xt7pk06x0r90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0r90/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1945 Vol.16 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, October 1945 Vol.16 No.12 1945 2019 true xt7pk06x0r90 section xt7pk06x0r90 ‘—"'.T":”717':.l""?f'~'f7r-T-Zsi”"’.'5"? i':"t"'~‘-Z~“.'3‘?:'”?<‘f-i’-':‘i-"Z‘.-'"lSuit"??? c- ..,,;_e__- r , ._..- u—W '- -' ~1- _ TNT—err“
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T o I o o g » g,
T12}; , s i, T!
T» an 1g 1g 5 71 ver 1.31 g u '03 5 ~ -
:6 Between now and Christmas you Will have tising campaign a month earlier and spread August. and December; funeral parlors, in f l i
2’: _ . . . . . . " . ; ‘
ff! some of yotir lowest advertising months of the advertismg appropriation out over a July and December. T
ET the year, if your newspaper fits the pattern longer period. Once you know the fluctuation of your ', ' ! '
g ”drawn from the experience 0f 45 average Similar adjustments would seem possible advertising for each month of the year, it will , » !
g newspapers. in numerous other business classifications, be easier to map out a selling program that l , E ,!1 ‘ .
i- v ‘. a ‘ . s u . ‘ r ' - . . ' .- r :‘ ,
3 N0“ 15 [ht umt- then, [0 g“ alter )our to the mutual advantage oi the newspaper Will spiead out the heavy advertising ol .; , T : .
ggfld“e”iSCFST Plan With them 1“ bring part 0E and the advertisers. April, September, and December through g. ' .y :
ii . v , ~ . i - . r ‘ -’ - . . . g . ~ :g M ‘. T;
i! the he“) Deumbu d(l\€l‘tlhlllg lo‘ld b‘ld‘ The average performance 01 insurance "1119‘ months. _;.T; i‘ .“‘!i -,
l l v - . . . , , :‘ ‘_ i Z
335:» mm h0vembei. firms advertising in newspapers shows an Io find out how you stand so that you can ‘, , T . i g '
i?" T 7r - ' '- - ' A -' . . i . . . . . - . ‘g‘q , g '
ti ' lLeonard “att, 1” 1“” study 0t t1“ 10“” unusual number of rises and falls—indicating initiate your program of leveling out your *1 ‘ ‘ t 4 ,
T3 , “ii“ \ ... -- ' t -_ .. . .. . . .. T
gig Tmumng"! 1" llt‘f51)‘ll)€15-foundlw bus heavy advertising some months, very light heavy advertismg weeks and building the 'T g ‘
g!TBI|€SSclas51fications, 5" 0t WhKh account [or other months. The fluctuation doesn’t make light ones, why not make a list of the bus- f ' ‘
3'3 per cent 01 the total \olume 0f “(1‘61 m sense, either lor the insurance agency or lor messes advertising in your paper? Make as T i i
33:51] ' ... . ‘i ,, (r .._ . .. . . I
R 1.131" [11C Slll‘tl- 5" {0’ these 5" LI‘I‘SSIfiL‘l the newspaper. There is no reason why an many ditlerent categories, such as groceries, i i T
T: ""51 Ml‘ “A“ m‘ldt SPUMI charts to mdl aggressive newspaper publisher couldnt get womens clothing, dry goods, general mer- ! !
T; [m m “huh months ”Imus businesses did a steady, year-round contract lroni insurance chandise, as you think you Will need. Put T g. ; ,
Ta; 16” mo“ “(l‘elusmgv “‘hl‘h months the) agents, who do not depend on seasons to sell all grocery stores in the same category, for /! A
1:35: at . ‘» - . . . . . , T, , i T
gig! isms“! least. their merchandise. instance, to indicate the trend. . [Ti ‘
TE! 16 35 c; T» " , 's ‘ l'll) ' , . .. 1.
TE; tin l itegmics, “huh “1” P10 T 13 Women's and men s clothing stores, (lry lake your newspaper file for last year (or ‘ '. ‘ ,
. wire "I“; gr ' T T; - ._ . . , . Ti T ._ ,
T3 [hi 1%, “tut l’U‘Ultlhe ”1 3m” [“01 goods stores, even lurniture stores will nat- [or any year you think average), measure ». T
. Tn VounT- ' ~ . w ., ' r " " :— ‘ . . .. - T 'T
» Tg triegt l' 1" lllcludc “61)[111'15 [tom 31“ urallv put most ()1 their advertising appro- each local ad and list the total number of ‘ l :-
Fig 5 0 iv .. z -r T; , .- .- 1 . . .i . . . . . :-
’ \ “URL md I)()llltl) dcilcrs, 1110\16 l( .' in the weeks before the ilt- 'lVlIl" inches in the no )er busmess cate or . I i =
s them” 1 k l l' 1 1 1 pi iat )ns g g f, y _ _ g T
T: T . )1 ' Y 2 ‘ ' 0‘ .' . . . . ‘ ‘ ' " ‘
) SIOIC .1 m s ( ot Im‘L’ nu ( 1) DOT 3 holidays or during time when thoughts turn Count (‘o-operative ads in their own cate- T .; i
35:91 i ‘5, llisur: :T 2 ‘ u ‘ g ' i _ . . . , . g
L ‘fllldr l m“! ”11d lunei'tl films, lei/‘6 ry to wearing apparel. Thus, ]ust belore Laster gory. Don t overlook your own promotion T i .
