xt7pk06x0v0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0v0c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1980 1980 1980-04-10 2020 true xt7pk06x0v0c section xt7pk06x0v0c Vol. Lxxn, No. HI Ker 2 l l'nit'ersity or ISentinels!
' Thursday. April to. 1930 an independent student newspaper ' Lextngton. “mu“!
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Stat t'l'ty eg lato /
. ‘ 'fl b l
,. 3,3 er en y companies
- a " -... . ”i
“4/”? . 333%???” 3 jg:5.32:???773;?' :3in '. = . ' ' ' ' . By RUTH RAGLA ND usage when a utility is nearinga situa-
, $7M fl/s 2; " ' ' ' .. Staff Writer tion of peak demand and would have
‘ " " 2 ' " " . 2 5i . allowed the utility commission to con-
. I ,fl”2j2//*Mfll/g7€% fl :. 3% State Attorney General Stephen srderI the quality of the service being
{i // «3 ‘ ”é, , '7’I .. ;W said “you might call it the year of the Beshear. who sert ed three terms in
émagw .:. . «If/1’22? . 323% “ ' businessman." the legislature. said. “1. frankly. knew
. '~- . . ~-: ». "" 2 .3 Beshear 2?th ht the Sthdtht Bat from my hhhethhhh W the hash-
' a 3 ~ 2 2 WW 2 , I Aswhhhhhs hOhh Forum on the .hhh the chm. 9*. Patent leshhtwh
M“; -:% . xflgf’ IM ‘32: 3 I; M efforts of his office to pass several tn the area of utilities: slim and none.“
I 311:3 fl . ’5“ fi- 3%? W I t , consumer-oriented bills on utility reg- He added though. the bills might have
' 27:53 "’ ,' w WI», ”fl .. y ,, I“ ulation during this year‘s session. passed if they had been strongly sup-
.I MW: W I ,, ’ ° gii' t, He said Kentucky 5 laWs concerning ported by Governor Brown.
.3” W” wgiz“ W -- ’ utility regulation have been written by “Hopefully. down the line some of
\ , ,ai’ . ' ' the companies themselves over the these things can be written into the
2 fixawW%/% <3 .. . II I I ___I_.- years. thanks to their strong lobbying law." he said. . I
W ' Magi/WI a. ,, “I; I I *3 f .' ‘ . efforts. Beshear said he was not mak- The legislature did pass a bill
" ” . . / .“MWM’V i? " ‘ . . mg a personal condemnation of the Beshear proposed to give the attorney
' ”(W . . , ,I , V ' ‘; companies. but in his view the laws as general the authority to prosecute pol- ,
. 2 ' ' ””v<:/”‘”7’W 2- .. . ' I ' L written are “unfair to the citizens of itical corruption cases through the
.. ‘ I . l . I; M" .3 this state.“ Franklin Circuit Court. Beshear said
WW‘”, " I I :Ez-It ,. , : . " ' Accordingto Beshearthere has been that local commonwealth‘s attorneys
’“"'”' ' . 2 . 2 ' - ' " I é ' little scrutinization of power compan- don‘t have the time. expertise.Ior staff
2 . ' W, II I ' I II . I I . tes to determine whether the compan- to handle prosecution of crimes in
t . . IIIIIIIII “MI . . ,, may”; tes should be allowed to build new state government. . II
. . , . . _ 3,, M: - - plants. Kentucky consumers have paid A l968 graduate of UK‘s College or
2 . t . ,. I ' i I I ”it” 3/ for excess capacity for the companies Law. Beshear said he sees his job as
;‘- ' - II I «3 . I _ anaIW‘ as a result. he said. because the cost of that of the chief consumer advocate in
. . II . . I3 I II .. .. I :2 «I Liai‘vfaéz/ butldtng new plants has been passed the state.
