xt7pk06x0x0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pk06x0x0g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1997 1997 1997-03-07 2020 true xt7pk06x0x0g section xt7pk06x0x0g . ': ,.:..,. i . .1. 9,1,3" .. . i


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WEATlIfll Partly sunny
today, bigl) 50. Partly cloudy
tonigbt, low 35. Partly sunny
tomorrow, big/1 60.

PMAIE PARTS Howard Stern's pri—

vate parts are exposed in his upcoming film

Marc/3 7, I 997

.“l (flaw/feds 9

( ,"ruas‘a'ord 9

Dirt-mom 2 I'Iru'pomt 8



(.‘umpui 6



Sports 4





debut. See Diversions, page 3.




lSl/llil ISHl ll li'i‘ll










I A I. t st u Budget reductions for
' the Lexmgton campus

By Kathy Honing “One of the reason for this is they are from recurrin funds. The reallocation lion budget after the cuts from the tuition UN". TOTAL (3)
News Editor really very low anyway,” she said. “\Ve’re resulted from $725,000, which originated shortfall, the .(i reallocation for in iiiiini: AQI’ICUITUTB 684' 773
very thinly budgeted.” from the 3 percent faculty salary increase funds and the l pent-m lt‘.lll(tL.IIt-lll tor Architecture 25. 150

Chancellor Elisabeth Zinser sent the can Shirley Raines of the Colle ye of rather than state-funded 2.4 iercent cost of nonrecurrin funds. '

. , ‘ . . s , , . . l , g . , Arts & Seiences 853.024
Lexmgton Campus final budget realloca- Education said although the college needs lmng increase. Also part of the reallocation College Dean Richard l~ dwai-ik \.!ltl the B 'n & E 158 375
tions and cuts to President Charles to emplofy higher-ranked professors, assis- are $50,000 in graduate education $500,000 loan from .in on hold hind to USI ess. ‘COTT. '
Wethington yesterday. tant pro essors Will be hired instead, at a improvements, another $50,000 in staffpav refurbish chemistry lab» .lllt'\l.|lt‘\ lllllt‘ll of communicat'ons 107‘ 892

In total, $3,022,394 were compensated savin ts of$60,969. improvements and $75,000 in scholarship his concerns for this budget \‘L'.lr. but new Education I51. 834
for throu h cuts and reallocations. Zinser “V ’e are a small college so we have less increases anion v others. will be tnore difficult. ' '

. . . . _ . ,, . . t~ , Engineering 239. 125
said she t inks deans and departments Wlll flexrbility, Raincs said. All were offset by a .6 percent across the “Anytime a college has lt' lll.|l\t' \l|I\ this Fine Arts 82 064
be able to cope with the changes. Zinser said all the colleges should be board reallocation and revenue from the substantial, it will be \lllII' tilt." l‘dwards . . '

“With a cut like this it is painful, but I able to co e despite the cuts taken in facul- chancellor. said. “There certainly mil lit- stunt Human EnVIron'SCI' 50' 056
believe its still within the envelope of being ty and sta fareas. A need of$l.(i million in nonrecurring impacts. \Ve‘re \\'Ul'l\lll:j liaid to reduce LaW 114. 824
doable without serious harm to our stu— “As long as they have the money to hire funds for technology, funds for the inclu~ those." ‘ Social Work 26 825
dents or our programs,” Zinser said. some part—time people and some graduate sive learning community and staff training “None of us like it. We‘ll rather not V—Chanc Admin 249' 745

“They (deans) will have to do some con- students they wi I be able to conduct those were made up frotn a 1 percent across the have any of it," Xinser said. “I think that - - ' . i '
solidating. I believe that there must be classes," she said. board reallocation of an additional $1.4 when all was said and .loiit- they (deans) Mmomy Alla-”S 7‘ 887
good an creative and thoughtful profes— “They may give up some searches in million total and $200,000 carryover. thought it was very Iur and that they could StUdem Affairs 53. 316
sional means to protect the integrity of the order to keep these positions vacant. They The College of Arts and sciences took manage it.” i ‘ Graduate SChOOI 51, 540
undergraduateinstructional rogram.” might have to go ahead and increase the the largest hit covering a share of the VVethington's otlit-e \\‘lll l]‘d\L‘ liiidgets Acad Affairs 66 265