ET? 6:! estate ( or Air. . ‘ ~ , ‘ ‘
la the ( L 1:1 l' l l h and Christmas, these stores Will use more ads. _. . . . 3;
is: averare wee’ ' stuc iet, tie mont . . . . g i v ‘ T
,!0[ 11mm. Hid the l( c t \ )lume 01. advertising With an expected slump in be- 1‘1‘0111 the totals, you can find how much ,
‘ T ’ ‘ ut'es * )w‘s '( ' e _ . . . .. » . VT.
(5:3 (1‘ ) I . . tween. kducatinv the advertiser to spread business vou (lid for the whole year for * * T’
5.3, isplay advertising. The advertising depart- .D. . . l i . _ _ ’. ,; ! .g ,
\T "1cm must 11 lg k . l ‘1 1 out the appropriation it little more W111 he P each month in each ol the various business _, ,. '
i=5: 7 c 1ere ore ma ’0 5 men s11 es ) ans _ ~ . »_ ,y j
to bring “I’ the 11111;“) vlolume I'mlu'irv the mercham and thc newspaper. categories. Simple graphs drawn lrom your ! _, t. '
;g A ( t ’ . 5 x K I , . g , _ . ~ . . . ‘ , r ‘1 ’»
- ,. . . . . , , _- businesses fluctuate With lwlues Will Show at a lance which are 'our , - 1w.
:‘T’i 1for eiainple, is a high volume month tor Houe\ 61’ some I l _ fi ‘7’] 1 it' 'n Trout]: which are low) 3; ! sf] .
its - '.‘( 1.' tan tie insurance Hits 1151‘! in \‘e‘ 151 , 1 ., ‘ . T :31
:‘Tg ”"1‘1' 6 businesses, average for 10, and low no more red“! 5 t . ‘ j" _ ~ g . . . _ _ g t .
!i01‘ 19 Obviously speci ll studw must be mentioned above. Movie theaters show heav- Ihese figtiies Will be the starting pomt in ,g . ,
gT ‘ ' , 2 . 1’ . . ' - - ‘1 L T- 4 i
32": - . . ' z ‘ ' - i arch, ul and Decem- develo )iii ' a sound advertism to am. , T g ,
g made 01 the 19 busmesses which normally ier idvertismg n M_ I YT ‘ 1 g ‘ ‘ g P gr . g _
g are10w. bCl‘, With low SPCUS 111 between. Banks Eld- The more advertismg sources you have in g ‘3 - u .
i . _ ‘. . r V 1 f! , ‘4 g
g. Used car firms for example are 10“, in vertise more in January, Apiil and July. your paper, the larger the overall average ‘i’ TT‘ i,
g laniury but high for the lollowmg four Drug stores build up to a Deg/timber. peak, \olume pet source tlaisgilthe st ilrtli'ng tfheory .3 I g 1
\ m0 , ' -. - x s ‘ x o a i 'l ii i. . ,. - ' ' a t’ 1 is a ter a ‘ ‘-» 2 "
g Vth thT It would be to the advantage of electric appliances “0195 t ‘Y g admnced in Leonar . ~ t s t es _ 4, I L‘ : :'
\wxw 8used car dealers, to initiate the adver- Service stations advertise most in June, study of 109 adicrtising souices in a [1“ . 1 .‘g.
Siziiiisilkwifiii'e.axe-Tum“ g i ,: ‘ g i; U
r T, s g .
" ‘; I-‘~ “- /
g itii iii», iii? F . .
I ,. .aw . .. ~ - T’

 , _‘ ' October, 1945
1 .3, 3113??” SS
. 1 11:13 3- 1 RE
" 3 “1“115‘1’3‘511 3:1 33‘ HE KENTUCKY P 1-—
3 3111:1111 1.: :1 T E Chisholm New ‘3
:1 1’15; 2;; g. 331 , .. _ '
E ‘3“‘51 E 31‘: Page TWO “meg [110111 a (‘oinpaia ECU type RepresenTOTIVe
’ ‘ “11353 ‘1' 3 3433313 . 13ertising "0 1 ' 3- sources In0
1 .1112‘ .3 31.. . _. 1111 e M‘ . - ; vertismg 1 _ . 3 3)e C0111 )an)‘ iii
i i .i“ 1.13 , 1‘3]: ‘1, i1 , - of a sent:S _ g , 11 11111111361 oi 1d . . 1 1et2111 . , ~(ycnthlllCl L111t0)l. I .
E '3‘1“‘i :1 E, US \‘010’ These me mo 1 led by tivel)’ sma 't1 In the limitet 1 'IIIC Meg . tmcnl ()1 Paul 5, Ch“,
1 :11; :1 i . 1 - 1 l . . ‘ , - 1 3 '
I “‘ ‘ ‘1‘ {.3 I i 3 (Ed‘m‘ E lrised on matcria‘ gafo‘éssor in Within the C01111111131.11)'i]]'lll newspalfirs must iiounces the (“)PO‘“ ‘ts new representatiit
. E“ E EEEE I‘- 3‘ 3E3 3 Of 3111219]: {with l“ assistant P‘:d 1iqed in trade basins in whit 1 s 1 be Obtained’only hum" Louim‘illc. as i .