3 2, I3- . e . . . . I . y afiflim on to them. . . During the question and answer ses-
. . ' .. 3:22.“. . 2 I . ..,;: "Vie... ..~~;’;’3. Beshear proposed a bill that would sron Beshear said that the Attorney
- .. ., . . . ' . 32"31’323. tw/‘fZZflW 2" have required utilities wanting to build General‘s of free provided the governor
,. V, i i ' . , I “atwg‘hvr new plants to present a five-year pro- with comments on the constitutional-
; - if"... MK jection of energy demands tothe utility ity of certain bills and made the same
. " ' " '- " commission. if a utility‘s projection opinions available to legislators. He
» - . . . .. was overestimated orinaccurate.some said that the office‘s opinion carried , . y
3 . .. . . . ,. . . . 21:. . .. . thesiii'ér‘h'éi': 0f the cost of building the excess little weight with the legislators on
' B) “M l” “M “WU/Kernel 5“" capacity would have been subtracted emotional issues such as abortion and
from utility rates. prayer in schools. ‘
V LOOk cm below! Other bills would have required Beshear said he thought the quality
1 companies to break down various of legislators had improved because.
Darvel Halsey.rtftltt- Mountain l.aiitlscapiitg( o.. scurried out ofthe path of Highway Drainage Pipe (0- The hUE" pipes 3"“ {0’ a new parking '0‘ now charges 0” a consumer‘s utility state- “We have fewer drunks and people
I a drainage pipe being unloaded from a trailer by George M. “hum, of the under construction at the Greg Page Stadium View Apartments. ment. to warn consumers to cut their Continued on page 3 ‘
W ' N b k d ' f 1.980
e wspaper, year 00 get new a [tors or
. I III.III..»II. , _ ._ , Bi RON H \[,l. night. Paula Anderson was selected as cations beforehand Deadline for changed her majortojournalisrn. and . I
. " “" a “I‘m “Hm editor and Chris Cameron as manag- applications was April I. Although the said the editor posnton would enable a
'_ . .t ' . 3' .I.> ing editor. Board had received a IpetltlonI to her to vauire some needed expe- it} .
. II II I , l'lte Is't’nrut'lti- Am,” Board 0" Although Massey and Charles were reopen applications it dC‘Clded against meme. “1 have a lot of catching up to V;- I. 2. ‘
tits 5 Directors last night chose the editors- the only candidates for their respective itI. Clark said. Massey has been asso- do." she said. Charles said that in addt— II I-- II a». -. .
...’ ' ' ”mm“ for both the summer interses- positions. they still had to beapproved crated with the kernel lor two years. ttontothe regular newscoveragIe tnthe .I'- - 2I I I
I ’ 53W“ ...:'.’,.:..- . mm and 1” academic year 1980-“ by the faculty and student members and served as the Campus Editor for summer edition she wanted to include III _ ~ I 2 "
. “A .«3 S . , V . . who make upthc l3-member Board of this year‘s paper. l'nltke many stu- more articles on entertainment. stu- » w
. 5 . ._ 2 ML: MAN.“ 8.” cconomtcsyunioIr Directors. dents who work for the Kernel. Mas- dent activities. and the needs of adult . .
1..- " t " ”,‘m' ('la‘gm“.w'“ Cd” ”.8“ 3'6?” Clark said although the Board sey has not had a large number of students (those over 25), “tests '
. . 2‘" § " paper Anne Charles. a J9urnt‘wm members would have liked to have journalism classes However. he said Anderson.ajournalismjuniori'rom ' I I
W 3‘ “”1“”,me ML Sterling. m“ Cd" the seen some competition for the two this enables him to seethe Kernel from Burkesville. has served on the staff of I 2
I “mm” “mm” positions. it was decided bythe Board a different viewpoint. the It’enrut-lt'ian for three years. She .
' d l'lie Student Board of Publications members that potentialapplicants had said this yeltl's N‘””“‘“”" “a” h'dh .
' ~ tut lllC Mun: tum yearbook selected known aboutthedeadline and had had Charles scrm’ m :ll-‘W . ’ t‘ll‘ti'lt’h‘hi tln t'hcs‘lih’lll btltlht “and i "
STEVE M ‘55-“ its editors tor next year on 'ltteSday the opportunity to submit their appli- this year‘s paper. She has tust recently hope to continue It next year." ANNE CHARLES
U K StUdent to be altel I late delegate Oda) thatthe Palestinians must haveatoiceinthe determination
of their own future.“
local . . . . , . . .