Most budget reductions ell in the areas size of some classes, which in some areas $640,000 tuition shortfall with a cut of for the Chandler Medital (iL'nlL‘l' iind‘the ' R ll ‘
of faculty an staff. Some positions that are may or may not be a hardship.” $375,050. The college was one of the five community colleges in by March l‘) and , & 'esearc
scheduled to be vacated will not be The reduction plans for the Lexington chosen to share two-thirds of the shortfall will finalize fund allocations to those units PUDIIC Servace
restaffed, making total reductions ofmore Campus include a reduction of seven new because it had lost enrollment over three and the Lexington (Zaiiipiis at that time, 8t Outreach 90. 430
than $700,000. TA positions for 1997-98 and 12 for the ears. All colle es cut a iro ortional share Zinser said. P ‘

, . _ , ,_ . _ . , y . g , l P ,. .. , _ Ianning & Budget 3, 372

Salary savrngs comprise an additonal followm 1 year. [,lnSCl' said no posttions in of the remaining third based on student “ I here’ll be some ellects," /.inser said, Chan II f'S Off. 5 993
51.5 million. Other reductions result from place wifbe taken away, just that new ones body size. “but I think some of the claims of "we're C6 0 ICE '
cuttin 0 rating expenses, but Zinser said will not be added. In total, Arts and Sciences reduced going to have huge classes. we‘re going to TOTAL 3. 022. 394

these a to be kept minimal. About $1.4 million had to be reallocated $853,024 from its approximately $30 mil- drop all of this stuff; it‘s way overstated.“ ERIC scuoruaonu Artur/stuff




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WHISTLE BEWEBS Dana Patton, politn‘al sriem‘e graduate .
students, spoke to protesters yesterday (it/tore) about budget pro—

posals. After acting out a scene where budget iuts ‘lcill' 714 's

g g (lie/ow), the crowd of.’ 50 mart/Jed to the i-ldministratt’on

} 4 Building (left) and prai‘eeded to rt'rile it "while rimming ‘sljott'

: i

as tlte motley. '









‘Dead 7245’ come
to lz'fiefor protest

By Gary Wult
Assm'ate News Editor

Graduate students, undergraduate students
and facul stood outside of Patterson Office
Tower an blew the whistle on the administra-
tion, literally.

For 30 minutes, a vocal crowd of 250 people
protested the budget cuts that may mean cut—
ting teaching assistant positions in various col-
leges for the next school year.

HEIllll‘l llllllS taults lll system

“We are here to blow the whistle on bud et
mismanagement,” said political science gragu-
ate student Dana Patton.

The cup of graduate students requested
full discFolsure on the budget process.

The also asked for an explanation on why
the a ministration is considering cutting
teaching positions when attention has been
drawn to low retention rates.

“We want to work toward improving edu-
cation in Kentucky not dismantling it,” said
Meredith Redlin, a sociology graduate student

The protests began on a small scale last
week as students outlined their bodies in chalk
outside of the Margaret 1. King Library and
POT with the words ‘dead TAs’ written across
the cement.

The same black balloons that draped cam-


pus fences and buildings the past 10 days
returned yesterday with the addition of neon
whistles and graduate students dressed in black
who performed a short skit showing TAs being
“killed” by budget cuts.

Some students climbed the fountain in front
of POT leading the crowd in cheers while car-
rying banners that read “UK is a free speech

Five minutes into the protest Dean of Stu-
dents David Stockham asked the crowd to
move to the Free Speech Area. After Patton
announced this to the crowd, the crowd blew
the whistles and booed.

“I take that means we’re staying here,” Pat—
ton said.

