube 145
Scope and Contents

Four sheets of blueprints, sketches, as well as design development and construction drawings. These include: survey, plans (foundation, plot); elevations, a longitudinal sections, diagrams, and detail drawings. There are some notes on the back.

To top

Traction Terminal Co. building (Frankfort, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 145
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings outlining a remodel that includes a plan.

To top

Union Bank & Trust Co. banking room (Lexington, Ky.), 24 February 1925

  • Tube 146
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of construction drawings, which include two sections: the banking room, and proposed alterations to banking screen. For the banking room, there are: sections; elevations (front, wrought iron gate to vault vestibule, front of cages, corner cage, cage, front of cages); detail drawings (half plan of front, plaster cove, banking cage, check desk, vestibule portal to vault); and plans (cages, ceiling). For the proposed alterations, there are: elevations (bank screen and counter after removing cornice and lowering glass, present bank screen and counter); sections (cross section of proposed alteration, cross section of present bank screen and counter).

To top

Universal Motors Service System building (Lexington, Ky.), 6 August 1920

  • Tube 146
Scope and Contents

Ten pages of presentation drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, side); sections (longitudinal, cross); and plans (roof, mezzanine floor, first floor, foundation, site).

To top

University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (Lexington, Ky.), 10 June 1957-10 July 1957

  • Tube 147
Scope and Contents

Seven pages plus a cover sheet of design development and construction drawings and studies, including: a plot plan; elevations; door schedule; details (door, trussed rafters, ridge ventilator control, window opening and frames, air vent, control joints); plans (floor, foundation, breeder house, laying house, electric in all houses); sections (pens); and diagrams (risers).

To top

University of Kentucky Agriculture Experiment Station (Lexington, Ky.), 17 August 1951-4 September 1951

  • Tube 147
Scope and Contents

Twelve pages of construction drawings, including: elevations (rear, monitor); plot plan; details (corner, ramp, ventilator opening on roof deck, doors, frames, rear entrance, threshold, footing, roof drain); schedules (door, column pier and footing); and plans (roof, first and second floor, foundation and footing, roof and monitor roof framing, electrical, plumbing). Cardboard cuff read "Bldg. for agricultural Experiment Sta. @ quicksand, Ky (Univ. of Ky.) 1940."

To top

University of Kentucky Dairy Building (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 148
Scope and Contents

Three pages of design development drawings, including: floor plans (first, second); and details (fresh air intakes, drafts).

To top

University of Kentucky Dairy Products Building, 10 October 1956

  • Tube 148
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project of three pages and a cover sheet of as-built drawings, including plans (first floor, first floor electrical).

To top

Untitled projects, undated

  • Folder 2
Scope and Contents

Plans of indeterminate origin, no project names, dates or other identifying information.

To top

Vance, C.A., Dr. residence and garage (Lexington, Ky.), 3 September 1919-12 April 1920

  • Tube 149
Scope and Contents

Eight pages of construction drawings for the house and garage. In the house: sections (rear stairs, garage roof, thru front porch, thru basement window); detail (cornice); elevations (front, Central Avenue, rear, south, basement window); and floor plan (basement and foundation, first, second, roof and attic). For garage: plans (foundation, first floor, roof); detail (brackets); and elevation (north, west, east, south). Location on South Hanover Avenue.

To top

W.B. Martin Store building (Danville, Ky.), 11 September 1940-26 September 1940

  • Tube 149
Scope and Contents

Eight pages of construction and shop drawings and sketches, including: details; wiring diagram; plans (first floor, basement and foundation, roof, steel framing, truss design); elevations (west, east, south, north); sections; and door schedule.

To top

W.E. Hutton Co., 19 July 1933

  • Tube 149
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project with one page of design development, including a second-floor plan.

To top

W.R. Milward Mortuary partition (Lexington, Ky.), October 1934

  • Tube 149
Scope and Contents

Comprised of 1 page of design development drawings, including an office plan and elevation of the partition.

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 7 November 1925

  • Tube 150
Scope and Contents

Four drawings of construction drawings, including: floor plans (location of ceiling inserts, first, second); and sections.

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 13 May 1935

  • Tube 150
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project with 17 pages of presentation, construction, and shop drawings, including: plans (plot, first floor, second floor framing, second floor, roof framing, first-floor column location, third-floor framing, roof framing of garage); detail (column base); and sections (cross, longitudinal).