3‘ “‘-".1. '1 i“ 1:3“ 3 Leona“ ' ~‘ «mlism, 4‘ ' ,. , . 3 lunle C?“ f ‘
.:1 El ‘ . i, 3‘“ 3, l 3 01111 .2 3 . 1' ., . t ‘0 _. _ 0 . .3 3_ _ 3
EE EE EEEE ~; 1.1231“ 3 the LSU Scinwi O‘,".Onzilit\' 0111mm] MM Opeitite $1611. . . n of the entire field In Kentlld‘) . 11nd raised in O\\€IlSh0l0‘,
‘1‘ ‘Eiii 31‘3‘3‘1i3l, ‘ his th€5i51 ”‘1‘? 56-13!5 I through CUIUWUO pan] was lxnn 1 _, (1 a job printing
“ E‘ ‘ “I ' “ ‘ “Vemsmg' ) ‘ 1 tS . increase 1 is father 01"” “‘e . ~
I“ “ “‘1" L“ “E Papa ‘ kl neivqupel‘s 0‘ ‘10 PrOSpec H 11 indicate that an 1 where “ 1 his JPDI‘CHUCCSh‘l) 011‘“
3,3 1‘ 3i ,- 1. 5%? 5, 1 . '_ 3 e V ‘ v - 1 V011 ( . . , , 1 1 111W ,1er\'CC ‘ ‘
3“ “IE-~51 ‘ ‘12. 1‘“ weeklv and 56ml“e I “glues ‘ 1 er of advertislng ”OUH'CS‘VEEE 5110‘) HC sI quirer later worked on the
li‘ ii‘? ‘ 313-93". ‘ . 1m cl‘S ' the Hum) 11s0111‘CC- ‘ wensboro n ’ . 11nd 215 ml-
' I“ ““h‘E ' 5‘ ‘ country. is Surprising since new” Eecir m we the werage volume Pe . n for this 0 161.80“ Imirnal-Gleanel, 3 .11 1nd
5» 3‘. .3. - ,3 - - 1 - 1 ‘ et. ‘ ,. . to ( - 1 3 1 .3
‘33 ‘13“ -’ 31 3“ ‘1‘- Thls them“ be expected to put t 10 1nd ‘ ot write a set ewiandt ome [)0s- ch1 ())er'1t0r 011 the D111“1 e,
-i 3 1 3, : 3A3 3 , r A . 3 3' . ~)' 1‘ ' . ' ' ~ ‘
E ”E1 i “1‘35 3: may naturally if t 011 the merchants 1‘ 1 does 11 tbelld He does suggcst ‘ (,hinlstli d‘
1 1‘ '3 1‘ 1:33 '13 3 3‘.‘ .1 .1 . 1‘ 1 . ~ in 3 3 ling Y ' 11) 10m- 1 1949 an
.3 1,3,3 33. .. siles 6 0 5mm start Re )1 . 3 3 111 ~
1- “mi :‘3 Steam“ ‘ est amount 0‘ 1 .. . , . . . 1 . .ment 1 1'1ted 111 the ANDY E
. 11. l 33 .; iii-E1 uld use the larg , 10 the 50111(CS slblllthS- . avertismg dcpqi 1 He en 1s Letterpress 1111(1C0m1,
‘ i“. HE E ‘1 Ei‘ 3.". ‘ W0. ommunities and to de\6 pest annual The local (ll-“Play a] to (busily its Poten- sCI‘V'Cd as chief of the r'cld Printing Plant:
1.. :3 3. . . i . -. - .1 . _ 3
E3. i‘ ‘i ' ‘5 ' 13‘ 3 the“ C 1 roduce the larg [ [h'lt ' 1 eWSPaPer ‘5 llke Y 1 ~11111‘ ildver‘ 1‘t'on section-5' 0f the l . October
' 1“ ': '1 ii .‘1. ‘ which WOUI‘ p cted result 0 1 at d n . e ular or irregl 3 pm! 1 , i1 histli5(311?‘1'ge 1“ ‘
‘ ‘ “‘ i "‘ ice Yolulne' The expel to recluce thc ti“‘ Sources as rdg tisint; establishments' at Fort Knox unt 1 1m; for his new duties
l1“. 1‘1 I 1 3'“ 3 3 SP2 1ould 36 1 , , 1 non-a ver 1 Small . 3 been Stu‘ VI 1 .
, :33 t; :1 . 1 effort “ 3 mine [1361‘53 311“ . 3 1 me the He his L 11001” C0101
3. 3 ,3 3 , 3.: 1 sa es . .. ~ 110“ 5 . , 1 \0 U 1 , . _ the 1
E, 3‘1‘32,‘ E ‘3 :1 . type 11 “wage volume fol cadl To attflm maxnnun dep'lflment will (11- 1it the Chlcago official on Kentucky Prim”
,3: 111 E , Overa . . dvel‘tismg 3 . 3 .111 be (.21 mg-
3; iii 1 :13: - 3 1e . 3:1 >61 a . es: 3 and “1 .
'13‘, i i ‘3‘ i ‘1 "11‘5“1‘3 added- ,. Cl‘S StudlCd “ 61 “C“ 51. I ff It along [11166 1111 . .3 P1111)" _ l: \‘chnlbel- .