Stockham had offered to set up a sound sys-

See PROTEST on 6




economic growth for the let century, that the postsec-
ondary education system is coordinated and provides a
seamless educational process and to ensure emergence of
nationally recognized research and graduate programs.
“These are goals,” he said. “Solutions are not given, nor



A report prepared for Gov. Paul
Patton’s task force on higher

”Chm Campbell A booklet titled, “Postsecondary Education In Ken- recommendations. This is just an assessment." '
Am'mnt EdiwnalEditor tucky: An Assessment” was the governor’s task force on The real recommendations from Patton's office will be email?" found these mm
f postsecondary education’s response ‘0 where Kentucky given about two to three weeks after the task force con- WWWKWUCWS Wm
FRANKFURT — The state 0 Kentuc ’5 stands. _
kY venes next Monday V | 0' IP

postsecondary education system was evaluated
yesterday in preparation for Gov. Paul Patton’s
special session.

Local 75th district Sen. Ernesto Scorsone


ly-ranked universities.



The more than ISO—page booklet details how
V the Commonwealth cotnpares to other national-

“The task force has been playin a fact-find-

One of the major discussions during the meeting was
about the apparent $100 million increase Patton is calling
for in higher education funding.

“The governor has made a commitment to more fund-

‘stratogic mission

VNo linkage to a statewide"

chairs the sub-committee on tsecorida ing role,” saidJames Ramsey, state d tdircc- in ," Ramse said, “but we're not re," locked-in (m an m
education. which met yesterdaypfbs get up-tcrl W m tor and member of the task force. “ at this nugmbers.” y y y VLIck at Waugh M
date information concerning what the governor W M assessment does is gives us a status report on the The length of the discussion, though, went from how m .
basin mind for Kentucky’s education process. W 5“ state of our postsecondary education system much money will be available to where the money will

“Where your need is for an educated work- M! 5. right now.” come from. M d Mole m '0' .
force, and you know that you’ll alwa s have While the re rt lists the five main goals, Sen. Benny Ray Bailc a Democrat from llindman, W
people looking to be retrained and reetliicated, Ramsey was quic to inform those in attendance questioned the validity of ing able to come up with $100
you need programs that are flexible and that meet the needs about their nature. Among the goals listed are to ensure the million dollars for the funding. VFW bum for m ”4

of the workforce,” Scorsone said last week.



postsccondary education system is linked to priorities and






2 Friday. March 7, [997,10an Kmul

Viewers get
lost on lynch's
wild ‘Highway’

By Josh lien

:11. H (firm.

'l‘hert's this great scene in
\teven Spcilherg's Close

recovering from.

What is it about? Well, I’m not
entirely certain. Basically it con—
cerns a jazz saxophonist named
Fred, who may or may


Ifrluuim'rx oft/.16 Tbird
K1111! where Richard
Dreyfus 1s sitting With

his {,1111111' at dinner. lle
ales llll‘ 'e qumtity of
Zill‘lslit' d potatoes on his

late. forms them into
sculptuxe’ looks at his




not have murdered his
wife. The evidence
against him is strong
enough to earn him a
death sentence, but
one day his guards find
that he is no longer in
his cell. In his place is a

1 1111lx 111d says “this young mechanic
mcnm something.” named Pete (pla ed by
lhej.’ stare at him *‘k‘k Balthazar éetty).
1 lankh' auto ve Upon his release Pete

'I l‘1.ll h exactly howl ( ffi ) returns to his life, but
'.lt mer watching ‘ ‘ ’ gets mixed up with a
{mid Lynch’s Lox! WH‘KW‘J' gangster and his girl—
."jg.b;..1y. I knew the October Films friend, who bears a
.l"tl\l was trying to say Directedb} remarkable resem-
\lllllcll’illlg, trying to David Lynch blance to the murdered
form some meaning wife.

from his work, but



Adding to the sense


lx'ankly l was quite con-

t 1st d is to what that meaning
1 fight he The film unfolded like
1 1e uorld s slowest acid trip, leav-
my; me in a daze I had difficulty


of confusion is Lynch’s
odd directional style. Absolutely
every scene is treated as ifit were
the most ominous moment in the
film Heavy music, weird lighting
and static camera work all serve to
create a mood, but it almost seems
at times as if the movie is more
concerned with creating this fore-
boding style than with promoting
any kind of substance.