To top

W.T. Sistrunk Co. terminal warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), 15 March 1926

  • Tube 150
Scope and Contents

Six pages of construction drawings, including: diagrams, indexes, sections, and plans. Note on back of document reads "Sistrunk concrete drawings and platforms."

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. terminal warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), October 1921-1 December 1925

  • Tube 151
Scope and Contents

Three pages of design development and construction drawings, including a site plan, cross sections to show excavation work, and survey plans.

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. terminal warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), 1 December 1925-6 November 1926

  • Tube 151
Scope and Contents

Thirteen pages of design development and construction drawings, including: street side elevations, office door list, details (stair, gutter, office entrance, partition); diagrams; sections; elevations; schedule (steel sash); and floor plans (roof, first, second, third).

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. ventilation and refrigeration (Lexington, Ky.), 16 November 1925-9 April 1926

  • Tube 151
Scope and Contents

Nine pages of construction and design development drawings, including floor plans, diagrams, details, and sections.

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. Vine Street warehouse (Lexington, Ky.), 9 July 1931

  • Tube 151
Scope and Contents

Comprised of: details (girders bearing on west wall, column base); plans (first floor showing framing for second floor, second-floor plan showing framing for roof); and sections (cross, longitudinal).

To top

W.T. Sistrunk & Co. office bay (Lexington, Ky.), 24 July 1920-31 July 1920

  • Tube 152
Scope and Contents

Two pages of design development and construction drawings, including sections (mullion, windows) and elevations (front, end).

To top

Waddy School Building (Shelby County, Ky.), 14 August 1923

  • Tube 153
Scope and Contents

Four pages of presentation drawings, including: elevations (front, rear, sides); details (window, casement window); plans (floors, foundation, roof, basement); and sections (wall, wall section thru window, wall section thru casement window).

To top

Waddy auditorium and gymnasium (Shelby County, Ky.), 4 April 1924

  • Tube 153
Scope and Contents

Six pages of presentation drawings, including: plans (first floor, roof, auditorium basement and foundation); details (jib-head windows, main cornice, cornice over classroom entrance, portico, window frame, basement frame); elevations (end, classroom side), and sections (of auditorium).

To top

Weil, Herschel residence (Lexington, Ky.), 28 September 1950

  • Tube 153
Scope and Contents

Nine pages of presentation drawings, including: elevations (east, west, north, south); floor plans (first, second); diagram (telephone niche, china cabinet, office cabinet, exterior cornice, bookcase); and girder detail.

To top

Weil, J.D. farm house (Shelby County, Ky.), 8 April 1937

  • Tube 153
Scope and Contents

One page of design development and construction drawings, including floor plans (first, second, foundation); and elevations (left, new front).

To top

Weil, Jonas residence (Lexington, Ky.), 5 December 1931-10 September 1935

  • Tube 154
Scope and Contents

Remodeling project comprised of three pages of presentation drawings, including: details; elevation view; floor plans (first, second); diagrams; and sections.

To top

Weil, S. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 28 February 1918-5 March 1918

  • Tube 154
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of the construction drawings outlining a remodel. These include: elevations (sliding French doors into living and dining rooms, north, rear, south, front); and plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof).

To top

Weil, Sim residence (Lexington, Ky.), 20 March 1920-25 October 1920

  • Tube 154
Scope and Contents

Eight sheets of construction drawings that include the house and the garage. For the house, there are: elevations (north side, west side, south side, east side); plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof, staircase); sections (through vestibule, through curved frieze, etc.); and detail drawings (window, base and shoe, front detail of stairs, side detail of stairs, hand rail, china case, sliding french doors to dining and living rooms, main cornice, porch cornice). For the garage, there is a note reading, "NOT BUILT,"; elevations (front, end); a cross section; and plans (ground floor). Located on Ashland Avenue.

To top

Welch-Wilmarth: Goldsmith Stores Co. (Cincinnati, Ohio), 25 February 1928

  • Tube 155
Scope and Contents

One sheet of design development drawings that includes a floor plan.

To top

White, W.B. (Mount Sterling, Ky.), 27 May 1927

  • Tube 155
Scope and Contents

Twelve sheets of design development and construction drawings, which include: sections (bathroom tile, walls); detail drawings (portico, stairs, kitchen space, bookcase, window seat); elevations (portico, rear, hall end); plans (basement, bathroom, first floor, second floor, foundation).