Er. .EE,‘ {1-1 _ EE 3. 1“ my of [he 11C“sE)a]) )lnme Per red its sales 6 0 ] e of regular 11561.8 ei‘S the mlddlc 0 ‘ . 1 ing him success Iii
3‘1"3"*33 3‘ E1 .. .21 a 3 rage V( 1 ‘30 um 1 - - . in “1151 3 ‘
:3 1.1 .131 um» . - luced me 1 . - « ease the 11 P1635 10m“
“ _ l 13:1 1.,3 '-~1!.1,~: ( VC 1 16‘ 3 )3 1 WAS ]. Ind“ - ‘ 1 . [he 1 ' -
l3 .‘ ‘1‘1‘121’3‘ ? . "13 '1’: found to ha ‘ .3 ctl OPPOSlte “a“ - 1 more Space P61 18511.6 - ‘ttent - - ‘['111[ “'01" ‘
i E‘E‘U“ “‘E“ source but an ma Y Huber to bring 11V 5'6ng h volume of mterml this 11111)” ‘
‘ l “‘1': ',1' 3 3,1-3‘ 1 ' ’ . . ‘ 11 ‘ . . 1 t e 3 ~ ' t ————___‘
, , , ,3 1mcient 1 . , . _ rease (ICC a ”H——
. 1.13 ““ i1 1 :1 mduced m a 51 11c 50111165 all 2. Inc , , them m use 51) __~ 0
i_ :i: , 1-:1 p 1 or that [116 ms 1. _, bv encollrag‘ng , ,,,1 1 h
' l‘wi‘ii ‘7 E “11“‘3 abOUt the He y the “-611;in mmme PC 1156131 ‘ more frequent “fiend Sin" 1 6116 Edi’rOr Flem gm” 2
1“; 1‘31 1 . 1 the larger ‘ ‘ regual‘or '1'n csta 15““ ‘ A ident
“1 ‘3‘ ‘ 1' EM“ match ‘ ' nonfldvem“ g 3 1 rs 1 From CC
1. . i . VV'ltt 3 Brlng - - ttent use - Dies 1 d
, 33 .3 . . 3 A , _ ’3 x . . . . [611111 or {ill
. i1 “3 Milli? source )ting to explain the them} -1[o the fold of “gum 0‘ m the cflol't ‘0 1 1) Smith, 38 Wars Old’ ed“ died
3 '=, , ‘3 ,1 3, ;ttem 11 1 13011 5 in - 1 ' 13‘s
3“ “‘l‘ ' I ‘ E',‘ '5 In I I . » siOll$~ 3 IRCCS emphasls 1‘ A (,‘()11' I (i Georfietown NC ‘
1 z .. .1 3 (011L111 . 1.13 a watt 1) .nd thL . of the a - 1110113
“V 1““ -“‘1 ‘l‘i l‘eac‘led L110 f '1 new space 11561 1‘. reater frequency 1‘ f the PublishCr Iexm‘m‘n hospital 0
3‘ ,1 ‘1 1:1 11;, _ - () ( ._ . C K , ‘4 0 )~ - ’ 4 a
3 3% i‘ 1‘ E ‘ii ‘1 Appemnme 1 6 old 513““3 mm to encourag Egrt to increase the span 0610"“ 1 “t d 1 iigchal‘ge from a shotgun
53‘ I. é,3. 1; 1 1111‘: ~ _ 0 A , .1 3 a (3 .
‘ “ MEEI “ tendenCY to “1‘0 g [muons e h 'ggue of the newspaptr- d inq ‘hc “C(Jdcm - 13 He was taking I11E
i . l 3 i 4 . , - ‘. ’ ‘ i ' . 2
3* 3:1‘\ 't».-"“3,iE‘:7?, 1 162186 their \oluinC- , tendency to usel‘ in 63C 1 . ts both volume 11” . few hour-5' preV10l15) . )repfll'fl‘o‘l
131 .3333'33 ‘LEW‘EE mm ‘ SP1“: users shOW ‘1 teed Special rate discoun , E ontr'la rate .1 I 11 closet in 1115 11011181 l 1 {ml
“‘3 :‘i 3»? “EEK; 2 N€W 1 ‘ ' 31 to 01' ex“ _ ise 0 C ‘ 011111 110111 ‘ ' - hen He ‘
11‘ 1: 131.331 - . . e ua 1011 h 11 . . 3w tm 3 W l
E33 i‘ 1E ‘ih‘é buy space in a \olumc (if the Sources 211' frequency’ ‘11:] (gour-irre increase in 10111111: to qniu‘i,‘ squnrcl 111;: inrge Penetrated
‘EE l‘h 31'-1;33'€ 3 _ -, 01111116 ‘3 ‘71 On ‘ '7 . 7 >1 0 ‘ ‘ .. . . . ' 16 ‘ E
33;} :1“ 13 1511933 ing the men“ \ “Names ‘ {rs increase 111 “C‘lum‘q aft-ident mauled I
3“, 1 ‘. ‘E ‘. :;,. ‘EE1 .' .‘ mfg. . E _ . “hr UV 1 _ . . ‘15
‘1‘ “‘ "I“ E33131. read)’ using 5‘ E 111111 town 11Cw5papCl 1d 0‘ reg. ( ii advertisers- truC Iiis chest- . e of PineVlllC, and ii .
3 ,3 , , 3 .3113 3 FE _ 1 1 ' . ( , 3. 1' 3' . . - ‘ ~ ‘
“11‘ 1‘ i‘ E'.“‘E 3‘ In 1115 Study 0 51 r .J le and selnl' Interl‘nlllCl 3‘ I .1 confliut l‘lte S HC was A 111”“ C liege m 1929
3.E ,‘i‘ E. E“““"‘ . 37 U2 selected 4:) “ LC 1 II‘ '1 newspaper “It1 1 . new users ["111 Georgetown 0 . 1ad1
‘3l ‘1‘ E ' 31i‘i 3 Vertismg’ “:1 throughout the collml‘}; ‘1 lakes a sales drive [or 1 igh graduated 1" 1 News soon after his g11d
l'. 1 ‘ :1 'E1Etjg‘n‘ ewspal)el‘s . 1 18 O ture t 1011 n , (1e on a 1 k ' ~ hqsed [1e 3 1e blli "
f; 3 E ‘1 ‘31! ‘31?“ Weekly 11 tisi’llla furnlSheC , , W sales are ma . HQ [)111( z» )'1 er in“) t1 ,
E: , 3 E ,_ 13 i‘LiE for a year‘s studY- 1““ ( 3kota Oklahoma, and actual 116. . ) )ears loglCle that the U,Etion and moved thC 1(1)" ies both papers
‘1 31‘] 11“ “skit: , )ers- South D“ , 1111- f uenCY bas’s’ 1‘ a“ ' 1m hold 111’ ‘ 1 l Georoetown ”1'" ’ Times
1‘ “‘ ‘ 1 ‘1‘ 13 " ii‘E‘Efi the newspdl A ’ Eel Sev with were re ~ ICC] lume per s()ill‘CC ””3 “V tt‘9 ing‘ Wlth t ‘C Dh'iniC'll plant. The d
‘ 1,113‘ .31‘3 3‘~ ,‘ ‘4 l . V ' 7 , , - , v0 . 3' ~ ’1 3 ‘_ J ., eC ( ‘ 1
1.1’.‘ 3‘ 33‘ ‘1'3 £13135“ Ohio, and NC‘ ‘ .,,‘ 3 ile 19 other stal-‘ ave-1186 . . ._36 thus P1 prm mg ‘ usinor thC Mme m -. 3 Mrs. smlth an
3; l 1; il 1- - “,2 1E1} 1 b 2 IICVVSPRPCIS’ \\ h C“ or even 111C161” 3 0 d Dd publlbhed h) 3
111131“ : 1 te( Y ‘ . h 1 " (“me a i
E_ 1:.‘3 11H _ sen ,, V6 each. 15 . 11 Bell.