Lynch sa 5 he was trying to
create a kin of “let century film
noir,” a mood he definitely cap-
tures, but he seems too absorbed
in this task.

In terms of the cast, Lynch also
made some odd choices. For the
part of Fred he chose Bill Pull-
man. I don't uestion Pullman’s
ability to act, ut I just can’t see
him without thinking of him as
Lonestar from Spareballr. His nice-
guy persona makes it hard to
accept him in such a dark role.

In the art of both Fred’s wife
Renee and3the gangster moll Alice
is Patricia Arquette, whose prima-
ry attribute seems to be her will—
ingness to appear nude. Her baby












doll voice is basically
monotonous,and doesn’t really
carry much emotion.

In the second halfof the movie,
as Alice, Arquette’s platinum
blond hair does resemble the
femme fatale from the ‘405 film
noir classic Double Indemnity,
which the movie is obviously ref.

The two strangest parts go to
Robert Loggia as the neurotic and
perverse gangster Mr. Eddie, and
Robert Blake, who basically plays
Death. Loggia plays the gangster
part the way slightly over the top,
but it is Blake who provides the
most surreal touch. Any film that
has Death as a serious character is
taking chances of approaching
parody, but Blake in odd mime
makeup is just plain creepy.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad film. I
see Lynch's artistry, and I realize
he is trying to make a point, but
none of this changes the fact is
that it made my brain hurt.

llllllllllllllllll‘lll’llllllllllllllll" ‘“

\Wtfil lLiISI (3111111111010 (011i Tie ll 1101101llL'\\.l_\.1I~\.l
I int Istic lo\ c stoI'I. l hc I iI't is. it‘s .i
LIIL .tt lll'.UltlL .ist lItIsiiths stoiI lt‘s

alIoIIt all tltIsL liossL-s \Iho LIpt
pIitIiiILI inc doIIiI cIciI though I had .i
Ihc \ision IIas L‘\\k’|lll.lll\
L‘III'I‘L'L’t lIcL’atisI pL‘IIplI lo\cIl \\lI.tt l IlIIl. ltis Hist tlIL‘\
IlidII I IiIIIlcist. iiIIl it. llIcI mud to piit iiic IloIIiI IiiIl
tth tricd to \.ll)()l.\:’t‘ nII. It s kind III lilII .i lI’oIlII
stoiI in tltL litislncss sItisI.


ll..\.: l had .i lot oI input, I IIrotc thc lN)l)l\. .Iiid tlII-
lit‘titltlt‘L‘t' lI.IiI Rcitiii III \\ .intI-Il iIII- Io lI.III- I lot Ul‘
input hcc ausc it s iiII stoiI. lhI IIuI IIlIo IIroIL thI
sII‘c'.Inpl I_\. l IiIIII l ltiiii put it IoLIIIlIIi lII .IiittIullI.
hI- s .i iIIaLIIIiIiILIII \IiitIi l LIIn lI.IIl .ipproIal oIIi
.uII sIript. l \IoIilIl not lIc III .inI in’ipt that I thought
“as had. (Jtiitc Ii.IIilIlI, thci'c lIaIl huh .I loi oI Iliatts
L'iIL-ii to IllL‘ pI‘L-IiouslI and l liathl .ill III lltL‘tH. \\ lII-ii
l.ct‘tlt}' .inIl lI .In I .Iiiic III. lthouLIhI thI sI'i'ipi \\ .is top
notch and that s IIlII l .iIzicIIl to do it. l h M tons III
input; ILIII l..]ioiiiIs niI tlllL'.ttt)t IIoulIl s.iI
.ihcad and do IIhat s on tlIL- paLIc and thcn Ilo IIlI .It

\ l\lt)ll.