To top

White, W.B. bookcases (Mount Sterling, Ky.), Undated

  • Tube 155
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of design development drawings, which include: plans (reading room, living room); a front elevation, and sections.

To top

White, J.L. residence (Mount Sterling, Ky.), 9 September 1926

  • Tube 155
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of sketches and construction drawings outlining a remodel. These include: plans (first floor, second floor, present plan); elevations (front of kitchen cabinet, end of kitchen cabinet, towel cabinet, windows, bathroom); and sections.

To top

Whoat, J.J. residence (Bardstown, Ky.), 1940-1959

  • Tube 156
Scope and Contents

Twenty-two sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, rear, left, right); plans (foundation, first floor, second floor); detail drawings; and sections.

To top

Wigginton, J.N. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 21 September 1933

  • Tube 156
Scope and Contents

Two sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (foundation, basement, first floor, second floor); sections (longitudinal, through walls); detail drawings (beams, columns in basement, cornice on porch); and a door schedule.

To top

Wilcoxen, G.C. apartment building (Lexington, Ky.), 20 February 1928

  • Tube 156
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of presentation drawings, which include: elevations (front, vent shaft, skylight shaft); plans (foundation, basement, first foor, second floor, roof); detail drawings (beam); and schedules (door, window).

To top

Wile, Dolph residence (Lexington, Ky.), February 1913

  • Tube 156
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction drawings, which include: plans (first floor, second floor, basement, roof); elevations (front, right, rear, left); sections (front porch, handrail, door trim, window, frames); and detail drawings (main cornice, gutter, sleeping porch drain, stairs, mantle in living room, window stool, case in butler's pantry, front door, living room doors, wall panels in dining room).

To top

Wile, Joseph residence (Lexington, Ky.), 6 January 1939-19 January 1939

  • Tube 157
Scope and Contents

Fourteen sheets of presentation and construction drawings, which include: plans (plot, basement, foundation, first floor, second floor); elevations (front, sides, rear, doorway to dining room); sections (wall, through garage wall, through front door); schedules (door, materials and finishes); diagrams (stack); and detail drawings (front walks, garage chimney, bay window, cornice and column porch, railing, dormers, front wall, front entrance door, doorway to dining room, balasters, opening between front entry and hall, bookshelves in library, kitchen cabinets).

To top

Winn, Pierce residence (Mount Sterling, Ky.), 25 May 1923-10 July 1926

  • Tube 157
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of construction and design development drawings, which include: elevations (stairs, front, side, rear); sections (rails); plans (first floor, second floor, foundation, roof); and detail drawings (porch, cornice, stair, double-hung window).

To top

Winters' residence (Paris, Ky.), 24 July 1929

  • Tube 157
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of presentation and construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, right, left, rear); plans (basement, first floor, second floor); diagrams; perspective drawings; and detail drawings.

To top

Wolf-Wile Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 10 March 1923-10 April 1923

  • Tube 158
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings that include plans (second floor framing, third-floor framing).

To top

Wolf-Wile Co. (Lexington, Ky.), 1921-1941

  • Tube 158
Scope and Contents

Fifty-six sheets outlining specifications for the reconstruction of an office, which consists of: sketches, as-built drawings, presentation drawings, and construction drawings. These include site plans, elevations, sections, schedules, diagrams, and surverys.

To top

Wolf-Wile building (Lexington, Ky.), 26 February 1923-6 January 1923

  • Tube 159
Scope and Contents

Fifteen sheets of presentation and construction drawings outlining structural steel. These include: plans (roof framing, first-floor framing, second-floor framing, third-floor framing, fourth-floor framing); elevations (first floor, second floor); and other drawings.

To top

Wolf-Wile Co. Inc. & Manring service facility (Lexington, Ky.), 10 May 1946

  • Tube 159
Scope and Contents

Three sheets of presentation drawings outlining alterations. These include the following: plans (basement), and sections.

To top

Woodford Jr., Buckner residence (Paris, Ky.), 2 June 1938-7 June 1938

  • Tube 160
Scope and Contents

Six sheets of design development drawings and studies, which include: plans (plot, basement, first floor, second floor); elevations (left side, front, right side, rear); sections (cross through building); a door schedule; and detail drawings (kitchen cabinets, jambs, living room bookcase, doors, cornice, sills, beams).