' A LEXINGTON PHYSICIAN was convicted yesterday ambassadors of two dozen countries to the State Depart- . 2
' at Re p u bl I ca n N at '0 ”8| COnVe ntlo n of 29 sex-related crimes involving ll young boys.and faces a ment yesterday as the United States pressed its allies to sup-
probable 20 years in prison. port new sanctions against Iran.
. , . . . . , A Fa 'ette Circuit Court 'urv deliberated about |2 hours De rtment officials said the initial reaction ofllS. allies
By JOHN ”TIH’ be elected W“ the Pennsylvania he on the conventlon floor and Cheer over twcy) days before returnlingthe verdict against Dr. Ken- to thfitew sanctions. announced by President Carter. was
Staff Writer puma“, .xpn] 22. and whatever else goes on. nah Payne.’ supportive.
[ ram explained the role 0'33“ alter- “In Pennsylvania the delegates have The jurors recommended 20-year sentences for each of But they could not cite specific cases where other govern—
“I am gmng there it‘l t‘tc etper lt‘llCL‘ nate delegate. He said. “lf a delegate t0 remain uncommitted. On April 22 l eight first-degree sodomy convictions; five years for each of merits havejoined in any ofthe sanctions. intended to pres-
of the thing I want to see how the gets sick. then the alternate with the Will know hOW many VOtes I got(votes 20 charges ofusingaminorinasexualperformanoe.and one sure Iran to release the 50 American hostages held in the
selection of our president is actually must totes replaces him. The alternate he recieved in the election of alter- year forasexualabusccharge. Thejurors recommendedthe US Embassy in Tehran.
determined." lom 1 ram said doesn‘t get to vote unless something nates) and who the state went for ~ sentences be SCTVCd concurrently. world .
When the Republican National happenstothedelegate.The alternates either (Ronald) Reagan or (George)
’ Conventionts held thithilt in Detroit. do get to be on the contention floor BUSh. (John) Anderson is not on the State THE YOUNG RADICALS h0|dln8 50 America" “05'
UK student l ram wil be among (hi; 5‘} and L‘ht't‘l and whateycr else goes on," ballot but he is runninga write-incam- MCCREARY ('OliNTY JL'DGE EXECUTIVE JIMMY tages In Tehran yesterday threatened toIburnI the US.
delegates and M alternate delegates “C said he is not campaigning for paign." said the young Republican. GREENE asked the mu, yesterday for help in housing Embassy and klllIfhelIrIllOStaBCS 1‘th “filled 3m“ "'65
representi n g hl\ home state delegate because he thought he stooda According to Uram. “The Pennsyl- about 25 persons left homeless by a tornado that killed two "‘"n me “am“ "“W'y "1°" “Sam“ "3” 'l
Pennsylvania better chance of being elected an alter- vania primary ts an important primary persons and injured six in a trailer park near Whitley City. _ in a Slatcmcm rflioffgd bythe INCI‘IW afichyIiI’Ia: ”l: iiiid
Business and finance sophomore natc “Most of the people that become for Bush and Kennedy. They are SUP- Two Of ”‘6 '"jurcd remained in critical condition 1:": mdnthizcwoadrj“Vilnmilrgfe :cl aispsyusgieiitgti: mil-
llram ts one ol three persons running delegates have been in the party for a posed to prove themselves there. Pen~ ”field”: I . I itacry :iovle firthzleast miltlgaryattack bythcyUSagainstthc _
for alternate delegate in his congrcs- long time it would have been foolish nsylvania IS known as the ‘Keystone .Smc. Adjumm ("3mm Bl“) \IVcllman ‘0"er the u“ mmory of Iran."
sional district. Although the alternates tot mL‘ to run against people like that: State‘and this is goingto b” keystone 32(1) (£366an IchsterdayII 12d (:ziitmacmivatshitoijae'iifgrisix I" “mound“ a U'S economic "i‘bargo and a break in
have not been officmlly elected. l'rnm So l ran for alternate." llram said. for both parties involved." enou h {III aCTEIZSals‘dlisaste: decl:r8ationi diplomatic relations Monday, President Caner warned that
' said he will win an alternate position “Running a campaign to become a Uram said he ran into some tr‘ouble g . ' “other actions“ against lran might become necessary. He
automatically. delegate is like running a regular cam- getting his name on the ballot for alter- natlon reportedly is considering a blockade or the mining of Iranian
8t dilic stale (PgnIInIsyltanitIil IwIilIl hate paign.I It's more of an honorary and nIate delegate. “You have to have 300 PRESIDENT CARTER wound .uP mm with Egyptian ports to cut off economic lifelines. .