,~, 1. :3 , esenkltl . - — r . 1 .15 L1 3 ‘ D-
. ‘ 3311‘3‘“E had one repr 119 are publlshed m corn [1160 y O—“"'_—— her aunt, M‘s ' ed 1150 by a son3 Hem ci‘
1“: l " iii E1? The newSPal’c ‘ md Populations. W111le ——-——~~ Smith 15 8m“: )thel‘ brothers, 5M1
‘ \ 3 1' .E - . .. K . 3' ' 3
3 3; , 3‘ ‘ ‘ 3 It 365 - e .. . . 1 11C ( istrlc
1 11 l : E‘ii‘ munmes ofa‘by‘. valid cross-Seam“ 0‘ ‘h Blonchflrd Buys 5111“” J’" I ’- [on iorme‘" “1 S‘ d. 11
‘, i . i.“ ‘EE 1 they may 110t e ‘ . nmunities1 they have Illinois Newspaper . A. Smith! (10‘ mg .3 r11 Kentucky Distrll ,
‘ ‘ 3‘: l ‘3?) 1“! 3‘3‘1 weekly ileWSPaPer (’01 . itlets and local h d representative and .morney for the Easte . smith Lexnlg‘
“ ‘ ‘-“ V‘ E E‘“ ical retail merchandise 01 ‘ts with these Charles A. Blanc arf’r the Mergenthaler lll Smith Pineville; Geolgle and Garrett
1 ‘ , ,1 ', ‘i‘ . l ’P ' ' contac 1 . , . ineer 0 1_ “ ‘1 ’ 1 ar an,
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ EE‘H‘“ 'deertising staITS makmg mamten‘mce eng in the Kentucky terrl ton- VVoodson Smlth.’ H (1 two sisters. Mr“
11 ‘ < . "33, 5331?: ‘ . . - e Company , 1ken .’ 1 Oh103 “11 I 1n0fl‘
‘ ‘V i“ “i‘E busmesses- , 10cal 2id in “my LinoEYP enty years, resigned and has ‘1 1 Smith, Ham‘ltml‘)’. eville «ind Mrs. \C‘ 1‘
1 j 1 ‘31 . ever . 1 . or tw ‘ . , 1111 [01 3 in 1 ‘ 1 .
- E“3li‘i Watt measured )rs for One Yea“ He tory . f the Hamllton Press, Ha .1 C. C- Byr‘éy’. tn-
‘ ‘1 11‘3153' . f the 45 newspape ' 121 ad' P05563510n O - 3 munitY “'eek‘y 11 611 LOUISVIHC‘ .11 of [he
1 i , 1:1 issue 0 f 10ml (11513 Y . . - fl lentlal com - . Sew 1 . , 1 . sympfll Y e
i . £1 131 13 S of users 0 . 3 IllanlS an in 1 He began s V()IC€5 NC 3 t6 t0 [1‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ““‘ ‘ found 109 type h'iin groceries to 1110- , 11 section of the state. The Pres f ternitv in the Sta
1 1 " 3‘ 1.111! 1 - ' ( . 1 1‘ 1 21 a
‘3‘ ‘ ‘ ‘E "‘3“: 1 vertising Space#fmmlc (l in the 13101961 the weste' 1 duties on NOVCInber 1‘ ll tire newspaper r
‘3 1,‘ a: 3 ;‘1 3 ~ ‘ rn - “1 a . . ' ,
‘31‘ E ““F‘ ‘ stock—and I"It e“ hls Ed‘tlo (is Well known and llked n t te surviving ‘amlly
‘1 ' ‘ 1 .i 1 ‘ ‘ . _———
1, ' j g. ;. , char ey , . 1n the S a _#— ’
1‘31 13 .li‘i . category‘ . - between [owl 11d prlntmg Offices. -- i ——'“——__. his
1‘1 i 1E11 1 h. 1 C(,l-relatlon existS r 11nd newspaPer ‘11 .1 d wit Will be m1ss€( 1 the 1ast oft ,
3 ‘1 E 1 , iEE 1 A 1g1 .1 ewspape ‘ . 1 sml e an . -1 . 1121(C 511'
,1: , 3 eacl 11 . 15 remy . success . t was 1 31115
“ “ “h ‘ qcin-rtising “)lume 0"d 1 users of advertis- andhl-1 many friends who “'lsh 111m Announcemelg 'd e Riggs had pllICH‘UflL
L1 1 ‘ ‘. .i 33' ‘ ' 1 ‘ 1 ua . IS . r1 1 - ,
‘i ' ‘ 1,3‘ 3‘1) 3 - ”lumber of 1nd“1 ‘1 i011 IS that by , it . _ Inonth thdt E . g 11- AlVlS G -‘
13 l 1 .‘13‘1 . the ‘ - 3‘ Ible Cont us . - ’ new C31)“: y' 15111163 ' lis )artnc 3 7.11m!