To top

Woodford County B. of E. School (Wilmore, Ky.), 19 May 1930

  • Tube 160
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front, left, rear); plans (foundation, ground floor, roof) and a door schedule. On the back, a note reads, "Mortousville Woodford Co-.""

To top

Woodland Filling Station shop building (Lexington, Ky.), 7 April 1926

  • Tube 160
Scope and Contents

Five sheets of construction drawings, which include: elevations; plans (first floor, second floor); and detail drawings.

To top

Worick Bros. garage (Paris, Ky.), 8 June 1938

  • Tube 161
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings outlining improvements. These include: plan (left wall); left elevation; and a schedule of reinforcing steel.

To top

Wyatt, W. S. residence (Lexington, Ky.), 17 October 1959

  • Tube 161
Scope and Contents

Sheets of presentation and design development drawings, which include: elevations (west, east, north, south); plans (first floor, second floor); detail drawings; and sections.

To top

W.T. Congleton auto station (Lexington, Ky.), 12 December 1929

  • Tube 161
Scope and Contents

Seven sheets of presentation, construction, and shop drawings, which include: elevations (front, north, south, rear); plans (foundation, ground floor); sections; schedules (concrete beam, concrete column); and detail drawings (stairway, windows frames, door frames, fence, main cornice, brackets, columns).

To top

Yeary Transfer Co. (Lexington, Ky.), undated

  • Tube 161
Scope and Contents

One sheet of construction drawings, which include: elevations (front of gound floor); and a plan (ground floor).

To top

Office records, 1897-1961, undated

Scope and Contents

Series contains personal and business-related financial material for L.K. Frankel; notes on building specifications; newspaper clippings about the firm's projects, as well as promotional materials created by the companies who commissioned the buildings; some building drawingss; and ephemera.

Financial records relating to L.K. Frankel, 1897-1914

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Building specifications, 1921-1939

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

Newspaper clippings, 1924-1961, undated

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Newsletters mentioning Frankel and Curtis projects, 1945-1950

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

Hospital promotional materials, 1954, undated

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Building dedication programs, 1959

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

Drawings of several Frankel and Curtis projects, undated

  • Box 1, folder 7
To top

Ephemera, 1917, undated

  • Box 1, folder 8
To top

Photographs, 1926-1963, undated

Building under construction, three-story framework, 4 May 1927

  • Box 2, item 1
To top

Building in construction, three-story framework, 4 May 1927

  • Box 2, item 2
To top

Building in construction, three-story framework, 4 May 1927

  • Box 2, item 3
To top

Building frame, under construction, 4 May 1927

  • Box 2, item 4
To top

"University of Kentucky Dairy Building", under construction, 22 August 1929

  • Box 2, item 5
To top

"L.K. Frankel Residence", front and right view, 2 July 1930

  • Box 2, item 6
To top

"L.K. Frankel Residence", back view, 2 July 1930

  • Box 2, item 7
To top

"L.K. Frankel Residence", front elevation, 2 July 1930

  • Box 2, item 8
To top

"L.K. Frankel Residence", front view, 2 July 1930

  • Box 2, item 9
To top

"Oldyer Residence, Bornside, KY", front view, 1950

  • Box 2, item 10
To top

Single-story building with flat roof, front elevation, 17 July 1963

  • Box 2, item 11
To top

Single-story building with flat roof, "N.E.", 17 July 1963

  • Box 2, item 12
To top

Single-story building with flat roof, "S.E.", 17 July 1963

  • Box 2, item 13
To top

Single-story building with flat roof, "E. entrance", 17 July 1963

  • Box 2, item 14
To top

Front entrance of brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 15
To top

Roof and tower, drawings on photo, undated

  • Box 2, item 16
To top

Front of building with steeple, undated

  • Box 2, item 17
To top

Building in construction, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 18
To top

Building in construction, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 19
To top

Building in construction, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 20
To top

Multi-story building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 21
To top

"Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, KY", drawing of front and side elevations, undated