i eegates an . alternates it my popular thing as tar as gomg (to the Signed PCtlllOns to be on the ballot. he President Anwar Sadat yesterday with words of support for waather
dlISll'lCl. the 22nd (ongrcssronal dis- convention)" explained. “They were then taken ‘0 the Palestinians but noapparent decisions ontheirfuturein
met. there will be three delegates and l'ram explained the role of an alter4 the capital (Harrisburg) on Friday lsracli~held territory. WARMER TEMPERATURES are in store for today
three alternates l'hhri: llL‘ l4 pt oplc natc delegate “ll a delegate gets sick. The deadline was for the next lhat. Carter said. “1” depend on his consultations here and tomorrow. Today will be partly cloudy with the high
running fordelcgatc and three ll.'tli|tlg thcn the alternate with the most votes Monday. next week with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. near 60. It will be mostly clear tonight wrth the low in the
for alternate delegate I am one of the replaces him. The alternate doesn‘t get “The people at the capital told me (‘arter stressed. however. thatIthere must be “a reeogni- upper 30s Tomorrow will be mostly sunnynnd warmer wrth
three." L'ram explained, According to to vote unless something happens to that the petitions had the wrong con- tron of the realtration of Palestinian rights. a recognition the high tn the low 70:.
Uram the delegates and alternates will the delegate The alternates do get to Continued on plge 3

Editor In ('hrel Mark Green . Kim Aubrey Thomas (‘hrk John (‘lay G"! ““9" .-
Jny Fossett Bob (‘oelinne Entertainment Lkluor Sports Ed m DIM'IU' 0] PhD/0370p,"
e e (In Willis 4\\m rule Editors Plul Mum .
l MHHUKML’ fir/m" (‘indy McGee s. T. Robinson an... an.” David Maynn'd
Jacki Rudd Aisisiam Autumn Sports Film» thn Manager
Steve Massey Lin Dousard ('opi ELI!!UI\ Entertainment Edi/or
editaials & Cemmnts (um/tut fill/or Editorial kililor .
More than symbolic moves needed .
Carter’s economic sanctions against Iran should be strongest available
Well, our good old president Jimmy. in the face ofa been effectively ruled out , because they would doom A quite popular lranIiaIn nationalist named Mossa- put to death. His principle followers went into exile.
hostage situation that is almost six months old, has many. if not all of the hostages. degh became prime minister as part of this uproar. . That exile ended last year.but strong and bitter feel-
iinally decided that the United States should break C' .‘ , .‘ , . . , ,- ~ And the now famous Khomeini was a follower of logs against the United States did not. The Iranian
. . I _ , . arter. of course. isdealing Withatouchy situation. M . d h t' l' t h h d f .
diplomatic relations and impose economic sanctions but there comes a time for forceful action. That time ossa eg . . . na iona ists wan t e ea o the shah, but even he is
. (slight ones) against Iran. has been here for quite a while now After the war, in I950, Mossadegh did not want to seen as a servant boy of the United States.
Can these symbolic moyes have any effect on the ‘ . . . ' renew British contracts; he wanted to nationalize the . A strictly diplomatic settlement of the hostage
situation? In their present form. no. . Maybe a little history '9550“ '5 needed ‘0 Shed some Oilfields much to the horror of the British. They now Situation is unlikely unless the shah is delivered, but
. Khomeini has welcomed ting further break from light on the situation. wanted Mossadegh outand started exerting pressure. the United States cannot do that without losing the
IIS. influences. Oil is the major economic. and therefore diplo- The United States was reluctant to help, tacitly sup- faith of other leaders and nations which have also
I I An advisor to Hench President Valery (iiscard matic. force in Iran and throughout all ofthe Middle porting Mossadegh until Eisenhower cameinto office been given US. support. The Iranian leadership.such
d‘Estaing said that Carter made an “error in judge- East. It has been since World War II when the in early I953. Wethenjoinedthe Britishin pushingfor as it is, has welcomed the diplomatic severing ofties.