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- I .~ .4 .'
\ . " ’ " .
. ’I - . .. 3

i Th K Of All M d
I; g
Conquers Hollywood
‘ arnano NONI LII ulicinatorial cchtioiIs ( lIiisII \\ lIitnian (\. I

.Im IzIIIIIIr and ((I'L-orLrL-I )l’ataki (\. I. I. llIat “.Is I .itIiIi LiatilI=













iiiIliI-nII's and \\ itIli it II-st tlII'IIIiI1li lllI' tool and
C) .\II:: IIIIII iIIII II I/II .IIIf- -/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lung :1]. III Iou IIant. \ou kiIoII. .Id M). I had .I IIiiiIiI nunIlIIi \\ m hm“ ”hm! mull B H. H [J ”Hum: I” \m I‘M.
\IIIIIII. tall :I III/pol I:;II QIIZIHI‘IIIUH Igt'f IW'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII oI othcr actors to \Ioi'k IIith. a lot oI thciii \I‘II \oi'lI .( II” J ’m_ “I” Il 4] “MIL!“ k \ HWHHW ml] I“
:IIII III/IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII I/II [tlIII/IF. I)0 _IIIII I.III _\UIII tlIcatcr—liascd actors IIlIo “L't'L‘ Iip Ior that land oI .ltl' H‘m‘ '1‘“ \ "l'l’l“l ”H” ‘l’l‘l MW “I [In HT lm H m I
./ . . . I I ‘ - I s, I
I’m” ”W Him/“ll lilisttuation. :iIIIIII tlIIatIi' \IliI‘II pcoplt ipplaiiIIIIl ,iiIIl tlII ii at
H. 8.: .\ot .it all. l Ian I iinaLrinc that aiIIoiIc LILL-s Q. SI: .. III IIIIII .I IIIIIIIIII IIII/II III . III II IIIII/I .III II/I ‘ ‘ - ‘ . -
tlII LIII! 1:,iII us .| st.iiIIl.iiLI H\ itiIIiI llIaiInL: pIopn.
iiiI that .sciiouslI. It is Him that l inIluL-nLL-Il tIIo IIIIII/Hl/UUI. . I ‘I l . . V.
. .. l.lll!’l‘. .iiII I.i\iiII,I I I-IIIIIl llltH III .III» lzlili \\ is tlII
ll.S. llIcrL- II'as IchiiIitL- script. hut tlII-ic III-III ”mg, .., ”mm” mm”
° tinIcs IIlIctI l'd \\;tll\' into .i scIriII- .iiIIl Ionic Iip \Iith I) .0“ -/ III. HM“, .IIII.‘ [I I], ,1, MI”, . . ///H .H
. . . . . . ‘ .. . .. I I ’I.. II IIII I I
l sonicthinLr inspirational and \IL- \IoulIl :4) IIitlI it. So l’. “A I “H ”W, - I!” I’m /‘ (H H [my / .
‘ ., . .~ ' ' S . . S . N - ”I w 1‘ .' ill “ l W l I ‘l H
. It “as a Lonihination oI hoth. \t Inan tlIL stuII oiI tlII (mm/UM, I,” ,IK. /.,,.I ‘ IH/II/IIHII II‘.’ I). I.I/I III {II/II an H.
I page \\()Ul(l lust \IIii‘lI'. llut Iitltct' tIItILs \IlIcII l I .iiiic ,l‘ H III “,1,”
‘ up IIith soincthing. liIttI \Iould lI-t iiII do it. lIItII s ll \ ”NHL l ”H H‘m h ”m“ I'M/I‘Hhfllm
I an unusual Iliicctor lilIL that IIilliiIII not III III .IIoii mm 'h H H h lel oII mm H“. I“ “I ‘IM I ”H l 1””
”(ll ”j?" I . I I ) I) look lllst |l]lllll.lllllk‘ll12.l)lllt\t‘ll IsIIlI IioiIi that l
I 0 y“. “m l 1‘ III/"‘l‘ll'lfruzu“ ’1‘”, “ U l' H l I” II‘ IllI IlIII‘t liLI- llt'llli! IonipaiI-Il ‘o liis IIlnI l'IE\I o!
pmu’n‘flmg ”IU/‘l‘lnnf I will“. l l all, oiii ltlltl is .I IoiiiI'IlI. \\ iiIlc l HII llll posiIi lIIII.
lt was a 1m ”l 1I“ “Uri Wm“? H) il ”r’lllllnp lor lllL‘ | iist \iiiciiIliIII-iit. l‘iii tl‘.I 'IIH' \Iho |I.i~. [III II
. radio'sho“ mu} lll-l‘ "m SCH." ( a)“ ll ll“ “M IniI-Il SI iiiillion l IlHIl‘l tlttltls l houlIl lII IlI Hm I
shooting the tl]()\'lt_'. It “as a grueling IIIui' month In NH l I“ \lmmhmm [NW] WI | “H ll w M I
w schedule. l IoI'cd it though. .\o\I' watching it \Iith ' ‘ I”! «II hmwdm \mmn “h” Lulu“ {In Um I) ) H . I], . . M I: \ ( I;
If lIIlH)\\‘s l..|l’t‘I l'lInt is ! IIiI.l\inLI 'slt.l/\ II, ,I.,, H . . , , ,,
’~ IHIIHIISH'IIIIltt'I It's a total IiliiiIaiiIIiI III at ”I, IAN...” ,-
‘f‘ tlIh‘JllI lsstItltt‘lItltIltiltttlsaIlt't'lIiltlit'llls’. H\ \,[‘..j;.‘ I“ ; \. WHIMHCIU‘II‘ I
II:- \Il!t'i|tllllt III llI- sa llllll‘slltl .iitisi. 1...} I I..«.I III.I III... . ‘ .\. H. l) \
V -‘ C) [III/.IIIII I II/III. IIIIIIII'I ..IIIII . ‘II. liIIIIl. i .IiIIll III II ' ..II /..I.‘I. . ‘
"a / I I
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v: Ill/Q .I IIIIIII ll'IIII'I‘ IIII 11:1 IIII III..'III,I,II ' . 'III/(I’ ”.1“; g..-.,I.
‘0'} .
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11?; gonna lIIii‘iI out in I'ouplc II-ai‘s. \HIl l d s.i\ .i \x I. . I do IIII I . :III t‘.‘ I. »
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: uiItilli.iI‘)II I-haisIIIiIlLIIt IIII iIIatIiial sappy ltlIl .III..-.I o: . I II. I,
W tcchisioiI. nL-IIsp.ipcrs. .inItliiiiI: that‘s in thc m Ii.( IIIIII II. lltiltis or II II» . .I . III. .I II..I If
U; . ' L I
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4 Friday, Mnrb 7, 1997, Kama-by Kl"!!!