  • Box 2, item 22
To top

"Town Hall Sussex County", steeple tower on top of building, undated

  • Box 2, item 23
To top

Multi-story building, front entrance, undated

  • Box 2, item 24
To top

Front of building with steeple, "B91481 Polaroid", undated

  • Box 2, item 25
To top

Street view of building with steeple, "Polaroid 8A8021", undated

  • Box 2, item 26
To top

Street view of building with steeple, "Polaroid B91481", undated

  • Box 2, item 27
To top

Street view of building with steeple, "Polaroid 8A8021", undated

  • Box 2, item 28
To top

Front entrance of three-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 29
To top

Front entrance of two-story building, "Polaroid 8A8021", undated

  • Box 2, item 30
To top

Front entrance of building with steeple tower, "Polaroid 8A8021", undated

  • Box 2, item 31
To top

Front entrance, 3/4 view, "Not by Frankel and Curtis", undated

  • Box 2, item 32
To top

Front and left side of multi-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 33
To top

Front entrance of two-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 34
To top

Front entrance of multi-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 35
To top

Multi-story building, tower/steeple/clock tower on top, undated

  • Box 2, item 36
To top

Street view of multi-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 37
To top

Front entrance two-story building with ionic columns, undated

  • Box 2, item 38
To top

Corner view of three-story brick building, "SW corner Main and Broadway", undated

  • Box 2, item 39
To top

"Dunbar School", multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 40
To top

"Dunbar School", multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 41
To top

"Dunbar School", multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 42
To top

Two-story brick building, 3/4 view, "167 North Upper", undated

  • Box 2, item 43
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 44
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 45
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 46
To top

Entrance of building, light stone and dark wood door, undated

  • Box 2, item 47
To top

Three-story brick building, "7320 Finished by LaFayette Studio Lexington KY", undated

  • Box 2, item 48
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 49
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 50
To top

Three-story brick building, front entrance, undated

  • Box 2, item 51
To top

Entrance of building, light stone and dark wood door, undated

  • Box 2, item 52
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 53
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 54
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 55
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 56
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 57
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 58
To top

Side of brick building with bell tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 59
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 60
To top

Three-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 61
To top

One two-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 62
To top

Front elevation of multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 63
To top

"Morton School Tates Creek Pike George T Graves 315 SO. Broadway, Lexington KY 7-22" front entrance, undated

  • Box 2, item 64
To top

Two-story brick building, front and side elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 65
To top

"SW corner Main and Broadway", three-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 66
To top

Two-story brick building, front entrance, undated

  • Box 2, item 67
To top

Multi-story brick building, side elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 68
To top

Elevation of single-story brick building, multi-story brick building in background, undated

  • Box 2, item 69
To top

Brick building with tower, undated

  • Box 2, item 70
To top

Balcony from multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 71
To top

Several brick buildings close together, undated

  • Box 2, item 72
To top

Brick building, porch and entrance shown, undated

  • Box 2, item 73
To top

Several brick buildings, undated

  • Box 2, item 74
To top

Multi-story brick building, open windows, undated

  • Box 2, item 75
To top

Multi-story brick building, front and side elevations, undated

  • Box 2, item 76
To top

Multi-story brick building, porch in front and corner, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 77
To top

Multi-story brick building, front elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 78
To top

Multi-story brick building, second floor has arched windows, front and left elevations, undated

  • Box 2, item 79
To top

Four multi-story stone and brick buildings, undated

  • Box 2, item 80
To top

"Second Presbyterian Church East Main at Ransom Ave" SE corner, multi-story stone building, undated

  • Box 2, item 81
To top

Multi-story building with steeple and cross on top, arch windows, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 82
To top

Front elevation, entrance of building with tower on top, pointed arch windows and doors, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 83
To top

Two-story stone building, pointed arch windows and doors, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 84
To top

Three-story tower, pointed arch windows and doors, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 85
To top

Multi-story brick building, tower in back, pointed arch windows, square windows on side, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 86
To top

Multi-story brick building, pointed arch windows, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 87
To top

Multi-story brick building, pointed arch windows, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 88
To top

Multi-story brick building, pointed arch windows and doors, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 89
To top

"Morton School Tates Creek Pike", two story stone building, undated

  • Box 2, item 90
To top

"Dunbar School", three-story brick building, "1922" seen on building, undated

  • Box 2, item 91
To top

Multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 92
To top

Multi-story brick building, back elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 93
To top