. ment“ by failing to impose economic sanctions increased need for oilbytheindustryofthe Allies out- his removal. . . . That leaves only economic avenues for Carter to ,
sooner Amen. stripped their ability to produce it. At that time the However, when the shah proposed his dismissal pursue, but ouryellyfish president is “whipping their
In addition. these economic sanctions. iftheyare to Shah‘s father was in power and British oil companies there was rioting in Tehran forcing the shah to leave camels" with a wet noodle.
be used. should not be enacted half-heartedly. as in ran the oilfields. When Shah Sr. started showing pro- the country. The CIA, as unabridged history books lmpose economic sanctionstotheir fullest extent or
their present form. (ierman tendencies in l94l he was ousted and Shah tell, then organized 'counter-rioting against Mossa- turn overthe shah. The other optionislranian citizen-
Militarv actions hate not been used and have .lr.. pro-Allies. took the throne. degh, the shah returned to power and Mossadegh was ship for the hostages.
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., . By L“. HINDLRBILRGLR the woman's deathI All butcher knives IIcans enjoy. In addition to this,collect- murdering the political opposition that God gives us the power to do so. Such items range from hands and feet
' ' L ' and ‘pomng *"l‘e‘ cannot, and ing has become a ””31"" pastime and (sometimes by the millions) or However, eliminating all inanimate to trains and planes, and leaves out
. . l lelt a great need to respond to Mr. should not. be eliminated or regulated hobby. it has been listed in the Wall embarking on a great war which kills things that can kill people because a very little in between.Governmentand .
' - , 10m Braden ” anu'gun amdc Wh'Ch ‘9‘" ”thd baseball bats' lead p'pes‘ 5"?“ Journal a.“ one Ofthe be“ type thousands oreven millions. Thisdisar- small minority are irresponsible. evil. individual citizens must learn to be
. ‘I appeared in the March 31. l980 issue tire chains. etc.) . of investments in recent years. If M" mament is alwaysdone underthe guise insane. or criminal is not the answer. responsible. patient, make better deci-
I , . ol the henna/ii Kernel. and I hope Iotalabsence of guns might prevent Bradenfeelsthereis no purpose offire- of eliminating crime and keeping the The elimination of all potential sions. and be accountable for their .
, . you will give me equal time. I needed a few murders. and deter some others. arms it IS only because heIhas nomter- citizens from harming each other. murder weapons and instruments of actions.
. " ' ii)rad:iip?snjnt?f)tun0:hii szwsfoltz bu: theteltmigiation ofgunisiIllInotsig- egg/1:: 23131:;Li‘mgigcgezrfit lIam a Christian and I feel that our accidental death would leave our
. . .- b I b . ‘ h g , _ p gh m “n .) ”I “CC ml” er. u increase d f , S l - seeiety must strive to achieve high entire society ina padded cell with no LW. Hinderberger is a senior ‘admi.
. ‘ u “aux ‘8 writing supports I e murders b) 9th" means than 8““ nee more ,0 ' '5 government regua moral standards and to eliminate nat- keepers and make I984 seem like a nistrative staff officer in Dentistry at
. I notion that government can cure the Registration is not much help either. tion. Bureaucrats and politiCians have um] and unnaturaldeathto the extent desirable way to organize society. UK. .
I - ills of soCiety by regulation This of Automobiles are registered but they legislated. negotiated, and regulated -
', ' i ' course is a great lie are stolen in record numbers,and 60- this country into most of our severe .
_. ' Mr. Braden. and his sympathilers _—_—‘hp problems in recent history. including waShed our hands for anather year .
. are not advocating the elimination of . . two devastating wars disguised as I I I I
I. handguns. but the elimination of all oplnlon police actions. Because oftheir lack of SG n eed 8 Intel I lg ent pa “I c I pa nts
. . ‘ firearms I say this because any IU- will and conviction we lost the wars . .