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Cats nearly to rebound in SECS

By Shannon Hart

Senior 514]} W rim

Coming off the loss to South
( arolina, L'K looks to get back on
the winning path 1n the Southeast-
ern C onference I‘ournament
beginning tonight. A path the
\Vildcats hope will lead to a \'o. 1
seed in the \'( ~b\ Iournament.

'I‘he \Vildeats are going after
their fifth tournament title in six
1ears this weekend at [he Pyra—
inid 111_,\lempliis lenn. and
seniorjared l’rickett said he Lan ’t
wait to begin the quest for yet
another crown.

“This is my last SICC Tourna-
ment," he said. “I'm really looking
forward to it. and I can‘t wait to
get there

UK will play Auburn 111 the
quarterfinals at 7 :50 p m.th
'l‘igers defeated 'liennessee (17-54
last night.

The No. 6 \Vildcats, 27-4 over-
all and l3-3 in the SEC, are com«
ing offa loss to South Carolina on
Senior Day last Sunday. but Prick-
ett said instead of being a setback,
the loss will help the team.

“You can do nothing but learn
from a loss," he said. “You learn
from your mistakes, and you go
out and correct them the next

I’rickett said the \Vildcats need
to improve on their intensity.

“I think the biggest thing we
learned is we have to play all 40
minutes ofthe basketball game in
order for us to win," he said. “I
don't think we did that against
South Carolina.”

Prickett also said

the team



Team statistics

needs to improve on its shot selec-
tion to be successful in the touma-

“We’ve just been taking chal-
lenged shots, and that’s something
we need to work on. But every-
body on the team can 11re up the
three and knock it down. I don' t
have any lack ofconfidence in any-
body on the perimeter

With the loss to South ( aroli-
na, UK dropped to a No 2 seed in
the tournament, but Prickett said
the slip will not hurt the ( ats'
chances of winning thL title

“’You re going to have to play
three teams regardless,” he said.
“And all the teams in the confer-
ence are pretty good."