Taken under overhang, columns and interior windows, undated

  • Box 2, item 94
To top

Single-story brick building, undated

  • Box 2, item 95
To top

Three-story brick building, front porch, undated

  • Box 2, item 96
To top

Three-story building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 2, item 97
To top

"Glascock Residence Flemingsburg KY", two-story brick building, front elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 98
To top

Three-story brick building, front and side view, undated

  • Box 2, item 99
To top

Single-story house, front and side view, undated

  • Box 2, item 100
To top

Single-story house, front and side view, undated

  • Box 2, item 101
To top

"Glascock Residence Flemingsburg KY", two-story brick building, front and side elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 102
To top

Street view of building with tower, "Lancaster Steam Laundry" seen in photo, undated

  • Box 2, item 103
To top

"Morton School Tates Creek Pike", two-story building, undated

  • Box 2, item 104
To top

Three- to four-story stone building, undated

  • Box 2, item 105
To top

Two-story brick building, front elevation, undated

  • Box 2, item 106
To top

"Versailles Spine/Tower", clock tower, measurements/dimensions, undated

  • Box 2, item 107
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital Mt. Sterling property of Howard W. Greene", kitchen interior, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 108
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital Mt. Sterling property of Howard W. Greene", front entrance interior and exterior, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 109
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital Mt. Sterling property of Howard W. Greene", exterior view, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 110
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital Mt. Sterling property of Howard H. Greene", two interior views, film negative, undated

  • Box 2, item 111
To top

Interior view of auditorium, undated

  • Box 2, item 112
To top

"Entrance WM. C Schott Residence, Panzer and Martin, Cincinnati OH, Gen. Cont. Theo Hirschfeld Sons Co, completed June 1926", June 1926

  • Box 3, item 1
To top

"Annual Catalogue of New Ladies Hall", front entrance, 1928

  • Box 3, item 2
To top

"The Library, Bryan Station High School", interior view, March 1934

  • Box 3, item 3
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Danville, KY, Foundation for Barracks", south view, 7 April 1941

  • Box 3, item 4
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Recreation Building", foundation construction, 16 April 1941

  • Box 3, item 5
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Finishing of Barrack foundation, evacuation for storage and utility, existing heating plant", 21 August 1941

  • Box 3, item 6
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Fire and Guard house F18GH3, south east view", under construction, 11 September 1942

  • Box 3, item 7
To top

"Danville General Hospital Barracks B-63", back and side view, 11 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 8
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Sewer Tank Line Ditch running North and South", shows rock formation, 11 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 9
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Nurses Quarters NQM-40", under construction, 30 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 10
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Mess M-16", under construction, 30 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 11
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Mess M-16", under construction, 30 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 12
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Utility Shop SP-7", under construction, 30 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 13
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Officers Quarters", under construction, 30 September 1942

  • Box 3, item 14
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Garage G-1", under construction, 30 September 1941

  • Box 3, item 15
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Red Cross building HR-1", under construction, S.W. view, 14 October 1941

  • Box 3, item 16
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Shop SP-1", east view, 27 October 1941

  • Box 3, item 17
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Red Cross Building HR-1", under construction, east side, 27 October 1941

  • Box 3, item 18
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Mess M-16", west view, 27 October 1941

  • Box 3, item 19
To top

"Danville General Hospital, General view of road surfacing, front of main hospital building", 4 November 1941

  • Box 3, item 20
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Post exchange", North East view, 29 December 1941

  • Box 3, item 21
To top

"Danville General Hospital, Gate House at Main entrance to hospital grounds, S.E. view", 29 December 1941

  • Box 3, item 22
To top

"Pike Memorial Library", front entrance and stairs, 20 July 1954

  • Box 3, item 23
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital, MT Sterling, KY, Sycamore and Sterling Ave.", interior view, completed 1960, undated

  • Box 3, item 24
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital, MT Sterling, KY, completed 1960", undated

  • Box 3, item 25
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital, MT Stelring, KY, completed 1960", front entrance, undated

  • Box 3, item 26
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital, MT Sterling, KY, completed 1960", front entrance, undated

  • Box 3, item 26
To top

"Mary Chiles Hospital, MT Sterling KY, completed 1960", exterior image, front entrance, undated

  • Box 3, item 27
To top

Train station, construction, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 28
To top