. 2 year-old can change a shotgun or a . _ _._. _— that the started. Eve da eo le . .
'- . 1 2 rifle into ahandguninamatter of mm- ple are killing each other withthem in lose or gain fortunes ribt beiaiisepof By MARK KOOPMAN months. but eventually ended 'n "0 I One last "I?“ WhiCh l nearly forgot;
-. . utes by cutting offthe barreland stock record numbers. in fact. the numbers what the economy does. but due to action being taken. 1” addition,Ides- Congratulations ‘0 Mr. Sturgeon, Mr.
V, ‘ " with a hackde This is whatcriminals killed and maimed in automobile acci- what the government does tothe econ~ Well, Student Government elec- We all {he turmorl only one candidate Brockman and the new senate.I POPU‘
. I ‘ would do in the absence of handguns. dents are so great that the number of omy. Half of the cost of everything is tions are over again, and it would was registered for the proposed seat. larity contests are lovely. arent they?
' ’ . Sawed-off shotguns or high~powered people killed with guns is relatively related to taxes and the high cost of appear to anyone who has been One of the saddest by-products of . .
'~ 'I . -. . rifles are much more devastating w'ea- insignificant. The total point isthat government regulation. observing the antics of our own Student Government ‘5 the waste or Mark Koopman '51 graduate student
' ; I ' pons than any handgun. So much so. people must me made to be responsi~ President Caner would also have assemblage of budding bureaucrats funds. The funds so allocates are lar- at UK "d ' “"7"" SC sen-tor.
' j I ' . - that such weapons are already illegal. ble for their actions. Killing someone me turn in my gun while he continues that little will change this year. One gely drawn from 5“!de fees. These
. I5 ' I' I Iherefore. the elimination ofall guns In a temper tantrum 0f drunken state‘ to support the expansion of nuclear might say there is little difficulty “foc- funds have preViously been used for ‘
, . ' 3‘; would be the next necessary step of with an automobile should beno more power. when there is no guarantee of using“ on the facts. executive mp? to national conven- .
. 7 . ’ . , Mr. Braden'sproposal However. Mr. acceptable or necessary than killing the safety of nuclear power nor any ——-—_“—“— tionSI. publications such 88 Focus (21 Letters policy
. .‘ . f Braden is naive to think that criminals someone with a gun. Many of the anti- mechanism for the safe disposition of passive attack 90mm?” “WSW?" wh'Ch was PUb' ,
. , . i would be eventually stripped of their gun liberals are the same onesthatwill nuclear wastes. He promotes nuclear “5th "1 conyunctioannhthe Student '
. I' 1‘. guns by law and regulation anymore tell you ”16 death penalty and or armament when there is no guarantee ————-——___ Center Board). enVironmental pro- d
' ,I “ than prohibition elminated alcohol, imprisonment do not serve as effective that it will prevent nuclear war. It will‘ The myriad 0f 50 election posters jects Wthh wereInever 5“" or heard Of .The K97“)! Imay C03 fense or
, , , ' '( i' 'th more organized and profes- deterrantsto crime. Tens ofthousands guarantee greater destruction when have been removed to their approp- after appropriations were passed,and reyect contributions. f1“ rgquent
“ - . ' -I sronal criminal elements would oper- of crimes. including murder, are com- war does come. riate resting placces. The bullshit rhe- legal services which were overpriced writers .may. be l'mlic‘i ditors
, '. .- ate a large and profitable black market mitted annually by criminals who have Everytime an anti-gun article is toric concerning the miracles of our and seldom adequate. Isn‘t it comfon- "35",": he “8m [0 ed" for correct
’ ‘ in guns. These guns would be available been convicted Of these crimes pits wriiten,the National Rifle Association new government have been km in ll“? ing [0 know ”‘3‘ we have effective spelling. grammar and clarity,
I '_ .‘ I to everyone butthelawabiding Citizen viously. Thousands ofdrunken drivers is portrayed asan evillobbyingorgani- post-election celebration and l“ the leadership? and may delete libelous
' ' , ‘ if . b} dffim‘lo" loll or injure p€0plc each year when zation, If you 80 to an NRA national new senator‘s realization that their The fact of the matter is that 80 is statements,
I ' , ' - , On March 30. |980.iheTVshow.6() they have been convicted of drunken meeting you will find that the almost resumes Will l°°k much "l0" Andthe operated under a quasi-democratic Contributions should be deli-
-, . ’ I. Minutes, reviewed the story ofa men- driving previously. The liberals who one and one-half million members are 90 Percent Of You Who COUldn‘t have Symm WhICl‘ can only be d°cm°d vered to Room "4 Journalism.