“ 3 i‘ 31“ - space The incutd h p6 to attain 1“ h‘S . his family from Lou d the interest 01 1 l 1‘ of the 11:1 E ~
3 1 . , :1 “11 ‘ mg ‘ ‘ 0t 0 ovmg - 1 f ien S . 1 man ‘ ‘
, _ , 3 .3E - )6" can“ _ _ On In 1nd 1115 r e so 6
1 . .- 1 ewspal Iout (16 h Press to rid becom
I .3 11 the small 11 _ lume witl ked T e .3 d 3 3
1 .3 3 .1 .1111 . 11 V0 rle as . ,3 to r01 .
‘3 3 F 3 ‘ its maXmium l)0‘el.1[l‘ potential number Cha Ell for him and t0 111‘ 1‘6 them Favorlte-
- .1 'E ‘1 . maximum 'nr. [arewe , er )lanh . 3
E: ‘1 "1“ ‘ velo‘ng t-he irt‘es within the communl : in” his modern 116161)“) 1 1
l‘ 3 I i" 1"1‘ 1‘31 ‘ of advertisll‘g 50‘ my Inge dailies get the” ‘: ‘
. E . It Qi ‘i‘ ; ow that m: ‘ _., 3.
» l3 1' :1 mi 1 We k" "
"1 » E1 111E 1
E; , .‘ "E L‘ NE E
‘1 :' ? iiliii
. EE; , 1 E 1-21 3
I ‘2 2‘ i
' 3 u ‘ 3 J.‘ 7 ' i
.‘31‘11 1-1131 3 ~
J 3‘11 1, . :, ;

 J V_ J '- -- - , ~- ~- ~ - ~ - ' . u , V_H,__._;.LAA_A._;:.__V_;_.__;7,3,7,7 pvm'
i __ J.“ J
.r, 1945 J October, l945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three J J
Jtive ' J J V
We Companyal; J ; .
of Paul S, Chis; J J
:w I‘epl‘eseiitati‘J ‘ ‘ 7 l! J‘ J l l l' D . JJ' J _
l . ‘ . J
:(I in OwensbomJ J‘ JJ J
l a job printing J l J'J'
:nticeship on the a . . J ‘- 1 J Q
. worked on [he ' 2"! t ‘ h k . J ‘J a 1.
er, and as 1111- ea 1’87 [LC en J
Danville, Ind., - J
31y in 1942 andJ J. l ‘
erpress 21ml ComrJJ .
1d Printing PlamJ i _ ‘
barge in October.' J I
)1‘ his new duties J J J J~
e Linotype Com: l V
,1 Kentucky print: . _ _ _ J J. J -
2r. Early this month In Lexmgton, Kentucky, representatlve leaders of _ J. '
ng him success in the nation's 2 billion-dollar poultry industry met at the invitation of A 8. P. J: J‘ J
____fl J The purpose of the meeting was to lay down plans for a three-year J
. ‘ national contest designed to provide the American public with finer eating J J J .
J chickens than they have ever enjoyed before. J J
5 01d, editor and J J
own News, died J
1 hospital follow An award of $5,000 provided by A & P will go to the poultryman who 'J J J J J _
‘Je from JJkSJJOJgJJJJJ: _ comes closest to meeting the specifications set down by poultry leaders for the Lf? » J J 5 J
6 was ta mg , J m J .
tome, PTeIWJJOJJJ ideal meat-type chicken . . . a fast—growing chicken with broader breast and ;JJ; J - J
- . . . . .‘1 ’ i J.
1 When the {:13le meatler drumstlcks . . . a chlcken comparable to the broad-breasted turkey J'Jj ‘J J g ‘
' large Pellell‘ile ’ . w J I J J
J that has contrlbuted so much to the prosperity of that branch of the poultry ‘ ‘ J :
ineville, and was industry J ,
. J ‘ ‘ v i j . _
11 College 111 1929. J J J
on after his gradJ J J ', '
.er into the build-ll This project is typical of A 8. P's constant efforts since 1859 to give , , J ,
Jim“! bOJhPJJJJeJJ American customers finer food and thus build broader markets for the pro- 5 l J .
plant. The Times . I . 3 J J
v Mm Smith and ducts of America s farms. ‘ . 1f: J 1'
‘ ‘ z 1
by a son, F1561n JchJ It is because of these eighty-six years of experience and experiment J J
brothers, HWY , , J J:
ner U. S. district in finding new and better ways of feeding America that today the men and J J J:
KentuCkY DJSJJJCJJ women of A & P are doing the nation’s most efficient job of food distribution. a J J: a J
ge Smith, Lexmg‘ J J _ J J
rlan, and Garrett J J J J
(1 two sisterS,Mm J, J ._ J J J
npathy 0f the en- J J J " 1 .
in the state to [he . JJ J
:' by ‘JJ
,___-_ J J :‘
,1c the lust of “J :J '
gs had purdmstdi J‘ g
r, Alvis G- HUJJJJ r; J ,
of the Frank“; J i
J . i i- J J
i J, J‘ J J v
5 3 t, Ji ,3
_ Jil H 'JJ J J ' J

 ‘ . 3 335.33 lI-‘i l 1.} "IJ‘
3 31 :3 i”:- -
I 3.333 “j
3 3333.133 Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1945 3
- 33‘ 513 If: ‘
' 3:3 ‘33: :5 3 " . /7 : national advertising goes up alter the war, even complain about that, when it happensi commi
. 33. .‘33‘ ".3 " I" 7 e as is expected, the weeklies‘ share might well that to get an account NAS has to take over ' KPA,
3.33.3. . .13- 1': . . . . - -. . . . J... . . . .