Coach Rick [’1an said a differ—
ent lineup will take the floor
today. Wayne Turner will start at
point guard in place of Anthony
It‘pps and Prickett will be starting
at center instead of Jamaal
\l agloire.

‘ :I think I bring more quickness
and better passing,” Prickett said.
“I'm not as good at defense down
low in the paint, but I’m maybe a
little better defensively on the
press. There's advantages and dis-

l’riekett, who normally plays at
power forward, said he didn t‘ t
think the position change would
be a problem.

“I know the five—spot as well as
I know the four-spot,” he said.
“I’ve been here five years, and I
could probably run the one—spot if
I had to."

I’rickett also said the changes
will bring more experience to the
line—up but who starts isn’t really a


factor. better team than us right now, he
“It's really irrelevant who said.
starts, ”he said. “It matters who’s “But we’re looking forward to
pliyirig at the going to this
en In tournament,
Prickett said m V‘- playing one
getting off to a TOM, 7530A”. game at a time
good start will be SEC Tournament, and winning it,
the key for the p}, ° regardless of
\Nildeats. Tb: b' 131;“, who we play. But
“The last Mmp ”1 ”m' the ideal situa-
three games, tion would be to
we’ve come out Kentucky (27", 13-3) play them in the
slow," he said union-113111111111: No.6 final-’7
“What we really Pnckett also
need to key on I13:11:11“Starters: 1:183:3 1153;: said Sunday’s
' - onMercer . 1 .
dunng the tour FScott PM 9] 5.2 1355 didn t affegt
nament is to get FJared Prickeit 7.4 5.6 t e team s
started off quick 5 men Emits 99 as morale.
and get out of GWayneTurner 3‘ '25 “There’s no
the gates as fast Runner CNaerohatmnedfi loss of confi—
as we can so the Anthony Epps, 3.;1 CJamaal mime dence at all, he
momentum is on Cameron Mills 3.5' G SIM 69.GG said‘
our side." “We know
The \Vildcats Auburn (1644, 6'10) we’re capable of
could possibly National new: Mom beating any team
avenge their , _ _ in the nation. It’s
three SEC loss- Erggaalmesmton. $1.71. [7.17 just whether we
es. Ole Miss, FMamadou N'diaye 3.0 2.4 set our minds to
who beat UK 7.1- 883%?“2‘32” (75'; 33 it and focus d”ur-
69 in Oxford, is G Wes Flanigan 110 45 mg the game.
the first seed in Prickett said
,. , Reserves: FFrankIln Williams 82 .
UK >_ “Wk,“ Bryant 51mm 3.1 GDerek cm" 5 inc he thinks ”“3
And if both L-K Alvin Jellerson 4.1; GEamesl Brown 19; F team lS ready to
and gum}, (33F Adrian Chillies1, 1.5; F/CJeremyBeastey. 06. battle for the
olina advance to fiassistsoer school’s 20th
the champi- m , SEC title.
onship game, it TV: WKYT (Channel 27)- L1ve “We’ve really
would be the come out and




third meeting for
the teams this season.

I’rickett said although UK lost
to the Gamecocks twice, he wants
to play them one more time.

“ I hey’ 1e showed that they‘re a

had a couple of
good, solid practices, which we
really needed,” he said.

“\IVe’ ve been really aggressive
in practice, and we ’re gomg to be

ready to play 1n the SEC Tourna-


._,,._... .3...LL:. 1......



STARTER jared Pfitlrett i: one of two new 114nm for the Wildcat: a: they

enter SEC Tournament action.

And this weekend serves as pre-
lude to the NCAA Tournament.
“Whether we win or lose the
title, we’re still going to have the
eye of the tiger in the NCAA









UK wili go with a new backcourt against the Tigers, 313111119 -W3
01 Anthony Epps. Coach Rick Pitino said name 15 to hop
where Turner is 3 111112 quicker than Epps. P111110 said ,Epps
at the two guard spot Wes Flaniga