. ' ' 2 tally in man who had been committed say thatcapitalpunishmcni. imprison- middle class. law-abiding. educated, cared less Still don't “ital“? When undcnaken by a group University of Kentucky, Lexing-
' ' . to a state asylum because of insane ment. or other penalties do not deter moral, and responsible individuals. I It‘s interesting that an organization of well-informed, intelligent. and ton. Ky. 40506.
, I . deaththreats to his wife. lnarelatively crime are obviously fools or liars; also belong to the Bluegrass Sports- which claims to be the “voice of the aggressive participants. The weak
I I , . short time psychiatristsfelthe was bet- maybe both. Their arguments for the man‘s League, which has about l800 student body“ seldom attracts more attempt we have seen at maintaining For legal reasons, contributors
ter and he was issued aIday' passat his elimination offirearms in thisIcountIry members. In the long history of the than l0 percent OfIthC student popula- an leCCiIVC 50 has seldom been perti- must present a UK ID before the
. own request the institution did not areyust as foolish asthosc to liberalize club I am not aware of any serious or "0" during ClCClIONS. and even the nent and 0m“ lCSS‘ha" honestand 0.’ Kernel will be able to accept the
, notify-the police orthe madman‘s wife our criminal penalty system. It just fatal accidents. Most of the club‘s senators must admit that a third 0f lUSL 3‘" we have “'35th 0‘” hands of material.
. as required He went to a sporting won‘t work. Good laws, law enforoe- shooters are members of NRA. All of lliOSC only wasted their time at the the matter for another year. and may
4 goods store. bought a knife, (it could ment. and severe mandatory penalties us are steadfastly opposed to gun con- P0ll5 in order to VOtC for one or two casually In“ "W senators ‘0 80W”
haic been a baseball bat or any are the best answer to crime. trol because we know that total cIimi- friends. This “justified apathy“cannot themselves. Perhaps we Will all besur- Letters: .
' I number of other ObjCCiS) went to his Millions of Americans each year nation of guns from the private sector be surprising to most ofthe UK popu- prised and the new government will Should be30lines or less and “0
. Wife‘s home and stabbed her to death cnjoythefunofcompetition usingfire- is the goal of anti-gun organizations lation. Consider the recent turmoil show us some remnant of the Jim more than 200 “70"“ . They
It was illegal for him to buy a gun but arms. Bench rest. silhouette. breaka- and proponents. We feel that this is a over the Lexington Technical Institute Newberry administration. More than ShOUId concern particular issues,
. that did not inconvenience an illogical, ble. target. trap. skeet.and huntingare violation of our constitutional rights. being granted 3 senate seat. Prepara- likely hOWt-‘VCT. ll“: expectation OfSUCh cpncerns or events relevant ‘0 the
, , , insane person in ihe slighest. The knife only a few of the mayor categories of Historically. governments or dicta- tion. consideration and debate on the an occurrence is so much wishful [’K community.
I was not. and should not. beblamed for competition which millions of Ameri- tors disarm the private sector prior to proposal has been going on for thinking. ‘

 IHt. ittVItr In Intuit. Thursdin April It), 1980-3 ' . I
4 _ _ . i. _ _ t - _ COLD and HAY FEVER SUFFERERS ' 3
Communications Wales is 0910 UK student to be alternate delegate OPPORTUNITY To EARN :65 '-
-- of free seminar slated for today 33 33 3 3d 333 33 3 . 3 3.
. , , - - - you so at rom co an or ay ever, 3 _. ,
r... at Republican National Convention youcaearn sesbypamuparmg ... a .3. ,. .