. :33 :3 :: 3.: 3 _ Kent 1 . 3. Y; 88 beBlopr tune; ‘l.lla1:1iE.IS 111(1)“: ., . 1 -. 3 _ spine palplcisprlrcady ictcning the busme“: lion-
:3 3: 3: : 3f 3. , :3 : ”u: :not1uee 1 its 311 ,5 rare in tns )1g ( iret t. 11s )usincss of commissrons 011 new‘ throng
. 3: . 33 3 3:.“ 3: increase. l‘nst ol: all “e lra\e a Job to do. attouirtsoirly is a real drawback, for many the “o
, :1- 333.333 . 3-". Official Publication of the Kentucky \l‘e must get solidly behind the NBA and tunes it is hard to draw the line and often operat
. 3: “‘3 5, Press Assocration NAS. After all they are our own organiza- an agency will not work up a new account cost to
3‘ 3 3 I 3 .11 : Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher tions, working for 11s, and if we (:annot give unless NAS agrees to take over an 0131 I can re:
: “I .31 iii: . m Lexington them unanimous and wholehearted support, account. “.3“ g.
. : 3 3 3 : Prmted On 6 ’ what can we expect of. the agencres and na- 1 Wish all of you could sit in sometime at just ah
- 3 :3 3: 3 3 Kentucky Press Association Officers tional advertisers? a meeting of the NAS directors and find out the bu
. l3 3 ’ 3‘ :3 Chauncey F0rgey""””"§;§§i&;§{{'l”dew”dent' “bland The agencres and national advertisers first hand some of the headaches. For in~:1ion oi
: , :I .j‘ I. 3 j I Fred B_ wachs___..._............_.....neraid-Leader, Lexington want facts about the weekly field. To supply stance. a certain big agency was using about build 1
3 3 3 E 3 Victor R. Portman:g:?ffff:tu M K" Lexington tlre:e,PNEA and 1:;AS have Sit-1.11)- a Research 2010 weekly: lic.‘:‘81m‘)crf-I‘m‘ a certain national . a great
I: I '5‘ M 3335....22‘21"‘1‘§.‘1...‘.‘.‘§§.“i.ei..‘.‘.l ‘."...i‘§i"ief‘7 L‘fiiilill‘ ‘1".‘5‘33‘11‘151. .‘. ‘.‘i‘.‘..‘.‘.‘i“ “‘6 ”‘31“ ""3
‘ .3... In 3 , ; ._ . 3’, I ’" I’u ‘ ‘ 'z.‘ .' ‘aanee ‘.
3 I‘.‘3‘ . f 3 " g3:;ld(Nintiii?wdlh:‘iim§ril;itlg‘irsfiepiiglcfig’qoxihgrfi: weekly will support it, it will not cost any)- But throrigh the work that NfEAhind N112; Nils}:
3 3‘: I: E: gfggoxggslpgig‘sfifig:8233:2333 J¥§§d5Bhfal§S§VV§i§§ one very much. You will soon be hearing have done they became interested in week- througi
3. 3 3 3 3 :3 gigggggp’urggémlirpxi‘iggvrrgle,FFi‘ggr “Sine; Sandal? more about this bureau and Will again be lies. They proposed to increase the iiumber3the sha
.3 :1: 33 3 lygglstjgrnggér’cagggfigé3SlgtelgénEtgys $21123:ng Aw: asked to 30111 “'ltll- your iellow weekly pub- of weeklies used by this one account to over lies (lei
.I I " i '1‘: ‘3 :1 Robinson, Herald, Paintsville; Eighth. J- W. Heddon, lishers in supporting it. 400, if NAS would take over the entire list.~
I . I‘ ‘- ‘1' .1" Advocate, Mt. Sterling; Tyler Mumford, Advocate, . .
: . 3 . :: 3.. , 24,332,231?dIElsi;:fii‘tfififfigegtifli‘i‘flfe’- ‘i’fifié’h‘li‘.’ Great Step Forward and they stated they had another national: Fr 6
. . . .: :1“ .‘3‘ ate Past firesident, Joe R‘ichardson, Times, Glasgow. This Research and Promotion Bureau is ““01”“ they C0111“ swing ”“0 the weekly Oin
. 3: I: 1- .33 . Kentucky Press Women’s Club . . a great step forward in the weekly field. For held. il~ this worked out successfully. .
I , 3 .3 33 - Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald: Harrodsburg, Presrdent, ’ , , ’ .. . .‘ : . 3 : ‘ _ H ‘ . ‘ _ 3 .. :3 . . : 3
3 :: .l 33 £31355:131,333::if:6153:2331?ehgsrsgggyrgfgngeyjfirpxiaolyegpxoorg: many years the daily newspapers, through . The board oi (lllC( tors hesitated to take Alfll
“I 3 “ '" 3 313 "I Second Vice-Presme‘iii‘dMiIsi‘ceMgrlgsigee‘rlltderii/i: P33739113. the American Newspaper Publishers Asso- it on. for Don Eck knew that the first thing managi
. I I . . Ii.-‘I Record, Stearns, T 1r — ; . . . -, .- .,,. , , .- -. .- .- . . .. . , . . . I ..