Multi-story brick building with arched windows, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 29
To top

Single-story building, "Park office and souvenir shop", undated

  • Box 3, item 30
To top

Three-story brick building, entrance elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 31
To top

Three-story brick building, side entrance elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 32
To top

Single-story building, 3/4 view, windows on side with double-wide door, undated

  • Box 3, item 33
To top

Single-story building, storage tank/silo in back, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 34
To top

Two-story building, undated

  • Box 3, item 35
To top

Metal frame in construction, brick buildings in background, undated

  • Box 3, item 36
To top

Multi-story building under construction, 3/4 view, scaffolding shown, undated

  • Box 3, item 37
To top

Single-story building, windows on side, undated

  • Box 3, item 38
To top

Five men shown standing on the side of the road, wearing sign boards, "This place is unfair to organized labor A.F of L", undated

  • Box 3, item 39
To top

Single-story building, "9-RB-2" written on side of building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 40
To top

Two-story building on incline, undated

  • Box 3, item 41
To top

"Dodge Brothers Motor vehicle business", single-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 42
To top

"Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles Business", 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 43
To top

"Interior view of Wolfe Wile Co, East Main at Quality St", undated

  • Box 3, item 44
To top

"Exterior of Wolfe Wile co", front and side elevations, undated

  • Box 3, item 45
To top

"Bryan Station High School", interior view of hallway lined with lockers, undated

  • Box 3, item 46
To top

"Excavation for Municipal City Bldg.", excavation of stone layers, undated

  • Box 3, item 47
To top

"WmG Walker's Ethical Pharmacy", one-story brick building, 3/4 view, undated

  • Box 3, item 48
To top

"Excavation for Municipal City Bldg.", excavation of stone layers, undated

  • Box 3, item 49
To top

"Central Baptist Hospital", interior view, undated

  • Box 3, item 50
To top

"Central Baptist Hospital", interior view, undated

  • Box 3, item 51
To top

"Bryan Station High School, Skeets Meadors", single-story building, undated

  • Box 3, item 52
To top

Single-story building, "Skeets Meadors" stamped in corner of photo, undated

  • Box 3, item 53
To top

Two-story brick building, front elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 54
To top

"Kentucky Filling Station, Straight Run Gasoline", undated

  • Box 3, item 55
To top

"Lexington Autumobile Club", single-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 56
To top

"Construction of Wolfe Wile", building frame, "E. Main St just west of union station, just east of Hernando Blvd", undated

  • Box 3, item 57
To top

"Department of Highways", work room interior, undated

  • Box 3, item 58
To top

"University of Kentucky, Front elevation of Keenland Hall", 4-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 59
To top

"University of Kentucky, Front elevation of Keenland Hall", undated

  • Box 3, item 60
To top

"University of Kentucky, Keenland Hall", front elevation from angle, undated

  • Box 3, item 61
To top

"Keenland Hall", interior view, undated

  • Box 3, item 62
To top

"Keenland Hall", undated

  • Box 3, item 63
To top

"Central Baptist Hospital", multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 64
To top

"Bryan Station High School", interior view of hallway, undated

  • Box 3, item 65
To top

"Bryan Station High School, Science Room", classroom interior, undated

  • Box 3, item 66
To top

"Bryan Station High School, typical classroom", classroom interior, undated

  • Box 3, item 67
To top

"Bryan Station High School", multi-story brick building, front and right elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 68
To top

Two-story brick building, front elevation shown, undated

  • Box 3, item 69
To top

Two-story brick building, front elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 70
To top

Two-story brick building, front elevation, entrance marked with molding, undated

  • Box 3, item 71
To top

"Central Baptist Hospital", multi-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 72
To top

"Central Baptist Hospital, South Limestone St.", three-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 73
To top

Interior view of fire department, "New Circle Road", undated

  • Box 3, item 74
To top

"Department of Highway District 7", two-story brick building, "New Circle Road", front and right elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 75
To top

"Fayette County Fire station No 2, New Circle Road", single-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 76
To top

"Fayette County Fire station No 2, New Circle Road", single-story brick building, undated