Ctes for the 805 WI" be the of Pools address, .I briel h d' I i d S b' t .3 .v 3 . _
title of a UK seminar held panel discussion and a ques- our me was ,U y' U Jec S are needed 7 .3 . .
today featuring lthiel de tion and “"5““ period. (‘ontinued from page I people that got the pCtlllons Republicans rt great deal “ everyday. I 3 IntereSted’ p'ease ca“ ‘ . - E
' 50” P0031 0f the Massachu- Members Of the panel gressional numbcrtmthem and together. l wouldn‘t begoingai l'ram added. "People think weekdays 1000 8171.42 noon (ONLY): ‘ ' i
3 setts 105ml!“ 0‘ Technology ”‘CIUdC DP Ramona R- that they were l’CJCCICd, So on all.“ Uram said, that there is .t ri\ulr) between 257-2770. .r . , ‘
sgogsored by th3 UK 0311:? R115“. Deparlgcnj "1 (3303' Saturday and Sunday my par- llram Is nostrangerto polit- the Democrats and Reptiblt- ' h .v
0 ommuntcations an e munCIations; r. "WP - cuts and mam tncndg got 700 ics He worked on seteral cam- Cans but \\ hen you think 'ibout ' ' " ’ 1'
. , . , ~ ' ‘ * ~ _ t I. 2
Graduate School. 3 3 3Rtpley. School ot 3Journal~ more “gnaw“ l'hen Sen. J3 patgns m l’ennsyliania. .L the lmptmdm thing h yoga SALE STARTS THURSDAY 4 Days Only '. .3 '; ,
HOW Communication Ism. DT3 RObCTl tioldman. Berry Stout deliiered the peti- Including a senatorial cam- iniolied. ldon‘t illldun} prob~ T {,‘i 7".- f. ’
Technology AffCCtS 80(33131 Department Oi 539(10i0g}; nuns iiOl’ me on Monday m0rn_ palgn‘ a gubcrnatoyia] cam- Icmg “(){kmg “uh Democrats. BA N K R U P CY *l', V; 3:; ' 35 ,)
Change W1" be the subject and Dr. lee higelnian. mg. If n “w” lorhimand [hp pulp“ and his mother‘s Republicans, independents, 0r 3 t 33; .3
of his address to the seminar Department ol Political ...... campaign for Register ot‘Wdls, amone “ ., l I
:aiillhlbihhecldtin [2735:2125] Scrnrce- 3 3 3 33 r , He also worked during the I976 l'ram \dld that he like» heIng '-" ,1 3 I
n W l 0 more ”1 ormation C11 >3. presdential election campaign- inxnlxed “because riot onli am ' KW -. .-.'~
building from 9330'1'330 Dr. Robert MUFPh) 331 35"- .5 33 t ;_ ingt‘orlormer PresidentGerald l ln\tli\t‘ti with the campus. l SPORTING GOODS 3”, "f
a.n‘3;.331t ts free and opentothe 3838 or Faith7MI3ll‘e3r (ole at 3 3 3 R, Ford. am also Intolted with the ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR WARM-UPS RACOUETBALL .3,’, 1",»: ~~.,-
p" 'c' 5 “‘68“ 0‘ r 3' ...x. .' * l‘ramsaidthat heworked on community " GOLF TENNIS T-SHIRTS SHORTS SOCKS ETC .,-_,3=,.3,.3.g.3;.,,
3333 w those campaigns some btit "l 1 ram \uld he has taken 0 o on *3’3r'3't 5’- 29,34".
U 7‘ l t. 'tt . 7 g , really got intolied when l CUUTSCNln litiwtorundpolitical :3 A V E 4 O /o — 60 /0 “(NHL 333"3v3r.:0’3;.3~t3t
’7 Ity regu a Ions wrl en . L - Joined 3 the College Republt- campaign " l hh past sttnimerl 335317-33! :3-,,",.3 3f
. 3 3 cans. The lirst campaign that I took it campaign management NAME BRANDS SUCH AS WILSON . PUMA . AolDAs 2, , t'é', ,j
by companies, says BeShear . sf -' put a lot ol'hours in on was the course lor tour days in 3\rling- . NIKE . SPALDING . WINNING WAYS . FRED pERRy *3 ,3;3:'.:3f
3 3 3 3 3 ' l.arr3_\‘