.: 3.3:: .3 :3: 33:: m1;a“5’,itfidfiffiésser'xn‘évfgfififi‘enEmfidy‘gfinesecéiiigi (:(lf‘0n‘.1,",du supporteda similar institution, that wou‘ld happtn would be a: large group has tal
:: :1 3::33 ponding Secretary: Mrs: J: L: Bradley, ‘Journai- tic Bureau ol Advertising. lhey enlarged ol those .200 papers now getting the account ager o
3 3: : 331 Enterprise. Providence. this last year and raised a hall. million 1101- would write in to the agency and demand George
:3 3 :II . 3 3 ,3 --3333-:_I > 7 7 7' d ___ lars to make studies of daily newspaper fields. that it continue to come direct. They would succeed
:‘E; 33.‘ 3: ‘ : 33.3: ' All other media are spending large stuns ol raise such a stink that the agency would be Frye‘
:3‘ :‘. 3 33‘ .‘53 NAT'ONAL EDITORIAL money on research and promotion. come disgusted and stay out of the weekly ‘10 his
3 3 3 .‘ 3:: mASSOCI/ATION But to start with, we think about $25,000 field as far as it was able. Exactly that samc:reporte
. 3 33: ‘9 \w. 1 ' I a year will go a long way to gather and pre- thing has happened. Every letter of com-v family
: : :‘I : E I: sent facts about the weekly field. This would plaint to an agency is a black eye for the suuess.
: I: .‘3 be only $25 a year if a thousand weeklies entire weekly field, and hurts the chances
.‘ : 3: : 39.‘ 3333 MEMBER Jomed in. Out of eight to nine thousand of. every weekly paper in the country of 1‘6— Se“ (
.3 3 :33: . w weekly newspapers 111 the nation, there ceiving more national advertisrng. .If atafll On V\
3 1:3 ‘p3 K ‘ TUCKY PRES ought to be lour thousand willing to sup- time anything comes up you don't like, \t’l‘llC
‘ ‘ 3 .j E 13333 port this bureau, but to start with if a to your state association or Don Eck atNAS, Why
:3 .5 3. i 3 ‘33: ASSOCIATION thousand will voluntarily come forward to and bawl them out. They will try 10} week
: 3 3: ' I 333;: ORGANIZED ”NM“, ”6, support it, the committee will be satisfied. straighten it out to your satisfaction. Blll:i1c1v33)a
I I ‘- _ 3:: Of course this bureau is not going to do don’t write the agency. stitute
3 1 3 33‘: r .- the job alone. There are a lot of other Another point of complaint has beentllfft and on
3 ‘3 I: :31: . 10‘7”"? Sixteen, Number Twelve things we must do. But one big complaint of through the NAS-state setup payment '5 flilatior
: 3 _. 3 1:“: ___._———————————— the agency executives is that they do not'have slower. 'That :is perfectly true. When lo“: Four
3 . 3 1333: By A. ROBBINS, Jr. thle facts and figlurle: to Ifesefpt to national get business direct [mm the :gericyggucfs: [3:11 ha
: 3 3-: .‘l Publisher. Hopewell (Va.) News 2:663:66: {$115511 1:ielneeI ’13‘ eld. Our mil paid promptly so tliechan ta'e tie héatheir 6'6 av
3 3: (33:: Former KPA President . grer t1an that of dailies, discount. The agenucs pay it out 0 (l Iery d
: : 3 f . i on the whole, and we must prove to adver— own money, [or they have not Y‘at collecte .“ 5P
3 ‘ '3 ' 3 For a great many years we have talked tisers that our papers are worth more; that from the advertiser. Neither NAS or K“ Item for
3 I: 133 ‘ about getting more national advertising for they are better read by nrore people per has sufficient reserve nroney to do this. Theyling the
3 . 3: g ‘3' 3“ weeklies. Now and then some group would copy; that smaller space in a weekly will must wait until they collect from the adver-3profit 0
3 3} ‘3‘: ‘ make a start, as the VPA did wrth Virginia produce as good results prOportionately; riser. I hope the time will come when NA53 You 3
3 : I :3: - weeklies. But it became apparent that what- that they are actually the best and in many will be so big and handle so much adeI‘ rent a
II‘ 3- 3; ll ‘. ever was done must be done on a national cases, the only way, to reach the smaller tising for you that it can build up reserves halfac
i 3 i- ' 3 scale. towns, cities and rural areas. and make prompt payment as the agenc‘es :hody re
3 VI ‘ 3 ' Today it is being done, through the Na- Through NAS we have removed one stum- do. But remember that both NAS and KPA Prompt]
31 . .1 5 ’ 3 tional Editorial Association and its affiliate, bling block. The agencies have always com— are you. You own them and you run tliefllI Every
. j “:3l Newspaper Advertising Service. For the first plained of the high expense and tremendous They are fighting your battles and in 311“ :years 0.
3 3: time solid progress is being made. High detail in handling campaigns with a large long run it will pay you to do anytl13ng‘harems,
3 . 3 :5 .333 ‘ agency men think that the volume of na- number of weeklies. Now they can get a necessary to support them. even to Wamng the her
’ :3 3 3: ,3 . tional advertising in weeklies can be tripled, campaign on the “one-order, one-bill, one- sixty days for your money, if necessary. NVlmthlu]
33: . 3 : ‘3 3 ‘: if we follow through. If the total volume of check” plan through NAS. Brit some papers You know that NAS takes only an 8.31»: PEriodk
3 3-1% :
1 I; ., .4 . '-
, 3‘1 ._
l. "I "1 .‘_ i Ii 5 I;

 i, ., 1;: h ‘, ‘
x , l t '
', 1945 l October, l945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five F 1
then it llapp