  • Box 3, item 77
To top

"Fayette County Fire Station No 3, New Circle Road", undated

  • Box 3, item 78
To top

Two-story, brick building with single-story brick addition, undated

  • Box 3, item 79
To top

"Kitchen and Mess Hall M-6", front and side elevation, undated

  • Box 3, item 80
To top

Construction of columns, undated

  • Box 3, item 81
To top

"Union Terminal Building, Lexington KY", front elevation, "proposed union station, east main at union station viaduct", undated

  • Box 3, item 82
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 1
To top

Negative, single-story brick building, "Lexington Dry Goods" building seen in background, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 2
To top

Negative, single-story brick building, train tracks in front, several cars pictured, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 3
To top

Negative, "Kentucky Cleaners, Bus Depot", one- or two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 4
To top

Negative, "Bus Depot, Pittsburg Glass", two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 5
To top

Negative, "Bus Depot", one- to two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 6
To top

Negative, "Bus Depot", one- to two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 7
To top

Negative, "Bus Depot, Pittsburg Paints, G and G dispensaries", two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 8
To top

Negative, "Bus Depot, G and G dispensaries", two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 9
To top

Negative, two-story brick house, high angle roof, front elevation, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 10
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 11
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 12
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 13
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 14
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with high-pitched roof, front elevation, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 15
To top

Negative, "National Guard Armory", two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 16
To top

Negative, single story building surrounded by landscaping, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 17
To top

Negative, "National Guard Armory", multi-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 18
To top

Negative, "National Guard Armory", multi-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 19
To top

Negative, "National Guard Armory, 1948, Hon. Earle C Clements, Governor of KY, Roscoe L. Murry, Adjutant General", sign on National Guard Armory, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 20
To top

Negative, side view of three-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 21
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of three-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 22
To top

Negative, multi-story building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 23
To top

Negative, side view of three-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 24
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 25
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story building with curved window detail, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 26
To top

Negative, front elevation of two-story brick building with curved window detail, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 27
To top

Negative, side view of two-story building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 28
To top

Negative, entrance of two-story building with curved window detail, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 29
To top

Negative, front elevation of two-story brick house with large lawn, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 30
To top

Negative, older man with two children sitting in front of a brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 31
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 32
To top

Negative, a woman, two children, a man, and an unidentifiable figure shown standing on steps outside a brick building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 33
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 34
To top

Negative, close up 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 35
To top

Negative, front elevation of two-story brick building with arched windows and dormers on roof, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 36
To top

Negative, front elevation two-story brick building with covered porch, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 37
To top

Negative, woman and child sitting on steps outside of building, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 38
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 39
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with covered porch, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 40
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 41
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of back of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 42
To top

Negative, close up front elevation of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 43
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 44
To top

Negative, front elevation view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 45
To top

Negative, front view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 46
To top

Negative, front view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 46
To top

Negative, close of elevation of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 47
To top

Negative, long shot of two-story brick building with curved window detail, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 48
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story stone house with dormers in roof, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 49
To top

Negative, front elevation of stone and siding building with covered porch, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 50
To top

Negative, front elevation of two-story stone building with large columns by door, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 51
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story stone building with dormers in roof, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 52
To top

Negative, two-story brick building with arched covered patio and arched dormer in roof, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 53
To top

Negative, detail shot of arched windows and brick, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 54
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched doorway and power lines, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 55
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with arched windows, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 56
To top

Negative, front elevation of two-story religious building with rosette window and arched entrance, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 57
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of stone religious building with pointed arch windows and a tower, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 58
To top

Negative, front view of two buildings: one retail, one with ionic columns, three automobiles shown, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 59
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with ionic and arched windows, three automobiles, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 60
To top

Negative, 3/4 view of two-story brick building with ionic columns and arched windows, three autombiles, 13 June 1949

  • Box 4, item 61
To top

Scrapbooks, 1917-1974


  • Box 5, item 1
To top


  • Box 5, item 2
To top

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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

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UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center is open Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Appointments are encouraged but not required. Schedule an appointment here.

Researchers must have an SCRC Researcher Account to request materials. View account set-up and use instructions here.

Questions? Contact SCRC via our Contact Form.


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You may come across language in UK Libraries Special Collections Research Center collections and online resources that you find harmful or offensive. SCRC collects materials from different cultures and time periods to preserve and make available the historical record. These materials document the time period when they were created and the view of their creator. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of UK Libraries.

If you find description with problematic language that you think SCRC should review, please contact us at